#bc a) its improv a lot of it isn't going to be  super coherent or well thought-out
radiantmists · 3 years
like. shorter version: grizzop is a funky little dude who cares so incredibly deeply about his family and friends, who’s dedicated himself to making the world better, and who just has a lot of swagger. his struggles against prejudice and the shortness of his lifespan are extremely compelling.
he also uses his faith to justify the fact that violence is nearly always his first answer to a problem; he never questions whether he might be wrong and sometimes seems genuinely convinced that he’s better than a good chunk of the people he meets, including occasionally his own friends.
i’m not saying you can’t love him, especially when violence and the black-and-white nature of good are sort of baked into the setting, but whenever i see people act like he’s some exemplar of virtue i just... Yikes.
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