#barefoot and free (ic);
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This is what it felt like getting the notification that Wade found out about Logan being the baby daddy 😭
Logan let the first punch land, more out of courtesy than anything. Wade was pissed- rightfully so. "You fucking asshole-"
'Listen bub-"
"Fuck you," Wade spat. "I told you not to do it and what did you do?"
"It's not like I forced-"
Stab. Okay that was still fair. "Did you tell her to say it wasn't yours? Huh?"
Stab Stab
"No," he growled, pulling the knives out and sinking his claws into Wade's arm far enough that he's stop fucking stabbing him for a second. "That was her doing. After I broke it off with her-"
Wade cracked him in the jaw with his free hand and barred his teeth, "And what? Now you wanna play daddy? Wanted to see if she'd fall apart without you? See what the fuck was going to happen? Took you this long to Do. The. Math?"
The fighting hadn't stopped. Blood spattered the street like garnets. Bits of torn clothing and smashed glass. Wade Hade Logan pinned to the ground, a handgun against his forehead. Infuriated. For weeks he'd watched you put up a front and try to make it seem like you were fine. Like you weren't wallowing. Like you weren't petrified. And now that he could put the piece together the fury that gripped him was palpable.
The panic in your voice made both men turn to look. You looked distraught and as you ran out into the street, barefoot, still in your pajamas, Wade flipped the safety back on.
"Wade don't-" You shove uselessly at him, trying to get him off of Logan and swallow hard. "Don't-"
"There's glass everywhere, Christ," he said, getting off of Logan and pulling you into a bone-crunching hug. "Fucking-" He broke off and tucked your head against his shoulder. "Fine. I won't shoot him."
"I told her to stay inside," Logan groaned, getting up.
"You're still on thin ice," Wade snapped, hefting you up to take you inside. But he looked at you and kissed your forehead, "C'mon butterbean. No Hyperviolence for you and Jelly Bean today."
Are you both-"
"We're fine, Princess," Logan answered, coughing. "And no. I didn't stab him in the head."
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itsphoenix0724 · 6 months
I love your fics. Could you do an Azriel x Reader fic based on the song Hate Me by Blue October? It could lend itself to a great premise. The song didn't have a happy ending so I think the fic wouldn't need to either. I think it could be that Reader and Azriel were together (not mates) and Az did something to cause the Reader pain. And I feel like the fic could be vignettes of the IC spending time together and Reader ignoring him. Maybe even it could end with Reader finding someone new and moving on. If you like the idea, thanks in advance!
Hate Me (Azriel x Reader)
Warnings: Angst, no happy ending
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Hi lovely! Thank you so much for your request. I love me a good angst fic lol. I tried a different formatting for this, so we'll see how you guys feel about it! I hope you enjoy, please feel free to visit my page anytime <3
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If you’re sleeping, are you dreaming? If you’re dreaming are you dreaming of me? 
Azriel bolts upright in bed, chest heaving with shaking breaths that he can’t keep in. His hand instinctively reaches out to your side of the bed, but it meets nothing but cotton, fabric slipping through his fingers like water. You had been there, for a few blissful moments, holding him as you always had when the nightmares roused him from sleep. Now he was alone, and no one was at fault for it but himself. 
I had to block out thoughts of you so I don’t lose my head. They crawl in like a cockroach, leaving babies in my bed 
He may have hated himself for it but he tried to find comfort elsewhere, when he wasn’t working he was in the slums of Vlearis, drinking himself to the point of blacking out. He needed to forget your face, your voice, your smell. He couldn’t stand to be in the house the two of you had shared, not when your phantom was constantly haunting the halls, chasing him down at every turn. He thinks of you barefoot, singing and padding around the kitchen in nothing but your nightgown, and orders another shot.
And will you never say that you loved me just to put it in my face? And will you never try to reach me? It is I that wanted space. 
Azriel wanted you to yell at him, he wanted you to scream your rage so hard that the mountains rumbled. He could have taken that, he wanted it even. But what he couldn’t take is your indifference. Family dinners at the River House were mandatory, and Azriel tried to attend as few of them as possible. Mainly because you were always there. You had every right to attend, and you were always pleasant to him. Sending him tight-lipped smiles and polite nods, even passing him the potatoes at dinner. It was like looking in a warped mirror, a portrait someone had poured water over. His former happiness was nothing but running paint. 
Hate me today, Hate me tomorrow. Hate me for all the things I didn’t do for you. 
“Another mission?” You questioned from the doorway as Azriel was shoving things into a pack. “But you just got back yesterday?” Azriel sighed deeply, buckling the pack shut and hauling it over his shoulder.  “I know, I’m sorry but this is a serious matter.” His shoulders were tense, the dark circles under his eyes still prominent from not resting.  “How long will you be gone?” Your brows furrow. “A week at least,” came his tense reply. You were quiet for a moment, and the tension that filled the room could be cut with a knife.  “You’ll miss our anniversary, can’t they send someone else?” Your broken tone hurt his heart, but he persisted.  “Rhys needs this done urgently.” He pressed, fastening the straps of his leathers. “Rhys would never miss his and Feyre’s anniversary.” You snapped, the annoyance finally wearing on you.  “Well Rhys and Feyre are mates,” Azriel bit back and immediately regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. You took a step back, the betrayal shining clear on your features.  “Fine then, enjoy your mission.” You left his study, and he could hear the bedroom door slamming behind you.  He should’ve gone after you, he should’ve gone upstairs and begged for your forgiveness, but he left.  And he would regret that decision for the rest of his life.
While I was busy waging wars on myself, you were trying to stop the fight. You never doubted my warped opinions on things like suicide and hate. You made me compliment myself when it was way too hard to take
He returned from the mission and your things were gone. No trace was left of you in the apartment you once shared except for a letter on the kitchen table. Even in your goodbye, you weren’t angry, it was like you knew that this was coming for a while, but he was completely blindsided.  He could still recite the letter back from memory.  Azriel read it repeatedly, it was still in the back of a drawer in his office, unable to bear getting rid of it.  “Dear Azriel,  I’m sorry to leave you like this, however, I know that if I were to try in person I would fail. Please know I still love you, a part of my heart will always be yours to possess, but I cannot continue a relationship with a ghost. I need you to know a few things. Please don’t hate yourself for this, you tried your best but you are too obsessed with your work. I wish you could see that your family values you as a person and not for your abilities. No one would’ve loved you less if you had taken a day off, but I understand your battles. Another thing, do not try to follow me. I am taking some time, to find myself and heal, I hope you will do me this favor and respect that. I hope one day we can be friends. I’m sorry.”  Your name signed at the bottom felt like a brand stamped into his heart, the fact that you felt the need to apologize to him twisted the knife even further. True to his word, he respected your boundaries, and when you finally returned to the Night Court everything was different. You seemed to glow again and laugh again, and Az realized just how much of a shell you had become at the end of your relationship. 
And with a sad heart, I say bye to you and wave. Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I had made.
