#bartley's 14th birthday
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#getting ready vibes mostly because I'm always cockblocked on actual party ones#red for scorpio but also green cos it's his colour#the lock on her door to show him she's using it#bartley's 14th birthday#barly
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Barly & Cali
Bartley: Your present was funny, like
Bartley: lot better craic than most the lads so, cheers, even with the implication I’m in need of them
Carly: I can be funny ha & funny mental, sure
Bartley: Did you have a good night?
Bartley: Better than the previous
Carly: yea grand 💋🍀���🎄🍄🧃🍬
Carly: did you’s more important of a ? birthday boy
Bartley: Saw your lock with all the 💋🍀👗🎄🍄🧃🍬 on
Bartley: aye, everyone was in a pretty good mood for once
Carly: feared i mightve jinxed you 🎱🎲🔮 talking of your 🎭🩰🎨🎬✨ girl & her inviting herself in
Carly: but no - craic occurred 💙🧿💙
Bartley: I know, that was awkward
Bartley: she probably got scared off though, only girls like Ali and yourself that stick around
Carly: ah poor erin
Bartley: Poor Erin yourself, you don’t like her
Carly: u don’t I like her enough
Bartley: Precisely
Bartley: you always say you love everyone, never mind you just met them, s’a dead giveaway when you don’t
Carly: shh stirring the pot for no reason, yous a dead giveaway yourself 🐝🐛🦋🐌🐞🐜🦟🦗
Bartley: That’s for girls to do, don’t be daft
Carly: its for other girls to slag me w out my joining in
Carly: ive no 💪🥊🤕 w em
Bartley: too early to put you atop the tree, calm it down
Bartley: you didn’t look like one though 🎄 you looked nice
Carly: nice 🎀😳
Carly: well I wanted to for your bday like 🎁 least I could do were have a night off from being a holy show for your 14ths sake 😇☁️🎈
Bartley: you didn’t have to do anything for us, not going to throw you out or nothing
Carly: owed u for my 🔒 anyway
Bartley: peace of mind is 🎁 enough
Bartley: can’t be staying out the middle in this weather
Carly: turn to a ⛄️🤍
Bartley: keen for the next party?
Carly: everything crossed your girl takes her hint for a less awkward 1 🙏💙🔮💜🤞🌠
Bartley: don’t be starting all that again
Bartley: surely I don’t need to talk to her, do I?
Carly: 😶💚 k sorry I’ll say im keen for my excuse to dress nice again so’s you can tell me I look it again
Carly: she’s no dope she’ll have sense for the knowing it’s finished with now
Bartley: you’re the dope yourself, girl
Bartley: you don’t need to search for compliments
Carly: do i not?
Bartley: ah, don’t try to trick us into slagging you again
Carly: when’ve you ever ever been tricked by us
Carly: not even on 💀🎃😈👻 night
Bartley: but you want to 🧙♀️
Carly: maybe for 1 sec when I thought youd invited her 🐸
Bartley: now why would I do that
Bartley: I told you I didn’t like her, didn’t I
Carly: idk
Carly: you’d not b the 1st lad to go back on what youve said esp w 🍺🍺🍺🍺s in u
Bartley: I was barely drunk compared to the others
Bartley: never am, dunno how Mosey boy ever gets out of bed of a morning
Carly: I try & don’t compare you to the others
Bartley: it’s appreciated
Carly: im that u didn’t invite her
Bartley: Why’s that?
Carly: cos
Bartley: full answer or are you searching for emojis?
Carly: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Carly: hows that for you boy?
Bartley: nothing embarrasses you, I don’t believe ya
Carly: my god
Carly: full answer, cos I’d be jealous, k
Bartley: oh, I see
Carly: yea 👀
Carly: but look away or whatever I know youre after making a sister of me & ive made it weird how I do
Bartley: you’ve not
Bartley: well, you have but ages ago, not recently, you’ve been alright
Carly: oh
Carly: I’m sorry I’ve fucked it now then
Bartley: it’s best we all just be mates, see how much better it were than when you were after one of the others, like
Carly: loads better idea course it is like
Bartley: I like you, you know
Bartley: be nice if you could be around with no dramas, I could invite you to things then
Carly: I meant what I said im bringing none of my trouble to you
Bartley: you was well behaved
Bartley: might not have recognised you if not for how your laugh sounds
Carly: don’t
Carly: youre testing it by telling me how good I was
Bartley: I didn’t mean to
Bartley: I’m not smooth like Moses is, I don’t have lines
Carly: no need of lines bb
Carly: you’ve girls all over you 💋💓🥰💘 every party w out
Bartley: Erin wouldn’t have chosen us if she’d met the others first
Carly: why would you say that?
