#bc it gives a look at Shae (main character) and Adam's (her dad) relationship
scribbledquillz · 1 year
I was tagged by @blarrghe to share this week. Thank you so much for thinking of me!
I have unfortunately not been able to get much work in on my Dragon Age WIPs lately with summer shenanigans now in full swing. BUT I have been killing it with my comic script. And if you all can forgive some unconventional script formatting, I'd love to share one of the pages I've drafted up. ☺️
For a basic rundown of how this works - each page has a header showing how many panels the comic will have. The panels have basic descriptions of the action taking place in them, as well as notes of the overall mood of the moment for the artist I'm working with to capture the emotion I intend. Each numbered blurb is a speech bubble that will appear for the listed character. SFX is for visual sound effects - think onomatopoeia.
I hope you guys like the glimpse of what I'm building! Putting it under a cut to spare the dash, as well as tags. 🥰
We see from behind SHAE as she opens her front door. ADAM is standing on her doorstep, a softer look on his face than we’ve seen since his arrival. His hands are in his coat pockets, the quad parked next to SHAE’s truck.
1. SHAE: …Dad? 
2. ADAM: Hey, sweetheart. 
3. ADAM: Did I catch you at a bad time?
We see SHAE from the outside of the trailer at a side angle, one hand still on the door. She is clearly surprised to see that ADAM has come here. 
4. SHAE: Oh-! No, no I… I just didn’t think you-
5. SHAE: Do you want to come in? I just made coffee.
6. ADAM: That’d be real nice. 
The two of them have stepped inside together. SHAE is walking back to the counter where her coffee mug is waiting, along with the rest of the pot. ADAM is wiping his boots off on a rug in front of the door as he looks around the trailer. 
7. ADAM: Looks good in here, Shae. Been doing a good job keeping the place up to your Mom’s standards. 
8. SHAE: Ha, yeah… Thanks. Pretty easy once you get into the habit, I guess.
ADAM is now standing next to SHAE’s table, and we can see the top of it from a downward angle. His hand is resting on it beside the paperwork SHAE has stacked back into a neat pile.  
SFX (from ADAM): whistle
9. ADAM (from off panel): This all for your school?
SHAE, who had opened up a cabinet and was reaching for another coffee mug, is looking back at her dad from over her shoulder with her hands still raised to hold open the cupboard, the other gripping said mug. 
10. SHAE: Oh - yeah it is. 
11. SHAE: Just the financial aid stuff. 
12. ADAM (off panel): Seems like a lot just for a few classes.
13. SHAE: Yeah, I guess it is. That should be the last of it I need to finish up, though.
SHAE is in the foreground still facing the countertop. The coffee pot is in her hand and she is looking down at the new mug as she fills it for her dad. ADAM is still looking down at the paperwork, his fingers pushing the papers to see what’s underneath despite looking only half interested. 
14. ADAM: What’d you say you were going for again?
15. SHAE: Um, well - right now just the basics. You’ve got to take some core classes no matter what you want to major in. 
16. SHAE: Redwood’s more affordable so I figured I’d do those there. Then once I’ve got some good grades on my file I’m hoping to transfer to State on scholarship. 
17. ADAM: Why would you wanna do that if Redwood is cheaper?
For a moment SHAE looks dead ahead - her dad might not have meant it, but that comment stung. 
SHAE sighs as she picks up the two coffee mugs, letting her dad’s comment roll off her back. Like always. 
18. SHAE: Because Redwood doesn’t have the Environmental Conservation program I want to get my degree in, Dad.  
19. ADAM (off panel): Hmmph.
20. ADAM (off panel, under breath): Woods seem to be doing just fine on their own, far as I can tell.
Tags: @heniareth , @siriskulksnerding , @rosella-writes , @melisusthewee , @greypetrel, @shivunin , @jinakadaisy and YOU!
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