It was bittersweet for Azriel when you finally brought home your new partner. A male you met in Dawn on an emissary trip. The rest of the inner circle warmed to him quickly, as much as it pained Az to admit he was a good male. Theon made you blush, and laugh and was completely devoted to you. He gave you everything Azriel himself could not and he was happy for you. When it came time for Azriel to introduce himself, he glanced once at you running your teeth between your bottom lip with worry, and decided he would no longer be a barrier to your happiness. So, he did his best to smile and shook the male's hand to introduce himself.  You were happy, that was all that mattered to him. 
Hate me in ways, yeah, ways hard to swallow. Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you
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elusivewildflower · 2 months
i would love to hear your domestic six thoughts (if you have any)
Oooo, yes I do have some domestic Six thoughts! Domestic Six and letting him be all soft is probably one of my favorite things to think about, and some of these will tie in heavily with The Other Fitzroy series. Shout out to @lloydsbitch for brainstorming with me for some non-smutty ideas 🤣
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I think that after Six gets away from the CIA that he will teach himself how to become a handyman. He's not used to having so much free time, so he needs something that will keep his mind and body active. I feel his father probably taught him some things, since he was so determined to make his sons "macho," and that he's learned things as needed throughout his life -- but I'm talking about learning how to remodel a whole house just for you. You want to turn that spare room with a lovely view into a library? He'll build bookcases and a window seat by hand to transform it into the space you've dreamed of.
Whenever he's not busy keeping active, he's more than happy to sit on the couch and binge watch your favorite shows and movies. Six hasn't exactly had the time or internet access to watch everything that's came out in the last 20 years, so he has a lot to catch up on. Expect to spend several nights a week and potentially all weekend cuddled up on the couch, his arm wrapped around your waist and your head on his chest. But if you're watching an action movie, he won't be able to stop himself from calling out everything that's unrealistic.
Six clearly likes to be self-reliant after retiring, so he also has a garden in the backyard that he tends to on a daily basis. You certainly enjoy watching him tend to the crops from the covered porch. He's shirtless, dripping with sweat and covered in dirt by the time he comes up to you for a refreshing glass of lemonade. It's also fun to watch him chop firewood in the fall with a steaming cup of hot cocoa. He might be wearing more layers in the cold air, but the sound of his grunts carry across the yard and straight to your.....*ahem*
There was never much time for date nights while on the run, so Six makes quality time one of his big priorities after you've settled down. It still can be difficult to achieve with a child to take care of, but at least Claire is old enough to babysit for a few hours. Something easy that the two of you enjoy is taking a drive out to get ice cream (and maybe some fries to dip in it? I love salty & sweet, sue me.) and sitting together in the car. You'll find someplace to park and eat your dessert, happily chatting or snuggling up to each other. And if you can't manage to get away from the house, then Six will go out and get the treats for you after the kids are asleep. You'll cuddle up on the couch, or on the loveseat on the porch during the summer, and fall deeper in love with the sweet man by your side.
smutty thoughts are under the cut.......
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For starters, I want to give credit to @hederasgarden for this because she's the one who said Six has a housewife kink and I fully agree with it. By no means is he a lazy partner, but he does love to watch you cook in the kitchen and clean around the house. Both of those things make him look at you with hearts in his eyes and a growing erection in his pants. Especially if you happen to be wearing a pretty sundress. If the two of you are home alone when he gets riled up, he'll take you anywhere. He'll fuck you on the countertop, bend you over the side of the couch, or even halfway up the stairs on the way to the bedroom.
I also believe that Six has a major breeding kink. It might take him a year or two of being safe & settled to fully give himself into the kink, but once he does, he wants to pump you full of his seed every night. Six wants to see you barefoot and pregnant, and better yet — in a pretty sundress — and he won't rest until he gets it. If you thought him being riled up with his housewife kink was bad, just wait until he has to have you morning, noon, and night while you're ovulating. 🫣
After having kids, it's a lot harder to get that alone time together, but Six will happily sneak you away for a quickie. He knows your body so well that he can get both of you off in under ten minutes. Laundry needs switched over? He'll follow you in to "help." As soon as the dryer is on, he's got you bent over it — the sound of clothes tumbling around helps cover the noise of him pounding into you. Your baby just went down for a nap? Six will take you into your shared bedroom for a quickie, giving you an orgasm that puts you right to sleep. After all, you should be sleeping when the baby is, right? You need your rest, and while two of the most important people in his life are napping, he'll go downstairs to clean up the house or prep for dinner.
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stayconnecteed · 6 months
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han jisung drabble    —   993 words !
17 : 29⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀it had been hard not to fall in love with han jisung. you'd been trying for months, your lips curving into smiles that were never quite fake enough, your fingers sliding between his when they should have stayed in your pocket, his eyes meeting yours in a thousand and one places where you should have been looking at something else. it had been hard, and maybe you hadn't tried at all because deep down what you wanted most was that free fall, your heart beating with the chaotic, accelerated rhythm of someone in love, your cheeks turning red for no reason, and that bright aura that showered over you every time he pronounced your name.
but it was monday, the day he had rehearsal with his band, and you had left the gym early so you could go see him, your damp hair wetting the cushioned back of the chair, the ends curling up because they were already drying. he hadn't seen you, but you had seen him, and you could only admire the relaxed way his fingers caressed the strings of his guitar, the rumbling sound on the amplifier accompanying his voice as an eager puppy follows its owner, and the way he pronounced each word of the song's lyrics painting emotions in your chest. when you saw him enjoying the music it was like watching him dreaming with birds in his throat, the curve of a fa clef illuminating his lips with satisfaction.
and then the pianist had stopped the vision that was jisung on stage, announcing in a thick accent that it had gone perfectly, that he didn't think they needed to rehearse much more, though they would still see each other again the following monday. and your boy had looked to where he knew you would be waiting for him, his eyes like crescent moons, his smile drawing a heart between his cheeks, a crooked and irregular one, but one that belonged only to you. he had hurried to pack up, putting the electric guitar away with the rest of the instruments but hanging the strap of his acoustic guitar around his chest, meeting you at the door, with the same devotion with which his hand had met yours as soon as he had you near him.
because since you'd met him, all your mondays had been just as warm. because once you'd walked outside, your hands hanging intertwined in the sweet almond shape that formed the void between your bodies as you told him how your day had gone, his words crowding into his mouth as he tried to explain what he'd done in the morning, everything was blue and home, like dancing barefoot on the beach and the burst of strawberry flavor on a vacation afternoon. it was april, and you could feel summer at your fingertips, close enough to breathe a sigh of relief, but desperately far enough away to feel nostalgic for the one before.
in those moments of enamored reassurance that you had tried so hard to avoid then, you were lost now, his laughter sliding across your shoulders, your lips on his, silences of whispers and sighs that belonged to the both of you as you wandered to the nearest convenience store. and the contrast between the palm of his hand, warm against your skin, and the refreshing coolness you felt once he rested it again after taking the glass of cold ice tea from the freezer at the back of the store, the condensed drops of melting ice trapped between his fingers and your hip, were a reminder of what happened when no one was looking.
