#bc it's not like anakin is doing anything WRONG by asking obi-wan to kiss him! nor is he particularly forcing obi-wan to do so.
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talking about creep anakin, we can have an anakin who forces himself on obi-wan, who's admittedly predatory.
but if we try to remove that. say anakin not actually coming up to obi-wan or forcing him to do anything, just wanting and perhaps making his desire known. in this case, his actions may not be predatory, forceful, themselves. but. they still come across as such due to his condition as child of the force.
so even if anakin doesn't particularly DO anything to obi-wan, doesn’t really act pushy, it won't stop it from feeling that way for obi-wan, who falls victim to the force's whims (which are, in turn, defined by anakin)
so, it's not like either of them have a choice.
anakin can't stop the force from pleasing him. and obi-wan can't stop.... well, anything the force does.
#that's pretty much what is at the base of kiss me better.#bc it's not like anakin is doing anything WRONG by asking obi-wan to kiss him! nor is he particularly forcing obi-wan to do so.#but. he still IS.#by giving the request. by giving the plea. by simply WANTING that#he is making the force give it to him#and that's the same thing as if he took obi-wan's hand himself and moved it himself.#it's gonna be moved either way.#and he can't stop that! as i mentioned in one of the comments it's simply a condition of his existence. he can't help it#(as much as he can stop the suns from setting)#sw#f.txt#obikin#i did mention in a post how obikin is not just a relationship between anakin and obi-wan but also of them and the Force#and i feel that really perfectly encapsulates my way of seeing obikin
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um, it's more that luke and leia being twins was a rather last minute plot change in rotj, saying he "wrote the original trilogy" implies they were planned out as a unit in some way. the luke/leia kisses weren't meant to be accidentally incestuous. lucas was not originally planning to have them be related at all, and even in esb when darth vader became luke's father leia was not meant to be a skywalker too. at the time of making rotj the original thought behind leia's words about their mother was that the as-yet-unnamed-mother survived their birth and chose to seperate the twins herself for some reason, sending luke away while staying with leia in disguise on alderaan until she died a few years later. (also at this time owen was actually obi-wan's brother, not anakin's stepbrother.) but it was never the case that luke and leia were adopted at the same time when both were older than babies. that's why luke says he never knew his mother and has to ask leia what she knows of her.
luke was always meant to have spent his whole childhood on tattooine and that doesn't explain why his name wasn't changed to lars, which surely would have helped his own safety as the skywalker name is his most obvious link to anakin. i know sw portrays planets as not nearly big enough but it's a bit much to assume just being a blond human boy would get you linked to another blond male human in a different part of tattooine who left the planet almost 20 years before you were born. luke seems to have had a rather small social circle on tatooine and there's no hint that anyone he knew there besides owen, beru, and obi-wan had ever met anakin. it's also going directly against the movies to think owen ever intended luke to leave them for good as a skywalker. he certainly didn't want him to go anywhere with obi-wan as his jedi apprentice (anh obi-wan says that anakin wanted luke to have his old lightsaber but that owen wouldn't allow it bc he was afraid luke would go off with obi-wan on some fool crusade, which given later reveals/retconning about anakin and how that lightsaber changed hands, is just a bald-faced lie slandering owen as a needless stick-in-the-mud.) and if they were worried about him being caught out as anakin's son and having to go into hiding, again i say they could have just not openly raised him with the skywalker name to begin with. owen was doing all he could to keep luke on that farm for as long as he could, and their argument about leaving was just about luke following biggs to the academy, not even about joining the rebellion (tho that was surely in luke's mind as he knew it was biggs's real plan). luke not being a farmer was about him not wanting to be a farmer, about his spirit of adventure wanting more, not him always being meant to leave with obi-wan or needing to go into hiding at any time while using his father's name openly on his father's home planet. at the time that the larses took him to raise there's no reason they had to know he could never be made a farmer and would have to leave them for good someday, that happened due to his own choice and his own wishes. you mention how luke was affected by owen's and beru's deaths without acknowledging the plot significance of their deaths: that was luke's cue to leave with obi-wan bc he wasn't leaving with owen still alive and certainly wasn't raised with the expectation of being cut loose into obi-wan's waiting tutelage.
if we agree that both uncles/aunts and moms/dads can love kids, then why this insistence that that there's something wrong in not acknowledging owen and beru as anything other than luke's uncle and aunt? the version you've concocted where they always meant to be a temporary set-up for luke sounds more like foster care than a permanent adoption. there are different kinds of families and it's not wrong to say they don't always include someone called mom and dad or thought of as mom and dad. luke only ever considered one man his father, bc despite owen wanting luke to follow him into farming, he still raised luke as a skywalker, not a lars, as anakin's son and shmi's grandson. a guy who intentionally raised luke to call him uncle owen rather than dad would not be arguing that he was luke's real father or be insulted by being only known as uncle owen, so fandom really doesn't need to argue that on his behalf. he can consider luke his own without considering himself luke's dad, that just means luke's his nephew, not his son. this insistence that the larses were luke's mom and dad always feels like luke is seen as disrespectful for never calling them such, bc otherwise it means just ignored how luke thinks of them as canon luke clearly does not consider them his mom and dad. despite his loving relationship with beru, he still considered himself motherless, never having known a mother bc he could not remember padme. (i think it significant that "real mother" were his words, not leia's. she would probably consider bail and breha organa her real mom and dad and padme her birth mother, which means she could still have an interest in padme without feeling like that was her only mother whether she remembered her or not.) but who is the source of this distinction of uncle/aunt who raised him vs. mom/dad parental equivalents, luke himself or owen/beru? why can we not acknowledge and accept the difference between a guy who always wanted to adopt an unrelated baby girl and therefore offered to do so of his own volition wrt his recently deceased friend's baby, and a guy who was assigned guardianship by frickin' yoda and then had a baby boy delivered on short notice who was apparently the son of a stepbrother he met all of once a few years ago? esp given that even in the iteration where owen and obi-wan knew each other before and were even the ones actually related, they still never had a good relationship with owen warning luke to stay away from that "crazy wizard" and obi-wan lying his ass off about owen and anakin.
why is it people are all agreed that luke and leia would* have very different feelings about darth vader as a father but cannot grasp that their experiences with the people who raised them were also very different?
leia was actually adopted by a father who chose her, who gave her his name, and raised her as fully one of them, to think of himself and his wife as her parents. none of that was at all true for luke. he was dropped on owen and beru after they met his parents all of once a few years before. (which does not a brotherly relationship make! stepbrothers or not! padme was the one with an actual surviving family on naboo who actually knew and loved her. even bail knew her better than owen knew anakin.) owen lied about how anakin lived and died but still raised luke with an idea of his real father, using the skywalker name and saying aunt and uncle instead of mom and dad.
