#bakugou fix it fic
mangostarjam · 5 months
knot happening (part one) — bnha, alpha!bakugou katsuki x f!reader, aged up characters, established relationship, a/b/o dynamics, use of "brat" and "pipsqueak" as pet names, smut in the second part (coming soon), omegaverse!au for the spring fever collab run by @lorelune ! 1.2k words
your new company has some... interesting policies for employee heat cycles. you do your best to find a loophole.
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"I can't do it."
"The hell d'ya mean, you can't do it?"
You give your Pro Hero boyfriend and resident alpha A Look. Bakugou Katsuki has the grace to shut his mouth, but he rolls his eyes and drapes a heavy arm over your shoulders, yanking you into him on the faded yellow couch you picked out together years ago.
"This is my first heat at this new job, and it's just... embarrassing. Do you know what they do, Katsuki?"
He raises a sharp blonde eyebrow in invitation.
"They..." your voice drops with horror, "they announce it to the whole company."
"Hah?" Katsuki sits up a little, strong thighs flexing beneath his gym shorts. He came in on the tail end of your mental breakdown, finding you pacing in the living room of your apartment with your hands tugging incessantly on your borrowed shirt. "What the fuck?"
"I know," you wail, "it's ridiculous! The president sends out a company wide email explaining your absence, and the HR team sends you a care basket, and the Sales team sets up a pre-heat drinking party! Do you know what's in the care basket, Katsuki?"
"Do I wanna know?"
"It's filled with sex toys, babe! SEX TOYS! From my company! They're branded!"
A spark lights up in Katsuki's otherwise vaguely concerned expression. "Don't they know you're mated?"
"Yes, of course, that was in my file," you wave him off, still seeing horror images of company branded sex toys floating in your mental vision. "I heard from Sasaki in Accounting that the toys are for when your mate needs a break. Y'know, from fucking."
Katsuki's derisive snort is loud and breaks you out of your personal hellhole. "What kinda fuckin' alpha needs a break when their mate needs 'em?"
"Well, not every alpha is a big strong Pro Hero like you," you point out, poking him on one annoyingly firm bicep. The familiar scent of caramel and smoke fills your nose. "And actually, maybe I should ask if they've got any onaholes for when you're the one in heat. Last time I needed another two days to recover."
"Hah?! There's no fucking way I'll use one of those!"
You peer up at your boyfriend reproachfully. "I like being able to walk, Katsuki."
"You don't need to fuckin' walk if I'm carryin' you everywhere, brat."
"Hmm, we'll see," you say. Katsuki's red eyes flash as you tap your bottom lip with your finger thoughtfully. "There's gotta be a way for me to take a week off work without telling them I'm going into heat."
"There's no way you'll be able to avoid it," Katsuki rumbles, leaning forward to catch your finger with his teeth. He nips at it lightly before leaning down more to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. That, more than anything, finally makes your anxiety simmer down. "You always smell so fucking good before it starts. Everyone's gonna notice."
"You're the only one who can do anything about it, though, so you'll have to keep it in your pants or quit picking me up after work."
"Not happening," Katsuki presses another kiss along your hairline and noses into the strands, sniffing deeply. It tickles, and you laugh, trying halfheartedly to shove him off of you. "What else do they give in these care packages?"
"Actually, besides the super cursed sex toys, they include really good snacks and electrolyte drinks to keep your energy up," you say, "and I'm really glad my company is so open about it all, but it's just so embarrassing!"
Katsuki hums, letting you vent out your worries. You look really pretty like this, dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of pajama shorts, some soft cotton thing that barely covers your perfect ass. He pulls your legs onto his lap and you flop backwards on the couch, moving on from your minor breakdown to sharing a funny story that happened to one of your new coworkers the other day. He had missed hearing about it then, stuck on overtime for a patrol, so he basks in your attention now as the two of you laze around on the couch.
The afternoon passes into evening. It's a rare lazy Monday together — your new job lets you have three day weekends in exchange for slightly longer work days, and Katsuki's patrol schedule happened to line up this week. You're digging into a pint of ice cream after polishing off a plate of his delicious (but spicy) curry and rice when it comes up again.
"What're you gonna do about your heat?"
"Well, I was thinking," you slide your spoon into the thick cream and wave it at him, "I'll still need to use my authorized heat cycle time off, since I want to save my vacation and comp time for real uses, so there's no avoiding the company finding out..."
Katsuki raises an eyebrow and accepts the spoonful of ice cream you're dangling in his face. His tongue pokes out to chase a bit of cream lingering on the edge of his lip and he grins, sharp, at the way your eyes track the movement. "But...?"
You have a feeling Katsuki hasn't fully thought through the horrors of corporate sponsored pleasure items, but you have, and the thought of everyone at your new company knowing you'll be getting fucked within an inch of your life makes you want to shrivel up and die. All companies have policies in place to protect time off for heat cycles, as society couldn't function otherwise, but this is the first place you've worked where impending heat cycles are declared company-wide. Normally it's just marked as time off.
"But they don't have to find out until after it starts, right? So as long as I can get through the pre-heat stuff without anyone noticing, I can avoid the cursed care package and company-wide email!"
"Ain't happening," Katsuki says flatly.
"We've been mated for sooo long now, babe," your gaze flicks up to meet his and you pout. Your boyfriend outright snorts when you start batting your eyelashes at him. "Surely you can resist the pre-heat symptoms this one time? I swear I'll get over my company's shenanigans once I see it happen to a few other people. It's really great how supportive they are, but I need some time, that's all."
"Your heat is in like. Two weeks," Katsuki says.
You pout up at him some more.
"During your last heat cycle we broke the mattress frame when I missed your first few pre-heat days."
"Yeah, but that was because you had that mission that went long," you say. If you could just... convince him... "C'mon, babe, this will be different! You're such a strong, powerful alpha — resisting me will be a piece of cake! Unless..." you pause and scoop another bite of ice cream into your mouth, "you're too weak to resist me."
"Are you callin' me weak?" Katsuki narrows his eyes. You wave your spoon casually and shrug.
"I mean... all you've gotta do is ignore my pre-heat. I'm just an itty bitty omega..."
Getting into a staring match with Pro Hero Dynamight is not on anyone's Top Ten Good Ideas list, but you match your boyfriend's red glare steadily.
"Alright, pipsqueak, you're on," Katsuki scoffs. "We'll see who's beggin' for who by the time your heat rolls around."
part two
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Idk who I saw it from but someone was talking about how Bakugou is one of those people who mates for life and being the sad bitch I am could not stop thinking of distressing headcanons….
After your breakup, he tries to give you space, he really does. He forces himself to delete paragraph after paragraph of texts telling you he’s still there when you change your mind. In a way, it’s funny. All you’d wanted was to feel like you were important to him when you were together, and now, after, all you want is for him to leave you be.
He finds you in every little part of his day. Where the excitement of getting to see you used to invade his thoughts at the end of his workday, he now feels that dread of going to the quiet apartment. Everything is just as you left it, except now your things don’t fill the empty space. He can’t bring himself to spread his clothes out to the drawers that used to be yours, can’t force himself to throw away the jar of pickles you’d left in the back corner of his fridge. He knows it’s silly, but part of him wants you to know you still have a home with him.
He doesn’t hate you, though he thinks it might be easier. In fact, having you gone just makes him realize he’s never going to love someone like that again. He’s not ashamed to admit it. He hates the way his friends look at him with barely veiled pity when he talks about how you might just need time and he’s willing to wait. If they’d ever felt the way he did with you, he knows they’d understand.
But they haven’t. And they don’t.
It’s been almost a year since your breakup when he sees the paparazzi photo of you in a magazine. It catches him by surprise as he’s getting coffee at the little cafe you showed him, hoodie pulled around his head to shield him from the cold.
It’s a grainy picture, but he’d know you anywhere. What he doesn’t expect to see is the arm wrapped around your waist or the way you’re laughing, despite the fact it’s a post-fight picture. It’s clear you had no idea it was snapped, he knows the difference between your posed appearance and your natural one like the back of his hand.
He knows the man holding you against his side is your new partner, as much as he tries to stay out of your work business, he can’t help occasionally misusing the privileges being the Number 2 hero gives him. He stares at the magazine cover for a while, until the baiting title no longer looks like words.
‘Has the Number 2’s ex found her new number 1?’
He doesn’t know how long he stands there, his mind blank, blinking at the picture as if that would make it shift. He wishes he would feel angry, or betrayed, but all he feels is that familiar ache start to consume him.
He doesn’t mean to get that drunk that night. He definitely doesn’t mean to walk to your new apartment. He never intended to knock on your door and wake you. But he does.
He knows he should shut up when you open the door, knows he should apologize profusely and just leave, but his heart and his brain aren’t on speaking terms it seems.
“I’m still here.” The words rush out before he can stop them, not nearly as slurred as they should be with how drunk he is. You blink sleepily at him, mouth opening to speak and he forces himself to continue.
“You left, but I’m still here. I’m still waiting. Still in love with you, and I’m going to wait the rest of my life for you.” He hates the way his throat tightens when he sees the hurt flash in your eyes, hates that he’s picking at an old wound, but you have to know he loves you. You have to know he’s yours.
“I can’t let you go. I can’t-“ his voice cracks and he has to take a second to clear it, eyes squeezed shut as he tries to collect himself. “I can’t love someone else. I miss you. I miss being loved by you. I just. I know you’re probably with someone new, but you’ve got my heart. And you need to know that,” he’s rambling now, losing the fight against his tears as he breaks, hanging his head. He opens his mouth again, having so much to say still, but nothing comes out.
He grinds his teeth as he looks down at his shoes, shame filling him that even after all this time, all this heartbreak, he still can’t just tell you how important you are to him. He watches a tear fall from his face down to the carpet between his shoes, watches it soak into the fabric as heavy silence settles into the space between you.
He’s sure this was a mistake now, sure he’s going to lose you forever all because he can’t get his fucking mouth to work.
He jumps when your hands cradle his face, soft fingertips brushing away tears as you step into his vision, your eyes reflecting the pain in his.
He breaks then, fully breaks, as you stretch to press a soft kiss to his cheek, and his large frame collapses against you. He clings to you as you walk him back into your apartment, struggling to close the door with him clinging to you so tightly.
“I’m still here,” he repeats through a choked sob, face pressed into your neck.
“I’m still here.”
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aromanticannibal · 2 months
omg last chapter warning but I just realized. bakugou and monoma blew up the stage 2gether. r they friends now. did I get bakumono friendship
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nutzgunray-lvt · 10 months
The MHA fandom can be so fickle and strange about the stupidest things, that it's honestly laughable.
On the one hand, you can have pressed stans accusing you of writing a "hit piece" against Bakugou, even though your characterization of him is 99% lifted off what he canonically says and does. You can have these same stans harassing someone into getting rid of the Dumb Bakugou Katsuki tag on A03, despite All Might Is An Idiot and other variations being on there.
Then you have Shinsou stans excusing away his Quirkism against Ojirou with "he was just trying to rile Izuku up!" without realizing that excuse absolutely does not fly in the real world. Someone tried doing something like this on Survivor, and it got them promptly criticized to hell and back and kicked off the show.
On the other hand, you can have pressed stans accusing you of going too easy on All Might, even though you have him actually acknowledge and apologize for his mistakes with the explicit promise of making up for them.
And then you can completely absolve Bakugou of all of shitty behavior like he had no agency in his decisions and punish Izuku for being a bullying victim, all while insisting that you're not biased towards Bakugou.
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pleathewrites · 6 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 4 excerpt — aizawa & class 1a on what makes a villain read full story here
An article of Dabi and Endeavor’s arrest gets leaked Wednesday morning. Every station, paper, and social media platform picks at the exposed meat of it like vultures to a fresh carcass, fighting over favored limbs and surprise bites.
Class 1A has never been so loud. There’s chatter everywhere.
“Oh my Gods, did you hear — ”
“ — about Todoroki-san —”
“ — his own father — ”
“ — and can you believe Dabi — ”
“ — that crazy villain is Shou’s — ”
“ — brother! The guy who kidnapped — ”
“ — kugou, hey, Bakugou!”
The gentle hand on his shoulder shakes Bakugou from the one-sided staring contest he was having with, ‘that fucking Half ‘n Half — coward hasn’t looked up from his desk the moment he sat down.’
It’s Kirishima, the boy who rescued him, the boy who doesn’t leave his side, who holds his hand and smiles like Bakugou hung the moon and the stars and everything in between.
The boy Bakugou had unknowingly given strength to when Kirishima needed it the most.
“I’m fine.”
Red eyebrows curve upwards in worry, and, ‘fuck,’ Bakugou hates worrying people, “You sure? It’s ok if you’re not. I don’t think anyone is.”
Kirishima looks at, ‘that fuckin’ Half ‘n Half,’ with those same sympathetic eyes, and Bakugou feels something ugly bubble up inside him. 