Bartley: Just the truth of the matter
Bartley: know where I come in the pecking order
Carly: nah
Bartley: weren’t 🎣 swear
Carly: you’re as decent as your brother without being as scary
Carly: as sweet as ro but with more sense than to be walked on for it
Carly: & as protective as moses said he’d be
Bartley: my turn to 😳 is it
Bartley: but can’t you talk your pal there into not walking over ro
Carly: she don’t mean to
Bartley: that’s no excuse
Carly: he gets under foot u know
Bartley: that how it was with you and him
Carly: you’ll get 😤😠 if we start talking about me & him
Bartley: true enough
Bartley: maybe it is his fault
Carly: not all
Carly: barely none when me & him
Bartley: you’re not to get on a downer again, that were his birthday, not mine
Carly: sorry
Bartley: I meant let’s avoid that, it’s all over
Carly: jesus it’s hard to behave well idk how you do all the time
Bartley: I don’t
Carly: to be sure you do
Bartley: I’m a lad, I can do as I like, can’t I
Carly: k so you like it being a good boy
Bartley: don’t take the piss
Carly: im not
Bartley: obviously are, calling me that
Bartley: I just get along with everyone best I can
Carly: you just are what I’m calling you
Carly: I mean it
Bartley: Why am I? Because I don’t want to bang you?
Carly: i said why ⬆️ & you’re 😳 still
Bartley: 🙄 I’ll regret saying we should be mates if you’re going to be such a windup
Carly: I can’t help u getting wound up by me doing nothing
Bartley: see, this is what girls are like
Carly: what are girls like
Bartley: you can help it
Carly: I’m only being nice
Bartley: alright
Bartley: take you at face value
Carly: nice of you 💚
Bartley: least I can do
Carly: is it or are you doing what you like again?
Bartley: birthday was [whether it was literally yesterday when you had your party or before if it wasn’t the weekend vibes]
Carly: ive the knowing when you was born ♏🦂
Bartley: did you stalk my mother for all those gas photos of me, btw
Carly: your mammy likes me too
Carly: shes the 1 woman on site who does
Bartley: be she’s decent like me and John boy, aye
Carly: she’s a big heart that don’t skip beats cos of what a massive disgrace I am
Bartley: your mammy be worse in her eyes, you’re the child
Carly: & in yours you hate my ma yourself
Bartley: my opinion is the least of her worries
Carly: she don’t worry, I do
Bartley: not for yourself
Carly: sometimes
Carly: but I’m safer now 🔐
Bartley: You should worry for yourself more, your mammy can look after herself
Carly: she should be able to but she’s not there yet
Carly: what comes of forever hoping a man will 🥀💔
Bartley: well, she’s got this far, like
Carly: me too 🌱🌿🌼🌻
Carly: must be able to look after myself like
Bartley: I’m glad you worked out Moses won’t
Carly: he didn’t give us much choice but to learn my lesson
Bartley: you learnt it before he messed you up and around too bad
Carly: felt bad but sure it could’ve been worse, I’ve always had that knowing of how hes capable
Bartley: don’t need my gift for that
Carly: I’d never dream of stealing them back even if
Carly: theyre yours
Bartley: I’ll let you borrow them
Carly: what for?
Bartley: what do you think I’ll use ‘em for
Carly: idk watching my ma’s comings & goings for when hes here next
Carly: youre after kneecapping the fella even though I said no
Bartley: he’d be a total idiot if he came back
Carly: he is but she’s already bored by him
Bartley: that’s finally worked in your favour then
Carly: has many a time true enough
Bartley: no need to get her a trophy for it
Carly: I won’t
Carly: be an ashtray if I did
Bartley: use her [one of the gaudy ass vases you have in your house because the vibes are terrible we know]
Carly: maybe yea but I am trying to be good 🙏🚭😇
Bartley: ⏱
Carly: ah now clocks ticking is it
Carly: least you’re honest about the patience you’ve got or not got
Bartley: you who had no idea how it was kept up messages ago
Carly: you who s’effortless for
Bartley: why do you need to carry on how you usually do?
Carly: how do I usually carry on?