and then you stood in line to pay, as he rested his chin on your shoulder, his mouth forming monologues of incoherent worship against your neck, you found yourself unable to untangle his arms from your waist, the elderly store owner gazing lovingly at you. and then, as he drank and coated his upper lip without knowing it, the way his skin took on an instant crimson when you took his face in your hands, cheeks rough against your palms from not having shaved in a few days, you kissed the tea away. and then, as he babbled an excuse for the blushing mess he had become, he offered to share his earbuds until you reached the spot in the park where you always cuddled.
later he would offer his oversized hoodie as a blanket, your dress slipping up your thighs as you sat down, his legs folded under yours, and he would rest a hand on your bare skin while you picked up his guitar, ready to show him how much you had practiced the four chords he had taught you the week before. and you didn't see the way he looked at you, big brown eyes containing the universe in his pupils, lovesick smile, his heart on the verge of insanity, utterly devoted to you, but it was the same way your gaze fell on him when you asked him to play for you a song and he started ripping notes from the strings with an almost painful softness, concentrating on the rhythm, drowning in words that didn't exist to show you how much he loved you.
it had been hard not to fall in love with han jisung, but you hadn't even tried. as long as the birds sang wind songs about you two, as long as you were willing to peel oranges for him even if he didn't ask you to, as long as your memories were poetry and guitars and brief glances, then you'd never forget each other. because then you could smile freely, hold his hand without fear and look at him as much as you wanted to. it was a monday after five in the afternoon and you were awash in music, enjoying the kind of love that only happens once in a lifetime and obsessed with each other.
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© stayconnecteed 2024 · do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms
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artmopworks · 6 months
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added yuuta and did a quick color!
Some head canons that could either work in DF au or in just in general. This isn't an exhaustive list by any means but these are some that really stick in my brain for some reason.
-Goes through a period of intense self reflection and weed use in his mid 20s.
-He grows his hair out and wears it in a bun for about year. Maki would say he was depressed but he denies it for awhile before seeking help.
- Definitely had a phase where he does nothing but build Gundam's in his spare time.
-Finally accepts his lactose intolerance at 29 after Yuuta kicks him out of bed for the 10th night in a row because he insisted on having ice cream for dessert.
-Makes a point of telling Yuuta and Maki he loves them every day.
-Gets a trendy short hair cut in her early 20s and is unable to look in the mirror for at least 3 months after as she would only see mai looking back at her.
-After years of rejecting her own femineity as a result of struggling for acceptance from her clan in her youth, she finally embraces the idea that she can enjoy feminine things without it being seen as a sign of weakness.
-Nishimiya and Miwa made a point of visiting with Maki after they graduate to share stories about Mai. The three of them eventually become close friends.
-gets really into knitting in her 30s. Toge teases her once and she throws one of the needles so hard it sticks in the wall 2 inches from his head. He never teases her about it again.
-incredibly doting on Toge and Maki. She asks him to chill out after the 4th time they're mistaken for a married couple in public. He does not.
-Goes through a depressive period right along with Toge, often encouraging, albeit unknowingly, some of their more reclusive behaviors.
-Gets super into barefoot style footwear in his early 30s. Toge hated the way all his shoes looked. Later realized it was giving him knee pain and gave it up.
-Full on coffee snob in his mid 20s.
-Reconnects with his parents and younger sister after graduating and they happily accept Toge as part of their family.
-Regularly has "bro time" with Hakari.
feel free to comment your head canons about these 3!
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whorediaries-09 · 5 months
i've got some regrets
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s)- angst. a/n- let me know if ya'll like this chapter :)
little train. series masterlist.
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sirius could remember the day clearly. his mind envisioned it like a movie playing on a roll. the hatred quenched him, as a growing lump of spite nurtured into his throat. when death caught up with the ones he loved, he'd been thrown into a dark seclusion, kept with his own thoughts that drove him into the edge of insanity.
after five years, he had been lit up with a timid flame of hope of freedom. he walked barefoot hidden within his tattered clothes. his face was concealed with his long, matted, untamed hair and his overgrown beard. the lights of the room blind him, unaccustomed to such light.
he walks towards the light trying to break free. but his fierce soul has been tied down by heavy metal chains he drags along. he lifts up his head high, staring at the crinkled faces of the wizengamot. among them, his eyes land on albus dumbledore - his mentor and tutor, the betrayer. his blood boils as he walks towards the chair he's assigned.
invisible strings conjure from thin air, wrapping around his thin body, tying him down to the metal chair. his bony back hits the metal, and a sharp pain excruciates within him. he stares around the room, looking for cornelius fudge. he observes everyone slowly, trying to read through the people. that is until he's distracted by the sound of rubbing shoes against polished tiles.
you walk into the room, and suddenly you're the center of attention. every eye is on your form as your cloak flows with your graceful walk. there are hidden whispers and soft murmurs, that reach your eyes, but that doesn't blur your confidence. you're strengthened by the gazes that follow your footsteps.
the attention doesn't behead your feeling of joy, instead it fuels the fire within you. you catch sirius gazing at you, and you maintain the eye contact with a small smile on your face. walking towards him, you execute out your wand, ripping apart the ties around him with a simple spell. the wizengamot collectively gasps.
'your hand, mr. black,' you say. sirius stares at you with the same cold gaze the first time he'd talked to you. but there's a lace of scrutiny within his eyes that had been absent the last time. he'd been ignorant your voice and you, staring at you. but now, it seems along with a timid flame of hope has lit up a flame of curiosity. he gives you his hand. its dirty, calloused and rough. you hold it with a sheer aura of authority, and look sharply into his eyes. he speaks, low and soft.
'do you vow to give me the freedom i deserve?' he asks, finding his heart thump against his rib.
'yes,' you say.
'do you vow to give me the lawful justice as an unjustified verdict?' he says. he wanders his eyes around the room, catching the ice blue hue of dumbledore's eyes.
'do you vow to not betray me?' he asks, biting his teeth with pure rage. the pressure on your hand increases but you don't flinch. nodding your head, you reply,
cornelius sits on the high chair, skimming through pages on his desk. he watches sirius' unbound hands through his glasses. uncomfortable and visibly shaky underneath the confident gaze thrown by the latter, he looks back onto the sheets.
'so, alastor moody's lovely recruited auror has decided to take upon mr. black's closed case.' he announces. his eyes shift to you. you provide him with a sickly sweet grin.
'i'm my own person, mr. fudge. i'm not alastor moody's lovely recruit.' you say. he coughs up your name, scrunching his eyebrows.
'okay, so may i ask why? any personal attachment with mr. black.'
'no,' you say simply, 'i became an auror to fight against injustice. sirius black's case is the most infamous one. yet it's so...incomplete. no trial.' your eyes shift to dumbledore.
'it seems,' you click your tongue, 'injustice is not a very uncommon affair within the ministry. a trial for sirius black wasn't even filed. i'm wonderstruck, because mr. black showed loyalty to the order nobody else did.'