do y’all not realize that an intra-family adoption doesn’t mean surnames can’t be changed or kids can’t say mom/dad instead of grandma/grandpa or aunt/uncle or whatever? why wouldn’t a kid instinctively call the people raising them from infancy mama and dada? this was all a choice, that’s why. (and considering the danger of the skywalker name, that part was a meaningful and deliberate choice.) and i’m not even blaming owen for it. adoptions cannot be forced on people who did not choose them. not everyone is capable of loving someone else’s child exactly the same as if they were related by blood and that’s not some irredeemable flaw. not everyone even wants to be parents, naturally or not! we don’t know if owen and beru ever wanted to be parents before obi-wan showed up on their doorstep. and even with the lying everyone did about anakin, it speaks well that luke was still raised with some knowledge of his birth parents and grew up loving and respecting the (false) idea of anakin.
i’m sure owen and beru cared for luke as he did for them but they did not think of each other as simply father/mother and son, nuclear family-style. and to assert otherwise is to deliberately ignore the writing in the movies with every line of “uncle owen” “aunt beru” “his father/your father/my father” and “i have no memory of my mother. i never knew her.” it’s not an insult to owen/beru not to equate them with bail/breha who chose adoption and whom we know had always talked of adopting a baby girl. if anything, i’d say it’s an insult to ignore the complexity and true context there to simplify everyone into the same categories. and maybe, just maybe, we should consider that luke’s connection to anakin/vader and longing for knowledge of his “real” mother has to do with how he was raised differently than leia, and not because the twins are instrincially so different with luke just being a bigger softie.
*i say would because it’s not like rotj gives any time for leia’s reaction to learing she was fathered by anakin/vader (and no, eu matierials which can be de-canonized at any time do not make up any lack in the script). but it’s not as if leia expresses any disapproval toward luke’s feelings or hopes either, even as she worries about his plan. maybe bc she understands how and why she and luke are coming from different places better than most in the fandom do.
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Serialkiller!Anakin is such a vibe, bc he could immediately fit into having two distinct personas, the everyday Anakin Skywalker who is an upstanding citizen (maybe has adopted Ahsoka after Shmi’s death?? Volunteers at an animal shelter??) And then Vader, the chilling man who has left some of the most gruesome crime scenes known to man…
Maybe Obi-Wan is the only person who is (accidentally) nice to Vader on one of his murder nights (not knowing who he is) and then Vaderkin immediately falls in love with him and decides they’re going to be together forever !! The murdering is a small part of his life which he will never know about anyway !! He is v delusional, but idk if Obi-Wan would ever find out depending on how good he is at covering his tracks
omg i didn't even think of the Vader side!!!
Anakin really does so so so much for his community; he started a community garden and does the most upkeep of it. he volunteers at an animal shelter, he'll go back to his old grade school and help watch the kids. he's really not a bad guy. really. it's just sometimes he snaps. sometimes someone looks at him wrong and he changes directions to walk behind them until he can get them on their own and kill them. Vader takes over sometimes. but anakin is a great guy, really!!! it's not like he's killing kids or anything. he's just killing assholes. and he needs to do it. he can't not do it.
i feel like he'd need to live alone in order to be able to do that sort of murder work, but ahsoka does come by a lot and they're friends even though anakin on a one on one level is very stilted and awkward.
it would kind of be like the PBATMB anakin in that he likes to think Vader takes over because it's easier that way. but it's not like that, not really. he is vader.
and he's drinking at a bar one night, feeling that itch and wondering how long it will be before he snaps, and someone bumps into him and his drink spills onto them and they're drunk and ready to get so so so mad, but then obi-wan cuts in like 'whoa whoa now it's alright, it was an accident' and basically deescalates the situation
so much so that even the vader in anakin's head calms down. which is the moment he knows he has to have him. he has to be his. nothing has ever managed to soothe anakin like obi-wan had. they fall into a relationship and its nice and it's comfortable but it's not enough. anakin asks obi-wan to marry him a month into dating and thinking he's joking, obi-wan laughs him off and shakes his head and gives him a sweet kiss because this man he's dating is ridiculous but obi-wan really likes him.
and it becomes a thing that anakin will propose randomly every so often and obi-wan will always say no not yet it's not time
and obi-wan just doesn't realize that every time he says no to anakin, a new brutally murdered body shows up somewhere in their city.
because sometimes even obi-wan can't soothe vaderkin.
#asks#one more post and i'll give this a tag for ease#but already let's tag#cw: murder#dark fic#dubious consent due to identity issues#?#twisted fic#idk what else actually lmao#killer!anakin au
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ok wild prompt ignore if u feel loke it but i just read "is that a knife in your thigh or you just happy to see me?" and immediately thought of Obi-Wan (bc i am always thinking abt him lets be real)
DJFKSLDFJ Did I have a jolt of inspiration for this in the middle of a work project? Yes. Did I take a break to jot it all down before I forgot? Also yes!
Anyway! This is a little pre-obikin fic. Set during the Clone Wars. Mentions of injuries (someone got stabbed in the leg, after all) and a rescue attempt that went very wrong. Sillier than it sounds, I think.
“Is that a knife in your thigh,” Obi-Wan slurred, as Anakin bent over him, swearing under his breath, “or are you just happy to see me?”
Anakin stopped for a moment, gaping down at Obi-Wan, who flashed him a wide grin, apparently unrepentant. Anakin decided to blame the comment on whatever the kriff the Separatists had dosed Obi-Wan with before Anakin managed to find him.
“It’s a knife,” Anakin told him, biting the words out and putting both hands on Obi-Wan’s head, because it was the only way to make him stay still. Anakin checked his eyes. His pupils were blown, no sign of blue around the edges of his eyes. He frowned, ignoring the pain radiating out of his leg. “You put it there, remember?”
“Oh, yes,” Obi-Wan said, expression abruptly going serious. He was still tugging on Anakin’s arms, uncoordinated. Anakin had a feeling Obi-Wan had been aiming for his gut, not his thigh. “Sorry about that.”
“I know you didn��t mean it,” Anakin told him, though that wasn’t….quite true. Obi-Wan had obviously meant to stab someone. Probably whoever had done this to him. Anakin wasn’t entirely sure what this was, only that Obi-Wan was...obviously not himself. And that he was hurt. “Can you stand?”
“Do I have to?” Obi-Wan asked. He was tugging Anakin’s collar to one side. Anakin resisted the urge to roll his eyes, using the Force to push aside the throbbing pain in his leg. He’d seen Obi-Wan get like this a few times, usually after he was given pain killers.
They affected him...oddly.
“Yes,” Anakin said, trying to lift Obi-Wan’s hands away from his clothes. “I can’t carry you. You stabbed me in the leg.”
