#band mates bakudeku
pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku Musician AU
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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Stories are not mine & some contain mature content. Art work by @starrywhitewall & @yenho
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Rhapsody by GreyFrey
Summary: Izuku Midoriya has been the lead singer of the pop band Starpop since he was fourteen. That’s six years of playing with his best friends… and six years of being in love with Katsuki, their drummer. At 20 years old, Izuku is tired of not knowing where he stands with his on-again, off-again ex. Enter Rody Soul, the seemingly perfect love interest— sweet and kind, he’s all Izuku has ever wanted from a boyfriend. All the things that Katsuki would never give him. But, will Izuku be able to get over his feelings for the drummer?
…will Katsuki realize what he’s losing in time?
WIP | 18/? Chapters | No Quirks au
Rated - Mature
maybe I don't wanna be just friends... by Lizxcliff
Summary: “C’mon, Kat.” Mina sighs and Bakugou realizes he won’t be getting out of this conversation easily. “We all know you love him.” The blonde snaps his gaze towards his friend, eyes wide. “He’s the only one who doesn’t because he’s dense as fuck. You gotta just give it to him straight or he’ll never know, Katsuki.” Mina rests her hand on his shoulder in comfort.
“Pretty fuckin’ sure I’m anything but fuckin’ straight, Meens.” Bakugou runs a hand through his hair with a tilt of his lips.
Mina stares at him shocked before shaking her head with a chuckle.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - Teen & Up
Hungry Eyes by sweetrelief
Summary: As a guitarist for a rock band, Bakugou Katsuki finds many people throwing themselves at his feet almost nightly. None, however, have lit the same blazing fire within him as the sweet, angelic Midoriya Izuku, a supposed fan and a runaway, who'd somehow tricked the band (and Bakugou himself) into caring for him. With a spot on their bus and backstage access as they tour across the country, the lead guitarist begins to wonder if it's just the music their new addition is so big a fan of...
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - Mature
I'm Sad, Deku by rikuzuui
Summary: Katsuki is a famous solo artist and member of the band ĐynamiTe. Usually, Izuku comes with him on his tours as per the request of Katsuki since he has this made-up disease called 'dramatic clingy boyfriend' which means he can’t stand being too far from Izuku. However, because of Izuku’s recent record deal as a star on the rise, he couldn’t come with Katsuki on his tour. How does Katsuki cope without Izuku being with him? He sulks in a corner as he experiences what the made-up sickness calls itself.
— — —
Alternative summary: A one-shot of a love-sick clingy Kacchan
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - Teen & Up
Hearts On Tour by PoeticPanda11
Summary: Pop Singer Izuku and Punk Rock Vocalist Katsuki sing their collaboration song on their own separate tours.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - n/a
Lost in the Music of Your Heart by RobinWriter
Summary: Bakugo froze, his hand still mid-air as he listened. There was no way it was him, but the more he listened the more sure Bakugo was. His voice was more refined than what it used to be but it was his voice all the same. Slowly Bakugo turned around to confirm what his heart already knew.
Midoriya was sitting up on that stage, his eyes were closed as his fingers expertly danced across the keys, and his entire body flowed with the music as they were one and the same, just like when he performed when they were kids. Bakugo left the bar and stumbled forward, drunk on Midoriya’s song. He pushed past people, ignoring their huffs and protests until he was nearly at the front of the stage. Bakugo’s eyes never left Midoriya for a second, memories all coming back to him in a rush, one never completing before a new one replaced it.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - General Audiences
The Space Between by Kanae_vR
Summary: Holding his expensive camera tightly between his hands, Midoriya Izuku looked up at the once-white letters displayed on the black storefront banner. “The Hard Luck Bar,” he murmured to himself, unsure if he was getting ready to enter or flee.
Amateur photographer Midoriya Izuku is stuck in a rut and desperate for a change of pace. Deep in his city's grimy underbelly, he finds exactly what he's looking for in the form of an underground punk sensation on the verge of their big break, fronted by a foul-mouthed firework of a human being.
Loud, brash and passionate, Izuku may have just found the creative spark he needed, as well as something new to set his soul ablaze.
Incomplete | 23/25 Chapters | No Quirks au
Last Updated Feb 2023
Rated - Mature
I'll ruin you, I swear by writersmorgue
Summary: College student Izuku is a HUGE fan of the band 'Dynamight' and maybe-possibly-definitely has a huge crush on the lead singer, Bakugo Katsuki.
Complete | 2 Chapters | No Quirks au
Rated - Explicit
you left a sour aftertaste by ladyofsnails
Summary: Izuku and Katsuki aren't together anymore. To take up his time, Izuku joins his school's band club, becomes the lead singer, makes some impulsive decisions, and accidentally gets a little famous. All because he's downright heartbroken, and Katsuki isn't (or at least, he doesn't look it).
Maybe some people were just meant to find their way back to each other. It might take a few stumbles, though.
Complete | 11 Chapters | No Quirks au
Rated - Teen & Up
Bang Dem Sticks by Roya1Gir1
Summary: “You should just tell him.”
Izuku’s gaze slid over to the red head that weirdly appeared next to him like a ghost. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
Kirishima rolled his eyes and jerked his chin to a certain blonde on the dance floor. “Oh, so you're not over here looking like someone kicked your puppy because someone is dancing with him?”
“He can dance with anyone he wants. I’m not his keeper.” He said through tightly gritted teeth as his eyes went to the blonde again.
Katsuki Bakugo—the drummer.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - Teen & Up
Monsters Not Made by Lizbeth_Loon
Summary: Deku has some odd little quirks and habits, but no one would ever guess he was hiding something. No one would ever guess he was living a double life. It's not that he's a villain, or a vigilante, or a secret lovechild. It's that he's the lead singer in a band of pop-punk-rock misfits slowly gaining popularity on the local underground music scene. No one would ever guess - but they're about to find out.
The secret punk Deku fic you've all been waiting for!
Incomplete | 17/? Chapters
Rated - Mature
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triforceangel13 · 2 months
Sing Me A Melody Ch. 14 (A Bakudeku Omegaverse Au)
Chapter 13: A New Start
Izuku set the last bag into the car and closed the trunk. He smiled soflty and then looked out around him. He was going to be leaving this place behind. He had been stuck there too long despite he moved a bit. He could finally have a new start.
And with the chip gone out of his head he wouldn't be followed by Dabi or at least that's what he hoped. He hadn't heard anything from him since he had the chip removed. Perhaps finally he had gotten the hint. Well that along with Katsuki biting him. He bit his lip, glancing over at the blonde as he spoke to Kirishima and Sero about how to put things into their moving van. It was for their equipment to get to the next place safely.
They were in disguise of course not wanting to bring attention to themselves so they could make the trip to the next area smoothly.
His eyes landed on the bandage on Katsuki's neck. Their bond had been completed and Izuku felt something wonderful he had never felt before.
Even with being bonded fully to Dabi he never felt like this.
He was in love. Full wholly in love. He had thought he knew what it was before but now he realized this is what it meant to be in love.
He let out a content sigh until he felt a small tug on his hand. Eri peered up at him with her stuffed animal clutched close.
“Are we leaving soon?” she asked. She looked excited but she kept looking around her as if someone she didn't like would pop up any second.
“Yes sweetie we are,” Izuku said, bending down and picking her up. It felt so natural to just hold her like this. It was nice. But it also reminded him of something he couldn't have.
Sure he loved Eri as well. She was like a daughter to him even with the short amount of time they spent together. There was also something about having a baby of his own.
Leave it to his inner omega for putting those thoughts into his head.
Eri looked at her father and then over Izuku's shoulder again.
“Looking for someone?” He asked softly.
“I...I was hoping Mommy would be here...” she said. Izuku's eyes widened in surprise and his inner oemga growled at the thought of that other omega. “I just wanna say goodbye. I don't want to leave you and Daddy.”
“You won't sweetie. You'll always be with us. I promise,” Izuku said.
He would never let that woman get a hold of Eri ever again. But he had to be mindful that she was Eri's mother despite all the pain and suffering she had put the little girl through.
It was all she had known. So of course some part of her woud miss her.
“One day you'll get to say goodbye to her,” Izuku said. “But right now we need to get into the car and wait for Daddy.”
“No need,” came Katsuki's voice as he came to his little fmaily. He leaned in, giving Izuku a soft kiss on the lips and then a gentle kiss to Eri's forehead. “Something wrong?”
“Eri's just missing her Mommy right now,” Izuku said, wincing a little bit at the words as they left his mouth. Katsuki looked at Eri and then smiled softly.