Bartley: you’ve no memory, that bad, is it
Carly: ive told you why I need 🍭🍬
Bartley: how often, and how much
Carly: whenever I have to be on instead of away 💀👻
Carly: how much’s a q of how many people there are & how long for
Bartley: what’s being away look like
Carly: you’ve seen the look of it
Bartley: yeah
Bartley: when do you feel most comfortable
Carly: with ali
Carly: shes 👀 how mental i am when I dont have nothing in my system but she wouldnt call us it to my face or behind my back
Bartley: where’s she today
Carly: busy, how she keeps herself 🌼🌻🐝🍯
Bartley: and you, what’s your 🌼🌻🐝🍯 going to look like
Carly: I’m not busy today
Bartley: idle hands and all that
Carly: 😈😝😜🤪😈
Bartley: called it
Carly: been waiting since ⛄️🤍 for u to tell us whores dont get themselves cold cos of all the hell 🔥
Bartley: I’m no priest
Carly: til I ❤️🎨✨🧡🧵💚💄🖤 your costume
Bartley: that’s what you wanna see next
Carly: don’t you wanna do an exorcism on me?
Bartley: not seen you do the stairs trick yet
Carly: take me somewhere & I’ll do it for yous
Bartley: where
Carly: wes need for proper stairs like she had in the film
Carly: where d’ya know of? 🏠🏭🏢🏬🏥🏦🏨🏪🏫🏩
Bartley: let me think
Carly: weren’t yous lads working down [somewhere we’re saying could work even though it’s clearly a bad idea]?
Bartley: I can’t take you there
Carly: come on like 🥺
Carly: we’ll be in & out it’s 1 trick
Bartley: until you take a fall and snap your neck
Carly: when im a 👵 nanna
Carly: 🥺 please 🎁
Bartley: If you do, I’ll get in so much shit with [whoever in your fam is running this site]
Carly: no trouble, promise
Carly: am I not a good girl now?
Bartley: I’d say this kills your streak
Carly: you said you wanted to watch, this heres for u & your birthday
Bartley: alright, I’ll get the keys off my brother
Bartley: we’ll put a hard hat on you
Carly: yay 💚👽🌱🦗🍐🍃🍏🍀🧃🥝💚
Carly: & yea for the best as I’ve not brushed my hair
Bartley: birds nest will save you from permanent brain damage
Carly: found my brush out for the party s’not that bad or been that long, gobshite 😅
Bartley: won’t say you looked nice again, blood will already be rushing to your head when you’re upside down
Carly: but i did
Carly: I remember before when u said it was so 💚💞💚
Bartley: yeah right 😏
Carly: admitting it won’t break your neck bb
Carly: friends can tell each other they looked nice
Bartley: I already did
Bartley: you went all 💚💞💚
Carly: k its my turn sorry
Carly: but idk where to start u always dress nice & look good
Carly: how you smell too
Bartley: when have you smelled me
Carly: @ ali’s when you was annoying me
Carly: & before you slag me it werent the bonfire
Bartley: I was annoying you so you sniffed me?
Carly: shut up no, don’t b an eejit
Carly: I got closer than u usually let us is all
Bartley: I know how to wash myself, thanks very much for the killer compliment, Carls
Bartley: I’ll have a shower again now if you run a brush through your hair and find some decent shoes, how’s that
Carly: hows it not a deadly 🧼✨🧽✨🧴✨ compliment you smell like 🌲🍃🌲?
Carly: ive plaited my hair out the way & im looking for 👢👢 be grand
Bartley: no dress or skirt either
Carly: 👢👖👢
Bartley: You got it
Carly: 👷♂️💛🥾⚠️ no 🚑🚨🏥
Bartley: no fashion show unless you’re Moses, yeah
Carly: hey could still dress nice for us I am for you
Bartley: you who said I always do
Carly: w out trying dont mean u cant 🤠
Bartley: alright
Carly: go 🚿👖🥼🧢👟🔑🚐
Bartley: Don’t be telling me what to do
Carly: dont be 😤😠 @ me
Bartley: I ain’t
Carly: im just excited to show you what I can do
Bartley: been a night off showing off, I get it
Carly: ha donkeys years
Bartley: I’ll not tell the rest you’re back into old habits already, don’t worry
Carly: here away w ye
Carly: when do I ever show off id b scarlet
Bartley: you know what I mean
Bartley: you don’t fade into the background
Carly: well show of myself isnt the same thing but k
Bartley: surely that’s what you’re trying to achieve?
Carly: im some 🌈🎠☄️🌻🦚🌚🎪✨🦜🌟🦋🦢⚡️🚀🐬🦩🌞🪐🎇🪁 to your thinking
Bartley: Complimentary
Bartley: everyone wants good attention, don’t they
Carly: enough bad attention puts yous off the other or has me idk
Bartley: maybe
Carly: course you’d never believe im shy
Bartley: where’d I say that?