'now i'm forced to believe he'd been put behind because of his... past, the ties to his family name. but that still doesn't add up, considering his very lovely cousin bellatrix got a trial in her name. the stakes of you-know-who were high at the time. and every case i've analyzed was put under a proper trial, since dark magic knows no end. i believe, mr. fudge, it was pure hypocrisy on the ministry's part.'
you twist the end of your sleeve, waiting for a response. fudge babbles his head, sliding his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.
'there was no need to. sirius black was made the secret keeper and that was not a rumor!' he says.
'that, is where the ministry went wrong. dark magic knew no bounds at those times!' you say. while the anger bubbles inside you, you stay calm and serene, not wanting more headlines and gossip by rita skeeter printed on the daily prophet.
'fine then. but i must warn you you're getting too ahead with your authority. just because you were positioned to be an auror earlier than others doesn't mean-'
'mr. fudge i have proved myself mentally and physically capable of being an auror, have i not? maybe let's not discuss my abilities and waste time. time is money after all.' he closes his mouth, his thin lips disappearing within the folds of his loose skin. he scratches his eyebrow.
'so, what evidence have you got to defend ... mr black?' sirius stares at him intensely. with every word that the minister spills from his filthy lips, it infuriates him to the core. but as soon as you serenely defend your values, he gains a feeling of satisfaction. somehow your calmness fuels his fire of hope. somehow your presence calms his rotting nerves.
'we don't have any eye witnesses. the muggles' memory had been wiped off by the officials, as per the record. now, the only evidence is his own words. and-'
'that's bonkers! don't you think he would lie?' cornelius interrupts. staring piercely into his eyes, you whisper.
'maybe that's why we have something called veritaserum. maybe if justice for a wrongly convicted verdict would've been of importance to this rigged system, mr. fudge, you would've had your brain functioning properly.'
'so, that's your evidence?'
'yes. the wizengamot acts as witness to what he says. then we give him veritaserum, and we see if we says the truth or not.' you walk towards him, retrieving a bottle of potion from the folds of your cloak.
'here's the veritaserum that i've prepared. alastor moody has checked upon it, for any faults and in the papers have been put on your table. there's no sign of any mishaps.' fudge gathers the papers, coughing a confirmation.
'fine. mr. black, proceed, with your part of the story.' the wizengamot stares at him. sirius feels confidence rush back into his body as you touch him, squeezing his shoulder, encouraging you. you bend down, tucking a stray piece of matted hair behind his ear.
'don't be heated. you'll beat the charge if you beat the heat.'
the hurricane screams his name, washing away the deathless death that had captured him into a quiet treason.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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Word prompts, activity/quote prompts, aesthetic prompts, and fashion prompts oh my!
Feel free to use a single prompt or a combination. No rules apply to to these prompts and how many or few or which combination you can use. Have fun!
Daily Word Prompts
Day 1: sundress
Day 2: beach date
Day 3: swimming/ skinning dipping
Day 4: fireworks
Day 5: summer heat
Day 6: summer wine
Day 7: sunshine
Day 9: summer holiday
Day 10: late night talking under the stars
Day 11: barbecue
Day 12: joyride
Day 13: sunburn
Day 14: road trip
Day 15: take me out to the ballgame/ outdoor games
Day 16: heatwave
Day 17: thunderstorms
Day 18: nightclub
Day 19: pool party
Day 20: tan lines
Day 21: one towel
Day 22: popsicle
Day 23: bonfire
Day 24: swimsuit
Day 25: summer romance
Day 26: outdoor movie night
Day 27: too hot to handle
Day 28: swimming lessons
Day 29: birthday
Day 30: summer wedding
Day 31: eternal summer
Activity and Quote Prompts
tackling and splashing water at one another
going on a picnic date
wearing sun-dresses and your partner absolutely can't get enough of it
cycling at sunset together
dancing around a bonfire
laying on their chest while watching the sunrise
laying in bed all day together with fans on
going out to get ice cream at 2 am
when one loves to cuddle and the other hates feeling sticky
unwinding by swimming together at night
accidentally going to a horrendous summer party and finding each other and going, "We gotta get outta this!"
"Why won't you hug me?" "I love you, but you're sweaty and disgusting.” “Ok then join the club, let's be sweaty and disgusting togeth-"
sprawling on the floor like a starfish in the middle of the living room with all fans at high speed
summer person x winter person
“If you’re not barefoot, you’re overdressed.”
“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.”
"Being in love is like a rollercoaster and a stroll on the beach rolled into one."
Late Summer Aesthetic Prompts
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[1][2 & 3][4] [5][6]
Summer Fashion Prompts
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[1] [2] [3] [4] [6 & 10] [7 & 8] [9] [11 & 12]
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urfavstargirl · 1 year
things to manifest: summer edition pt 2 ★
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heyy stars, as yall may know my first 'things to manifest: summer edition' post kind of blew up (at least for my standards of blowing up)! since you guys liked it so much i thought i would do a part two! if you have any reccomendations for things to add, drop them in the notes. if you have any 'things to manifest' editions that you want made, send it in my asks <3
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★ ice cream and popsicles never melt 🍦
★ lemonade always tastes freshly squeezed 🍋
★ if you don't have one, manifest a trampoline so you can have a cute trampoline sleepover with ur besties
★ manifest your summer being inspired by your fav summer movie/show/book (the summer i turned pretty, OBX etc)
★ free tickets to the new Barbie movie?? 💕💕
★ if you're an upperclassman in hs or a college student, manifest your dream summer internship
★ your summer clothes/swimsuits perfectly compliment ur body
★ running around barefoot doesn't hurt
★ you can see clearly underwater without goggles on 🏊
★ if you wanna move houses, manifest that you move to a house a short walk from the beach
★ every sunset is beautiful and colorful
★ a free telescope (really good ones are super expensive) so you can look at the stars on summer nights  💫🔭
★ waxing your legs/armpits/arms doesn't hurt, or they're just naturally hairless
★ cute summer nails!
★ when you get smoothie bowls, the extra fruit doesn't sink
★ butterflies are drawn to you and they land on your fingers/nose! 🦋
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lemonberry-conda · 10 months
The rulers from more diverse climates (Fwhip, Gem, Scott, Katherine, Shubble, and Sausage) dress down slightly when they go to Mezalea, Pixandria, or The Ocean Empire on state business.
They wear looser more breathable fabrics, they walk with parasols or hide under the shade of trees to avoid the scorching heat and burning rays of the sun. Some of them decide to go barefoot, feeling the moss and sand as they walk.
They relax and lounge on the beach with a cold drink, beat the heat by taking a dip in the ocean. They genuinely enjoy the time they spend not stuck in meetings where the stuffy air and sweltering heat are inescapable.
On the other hand, the "Summer Empires" (Joel, Lizzie, and Pix) go through a hellish torture labyrinth when they have to visit the empires with cold climates during the winter- hell, during any time other than the summer.
Bundled up in multiple layers, violently shaking during meetings, spending every ounce of their free time huddled up in front of a roaring fireplace with a hot drink.
They think the snow is beautiful but going out to try and enjoy it or goof around is not worth getting soaked in the freezing cold. Ice skating, winter sports, completely out of the question because it's just more opportunities to pratfall and then get completely sopping wet when it's below freezing.