“We could take the knife out,” Obi-Wan suggested, and Anakin just barely managed to catch his wrist as he reached down.
“We’re not going to do that,” Anakin told him, though there was an immediate temptation to the idea. It was instinct to want to pull out the thing that caused so much pain. But it would be a terrible idea in their situation.
Currently, the knife was the only thing keeping his blood inside his body. It wasn’t doing a great job, but removing it would make things much worse. He was pretty sure Obi-Wan had nicked something important.
Obi-Wan pouted up at him. Anakin ignored the expression, looking him over and trying to get a better idea of how he was hurt. It was, at least, easy to assess his condition. The Separatists must have had him in bacta, based on how sticky he felt and the fact that he was barely wearing anything.
Anakin had no idea why they’d thrown Obi-Wan in this little cell. Or how he’d gotten a knife. He had a lot of questions that could be answered later. “Alright,” he said, shaking his head. The agony from his leg was making it hard to think. “You’re getting up, come on.”
“Sir, yes, sir,” Obi-Wan rasped, husky, and Anakin rolled his eyes. He focused on getting himself up, first, hissing as he tried to put any weight on his leg. Not only was he not going to be able to carry Obi-Wan out of here, it was feeling more and more likely that Obi-Wan was going to need to carry him.
As far as rescues went, this wasn’t one he wanted recorded.
“Oh,” Obi-Wan said, as Anakin braced one hand on the wall, trying to stop his head from spinning. Kriffing blood loss. Kriffing Obi-Wan, stabbing him in the leg while Anakin was trying to rescue him, it was-- “You’re bleeding.”
“I am,” Anakin said, reaching a hand down. “Take my hand, you need to get up.”
Obi-Wan stared at him for another long moment and then stretched out his arm, wobbly. It took him two tries to grab Anakin’s hand, but then he managed to pull himself up. He swayed forward, into Anakin, who groaned in misery, biting his tongue and trying to avoid blacking out.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, face mashed up against his shoulder. “Is a that a knife in your leg, or--”
“It’s a knife,” Anakin told him, ragged, “just like it was the first time you asked.” The room was spinning around. He thought he might be ill.
Obi-Wan patted at his sides and then asked, voice cracking, “You’re not happy to see me?”
Anakin was going to single-handedly tear apart every Separatist involved in whatever had been going on here. He swore breathlessly. “Of course I’m happy to see you,” he said, ignoring the way his leg was starting to feel very, very cold.
“Doesn’t seem like it,” Obi-Wan said, voice still quivering.
Anakin was also going to strangle whoever had developed whatever drug it was they’d given to Obi-Wan. Later. He swallowed, struggling for focus. “I’m so happy,” he said, through gritted teeth. “But I need your help to get out of here, right now.”
Obi-Wan lifted his head at that, which was a mistake, because then he swayed to the side and almost went down. Anakin cursed, gripping him to keep him upright. “Kriff,” he said, hoping no one was around to see, “alright, you’re going to have to walk. And - and help me.”
“Ah,” Obi-Wan said, nodding jerkily. “Because of the knife.”
“Because of the knife,” Anakin agreed, and swallowed a shout when Obi-Wan immediately straightened, taking most of his own weight. He only swayed alarmingly for a moment before he reached out and grabbed Anakin, dragging an arm over his shoulder.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin managed to pant out, as Obi-Wan took a swaying step towards the door, dragging him along. Obi-Wan made an agreeable, humming sound. “Next time I come to rescue you, maybe don’t stab me.”
“I’ll kiss it better,” Obi-Wan said, starting a jagged path down the hall, utterly unable to walk in a straight line.
Anakin stared forward, his leg a dull throb and his vision starting to get a little blurry. He wasn’t sure he’d heard properly. His pulse was pounding very loudly in his ears. He asked, hearing a slur in his voice, “What?”
“Your thigh,” Obi-Wan said, readjusting his grip, taking a little more of Anakin’s weight. “Where the knife is. I’ll kiss it. It’ll be fine.”
Anakin considered that. It took a while to work all the way through the statements. He said, finally, “I don’t think that’ll help.”
Obi-Wan was quiet for a little while. They’d almost reached the end of the hall. There was a door there. And, with any luck, the ship Anakin had taken to come and rescue Obi-Wan was still out there. “Oh,” Obi-Wan said, finally, “I could kiss something else.”
“That sounds better,” Anakin told him, distantly aware that neither one of them should have been talking. But he didn’t have the energy to control his tongue. He felt...tired. And heavy. His body weighed as much as a small moon. He had no idea how Obi-Wan was dragging him along. “Why not my mouth?” he suggested, as the world wobbled around him.
“Mm,” Obi-Wan hummed, nodding. “Alright, I’d like that,” he said, and Anakin laughed, just a little.
“Wait until I’m awake,” he advised, because if Obi-Wan really was going to kiss him, after all of this time, he’d like to be conscious for it. The world spun around again, as Obi-Wan shouldered his way through the door, over all the droid bodies Anakin had left behind on his way into the compound.
The sun beat down on his face. The ship was still waiting, ramp down. Anakin exhaled, relief carving away the last of his energy, and heard Obi-Wan make a concerned sound from somewhere far away.
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Part One of The Necklace (1/3)
Obi-Wan x Reader (f)
Warnings: none; fluff - maybe angst?
Word Count: 2k
Based on this Request:
“If you still need that inspiration... maybe an obi-wan thing where he makes the reader a beautiful necklace when they were young padawans and they get separated bc reader goes om a long mission but when they meet again as adults she still wears it and then he confesses his feelings (a bit of anakin teasing his master about his obvious feelings sprinkled in perhaps😂)”
A/N: Thank you so much to @katevino for this suggestion! I absolutely adore this idea and I decided to turn it into a small series. Part two will be posted this Sunday!
Italics are flashbacks by the way!
I hope y’all enjoy!
“How do you think she’ll react to seeing you again, Master?” Anakin asks with a smirk on his face. They both step into the turbolift simultaneously after a small handful of representatives walk out first.
“I don’t know who you’re referring to,” Obi-Wan said dismissively, and very obviously lying. He wanted anything but to be having this conversation right now.
“You can’t think me to be that naïve, Master,” Anakin chuckles as the doors slide closed. It was just the two of them. “I remember her anyways,” he continues, while Obi-Wan’s heart sinks into his stomach. “I know I was very young when she left but I remember distinctly the way you looked at her.”
“It’s nothing that should be of any concern,” Obi-Wan replies, looking up at the ceiling- this already feeling like the longest turbolift he’s ever been in. They’d only gone up one floor before they were stopped and more people entered.