Izuku had to remind himself too that at some point Katsuki had seen a different side to her. Enough to make her his mate.
“You'll see her soon,” he said. “Don't worry.”
Izuku rose a brow, not hiding his frown anymore as Eri tucked herself against Izuku's shoulder, seeming sleepy as she nodded and held her cat toy.
“Court,” Katsuki stated. “Got a date and place set in our next location. For fully custody rights over my little rugrat.”
He tickled her sides and Eri finally smiled.
Izuku's eyes widened a bit and he smiled a little. He hoped that they would win this whole thing. In this whole system a lot of the time the court would side with the omega.
But in this case they would need to side with the alpha. For Eri's well being they had to grant Katsuki custody.
It would make things difficult. Being in a band on the road constantly was not a good thing for such a young pup but they had no other choice.
And from the condition Eri had been when in he had first met her it was severely better than where she had been living in.
“I think it'll go well,” he said with a nod. “And you'll be one big happy family.”
“We, will be one big happy family,” he said to him, reminding Izuku that he was part of this. That the matching marks meant something and that he was in this for the long run.
Izuku was a little nervous but he was whole heartedly in.
He was in love. He was just nervous about his past repeating itself again. That one day Katsuki might change his mind about pups and then be disappointed.
“You okay? You got this sour look on your face,” Katsuki mentioned. Izuku shrugged.
“I'm fine. Think I ate something funny,” Izuku said. “Let's get going. We want to get there before dinner time.”
“Right,” Katsuki said, pecking his forehead.
It was a couple hours later that they all stopped at a diner for something to eat. Eri clung to Izuku as he picked her up from her car seat and carried her inside as Katsuki locked up. The blonde adjusted his fake glasses as his friends got out of their second car.
“Someone's sleepy,” Katsuki said as Eri rest on Izuku's shoulder. Izuku rubbed her back gently as Eri made a noise and pressed into his shoulder. Katsuki kissed her head and frowned as he adjusted his wig this time only for it to not sit right.
He sighed heavily.
“I'm going to go to the bathroom,” he said handing Izuku his wallet, keys, and phone. “Can you hold these and I'll meet you guys at the table?”
“Of course,” Izuku chirped, getting a soft peck on the lips before Katsuki head off.
The group were seated at the table, Eri still snuggled on Izuku's lap as he sat on the edge of the booth, eyes scanning over the menu.
“She okay?” Kaminari asked.
“I think she's just tired,” Izuku said. Though he had to admit that she was really clingy to him lately. It was adroable and he loved it. But he felt guilty. She wasn't his...
“She hasn't slept yet in the car,” Izuku admitted. He rubbed Eri's back a bit. “Are you hungry?”
She nodded her head, rubbing oe of her eyes as she tucked her cat closer. Izuku shifted her around so she could see the kid's menu. Thankfully there were pictures with the items.
“Okay, which one looks good?” he asked. “They have mac and cheese. Chicken fingers. There's some pasta.”
Eri looked over the menu and then pointed to the mac and cheese, letting out a cute yawn.
“Can I have mac and cheese Mama?” she asked. Izuku froze and he looked at the others. They were just as surprised as him. Eri was calling him Mama.
Not wanting to freak her out Izuku smiled gently. “Of course sweetheart,” Izuku said. “We'll get you that and how about juice?”
“No juice. Can I have water please?” she asked, leaning against him again.
“You can have water,” Izuku said. She made a small noise and Izuku knew that she was going to be falling asleep soon. He'd have to wake her later.
“Wow,” Kirishima said with a grin. “I'm so glad for you man.”
“It's so sweet,” Mina gushed. “Katsuki's going to melt at that.”
“Will he though?” Izuku asked softly with worry.
“Of course he will,” Kaminari chimed in. “Dude we're pretty sure he's in it for the long run considering he let you bite him.”
Izuku smiled shyly and then he paled a bit when he felt the phone going off in his pocket. He adjusted a bit and his eyes widened when he saw who it was.
Katsuki's ex.
“Uh...guys...?” Izuku said, showing them the screen.
“You gotta answer that,” Kirishima urged.
“She doesn't contact him for months and now she decides to say something despite that we are no way in contact?” Mina huffed. “She's got some nerve.”
“Can you hold her?” Izuku asked softly, passing the sleeping Eri to Kaminari who sat next to her. He looked flustered but took the sleeping pup and let her rest.
He stumbled out of the booth and head to the door, hitting the accept button in order to be able to talk to her.
Before he could even say hello Amako was yelling already into her end.
“How dare you! Where are you! Where did you take my daughter?!” she shrieked. It took all Izuku could not to lash out at the woman right now. He had to be level head.
And then he'd block her number after telling Katsuki first.
“Amako,” Izuku started with a scowl. Her shrieking stopped immediately.
“Who are you,” she stated. “Where's my precious Katsuki? I felt our bond fade and now he's gone. What did you do with him?”
Izuku's mood only darkened. He didn't think he would hold his composure much longer. The happy feeling he felt after Eri called him Mama was starting to slip away.
“He was never yours. He's mine,” Izuku stated firmly. “I am his mate.”
“So you're the one that ripped apart my family,” she snapped.
This girl was delusional.
“You did that on your own. He's traveling for his career with his daughter,” he growled at her.
“You're that little green headed wh-”
“Oh you'll see him soon,” Izuku called over her. “In court.”
“Oh I will be there and take them both away from you!” she screamed into the phone.
“Call this number again and I'll have you arrested,” Izuku stated and hung up before she could retaliate to him.
He was shaking. He never stood up to people like that before but he wanted to protect his family as much as possible.
But now he felt terrible. She thought that he was the one that had hurt Katsuki and Eri? She blamed him for everything.
Now he was involved and this could make it harder for Katsuki to win in their court case.
“Izuku,” came the blonde's voice. Izuku froze and turnd around, his eyes filled with unshed tears as he clutched the phone which was now ringing again in his hand.
“I'm sorry,” he said to him. “They told me to answer it. It's her. Shes blaming me for everything and...and.”
“Shhh,” Katsuki said, taking the phone gently from him. Showing Izuku he instantly blocked her number and tucked it back into his pocket. “You're okay.”
“Kacchan...did I ruin everything...?” he asked. “Eri's even calling me Mama now...”
Izuku felt his tears starting to leak down his cheeks and he was shaking like a leaf.
Katsuki pulled him closer and tucked his head under his chin.
“Shhh,” he said again. “It's okay. Izuku. You did nothing wrong. This is my fight between her and me. You did nothing wrong.”
He pulled back a bit to look in his eyes, petting away the tears. Izuku didn't understand why he was suddenly so emotional.
“And her calling you Mama...as long as you're okay with it I think that's fantastic.” Izuku nodded a bit wiping away another tear and then hugged the blonde again.
I’m open for written commissions
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genuinelydecimated · 4 years
I kept you at arm’s length (bkdk playlist)
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Time: 56 mins.
Link: I kept you at arm’s length.
This is a bkdk playlist, but it isn’t really romantic like the one before. This one deals with the inevitable conversation(s) that need to happen between these two about their past. I don’t know if this is what you expected or hoped for, but I hope you enjoy it regardless.
This is broken into two parts, with song 7, Vas by jigger finn, as an interlude of sorts. Because this playlist is set for a conversation story, the songs do not flow into each other in a musical way. Each song deals with or touches with topics I think they’d talk about, e.g. being classmates, their mistakes, how they feel about each other (admiration, loathing), how they feel about themselves (insecurity, uncertainty, a need to be perfect), and whether they’re willing to try again.
Song list, lyrics (the reasons I chose them), and notes below!
1. Wavin’ by Stephen
“Even if we’re falling from the stars, yeah I really care about you. I care a lot about you.” “This is me, this is me. You can take it or leave, ‘cause I know what I’m not.”
2. C U Around by PWR BTTM
“I’m looking forward to the day when I can see your face, and not wonder what it was I did that made you run away.” “But I noticed you looked down. I hope you’re okay, I’ll see you around.”
3. An Honest Mistake (feat. Lizzy Land) by Mating Ritual, Lizzy Land
“Don’t look at me that way. It was an honest mistake.” “I swear I never meant for this.”
4. The Beach by The Neighbourhood
“I can admit, I am not fireproof. I feel it burning me, I feel it burning you.” “If I meet you in the middle maybe we could agree.”
5. Void by The Neighbourhood
“I now I need you to feel the vibe I need you to see the point.” “Now you’re just settin’ me off, so I’m tryna lose you.”