He scoffs, “Please, he’s known this entire time — fuck him!” 
Kirishima’s eyes squint, “Why do you think that?” 
“Because, if I knew, then there’s no fucking way he didn’t!”
That gets Todoroki to look up, both eyes blown so wide, Kirishima can see his scar visibly stretch, “You knew?”
Kirishima smiles fondly at the angry blond, “Bakugou’s smart like that. Of course he’d figure it out before any of us.”
And, well, Bakugou was about to run up and punch Todoroki in the face right then, but the way Kirishima is looking at Bakugou roots his feet to the ground he desperately wants to sink into. He breathes in deeply, counts like his therapist taught him, and with his exhale, his pounding heart starts to settle into something that feels more like stability. The only thing he’s got the energy left for is to huff and cross his arms, mumbling a pathetic, “Damn straight,” and leaning into Kirishima’s broad shoulder. 
Ironically, Kirishima’s warmth cools the fire in his chest. 
Todoroki shakes his head in something like disbelief — which, ‘Fuck him, because who is he to not believe me?’ — and asks, “When did you figure it out?” 
Bakugou didn’t notice until now how the whole class had quieted down.
He rolls his eyes, “Like, the minute you told Deku and I about Touya at your family’s sad ass dinner. Between that, Dabi’s deranged speech to me, and spending two minutes with Endeavor, it was pretty fuckin’ obvious.”
“Why didn’t you say anything!” Todoroki looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head.
And, ‘oh,’ Bakugou rolls his eyes. He is so done with this conversation, “I just said, it was obvious. ”
That gets Todoroki to shut up and slump back into his chair. 
‘Hm. Fine. I guess IcyHot didn’t know. I can still blame him for being an idiot.’
At the back of the class, Sero chews the end of his pencil and wants nothing more than to offer Todoroki a hug, a cigarette, some kind of an out, but he feels as if he’s been taped to his chair by the paralyzing shock of a lost piece shoved into a puzzle he didn’t know until now remained unfinished — ‘everythin’ makes so much sense now.’
A minute later, Aizawa Shouta walks into his classroom, and prepares for the lecture of his life. Quite possibly, his last.
‘Depending on where Principal Nezu’s loyalties lie,’ Shouta thinks to himself, ‘Well, I’ll find out soon enough.’
The students quiet down with his presence, looking more like deers caught in headlights, waiting, waiting for —
“Everyone, take a seat,” He instructs, and as his students do so, he writes the lesson of the day on the board: Why Do Villains Exist?
Before the last squeak of his underline, before he even turns around, a myriad of answers fill the classroom.
“Free will?”
“The Devil?”
“Shitty families, apparently…” 
Shouta holds up a hand, “I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I was not asking you all, directly. At least, not yet.”
His students sheepishly settle into their seats. A flurry of swished notebooks to clean pages hiss and evaporate into a long beat of silence. 
Shouta takes a deep breath, and a mental note of the way Todoroki Shouto’s shoulders are hitched up to his ears. Shouta cannot imagine what the child is going through. The minute Shouta saw those articles first thing in the morning, he knew his students would have so many questions — and as their teacher, he has a responsibility to answer them the best he can.
He doesn’t know what is going to happen, now that the secret of Todoroki Touya is out, but here, in these four walls of his classroom, he has a control and a capacity to at least prepare his students for the changes to come — the hopeful good and the anticipated bad.
“I understand some, quite frankly, shocking news has come to light. I know you all have many feelings about that news, and probably many questions.
“I was going through your Hero Curriculum over the last few days, and I’ve realized something — our school does not provide one social class. We teach you all how to fight, how to strategize, how to build your image and your portfolio, but we don’t teach you the ways our society functions. The way it was built to function. You learn Quirk history, but you don’t learn about the very social movements that have gotten you, and me, to where we are today. Our society has a twenty percent non-quirk-user population, yet we don’t teach you about their history, psychology, or sociology. 
“We separate the pre-quirk era and the present day, but every study shows that our society functions in the same way, more or less. That’s a bit odd, don’t you think? For our society to be so similar to the pre-quirk era? There’s a saying from that era. ‘Those who refuse to learn history are — ’”
“‘— doomed to repeat it’,” Midoriya finishes. 
Usually, Shouta would reprimand Midoriya for speaking out without being called on, but today, a small smile ticks at his lips. 
“That’s right. Everyone, write that down. I’ll put it on the board.”
He does so while thinking of the frightening duality of identical blue eyes; resolved azure and guilty cerulean. He turns around and spots a yearning cobalt, surrounded by the thick scar tissue of why he’s doing this. His fingers clench around the marker.
“Today, I’m going to throw a lot of information at you guys. And I know when you hear this information, you all will feel many different emotions, as did I. I want you all to know my classroom is a safe space, and there are no wrong feelings. However, I want us all to respect each other to the end,” Shouta looks at both Bakugou and Todoroki when he says, “We are on each other’s team.”
He waits for his students to nod and give him their go-ahead. 
“Now, legally, in my contract, I am not allowed to... theorize to my students — you guys — the relationship between the rise of villainy and a, vastly, failing society. Bit strange, don’t you think? We ask you all, everyday, to risk your lives for this society, but you are not encouraged to learn about it. And I am not allowed to teach you the ways in which this society operates. 
“Well, that doesn’t sit right with me anymore. Today, I am going to risk my job. And in return, I just ask you all to listen with open minds.”
There is a collection of distressed ‘Aizawa-sensei…’s that fill the room. It pulls together the pieces of his broken heart.
Shouta starts to write on the board, “Our society is based in cycles — wealth cycles, abuse cycles, poverty cycles, etcetera. Note, I am talking about the majority, not the single bootstrapping underdog. Now, I am asking you all directly — are people born bad?” 
Bakugou pipes up, “Fuck, no.” 
Shouta witnesses the small uptick of Todoroki’s lips, and nods in approval.
“Correct. Reality is, we look at people who have committed horrible crimes, people like Chisaki Kai. We see a fraction of the pain he inflicted on Eri — and the twisted thing is, he most likely was given the same treatment when he was of that age. Fortunately, with the help of our young heroes, we managed to save Eri from that environment.”
He witnesses the pride in Midoriya’s smile and the dignity in Kirishima’s posture. Shouta prays his lesson will not strip them of it.
He rhetorically asks the class, “But, what would have happened if she wasn’t saved? If she stayed in that environment for another five, ten, maybe fifteen years?” He is answered with blinking, waiting eyes, “Trauma physically changes the brain, especially during your developmental years. Does anyone know when the brain fully develops?”
Kirishima tentatively raises his hand, and Shouta calls on him, “Well, I mean, if we’re considered adults at eighteen, is it because that’s when our brains are fully developed?”
“You bring up an excellent point, Kirishima,” Shouta commends. “Society considers you full, functioning adults when you reach the age of eighteen. However, studies from both pre-quirk and our era state that the brain finishes development as late as age twenty-six, even longer for people with common neurodevelopmental disorders, like ADHD.”
“Wait, shit, I have ADHD — ”
“ — Dude, me too — ”
“— does my sister, that makes so much sense — ”
Shocked murmurs flitter around as Ashido raises up her hand, and cuts through the noise, “Wait, Aizawa-sensei, then why do we use eighteen as the age of being an adult? That’s the age when we’re allowed to make so many life-changing decisions…”
The murmurs stop.
“Why, indeed? You’re asking the right question, and you deserve a truthful answer. Because eighteen is such an important age. It is the age you vote, the age you register to become a Pro-Hero, the age people join our civilian military, the age you are allowed to engage in intimate acts with people older than eighteen… And it is the age you are tried as an adult for any crimes committed.
“Which brings me to my next point — has anyone ever heard of the term, ‘private prisons’?”
To Shouta’s surprise, it is Sero who answers his question, “They’re prisons that’re bought by corporations. Don’t have to follow all the government policies, can make up their own rules and stuff. Profit off the prisoners, too — I read somewhere that it’s compa-comparable? To slave-labor. Is that true?”
Sero Hanta is a student that Shouta would argue is actually immensely intelligent, despite his limited vocabulary. Sero’s file states that he comes from an unremarkable school within one of the lower-income districts, but through the academic year, Shouta has learned that Sero’s knowledge is oddly vast.
Shouta hums in approval, “In a nutshell, that is true.” 
He goes to the board and begins to explain the prison industrial-complex using diagrams and metrics that blew his mind the first time he researched into it.
“ — Various people will argue how private prisons are the solutions to overcrowding in federal prisons, ignoring the root causes of mass incarceration, like what we’ve already discussed — police bias, three-strike policies, harsher sentences for non-violent crimes, politician bribery, and so on.”
Kaminari raises his hand, “Is Tartarus privately owned?”
Shouta feels the grim pull of his expression, “Yes. Any guesses as to who by?”
Bakugou answers, “Probably the HPSC.”
Shouta nods, “Correct,” and writes down a grotesquely large but accurate number on the board, “This is how much the HPSC profits off Tartarus, annually.” 
Amongst the scritch and scratch of his students’ furious note-taking, Yaoyorozu’s hand shoots up, “I have a question about what you said earlier, that perhaps ties into what you’re teaching now. Are you saying any traumas we endure up until age twenty-six will physically change the way our brains develop? And if so, in what ways?”
“Thank you for noticing that connection, Yaoyorozu. That brings us back to my example of Eri, and if she had stayed in that environment, raised by Chisaki Kai. Anger and hurt feeds the soul just as love and affection does, but the needs of that person changes based on what they are given. What if Eri had grown up to be one of the villains you face? Would you still want to save her, or would your first instinct be to lock her away? You wouldn’t know who she is, where she comes from. You’d only know her crimes, but never what brought her to that point.” 
“Sensei... It’s really not fair to use Eri-chan in this example. She’s just a child,” Midoriya defends.
Shouta nods in understanding, “So was every single villain I’ve ever arrested,” His mind goes immediately to that day in the interrogation room with Dabi, the scarred-villain fighting for Himiko Toga’s immunity, the reminder that she is a child before she is a villain.
“But, we can’t excuse villainous actions!” 
“You’re right, Midoriya,” Shouta confirms, “Actions have consequences.”
“So…” It is Tokoyami that speaks up this time, “What’s the solution?” 
Shouta shrugs, “What is the solution? Two-hundred years of hero-society hasn’t figured that out. Two-thousand years of human society never figured out how to stop their own criminals.”
Shouta knew it was a shit answer, but, well, he only started this research a few days ago. His conclusion is that the solution will take a collection of heroes to figure out, and it won’t happen in a day, and most devastatingly, not in his lifetime. He believes in planting the seed, though. He believes in his students to water it with the information he’s given today, believes in them to let it soak in the rays of enlightenment he wished he’d bothered to bathe in twenty-odd years ago.
He believes in his students, in this generation, so much more than his own.
“You are here to learn how to be heroes. You’re not here to learn how to fight — yet, somewhere along the lines, we’ve all forgotten what being a hero meant. So,” He writes on the board: What Does it Mean to be a Hero?
“Saving people!” Kaminari.
Obvious, but — “Good,” He wrote it down, “Saving who?” 
“Innocents!” Ida.
“Hm,” This is where Shouta will have to make his poor students think deeper, “Why just the innocent?” 
“Because they don’t deserve to be hurt,” Ida answers.
Shouta nods, “So, when does someone lose their innocence?” 
There’s a moment of thinking before Asui tries, “When they’ve hurt someone who didn’t deserve it?”
‘Deserve’ is the interesting word here.
“Who deserves to be hurt? Is abuse something that is earned? Who gets to make that judgment, and on what basis?”
Uraraka is the brave one to weakly ask, “Police?” 
“Ah,” Shouta almost facepalms, “I realize I never assigned proper reading for this topic, my apologies. Right after class, I will email you all some studies that have mostly been kept underground. Here are only some statistics pulled from those studies. I’ll write them down now.”
‘70% of villains come from abusive homes and below the poverty line.’
‘40% of policemen self-reported to being domestic abusers - how many unreported?’ 
‘80% of sexual-assault offenders are not arrested, despite evidence that murder convictions have been sentenced for less on.’
‘73% of federal prisoners are serving time for non-violent offenses and have no history of violence.’
‘60% of the top fifty heroes have committed criminal acts, yet remain unpunished.’
He waits as his students write down these statistics in their notebooks. He only continues when every single face has looked back up at him.
“Earlier on, I spoke about how people’s needs change, based on what they’re given. It is against the law to steal. However, basic necessities like food, shelter, water, diapers, pads and tampons are not free. Everyone needs to work in order to make money, yet our society’s job markets are often closed or extremely restricted to convicted felons, equally for both violent and non-violent offenders. 
“The law makes no difference between someone shoplifting a luxury handbag, and shoplifting a sandwich. So, what our current justice system is essentially telling our society is that people should starve, because of pre-defined morality. That people should let themselves descend to slow death, because that is what our society has deemed is ‘right’. 