It's genuinely so pathetic, and they never ever get used to it. Jimmy just has to watch his allies nearly die from exposure every single year without fail.
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sparklepocalypse · 4 months
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Hey hi hello! Once again it's Wednesday, and once again I've utterly neglected my @aroyallybigbangrwrb fic in favor of something else. My muse, as I described it to @kiwiana-writes, is basically a puppy following a butterfly, and right now the butterfly lives in this other WIP (by which I, of course, mean Graceless Heart).
Thanks to MJ, as well as to @thesleepyskipper, @myheartalivewrites, @blueeyedgrlwrites, @getmehighonmagic, @suseagull04, aaaand
@onthewaytosomewhere for the tags today! It's pretty late, so I shall abstain from cold calling anyone, but feel free to snag my open tag if you'd like!
“Um,” Alex says, licking his lips. “So, if I said this was doing it for me…?” “You naked, me fully clothed?” Henry asks. He tilts his head consideringly, gaze following the pattern of icing smudges down Alex’s chest to his groin, where his cock has begun to darken with blood and plump up. “More specifically, me naked, you dressed up like…” Alex gestures at Henry, who glances down at his clothing. A knowing smile eases onto Henry’s lips as he looks back at Alex’s face. “Like a prince,” Henry murmurs. “No. Well, yes, because you look hot as fuck right now… but more like you could make me—” Alex breaks off this statement and swallows audibly. “Order me to—” Henry steps closer. With Alex barefoot and himself still in his dress shoes, they’re of a height, but Henry catches the slight tremble in Alex’s legs before he bends his knees just enough that he has to look up into Henry’s eyes. “Order you to do what?” Henry asks, in a tone like silk over steel. “Anything you wanted,” Alex blurts. His cheeks redden, and Henry brushes the pad of one thumb over the heated skin. “You could make me take it.”
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justwritedreams · 23 days
Hey can i request one where Sehun and the reader are having a romantic date in Paris, and confess their feelings for eachother infront of the eiffel tower?
Ok I really recommend everyone to read it while listening to From the Jump by James Arthur. You can thank me later.
I just wanna spend forever with you | Sehun
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Word count: 794 Genre: fluff Author: maari  Warnings: none Note: I'm gonna cry in the corner thank you
⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Y/N had her eyes closed, feeling the gentle breeze of that perfect, sunny day. Her heart was calm in her chest, but anxiety was taking over the tip of her stomach, and it wasn't hunger because she had just had breakfast in the hotel suite she was in.
A silly, involuntary smile took over her face, she was so happy that there was no way anyone couldn't notice.
And that smile only grew when she felt strong arms wrap around her waist, she opened her eyes as soon as Sehun's chin rested on her shoulder.
"A rose for your thoughts." he said after placing a kiss on her bare skin, making her look at his hands on her body.
He held a red rose in his right hand and she took the flower.
"I'm thinking about last night." she admitted softly as her cheeks heated up, appreciating the flower. "It was magical."
She rested her head on Sehun's strong chest, feeling him place a kiss on her cheek.
Y/N and Sehun had arrived in Paris the day before, and spent the day as ordinary tourists walking the streets hand in hand. In the evening, they had dinner at a fancy restaurant while talking about their respective lives.
It was a miracle that they had both taken a vacation at the same time and Sehun had the brilliant idea of ​​spending their days together in Paris. More than just a gentleman, he was being thoughtful and the sparkle in his eyes every time he looked at her was making Y/N's legs tremble.
After dinner, they went to the hotel room he had booked with a view of the Eiffel Tower. The room was full of rose petals on the floor and in the bed, also candlelight scattered on the room. It was the first time they had a long night of love, something they had both dreamed of for so long.
"Do you remember? This is where we met." he remembered and she sighed, filled with memories.
"In the summer." she continued.
"You fell on top of me in the middle of the street." he finished, laughing softly and Y/N did the same.
“Because I tripped and my shoe flew into the Seine River.” She brought her free hand to her forehead, embarrassed.
Sehun pulled away only to make her turn to face him, where he took a strand of her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek.
It was a day when the Seine River was crowded with tourists, taking pictures, talking, sitting or lying in the middle of the sidewalk. To avoid a child's ice cream, Y/N ended up tripping over her own feet with her hurried movement and bumped into Sehun, they both fell at the same time with Y/N ​​on top of him and her shoe flew off her foot and fell into the Seine River.
He was gentleman enough not to laugh or argue with her, he helped her up and insisted on taking her to the nearest shoe store so she could buy a new pair of shoes. Of course she refused, the stores in Paris were too expensive, but he insisted and even made her lean on his shoulder so she wouldn't step on the ground barefoot.
It was impossible not to notice how good Sehun smelled or how handsome he was. In such a short time, she developed a crush on him that continued when he helped her put on the shoes he insisted on paying for. After that, they exchanged phone numbers and didn't stop talking, consequently meeting up more often. But it was on their date at the Champ de Mars that they both felt something deeper, something that was never really said out loud. "It's even cliché, but I fell in love the moment you fell on top of me." Sehun was serious and calm, he was being sincere and all she did was smile sweetly. "I didn't believe in love at first sight until I met you." Y/N felt her eyes water and hugged him tightly, getting lost in the warmth of his body. Sehun reciprocated in the same way as he stroked her hair. "It's so bad to be away from you when the only thing I want is to spend forever with you." she said and pulled away to bring her free hand to his face. “You will always have this heart of mine. It is only yours.” Sehun pulled her by the waist so that they could seal their lips at once, in a sweet and soft way like the breeze outside, with the Eiffel Tower being the only witness to that passionate promise that was immortalized in that moment of love.
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battleangel · 1 year
Walking While Carefree & Black
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Fetishized & dehumanized.
Daily misogynoir.
Harrassed on my daily walks for hugging a tree, picking a flower, laying on grass and stretching out my arms, twirling, smiling, being an unrushed unbothered carefree fierce ferocious unapologetic black woman who isnt on the way to somewhere, Im not going to 7-11 five minutes from my apartment, Im not rushing to work, Im not hurrying, Im not hustling, Im not bustling, Im not harried, Im not distratcted, Im not anxious, Im not impatient, Im not speedwalking, Im not in a car, Im not on a bike, Im walking on sidewalks, under bridges, near highways, busy intersections, busy traffic lights, near school buses, near angry white stay at home moms pushing their strollers, moms with toddlers shielding their eyes from me, white police men slowing their patrol cars when I am doing nothing but take a selfie under a bridge.
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Why cant I be free?
Why cant I twirl?
Why cant I hug trees?
Why cant I treat a light pole as a stripper pole?
Is it a crime to joke around during the day when people are at school and work, jokingly twirl myself around the pole, pretend I am a pole dancer, and take a video selfie?
Will I be Sandra Bland'd?
Why cant I take pictures of a rose garden?
Why cant I take a selfie under a bridge? On a park bench?