6. What Happened to Us by Harbour
“I’ll fail just to learn a little more.” “If I could sing just one more song to you with hopes that I could maybe change your mind.”
7. Vas by jigger finn (the interlude song)
“Oh no, I really shouldn’t stay.: “Will you talk to me again?”
8. Need To Be by Memphis May Fire
“I wear my heart on my sleeve for everyone to see that man I want to be.” “My heart is heavy and torn, weighed down by all the mistakes and the chains I’ve worn.”
9. Maybe by Kahone Concept
“My head’s bigger than my brain. It’s just sick and tired of fighting in my headspace.” “Hey, maybe... Maybe I am not the man you see.”
10. Bridge Back to Your Heart by The Beach
“If our time came back around, tell me, would you hear me out? If we knew what we know now.” “Did we rise and fall too soon? It’s been so long, I can’t remember.”
11. Dancing After Death by Matt Maeson
“If I don’t get better than this man in my skin...” “If I let go, would you hold on? Would we fly? Is it safer to just say that we tried?”
12. Untitled (For Now) by Oliver Daldry
“’No one alone can do it alone,’ you say.” “I’m sorry for leaving. I’m sorry I push you away.”
13. The Black and White by The Band CAMINO
“’Cause I spaced myself from you ‘cause I got tired of hurting you, but now I’m hurting too.” “Call it a rivalry, call it a fight. Call it what you want.”
14. Take Your Time by Vance Joy
“You look, but do you really see?” “I let you figure me out, tear all my fences down. We’ve been so tired.”
15. Cold Sets In by World’s First Cinema
“I hate it when the colds sets in, but I love the way it draws us closer than we’ve ever been.” “I hate it when the story ends, but I’d love to start again?”
The songs are arranged in an order, so on first time playing please put it in order if you can! As stated before, song 7, Vas by jigger finn, is the interlude between the two main parts. It’s broken in parts because realistically, I don’t think Bakugou and Midoriya would only have one conversation about everything that happened. It would take a lot of them, so many different conversations, to let themselves and each other move forward on the same page.
This playlist took me so long to be confident in. I love the second part of the playlist, and I’m learning to love the first. I think the concept of ‘The bakudeku conversation playlist,’ was easier as just a concept, and when I tried to put it into something real, it quickly fell apart. It was hard to find songs that I believed fit, while making it within what they would talk about, and keep it at around an hour. This was hands down the hardest playlist so far. But I’m quite happy with how it is, and I’ve been inspired to create a bkdk animatic for one of these songs.
As usual, the final song is your conclusion, and you can interpret it however you wish. But... I think I projected my set narrative too much on the last song, so my personal conclusion would be easier to tell.
My next bakudeku playlist will be completely and wholeheartedly filled with love. Not like the first one where it was sad in some parts (which you can find in my spotify tags if you haven’t seen it already :D), this one will be a lot of ‘wow, I love you with my entire being, how lucky we are to love.’
sorry if there are any typos, i am so tiiiired
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shutupandshipit · 4 years
Little Life - Ch.16
Summary:  A baby could ruin his career before it had even started. If anyone found out, he would be kicked out of the Hero Course at the very least and UA at the very worst. Even then, how was he supposed to care for a baby once it arrived? He was a fucking seventeen-year-old boy, not a twenty-nine-year-old omega with their shit at least somewhat together.
Or where Katsuki get pregnant, but is determined to make it to graduation. No matter what it takes.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T (just for language mostly)
Chapter: 16/16
Previous <- Chapter 15
Master Post
Note: Sorry for the spam! I finished this story weeks ago, and just forgot to finish updating the chapters on here!
Chapter 16: Three Years Later
Katsuki and Izuku sat at one end of a long table while their old classmates drunk themselves into oblivion around them. It was rare that everyone could get together in the same place, so when they could, they made it a whole event.
Matching studs glittered gold in Katsuki and Izuku's left earlobes and rings shone with diamonds on their left hands. They only wore their wedding bands in their off time because really, no one wanted a de-gloved finger. The studs stood in place of their rings when they worked.
A television up in the corner of the room played the evening news, and the group had quieted enough to watch the thirty minute segment. As much as they wanted to ignore it, a habit was a habit. And this was one habit they'd all picked up in the three years since graduating school.
'It seems to be a rather quiet night in the city today, thanks to the brave heroes that protect us every day. Speaking of heroes, let's talk about the new that came out earlier this afternoon!' A picture of Katsuki and Izuku in their hero uniforms was superimposed over the news anchors face as they continued to speak. Sitting on Izuku's shoulders, Katsumi's smiled as wide as he did, waving. Her hair cascaded down her back in a waterfall of green curls, and she stuck her tongue through the gap between her front two teeth. Cradled in their arms were a pair of newborns peering blearily at the camera to reveal two sets of bloody eyes. Soft hair covered their heads, one blonde and the other green. 'The news broke just this afternoon that the top two heroes, No.1 Hero Ground Zero and No.2 Hero Deku are taking a month of for maternity and paternity leave! We hadn't seen either of them for a few days, but was anyone even aware that Ground Zero was pregnant? We have definitely been seeing less of him over the past few months, but that was assumed to be due to required down time. No, apparently not.'
Beer spewed across the table, and Kaminari coughed uncontrollably, staring up at the screen with wet eyes. Everyone else was completely still
'The pair only made their mating bond official at the end of the year when they tied the knot, but rumors have always been around that they've been mated since high school. This can been corroborated with their first child, Katsumi Bakugou-Midoriya, who celebrated her third birthday at the beginning of this year.' The picture faded so that they were staring at the news anchor again who's eyebrows were raised suggestively. 'Well, we can say that Ground Zero and Deku have never been your typical heroes, but this is unprecedented. The news has already blown up on social media, and there are many voices out there loudly supporting the Hero Duo-'
The television went silent as someone shut it off. All eyes turned towards the aforementioned Hero Duo who were staring down into their cups of coffee without comment. Close to them, Kirishima and Ochako gulped down their beers. Across from them, Shinsou and Momo exchanged bills.
"You have got to be kidding me," Jirou said, shell-shocked, "Again? Come on, you two!"
"I thought you said you were never going to let him touch you again!" Kaminari accused from her side, pointing a trembling finger at them down the table.
Katsuki shrugged. "Well, he sure as fuck isn't anymore. I'll break his fingers."
Izuku smiled over at him wanly. "You already did that, babe. And Eijirou's. And this time Chako's too."
"Your legs then," Katsuki quipped back.
The table exploded with conversation again, questions thrown their way that Izuku answered with a smile. They had actually been planning on telling their friends that night, but you know what? Katsuki thought this was better. He'd never been good with words anyway.
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kanashierihime · 5 years
English fanfiction to come
When you have too many ideas and you want to write them down even if it takes years to do it 😂.
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Short abc of stories below. Help me decide priority of writing 😊
AoKuro (Kuroko No Basket)
Regrets (One shot) - Warning: Major Character Death. Kuroko remembers Middle School, his young love and the world of empty sympathy that stole his love away. 
 Can We Still Be Friends (Around 8 chapters not sure)- Warning: Depression, suicidal thought - Kuroko and Aomine didn’t see each other for two years after being thrown away from the team of Miracles . Everything change when while doing his shopping he spots Aomine’s mother who asks him if he maybe could visit her son in the mental hospital. 
Wish (4 chapters) -  Aomine was bored. Everything was boring. New team, new rivals. Boredom created his life, till one day he wakes up from his nap in a cat body. Just what the hell?! 
Chrisawa (Daiya No A) 
You Get My Love  (around 10 chapters not sure) Warning: Depression, Homophobia, yips - Sawamura tries hard to blend into a team, but everyone just reminds him that he isn’t needed. The only person that actually cares about him is his mentor- Chris. He still loud and stubborn to be an ace, but then yips happened and he just couldn’t win over this. So he goes back to Nagano feeling worse than ever. He failed everyone. But surprisingly his mentor still visits him making Sawamura’s heart do some weird backflips. 
Forget ur books (4 chapters).  Sawamura was cursed as a child for disrespecting minor god. Now every time he read book he can make it real around him. So his family reminds him to read in a closed house to not affect the city in this weird magic. But one day while Sawamura is reading some of the history book no one noticed that one of the windows is open, turning the city into a place where nothing is normal. Especially not these warriors with swords ready to cut anyone in their way. 
Mirror (2 chapters) Warning: Cheating, coming out. Chris is working a doctor busy with his carrier. He has a wife but their marriage isn’t happy.  But then one day to his clinic came a young boy (who wasn’t so young) who made his heart skip a bit with his smile and nice words. 