“I am not trying to make you all feel shame for the way our society works. You’re just kids. You are all incredibly gifted, and incredibly privileged, kids. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t. To pick yourself up from your bootstraps, you first need to have a sturdy pair of strong leather boots. Many are born without.
“Everyone wants to be a hero to ‘stop villains’. What I want you all to think about is prevention. How can our society lower these numbers? How can we stop a crime before it’s committed, rather than immediately punish someone once that crime is committed? How can we help reintegrating convicted felons into our society, so that they don’t end up in these prisons a second, and a third time? 
“And I want you all to also question — who actually benefits from a criminal being punished? Our society, our governments, or our heroes?”
His students look conflicted. Worried, sad, betrayed, afraid and confused. 
Shouta looks at the clock and realizes he’s almost out of time.
He puts the marker down, “I want you all to do the reading I’ve emailed you, and write a one-page reflection on how you would like to be a part of villain prevention once you debut as a Pro-Hero. No goals are too big or too small. I encourage you all to use your imagination, use your empathy, and use the information you’ve learned from me, and your classmates. Does that sound alright?”
His students slowly nod.
“Alright. Thank you all for listening. My door is always open if you have questions or just generally want to talk. Class dismissed.”
read full story here
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scarlet-traveler · 1 year
Thanks to everybody who's been reading my krbk month fics throughout the last few weeks! I really wasn't sure how well they would do over here but I was really surprised at all the attention they got <3
If you happened to miss any, you can find them all below:
Day 2: Rain (Tumblr | AO3) - Bakugou's experiences with rain Day 5: Fantasy (Tumblr | AO3) - runaway prince Bakugou meets dragon shifter Kirishima Day 9: Confession (Tumblr | AO3) - Kirishima unexpected confesses while he and Bakugou are up late at night Days 7+11+14: Sunshine, Long Distance, First Kiss (Tumblr | AO3) - Kirishima and Bakugou have a hiking date and their first kiss Day 17: Free Day (Tumblr | AO3) - mini sequel to previous fic feat. cuddling for warmth Day 18+20: Dancing, Moonlight (Tumblr | AO3) - Kirishima and Bakugou dance together under the stars Day 21: Coffee Shop (Tumblr | AO3) - art student Kirishima uses chemical engineering student Bakugou as his drawing muse Day 22: Alternate Careers (Tumblr | Twitter) - Bakugou and Kirishima open a joint bakery/florist business after retiring from hero work Day 25: Bakusquad (Tumblr | AO3) - Kiribaku tells the rest of the squad about their relationship Day 27: Royalty (Tumblr | AO3) - prince Kirishima meets baker Bakugou while escaping from royal duties Day 28: Soulmate (Tumblr | AO3) - Bakugou's experiences with Kirishima as his soulmate Day 29: Mutual Pining (Tumblr | AO3) - Bakugou and Kirishima confide in Deku about their feelings for each other Day 31: Quirk Accident (Tumblr | AO3) - Kirishima temporarily loses his memories
And for those of you who followed me within the last month, welcome! I hope you enjoy the mess of content here XD
I'll be taking a writing break for the next few weeks since I'm feeling a little burnt out, but I'll still be around! And I've got plenty more fics to share later on, kiribaku or otherwise, so keep an eye out :D
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felidlycanthr0pe · 1 year
It's near the end of Katsuki's...experience...working under Best Jeanist. He's had enough hair gel to last a lifetime, and isn't certain that his legs will ever be not-jean shaped ever again. On the final night of his program, Katsuki is called into the office after training for some last minute orders of business.
In other words, Best Jeanist isn't a quitter.
In other OTHER words, i'm depressed as shit and i needed to get the brain juice working again so here's these things. These are part of a larger challenge called Obscure Dads Week 1, part of a larger group you can find via @daddecember . I think I have a handle on what I want to do for the rest of the week, so stay tuned for more shenanigans from other funky lil dudes!
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mysicklove · 1 year
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Welcome to my first kinktober, my loves! I've decided to make my own list of kinks for this year, so it will not line up with the official kinktober 2023 prompt list. I had a lot of fun with this, so I hope you all enjoy!
Fandoms included: mha, kny, bllk, jjk, aot
SIT. STAY. PAW. GOOD BOY! (general info)
ALL of these will be Dom! Reader. So, most of the kinks will be the character on the receiving end. I participate in aging characters up. Reader will either be: Gn! or AFAB (+Fem). It will be mentioned in warnings. Each fic will be released at 8 AM PST time and will be reblogged twice a day (most likely.)
My tag for this event is, #Barkforme!
Fill out this form to get notified for each post. Check out here to confirm I got you on the list!
Reblogs highly appreciated !!! <3
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OCTOBER 1st | PET PLAY w/ Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou
☆ BARK FOR ME! cw: gn! reader, collars/leashes, dog ears, reader forces katsuki to bark, reader is purposefully mean to izuku, mlm (they are forced to makeout), hand jobs, slight orgasm control, tons of sappy nicknames 5.0k
☆ FIX ME cw: Fem? reader (no pronouns just use of names: mommy and mama), unreleastic portrayal of sub space, mentions of BDSM (rough treatment, degradation,whips, mistress/master use), safeword use (at the end), lots of cooing, Gojo unable to think properly, praise, comfort, clingy/needy Gojo 2.2k
☆ BAD MOUTHING cw: reader is fem coded, gagging, lots of drool and saliva, unrealistic potrayal of oral fixations, cringey dialogue in beginning, tears, reader spits in his mouth, cumming in pants, biting 2.2k
☆ LIGHT AS A FEATHER cw: gn! reader, blindfold/gag/earmuffs, feather usage, ice usage, nonverbal safe word discussed (not used), implied wax play, crying, begging/pleading, reader is a liar. 2.7k
OCTOBER 5th | SPANKING w/ Eren Yeager
☆ MAYBE NEXT TIME cw: gn! reader, crying, Eren trying to be good, cursing, mean reader, slightly sadistic reader, handjob/hand humping, restraints, Eren is a good and then a brat for a bit 1.6k
OCTOBER 6th | CUCKHOLDING w/ Seishiro Nagi and Reo Mikage
OCTOBER 7th | FEMINIZATION w/ Yuuji Itadori
☆ PRETTY GIRL cw: gn! reader, men in skirts/feminine clothing, yuji being shy and embarrassed the entire time, teasing reader, praise, reader refers to him as a "she" and "her" throughout the entire thing, handjob 1.7k
OCTOBER 8th | TOYS w/ Giyuu Tomioka
☆ LEARNING EXPERIENCE cw: , gn! reader, modern-day au, vibrators, bullet vibrator, anal play, nipple clams, vibrating cock ring, reader lowkey sadistic, safeword mentioned, giyuu crying/sobbing, 2.1k
OCTOBER 9th | CORRUPTION w/ Tanjiro Kamado
☆ EXPLORATION cw: afab! + fem! reader, hand jobs, tanjiro has sexual fantasies, reader is a tease/has experience, mentions of pee, tanjiro fondles boobs lol, brief mention of sexual harassment 3.6k
OCTOBER 10th | SOMINOPHILIA w/ Levi Ackerman
☆ DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME cw: gn! reader, nightmares + insomnia mentioned, oral (m! receiving), handjob in dreams, implied age gap, set in around season 2 timeline? im kinda forgetting which season erwin was in... kissing..lots of kissing, reader being puppy coded and levi is sick in love 3.2k
☆ SIT BACK AND RELAX! cw: afab!/fem! reader, reader gets called "ma'am" once, geto nipples are abused :/, bottom reader, creampie, reader is a bit of a pervert, nipple piercings mention, begging and crying 2.5k
OCTOBER 12th | SOUNDING w/ Keigo Takami
☆ SO FULL cw: gn! reader, sounding, HEAVY sub/dom spaces, hints of sado/masochism, mentions of anal fingering, keigo crying and twitching, cursing, pee/urine mentioned throughout 1.9k
OCTOBER 14th | LEG HUMPING w/ Ryomen Sukuna
☆ ONE TIME THING cw: Gn! Reader, Yuuji and reader r dating (Yuuji x reader), lots of threatening of death/small violent acts,, reader slaps him, sukuna has 2 cocks in his true form, heavy power dynamics, mention of subspace, previous cuffing, small mounts of blood 4.4k
OCTOBER 15th | HYBRIDS w/ Megumi Fushiguro
☆ PURR OF AFFECTION cw: cat hybrid! Megumi, AFAB + owner! reader but no pronouns, reader is implied to be smaller than him, vaginal penetration, creampie, slight breeding kink, birth control mentioned and used, purring/licking/mewling, he calls you his "mate" and u tease him bout it, needy megumi 2.4k
☆ THE CALL BEFORE BED cw: sub! top! Tamaki, bottom! gn! reader, praise kink, slight breeding kink, reader is a slight tease and tamaki is trying not to pass out from embaressment, fantasies, creampie in fantasy Y/N? does that need a tag? 3.1k
OCTOBER 17th | VOUYERISM w/ Meguru Bachira and Yoichi Isagi
☆ PARTNERS TOUCH cw: Sub/bottom isagi, sub/top bachira, mlm, anal sex, AFAB! reader because of mentions of pegging, but rest is Gn!, overstimulation, doggy style, picture taking, hand job, praise, nickname "baby" once for Isagi 3.1k
OCTOBER 18th | DRY ORGASM w/ Yuuta Okkotsu
☆ LIKE A GIRL! cw: gn! reader, multiple orgasm, sorta mentions of cnc? idk, "breeder balls" are used in a silly goofy way, pregnancy mentioned, yuuta cums a total of six times, unrealistic portrayal of dry orgasms. 1.9k
OCTOBER 19th | PROSTATE MASSAGE w/ Seishiro Nagi
☆ WHAT A STRANGE FEELING cw: gn! reader, anal fingering, twitching, hand job, crying and drool 2.0k
OCTOBER 20th | BONDAGE w/ Nanami Kento
OCTOBER 21st | FROTTAGE w/ Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru
OCTOBER 22nd | A/B/O w/ Yoichi Isagi
☆ HEAT TALKING cw: Omega/bottom Isagi, Top/Alpha/Gn reader, omegaverse stuff (slick, claiming, scenting, etc.), isagi is in heat, readers pp could be read as strap or dick, marking/biting, slight blood, possesive behavior, instincts and stuff, isagi lowkey being feral 2.6k
OCTOBER 24th | SPREADER BAR w/ Zenitsu Agatsuma
☆ TWITCHY LITTLE THING cw: gn! reader, crying, reader kinda is pushy but Zenitsu is fine with it, VERY sensitive Zenistu, overstimulation 1.2k
OCTOBER 25th | RIMMING w/ Armin Arlert
OCTOBER 27th | OVERSTIMULATION + EDGING w/ Megumi Fushiguro and Yuuji Itadori
☆ PICK YOUR POISON cw: Gn!/ sadistic/crazy?/meanish reader, weird amounts of cum...like a strangely alot of cum involved, frottage - mlm (ik ik i have another day for this only but i just had to include it), handjobs, bondage, megumi in subspace, megumi goes a little insane? reader checks up on him tho, orgasm denial, orgasm control 3.3k
OCTOBER 28th | EXHIBITION w/ Denki Kaminari
OCTOBER 29th | SADISM/MASOCHISM w/ Katsuki Bakugou
OCTOBER 31st | MASTURBATION w/ Izuku Midoriya
☆ LOST IN A FANTASY cw: fem/afab reader, izuku masturbates to your voicemail and pretends to fuck you, reader calls him baby, and he calls u hun, needy izuku 1.5k
TOTAL WORD COUNT: 54.3k - 21/31
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
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>>> Reply sent at 1:28AM: who knew Dynamight was such a slut?
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Read the other replies here.
Here is my part to the Thirst Trap collab for Bakugou’s birthday! Please check out all the other fics at the link above💕
Happy Birthday to the King👑
Warnings: 18+, intoxicated Bakugou, dirty talk, sending dirty videos, sexting, m!masturbation, voyuerism, exhibitionism, creampies.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Shindou Yo x f!reader.
Word Count: 1.6k.
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Bakugou’s thumb paused against the screen when he saw that particular message in a sea of hopeful replies, a lump tight at the back of his throat as he swallowed thickly in a feeble attempt to clear it.
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He’d recognise that profile photo anywhere. Grand’s girlfriend.
Bakugou had spent more than one night fisting his cock to the thought of you, although he’d never admit it. Remembering just how pretty you looked at the hero gala last month in a dress that left very little to the imagination, leaving him bricked up for his acceptance speech as he thought about bending you over in the men’s bathroom stalls.