“I think you’re in love with her,” Anakin says so casually, and Obi-Wan coughs nervously because of the shock of Anakin’s words.
“A Jedi holds no attachments, Anakin,” he says, trying his best to take control over this conversation.
“Of course, Master,” Anakin replies sarcastically, holding back a scoff. He bites his lip to hold back a smile and decides to spare his Master of further embarrassment for now.
“How do you think she’ll react to seeing you again, Master?” Anakin asks with a smirk on his face. They both step into the turbolift simultaneously after a small handful of representatives walk out first.
“I don’t know who you’re referring to,” Obi-Wan said dismissively, and very obviously lying. He wanted anything but to be having this conversation right now.
“You can’t think me to be that naïve, Master,” Anakin chuckles as the doors slide closed. It was just the two of them. “I remember her anyways,” he continues, while Obi-Wan’s heart sinks into his stomach. “I know I was very young when she left but I remember distinctly the way you looked at her.”
“It’s nothing that should be of any concern,” Obi-Wan replies, looking up at the ceiling- this already feeling like the longest turbolift he’s ever been in. They’d only gone up one floor before they were stopped and more people entered.
“I think you’re in love with her,” Anakin says so casually, and Obi-Wan coughs nervously because of the shock of Anakin’s words.
“A Jedi holds no attachments, Anakin,” he says, trying his best to take control over this conversation.
“Of course, Master,” Anakin replies sarcastically, holding back a scoff. He bites his lip to hold back a smile and decides to spare his Master of further embarrassment for now.
He sat on his bunk in the Padawan dormitories and the lamp next to his bunk was his only source of light. The night was pitch dark, not even any stars visible, and yet he sat in complete concentration as his hands worked with the beads he was working with. He knew he would get chastised if he was found up after curfew, but he was determined to finish this project before tomorrow.
He had created a necklace with a chain made of a thin strip of leather, and he was carefully feeding beads onto the material. The beads were dark jeweled tones, various dark greens and blues that complimented the dark brown of the leather. He had never made something so intricate before with just his hands, but it was his goal for it to be perfect. It had to be, for you. It was your thirteenth birthday and it needed to be special.
Traditionally, Padawans would receive a gift from their Masters, but he couldn’t help his desire to also present you with a gift. He knew it was wrong of him, but young Obi-Wan Kenobi harbored a very big crush on his dear friend. The guilt always affected him, but the feelings for you were much stronger than any guilt that tugs on his heartstrings.
The turbolift’s doors opened on the floor they needed and it snapped Obi-Wan out of his daydream where he had let himself wander into the past. He walked out first and Anakin followed. The were sent by the Jedi Consul to Coruscant as representatives for the Jedi Consul to meet with members of the Galactic Senate. There were rumors you would also be in attendance, accompanying the Senator from Alderaan, as you were sent there many years ago for your very extended mission with your late Master.
Walking into the conference room, Obi-Wan tried his best to keep a professional front. He was a very nervous wreck and he thought that his heart would leap from his chest. However, his heart deflated as his eyes scanned the room as there was no sign of you. Somehow, you not being there was in a way both better and worse for him. He hadn’t had this much trouble sorting out his emotions in years. He walked into the room and began shaking hands, introducing himself and Anakin to every Senator he had not yet met and catching up with the ones he’s known.
As people were getting seated around the oblong table, Obi-Wan noticed there were two seats across from him remained empty. He had only just sat down when the door opened again, two figures walking swiftly into the room, offering sincere apologies for their tardiness and then taking the two empty seats across from Obi-Wan and Anakin. A woman sat directly across from Anakin and a man Obi-Wan recognized as the Senator of Alderaan sat across from him. His fears and every other bottled-up emotion he had been dealing with bubbled to the surface again as he realized that the figure, he saw out of focus take the seat across from Anakin was you. The Vice Chair was sitting at one end of the table, and was making her opening remarks for the meeting when Obi-Wan made the fatal mistake of stealing a glance at you.
You were just as beautiful to him as ever. You didn’t look much different than when he last saw you all those years ago. Time, he decided, was much nicer to you than it was him. Your eyes were exactly as he remembered. Kind and incredibly expressive- intoxicating to him even. Of course, the last time he had seen you, you were a young, shy girl, and now you were a woman- holding yourself with confidence and grace, sitting up straight and doing a much better job of keeping yourself together on the outside than he was according to his perception.
And his heart stopped when he saw his necklace resting around your neck.
“Obi-Wan, it’s beautiful,” you marveled, pulling the necklace up out of the small box. “Help me put it on?” You asked, handing him the necklace before turning around and moving your hair out of the way.
“O-of course,” he replied nervously and fumbled with the clasp but did manage to help you get the necklace on.
“I love it,” you smile, holding your hand up to run your fingers across the smooth beads. “I’m never going to take it off.”
He grinned back at you, butterflies in his stomach looking at how it looked on you. Your whole face felt hot, and he knew he couldn’t help the blush rise on his face. Even at thirteen, he was in love with you. Of course, he was young and it wasn’t until much later on he realized he had loved you way back then. But nonetheless, he was undeniably in love with you.
“I think this is the best gift I’ve ever gotten,” you say with a smile. “Obi-Wan I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”
“I’m glad you like it,” he manages to stutter. He follows your lead as you take a seat. You both sat under the tree in the courtyard of the temple. You both sit in silence for a few moments before you decide to speak again.
“Does it ever both you that you can never form attachments with someone?” You ask softly. “We’re not allowed to fall in love?”
“I-I suppose it does,” Obi-Wan answers, his heart beating so fast. It was like you could read every thought in his mind he had managed to close off as best as he could. “Does it bother you?”
“Yeah,” You admit. You look up at the sky as the colors signify that the sun is beginning to set and you both would need to go to dinner soon. “It’s frustrating… the rule is written like it’s something you can chose. No matter how hard I try, I can’t help how I feel at times…”
“I know how you feel,” he says softly, looking at you with his heart on his sleeve. “I- I really do. You have no idea.”
“Obi-Wan?” You say softly, even though you were alone you spoke in a hushed tone like someone would possibly hear.
“I feel- I feel like that about you,” you admit, unable to look at him in case he was to reject you. You knew you shouldn’t- you both did. The feelings you held for him were too strong for you to suppress. You had two hopes, perhaps he would feel the same or he would talk you into reason.
You never imagined he would confess he felt the same. You also never imagined that he would lean over and place a quick kiss on your lips as a response, just overcome with the relief to know you felt the same. It was the first kiss either of you ever experienced.
How desperately he wanted to just pull you into his arms now. Despite the room of people, and the very important conversation he should be engaging in- his focus is solely on you. Anakin nudges him when a Senator directs a question their way and he tries his best to answer. He felt Anakin’s struggle to maintain a professional stature and Obi-Wan knew after the meeting his apprentice would be unable to hold back his comments.