BakuDeku (Boku No Hero Academia) 
(Don’t comment how most of these fics have P!nk song as a title, her song are just A+ okay? xD)
Trapped Mind (5 chapters) Warning: Angst, Hurt, Addiction to drug, alcohol, sex, depression, suicidal attempt, memory lost.  Izuku fell into his own trap of being a perfect hero. Katsuki not wanting to see his friends being judged to death by being just human that can make mistakes, decide to play the bad guy and till Izuku won’t get his memories back. But this task is far harder than any mission he did so far. Being hated by everyone left him trapped in a dead-end. 
Who Am I (5 chapters) Warning: Toxic parental love, Memory lost, bullying, depression.  Izuku moves to USA as a child after his accident where he loses half of his right leg. His mother is warry of everyone in his surroundings, she doesn’t want him to go back to Japan and meet with a person she blames of being responsible for his accident. But Izuku is having enough of being trapped in her arms and want to find out who he is, who he was before his mother decided to create him as a weak man.
90 Days (4 chapters?) Warning: angst. Izuku always wanted to repair his friendship with Katsuki. Wanted to laugh with him, study, going out. But reality showed that it’s not possible. Katsuki found new friends, people he likes to hang out. Their second year in UA and Katsuki b-day was the last straw to kill his heart. Seeing his friend laughing with their classmates, not being bothered by all these hugs and photos. Izuku runs away to his dorm room to cry his eyes out. And decides to go over Kacchan by the end of 90 days.
Walk Me Home (6 chapters) Izuku has autism that prevents him from having normal life. His only friend is Katsuki who seems enoying spending his time with Deku. But hearing his mom talking to his dad about her fears of him not being able to function without their help, to even find a job since meeting with people often ends with him having a panic attack. He wants to change, he wants to show his mom and Katsuki that he can be a proper part of society. But for that, he needs Kacchan help. 
Secrets (10 chapters) Warning: Child abuse, Angst, pedophilia. Deku is a vocalist in Katsuki band with Kaminari, Tokoyami, Awase. Deku is the only person who can deal with Katsuki moods and can sing the song their drummer creates. Fans and media have their fun wondering what is the relationship between them. Deku also wonders what is his relationship with Kacchan and why he can’t sing his own songs. 
Happy (around 10 chapters) Warning: Soulmate, angst, depression. Izuku loves heroes even tho he wasn’t born with a quirk, but he don’t have time to dream since his family life isn’t so happy. His dad found his true soulmate and his mom lost her mind over broken heart since for her his dad was her soulmate. Izuku from his young days must watch out for his mom, and every day he prays to not find her dead when he returns home.  Even meeting All Might didn’t make him eager to focus in hero path. He refuse All Might to be a hero, he doesn’t have time and his mom would go crazy if he would left her side. Wanting to save Kacchan was just a short thought of ending his misery. But somehow Deku ends up in UA in GE curse. And soon he finds up that his Soulmate is Kirishima. He feels how his body is changing because of it thing he doesn’t realize that Katsuki isn’t happy to find out.
Silent Scream (5 chapters) Warnings: Bullying. Izuku has troubles with speaking, so his parents showed him sign langue which find out more fun and enjoyable. But soon fun times ends when he ends up with the same kindergarten as Katsuki who wants to make him speak no matter what.  Everything goes in the far worse direction the moment when Katsuki gets his quirk. Not being able to control his new ability he goes too far with the explosion that made Izuku lose his hearing in the left ear.  (okay so it;s “A Silent Voice” but in MHA AU xD) 
Hurt 2b Human (DUNNO) Warning: angst, war, A/B/O, death. They say that Alpha ones are people that were blessed by gods. Omega were fruits of sweet desire for happiness. Katsuki was an Alpha. Japanese Solider who gonna die in Death Chamber any moment. No one knows why Japan lost the war. The only thing he knows that Russia won and now he gonna die.  Or maybe there is a hope? 
Timebomb (12 chapters) Fantasy AU. Katsuki and Deku fights with the evil mistresses who seeing that she can lose to them decide to split them apart and send Izuku to a different dimension. Katsuki roar with the grief of losing his mate. He captures his enemy to only learn that she can't bring him back. There is no way he gonna see his Deku again. But he can’t give up. He asks Uraraka for help and she creates a necklace to send him to other worlds, tho it will be random... So there he is going through 10 worlds to find his mate and return home with him. 
Dream of the Death ( 5 chapters)  Warning: major character death. Katsuki has few regrets in life. The biggest is telling his friend to kill himself.  But then by villain attack he is sent to the past where Izuku is alive. Soon he realizes that whatever he says to Izuku doesn’t go through. So he changes his tacting and go to his younger self and please him to save Izuku. 
Bonus story: Ten Times where Izuku got hit by quirk and made Katsuki ask himself of his sexuality (10 chapters) 
Different way of love (3 chapters) Warning: Angst, Homophobia, depression, suicide, dealing with lose.  Kuroo thinks he has nice life. Good friends, a lovely boyfriend, and a dog. Nothing to complain. Till in Sawamura’s life show up his first love and things go not the way Kuroo thought it would.  Sawamura is dealing with depression, love issues, and past that can't be really forgotten. Life isn’t an easy mission.
Neko Love (4 chapters) Warning: Abuse.  Yokai had it enough of being ruled by weak humans. They started a revolution against them and won. Now people are their slaves and taste how yokais felt when humans bullied them for ages. Kuroo is a nekomata. He loves living in Sawamura household. He supposed to leave or rule over his past masters but he can’t find a strength to abuse his young master.
Tengu’s Book (6 chapters) Warning: abuse. Kuroo has the worst luck in the world. He was born with these strange powers and thanks to them he can see yokais. Not very pleasant thing to see. People usually are wary of him and are afraid of his weird looks and muttering.  Kuroo is used to being alone. Till one day he meets a tengu who gives him an offer. He gonna be his bodyguard for finding his wings. What can go wrong?
Dragon’s Heart (5 chapters) Warning: Slight angst. Fantasy AU. Iwaizumi is a dragon rider but the thing is, he seems to not being able to bond with his dragon so after his school is destroyed by Demons he searches for beasts master Sawamura who was cursed by Demons to be able to talk with monsters and was thrown from society. Their meeting is awkward. Sawamura can’t really speak human langue since humans usually avoid him and Iwaizumi can’t deal with his responsibilities as a warrior. 
Your Heartbeats (one shot) part of my Soulmate AU. Warning: Homophobia. Kuroo meets Bokuto in middle school and for the first time in his short life can feel his heartbeat. Bokuto was looking at him with the same confusion and happiness. All good vibes ended five minutes later when another player commented on how gross they were and should cure this. But does being in love is a really bad thing? Even if it between the same gender? 
Let me be drunk for now (5 chapters) Publish AU created by @bringmemyqueen  I like this idea so I gonna write something in it. Daichi has enough of his work, of people in his work. Why he seems to attract only men? Doesn’t he deserve some nice lady waiting for him at home? So every night he goes to a bar to drink and forget about his coworkers. He doesn’t know that this nice guy who keeps talking to him while drinking his beer is an author who works under Oikawa. But Iwaizumi is nice and his hands are warm when he touches him.
Where is my fun (one shot) Kenma prefers to stay home and play his videogames. It is his day off, so he has plans of not going out all day. But his friend has a different idea and god. Kenma can’t refuse him.
Bad Guy (one shot) It all started as a simple admiration. Watching Sawamura in action gave him chills. Even his old captain didn;t made him feel this way. He wanted to be tamed by this plain captain so he went to Karasuno to just see the object of his obsession, no big plans for it. Then this weird duo was screaming to him to leave their Queen alone and he barely remembered that cute glasses girl he was focused at Karasuno’s Captain that looked at him with such intensity that Terushima wanted to crawl to him and beg for something he never wanted to do before. 
That is freaking long. XD Thank for reading :) 
In MHA I wish i could write for different pairing alone fics but it just didn’t click in with me to try it. I’m still try to figure out some characters so their appearing in my fic won’t be a total disaster. (I’m looking at you Inasa xD)
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triforceangel13 · 5 months
Sing Me A Melody Ch. 11 (A BakuDeku Omegaverse Au)
Chapter 11: Concert
Izuku was settling into this life pretty well. He got to sit during practices and even helped Katsuki take care of Eri who was latched to his side now.
It was cute and it warmed his heart that the little pup found him so endearing. He assumed it was from her birth mother not giving her any piece of mind.
But now it was time for something they had all been waiting for. Then things would be changing for Izuku forever.
