#bc although it would be v funny it would make them impossible to take seriously as a threat
magicalgirlmascot · 8 months
What would the Piraka and Barraki hypothetically be like in the KNPS au during its version of the Igniton arc?
I'll be honest that's something I've been struggling with. For the Piraka, making them a gang of high school delinquents would be very funny since the Inika arc is basically a glorified high school AU, but also not really what I would want them to be, both character and story wise. Part of me wants to make them teachers, to contrast with the Toa and also as a nod to how they pretended to be Toa in canon, but like. Zaktan is made of bugs and you want him to just carry on teaching math like that's normal?
Honestly I might go the route of making them be some kind of supernatural force like Krahka that has been dragged into things by Makuta for Spoiler Reasons. I could still make them teachers but in more of a "how do you do fellow humans" way. They don't have nearly the same amount of practice at Human Shit that Krahka does after all.
For the Barraki, I still want them to be trapped underwater, but with the time dilation effect thrown in there. They're like "oh we've been trapped down here for 1000 years" and Jaller and Nuparu run some on the spot calculations based on Nuparu's observational data of the time effect and are like "oh it's actually only been about 40 years give or take" and Pridak tries to claw their faces off
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