#bc i don't want to give her hopes that we'll be hiring again before then (simply bc i don't know)
hoshanti · 1 month
lady got passive aggressive with me bc she missed her opportunity to apply
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stinkysam · 30 days
Serge “Frenchie” - Live without me.
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Warning : puking, codependency (?), violence
Genre : angst
Synopsis : “heyy, hope you're alright! I was thinking of some Frenchie (and M!reader) angst where Frenchie kind of abandoned the reader to protect him but he left without any words and years later they find each other and possibly the reader has to eliminate him (possibly bcs he's in the seven or maybe just a hitman or something) and maybe a good ending?” - anon
Reader : male (he/you)
A/N : I kinda liked it but I kept reading it and losing focus, making me re read it again and again so now I hate it but I hope you don't !
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Frenchie had many regrets, and some of them concerned you. Though he did not regret leaving you to protect you, believing it was the right thing to do, it's the way he did it that weighed on him. He had given you hope before shattering it.
He had stayed the whole night with you, drinking and smoking on the floor while talking about nothing and everything.
The TV played some old action movie while you took a drag of your joint and shared your plans for the future. A future with him.
It broke his heart to hear about them, knowing what he would do later. But he could not change his plans. He had to leave without you.
“And we'll stop by Marseille. For a few years. To like- find jobs and a house with a garden maybe or a small flat, I'm not set yet. And then we'll leave for a grand voyage around the world for a year. Or maybe we'll do that before going to Marseille, I don't know.” You stopped to think and Serge took the joint from your fingers with a smile while you looked at the TV.
You moved your hand to your mouth to take another drag, only noticing now your joint was between Serge's lips. You smiled and took it back before going on about the jobs you could have.
You were so into it, so focused on your plans you had him hooked. Letting himself imagine a life with you without all the murders and smuggling. A peaceful life, undisturbed.
And when you were sitting between his legs, head falling back on his shoulder as you slowly fell asleep, Serge moved side to side, rocking you quietly as he rolled himself another joint, smoking it until you were fully asleep.
He cautiously moved away, placing a pillow under your head and gathered his belongings. He watched you for a few seconds, savoring his last moment with you before planting a kiss on your forehead and walking out, glancing at you one last time as he closed the door to disappear.
You woke up confused, looking for him everywhere. It's Little Nina who told you Serge had paid for your freedom alongside his with one last mission.
You had to beg her to know where he went and when you arrived at the target's place, everyone was already dead and Serge long gone, leaving you alone with no leads to find him.
You didn't know what to do, feeling scared of this freedom he offered you. You hesitated to keep working for Little Nina, too afraid to face the unknown alone.
You vegetated a week in your flat, replaying your last moments with Serge, hoping he'd come back and say it was just a bad joke.
You slowly began to resent him.
He had abandoned you, leaving you in a world you feared to face alone, after making you believe you'd stay together.
With each passing day you hated him a bit more, yet you couldn't help but look for him, wanting him to apologize and explain himself.
You finally left for Marseille, and spent your days and nights outside, hoping to cross paths with him. You had spent years there, stuck, not wanting to leave just in case you might find him tomorrow. You even got in contact with every smuggler in the city before finally giving up and leaving.
You hated him.
You got to America, wanting to start fresh, away from Marseille and the thought of him.
You got hired in the Vought tower, at the security department, spending all day behind a computer to find new targets for the supes, telling them where to find an attacker's hiding spot or their identity.
At first, you hoped to see him on your screen, you even tried to look for him. Without much success there were too many people on your screen everyday, all day.
Until Translucent died and Mesmer entered in contact with Homelander, giving him the pictures of the group who killed him.
You couldn't believe it, there, on the screen of your coworker, Serge with his numerous aliases and different faces.
You quickly asked for a sick day after forcing yourself to puke loudly in the trash can next to your desk and as you left you told one of your coworkers to update you on their position. As soon as you reached home, you grabbed your gun and your knives before driving as fast as you could to the motel they were staying at.
You approached their room, the blinds were closed as you stood by the door, gluing your ear against it to listen.
You recognized Serge's voice as he spoke to someone. Your blood was boiling. You wanted to yell and cry. He was alive. You breathed out, regaining your composure.
They were two.
No- three, but the third one was in the bathroom, which seemed to annoy the second person.
You cocked your silencer and placed the muzzle against the door, ready to fire, your eye by the peephole as you knocked and waited for anyone to look through it.
The voices quieted down as you heard someone approach the door and as soon as you saw light through the peephole you fired and took a step back to kick the door open.
As you got in, you briefly saw Serge on the floor, screaming in pain, blood spilling from his stomach as a broad man jumped on you, tackling you to the ground, your gun falling out of your hand. You reacted quickly, grabbing one of your knives trying to free yourself from the man, but only managed to give him superficial cuts.