Why cant I pick flowers near the sidewalk, smell them, place them behind my ear and skip down the sidewalk pavement?
Capitalism demands that I, a black woman, be a slave to their system but I left their system.
I left Amazon in a week with no job lined up.
I left Dow Jones with no job lined up.
I left Bank of America in 3 months with no job lined up.
I left Yale.
I quit my career coaching business after 3 years and over a hundred executive clients.
I permanently left corporate in 2019 and quit my business this year.
I am a permanent freeelancer now.
I am a podcaster now. We dont have sponsors yet so I dont currently generate income.
$55/hr at Amazon and after six months they were going to convert me with the coveted unrestricted stock aka golden handcuffs.
It was a cult. I left in a week.
I made -$7,000 last year as my business failed. I hated sales and referrals dried up.
Capitalism says I am a failure and a loser.
Capitalism says I, a nubian queen, Isis, an egyptian goddess, am only worth the revenue I generate.
I was the highest rated recruiter with the most hires at every Fortune 500 company I worked at.
I had over a hundred executive clients with my career coaching business that landed offers at Disney, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, Amazon & Comcast with five figure salary increases.
I was a career advisor at Yale who coached graduate and postdoc STEM students.
Capitalism rolls its eyes and asks me, What have you done for me lately?
It demands I turn myself back into a machine to be deemed worthy.
But those days are over.
I will never work another 9 to 5 in any industry -- corporate, academic or non-profit.
I will never work a job that requires that I report into a supervisor.
I will never work another job with dictated shifts.
I will never sell anything to anyone ever again. I detest sales and I hate capitalism.
Capitalism is dehumanizing and it kills. It profits off of, relies on and thrives on energetic and psychic attacks that sends its adherents & acolytes to an early stress-induced death.
I was having GI issues and I healed myself.
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No doctor, no gastroenterologist, no harmful laxatives, no chemical stimulants, no synthetic lab-made prescription medication that can all be addictive.
The smoothie takes 5 minutes and is just blending 1 cup pineapples, 1/2 cucumber, 1/4 grated ginger, 1 lemon, 1 orange, 2 tbs apple cider vinegar and 4 ice cubes & 1 cup of water in a mixer. Makes 2 servings, drink 1 cup in morning and 1 cup at night.
I just started walking outside in nature for an hour a day, not power walking, no step counting, no calorie counting, just being in nature, soaking up the sun, breathing the air, barefoot in grass, hugging trees, picking and smelling flowers, doing simple yoga exercises, abdominal massages, using a heating pad on my stomach, drinking 32 to 64 oz of water a day, eliminating coffe, not drinking soda during the week (used to drink 1 to 2 cans a day), fresh fruit & vegetable smoothie in the morning, oatmeal or grape nuts cereal with peppermint herbal tea no sugar or honey, homemade vegetarian salad & homemade vegetarian dressing (store bought dressing has a ton of fat, sugar amd calories) and mixed nuts as a snack Monday through Friday then I take a break and eat what I want on the weekend.
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GI issues resolved themselves in a week, I am healthier, lighter, less sluggish, more fit, more in shape and more energetic. This is now my diet 75% of the time (5 days a week).
Decolonize your mind.
You have the ability to heal yourself. Stop running to doctors and quick fixes.
Change what you eat. Move more.
Get outside in nature! You are nature!
That is what heals. We come from nature and we are nature.
Trees, grass, sunlight, air, flowers, butterflies, streams, brooks, meadows, gardens, pumpkin patches, orchard farms, parks, nature trails.
Get outside.
Not to get in your car. Not to go somewhere.
Stop spending all your time penned inside like an animal and a prisoner.
Not to go to the mall, shopping, a restaurant, a salon, a spa, a movie theater, work, school, a grocery store, a laundromat, dry cleaners.
Not to run an errand.
Not to sit in traffic in a machine.
Not to burn calories.
Not to power walk.
Not to lose weight.
To reconnect with nature.
To reconnect your mind, soul, body, heart and spirit.
The west purposely severs this connection in service of capitalism.
Its up to you to restore it.
Walk. Breathe. Be. Skip. Twirl. Pose. Use the sidewalk as a catwalk. Take selfies. Take pictures.
Stop and smell the flowers.
Hug a literal tree.
Lay on the grass while cars roll past you with their windows down and stare at you like youre crazy.
Its 11 am on a Tuesday.
What the hell is she doing laying on the grass with her arms outstretched?
Why isnt she at work or at school?
Confuse people with your very presence.
I have a goth alt kawaii japanese street fashion aesthetic that includes boyshorts, leather garters, torn fishnets, leather chokers, hello kitty tiaras, six inch pink platform heels, black lipstick, mini cut out crop tops, extremely thick black eyeliner and hot pink eyeshadow.
For wearing this on Friday on my daily walk at 8:30 am which I then shared on TikTok, I was accused of being indecent, inappropriate for children to see going to school, people stared, rolled their windows down, honked at me, cars followed me, two men purposefully walked right into me bumping me (there was plenty of room on the sidewalk), an HVAC repairman leered at me outside of his van and literally just stared holes through me as I walked by.
Im 41. Im 5"1. Im 92 lbs. Im black and female.
I have a quirky style and aesthetic. I look young.
I also shaved my head bald a few weeks ago and have a bald fade.
People have since then called me a dyke, asked if I am trans, am I a boy or a girl, whats the deal.
Thats when I dont have a wig on.
I love different looks so I also wear long wigs.
The reaction is completely different when I wear a wig and people tell me how good I look, that people are slowing their cars down because I am attractive.
Bald fade, bony dyke who looks like a boy and might be trans.
Long wig, attractive girl, let me slow down and get a look.
Still black no matter the hair. Still followed.
Still harrassed.
A MAGA Proud Boy harrassed me with my bald fade while I was wearing an Eagles shirt and jeans. He stared at me as I took a selfie on a bench under a tree, when I got up to walk home, he started walking towards me and blocked my path in the small walkway we were both on and wouldnt let me pass.
Doesnt matter if its boy shorts and leather garters or an Eagles shirt and jeans.
I am harrassed for being a carefree black girl in capitalist Amerikkka.