Carly: ⬆️
Bartley: Never did
Bartley: was thinking maybe I’ve had less bad attention than you, that’s all
Carly: as said youre a lad its different
Bartley: opposite side of the same shit
Carly: youve the right to tell girls such as erin to away herself home & she’ll be off
Carly: no from the likes of us is a tease im not to be listened to
Bartley: no one here is a rapist
Carly: Im not saying so
Carly: forget it
Bartley: that’s how that sounds and neither of them did
Bartley: you can’t accuse him just because he’s a knobhead
Carly: ive not accused him
Carly: he did what i wanted him to
Bartley: Good, don’t
Bartley: your life really wouldn’t be worth living
Carly: im only pointing out yours is more charmed for being a boy 🍀🐇🌠🎲
Bartley: I don’t carry on like that
Carly: but youre allowed theres no wrong in it like theres in the mistakes ive made
Bartley: My family wouldn’t have me be as blatant as those two are allowed to carry on
Carly: those 2 are a level of it all their own
Bartley: like their daddy, aye
Carly: you’ll still not trap me into having their daddys name in my mouth
Carly: ive no real death wish
Bartley: That’s wise
Bartley: he’ll treat you no better for being just a girl, that’s for certain
Carly: sense I was born with if no more since
Bartley: maybe he’s yours too
Carly: what
Bartley: ‘course he’s not but it wouldn’t be surprising, would it
Bartley: we all know he’s all the children not with his wife
Carly: a surprise to me if theyre my brothers after theyve both had my hole but except for that nah
Bartley: Christ
Carly: i dont have the look of him, do I?
Bartley: I wasn’t being serious
Carly: its not serious to you youve a daddy around acting as 1
Bartley: He’s not your daddy
Bartley: Ali looks more like them than you, come on now
Carly: I look like my ma to be her sister when she’s after that being told
Bartley: She wishes but sure, there’s resemblance plus some years and some damage
Carly: i know yous reckon on him being gorja anyways not of the community
Bartley: We all know each other
Bartley: even if he’d plans of steering well clear, we’d know
Carly: yea
Bartley: I would tell you
Bartley: if there was talk, swear it
Carly: shes all talk herself
Bartley: Forget about her
Bartley: you’d do better on your own
Carly: stop saying that
Carly: I’d have nowhere to put myself
Bartley: You could get your own ‘van for [however much the tiniest would cost because obviously you know] and have a plot for [whatever much you charge non-fam people per month to live here]
Bartley: when you get a job, you could do that easy, aren’t you old enough to get one yet?
Carly: when im old as u but nvm it wouldn’t pay out how yours see to yous lads
Bartley: maybe you and Ali can go in on one together, next summer
Carly: shes her own plans by next summer no telling where she’ll be
Bartley: well, she’ll still have to be nearby, she’s her family
Carly: she’ll always them wherever shes
Bartley: do you not want to live with her, like
Carly: id love to like
Bartley: you could ask then
Carly: i cant hold her back keeping her on site cos ive a want to
Bartley: you could go live with them, they’ve 2 less now
Carly: thats a fucked thing to say, don’t
Bartley: I wasn’t being rude
Bartley: they aren’t all related, are they
Carly: ali’s already lost a sister & the unwell 1 hates me
Carly: id not snap the thread shes hanging on by to get myself in the door
Bartley: just a suggestion
Bartley: she should be in a hospital if she’s not going to listen to sense though
Carly: would you let your sisters go
Bartley: my sisters wouldn’t make themselves sick
Carly: by the grace of god
Carly: its shite being a girl u wouldn’t understand
Bartley: I know she’s not doing it to be attractive ‘cos she looks fecking awful
Carly: she’s happier with a book than a boy
Bartley: She’s not happy though or that’d be grand
Carly: shes time to be before she’ll never be married or have babies like your sisters
Bartley: You have to want it
Carly: what she’s after at only just 12 won’t be forever when is it ever so
Carly: by next summer again who can predict her
Bartley: Yeah, hopefully
Carly: I’ve hope ali wont lose another sister 🙏💙🔮💜🤞🌠
Bartley: Her parents are the ones who need to sort themselves out
Carly: id be 1 to talk about who needs to w the state of me & my ma both
Bartley: Who’s her boyfriend anyways
Bartley: he’s been crying about it
Carly: mind your business I can’t tell you
Bartley: why not?