And part of him thought he might even have a chance with you, if he could get you away from Grand just long enough. Remembering the syrupy scent of your perfume invading his senses when you stood up on tip-toes to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders to give him a hug after he’d received his award; leaving a sticky lipgloss stain against the shell of his ear when you whispered against it how proud you were of him. And he was certain he wouldn’t make it out of the building alive. His boxers now glazed with dry pre and his cock throbbing desperately for any kind of sweet relief.
And now you were messaging him?
Bakugou was quick to click onto your profile, navigating directly towards the direct message option to see he’d already received a slew of them, but they didn’t appear to be from you.
YOU[1:57AM]: Aww you didn’t think that message was actually from her, did you?
Shit, Bakugou grunted as his cock still throbbed pitifully between his thighs, of course Shindou was the one texting from your phone and not you. Certain he could hear Shindou’s condescending tone through text.
YOU[1:58AM]: Oh, you did? You sick fuck hahahahaha.
YOU[1:58AM]: She’d never message you without telling me anyway.
Bakugou growled in irritation as he read through each message. Of course, Shindou texts were just as annoying as the man was in real life.
YOU[1:59AM]: But you should’ve seen how excited she got when you sent that tweet.
YOU[2:00AM]: It made her stupid little crush on you even worse.
Wait, what? Bakugou’s heart pounded at the realisation as he saw the next message. A link to a video that had a pitch black screen to start, his heart hammered against his chest as he clicked onto it.
And there you were spread out in all your naked glory. The sordid fantasies Bakugou had while stroking his cock at night would never compare to the sight of you like this— spread out against tousled sheets as you stared up at the camera through thick lashes.
The perfect point of view, Bakugou thought as he imagined himself above you.
“I guess I should be thanking you for this, Dynamight.” Shindou sneered, reaching out to mould one of your round breasts between slender fingers. Pinching at your taut nipple as a groan rumbled deep in Bakugou’s chest, “Getting my girl all riled up in the middle of the night.”
Bakugou wondered if he’d actually fallen asleep, because this had to be a dream. Reaching down to palm his cock through his damp boxers as crimson eyes roamed your naked skin, trying to commit the sight to memory.
“Lucky I was right here to fix it,” He continued, “That what got you excited huh, sweetheart?”
Shindou’s voice rung out from behind the camera as he fucked into your body with slow, deliberate thrusts. Each precise motion had your tits bouncing, a calculated move from his rival, he thought. Watching the way your lips parted in sultry moans every time he drew back, trying to coax him deeper as your cunt gushed around him.
“Thinking about Dynamight’s hard cock.” And Bakugou’s cock was hard, throbbing with neglect as he wrapped a large fist around himself to curl his wrist. Smearing pre, that was now drooling down his engorged head along the length of him as crimson eyes watched the video.
“He shoulda just text you if he wanted a birthday treat, huh?” Shindou continued, panning the camera down to where your bodies were connected so Bakugou could see the creamy rings of slick around the base of his cock each time he drew his hips back, “You’d have been more than happy to get on your knees for him.”
Bakugou whined pitifully at the thought of you like that, looking up at him all pretty and shit as you wrapped your glossy lips around his cock. His hand tightened around himself as he he pumped himself with calculated measure. Following Shindou’s movements as he fucked into your warm, wet cunt as he tried to replicate the sensation. Positive that nothing would ever feel as good as the real thing—
“Say his name, sweetheart,” Shindou continued, bringing the camera up towards your face, “Come on, it’s his fuckin’ birthday.”
“Katsuki,” The lewd squelch of your cunt aired in the background as Bakugou focused in on the desperate lilt to your voice when you repeated it, “Katsuki.”
Bakugou grunted as he leaned forward, pursing his lips together to spit onto his cock. Smearing the moisture along his length as he imagined it was you sinking down onto his length instead.
“God, you’re such a nasty slut,” Shindou continued, as though he hadn’t been the biggest instigator, “Moaning another guys name while I’m balls deep. Bet you’re thinking about him fuckin’ this sweet, sweet cunt too?”
“Oh my god, fuck—” You mewled, hands reaching up to paw at your tits as Bakugou watched the way your hands dipped into the soft skin.
“Is that it?” Shindou pressed, “You want Dynamight to fuck this sloppy pussy?”
“Yes!” You cried out, cunt clenching around him.
“Oh, shit.” Shindou rasped, the camera angle faltering as he jolted with pleasure. Almost dropping his phone as he readjusted himself above you, the camera now angled lower to show Shindou’s thick cock disappearing inside your tight cunt. A sheen of your slick glistened around the base of him as he kept his languid pace.
“We should invite him round, then?” Shindou continued, “It is his birthday, after all.”
You gasped at the implication, your body reacting to your boyfriend’s words as he smirked down at you. Giving the side of your thigh a playful swat as you moaned in response.
“Yeah? You like the sound of that?” Shindou cooed, “She clenched around me so fucking hard when I said that.”
Bakugou groaned, squeezing his fist around himself in a pitiful attempt to mimic the action. Trying to replicate the grip of your cunt around him as he pictured the pretty faces you’d make for him.
“‘m close,” You panted, biting down on your bottom lip as Bakugou felt his balls tightening at the sight, dangerously close to his own end.
“Yeah? You gonna cum?” Shindou coaxed, his thumb disappearing between your thighs to press taut circles to your puffy clit, “Show Dynamight how pretty you look when you’re cumming all over my cock, sweetheart.”
And fuck, did you look pretty. Bakugou thinks. Your eyes rolling to show their whites as your lashes flutter, lips curled into the prettiest moan he’s ever heard as you begin to convulse. Nails leaving dark lines against your tits as you mould the supple skin, thighs raising in the air to try and clamp down around Shindou’s hips.
“Fuck,” Bakugou snarled between clenched teeth as he sped up his movements, rough and sloppy as he desperately tried to meet your climax. Wanting to tumble into bliss by your side as the camera moved back towards your slick heat, his hips jerking sloppily as he felt himself come undone. Sending streams of milky cum against his hand, thighs and the new sheets he’d put on for his special day. A whole ass mess.
“Bet you would’ve preferred cumming inside this perfect little pussy,” Shindou spoke, as if he knew Bakugou would be touching himself while watching.
Slowly pulling his spent cock out of your trembling hole before moving the phone between your thick thighs so Bakugou could see the gape. A stretch Bakugou wished he’d inflicted on you as he brought his phone closer to his face to try and see the way your walls still fluttered in the aftershocks of your release, his spent cock throbbing when he noticed you begin to push Shindou’s warm spunk out of your abused hole. Watching it drool down between the curve of your ass before Shindou’s thumb came up to collect it; pushing it back inside you as you let out another sinful moan of delight.
“You think Dynamight would fuck you this good, sweetheart?” Shindou coaxed as the pads of his fingers circled your stretched hole.
“Mmm, I think he would,” You mumbled, gasping when Shindou’s palm came down hard on your slit, catching you by surprise.
“Course you’d think that,” Your boyfriend laughed, shaking his head as he leaned down to press a kiss to your pouty lips.
“Maybe you should come and get your birthday head,” Shindou turned the camera around to show his smirking face as he sat shirtless above you, “So you can show her how tiny your cock really is.”
Bakugou shared up at the ceiling with blown out eyes, wondering if he’d sobered up enough to move as his chest still heaved with the intensity of his climax. Taking a deep breath before he moved to stand, grabbing his keys off the bedside table as he shoved his softening cock back into his jeans.
Fuck it, he’ll get an Uber.
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nutzgunray-lvt · 1 year
I love how instead of just not reading my fic, salty Bakugou stans decided to ignore the tags and criticize me for writing an anti Bakugou fanfic.
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Selfish (kiribaku ver.)
‣ Pairing: KiriBaku x GN!Reader
‣ Genre: Flangst, Hurt/Comfort
‣ Summary: Katsuki is convinced that you and Eijirou are in love with each other, but not him. He tries to do what he thinks is right by keeping his feelings suppressed and hidden from you, instead of trying to get between the happiness of the two people he loves the most. His plan quickly begins to fall apart the moment you confront him, and his selfish urges take over.
‣ Warnings: Angst, Katsuki being sad and having low self-esteem, false unrequited love, making out, Reader uses the “girl’s” elevator (but we can just pretend gender plays no part in the placement of the dorm rooms in this scenario), the word “fuck” is used a lot, repeated use of a "noose" metaphor? idk
‣ Word Count: 6,350
‣ A/N: This is more of a Katsuki-centric fic, with a bonus fluffy kiribaku blurb at the end!
There is a Katsuki x Reader version of this here, if you’re interested!
Main Masterlist
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Katsuki Bakugou was a selfish man.
He had begrudgingly accepted this truth a long time ago. Despite how it appeared on the surface, he was quite self-aware. Sure, it didn’t require that much self-reflection to figure it out, considering he’d been told this very truth by others around him multiple times throughout his life—at least by the ones that were brave enough to do so—but that’s beside the point. He still came to be aware of it, one way or another.
He could remember the early days of his youth as a spoiled, entitled brat. Even before his quirk developed, he always poised himself as superior to others. He was as selfish as they came. Throwing fits when he didn’t get his way, hurting people around him to ease the raging storm of feelings that were too big for his tiny body, always stealing the spotlight from others, expecting praise and rewards for every little thing he did. Kids are inherently selfish, to some degree, but little Katsuki blew every kid in his grade out of the water, in this regard.
Things didn’t improve all that much as he grew older, but he did get a little better. At least he no longer threw tantrums over not getting ice cream after school or every time he was told “no.” And he no longer sought praise for merely breathing. He preferred to truly earn his title as “the best” at whatever he decided to do—even if that meant knocking some other kids down to get there faster. A minor improvement, but his selfish nature was still wildly out of control. Even when he did recognize it, he didn’t care enough to fix it. He was already seen as an asshole, what was the point in trying to change the minds of people he saw as below him?
It wasn’t until he broke free of his ass-kissing, follower friends and met you, Eijirou, and the other friends "extras" from UA that he finally began to really see and care about his selfish ways—especially how they affected the people he truly respected and cared about. Katsuki wasn’t devoid of a heart, despite what many people believed. He wasn’t incapable of feeling remorse for his actions and of learning how to be a better person. He just never had the proper tools or guidance to be able to grow into the person that he, deep down, wanted to be.
That, and he didn’t have the same motivation before as he suddenly did when you and Eijirou stepped into his life. You pushed him to be better, just by being yourselves. Katsuki was inspired by you from the moment he met you. The way you carried yourselves and the way you managed to handle him and all that came with being his friend. It only made him respect you more. And as he inevitably began to fall for you, he felt the desire to be a better person for you grow even stronger. He wanted to prove to you that he was worth keeping around, even if he wasn’t always “the best” at everything. The last thing he wanted was to lose you over his problematic ways.
To his luck, you and Eijirou were some of the most tolerant people he had ever met. That didn’t mean you never called him out on his shit, though. Katsuki deeply valued you for that. He had grown to be more open and accepting of critical feedback, specifically if it came from you and Eijirou. How could he become a great hero, never mind a great man, if he refused any and all feedback that wasn’t positive?
That said, it still wasn’t easy for him to so easily accept when he was wrong. And it was even more difficult for him to push past his pride enough to apologize for it. But all it took was one look from you or Eijirou to make him give in and do just that. How you managed to gain such power over him, he’d never understand. If he wasn’t so damn in love with you, he’d hate you for it.
He still hated you for it. But in a “fuck you for making me love you so much” kind of way.
If it wasn't for his internal commitment to be a better person—one that you could be proud to know—he would have given into his selfish urges, stolen your hearts, and marked his claim on them a long time ago.
Katsuki had quickly come to learn that being a good person sucks.
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“Oh, Eiji texted. He said he’ll be here soon! I invited him. Figured you wouldn’t mind. He said he needs all the help he can get for this upcoming exam,” you said as you began typing a message back to him.
“Fucking hell.”
You looked up at Katsuki after hearing him grumble something unintelligible under his breath. His eyes met yours for only a brief moment before he averted his gaze, gesturing to the open books in front of you.
“Nothing. Get back to studying! Do you wanna pass that exam, or what?”
You threw your head back as you groaned. “Can’t we just take a little break? Eiji’s not even here yet and we have so much time left to work on this!”
Katsuki pointed his pen at you. “You might have time, but I don’t. You’re lucky I’m even using my spare time to help you idiots with this!”
You rolled your eyes. “You wanted to study for this test too. And you’re the one always preaching about how it’s important to take breaks!”
Before he could respond, you shut your book and looked at him inquisitively.
“So…what were you thinking about before? You looked…more annoyed than usual. Am I annoying you?”
“What the hell do you mean? I don’t look like anything!”
He could see you trying to stifle a laugh, though behind it was a glint of concern in your eyes.
“You look like something is really bothering you, is all.”
“Yeah. You are! Shut up and get back to work,” he growled, though you felt no real malice behind it. You had quickly learned long ago not to take the hotheaded blonde’s rude attitude seriously, often times finding it to be more of a protective shield than anything else.
