#bassinet babies are ugly so she will be revealed once she's an infant
minny5ca2018 · 5 years
The Inquisitors Christmas Edition 2019
Inspired by recent events...
Jamie Fraser yawned and stretched as he stepped back into the Dublin flat he shared with his wife, Claire Beauchamp Fraser.
He sighed with a pang of regret. If only they could tell the world, for if he had his way, he’d shout it to the rooftops. But Claire still was terrified of what their crazy fans, particularly his crazy fans would do if they discovered that the actor playing their heartthrob detective Robert Morrison was actually married to his co star, played by Claire Beauchamp.
And the Network and Production company for the hit show The Inquisitors wanted their personal lives and their real life relationship buried still from the general public.
They’d just started the sixth season of the show. Filming should last another 6 months and after that, with their contracts expired with the Network, would be free to tell the world if they chose.
Stepping into the huge kitchen dining area that he and Claire both shared in their off hours, he found Myra busily working along with his mother Ellen preparing their Christmas dinner. Murtagh and Terry would be coming for dinner along with his older brother Willie and his new wife Consuela. Of Portuguese descent, she and Willie had a huge villa in Portugal.
Jamie and Claire and their young children had spent a good part of the summer there during the hiatus from the show. Mary Kate was now just over three and half, while Michael had just turned one. Their new infant boy was barely eight weeks old. He’d been the reason for their latest ugly chapter in their ongoing narrative with the general public. Terry and Claire were now officially “married,” at least in the eyes of the public.
Many fans were furious and turned away from the show and Jamie and Claire as a consequence while others believed he was gay. There were still a few stubborn people who didn’t buy any of it. They were the most annoying because they weren’t believing any of it, and worse, they were succeeding in swaying some new fans. It was ugly at the maximum.
Turning his attention to Myra, he smiled and tried to put the ugly things out of his mind, at least for today. When they were on their own, everything was ok, but when the PR stepped up and the narrative was ramped up because of it, it was hard to deal with. Pushing those things aside, he looked around the busy kitchen, he stooped and kissed his mum on the cheek. “Where is everybody?” he asked.
Ellen Fraser, a small woman in her sixties, now widowed, smiled at her son as she steadily chopped up onions, garlic, carrots and peppers to roast for their dinner later. Your daughter and son are down still for a nap. They’ve yet to waken, Thank God.” She replied. “Claire was up early when you left for your run this morning. We sent her back to rest. It’s only been 8 weeks since she had Alex. Between the two infants in her life and studying TV scripts, poor girl was tired out.”
Jamie nodded. “Yes, she’s burning the candle at both ends right now. This marriage stuff with Terry doesn’t help.” He sighed. “Can I help?” he asked tiredly.
Ellen shook her head. “No, we’ve got it under control. Dinner should be in another two hours. Turkey has been in since you left this morning at 6 am. Go see to your wife.” Ellen scolded him. “But take a shower first. You reek, son.”
Jamie nodded and padded to the bedroom he shared with Claire. The flat was huge. An open concept with a huge kitchen and dining area. A large master bedroom and two smaller bedrooms. Their daughter had one of them that she shared with Myra or his mother as needed. The second one was setup as a nursery for Michael and now baby Alex though the baby was in his bassinet in their room most of the time. As needed Terry stayed with Michael some of the time as did his mum or Myra. There were two smaller bachelor flats that either Myra or Terry or his mum stayed in as required. The whole arrangement made for interesting travel sometimes, but with the help of Claire’s parents, who were in England, they got it done. And still held the narrative.
Stepping into his bedroom that he shared with Claire, he yawned but gazed fondly at his sleeping wife. She was curled up on their king bed, the huge comforter wrapped around her lithe body, with Alex cuddled up against Claire’s bare chest, sound asleep. Jamie felt his eyes mist. Heavens, this, this is what makes all this foolish fantasy fairytale they projected to the general public, so worth it. If he had to, to have his wife, his daughter, son and now his infant son in his life, in this way – well, he’d do it all over again. Tiptoeing away from them quietly, he stepped into the huge shower and let the warm spray of water from the jets soothe his tired and aching muscles. At nearly 40, his body, despite his determined regimen for fitness and exercise, he was plagued by nagging injuries. His determination to do most of his own stunts on the show hadn’t helped. But, like his wife, with the steady narrative of her marriage to Terry, she soldiered on and so would he. Stepping out of the shower, he dried himself and slipped into warm, fuzzy sweatpants and a t shirt.
Walking around the bed, he slipped into the huge comforter, and curled his big body around Claire, spoon fashion, her back against his front.
Claire smiled to herself as she felt Jamie’s warmth behind her as he curved his big body against hers. He thought she was sleeping still, but her body was tuned to his so well in all the years since their marriage. She could sense every movement and sound he’d made. She reached over and gently set her infant son into the baby carrier next to the bed. At night, it was easier than the bassinet when Alex needed breastfeeding. She turned back and facing Jamie, reached up and kissed him gently on the lips.
Jamie opened one eye, and then the other. “I thought you were asleep, woman,” he growled. He reached out and cupped a warm, soft buttock. Jamie Fraser was definitely an ass man.
Claire smiled and nodded. “I was, but I heard you come in. I always can sense your presence. You know that.” She murmured softly.
Jamie nodded in agreement. “True that. You’ve been connected to me since the first time we met, I think. Me also.” He bent and softly kissed the warm swell of the upper part of her breast, deliberately avoiding the sensitive and tender nipple.
She held his head against her in response. “Yes. That is so true, Jamie. In spite of the ugliness we face in our lives. You, our marriage, our family and our children and friends make it all worth it.” She replied, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
Jamie felt the dampness of her cheeks, though he wasn’t sure if it was just hers for his own eyes misted with raw emotion. “I know. And now the whole world thinks you’ve married Terry, love.”
Claire pulled back, looking up at her husband with eyes filled with emotion. She laid a hand against his cheek. “I know. Little do they know, we actually renewed our own vows, and validated them with the Catholic Church at the same time so our marriage and children are recognized in Scotland and Ireland. When I say, ‘my husband,’ I actually mean you, my love.” She returned. “And can actually wear my own wedding rings as well.” She added.
Jamie his own eyes mist up a second time. “I know. And this time, when the Season 6 filming ends for the show, our contracts will be ended. We can tell the world, if we so choose, Sassenach.” He told her.
Claire nodded. “I know. I fear their reaction, still.” She said, hesitating. “But, I would do it all again, Jamie Fraser.” She confessed.
Jamie smirked. “So would I, ahhh, wife,” … “So would I.”
Claire smiled to herself as she felt Jamie nod off in a doze. So would she, she thought. Do it all again. But for now, the cycle would go on, play the narrative and push back as needed with bits of reveal breadcrumbs now and then. They’d been using Consuela recently, to advance the pushback for them. Certain groups would pay attention, as they always did. But for now, life for The Frasers continued on. Another Christmas and a new infant son. And Terry, Myra and her friends and parents would help. Still, Claire wondered what the reaction will be, among the groups, once the time comes when Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp admit to being a couple all these years. Hmmm, interesting indeed.
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