Carly: ive promised not to
Bartley: is it a teacher or something
Bartley: I’ll not tell
Carly: you’ll never get it out of us
Bartley: Ugh
Bartley: well he’ll go find out himself, follow her about as much as he does
Carly: shes the knowing to watch out shes no dope
Bartley: is it really that interesting
Carly: must be to him
Bartley: ‘course it is to him
Bartley: I meant why the secrecy
Carly: ali dont like being the talk of yous lads, you’re after your privacy too, you get it
Bartley: She’s not shy though, not like you
Carly: no nothing like me
Bartley: you’re more alike than most lasses
Carly: are we?
Carly: shes my 1st friend whos a girl
Bartley: you dress similar, like the same music and doing the same hippie shit, yeah
Carly: sorry idk my music was that loud I’ll keep it down
Bartley: it’s not bad
Carly: oh
Bartley: but I don’t need you to buy me no bug or cup to the wall next, alright
Carly: borrow what you like
Bartley: you can borrow my copy of the exorcist if you like, when we get back
Carly: no need for u to watch it again once you’ve me
Bartley: Have to think of some new tricks if you wanna borrow any others
Carly: what if we’re all of us together how you suggested 📺❤️📼💛🍿💚 then what’ll I have to do?
Bartley: Keep behaving, that’s it
Carly: keep laying down the law & ill follow it on
Bartley: messer
Carly: I can’t do what I’m told unless I’m told
Bartley: and who am I to be laying down any laws
Carly: who I want to
Carly: I’ll listen
Bartley: only ‘cos you think I’m a soft touch in comparison
Carly: when have I thought that?
Carly: you’re never soft none of the times I 💭 of you
Bartley: Carly
Carly: you don’t like how I think
Bartley: I might like it more if it wasn’t about everyone
Carly: its not
Bartley: it’s not about me
Carly: no one else is in my 🧠💭 you’re a man alone
Bartley: Why now
Carly: I saw you cosy w erin the 1st time before she was messing & I
Carly: idk it knocked me 🤮 or 💪🥊🤕 or 😭
Bartley: Is that why you felt weird, at Ali’s?
Carly: didn’t help
Carly: but you’ve me since & no one else even notices the half u paid attention to
Bartley: I’m just not daft
Carly: I felt proper cared about 🔐 & then I remembered how often you’ve given warnings & tried to look out for us
Bartley: I meant it, I really don’t want to see you hurt
Carly: youre alone there too
Carly: moses threatened to hurt me & 💭 he meant it
Carly: u know how I regret the others, him most
Bartley: I wish you’d listened about him
Carly: I’ll listen now to everything you say
Carly: do what it is you tell me to
Bartley: don’t you want better?
Carly: what could be better?
Carly: you’re the sweetest when u want
Bartley: so are you
Carly: I’ve to hope maybe you’ll want me if I prove I can be
Bartley: you know that we have to be just friends though, around everyone else
Carly: ali trusts me w her secrets you can too
Bartley: there’s a bit more at stake here than whoever Ali is seeing
Bartley: I don’t want it all to kick off again
Carly: I’ll never say nothing & idc what you need to or how you’ve to give it out to save face in front of em all
Carly: you kept me safe i owe u the same back
Bartley: anyone decent should do the same
Carly: you & your mammy are the most decent people around
Bartley: well, she’s taken I’m afraid
Carly: I’m a bit young for breaking up marriages yet
Bartley: 🙄 don’t start, you
Carly: when’ll you settle, how long’ve I got to wear you down & make you come round to me like?
Bartley: I don’t know, less rush than my sisters to
Carly: grand ive time to change how you 💭
Bartley: you’ve no knowing how I 💭
Carly: of me ive plenty knowing how
Bartley: only what I’ve said
Bartley: and I don’t say everything that’s on my mind
Carly: k tell me what youre after
Carly: don’t have to be everything but something to start w
Bartley: haven’t I said enough
Carly: please say more, will you?
Bartley: maybe you’ve been the only one on my mind since then too
Carly: maybe since when?
Bartley: 🔐
Carly: it was the longest walk back
Bartley: he’s not come back, has he?
Carly: I’d tell you, I swear it too
Bartley: I’ve never wanted to bang someone out so bad in my life
Bartley: I’ve never really wanted to before, is the truth, not that you can tell anyone
Carly: never?