“Okay, whatever you say,” you said, holding your hands up defensively with a slightly amused smirk on your face. Katsuki huffed in response as he looked away.
Giggling at his strange, yet all too familiar behavior, you opened your textbook again, only to be distracted less than a minute later by another ding from your phone. Katsuki could already tell it was another text from Eijirou by the way you smiled at your screen when you read it. You only ever smiled like that when reading the redhead’s messages, much to Katsuki’s chagrin.
“Fuck you,” Katsuki thought as he stared at you from across the table, frustration and hurt bubbling within his chest.
The truth was, you had the strange ability to make his heart flutter and his stomach do flips and his hands sweaty and fill his brain with so many thoughts of you, it couldn’t focus on anything else. You did all this just by existing as your stupidly beautiful, perfect self.
You even made him feel this way when you looked your “worst”. Beaten up after a bad fight, sleep deprived with bags under your eyes, after—very ungracefully—shoving a giant serving of food into your mouth, just waking up with messy hair and crusty eyes and morning breath, sick with snot constantly leaking out of your nose. All of this and he was still head over heels, swooning over you like a fool. And dammit, did it piss him off.
Even worse, he knew you had feelings for your redheaded friend and not him. He couldn’t blame you for this. He also found himself feeling similarly towards Eijirou, as he did you. He was a damn lovable idiot. A good guy, all around. The kind of man Katsuki wished he could be more like.
He couldn’t blame Eijirou for loving you either. As far as Katsuki was concerned, how could anyone not fall for either of you?
Katsuki loved your entire personality -even the parts that frustrated him most. Especially those parts. On top of that, you were absolutely gorgeous. When he begrudgingly thought of you and Eijirou together, without him, he couldn’t deny that the two of you would make an amazing couple—looks-wise and personality-wise.
It infuriated him to no end. He wanted to hate you both, push you away, relocate somewhere far away so that he’d no longer have to bear the pain of seeing the two of you flirting together, holding hands, laughing at each other’s jokes, hugging one another, and inevitably doing all the things that couples do. All the things that Katsuki wanted so desperately to do with you both.
But he couldn’t, no matter how hard he tried. There was no way he could bring himself to not only truly hate you, but to go on living life without you both. He would likely never admit it, but you had become so interwoven in his life and his heart, that an existence without you just seemed so bleak and empty.
So, as much as it pained him to sit through hangouts and study sessions and the like, all while bearing witness to how close, how touchy, how obviously in love, you and Eijirou were with one another and not him, he chose to stick around and keep his mouth shut. He made a solemn promise to himself not to utter a word about his feelings to either of you, ever.
For once, he saw exactly what he wanted, right in front of him, and he chose not to take it. He chose not to ruin whatever closeness he did have with the two of you. But more importantly, he chose not to ruin you and Eijirou’s chances at finding the happiness that you both deserved, far more than he did.
It was the most selfless thing he’d ever done. And it was the hardest thing he’d ever done too. He felt his heart break every time he saw the affectionate way you treated one another, but he bit his tongue. He tried to shove his feelings down deeper and deeper, but they kept coming back up, tightening around his throat like a noose until he choked.
The truth became quite apparent to him at one point. Loving you both from afar would be his undoing. And maybe he deserved it? Maybe this was his punishment for being an asshole and tearing others down for his own benefit for all those years.
He’d take his punishment. Just so long as he could continue to know you, even if he wanted to know you so much more.
God, he fucking loved hated you.
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After the previous day’s study session, Katsuki needed a break from the two of you. He planned to spend most of the day training and holed up in his dorm, just to avoid you both as much as possible; to set his mind straight and get his feelings back where they belonged—locked away in a dark unlabeled box in his mind, along with all of his other unwanted thoughts and feelings. He was starting to lose his composure around you, and when that happened, he always tried to stay out of your way for a few days until he was “fine” again.
“Fine” had lost all its meaning months ago, and yet, he found himself saying it all too often.
“You okay, Kats? You’re not really on your A game today,” you said as you walked over to help him off the ground for the second time that day.
Katsuki scoffed, a low growl brewing in his throat as he spoke. “I’m fuckin’ fine. Wasn’t planning on having you idiots around, distracting me.”
You and Eijirou seemed to have the same idea about working out and training that day. Katsuki ran into you both on his way to the gym. Almost turned around and booked it back to the dorms, but you happened to see him and waved him over to join you. Both of you smiled happily as you greeted him. It pissed him off so much, but he couldn’t say no to you when you both looked so damn cute, asking him to join you with those sharp teeth and pretty eyes sparkling as you looked up at him.
He wanted to curse you both out. Tell you to fuck off and leave him alone.
Get out of his fucking head, already! Stop torturing him with those fucking adorable smiles that made his heart clench in his chest! Stop being so fucking nice to him!
But he bit his tongue, salvaged whatever little composure and willpower he had left, and joined you both to train.
And he fucking sucked the whole time. It only added to his inner turmoil even more. He was too distracted. Too focused on you and Eijirou and the way you both looked so fucking good when you were focused, when you had sweat dripping down your skin, when you were looking at him with those determined eyes while sparring, when you didn’t hold back against him.
At least the two of you were more focused on him than each other, at the moment. Katsuki had insisted that you both took turns going against him until he kicked both of your asses. He was on round three, at this point. He had lost to you both a total of three times in a row.
He knew that you and Eijirou were starting to question his strange behavior lately. He practically stormed out of his own dorm the day prior during your study session together. He didn’t say a word. Just got up and left.
Because you and Eijirou. That’s why.
When he came back, things were awkward as the two of you tried to ask him about it. He didn’t look at either of you when he told you to leave, not wanting you to see his red, glossy eyes.
It was embarrassing, to feel this weak.
Eijirou knocked on his door later that evening to talk to him. He didn’t answer.
Now the two of you were obviously trying to pretend that everything was normal, for his sake, trying to gently coax whatever was bothering him out of his system in hopes that he’d come around and get out of whatever shitty headspace he was in. You were being good friends, like usual. Always so attentive and thoughtful and caring.
He wanted to scream.
This time, he managed to defeat Eijirou, but he could tell his moves were slightly slower. He was going fucking easy on him. The redhead giving him a pity win only managed to send Katsuki over the edge.
By the time it was your turn, he wasn’t even fully present in his body anymore. All he was focused on was winning one round. Just one solid win was all he needed.
He moved on autopilot, blocking and countering all your attacks swiftly as they came. Thankfully, you weren’t holding back. For a moment, he felt like he was finally winning at something. The suffocating feelings began to dissipate as the adrenaline high began to kick in, filling him with a sense of power and control.
Until you called for a pause.
“What the fuck! Why?!” he barked, smoke wafting off of his hot hands.
Eijirou held a hand out at him, signaling him to back off as he ran towards you. “Chill the fuck out man, they're hurt!”
It was only then that he realized you were holding your weight on one leg, struggling to keep yourself balanced as you tried to stand on your own. Eijirou was quick to catch you before you fell.
You had an ugly burn on your leg from one of his explosions. He thought he had released it far enough away from you to dodge it. He was clearly wrong.
Katsuki’s head was fuzzy as he stared at you, frozen in place. Eijirou inspected your wound, offering you sweet words of comfort and praise as he carefully wrapped it with gauze.
Damn it.
Katsuki could barely breathe now. The noose growing tight around his throat again.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you to Recovery Girl.” Eijirou lifted you up into his arms with ease, carrying you out of sight.
Your little whimper of pain shot straight through his heart.
“Come on, Katsuki!” Eijirou called out to him, slight urgency in his voice.
Katsuki remained frozen where he stood, hands clenched and chest heaving as he tried to fight back the tears that were building in his eyes. A million thoughts and feelings swirled inside of him, threatening to burst through the seams of his being.
“Kats?” Your voice sounded distant. It echoed in the background of his mind before it fully reached him.
“Go on without me,” was all he could say. He cringed at the way his voice wavered when he said it.
“Come on, man. You should-”
“Go!” Katsuki yelled, interrupting Eijirou’s attempt to change his mind.
All he heard after that was the sound of Eijirou’s footsteps as they faded away.
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You and Eijirou had tried to reach out to Katsuki for four days. He somehow managed to avoid the two of you at every turn. He mostly stayed locked up in his dorm when school wasn’t in session. All calls went to voicemail. All texts left on read.
The two of you even went as far as to try to get Sero or Mina to check in on him. Denki offered to give it a shot, but you declined. You both knew he’d probably only aggravate him more, despite his best intentions.
Every plan of yours failed.
At one point, you couldn’t take it anymore and ended up crying to sleep in Eijirou’s arms one night. He shed a few tears himself as he tried to soothe your sadness and worry; all the while, he was struggling just as much.
You both missed your best friend. And despite your reassuring comments to each other that he would come back soon, that he just needed some space, you were both starting to crumble under the fear that maybe he wouldn’t. He had been acting strange lately, even before the most recent event occurred.
What if you had upset him? What if he was tired of being your friend? What if you were holding him back somehow?
Your thoughts spun in circles in your mind until you began to feel dizzy and sick to your stomach. After tossing and turning for hours that night, you headed down to the kitchen to make yourself some tea in hopes that it’d finally help you quiet your mind enough to allow you to get some much-needed sleep.
Thankfully, it did, because by the time Katsuki walked into the room to get some water after he couldn’t sleep, you were passed out with your head on the table, your hair sprawled out messily around you and your half-empty mug of cold tea.
You looked beautiful.
“Fuck you,” Katsuki cursed you in his head as he stared down at your hunched over, sleeping form.
The common room was so quiet this late at night, he could clearly hear your little breaths with every rise and fall of your chest. He spotted drool slightly dripping out of one side of your parted lips.
The sight made his heart flutter.
On your feet, he spotted those cute fluffy bunny slippers that him and Eijirou picked out for you one day at the mall. He remembered that day with fondness, how you all worked together in teams to find a pair of slippers for each other. In the end, Eijriou was happy to receive shark slippers and Katsuki was surprised with Grumpy Cat slippers. He could still hear both of your laughs as you made a comment about how his face matched his slippers perfectly.
Dammit, he missed your laughs so much.
He huffed in a mixture of sadness and frustration as he turned to walk away, only to stop himself in his tracks after a few steps. He took one look back at you over his shoulder before sighing in defeat.
Walking closer, he worked up the courage to wake you and subsequently face you for the first time in four days. What came out was much more aggressive than he intended.
You jumped and his heart clenched slightly. He bit the inside of his cheek as you looked up at him, sleepy and confused.
“Ka’ski?” your sweet voice, thick with sleep, filled his ears. He clenched his fists, the bitter taste of blood filling his mouth.
“Go to your dorm. You’re gonna end up with a fucked up neck and back sleeping like that, idiot.”
He began to walk away after that, heading towards the elevator at the end of the room. He didn’t get far, though. The unpleasant screech of a chair on the hard floor, followed by the far more pleasant feeling of your hand wrapped around his wrist stopped him right in his tracks.
“Go to bed, Y/N,” Katsuki warned. The last thing he wanted was to have whatever conversation you were attempting to start with him.
“No. I can’t sleep, anyway. I just keep worrying about you. Please. Just tell me what’s wrong and what I can do to fix it,” you implored.
Katsuki was tense under your grip, but he didn’t try to pull away, even as he let out a loud huff of frustration.
“Just fuck off, okay? There’s nothing you can do.”
You stared at the back of his head with so much pain and sadness in your eyes. Katsuki could feel your gaze on him. He knew better than to look back at you. That look alone would break his heart more than anything else could.
“I won’t ever stop trying, Katsuki. And neither will Eiji. We care about you so much. We miss you so badly. Please, just talk to me. If not me, then Eiji.” Your voice was starting to waver slightly as you spoke. Katsuki hated himself for being the reason behind your sadness and tears.
Even still, he couldn’t let you in on this. Neither you, nor Eijirou, could know. He just needed more time to sort out his feelings and lock them away, where they belonged. But after four days, he was still struggling to get himself back in order. All of it was starting to consume him, distract him, make him perform badly as a student and a hero in training. That part only encouraged him to avoid the two of you even more. He wasn’t going to let stupid feelings ruin everything he had worked so hard for.
His silence only pushed you to speak again.
“No.” He pulled away from your grip, but you reached out to grab him again.
“Katsuki, please!”
He spun around to face you, eyes brimming with tears as he yelled in your face.
“What?! You just can't leave shit alone, can you?! Just fuck off, already!”
You looked at him with heartbroken eyes, biting your lower lip to suppress its quivering as tears began to fall down your face.
Katsuki inhaled sharply as his broken and battered heart shattered to pieces in his chest. Both of you were silent as you stared at one another, unsure of how to progress the conversation without breaking into a fit of tears.
“Fuck, I’m…I’m sorry,” Katsuki mumbled, voice just audible as he looked down at the ground between you. “Just leave me alone, okay? You and Ei are better off without me, anyway.”
