#based on how weird the auctions overall have been this year- and i've been watching them all-
idontlikeem · 6 months
No Geno stuff in this season’s Pride auction. :((( kinda slim pickings
yeah, there are only nine jerseys out of the 23+ that they could list posted at this moment. the auctions this year have been a little weird, stuff has been getting added really late, even days later, and for the st patrick's day one neither geno nor kris had a jersey up at any point. i believe there have been a few with an incomplete showing, i think the only auction that for sure had something for every player was with the night of assists stuff (both the jerseys and the jackets). so who knows! i don't know why they're running their auctions this way this year, with the staggered additions and incomplete offerings, but it's strange (much like a lot of their fan engagement stuff...) and i doubt we'll get an explanation as to why we're getting half the team or less for any given specialty jersey auction.
eta here's the link to the auction in case you want to look!
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