Carly: but you would’ve for me 🥺😢😭
Bartley: I’m not a fighter like [your cousins etc who are better at it/enjoy it]
Bartley: Blokes like that deserve it, and worse
Carly: you’re the bravest for deciding to
Carly: how different that is than doing it w out 💭
Bartley: but I didn’t, did I
Bartley: do anything
Carly: cos I asked you not to
Bartley: Johnny still would’ve, it were the right thing to do
Carly: why isnt the right thing to listen to me im who he went for
Bartley: you don’t keep yourself safe
Carly: I was keeping you out of trouble
Carly: would’ve been my fault too if you found yourself in some
Bartley: It wouldn’t be no trouble
Carly: you dont know that, he might’ve caused it
Bartley: You think I’d get my arse kicked
Carly: no he would & hed be sore about it in all the ways
Carly: as a grown fella who ought to know better than his carry on
Bartley: he’s gone now, it doesn’t matter
Carly: does to me
Carly: you do to me
Bartley: Don’t go all sentimental, it’s not like I saved you
Carly: but thats what it was like
Bartley: As long as you feel safer, that’s what matters
Carly: boy you’re my hero 💚🔐🥊💪🔦☄️🐆🐉🎇🐺🌠🐻🦈🧰🦁🌚🐯🦅🚀🐈⚔️💚
Bartley: Away with ye
Carly: 😶💚 but it were unreal what you done
Carly: noone has ever ever
Bartley: well, you’re welcome
Carly: to chuck myself down [however many flights] of stairs yea 😅
Bartley: hey, you offered
Carly: how else am I to get your attention?
Bartley: who else is going to be there to pay attention to?
Carly: we’ve never been alone before you saved me
Bartley: I don’t make a habit of hanging out with girls like Ro does, be why
Carly: you’ve no bad habits I know
Bartley: sure he’d not call it that
Carly: not w ali
Carly: w me he would
Bartley: I don’t think so
Carly: youre thinking different already 🧩💚
Bartley: I don’t think it’s 🧩💚
Bartley: you’ve slept with him, she hasn’t, that’s what’d be said
Carly: what’d be said by him is he wishes they had & we’d not
Carly: why I’m for the bad & she isnt
Bartley: Until they do and it’ll all be the same
Carly: they won’t
Carly: she loves her bf
Bartley: Yous are just kids, she loves him now
Bartley: Ro is obviously fine playing the waiting game
Carly: wes are not
Bartley: Yes you are, you’ve not even a job
Carly: shes her paper round 😝
Carly: but more important shes a 🧠 & 💓 what are loyal & don’t 🪀
Bartley: No need for the defense, I didn’t call her a whore
Carly: sure look I can hear you 💭 it
Bartley: You don’t defend your own name like this
Carly: I can’t mine
Carly: hers I can she’s done no wrong
Bartley: as I said, you’re not that different
Carly: she dont act up the same you cant say so
Bartley: She’s still here, getting attention, what’s so different?
Carly: attention isnt what shes after
Carly: I live here & wes friends
Bartley: If you say so
Carly: ah here, did she or did she not invite you to her house & did you or did u not go?
Carly: why you slagging her
Bartley: I’m not slagging, you’re being over the top about it
Bartley: you talk like she’s some angel
Carly: if u say so
Bartley: Come now
Carly: you come now
Carly: if yous lot didn’t look down on us as hard I wouldn’t have to talk her up
Bartley: For God’s sake
Bartley: if you were half as worried with your own reputation we’d not be in this mess, that’s my point
Carly: its my mess i got myself in
Carly: no we & no need to worry yourself if its such a 1 to you like
Bartley: Yeah, fine, forget it
Bartley: if you’re going to be like this
Carly: me
Carly: nah u
Carly: I’m sorry you wish I was pure & sorrier im not
Bartley: Do you expect anyone to be thrilled about that?
Bartley: let alone me, those are my cousins, by Christ
Carly: how do you expect I undo it?
Carly: I can’t even through christ 🙏📿⛪️💖
Bartley: Yeah, you can’t
Carly: forget it how u said theres the decent thing
Bartley: You got it, Carls, no feckin’ problem
Carly: k
Ali: [Giving as you said that Ali hasn’t been able to get hold of Carly because she’s out with Caleb being messy and she’s also not seen her because McVickers have decided to parent, even if we’re still doing the best we can to get around that lol]
Ali: Oi, bitch, thanks for not missing me at all 😭😭😭
Ali: I’m full-on Rapunzel here and not a peep, what tower are you hiding in right now?
Carly: baby!
Carly: 💛👼🌟🧚♀️✨🐝🌞💛🌻
Ali: What’s good, honey child
Carly: 🍭🍬🚬🌿🌼🍄🍆🍺🍷🥃🍸🎱🔮🎈
Carly: u know me
Ali: Is it
Ali: How is Cavante?