Katsuki had gotten his lease broken and all of his items in his apartment, little as they were, with them. He was not leaving Izuku behind.
It wasn't much like Izuku wanted to be left behind. Aside from being his mate he was also their new song writer.
He bid Uruaka and Iida farewell though the other omega was not fond of the idea. She tried to talk him out of moving away with him after what happened with Dabi but Izuku told her he couldn't stay. Aside from Dabi knowing he was in town it was also that he wanted to be with his alpha.
But she made a good point to say that Katsuki hadn't asked for his bite back to fully bond the two of them together.
He ignored it and bid her goodbye and that he would message her.
Things had just been too crazy right now to think about such things. Aside from Katsuki having to practice for the concert and get their next hotel in the next city booked, he had to take care of his daughter and get thigns in motion.
The blonde had already talked to a lawyer about gaining full custody of Eri from her mother. The woman still hadn't answered her phone of her whereabouts or when she would be coming to pick Eri up.
Not that Katsuki or even Izuku would let that happen. The woman was unfit to raise a child and that much was made evident but how skinny Eri was.
They had spoken about not having kids before but now the two of them settled in nicely with raising Eri together.
Izuku had healed and he had a small sense of relaxation knowing that Dabi couldn't at least track his exact location. He could still find what city he went to as long as Katsuki was on tour but for now he was safe.
That night was the night of the concert. Izuku had never gotten to go to one of Katsuki's concerts. He had never had the money to scrounge up to do so.
But now as his mate he was able to get a special vip pass with eri and have a private booth for them to sit in and enjoy the show.
It was up close with tinted windows and with a little bit of sound proofing inside so the sound wasn't as loud.
Katsuki had brought them in his limo with the rest of the band and even into his dressing room where they watched him get ready.
Eri was bouncing around already happy, wearing one of Katsuki's tshirts of his band that was much too big for her but she wore as a dress. Izuku had his old one on as well and smiled at how excited Eri was to be there.
“I've never got to see one of Daddy's shows like this,” Eri said beaming, boucning on the couch. Izuku sat next to her, guiding her back down gently so she woudn't hurt herself.
“Nether have I. We'll have so much fun,” Izuku said with a smile to her, tickling her side. She giggled and sat on his lap, looking at Katsuk in the mirror as he put some eyeliner on.
“Daddy, can you do a special wave to us?” Eri asked. Katsuki smirked and turned to look at the two of them. Izuku flushed darkly at the sight. Katsuki was goregeous already but that eyeliner look was always something that made him practically drool.
“You bet priness,” he said to her with a smile. “I'll do one only you and Izuku will know. How about that? What would you like it to be?”
“Can you raise your hands and give two thumbs up?” she asked.
“Sure,” Katsuki said, rising from his seat and Izuku swallowed as the rock star came to stand near them. “I'll throw in a little wink too that way you know.”
He stood before them and Izuku felt his breath hitch at the sight of his alpha. It was one ting to see him on videos and such and sure he had seen him in nothing at all.
But here in his element he seemed to just ooze confidence. Needless to say if Eri was not in the room with them he would have made the rock star late with how badly he wanted to just be swept up in his arms again.
Eri smiled with a big grin, practicing the pose and then held her arms up. Katsuki scooped her up, holding her close as he twirled her and then sat her down in his make up chair.
“Now how about I do a little magic on you so that you can show just how much you support me?” he asked his daughter. Eri bounced in her seat.
“Can I get your x thing on my cheek?” she asked.
“Of course princess,” Katsuki said and he knelt down to start drawing a small orange and black x on his daughter's cheek with some make up, happy to make her stand out and give her a fun experience that evening.
Concerts like this really weren't for children her age but Katsuki felt it important that she knew and was partially part of this life.
He wasn't ashamed of it, he didn't want her to be ashamed of it either, and one day he would let her experience a concert the way it was meant to.
Just now being so young he wanted to make sure she was safe and that no one would bother her while she was there.
Izuku smiled softly at the bonding moment between them and he picked up his notebook that started it all, scribbling on one of the latest pages. He had started to write another song though the tone was much different.
He just wondered if Katsuki would even want to sing it. The tone of most of his music had been dark which matched the blonde perfectly. Now that his life was starting to take a turn for the better the tone of his music had shifted.
But he hadn't shared it yet either. Ever since the notebook incident Katsuki had been very respectful not to pick it up and look through it or even ask. He waited for Izuku to tell hm or show him if he wanted to do so.
“Izuku,” the blonde called as he worked on his daughter's make up.
“Hm?” Izuku asked as he looked up from the notebook.
“Do I have your permission to sing your song tonight?” he asked. Izuku's eyes widened. This was the first concert after his song had debuted wthout his permission. There was something sweet about him asking about it.
“Yeah,” Izuku said with a soft smile. Besides, don't you know the rights to it Kacchan?”
“Sort of, but I still want to ask since I never got to last time,” Katsuki reminded him. Izuku flushed and smiled at Eri as she hopped down from the chair. She had very little make up on but it was cute and it brought out the matching red of her eyes to her father.
“Izuku, you want in?” Katsuki asked.
“I don't know..” he said. Compared to the two of them now he felt rather plain but he wasn't usually one to wear make up.
“Pleeease?” Eri asked. “We can match.”
“I'll be gentle,” the blonde said, giving him a small wink. Izuku flushed even more at that and he stood up, heading to the chair Eri had been sitting in.
“Okay, okay,” he said with a soft laugh and sat down. Katsuki gently rest his fingers on the bottom of his chin to have him tilt his head up, coming in close with the eyeliner.
“Try to stay still,” he said with a wink.
Izuku held Eri's hand as they were lead to the private viewing room by security. He smiled at the sight. It had a good view of the stage to be able to see but also had some sound proofing so it wouldn't be so loud.
It had glass windows on all sides but it was tinted meaning they could stare out but no one could stare in.
What more could he ask for?
“Looky, looky!” Rri said cheerfully as she let go and went to the couch in the room. There was a bear that looked similar to Katsuki and also a small bag in green next to it. “Daddy got us gifts.”
She handed him the bag and went back to the couch as Izuku took a seat down, giggling softly at how excited she was to hug onto the rock star bear.
Eri started to play with her bear and Izuku opened up his present. He let out a soft gasp as he pulled out a jewlery box, a necklace inside of a moon with a red stone in the center, one that matched Katsuki's eyes.
“So pretty,” Eri gushed, looking at it. Izuku smiled and clipped it onto himself, resting his fingers on it.
“Definitely is,” Izuku said and grinned when he heard the first notes of a guitar for the concert to start up.
He had never been to a concert before and honestly he liked this. He got to witness it first hand but didn't need to worry about the crowds or hurting his ears.
Being a newly marked omega would have set him off with the overhwelming of scents.
He watched as the band came out one by one, each gaining their own cheers. First Kirishima, than Kaminari, then Mina, and then finally Katsuki came out with a blaze of fireworks.
The crowd went wild and Eri let out a scream of joy, hopping up and down on the couch.
“It's Daddy!” she said with a big grrin. Izuku helped guide her down again. She went right to the window to watch, bouncing up and down in excitement.
Izuku smiled softly and wathced as she cheered and sang at least what she knew. They had sat in on practicies but this was much different.
Izuku thought he was one of the biggest fans but clearly Katsuki's biggest fan was his cute little daughter.
As the night stretched on Katsuki held his guitar, ready to start he next song.
He raised his hands, facing the windows and gave two thumbs up and a wink right to them. Eri cheered happily, the blonde grinning as he was sure she was freaking out.
“He did it!” she cried out.
“This next song goes out to someone very special to me,” Katsuki said, nodding towards Mina to start up the music which the crowd cheered for. Izuku flushed recognizing it. His song. Katsuki was singing it again.
“This is for you baby,” Katsuki said towards the window and started up the song.
Izuku flushed, standing up for the first time that night and he head to the window, resting his hands on the glass as he watched for the first ime his alpha sing the song he wrote.
After a few moments he started to sing along with it, losing himself in the song. He never thought himself of a singer at all, he had been told too often that he really wasn't one that should be singing at all.
What he didn't know was Eri looked up at him with wide eyes and a large smile on her face. To her, his voice was beautiful and perfect.
She grabbed Izuku's phone, starting a recording with the help of the secrutiy guard. She wanted to save this moment and maybe even share it with her Daddy.
All the while Izuku didn't notice, too enamored in his alpha.