The meeting went on for ages, and Obi-Wan just felt uneasy the entire time. When the meeting adjourned, he wasn’t sure how to approach you. You and the Senator you accompanied lingered like many others to chat. Anakin, before Obi-Wan could even think of what to do, confidently walked over to you as soon as the senator you were speaking to walked away.
“Master (Y/L/N),” Anakin said, “I don’t know if you remember me. Anakin Skywalker- I was a Padawan at the Temple right before you left on your mission. I’m sure you remember my Master, Master Kenobi.”
“I do remember you,” you say with a smile, looking between the young apprentice and the man who loved. You tried your best to remain civil, and you clearly sensed the amusement of young Skywalker at your and Obi-Wan’s discomfort. “You’ve grown up quite a bit.”
“That was the plan,” Anakin jests, “I’m going to say hello to the Senator Amidala.” And just like that, it left the two of you to face each other for the first time in years.
“Obi-Wan,” you say breathlessly, finally allowing yourself to address him. He looked amazing. He’s traded his braid for a beard, and he looked so distinguished. He always held himself with pride but now he looked the part of a Jedi Master- with an apprentice!
“I’m so happy to see you again,” he says with a smile, one that was clouded with an undertone of sadness. “How long will you be staying in the city?” He asks.
“Just for a few days and then I am returning back to Alderaan,” you reply. “If you have the time, I’d love to catch up?”
“I’d like nothing more,” Obi-Wan says, making you smile. You hated that the first time seeing him is in a place where you can’t just collapse in his arms and just immediately make up for the years away from him. You didn’t even know if he still felt the same as you did. You never stopped loving him. He had promised you the same all those years ago, but you were not expecting him to still hold those same feelings. You both committed yourselves to the Jedi Order and you cannot expect him to go back on those terms you both must adhere.
“Tonight?” You ask, hopefully.
“Tonight,” he confirms. He wanted nothing more than to leave this conference room. Sweep you away from the politics and the mess of the galaxy, to express his undying love and how the time apart just made him long for you. He’d pull you into him and beg you to return to the Temple with him so you could be in his life again.
“You should reign in that apprentice of yours,” you joke, looking over at Anakin with Senator Amidala, “You looked at me the same way,” you say, turning back to him. He chuckles, looking over at the two of them. “So anyways,” you say quickly, before he can respond to your observation, “I’m going to be staying at the Temple while I’m here, I suppose I’ll see you both there later on?”
“Yes, undoubtedly,” Obi-Wan answers. “I hate to leave, but I need to reign in my apprentice.”
“We’ll have plenty of time to catch up,” you say nonchalantly.
“I’ll make sure to find you when we return,” he says, before heading towards Anakin and Senator Amidala.
You sigh, and begin your goodbyes, parting ways with the Alderaan Senator for the day. You start your journey back to the Temple, with Obi-Wan being the only thing on your mind.
Part Two
#obi wan x y/n#obi wan fluff#obi wan imagine#obi wan x reader#obi wan kenobi#obi wan kenobi imagine#obi wan kenobi x reader#star wars imagine#star wars one shot#multi part fic#fluff imagine
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please ma'am i would like to know more about this 'obi wan gets sent to protect padme' au pls 👀
ok so like, i’ve talked about this on twitter and i am gonna bring it here:
basically, my biggest gripe with the AOTC plot is why in the heck did a PADAWAN get sent on a high profile mission like protecting former queen and senator from naboo Padmé Amidala? even palpatine, at the beginning of the movie, mentions ‘master kenobi’ by name as a suggestion for a guard for padmé (and yes we know why, but still) so i went ahead and imagined a ‘what if’ for obi-wan getting sent instead of anakin—since on top of being a ‘familiar’ face that padmé AND her handmaidens trust and who already is a known name on naboo, obi-wan also already has bodyguarding experience under his belt.
now, factoring in that anakin stays at the temple for a bit and obi-wan DOES get like 3 days of vacation for the first time in....his life....then he gets a few days of just actually RESTING--in varykino, of all places, and with padme, who would literally let him rest anyway. so obi-wan gets a mini vacay. he gets to relax in one of the most beautiful places in the galaxy and padmé does, too--they talk about the battle of theed, about the senate, the jedi, about qui-gon, and for a little while obi-wan and padmé both get to just...breathe, and be...people. which is nice, and which tbqfh they both deserve.
there might not be a floating pear at dinner but there would be padmé watching him go through lightsaber forms in the early morning sun (either shirtless or yknow in some light clothes because fuck you i said so)
there's no balcony kiss, but there are some very lingering glances and smiles when the other isn't looking and some 'accidental' hand brushing...because they would ABSOLUTELY be slow-burn. obi-wan and padmé are both adults at this point, and both of them have obligations, obi-wan even moreso. but he's already known what attraction (physical and emotional) is like, what romantic emotions are like--he's not incapable of these things, he’s just reserved about them because he understands them, but his jedi teachings dictate restraint, and release. satine was still a figure in his life--he just made a choice, in the end, and do i think he regrets it? i think here and there he thinks about it, but i don’t think he fully feels regret over it by the time AOTC takes place. i think that comes later, when he sees her again during the clone wars.
now on naboo with padmé, he's faced with the same sort of emotions blooming up, and he would for sure think to himself about the choice with satine, about the jedi order, and about the repercussions there. so he might let himself get a little closer than he ought to, but ultimately nothing really WILD AND OVERT would come of it in AOTC, even if they'd been alone on naboo. there would be some very close calls, i think, for sure, but both of them are very good at keeping themselves guarded and very good at abstaining when necessary. again, these are two grown adults that have lived both of their lives with expectations weighing on them, and a certain behavior and standard expected of them. they aren’t two horny teenagers with nothing to lose and obi-wan would 100% respect padmé’s boundaries without hesitation while she would offer him the same respect, if maybe not so staunchly. padmé is for sure more flexible with her boundaries, but pair the two of them together flirting....i mean that’s a dangerous amount of chemistry right off the bat 👀
meanwhile anakin would be on coruscant and FRUSTRATED. not because he didn't get the assignment, though that would be part of it--the responsibility aspect—no, because they chose someone else to go protect padmé instead of him. hell, they could have sent mace windu and he'd still be frustrated and jealous as all fuck. but he still does as he's told. he just...looks into the dart. checks in more on the bounty hunter aspect of things because he’s SURE that’s a good lead after the zam situation. he's determined to prove himself, and if he can figure out who's trying to hurt padmé then she'll be impressed too, of course. and he wants that. a lot. obi-wan might have been sent to naboo but at this point anakin:
> is still VERY infatuated with padmé
> does not know about obi-wan’s romantic history and likely would assume he’s just boring her to death/that nothing would happen anyways
but instead of just consulting the council or the archives, anakin goes to palpatine.