Carly: ha you know him too
Ali: Won’t say unfortunately, be rude, and at this point any company is good company
Ali: even your favourite little man
Carly: he’ll have forgotten me to be sure
Ali: Don’t be daft, he talks about you all the time
Carly: 🥺😢😭
Ali: His burn is really healed now so he’s dead keen to show off his cool scar to you
Ali: told him my bruises are way better obvs
Carly: [send her a picture of yours which are HORRIFIC because this girl is anaemic af and will bruise if you just look at her and we all know what’s been occurring here, love that you’re in a state where you think that’s an acceptable picture to show a child]
Carly: ❤️💜💙
Ali: Ouch! 💔💔💔
Ali: You win but at what cost 🥺
Carly: hey no I’m grand
Carly: nothing hurts, promise ☁️🦄✨
Ali: You promise?
Ali: I’m sorry I’ve not been around, my parents decided to start parenting, random, I know
Carly: swear youve missed nothing neither 🥱😴💀👻
Carly: site’s quiet as since the other night, only ma’s still her stamina
Ali: G’wan [Carly’s mum lol]
Ali: that why you outsourced your 🍭🍬🚬🌿🌼🍄🍆🍺🍷🥃🍸🎱🔮🎈
Ali: a shame, it was a good night, I thought, for everyone
Carly: [her mum’s name we gotta give her one lol]s 😤😠 @ me
Carly: but yea it were 💋🍀👗🎄🍄🧃🍬
Ali: why are her 🩲s in a twist? Her and Tess can compare notes, like
Carly: - craic
Carly: being back on the 🍆 market gets her ⬇️ & its my fault so it is
Ali: She’s got to start picking better in the first place
Ali: -IQ -Hair -Hygiene the last one I saw, is that who we’re 💔😤😠 over or did I miss one?
Carly: idk idc
Carly: ive no room or time to be 💔💔💔 id go ❤️🐇🐛☕️🌹
Carly: 🙃🙃🙃
Ali: Wonderland without me
Ali: That could only mean one thing
Carly: you’ve the look of alice more than me
Carly: & [the name of Moses and Ronan’s dad because Bartley saying he could be our dad has stayed with us and is coming back to us now we’re high af clearly]
Ali: [doing a photoshoot of pretending to be this man, aka very stereotypically macho yet posey ‘cos clearly think you’re god’s gift because you don’t know why she has said this lol]
Carly: 😅 that’s gas 😅😅
Carly: I miss u
Ali: I miss you too, Carls
Ali: what’s got your head upside down
Carly: he thinks im 🖤🩹☢️🚨🚮💩☣️🦠💉🤎
Carly: rotten 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥝 not forbidden
Ali: No no no, he can’t be that wrong
Ali: he just has a way of saying exactly the wrong thing, we know that 🦶 in 💋
Ali: not that it makes it excusable, ugh, baby, I’m so sorry
Carly: I wish hed never saved me
Carly: if thats how I felt inside I wouldnt be upside down he’d just b right & id know my place how theys all are after me to
Ali: He probably said it to keep behaving like the others, remembered he’s meant to
Ali: but that’s to mean he was being different, right?
Carly: but there’s no different enough
Carly: even if he 💭s of me the next 1s not far where both his cousins have had my hole
Carly: why would he ever get over that? hows he to? Im stupid to reckon
Ali: No you’re not
Ali: he has a choice, if he seriously can’t, then he can tell you without going over every 💭 about you and that pair
Carly: I can’t be who he wants
Carly: 👗 werent gonna do it
Ali: He’s not sure of that, and that’s why he’s making you 😵💫🙃 as well
Ali: if he meant it, he’d not be talking to you, it’d be full silent treatment and avoidance
Carly: its my fault im 😵💫🙃
Carly: me & my 🪀💜 i wasnt troubling myself til feckin erin did
Ali: Oh God love her, we were all glad when she saw herself home
Ali: but do you think that’s all it were with Bart
Carly: maybe I am a massive whore & you’re to lock johno up from us as well
Carly: that’s what everyone thinks
Ali: I know you’re not
Ali: if that word is meant to mean all the bad they say it as, which is a whole ‘nother conversation
Ali: you’re allowed to fancy as many people as you like, our hormones are doing the heavy lifting there anyway, it doesn’t say anything about your 💜
Carly: even my own mammy reckons im a wagon or she’d put a stop to her fellas trying to hitch themselves to me
Carly: they all see it of me
Ali: your mammy is too concerned with keeping a man and not enough with keeping you safe
Ali: you know I hate to slag her but that shit isn’t okay, she should castrate any of them that so much as looks at you too long
Carly: yours would
Ali: So she reckons, yeah
Carly: im dressed to 🚗👍 when i’ve clothes back on
Carly: could be hes a point too id be better off away 🦋🍃🍂🍁🐦
Ali: ‘Course I don’t want you running away without me