I’m open for written commissions
want to support? my patreon (triforceangel)
my a03 (triforceangel) as another place to read my fic
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triforceangel13 · 11 months
Sing Me A Melody Ch. 3 (A BakuDeku Omegaverse Au)
Chapter 3: A Compromise
Katsuki sat in the car outside the coffee shop with Kirishima as well as Sero. His manager had made sure to drive them both over to prevent Katsuki from bailing out on this whole situation.
So far nothing had come up about any copyright issues when it came to the song but it had only been one night. There was still the day to come.
Which was why they were not sitting right outside the coffee shop to talk to the omega that Katsuki had gotten the lyrics from.
“Come on man,” Kirishima said to try to encourage him. “The sooner you talk to him the sooner we can hopefully put this behind us.” Katsuki sighed heavily looking to the notebook in his hands. The pages that still had the omega's scent on them which would be something that Katsuki would seek out during his stressful moments.
Not to mention that their fans would expect their music to be like what this omega had written and be disppointed when their usual works came out.
He should have never done this in the first place.
“Yeah yeah...” he said, his eyes never leaving that notebook. All these songs in this book were so personal. Like a story being told.
So full of sadness and hopefulness at times. He couldn't help but wonder why he was so sad. What had caused such heartache?
But with having to give it back he may very well not know at all. He might just tell him to jump off a cliff or something if he really wanted to, he may very well hate him for what he had done.
And those thoughts alone had caused him to stay planted in his seat in the car.
“Alright, let's go,” Sero said as he started to get out of the car. “If we wait for him to move first we'll never get in there.”
Kirishima pulled open the door, stepping out and looked inside, raising a brow at him. Katsuki let out a heavy sigh and he climbed out of the car as well, adjusting the sunglasses on his nose.
“Let's get his over with,” he sighed.
“You're kidding me,” Uruaka said as he sat at the table with Izuku. She shook her head, shock written on her face. How could this have happened to her friend?
He was so sweet and innocent. From the bits of his life she let him see she knew that he had it rough. And here some famous singer stole his work.
“No...I'm not,” Izuku said softly, holding onto the cup of coffee he had in his hands. “I have his notebook and he has mine. I wouldn't be upset if he asked for it...”
“No, this is wrong Izuku,” Iida said with a scowl.
“Lock the door Iida. We aren't working today,” Uruaka said with a huff, the other beta getting up from the table and going to the door.
The cafe was dead this time of day so it wouldn't be bad to close up for a little bit or even for the rest of the day. Their best worker was not up to it and honestly neither were the other two.
“I take back what I said about being a fan of theirs,” She said. “Izuku we should take this to the internet, tell everyone who will listen. I won't let my friend sit by and let someone else make millions off of a personal song they wrote.”
“No...it's okay...I..” Izuku said softly.
“No,” Uruaka said with a heavy sigh and stood up. “I swear if I see that alpha again I'm gonna-”
“Hold that thought,” Iida immediately called out causing her ot frown, her hands on her hips as she looked to her mate.
“What's going on?” she asked.
“Uh...we have company,” Iida said, stepping aside to let the three men into the cafe.
“I'm sorry, but we're closed,” Uruaka said. “You'll have to come back another time.”
“So sorry miss,” Sero said, holding his hand out. “I am Sero, band manager to Hero's Purpose . Might we have a word with..I'm sorry, we do not know your name.”
Izuku's eyes widened as Sero's eyes landed right on him. He paled a bit and watched as he and the other two alphas stepped into the little cafe.
“Izuku Midoriya,” Izuku said, his voice squeaking a little bit.
Sero led the way to the table and he offered his hand with a handshake. Izuku took it slowly, watching as the other alphas sat down as well.
Already Izuku knew that this was Red Riot and Dynamight. His chest tightened.
He hadn't expected this at all.
“Nice to meet you,” Kirishima said, shaking his hand next, watching as Uruaka came and sat back down next to Izuku, Iida staying by the door to keep watch.
Katsuki offered his hand next. Izuku hesitated and then shook his hand, a feeling like a warmth rushing through Izuku's body suddenly.
He looked up at Katsuki, the blonde's eyes widening behind his sunglasses.
Izuku took his hand back, unsure how to feel about that. What in the world was that? And clearly he hadn't been the only one to feel that.
“What do you want with Izuku?” Uruauka asked with a frown. Sero rose a brow and then set his phone down, setting it to record their voices.
“What's that for?” Kirishima asked.
“For legal purposes in case we need to go to court,” Sero said.
“Court?!” Izuku exclaimed.
“Let's start over,” Katsuki sighed heavily, pulling off his sunglasses and setting down the notebook that he had in his possession. “I am Katsuki Bakugou, and on record I had accidentally taken your notebook and had used a song without permission.”
“At least he admitted it,” Uruska huffed softly at that. Izuku inhaled slowly.
“Iida, can you grab my bag?” he asked.
“Sure,” he said, leaving to go get it.
“We thank you that you hadn't gone to the public about our situation,” Kirishima stated. “Honestly we hadn't known about this until the night of the concert. We even practiced it and everything. By the way, it was really good.”
“I um...thank you?” he said and looked to Katsuki who looked very uncomfortable, especially under the glare of his best friend.
“I do plan on telling everyone that I was not the one that had written it and that you had. I can keep you annonymous if you wanted,” Katsuki offered.
“Yes, please,” Izuku said quickly, clearing his throat. “I just don't want anyone knowing it was me.”
“You could make a lot of money man with your work. You should think about making your own music,” Kirishima stated.
“Not helping man,” Katsuki snapped at his friend.
“You're making money off of his work and he gets to see nothing?” Uruaka asked. “Hardly fair if you ask me. I could record this conversation myself and blast it all over the social media platforms that I have at my disposal.”
“Seriously?” Katsuki growled. “That's why we came here in the first place.”
“Well you-”
“Enough,” Sero said about them all so that they all quieted down. “We're here today to have a discussion, not a fight or attacking one another.”
“Whatever,” Uruaka grumbled.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, ready to say something again but stopped when he got a kick under the table from Sero.
“Katsuki has admitted his wrong doing,” Sero explained. “To keep the public off of everyone's backs we are offering money and full rights to his song. Katsuki will go public with the song wasn't his. The notebook will be returned to it's rightful owner.”
“How much?” Uruska asked.
“Does she need to be here?” Katsuki growled.
“I'm his best friend and I am not letting someone take advantage of him,” She replied glaring daggers at the blonde.
Iida appeared with the bag, Izuku taking it with a soft thanks and cleared his throat.
“Iida, could you and Uruaka wait in the kitchen please?” he asked.
“But-” Uruaka said, her eyes widening as Iida gently grabbed her arm and pulled her up.
“I've got it,” Izuku promised her.
She hesitated but then let out a sigh, standing up and left with Iida. Izuku let out a sigh himself and pulled out Katsuki's notebook.
“So that's where it went,” Katsuki said, a slight smirk pulling on his face as he offered Izuku his notebook back. The omega took it slowly, holding out Katsuki's as well.
Honestly it took all Katsuki's willpower not to bring it to his nose and take a whiff of the omega's scent that clung to the pages.
“I hope you don't mind but I did read some,” Izuku said. “There are some really good ones in there.”
“Only fair considering what I did,” Katsuki offered. “You really liked my work?”
“Always have. You can feel the emotion in your words,” Izuku explained, his cheeks turning a light shade of red.
The smile tugged on Katsuki's face and he pulled the sunglasses off, their eyes locking from across the table.
Kirishima cleared his throat, the two of them looking away.
“Anyway,” Kirishima said. “What do you say Midoriya?”
“Well...” Izuku said softly.
“If you don't want a one time payment we can settle on you gaining your share when it comes to whatever money the band gains from it,” Sero suggested.
Izuku looked between all of them, the smell of distress seeming to start coming through Izuku's sweet homey scent.
“Hey,” Katsuki said, voice soft which had the other two looking at him in shock. This was a side of Katsuki they had never seen before. He was always brash and either yelling or growling. Here he was speaking softly.
Izuku met his gaze again, swallowing hard.
“Don't feel like we're pushing you. If you want to do something different we can,” he offered.
“Katsuki,” Sero said with a scowl.
The blonde ignored him, keeping Izuku's gaze fixated on him.
After a moment Izuku nodded. “I agree to taking my share of when the band makes money from using my song.”
“Excellent,” Sero said, pulling out a piece of paper. “Sign here.”
“Now that we have that all settled we should be heading out,” Sero said, turning off the phone and putting all of the papers in his bag. “We'll be in touch Mr. Midoriya. And thank you.” The three of them got up, heading for the door. Katsuki stared back at him for a few moments before slipping on his sunglasses again and out the door with the others.