He pulled away from your grip and this time, you didn’t reach for him again. However, your voice still followed him as he walked further away from you.
“How could you say that? You mean the world to us, Kats! We’re fucking lost without you! We need you. If this is about the other day, just forget about it. I’m fine. All is forgiven-”
“It’s not just about that.” He stopped in his tracks once more, back facing you.
“Then what is it about? Are you mad at me or Eijirou?”
Katsuki shook his head. Your confusion and desperation drew you closer to him. His feet remained glued to the floor.
“You’re not mad?”
“I-“ Katsuki stopped himself. “Just fuck off, Y/N. I’m not going to talk about it.”
“Why not?”
"BECAUSE I- ugh!" he growled, "because it would be selfish of me to tell you! It’d only make things worse! I'm trying to be...fucking better than that."
You opened your mouth to speak, but he continued.
“It was selfish of me to stick around as long as I did. I should’ve just left the two of you be a long time ago. I thought I could-” He sighed. “Never mind. Point is, it’s gone too far. You even got hurt because of my stupid bullshit.”
“What has gone too far? Katsuki, stop talking like this. You’re not going anywhere. Let’s go wake Eiji and we’ll talk this out.” There was a clear presence of fear in your tone as you reached out to grab his left hand that was clenched in a tight fist at his side.
He ripped himself away from you. “No. This conversation is over.”
The way he spoke, his voice quiet, lacking any of his usual attitude, made your stomach twist in knots. He sounded so sad, so weak, completely defeated. It was completely unlike him, and it scared the shit out of you.
“I give you full permission to be selfish! Just fucking look at me! Tell me what’s wrong!” you begged.
At this point, you were seconds away from getting on your knees just to get his attention, or at the very least, pity. You couldn’t let him walk out of this room. You knew the chances of getting him to open up to you again after this were slim to none. This was it. You had to fight harder; show him you weren’t giving up on him, no matter how hard he pushed you away.
Katsuki was silent, but you could see the way his hands trembled at his sides; his head hung low, his chest heaving. You waited with bated breath behind him, praying he wouldn’t walk away.
Surprisingly, after what felt like a millennium, he turned to face you, his head still facing the floor.
You were scared to make the wrong move, as if you were faced with a small, wounded animal that could scurry off if you so much as breathed the wrong way.
“Kats?” you whispered softly. “It’s okay.”
He shook his head. “No. It’s not.”
“Why do you say that? Katsuki, look at me.” You stepped forward and raised your hand, gently lifting his chin up so you could finally meet his eyes. What you saw broke your heart.
Red eyes glossed over with tears, lower lip quivering as he tried and failed to stifle the emotions that seemed to overtake him. Your eyes only filled with more tears of your own as you stared back at him sadly.
“I don’t want to see you happy without me,” he whispered, breaking the silence between the two of you.
Your brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”
“I want to be the reason you are happy. I want to give you everything you deserve and more. Both of you.”
“Katsuki…You do make us happy. If anything, we are the least happy when you’re not around,” you said, fingers tracing down his wrist and giving his hand a small squeeze once he allowed you to grasp it. He only seemed to grow more upset at this as he looked down at your interlocked hands.
“But you don’t want me, you want each other.”
“What are you talking about? Of course, we wa-” You froze as realization hit you. “Wait…”
Katsuki made a tsk sound. "Looks like you finally got it. Took you long enough."
You blinked at him. "I- Kats, if you have something to tell me, you better say it now."
"I think you know. Why don't you tell me?"
He was too scared to say it and you knew it.
"Tell me."
You sighed, suddenly growing nervous as you began to second-guess if what you were about to say was actually correct. Katsuki's hold on your hand grew tighter as he awaited your answer. If he wasn't so focused on what you were about to say, he'd be embarrassed about the growing dampness between your palms.
"I...do you....do you have...feelings....for me and Eiji?"
Katsuki’s silence was all the confirmation you needed. You let out a breath of relief.
“Do you?” he asked, before clarifying. “Have feelings for me? If the answer is ‘no’, say it now and we’ll never speak about it again.”
You stepped closer to him, slippers touching his as you looked at him with soft eyes.
"What if the answer is ‘yes’?" you whispered.
For a moment, you both exchanged glances between eyes and lips, your hearts racing as you awaited the other’s move.
Finally, Katsuki spoke.
"Do I still have permission to be selfish?"
You nodded, and before you knew it, his hands were on either side of your face, and his lips were crashing against yours.
He pushed you against the nearby wall, never breaking his lips from yours, as he kissed you hungrily, desperately, lovingly. You ran your fingernails up the nape of his neck, weaving your fingers through his messy blond locks and earning a groan from him as he pulled you closer by your hips and deepened the kiss even more.
By the time he came up for air, you were both panting heavily. His grip on your hips didn’t loosen and neither did yours around his neck as you stared at each other speechlessly.
After a moment, your lips formed into a smile.
“We’ve been wanting to tell you,” you confessed.
Katsuki’s soft smile quickly faded into a bewildered frown. ��Hah?”
“Eijirou and I, we want you, Katsuki. As far more than a friend.”
Katsuki visibly stopped breathing for a brief moment. You nervously continued to speak.
“But there’s no pressure or anything! We just wanted to talk to you about how we feel, not just for each other, but for you. Every time we’d try, you stormed off, or were clearly out of it, so we were too nervous to bring it up.”
“How long?”
Now it was your turn to look confused.
“How long have you and Eijirou been talking about this?”
“Well, we confessed to each other almost two weeks ago-”
“Two weeks?! Fuck you!” he cursed.
You gasped. “Hey! Watch it, mister!”
“Fuck you for ruining my life by making me love you so goddamn much! And fuck both of you for not telling me sooner and letting me suffer! Do you have any idea how painful it has been watching the two of you idiots and your stupid cutesy, touchy, flirty bullshit, every single day?” he ranted, obviously frustrated, but not truly directed at you.
“Aw, Kats…We didn’t realize-”
“’Course you didn’t! You were too wrapped up in each other! I always thought you’d never return my feelings because it was obvious you two were obsessed with each other.”
This time, he sounded sad. You cupped his face with your hands, gently running your thumbs over his soft cheeks.
“We have always been obsessed with you too, Kats. It’s not that we didn’t want to be that way with you too. We were just never quite sure about your feelings for us and we didn’t want to cross any lines or make you uncomfortable,” you explained.
He let out a sigh, eyes closing as he relaxed into your touch.
“We should talk with Ei tomorrow,” you said.
He nodded in agreement, soaking up the feeling of your touch; something he had dreamed of and desperately craved for so long. Finally, his dreams were coming true. He was melting between the palms of your hands, and he couldn't have been happier about it.
Now that he'd had a taste, he'd be damned if he were to ever let you go.
“You’re mine now. Got it?” he said, his hands slightly squeezing your hips as he looked into your eyes.
You smirked amusingly at him. “Woah there, don’t get too selfish now. You gotta share.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I know, I know. I don't mind sharing. So long as it's with Shitty Hair, I can manage. That doesn’t mean you’re not mine, though!”
You giggled, pulling him in for another kiss, to which he happily obliged. This time, he kissed you back tenderly, savoring every second of your soft lips on his. You melted into him completely, allowing him to pull you even closer against him, his strong arms keeping you locked in place.
You placed a hand on his chest at one point, signaling that you needed air. He grunted before reluctantly pulling away.
He pressed his forehead against yours, smirking at the way you grew visibly flustered under his intensely loving gaze.
“It’s late. W-We should get to bed.”
He hummed in response. “Fine.”
Taking your hand, he walked you over to the elevator across the room, both of you still silently processing all that had just happened until you finally reached the large metal doorway.
You stepped inside the elevator, bidding him goodnight.
“Night,” he said, turning around and beginning to walk away.
His feet came to a halt when he felt a sudden, familiar urge take over him, and this time, he didn’t fight it. Before he knew it, he had his arm between the metal doors, forcing them to reopen.
He interrupted you by crashing his lips against yours once more, cradling your face in his hands as he kissed you with everything he had. Every skipped beat of his heart, every pang in his stomach, every moment of longing, every loving thought he’d ever had of you flashed through his mind. For once, he wasn’t concerned about ruining anything, of hurting anyone, of losing you. All he cared about was satisfying the insufferable itch of longing and desire he’d carried for you all this time.
Finally, the noose was gone, the bad feelings dissipating while the others became one with his being. He could breathe again.
When he pulled away, he was smiling. He was happy.
And you were too. Happy because of him. Happy with him.
“You should be selfish more often,” you said, still trying to catch your breath.
Katsuki stopped the doors from closing in on him, his eyes still locked on you as he let out a chuckle.
“That’s a first. Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart.”
He backed out of the elevator, finally allowing the doors to close. You stared at him as heat rushed to your face, capturing a glimpse of his growing smirk until he was no longer in sight.
Katsuki Bakugou was a selfish man.
And oh, did you love every bit of him.
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*The next day*
"Mannn...I can't believe you guys kissed for the first time and I wasn't even there for it!" Eijirou whined, an adorable pout on his face as he looked between the two of you.
"Are you jealous, Eiji?" you teased, lightly nudging him with your elbow.
"Yes! Do you know how long I've been waiting to kiss you both? It's been torture holding out from kissing you while waiting for Katsuki to get on board, and now I've come to find out that you two were making out for the first time without me?!"
Katsuki shrugged, nodding towards you. "They gave me permission. Blame them."
Eijirou scoffed. "I sure hope they did!"
"He means, I gave him permission to be selfish. I didn't know he was going to kiss me when I said that," you clarified.
"Oh, you knew, and you sure as hell didn't stop me."
"Well, of course not!" you said.
Katsuki smirked at you and you felt heat rush to your face. A brief knowing look was shared between the two of you as you recalled the events of the previous night.
Eijirou watched your silent interaction, his pout increasing as he whined. "I wanna kiss you both too!"
"You snooze, you lose," Katsuki said, breaking his stare away from you and taking a sip of his coffee.
Eijirou narrowed his eyes at him. "Scratch that. I definitely don't wanna kiss you right now."
"Hey!" Katsuki barked, looking at the redhead offendedly.
You giggled at them both, pressing a kiss to each of their cheeks.
"Both of you, hush. We have plenty of time for kissing later. Now, let's get to work! We can't fail this exam!"
Katsuki rolled his eyes, trying to fight off the growing redness on his cheeks. "Now look who's all ready to study, for once."
"Well, we gotta make sure we all pass! I'm not being left in the dust by the two of you just because of one stupid failed exam!" you said.
Eijirou’s eyes softened as he looked at you. "Aw, hun, we would never."
Katsuki nodded in agreement. "Damn straight. I'll make sure both of you idiots pass, even if I have to jam all the information into your heads myself."
"That always works with me! Right, Kats?" Eijirou flashed his sharp toothy smile.
Katsuki hummed, growing even more flustered over how cute the redhead looked when he smiled at him like that. Thankfully, you managed to draw the attention away from him long enough for him to hide his fond smile. He couldn't let either of you know just how soft he was for you, yet.
A giggle fell past your lips as you spoke. "Good for you, Eiji. But I'd like to refrain from developing a concussion the day before the exam."
Katsuki’s attention moved back to you, a cocky smirk growing on his face. "I could always kiss the information into you."
Eijirou gasped. "What?! No fair!"
"Both of you, be quiet and focus! Or no kisses at all!”
. . .
That shut them right up.
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182 notes · View notes
pleathewrites · 6 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 5 excerpt — class 1a resigns + ua traitor reveal read full story here
Out of the Top 100 Heroes in Japan, over half of them resigned in solidarity. 
The ones who don’t will be remembered as the ones who failed the oath they had taken when accepting their role in a society that is ready to move on from needing them. The large handful of those Dabi had laid out crimes against in his video reveal and interrogation will sit in their jail cells awaiting their court hearings with the only thoughts of, ‘where did I go wrong?’
To everyone’s surprise, it is Bakugou Katsuki who walks up to take the microphone from the last resigning Pro-Hero. 
He scans millions of eyes and takes the plunge. 
“Most of you who know me probably only have shit things to say about me,” He starts, and the image of his homeroom teacher pinching the bridge of his nose brings out a snort that reverberates a bit too loudly through the various speakers connected to the microphone, “And to be honest, there’s probably a whole lotta truth in there.”
Katsuki tunes out the questioning murmurs of the crowd and only looks for the one person he’d never answered.
“A really good guy asked me recently if I still wanted to be a hero after a lecture Aizawa-sensei had given about the shitty truth of how criminals are created.” 
Eijirou’s wide eyes and ungelled hair give Katsuki the strength he’s been lacking for so long. 
“I used to idolize All Might — Yagi-san — because he was the best. I used to believe that being the best meant I had to do everything possible to get that place. I used to believe that being the best meant I could behave in any way I wanted — that I earned it, and thus, I deserved it. The guy we’re all here for saw that.”