Ali: there’s no point but boys are delicate souls and they get a lot more scared a lot more easily
Carly: & you’ve your delicate boy to stay for
Carly: his brother’s not mine
Ali: Come to school tomorrow
Ali: I’ve got to get in the gates and registered but then we’ll leave, yeah
Carly: on tess’ bad side I’ll never 👀 my little mans savage scar
Carly: or have nowhere to lay my head down when I give bb his 🔐
Ali: I’m not the only one she purports to giving a shit about
Ali: you hate school, we had to come home, like
Ali: nearly everything is more important than [whatever you think is the most bullshit lesson because so many are lbr]
Carly: thought of going in knocks me 🤮 sure but it’ll be the same everywhere tomorrow like
Ali: In and out in time for falling back into bed, I swear
Carly: k 💛 I believe in your magic
Ali: I know you won’t feel better until you get to talk it out with him, properly better
Ali: but I’ll do what I can in the meantime
Carly: he’ll get the message when he gets his 🔐
Carly: nothing else needs saying but I’ll wait w my breath held for what he’s to anyway about how idc for myself & what a disgrace
Ali: ‘cos he does care for you
Ali: or he’d not be bothered by any of it, that’s the truth
Carly: don’t
Carly: I can’t hold hope only for him to decide & say I’m not worth the trouble
Ali: okay, no, you’re right
Ali: you can be just fine without him, no waiting for his permission
Carly: not w out u though
Carly: youre all ive got
Ali: never without me
Ali: I’m way too selfish to let you be free, we know 🦋🍃🍂🍁🐦
Carly: Im not ever ever after free of you
Ali: you know I’ll still be there for you, wherever I end up
Carly: ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Carly: i love u, youve knowing of that
Ali: I love you, nothing is changing that
Ali: just as you are, no notes
Carly: ah now no crying in front of the dealer hed drop me off god only has the knowing where & not look back
Ali: I’ll order some and my ma can beat him up when yous get here, easy
Carly: I wish I could be left on your doorstep instead of @ his window 👀 my 🖤🩹☢️🚨🚮💩☣️🦠💉🤎 reflection
Ali: less of that, your reflection is mesmerising because you’re so 🌼🐰🍓🤍 it’s not fair
Carly: [sorry x 13 which again I’m not gonna type out cos we know I can’t count]
Ali: it’s okay, angel
Ali: everyone has been going out of their way to suck, how are you meant to keep ✨ on your own
Carly: no lad’s ever gonna touch me like I’m 🌼🐰🍓🤍 are they?
Carly: im just 🍓❤️ when i fuck up my knees for em
Carly: they just wanna find out how ❤️💜💙 I can go
Ali: I don’t know, I won’t say it like I do
Ali: but I really, really believe that there is a lad out there who will, who can give you the whole ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎 and new colours too
Carly: how am I to find him?
Carly: like my ma I’m too in my own way ���🚦
Ali: we’ll work out a plan, if that’s what you’re after
Ali: manifesting, asking your man Jesus, plenty to be done
Carly: grand cos i lied, sorry
Carly: it hurts & I can’t do it no more
Ali: We’re going to figure it out, there’s nothing to be sorry for
Carly: everything about me feels like it’s to be sorry for
Carly: idk what to do
Ali: is that purely from what the lads are saying
Ali: or do you think it about you?
Carly: theyre not wrong but I don’t think youre either idk
Carly: 🙃🙃🙃
Ali: ‘cos it can all be true
Carly: can it?
Carly: & then what
Ali: you’re a full person, not a 😇 or 😈 or🤱
Ali: all or none or as many as you want
Ali: any lad that don’t get that has growing up of his own to do, there’s nothing wrong with you
Carly: 📻🎵🎤🎶🎧 unreal song
Ali: make Caleb put it on, like
Carly: [she will so send this gal the content of you singing and dancing to it because you’re an adorable egg who actually deserves only good things]
Ali: 😍😍😍
Carly: [and I won’t feel bad about this girl rudely dipping because she’s now vibing cos it’s a much nicer reason than her disassociating her way out of the chat/having a panic attack and y’all are gonna reunite at school tomorrow and have a day, even though first poor Carly will have to do her Effy style walk of shame back on site in the AM to come and put her uniform on and be looking a MESS even before she fully then has a panic attack outside her own gaff on her way to post this lock to this boy through his door, soz hun that you’re always going through it, up to you boo if he sees any of this or not but god bless, he’ll at least see at some point she has taken this lock off and returned it]
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