A woman came out of the bathroom, helping Serge sit up before going to help the man on you. He moved down to hold your legs, stopping you from kicking him, your knife stuck in his shoulder as he screamed in pain. You grabbed a second one to protect yourself from the woman but she was faster.
She grabbed your hand, and stepped on it, using all her strength to break your fingers still around the handle of the knife, forcing you to let go of it. You let out a scream and Serge’s head shot up as he looked toward you. Was that your voice ?
“[Name] ?” He said before quickly trying to crawl toward you to see your face.
The woman stopped, her foot now on your wrist to still hold you down, looking at him with a confused expression. The man on top of you did the same, letting you grab another knife with your other hand, smaller.
You threw it as soon as Serge appeared in your vision, too fast to properly aim, cutting his cheek and ear and planting itself in the ceiling. The woman grabbed your other hand, and was about to break it until Serge stopped her.
“Frenchie ? You know him ?” The man finally asked.
He could not believe it, nodding. He took a step back, shocked. Before getting closer. You tried to fight your way out of their grip, wanting nothing but to claw his face as tears began to blur your vision. But they held you tightly, not letting you go.
You screamed in frustration tears welling up in your eyes.
“Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici ?” He asked, approaching slowly, wincing, leaning to place a hand by your cheek. You moved your head away, not wanting him to touch you.
“A ton avis, connard.” You replied, spitting on him. He closed his eyes as your spit came in contact with his skin. He waited a second before wiping it off.
“Tu m'as abandonné, ouai ! Tu m'as laissé tout seul après m'avoir fait croire qu'on allait rester ensemble !”
“Mais pourquoi ?” He frowned. “Je t'ai libéré.”
“C'était pour ton bien ! Je voulais pas t'emmener vers le fond avec moi !”
“Je t'ai cherché pendant des années !” You yelled, managing to get out of their grasp to throw yourself at him, hands by his throat.
The man and woman quickly moved to grab you again and pull you away, but Serge waved them off before placing his hands on yours, letting you strangle him. You wanted to scream in pain as you forced your broken fingers around his neck. Your tears fell on his face as you squeezed his throat, stopping his breathing. You could feel his quick pulse, his legs moving under you, trying to not fight you as you heard him choke.
He didn't want to take you down with him ? But there was no down as long as you were with him. Hellish or peaceful life, you didn't care as long as you were together. But he had left you, alone and unable to enjoy yourself without him.
“Je suis désolé.” He managed to croak out, close from losing consciousness.
You sniffled, more tears falling, you could barely see a thing, your heart sinking. One of his hands shakily moved to your face, wiping your tears away.
With a sob you cursed and let go of him, letting yourself fall on top of him as he breathed loudly, coughing.
You could not kill him.
He slowly wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back as you cried.
“I'm sorry, [Name].” He whispered.
“I hate you.”
“Je sais. Mais je voulais pas t'éloigner de tes rêves. Je voulais pas que tu aies la même vie que moi.” He moved his head against yours, kissing your ear.
“J'en ai pas de rêves si je suis pas avec toi.”
He sighed quietly, now regretting his actions even more. He had fucked up more than he had realized.
But he had broken your trust, and you didn't know if you could still believe him after all these years apart.
“Je suis désolé. J'aurais pas dû partir sans toi. Je ne le ferai plus, promis.” He said, nudging you to make you look at him, wanting you to know he meant it as he gave you a weak smile.
You finally pulled away, wiping your face before sitting and standing up. You walked to the broad man and grabbed the knife stuck in his shoulder and pulled it as he cursed from the pain before hiding it back under your clothes. You walked to your other knife on the floor and hid it as well.
“Je vais me rattraper. Je te promets.” Serge said, wincing as he sat up, hand by his stomach wound.
But before you could say anything, a smoke bomb rolled on the floor by the open door, blinding you all within a few seconds.
Traduction - Translation :
Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici ? - What are you doing here ?
A ton avis, connard. - Take a guess, asshole.
Mais pourquoi ? Je t'ai libéré - But why ? I freed you.
Tu m'as abandonné, ouai ! Tu m'as laissé tout seul après m'avoir fait croire qu'on allait rester ensemble ! - You abandoned me, yeah ! You left me alone after making me believe we'd stay together !
C'était pour ton bien ! Je voulais pas t'emmener vers le fond avec moi ! - It was for your own good ! I didn't want to take you down with me !
Je t'ai cherché pendant des années ! - I searched for you for years !
Je suis désolé. - I'm sorry.
Je sais. Mais je voulais pas t'éloigner de tes rêves. Je voulais pas que tu aies la même vie que moi. - I know. But I didn't want to take you away from your dreams. I didn't want you to have the same life as me.
J’en ai pas de rêves si je suis pas avec toi. - I don't have any dreams if I'm not with you.
Je suis désolé. J'aurais pas dû partir sans toi. Je ne le ferai plus, promis. - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left without you. I won't do it again, I promise.
Je vais me rattraper. Je te promets - I'll make it up to you, I promise you.
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