Katsuki remembers wanting to murder Dabi at one point, for all the ugly truths patchwork lips had spit at him.
“The memories I have of Dabi — Todoroki Touya — they’re all over the place, honestly,” Katsuki looks at the grieving mother of the man who’d kidnapped him, haunted him for months, and then forgave him. He wonders who he would have been with a mother like that — wonders what kind of man Touya could have become under a woman with so much love held in her eyes, the kind of love Katsuki had craved the minute he was born.
“I think your son might have saved my life, Himura-san,” He tells her honestly, and bows. 
When he rises, his eyes catch a poster that stops his heart. Kemuri Hashiga and Nagai Tesaki hold a large smiling picture of Tsubasa flying — dragon wings that contrast brightly against the springtime sky hold his round little body over their middle school playground. Kemuri’s sharp grin rivals Eijirou’s proudest one and Nagai’s eyes shine with a fierce glint Katsuki hasn’t seen on the boy in such a long time. 
He nods to them and holds Tsubasa in his heart when he turns back to the warmth of Eijirou’s gaze, “I have my answer for you now. I don’t wanna be a hero, because I don’t like what the idea of it brought out of me. But I wanna do good, and I’m gonna be the best at it,” He grins at the pair of toothy laughter he can only faintly hear from how far he stands from it, “I resign from bein’ a hero, or whatever. But, that doesn’t mean you won’t see me around. Y’here that! To all the villains who came out today,” He raises his hand to point to the crowd and sees Eijirou start to run towards him, “I’m gonna take care of y’all till you bleed!”  
“Okay!” Eijirou grabs the microphone out of Katsuki’s hands, eyes wide and frantic before he sends a sheepish grin to the slightly frightened crowd, “He means that in a totally, non-violent, metaphoric–metaphorical? way,” and sends a stern look to Katsuki that says, ‘we’ve talked about this, man,’ but the smile can’t seem to be swiped off his face.
The crowd seems to get it, though, because there’s laughter in the air for the first time. Even their homeroom teacher seems to be suspiciously hiding a fond smile behind his signature scarf.
“Um,” Eijirou starts, his insecurities bubbling up inside his chest as he takes in the waiting eyes of the crowd. He can’t believe the myriad of unique faces he’s seen today — quirks of all kinds, people of all kinds. The gratitude he feels in being able to witness the bravery of such people takes the heat off the moment, simmers the voice in his head that tries to convince him he’s not good enough, and stops it from boiling over. 
The scent of caramel tickles his nose before Katsuki’s warm hand settles over his shoulder. When Eijirou turns his head to see Katsuki’s encouraging smile, he holds his hand out and waits for nitrogen palms to wrap around his own.
“Bakugou doesn’t talk very nicely about himself,” He tells the crowd, “but he always makes sure I do. He’s the manliest dude I know — he’s kind, and determined, and he’s definitely the reason half our class is passing,” The crowd laughs and Katsuki squeezes his hand in appreciation, “I trust him with my life, and you can trust him to care about yours.”
“Tell us about yours!” Someone deep in the crowd shouts.
He didn’t expect to be put on the spot like this, he really just wanted to save Katsuki from being misunderstood. However, he cannot deny how fast his heart beats at his friend’s — ‘maybe more, one day.’ — bravery. Katsuki is always so damn inspiring.
“Oh, um, well,” Eijirou laughs nervously, “I, uh… Heh. Well, I used to believe that because I didn’t have a flashy quirk, I wasn’t worthy of having a place in this society. But when my friend saved me from an attack, she inspired me.”
Mina sends him a proud smile from where she’s pushed through the crowd to stand before him. The whole class of 1A has come close to the front.
Eijirou straightens his spine, “I started to research heroes and found out about Crimson Riot, who had a similar quirk to mine. He quickly became my idol. Through my hero identity, I’ve tried to pay tribute to him. I reinvented myself — started dying my hair and even chose a hero name close to his. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to attend UA and meet some really manly people along the way.”
There are some confused, high-pitched responses of, ‘manly?’
“Tch,” Katsuki leans in to speak into the microphone, “It’s a gender-neutral term of all things good for the idiot,” but his fond smile doesn’t cause any further confusion for the crowd.
“Yeah,” Eijirou giggles, “But, yeah, anyways… I think surrounding myself with so many amazing heroes made me blind to everyone else. Somewhere along the way, I think I convinced myself that being a good hero was equal to being a good person — a good man.
“Crimson Riot said that chivalry is all about living with no regrets. And I don’t want to regret this moment, and so, I don’t think I’ll regret my decision to resign from my dream of being a hero — figuring out who Kirishima Eijirou is, outside of Red Riot. And even though he’s gone, I think Crimson would’ve called this day the manliest moment in history.”
The applause brings a — ‘very manly!’ — tear to Eijrou’s eyes. 
One by one, the entire class of 1A resigns their status as hero students with the promise to strive towards social reform. 
Yaoyorozu Momo — “I actually wanted to be an engineer when my quirk manifested, but my parents always viewed hero-work to be more rewarding. However, I’m thankful I attended UA because I wouldn’t have met all the wonderful people who put their trust in me to lead them. But I cannot lie — being a female hero under the male-gaze… I hate it. I guess I just never felt like I had the ‘right’ to. I used to be a tom-boy, would you believe that?”
Ojiro Mashirao — “It kinda sucks, bein’ a heteromorph. People always tryin’ to touch my tail and askin’ me what I can do with it. Makes a guy wanna prove somethin’, y’know? So, I guess… When I saw the kinda life heteromorphic heroes led, the respect on their name, I got envious. I still wanna work in rescue, though — natural disasters, I’m hopin’ after today.” 
Jirou Kyouka — “Ever since I was a kid, I saw how my family was often ridiculed for pursuing music. We struggled a lot, but they… They would sing me to sleep and, uhm, teach me whatever instrument I wanted to know. I used to hide it, thought it had nothing to do with heroism and so it wasn’t important, but my classmates — Bakugou mostly, if you’d believe it — encouraged me. There’s a lot of power in music. Therapeutic. I think I wanna share that the most with the world.” 
Kouda Kouji — “Hi… Is there a deaf-and-mute translator? Ah, thank you! ‘Animals are my favorite creatures to speak with — birds and foxes especially! They have so much to say, I think it’s because they see so much of our lives. Humans, though… They used to run away from me. I think it’s because of how I look. I don’t understand how, in a quirk-society like this, we still have so many biases based on looks alone. I hate violence, and so far, heroism has felt like nothing but. I think… from now on though — witnessing this turn-out — I’d like to start working with humans again. Talking like this, peaceful and honest. I want to live in a world that works with nature instead of domineering over it.’”
Ashido Mina — “I used to think being a hero was all about hiding your anxieties — show no fear and slap on a smile for the cameras, for the kids, for everyone else just as scared as you. I think… When you’re so used to masking your own fears, you forget everyone else’s. I used to believe villains weren’t capable of fear, but now… I think I’m starting to get it — that it’s their ignored fear that creates them, pushes them to that point of villainy. I honestly need to think about what I’m gonna do from now on, but I have a feeling a lot of opportunities are gonna pop up in the next few years, and I don’t see myself picking just one. And to quote Blasty, I’m gonna kick ass doin’ it!”
Kaminari Denki — “Sensei gave us some homework a few days ago to write a reflection about the ways we can work towards villain prevention and, like, rehabilitation. I, uh, heh, think mine might’ve been the shortest paper. Every time I use my quirk into overload, a bit of my brain kinda fwoomps away and… makes things harder and harder to read and concentrate on. I used to think it was worth it, y’know, like — ‘who needs a workin’ brain when you’re riskin’ your life to save people?’ But, uh… obviously, it scares me now to think that was a standard I put on myself.”
Uraraka Ochako — “Admittedly, I wanted to make a lot’a money — guess that’s normal for people who don’t grow up havin’ any. Makin’ money isn’t really gonna help other kids who have none, though. I never thought a girl like me would learn to fight the way I can now, and it kills me to think about all the girls and women who cannot fight for themselves, who work like hell to survive cycles of abuse ‘n poverty… And! That’s where I wanna put my efforts!”
Satou Rikidou — “I’m a baker’s boy at heart. My classmates actually, heh, set ‘round a time each week for me to bake ‘em somethin’ new — call it ‘Sugar Time’. Funny ‘cause I actually need sugar to survive — a lot of it. Parents learned how to bake early on because the store-bought sweets’re too expensive. In class, Aizawa-sensei brought up how the things we need to live ain’t free, ‘n it made me think about what kinda life I would’a had if I didn’t have parents who were able t’bake for me, or didn’t have parents at all… Mama, Baba, I’m real thankful for everythin’ you’ve done for me t’get me here, but I just can’t stop thinkin’ about those kids…”
Asui Tsuyu — “I’m going to miss it, the hero-life. But, honestly, I think that’s for the better. I want a safer world for my siblings. When we were really young — Satsuki-chan, I don’t even know if you remember this, but… A burglar came into our home. I remember I hid you and Samidare-chan under my bed and left to call the police, who called a Hero. And that hero… bulldozed into our house, right through the wall of my bedroom, and all I could think about was that you two — your tiny little bodies — were right there, and by the luck of the universe, my quirk manifested, and when I cried out, my tongue became the hand the hero had no intention of reaching out, and I was able to pull you both out just a second before the ceiling caved in and smashed my bed to pieces. The hero caught the burglar, but I left that night thinking things like, ‘Was all that really necessary?’ and ‘What would have happened if I was quirkless?’”
Aoyama Yuuga — “I was born quirkless, and let me tell you — the French do not take kindly to those who are. I talk like them and I look like them — well, that’s a lie, I am much more gorgeous! But alas, we live in a world where our quirks are as good as currency. I’m still getting the hang of how fast word travels in Japan, but my peers at UA know my parents asked All for One to grant me the quirk I have today, and when my parents refused to let me carry their debt to him, he killed them. I am a hero solely out of revenge, and that’s not very heroic. My Papa used to tell me that I was meant to sparkle, and I can’t do that covered in red.”
Tokoyami Fumikage — “People are not born bad, only make bad decisions. But each bad decision is not held to the same weight for each and every individual — and for our society today, that is bad. I’m quite fond of darkness and prone to all things of the night, but I was lucky enough to be raised by a family that guided me with light. That said, I am…  honestly looking forward to getting to know the villains who’ve come out today. There aren’t too many heroes with the Devil in them, and Dark Shadow is practically itching to bond with people more like me — I think he’s getting tired of fighting all the time.”
Hagakure Touru — “My whole life, I’ve not only been invisible but felt so. I think the only times I’ve been given any sort of attention is being the butt of a joke — I’ve heard way too many one-liners over the fact that I have to fight naked, and it doesn’t matter how cleverly you think you twisted it, it’s still not funny to me. However… UA helped me shine, literally. I think it’s really important for kids to feel that — without having to spend a boatload of money or kill your childhood for a scholarship that essentially turns you into a child soldier.” 
Shouji Mezou  — “I learned to cover my face at a young age because I scare people. It’s not right to say, but whenever I used to see villains, like Dabi-san, show off their unconventional appearances so freely, with so much pride… It somehow equated in my mind that I need to cover up, to show society that I’m not like them — I’m not something to be feared because I display shame in the way I look. Preconceived notions, stereotypes, we all fall prey to them. Late at night, though, I’d think to myself that maybe villains just want to be seen. And now, seeing everyone who’s attended — your wonderful, unique, and brave faces — I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable labeling anyone as a villain ever again. I don’t want to wear this mask anymore, and I don’t want anyone else to ever feel like they have to as well.”
Ida Tenya — “In one of the readings Aizawa-sensei assigned to us, an activist said: ‘Police and heroes are doing what nobody should be doing — enforcing laws that criminalize poverty and addiction, arresting people instead of issuing citations, writing tickets to raise revenue rather than protect the public, and using armored vehicles to evict women and children from a home they have occupied to protest homelessness.’ And I agree! We cannot continue on like this, and I thank all the heroes today who have resigned from participating in this kind of system. You have given me the strength to do so as well!”
Midorya Izuku has the hardest time of it, cries and sniffles through the whole thing, but ends with a wobbly tenacious smile and a promise of “Plus Ultra!” that makes Yagi gather the young boy — and equally tearful mother — into his frail arms. 
Only Sero Hanta is left to say his piece. 
He feels like he wants to vomit and he knows the crowd can tell, “Someone I care about very much pointed out that I never talk about m’personal life. And, well, that’s because it doesn’t make for a very good story. But that person’s life story has been the highlight of every news station in Japan for the last week, so I figured I might give it a shot.”
Shouto’s reddened eyes widen and practically beg Hanta to shut up, but Hanta remembers the boy making a comment not too long ago about how Hanta doesn’t really know when to do that. 
