#bc a lot of them are either 'oh wow he'd eat me' or 'aww that's a fluff machine'
proton-wobbler · 1 year
Round 1, Poll 62
Javan Myna vs Oriental Bay-Owl
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Javan Myna Propaganda
"This guy is absolutely everywhere where I live, and yet the wikipedia entry puts them at “threatened”. I want people to know that this bird that my locals might think is a pest is actually a pet songbird in other areas. They are really loud when they flock together in the same tree. I am betting on submissions coming from the american audience who have never heard of this bird before. <3"
Habitat: cultivated areas and cities; especially attracted to flooded grassy fields. I just think its really funny that this bird species is listed as "yeah they just like people" rather than having any sort of "wild" habitat.
Oriental Bay-Owl Propaganda
"these little FREAKS look like a cross between an alien and a frog. even in the most "normal" photos of them they look like a corrupted version of a real bird. nintendo 64 ass birds. these aren't birds they're some type of fungus or perhaps lichen. but don't worry they do all the normal owl shit and more (they have a wide range of vocalizations and a huge diet pool). also we're in egg laying season RIGHT NOW ok? don't forget it"
this is my sleep paralysis demon
"In breeding season, once described as surpassing all other owls in appalling nature of its cries, even sounding like a half-dozen cats fighting." - BoW
Image Sources: Myna (Lars Petersson); Owl (Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok)
Birds of the World: Both Species
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