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rpstartersinc · 1 year
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
" it started with a simple choice, escape or die. "
" he almost killed you last time, didn't he? "
" what about me? you gotta take me with you. "
" i really didn't have a choice. "
" you haven't escaped anything unless you go on to something. "
" the first thing i noticed was the smell. "
" just like day follows night, every man succumbs to his nature. "
" you're lucky i was here. "
" maybe you're my guardian angel. "
" you can stand to eat a meal if you must, you can stand to make love if you're able, but it's impossible to stand and drink, it's the act of a barbarian, an animal at the watering hole. "
" you talk too much. "
" i walked here barefoot 'cause a guy came in my shoes. "
" people will be fascinated with your story. "
" it takes a prick to know one. "
" this is the place they were thinking about when they invented the word 'the pits'. "
" i like that you haven't asked what this is for. "
" you don't think people can change? "
" you're a good listener, it's dangerous - because it's so hard to resist being listened to. "
" what i want is to be master of my own destiny. "
" i'm sorry to have kept you so late. "
" were you gonna say goodbye? "
" there's no redemption for the likes of you. "
" he was looking pretty dead to me. "
" nothing you do will change the fact that they are gone. "
" i knew once you got my message, you'd come running. "
" i wonder what you're so guilty about that playing the hero was this important. "
" i can't go to the authorities, it's not an option for me. "
" i am a man of peace, so please do not be hurting me. "
" they almost killed me. "
" maybe i wanna feel good. "
" we're being betrayed. "
" i don't know why people can't be nicer. "
" it's always love that sends us down the rabbit hole. "
" what happened to your face? "
" i do not have friends, times like this are exactly why. "
" i think you should stop interfering with my business. "
" we have no relationship, i owe you nothing. "
" only a fool plays a game without knowing the rules first, or the other players. "
" you shouldn't be calling me. "
" ambitious men are never content. "
" it's not your fault you're weak. "
" you really need me to keep quiet, eh? "
" everything has its use by date, and everyone. "
" you can be such a child sometimes. "
" you can't spend the rest of your life refusing to care for anyone in case they leave. "
" my life isn't any man's to give or take. "
" we can compel men not to be bad but we cannot compel them to do good. "
" you have a fairly scary reputation. "
" this place means a great deal to me. "
" i can't treat it if i can't see it. "
" i didn't want to wake you. "
" will you come with me to my place? i don't wanna be there on my own. "
" there is no shame in being afraid. "
" you're a long way from home to be making threats. "
" for a man who doesn't want trouble you keep interesting company. "
" i am a businesswoman, this is the price. "
" what, so that's it? try to kill a guy and then eat ice cream? "
" what you want matters little. "
" he saw me alone and he tried to take his chance. "
" you're a hard man to find. "
" do my eyes deceive? is this a ghost? "
" what is this, are you jealous? "
" i liked it when you defended me tonight. "
" i'm beginning to think it's because you're scared. "
" you haven't said a word since we left. "
" please do not ruin my happy thoughts, your face is very... children will cry if they look at this face. "
" you don't have to suffer anything if you're strong enough to deny it. "
" i missed you. "
" it's such an arrogance to love someone and to expect it in return. "
" i never wanna be dependent on anyone else again. "
" perhaps a simple, earthy, no-strings fuck would do you a world of good. "
" just 'cause i left, it doesn't mean i don't still love you. "
" sounds like a date. "
" i'd prefer to get there alive. "
" have they hurt you? "
" where would the fun be if we all did as we are told? "
" i'm leaving you alone like this. "
" you're my friend, even if you don't want any. "
" don't forget who works for who. "
" you don't need to justify yourself to me. "
" you can hate me and still not let the tea go to waste. "
" i'm the one who will get the job of killing you. "
" loyalty comes out of love, or fear, or debt. "
" i never said i was a good person. "
" you can't blame yourself for that. "
" i am too happy you are alive. "
" you are a good man and you think too much. "
" the only thing stronger than love is the hate left behind when it's gone. "
" if you want me to beg, you will wait a long time. "
" the world has no place for me. "
" i don't think you've ever loved anyone in your life. "
" a warrior has to follow orders, even when they don't like them. "
" just 'cause i don't want you here doesn't mean i've forgotten my manners. "
" have dinner with me, just like two normal people. "
" i keep them to remember what a terrible human being i am. "
" you can love someone and do terrible things to them, all at the same time. "
" it's good to be nervous, it means it matters. "
" i think you shot me, you bastard. "
" you're fucking dying, and i'm the only thing that's gonna stop it, okay? "
" i made sure i wasn't followed. "
" i never stabbed anyone in my life, i'm not gonna start now. "
" good way to get yourself killed. "
" is this your blood? "
" how does it feel? knowing you're gonna fucking die and there's nothing you can do about it. "
" i never wanna see you again. "
" if you lie, then a crow will bite you. "
" you are the cause of my problems. "
" we need to keep you out of sight. "
" i almost had it, and then you made me forget. "
" i hate doing nothing. "
" the whole point of you staying is so that you can stay out of harm's way. "
" you're gonna bleed out, you need to stay still. "
" i have never seen so much money before in my whole life, forget all in one bag. "
" stop! they're gonna hear you! "
" you've lost the right to ever say my fucking name. "
" i've had enough of this shit, do you hear me?! "
" short version: it all went to shit. "
" a coward isn't capable of exhibiting love. "
" you'll never need to catch me as much as i need to be free. "
" every time we cage a man, we close him in with hate. "
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its-moopoint · 1 month
Recommendation: Belgravia & Belgravia: The next chapter.
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So, I've been on holidays and finding myself with more free time I had been missing my preferred way of entertaining myself, that is a good historical romance book or period drama TV show.
Feeling kind of barefooted after finishing The Bridgertons new season (not my cup of tea by the way, in my honest opinion big downgrade from season 2 and season 1 not to mention Queen Charlotte series, it's like the show goes downwards without brakes each new season making it worse than the previous one. Same as in OL actually. I think it's because success gets to their heads and they feel more confident to take new licences that diverge from the original material, which they shouldn't because that in the end affects the essence of your product that was the main reason why it was being successful in the first place).
But I disgrees, the thing is I was looking for something to watch as I wait for The Buccaneers and OL new seasons (to tell you the truth I'm only interested in watching Claire and LJG fucking) and accidentally I came across Belgravia. I took a look and said why not, let's give it a try. At first I confess it felt a bit weird, used as I am now to the modern view in Bridgertons this felt a whole lot more somber and classic. I went on watching and overcame that initial weirdness when I adjusted to their way of storytelling and I actually enjoyed the first series very much. It was refreshing seeing that there are still a few ways in which one can be surprised by unexpected plot twists.
So I was already happy with my choice, and along came The Next Chapter. Oh my. I binge-watched the whole thing last night and I'm also happy to discover there's no need to always have splicit sex scenes or very much sexual passion on screen to ship an onscreen couple. I was hooked watching the raw pain that's witnessing Friedrick and Clara's relationship throughout the episodes, always understanding both sides and sympathising with them.
The icing on the cake has been finding out that the main actress who plays Clara is the one playing Ellen Fraser on the new show Blood of my Blood. I liked her immensely as Clara and I think she's gonna be perfect as Ellen so I'm looking forward to getting a glimpse of what they do with that.
So, if you haven't seen it yet and you feel like watching something new along these lines (love story, romance, period drama, suspense, a few plot twists...) and you aren't worried about missing the raunchiest stuff from OL or Bridgertons then I suggest you give these shows a try.
Let me know if you do or what your thoughts are if you have already seen it!
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eoieopda · 2 years
Hii i'm resending this because i saw you saying your asks box got deleted! Can you write something about husband jin being super domestic? Thank you jade! 😘
husband!jin gives me such butterflies 🥰 and in my mind, he primarily wears glasses because LOOK at this man:
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It wasn’t unusual for you to wake up to the sound of singing. More often than not, it was an improvised song that narrated whatever Seokjin was doing or seeing at any given time. Every now and then, this was a complex, step-by-step tutorial of his current task -
Today’s soundtrack was melodically intricate, but lyrically quite simple: your name, over and over, swept from all the highs and lows of his vocal range. You’d just woken up and yet you were already smiling. Your sleepy little heart swelled in your chest.