Izuku let out a sigh, Uruaka coming out with Iida, biting her lip.
“You okay?” she asked softly.
“Yeah,” Izuku said, pulling his notebook to his chest and inhaled gently and subtly. It smelled a lot like the alpha which had him relaxing for some reaosn. Why was he attracted to the man so much. Sure he was good looking but he had a mark on his neck, much like Izuku did. He was taken.
“If it's okay, I'm going to go home,” Izuku said, pulling himself up.
“Yeah, go ahead. Get some rest,” Uruaka said. “We'll handle it from here.”
“Thank you,” Izuku said giving them a gentle hug.
On his way down the street to head to his home he flipped throuh the pages, finding on the last page a phone number with a small message.
“If you ever want to talk, feel free to do so.” it read.
I’m open for written commissions
want to support? my patreon (triforceangel)
my a03 (triforceangel) as another place to read my fics
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triforceangel13 · 10 months
Sing Me a Melody Ch. 4 (A BakuDeku Omegaverse Au)
Chapter 4: Seeking Sanctuary
It had been days since there was a discussion with Katsuki and his band. He couldn't believe that this was going on. Not only would he be making money from the agreement he had signed for his song but he had actually even gotten the number of the Dynamight.
He hadn't used it yet. He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do honestly. He knew he had offered to talk to him should he need to but he might be overstepping his boundaries if he did.
In the mail he had gotten his first check for his song and his eyes nearly bulged from his head. This would take care of his rent and then some.
He couldn't believe it. Surely this was too much right?
But with how popular they were he was sure this head to do with the ticket sales that were sold as well. This was only the beginning.
With a smile on his face he made his way to put the check in his account, deciding after to get himself his favorite ramen bowl from the local conveinence store.
He hadn't had it in so long and he was excited for it.
He went into the shop, picking up a few things into his basket. It was when he was picking out a drink that a shadow fell over him, blocking out the light that was in there.
“Excuse me, I can't see,” Izuku said, turning around and his cheeks turned white.
“That anyway to greet your alpha?” the man asked with a smirk. His bright blue eyes bore down on him, his dyed hair nearly hiding his face as he loomed over him.
“Touya...” Izuku mumbled. “What do you want?”
“Now what kind of question is that?” The man asked, leaning back a bit, the chains on his leather jacket jingling. “And how many times do I need to tell you to call me Dabi.”
Izuku let out a heavy sigh, his panic rising in his chest. It had been some time since he had last seen Dabi. He had thought he had finally decided to leave him alone.
But no. He was right there and he wasn't going to leave him alone.
He was never going to get away from this man. He was going to end up having to move. He was going to have to leave this life...
Tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't do this again. He just couldn't.
“Again, what to you want?” he asked him, trying to hide the wavering in his voice. “I signed that form to sever our mating bond.”
“Must have never seen it,” Dabi said, his fingers running over Izuku's neck. He flinched away just as a rumble of thunder went overhead. “You and I both know that you can still feel that connection. That it'll always help me find you.”
Izuku scowled. He didn't get it. Unless the man had a tracking devince on him he could never figure out how he was able to find him.
“Leave me alone,” Izuku said, finally taking a stand and went to pay for his items. Of course Dabi followed after him, waiting for him to pay for his items.
Izuku had to get out of there.
Once paid he grabbed his bag and grabbed his phone. He had to get away. He couldn't show him where he lived again. Then he'd never stop harassing him.
So he did the first thing that he could think of.
He grabbed hold of his phone and hit the first contact.
It took a few rings before someone picked up.
“Hello?” said a familiar raspy voice, sounding sleep heavy.
“Hey,” Izuku said, putting on a fake smile. “It's me, Izuku. I was just wondering where you were to pick me up?”
“Huh?” Katsuki mumbled into the phone rising up from his bed. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh you're running late,” Izuku said with teasing tone. “That's alright, I can start walking.”
His voice wavered a bit as he walked, Dabi walking behind him, smirking to himself.
And Katsuki caught that right away. Something was wrong. Something was really wrong.
“Milton Hotel in uptown. Floor seventeen suite 406,” He told Izuku without a second thought. “Tell anyone who might stop you that Katsuki sent for you. Under no circumstance use my band name alright?”
“Okay, see you soon,” Izuku said with a forced chipper voice and hung up the phone, swallowing as he made his way down the street.
The rain started to pelt on him then and he winced, hearing the heavy footsteps from Dabi behind him. His heart hammered in his chest and he made the mistake of looking behind him.
Dabi followed behind him, the smirk growing his face as their eyes met.
“Meeting up with another?” Dabi asked, moving to slide his arm around his shoulders. “Didn't think you were into multiple partners.”
“I'm not, Izuku squeaked. “Leave me alone!”
He took off at a run, blindly runnig into the rain, his bag dangling and banging against his legs as he took off.
“Get back here!” Dabi shouted at him. Izuku felt that tug of the alpha's command but he forced the feeling away, rushing farther into the city as Dabi chased after him.
Izuku ran as much as he could, whimpering as he heard the footsteps. He had to get away from him quickly!
At the first sight of a cab he rushed to it, closing the door quickly behind him as Dabi started to close in on him again. “Milton hotel. Quickly, please. He's going to get me,” Iuzku gasped. The driver, a beta, was quick to step on it, driving away in the direction Izuku wanted.
“Are you okay? Do you want me to call the police?” she asked, looing in the mirror as Dabi chased after the cab.
“N-no, just get me away from him please,” Izuku begged clutching his hands on his arms. He needed to be safe. He couldn't go home. Dabi could find him there and his one safe space would be known to the man.
He shivered from the dampness of the rain and from adrenaline as the beta drove him further into the city into the upper most part. At the hotel Izuku struggled to get his wallet out of his pocket but the beta shook her head.
“On me this time,” she said with soft eyes. “Are you sure you're going to be alright?”
“I'm okay. Thank you very much,” Izuku said, sliding out of the cab. She watched him a moment and then slowly drove off.
Izuku looked around. He was in the clear. He didn't see him anywhere. But he also felt very out of place right now.
This was an area that was more well off where he came from. He felt out of place. But he had to get inside in case Dabi was still following him.
Dripping wet he rushed inside, shivering as he clutched his jackeet closer as he head to the elevators. He had to get out of the public eye.
The elevator attendent looked to Izuku with a raised brow.
“Can I help you?” he asked.
“I need to get to floor seventeen please,” he said, voice shaking and tears leakng down his cheeks.
“What is your reason for being on floor seventeen. We have rather..private guets on that floor who do not wish to be distrubed,” he mand said.
Izuku paled and then inhaled slowly.
“Katsuki sent for me,” he said. At the recognition of the words the man stepped aside and pushed number seventeen as Izuku stepped inside.
“Have a great stay,” the man said before the doors closed, leaving Izuku alone.
Izuku shivered as the elevator started to rise and he sniffled softly. That had been close too close. He didn't know what to do.
He wanted to crumble to the floor but he knew he had to get at least to Katsuki's room. Maybe he would just let him sit for a little bit before he went home.
He stumbled from the elevator as it opened to the seventeenth floor and he made his way to room 406....
Which ended up being a rather large suite at the end of the hall.
He knocked softly on it, tears threatening to run down his cheeks.
Katsuki opened the door soon after, the rock star dressed in a pair of sweats and a tshirt. The sight before him had his heart squeezing in his chest.
The poor omega drenched from the rain, a patheric plastic bag hanging from his wrist and tears welled up in his eyes.
“Jeez...” Katsuki said to him softly. “Come in here Izuku. What the hell happened?”
Izuku stepped inside, tripping over himself as he toed off his shoes and fell against the alpha. The blonde caught him easily and that was when Izuku broke down, sobbing softly as he clung to the strong alpha.
Katsuki's eyes softened a bit and he rest his arms around him, petting his hair as he closed the door behind him.
“Shh...it's okay. You're safe now,” he promised him.
Izuku looked around the hotel suite. This hotel suite was bigger than his own apartment. It even had branched off two bedrooms for even more privacy.
It was like an apartment within a hotel.
It was a little messy with clothes and papers sitting aorund. A guitar sat on the table, probably from when Katsuki was working.
Now Izuku sat on the couch in a large black and red robe. It was way too big for him which had him basically wearing a blanket. He wore nothing underneath as Katsuki's underwear was just too big for him as well.
After he had calmed down Katsuki had made sure he went to take a hot shower and he was letting his clothes dry out in there.
Now Izuku felt warm and relaxed, surrounded by the alpha's scent and honestly felt so relaxed that he wanted to purr.