palpatine offers NO help with the bounty hunter stuff.
but he DOES sow more seeds of jealousy in anakin's horny teen brain, and in the end anakin ends up jetting off of coruscant on his own. the movies just downplayed the everloving heck out of this but you KNOW palps was in anakin’s ear CONSTANTLY about obi-wan and padmé, stirring the pot.
now, anakin doesn't have the contacts that obi-wan does, but he's determined. i'm thinking he probably susses a few things out about the dart via the force; possibly with help from another master. kit? someone would help him focus if he asked. likely kit, or ki-adi, or plo, imo—he gets enough to at least send him looking for a bounty hunter and possibly towards kamino--but then the stuff with his mother comes up.
and he ends up on tattooine, with the lars family.
and shortly after the Sand People Incident™ is when he gets in contact with obi-wan--and padmé insists on seeing what's going on because she senses something is wrong and obi-wan agrees. (you can pry force sensitive!padmé from my cold dead hands) so anakin meets them at the lars homestead, tells them about his visions with the dart, about the bounty hunter and the feelings he got
and what better place than mos eisley to look for someone Seedy?
mos eisley has them run right into jango.
jango leads them to geonosis.
geonosis gets them all caught.
padmé is the one who sends a message to the jedi council about the geonosians and jango fett before she gets captured too--because you know they told her to stay with the ship while they investigate but then they took too long and she was like 'oh boy i better call the cops'.
the arena plays out like it did in AOTC, minus the secret kiss & love declaration. there’s a lot of ‘how did we get into this mess’ and ‘well you two took too long’ and ‘i told you i should have come in as a senator first’ and anakin trying to be very convincingly brave about ‘i’ll get us out of this’ which is aimed directly at padmé. honestly the rest of the movie would be VERY similar; i think whoever assisted anakin with the dart would wind up on kamino when anakin went to tattooine, and from there things progressed with the clones and the army gets to the republic.
but there's no clandestine wedding.
anakin returns to coruscant with the other masters, commended for his work helping the senator and with the dart. obi-wan and padmé likely have a small 'meeting' scene where she thanks him and he tells her he barely did anything—but there's some hand-touching, and some very meaningful looks, and they do kiss, just once. it's soft and quiet and not under the pressure of possibly dying or anything rushed by adrenaline or hormones, it's just a gentle kiss between two people who've had this building up for weeks; and in the end neither one of them apologize, but there's A LOT of body language that says they're into it and would kiss again--but obi-wan steps back, and padmé just smiles, and there's a shared understanding between them even if it's clear there's some amount of wistfulness.
“i hope your trip back to coruscant is safe, master kenobi," she smiles like nothing's just happened, nothing's different.
"and yours, senator amidala. may the force be with you." and he bows, smiling back.
but they do look back at each other again, and everything is different.
and then you get into TCW—and PLEASE imagine all of the tension there because these two AREN’T married, they ARE sneaking around but only a little; obi-wan isn’t near as brazen with things as anakin and he and padmé get enough time together in the first few seasons to really build some THICK tension between them. like i’m talking dangerous rescue missions, them having to fight their way out together, getting smooshed in tight spaces together, S O M U C H accidental touching, SO MANY almost-kisses....and then there’s the clovis stuff, which would play out way differently because obi-wan isn’t the jealous type at all and would absolutely trust padmé; and then satine shows up again and we get a whole arc of obi-wan dealing with these conflicting emotions and padmé coming very close on multiple occasions to just telling him she loves him but! supporting his decision no matter what and respecting his emotions, because she understands, and because she knows love is selfless and not possessive and she wants to be with him...if that’s what he wants, too.
but then satine dies—and she worries about him once he's back from mandalore, and there is possibly some very gentle and sweet comforting for the audience to enjoy 👀 the big season finale after that is maul holding padmé and another senator or two hostage and it's an ultra close call but maul dips out, bc it was just bait—and the season ends with him admitting as clearly as he can in Obi-Wan Terms™ that he loves her and padmé reciprocating. they kiss and it's very sweeping and dramatic, but now maul knows kenobi has yet another weakness uh oh...
anyways honestly all of this leads to ROTS being about anakin dealing with the jealousy that palpatine’s been feeding into: jealousy towards obi-wan about padmé, and about being overshadowed. it’s about anakin feeling like he can never have enough, about wanting more and more, about obsessive love and doubt—and when it turns out padmé is pregnant, anakin’s suspicions get confirmed and he turns to palpatine yet again.
IDEALLY padmé survives this movie and she and obi-wan go into hiding together with the twins, (or their child? i mean this is for sure up to interpretation for this specific au) and anakin/vader combs the galaxy for them, resulting eventually in padmé’s death and the separation of the twins, and giving some actual meaning to leia remembering her mother in ROTJ.
so yeah i just. have a lot of feelings about things and at any given moment i can and will talk your ear off about ‘what if’ scenarios like this hdkdjdk 😭💦
#obidala#padmé x obi-wan#padme x obi wan#padme amidala#obi-wan kenobi#some ‘what if’ snackies for yall#i know i’ve seen some folks talk about this before and here is. my 2 cents#like i have way more thoughts about all this but#for the sake of time and all ur dashboards djdkshsk#also i am so sorry about the spacing and lack of readmore YET AGAIN i’m on mobile please forgive me
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Integration prompt 2: Obi-Wan is being a bedwarmer while Jango is doing work when Obi-Wan feels Anakin die. Jango doesn’t know what’s going on but he’s WORRIED bc Obi-Wan is having a full on panic attack. Just some major guilty Obi-Wan and hella worried Jango who doesn’t know how to deal with Obi-Wan after Anakin (who in mandalorian terms is Obi-Wan child) dies
AO3 link
He didn’t realize what had happened immediately.
It wasn’t like with Qui-Gon. It didn’t burn, there was no trickle of pain to surge but grow steadily into a tidal wave. He didn’t expect it, didn’t think to watch it.
Instead, instead of feeling the break, he felt the void. Absence.
It made sense, in some part of his mind that could still think. He and Anakin had been separated so far for so long, the bond had naturally faded. There was a phantom bond, of course, and that meant that they’d always have an easier time sensing each other or remaking a bond.
But it was Anakin. Regardless of any prophecies he may or may not be a part of, he was so strong, so connected to the force.
Of course Obi-Wan could feel him die.
“-Wan. Obi-Wan!” a voice broke through the silence.
A silence that didn’t exist, Obi-Wan realized as he reregistered the sounds of the room, the building, Jango leaning against the bed and shifting the sheets, his own ragged breathing and sobs.