What was unusual was that the blanket you woke up underneath was not the one you went to sleep with. Barely awake, you scrunched this new variable in a tired fist and held it up to your face for inspection. Nope, you thought, there’s been a change in the ecosystem.
You wriggled free of that comforter to find a bare mattress - and bare pillows - below you. Somehow, Seokjin had managed to strip the sheets and pillowcases entirely without waking you up. For someone who lived as loudly as he did, this feat was especially impressive. Then again, you slept like the dead and weren’t easily disturbed.
Once you gracelessly crawled to the edge of the bed and your feet touched the rug, you realized your socks were gone. You blinked down at your toes with one eyebrow raised.
Your husband apparently took laundry day quite seriously.
Padding barefoot out of your bedroom, you did your best to rub the remaining sleepiness from your makeup-free face. Your hair was beyond help, though. Half of it had mutinied the bun sitting at the crown of your head like a deflated balloon; the runaway strands fell in messy waves around your neck.
Early on in your relationship, you’d wake up earlier than Seokjin to sneak into the bathroom and freshen up. You’d then slip back into his arms, and pretend to be asleep just long enough for him to wake up and see how cleanly and prettily you glowed. It worked one (1) time and then he caught onto your scheme.
“Do you often sleep with fresh lip-balm on?”
Down the stairs, you shuffled along on chilled toes towards the kitchen - the venue in which his morning concert was taking place. You stopped short upon crossing over the threshold, not just because the black-and-white tile was ice to you, but because your eyes locked on your husband.
He heard the way you laughed through your nose, ceased his absent-minded singing, and turned to look at you over his shoulder. That shoulder, like the rest of his torso, was fighting against the tight fabric of one of your old sweatshirts.
It was pink, absurdly small, and - to top it all off - already cropped. On your small frame, not much of your middle was exposed. Notably, you hadn’t worn it recently because it had gotten too snug on you. On Seokjin, it barely covered his rib cage. His tapered waist and unfairly muscular back were on full display.
Your husband clearly took laundry day very seriously.
“Good morning, sunshine!” He chirped with a mega-watt grin. He wasn’t acknowledging the ridiculousness of his outfit, so you wouldn’t, either. Instead, he grabbed the pan in his hand and flipped the pancakes within it easily.
Your trip across the cold tile to his side looked more like a game of hopscotch, but you eventually reached your target. Now on tiptoe, you leaned in and kissed his cheek. He was warm from standing so near to the stove, so you wrapped your arms around his very exposed stomach to steal what heat you could.
“Smells good, baby,” You hummed, glancing up at him with your face buried in your his sweatshirt. “Cinnamon?”
He kissed the top of your head, then he shrugged, “Trying something new,” he paused before tacking on an amendment, “And by that, I mean I spilled most of the package and needed to use the tiny bit left before I could throw it away.”
You snickered. You’d married the one person more clumsy than you, though he did a much better job of turning his mistakes into little masterpieces.
Your hopeful question was just above a whisper, “Bananas to go with the pancakes?”
“Picked some up while you were sleeping,” He peered down at you and shot you a quick wink that still made you swoon, even after all this time. “Kiss?”
Once again, you pushed up onto your toes. “Kiss,” you replied before pressing your lips to his.
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themoonitselff · 1 year
For The First Time. | Kurapika x Male! Reader
Warnings: fluff, a bit nsfw at the end, reader has a femenine body. THIS WAS MADE WITH TRANSLATOR.
Summary : Kurapika and you are dating but you have a private relationship, and after he completes his Revenge, he comes back for you. (Literally no one knows you're dating but his Friends.😭)
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Being Kurapika Kuruta's partner was complicated, since he was not always at home, and when he came back he was very tired, you didn't have time to be together, and when he had free days, he was pending of other things, like his obsessive and compulsive idea of finishing with the Phantom Troupe; However, you did not have much free time either, you worked double-shift in a cafeteria which limited you to see him, or even check his messages, it is as if life wanted to split the relationship you had in two. Although there was never lacking the gifts he used to send you at your door when he didn't come home, the love letters you loved so much and the strong hugs he gave you when he saw you in private, because you two were only friends for the public, for both sake, because if any of his enemies found out that you were his boyfriend, they would go after you.
Two months ago he told you that he would annihilate the Phantom Troupe forever and ever, that would mean that you wouldn't see him for a long time, you would cut off all communication between you so as not to risk each other's lives and, finally, he promised to put a promise ring on your finger when you are together again. Now you are here, waiting for him, every day is getting heavier, you don't know if he is coming back or if he is dead, if he has eaten, if he has slept well, if he killed them already, you were totally worried, and the worry was leading you to depression that caused you to not be able to do anything about it, not knowing anything about him, you felt vulnerable.
You were in the living room of your house, watching TV with a container of ice cream in your hands, watching your favorite series, almost about to finish the first chapter, you were not eating ice cream because of the Hollywood female cliché, rather, you were doing it because you needed something sweet for the occasion, and ice cream was the best option. Suddenly, you receive a message from an unknown number, you feel intrigued and a little weird because nobody usually writes you at midnight, anyway you read the notification, it reads as follows:
"Look at your window."
You panic, and a feeling of dread begins to devour your heart. Who was it? what does it want? how does it know where you live? On impulse, you did exactly what the stranger asked, you took a few steps to the nearest window, and peeked out slightly, you began to cry from joy and tremble with excitement, your boyfriend was in your garden with a bouquet of roses and a present in his other hand.
You ran out the door of your house, running and barefoot, your body pounced on Kurapika's to hug him tightly.
“I missed you, sweetheart.” You looked straight into his eyes, which no longer looked depressed or empty.... They shone with intensity, devotion, you could feel his peace and that made you happier.
“Me too, my love, but I'm here, I'm back, I'm with you, and I promise to never let you go, I won't leave you alone again.” He handed you the bouquet and approached you to kiss you with passion and desire, he needed you, he longed for you, those 8 weeks without you were hard for him.
You both went inside your house to be more comfortable, you left the gifts and the bouquet on the table to go back into his arms and kiss him, again and again, he took your waist and ran his fingers through your hair with the other, you held his hips and murmured in between the kiss how much you loved him, because you really loved him, and you could no longer see yourself without him in your life.
The kisses became more unbridled, Kurapika's hands touched your back and sometimes your breasts, and when you opened your eyes you were already on the bed with him on top of you, you opened your legs to give him more space, so that he would be closer to your body, his lips ran over your face, neck, collarbones, and in every place he left hickeys, and the marks of his teeth on your skin, you moaned and your body writhed from pleasure, you could feel his cock getting harder and the bulging area bump against your soaking and wetty pussy that was dying for being fucked.
“Easy, easy, we have a whole night for the two of us, and from now on all my time will be for you, my love.”
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