“Here you go,” Katsuki said, stepping from the small kitchen, setting down a large bowl of ramen that Izuku had bought and set it on the tray. “Time to warm up.”
Izuku flushed at the set up.
“You didn't have to do that,” Izuku saids oftly, pulling up his chopsticks. Katsuki reached, ruffling the omega's hair.
“Don't worry about it,” he said. “You need to warm up after being out in that.”
Izuku smiled softly, taking a small bite after blowing on it and felt himself relax even more. Even the omega in his head was speaking loudly.
“Alpha is taking are of us,” it purred to Izuku. “Alpha wants us.”
Izuku flushed a bit and tried to ignore it. Those thoughts however distracted himself and he ended up burning his finger on the hot broth.
“Ow!” he yelped, pulling his finger back quickly. Katsuki was there to grab his hand, putting his mouth over the burn without a thought.
They both froze, looking to one another as Katsuki slowly pulled his lips from his finger. Izuku's cheeks burned a bright red and the two of them slowly leaned in.
Izuku felt his breath catch, eyes fluttering shut as Katsuki leaned in to kiss him.
And quickly pulled back before he could when there was a knock at the door.
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triforceangel13 · 1 year
Sing Me a Melody Ch. 2 (A BakuDeku Omegaverse Au)
Chapter 2: Guilty Song
Weeks had gone by. Katsuki had not returned to the cafe to see that cute omega again. He had buried himself into his work once more, doing press conferences, signing opprotunities, and most importantly practice.
Especially the new song that he had come up with. Well...not him.
He had taken one of the songs in the notebook he kept on him close at hand and had worked with it to make it a beautiful song.
The rest of the band was surprised where it had come from all of a sudden after so long of his brain not functioning to create even a line.
But the guilt sank into him. It continued to sink into him. He was claiming this as his own and he shouldn't be.
He never went anywhere without the notebook, even keeping the notebook under his pillow at night which had helped him fall asleep.
It wasn't the omega's scent relaxing him each night that clung to the pages. Nothing like that, at least that's what he told himself over and over again.
Even now right backstage of the concert he kept it tucked in his bag for safe keeping to make sure it was safe.
He would return it. When ths concert was over he would return it and thank the omega, hoping that he wouldn't be too upset by this.
It was to be expected that he would be upset in the first place for taking something that was probably very personal.
Maybe he should warn Sero about a possible legal thing happening after the concernt just in case it came to that.
It was currently intermission and he was taking a moment to sit in his dressing room, making sure to take a drink and relax until he had to go back out on stage.
And sing this brand new song.
Plucking up the notebook out of his bag he let out a sigh, pulling out the piece of paper of the notes and lyrics of what he had come up from it.
His eyes scanned it and he felt that familiar warmth bubbling in his chest.
This omega. This Izuku, had such strong feelings in his words and in his works. As if something had happened to him, or at least continued to happen to him and this was the only way he could get his frustrations out.
He felt for him. That was how some of Katsuki's own music was made. He took what he was feeling and put it to paper.
But the latest ones were all the same as their greatest hits. It was getting boring and repetitive. This is not what he needd. He had needed something new.
“Hey man, do you have another pick for my guitar I lost mine,” Kirishima asked, stepping into the room without knocking.
Katsuki flinched, snapping the notebook shut and tucked it under himself to hide it.
“Yeah, it's in my bag,” he stated, the guilt on his face just seemng to blast through the tension in the air right now.
Kirishima rose a brow stepping in and got the pick, then crossed his arms.
“What are you hiding?” he asked.
“Nothing,” Katski stated.
“Dude. Come on. We've known each other since high school. I know when youre hiding something. Show it,” Kirishima demanded.
Katsuki sighed heavily.
He was caught.
Izuku sighed softly as he stared out the window in his apartment. For once he had a day off but he honestly just couldn't relax at all.
Without his notebook he found he was a little on edge.
He had tried starting another one but for some reason without having his other notes and other works to look back on things just wouldn't flow nicely.
Nothing went the right way, nothing was making him happy.
He sighed, closing the curtain, getting ready to go to bed. It was getting late and he did have to go to work the next day. May as well just sleep rather than just sit with more hours of being annoyed and upset.
Staring into his phone he sighed, reaching to rub the old scar on his neck. An old mating bite. The one that had been buried on his neck that he hid with bandaids and makeup every day.
Was he in hiding? Sort of. His alpha had abandoned him but in the past he had always popped up when Izuku didn't want him to be, wanting to be back in his life.
And then one failure again would just result in him leaving again.
Izuku had enough. He decided to just move away from his home and hide away, making a new life for himself.
He had made friends, gotten a job and an...okay apartment.
To him it was all he needed.
“Hey Izuku!” Ochako texted him. He looked at the time. He was honestly surprised she was on her phone and texting him.
“Hey, what's up?” he replied.
“Did you see the newest song that favorite band of yours performed tonight?”
Izuku paused. That was right. That concert was that night and then they would be leaving this area for another stop in their tour.
“Not yet, is it good?” he asked.
“It's amazing! It looks like they're taking a turn with their music or something. I might start listening to them now.”
A link popped up for him and he poked it to bring it up. It started out as it normally did, guitar, the keyboard.
“Remember the moment you left me alone and
Broke every promise you ever made
I was an ocean, lost in the open,
Nothin' could take the pain away”
Izuku smiled at the sound of it, enjoying the melody coming from the lead singer, Dynamight, watching the concert video.
He was sweaty, goregeous and up close. This person had a pretty good spot to get a good view just like this.
Something tickled in the back of his mind about the lyrics but he chose to ignore it.
“So you can throw me to the wolves
Tommorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne”
The smile fell from Izuku's face as he listened. These lyrics were familiar. Too familiar. And it wasn't Dynamight's typical work. This was...
“The sticks and the stones that you used to throw have
Built me an empire, so don't even try
To cry me a river, 'cause I forgive you
You are the reason I still fight”
His own work.
Izuku shot up in the bed, watching as the rest of his song unfolded from Dynamight's lips, the crowd going wild.
These were his own lyrics. Things he had written after a hard moment, used for the entertainment of others.
Tears welled up in his eyes.
So that's what happened with his notebook.
The song was good. The song was very good actually. Dynamight had worked it in a way that had made it amazing, and to see so many love it so much was astounding.
But it was personal. And the alpha hadnt even asked, just used what wasn't his.
Letting out a small sob he covered his face in his hands, burying them against his knees as he cried, letting the end of the song play out on his phone.
Kirishima stood in Katsuki's hotel room with him with the others as well, Sero, Kaminari, and Mina standing there shocked at Katsuki's words.
The blonde sat in his chair, feeling gross from the concert and his make up having run down his face a bit.
He just wanted a shower and go to bed.
“So that song was...not your own? Katsuki did you at least get permission to use it?” Mina asked with a frown.
“No,” Katsui sighed.
“Well we were the ones who sang it. And it's never been created befow,” Kaminari chimed in, trying to make light of the situation.
But this was very serious, even that didn't help.
Katsuki was pissed Kirishima had told everyone, but it honestly it had to come out.
“That's not how this works Denki,” Sero sighed softly and looked to the blonde. ���We have to tread carefully now and talk to the omega you took this notebook from before he goes to the press with that you stole his song.”
“Maybe he doesn't know?” Kirishima asked. “There's a possibility there.”
“The song is blowing up on the internet,” Mina sighed as she looked to her phone. “There's no way he hadn't hear it by now.”
Katsuki sighed softly.
“What do we do?” Katsuki asked.
“Well for one stop using that notebook,” Sero snapped at him but took a deep breath to calm down. “We go back to that coffee shop and talk to him. I don't want to offer hush money, but I will. If not then we have a long trial coming up over the rights to his song. Maybe he'll be happy about it, I don't know. I want to avoid trial as much as possible. You already have a reputation for always being seen going out of the court houses.”
Katsuki rubbed his temples.
“Deal. Let's worry about it in the morning,” he grumbled. Sero gave a nod, motioning for the others to follow him out. “We'll see you tommorrow No running off,” Sero said. Katsuki waved his hand at him and sighed as the door shut behind him, cursing softly.
He pulled the notebook out of his bag and sighed, bringing it to his nose and inhaled gently, the scent of the omega reaching his nose. It was growing faint from being away for so long...
He wanted to fix this. Maybe get his own notebook back, give him the money and just never sing that song again.
But with how popular it was he didn't think he'd be able not do it.
With another curse he closed his eyes, letting out another sigh.
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