Jango was looking at him, concern clear on his face and in the force. The force that was otherwise full of the absence of Anakin. His Little Nova, already burnt out and Obi-Wan hadn’t been there, hadn’t done anything-
“Obi-Wan, you need to breath. Do you understand? In, out, in, out, just breathe, okay? Can you do that for me?” Jango asked, hand coming up to stroke and comb his hair, grounding him physically.
Obi-Wan tried to breathe and was far too gone to care that it came out haggard and sobbing and broken. Jango’s face pinched in pain as he worried. Obi-Wan watched as Jango retracted his hand and his expression hardened into one Obi-Wan recognized as determined.
Jango grabbed Obi-Wan’s pad from where it had apparently ended up next to him on the bed and put it on the nightstand. Then he carefully moved over Obi-Wan until he was on the far side and turned Obi-Wan to face him. Jango drew him into an embrace, holding him close.
It made Obi-Wan realize that he was shaking, uncontrollably and unwillingly.
The force felt so cold, so empty, without Anakin.
“What’s going on, Obi-Wan? What’s wrong?” Jango asked, voice soothing and calm. Obi-Wan couldn’t help but consider him like a rock, thoroughly rooted in the storm. Except he was more like a cave, offering Obi-Wan shelter.
The force felt so empty. So empty, it filled him with emotions he couldn’t control, and were too much to even try to meditate into order at the moment.
“Anakin, he-” Obi-Wan managed to choke out before cutting himself off with a sob.
Jango shushed him and started petting his hair again, trying to comfort him. And Jango felt so warm, but the force was so cold now.
“Anakin?” Jango asked after a few moments, when Obi-Wan was back to breathing harshly instead of crying.
“My… my padawan, Anakin. He would have been a knight by now,” Obi-Wan explained, “he’s dead. I felt it.”
Obi-Wan felt himself start to cry again, but silently. Confessing it made it real, made it truly sink in, and he was too tired to sob audibly in a galaxy where Anakin had just died.
He felt a flash of hurt, accompanied by nervous worry, and then Jango was holding him even tighter. Obi-Wan was mostly still except for the slight shuddering of his chest, but he was tense from pain. Jango held him gently, hand stroking his hair and occasionally wandering down his sides with care.
Slowly, very slowly, Obi-Wan thought, although he couldn’t keep track of time even if he cared to try, he started to relax. Or drain away, might have been a better way to explain it. He was so tired, so warn out. And the force was still so cold and empty but Jango was holding him full and the man felt warm. A small bit of… something like contentment filtered lightly through the force the more he calmed down and relaxed.
He felt his eyes start to flutter close as they finally dried. He tried to keep them open and, when that failed, licked his lips to speak better.
“I should… I should return to the cot. I think I need to sleep,” he said, voice hollow. He couldn’t bring himself to care about that at the moment, however.
“No, you should stay here. You can sleep here for the night,” Jango said, tone soft but firm, “you need to rest, Obi-Wan. You should do it here.”
Obi-Wan felt distantly like he shouldn’t. He was supposed to sleep on the cot. But he didn’t have the energy to do much, let alone move to the cot when he was already here, or argue with Jango.
Jango watched Obi-Wan finally drop into sleep as he continued to pet the man’s hair. He spent a few minutes just watching Obi-Wan, constantly checking to make sure he was sleeping somewhat restfully and going deeper and deeper into sleep.
When he was certain Obi-Wan was well and truly asleep, he finally allowed himself to really reflect on what had happened.
It was… sad, what had happened to Obi-Wan’s padawan, the closest thing he had had to an ad. It wasn’t the exact same thing, although they would have Integrated Obi-Wan and Anakin as alit if they had both been captured. But they hadn’t, and Anakin Skywalker had been an adult by Mandalorian and Republic standards since Obi-Wan was put in Integration, not an ad, and they hadn’t had Anakin be anything else but another Jedi Obi-Wan wasn’t going to be encouraged to think about until he finished becoming Mandalorian, to avoid confusion.
Jango would have to be careful about this. Obi-Wan would grieve, and it was good for him to process that grief, but he couldn’t be allowed to do any unintegrating when remembering Anakin, part of his life in the Republic as one of their jetii. And Jango was also ambitious. Obi-Wan needed comfort now, which Jango had already provided and going to continue to provide. There was potential here to actually multi-task by helping Obi-Wan both with his grieving and his Integration, to make them actually work together and work off of each other.
Obi-Wan had already been convinced to sleep in his bed to start the grieving process, and Jango hadn’t even needed to use the pills like he had planned to do later this week. It was the start of healthy healing and further integration.
Jango let himself lean forward to kiss Obi-Wan’s temple before he slowly pulled away to start manipulating Obi-Wan under the sheets for better sleep.
Obi-Wan would get through this, and he’d come out of his grief an even stronger Mandalorian. Jango would make sure of it.
#Integration AU#prompt fill#Jangoobi#Jangobi#obijango#Star Wars fanfiction#there's another anon for me to answer but it's almost midnight so I'm not doing that untile the morning#Anonymous
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your mirror au and i am such a fan! wondering if you would be down to write further about when mirror obi-wan and anakin first got together! it would interesting to see the similarities and differences from the prime obiwan and anakin!
Anonymous said:
Your morrorverse au is wonderful and amazing!! Seriously, I love it so much, the idea, your beautiful writing, the characterisation, delicious! I gotta ask though, becquse I love spicy details, how did mirror!boys' first time go? Was it gentle? Rough? How old was Anakin? Did Obi-Wan have bad flashbacks? How long did it take for them to learn each other preferences? 👀
Anonymous said:
Absolutely LOVE Mirror AU!! But I'm also so curious Bout how Shadow and His Obi got together? Bc from the bits of Obi'd past and how little he thought Anakin truly cared for him, I'm curious about how they started. And if they ever actually address Obi's insecurities regarding how he views himself through others eyes, versus how Anakin actually views him.
A subject that must be explored further :D Generalized warnings for everyone being Darksiders, mentions of Obi-Wan’s screwed up past, Emperor Palpatine being just a HUGE and inappropriate creeper, especially with young Anakin.
The very first time Anakin thought he might get to experience some of things he imagined - more and more often, as he got older - was in a dark club in Coruscant’s lower levels. He’d slipped away from Obi-Wan, managed to snag the attention of a slim figure with a sharp little smile and wandering hands, and had gotten as far as kissing them when suddenly he was pulled back and shoved a step to the side.
It had been startling, for a number of reasons, to look over at Obi-Wan’s scowling face, to listen to Obi-Wan snapping at Anakin’s companion to move away, immediately, his voice laced with the Force.
