#based KINDA on Klimt's kiss but not like really
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dingostrash · 2 years ago
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Maybe I'm hoping
Or maybe I'm devoted to you
My love
Written in stars above
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not-xpr-art · 28 days ago
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Curled tight as a question mark...
Ok so I've been super obsessed with the AMAZING Trolley Problem AU fics by @silverview & @unreesonable (where Drew is the 22 year old Blake abuses instead of Ellie) for literally ages so it was only a matter of time before I'd end up doing some art based on it pfft...
Links to the fics below btw (also gonna ramble about this piece a bit since, as usual, I put way too much thought into it pfft)!!!
a better son / daughter
special arrangements
and all I'll do is kiss him (btw title of this piece actually taken from a line in this one which I really loved!!!)
spaces between
Highly recommend all of them btw, they're so GOOD!!!!!
Ok, so I immediately wanted to do a sorta twisted version of Klimt's 'The Kiss' but the concept kinda got away from me as I was painting it... Plus I couldn't get the vibrant gold colour to work with the general colouring of the figures so the background became like vaguely vaginal curtains that I could probably spin some kinda symbolic link to Drew's mother if I wanted to lol...
(think I made a joke on bsky that I'm in my Georgia O'Keeffe era and NO one laughed smhsmh...)
I've also been wanting to do something based on the iconic The Fallen Angel painting by Alexandre Cabanel but never really had a particular subject in mind... until NOW! (ofc the emotion is different but idk I think the reference still works... Drew's tears are more desperate, hopeless, resigned, and perhaps less angry than Lucifer's?)
I wanted the piece to feel like Drew is trapped. Trapped by his turbulent relationship with his mother and father, trapped by his status and position in life, trapped by his sexuality, trapped by the drugs... And ultimately trapped by Blake, who was supposed to offer him a paternal embrace, a comforting hand on his shoulder, to properly help guide him out of the hole he's stuck in but all he did was take advantage of his vulnerability and drag him further into that pit...
Also, kinda funny story, but I tried doing a cute romantic in9 art before I started this but my brain and hand were having none of it lol... NO adorable yaoi for you manipulative toxic yaoi ONLY !!!!!!!
Stylistically I wanted to try and make this look sorta traditionally painted, which involved me using a combo of my regular program alongside ms paint since I like the texture of some of the brushes on there tbh (plus those brushes are really great for painting body hair which I had so much fun drawing a lot of here lol)! Overlaid with a vaguely canvas-y texture lol
Oh, and also I put the diamond pattern of the jumper Drew wears in the episode on his underwear here both because it was going to get covered if I put it on his t-shirt and because it's sorta a fun way to reflect how this is an AU lol
Also have some close ups since tumblr has completely destroyed the quality of this lol:
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(final close up is actually of a version of the painting without the texture overlay btw which is why the colours are slightly different, but I thought it might be interesting to share so u can see the brushwork texture a little better??)
uh anyway... that's all folks lol!
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not-xpr-art · 1 year ago
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my art inspirations vs my art (2015-now)!
a mini collection of artworks I've done over the years next to the work/artist that I based the style of my piece on!
when I'm basing my work on another artist's piece, I try not to just directly copy the composition, colours or brushstrokes of the original... instead I'm always interested in adapting the original style to my own in order to create more of an homage instead!
another thing I keep in mind is medium, since most of my works above are digital and most of my inspirations are traditional artworks, so I have to figure out how to adapt that artists style into a new format in order to keep it somewhat recognisable to the original!
list of artist inspirations & explanations included in this post are below btw
Gustav Klimt's The Kiss (1907) -> Wangxian digital drawing (2020), with a photo collage background made up of lots of golden things!
This is not the only piece I've done inspired by Klimt's work, but it's one of my favourites hence why I included it here lol! I love how Klimt combines realistically painted portraits with flat coloured backgrounds and patterns, the contrast is just so interesting to look at and is definitely something I use quite regularly in my own work.
Edvard Munch's The Kiss (1897) -> Destiel amalgamation traditional mixed media artwork (2021)
I was also inspired by a few other artworks but the pose is definitely based on Munch's work! I just love how the faces blend into each other that it almost becomes abstract, but is somehow still recognisable as a kiss!
Francis Bacon's 1972 Triptych -> Kaisoo painting (2015)
This is definitely one of the times my inspiration was more based on the ~vibes~ of the artist rather than anything in particular about one specific work lol! (so much so that I only know I based it on that particular triptych cos I wrote about it when I posted the artwork pfft...) Bacon's work isn't necessarily stuff I enjoy looking at (in fact it often makes me kinda uncomfortable), but I do like how expressive his work is!
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's In Bed (1892) -> A study from the film Weekend (2023) (which I haven't actually released properly yet shh you'll have to wait until June for that lol)
I didn't actually initially plan to be an homage to this painting, but about halfway through me drawing it I realised it was reminding me of something lol! Henri's (yes we're on a first name basis cos I cba to write his long ass surname pfft) painting evokes such tenderness, a moment in time commemorated in paint, and it's that same emotion I hope my own work emulates!
Caravaggio's Young sick Bacchus (1593) -> Jimin holding some fruit and flowers lol (2017)
Not the only piece I've done inspired by Caravaggio (or baroque painters in general), but I'm still very proud of this piece, even if the proportions are terrible lol! The chiaroscuro of Caravaggio's work still makes me weep honestly! Plus, kinda weird, but I really love the way he paints grapes lol!
Goosebumps book cover (?? possibly 90s or 00s??) -> BBC Wreck fanart (2022)
I grew up with the Goosebumps books, and though I didn't have this particular publication, I remember absolutely loving the cover art! It's honestly kinda mad it's taken me this long to do an actual Goosebumps based work lol! Also the cheesy taglines are some of my favourite parts of the covers and I spent WAYYY too long trying to come up with my own pfft!
Gwen John's Young woman in a red shawl (1917) -> Luna f(x) fanart (2016)
I remember seeing John's work in Cardiff and just fell in love with her muted colours and rough brushstrokes! I don't think I necessarily echoed her work that well with my own (since it's a difficult technique to do in digital), but I still like it nonetheless lol
Lucian Freud's Guy Half Asleep (1981) -> Park Kyung Instant fanart (2018)
This was actually one of the first times I tried to make an artwork that was done digitally but actually looked like it was traditional! I'd honestly really like to do more work inspired by Freud's cos I love the lumpiness (technical term) of how he paints people! It almost feels like you could reach out and touch their skin when you see his work!
Remedios Varo's Triptych (1960) -> BTS Rapline triptych (2018)
I can't even remember where I saw her work first but I knew that I wanted to do something inspired by her work since I absolutely adored her use of colour and the stylism of her figures and backgrounds! I also really loved how her triptych acts as this journey through each piece, which is something I tried to recreate myself and that Rapline triptych is honestly still one of my favourite pieces I've ever done lol :')
Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper (1495) -> EXO 'last supper in hell' fanart (2019)
This is one where seeing it next to the inspiration is honestly hilarious lol! I was actually more inspired by the music video for Monster, which has a part in it paying homage to Da Vinci's Last Supper btw! I haven't really done much work based on Da Vinci, even though I really like his painting and drawing techniques!
And that's all (for now)! I know I will forever be inspired by artists and artworks of the past (and present) so maybe in a few years I'll do another one of these compilations lol!
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