Anakin knew he ought to be upset, really. But the thing was… the kiss hadn’t really been as satisfying as he thought it would be, anyway. He’d been - been dissatisfied, been thinking about Obi-Wan, and it seemed like, in a way, Anakin had simply summoned him there with a thought.
Besides, Obi-Wan’s hand was still on his shoulder, and he thought, maybe--
“Are you alright?” Obi-Wan asked, turning to frown over at him as Anakin’s companion slipped away without another word. He was not radiating jealousy or want, Anakin noticed, with a little kick of disappointment. Instead, it seemed Obi-Wan was worried.
Anakin frowned, straightening to his full height - only just taller than Obi-Wan, now - and said, “Yes, I’m fine, why’d you do that?”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, but he felt strange, inside, his emotions all a jumble. “It’s my responsibility to look after you,” he said, turning, as though he intended to go back out into the bar, as though the discussion were over.
“Look after--I wanted to,” Anakin said, following behind.
Obi-Wan snorted, shaking his head, and said, “You’re too young to know what you want.” And Anakin wanted to protest; he was fourteen, and - and he’d had a pretty good idea of exactly what he wanted for months, and--
A comm from the Council, new orders relayed from the Emperor, cut Anakin’s protests off, leaving him to simmer over them.
Anakin kept his further explorations of the things he desired well away from Obi-Wan’s attention. It wasn’t that difficult, really. The Emperor was happy to help Anakin slip away for a few hours, here and there. Sometimes he even introduced Anakin to people, who were more than happy to… help out.
And after each time, if the Emperor asked what he had thought, if he’d like to see this person or that person again…
Well, Anakin’s answer was always the same. He was learning all kinds of things, many of them about what he wanted. Who he wanted.
It was strange, how he thought he’d known all along.
The problem, as Anakin saw it, was that he wanted Obi-Wan, but he got the distinct impression he was not desired in return. He learned how to tell the difference, in his forays in darkened rooms and tangled sheets. Not all of the partners he spent time with wanted him, some just… went through the motions, while others lit up on the inside with desire.
He turned away those without want after the first time or two, because the entire experience left him feeling… off. It made him remember what he’d been told about Obi-Wan, brought back the memories of his nightmares, and--
And Anakin knew he could have them, but he found he didn’t want them, not like that. He didn’t want to be someone Obi-Wan had nightmares about.
It was years before Anakin caught a flash of anything resembling desire from Obi-Wan. They were on some terrible planet - Geonosis - where they’d been forced into a gladiatorial arena. Understanding that everyone involved was going to pay with their lives did little to dampen Anakin’s anger at being tossed - without a weapon - across the sands to fight the huge creatures in the arena.
His anger only burned hotter because they’d dragged Obi-Wan out before him and chained him up, put him on display in the center of the space, as the stands above hurled abuse and rocks down. Most of the stones did not manage to come close to the center of the arena, to Obi-Wan’s arms or bare chest, but--
But Anakin was seeing red by the time he was shoved from the chariot delivering him into the arena. He rolled across the sand, coming to his feet, listening to the wall of sound coming from the crowd and sneering up at all of them.
They seemed to think that he would be helpless with his hands bound. They seemed to think they’d won. They seemed to think many things, and Anakin was happy to show them how wrong they were.
The fight that followed took his concentration, left him panting hard with his hands bloody and his chest heaving. He looked over at Obi-Wan, standing there under the sun, free from the pillar, battered but alive and--
And found Obi-Wan looking at him, already, expression surprised and eyes wide. And Anakin felt the flare of want, of desire, recognized it with an answering jolt, and would have charged forward to pursue it, right there and right then, had not the rebel Dooku shown up at that moment.
Anakin lost his hand on Geonosis, spent too much time in a bacta tank, and only found out that Obi-Wan had been punished for failing to look after him after he was released. He found out only that he was to take the Brand, to be considered fully trained, after the healers let him go.
It burned, the blazing metal, when it was pressed against the back of his neck, but Anakin had suffered worse hurts. He complained not about it, especially because the Emperor had left marks on Obi-Wan that had yet to fade. A single burn hardly compared.
Anakin was given his own quarters - far finer than he’d expected - and he stayed within them for perhaps thirty seconds before he turned and left, seeking out Obi-Wan. The burn on the back of his neck still ached. He could only barely operate the prosthetic attached to his arm, but--
But none of that mattered, really. Obi-Wan wanted him - had wanted him, for at least a few heartbeats - and Anakin had been waiting for such desire for so long…
Obi-Wan had the door open before Anakin even knocked. Anakin slipped inside the familiar space, drawn to where he sensed Obi-Wan, in the little kitchen. He held a cup of tea, glancing over as Anakin lingered in the doorway, just… looking at him.
There was a bruise, fading on Obi-Wan’s cheek. His hair only partially covered it, falling forward over his shoulder. He was wearing soft tunics, his feet bare, and--
And Anakin crossed to him, drawn forward by years of aching wants. Obi-Wan said, “Are you feeling--”
Anakin slid a hand across his jaw, feeling him go still, and leaned down, kissing the question off of his mouth. Obi-Wan startled, would - perhaps - have spilled tea on both of them, if Anakin hadn’t closed his fingers around the cup and taken it away, using the Force to place it on the counter.
He pulled back, after only a second, to find Obi-Wan staring at him, wide-eyed. “Anakin,” he said, his voice calm and still, “what are you doing?”
“What I’ve always wanted to do,” Anakin told him, stroking a thumb across the line of his cheek, sliding his other arm around Obi-Wan’s back. He brushed a kiss across Obi-Wan’s mouth and then another, and felt a hot spark of want that settled in his gut like the taste of victory. His mouth curved into a smile, and he added, “What you want me to do.”
Obi-Wan’s breath punched out, and he said, “Surely you don’t--”
Anakin kissed him, because it seemed the best way to prove that he very much did. He pushed at their connection at the same time, all the warm, tangled feelings he had for Obi-Wan, built and nurtured over so many years, all the wants, all the desires, all the needs.
Anakin had been strong enough to take what he wanted for years. He’d known it, the first time he managed to pin Obi-Wan during a sparring match. The Emperor had even told him as much, told him he had the power to take whatever he liked, while looking pointedly at Obi-Wan, and - as it turned out - what Anakin liked was Obi-Wan, reaching out to clench him closer, responding to all Anakin showed him.
It was a stunning delight to feel the other side of their connection open, to have warmth and want curl back out to him, and, oh, he’d been right to wait. It had been worth it, for the way Obi-Wan gripped at him, the way he groaned and panted and pulled Anakin closer, all while Anakin got everything he’d wanted.
#mirror au#glimmer replies#ask me anything#spicy#also just generally messed up#palpatine is creepy and inappropriate#implications of past child abuse/sexual abuse
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