“Five years ago, my home was destroyed by what the police had called, ‘a villain attack’. My parents were killed by the rubble caused by a hero chasin’ after a kid a lil’ older than I am now with a scary quirk for stealin’ a woman’s purse. After that, I was sent to a foster home that looked more like a crackhouse,” Gasps and horrified murmurs ripple across the crowd, “Don’t worry too much ‘bout that though, I wasn’t there fer’long. Sold off for my foster parents' next fix. Managed to get away though.”
The League push their way into the front of the crowd, which fortunately opens right up out of fear, or common decency, Hanta doesn’t really know yet.
It’s actually kind of funny how Tomura looks at Hanta with his hands out and his eyes wide, like, ‘what the fuck’re you doin’?’
Hanta barrels on though, “I was around ten years old when Dabi had found me, half-dead’a hypothermia ‘n starvation. He took me in, and man, was he a mother hen. Makes so much sense now that he grew up an older brother,” He laughs wetly, and from his peripheral vision, it looks like Touya’s mother does the same. 
“At this point, I was used t’people kickin’ me outta restaurants ‘n stealin’ my clothes when I wasn’t lookin’. But Dabi — sorry, Touya, my bad, I’ve been callin’ him ‘Dabi’ for so long now, but I wanna use the name his brother calls him. Touya would sneak me into whatever shelter he’d find willin’ to hold a stray. He’d get me all kinda books, most of ‘em interesting but some were complicated as hell.”
Hanta’s voice starts to betray him, threatening to cut off completely as the memories flood through.
“He’d tell me to read while he’s out workin’,” Tears finally start to fall and, for once, Hanta welcomes the burning trails down his cheeks, “He’d come back tired as hell, every day with new scars, ‘n even then, he’d make me somethin’ to eat, even if it meant he wouldn’t for days. 
“He always offered to take me to a safehouse — a place for children like me. He’d say things like, ‘You should be playin’ ‘round with other kids yer age,’ and I’d just make fun’a’him for bein’ an old man. But the truth is, I didn’t wanna leave him. He was the only person who made me feel safe in a world that turned me away.”
His eyes roam over and connect with every present member of the League. Himiko is crying into Jin’s chest.
“And around a year ago, he let me come with him to join the League,” Hanta cannot bear to face the betrayal he knows paints every single face of his classmates, so he doesn’t, “I thought I wanted revenge, at first. But lookin’ back, I think I just wanted to help Touya’s dream of a better world come true. Pay ‘im back for everythin’ he’d done f’me. ‘N so, when the League asked me to be their spy, I agreed.
“But,” Hanta starts to shake, “When I got to UA — well, you’ve all seen it, everybody is so fuckin’ good. After my classmate was kidnapped, after I saw what it had done to him, I regretted my decision so much.”
Hanta can’t stop crying.
“Kirishima said he doesn’t wanna live a life with regrets, ‘n I know that’s only possible for me if-if I confess, because I know Touya refused t’give me up when he’d turned himself in, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”
Hanta covers his shame with his arm and hopes his bulky elbows give him enough cover to break down. 
“But I’ll never regret staying with Touya! Because without him, I-I never really would’ve believed society could actually change, until today.”
He doesn’t know when the League had actually run up to him. He only feels the cold metal of Mr. C’s prosthetic catching him before he falls to his knees, only registers the worn cashmere of Himiko’s sweater against his cheek, only hears the thud, whine, and scramble of Tomura picking up the fallen microphone and yelling out, “None’a you get to judge Hanta!”
And through the blubber of Hanta’s wailing sobs, Hanta hears the unimaginable. 
“We don’t — ”
“ — Monsieur, were you not listening — ”
“ — ‘re doing the right thing now, we’d never — ”
“ — we’re still your friends Hanta! — ”
“ — I forgive you! — ”
“ — it’s ok, dude, I understand! — ”
“ — confession was totally manly! — ” 
“ — et the fuck up, Tape Face, ‘n apologize to my face like a man! Geeze, you were only doin’ what you thought was right, or whatever — ”
In less than a minute, Hanta is engulfed by the arms of his classmates, their tearful smiles and too-empathetic eyes filling his vision and stunning his burning shame to a halt. 
Cold and hot hands cup his face, Shouto’s puffy eyes staring at him wondrously.
“Why…?” Hanta doesn’t understand.
“Don’t you see how much we love you, Hanta? Don’t you trust us to see how much pain you’ve been in, and not punish you for it?” 
Hanta’s chest aches with something that blooms to life instead of the anticipated shrivel of the death of one he’s grown to love.
He sighs, resting his forehead against Shouto’s, “I’m so sorry, Shou…” 
Shouto’s headshake jostles Hanta slightly and he tearfully whispers, “I’m sorry, too. You’ve suffered the same loss I have, and have been going through it alone.”
The students of Class 1A quiet down when their homeroom teacher steps through and pulls Hanta up with an offering hand.
Hanta has always found his sensei so hard to read, “Wha-what’r’you gonna do t’me, Sensei?”
And his teacher only smiles and tips his head to his family — to the League that hadn’t left Hanta’s side under the swarm of — ex — hero students.
“Weren’t you paying attention? There are no punishments for what is said and done today.”  
When the League, his teacher, and his classmates walk Hanta away from the area that holds the lone microphone, there is only the noise of respected cheers and applause at the sight of opposing sides holding the boy who’d played both — and it feels like a win. 
read full story here
my other works
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seonne · 4 months
"Just So You Know..."
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader (Reader was mentioned as "she" once)
Disclaimer: Comfort fic, mentions of familial bullshit, but it's purely comfort. Reader speaks, like, one sentence in this whole thing.
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"Look, you know I'm shit with emotions and shit like that. But it's fucking annoying seeing you cooped up in your room wallowing in self pity, so speak the fuck up!"
You were not in a mood to talk to people. Hell, you didn't even want to talk to yourself, didn't want to walk around your room making up fake arguments and yelling at the air. You didn't want to talk, walk, cry, laugh, sing, anything. You just wanted to sit in silence and let your thoughts consume you.
But of course, your no-nonsense boyfriend wouldn't be okay with it.
You hugged your knees closer to you as your boyfriend sat himself on the floor beside you, back leaning onto your bed.
"I know you're upset, but I have no idea if it's because of me or someone or something else. So you need to speak at least a single word for me to understand what's going on and how to fix it."
You stayed silent and rigid, the only part of you moving being your eyelids when you blinked and your chest as you inhaled and exhaled.
Inhaled and exhaled.
Inhaled and exhaled.
Time seemed to be moving fast and slow, running and crawling, chasing and waiting. Merciless.
You felt Katsuki moving beside you but you didn't have it in you to look at him, talk to him.
I'm sorry.
It's not your fault.
I know I shouldn't be giving you the silent treatment.
This is not a silent treatment.
I want to talk to you.
Please keep talking.
I want to hear you.
But you stay mum.
An arm circles around your shoulder and you're pulled into a sturdy chest, as the ball you've rolled yourself into.
"It's fine if you don't want to talk. I'll make you talk later."
His voice softly caresses over you as your ears zone into him, away from the sound of your ceiling fan and the pit-pat of the rain outside. The lilt of his voice is careful, placed with his love, careful in a way he hopes to all the gods above that he doesn't upset you further while also awkwardly navigating and voicing his own genuine concern.
A comforting silence follows afterwards as you snuggle deeper into his chest.
"Are you okay with answering yes or no questions?"
You nod.
"Are you..." His voice trails as he blinks and looks away, composing himself.
'Don't get mad even if her answer may make you mad.'
"Are you upset... because of me?"
You shake your head no. A soft sigh of relief escapes him before he quickly catches it back.
"Was it your parents?"
He nods back, understanding.
He knows how your parents tend to be and how you act whenever you encounter them. They say the dumbest shit about you, accusingly, denyingly.
And you believe them.
You believe the bullshit they say about you, how the rest of your family acts about it and how absolutely devastated it leaves what's left of your mental health.
So he waits, patiently, as you sit dead silent propped against him, breathing him in and trying to silence your thoughts.
"...Can you keep talking?"
And he does. He goes on about his day. How "fucking Shitty Hair" barged into the meeting room late as hell and embarrassed himself and Katsuki, how "stupid nerd ass Izuku" flopped while trying to take lead on a joint mission, how he went out on a "boring ass patrol" because the only thing he encountered was a petty thief trying to steal from an old lady.
The story about the old lady trying to set him up with her granddaughter as a form of gratitude brought a short giggle out of you which set him at ease, a small smile gracing his lips.
An easy silence fills the room, enveloping the both of you in it's warmth, despite the rain outside. The crackle of thunder that used to intrigue and excite you, now consoled you, singing you praises of yourself and the wonderful person next to you, who is going way out of his comfort zone to comfort you. The rain smiled at you, singing her lullaby as your eyes fall closed.
A soft kiss on your forehead brought an equally soft smile to your face as the voices in your head faded.
"Just so you know... whatever they said ain't shit. You're amazing and you're never ever a fucking burden, you got that? You're an amazing person and...I love you, god damn it! Don't let anyone make you feel like shit."
You allowed yourself a single tear as it rolled down your cheek. Your sorrow, your self pity, low self esteem, broken heart, hurt feelings, love, joy, satisfaction, comfort. All your emotions, packed into the single drop that dropped to soak into the heart of the man that held you closer than ever; a promise to never let go.
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Dutifully writing my own comfort fics because I have come to the realisation of the importance of them. I hope anyone reading this knows that they're loved, and no matter the shittiness of your situation, it will all pass eventually. After all, sad moments are what make the happy moments of life that much sweeter.
Lots of love!
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bluemantics · 2 months
here’s a list of all my fics! i won’t be able to post and reblog much since I’m traveling the next week and a half, so I’ll compile all my works here in the meantime :-)
will also update this list as i write more!
midnight snacks don't exist in space
G | 1.7K | RP/BP dynamics
There are no rules about eating at 3:00 AM if you're in the far reaches of the universe.
In a bright kitchen while the team is asleep, Lance and Keith find each other, as they always do.
Why We Fight
T | 5.7K | truth-telling au
With the Rebels in need of resources, the team ventures to a planet known for its raw materials in hope that they'll join the coalition. Here's the thing: they need to prove that they can be trusted by telling the truth about why they fight.
Lance finds this more difficult to voice than the others. Unfortunately (thankfully), Keith has returned from the Blade and is more than willing to listen.
"This is bigger than any of us alone."
A Keith By Any Other Name
T | 8.2K | coffee shop rom-com AU
Lance McClain was dared to hit on Keith. Keith thought that’d be the first and last time they’d meet. However, Lance keeps coming back, charming Keith with his jokes and charisma.
Here’s the catch: Keith refuses to tell Lance his real name.
“I’m not telling you my name unless you order and move on.” Keith pointed to the register screen.
“Alright, I’ll do a cappuccino.” Lance pulled out his wallet from his jacket pocket and slid his card over to Keith. “Now will you tell me your name?”
“My name is Yorak.” Keith passed the card back to Lance, who looked shocked at that answer, his eyebrows raised to his hairline. Keith was beginning to realize how dramatic Lance could be.
“Really?!” Lance demanded. He looked pityingly at Keith, and irritation welled up in his gut.
“No!” Keith rolled his eyes.
“You’re the worst,” Lance huffed.
a billion light years from here
T | 8.5K | post-canon fix-it
Keith and Lance reconnect over letters. Through their writing, Keith learns to open up, and Lance learns what a home is.
"For all the game I talked on the castleship about missing home, now that I’m back on my family farm, I kind of feel like there’s something missing. Like, even surrounded by all of the juniberry flowers Allura gave us, and even with my parents, I still feel lonely. Or restless."
Or: A post s-8 fix-it AU told entirely through letters between Lance and Keith, both sent and unsent.
out of my head
G | 1.2K | high school au
Keith didn’t even want to watch the spring musical auditions. Forced by Pidge to accompany them, he finds himself surprised at the talent of a particular actor. He also finds himself surprised by his own response. 
Lance is ridiculously good at singing and Keith is a lovable, impulsive jock.
baptism by fire
T | 1.5K | canon-compliant angst
Prompt: write a private scene between two characters with no dialogue, of just them two alone.
Lance just witnessed the unthinkable. Keith offers his company in wake of the tragedy.
unstoppably, immovably, unbreakably you
G | 651 | canon-compliant
A character study.
An unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
Katsuki Bakugou’s hand implodes against Eijirou Kirishima’s arm; a flurry of sparks surround them with a sound that rings between his skull.
This is something he knows how to do well. With every blow that Katsuki unleashes, he feels Kirishima retaliate with more, responding like a dance to his every movement. Katsuki is a fine-tuned instrument of destruction, every muscle on his body worked with the intention of winning.
as always please let me know what u think thru asks & comments on ao3!! ill answer asks between travel, but im going to frequently be in spotty service.
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rrinkyoo · 2 months
she could be down but she won't go away
♫ now playing – she won't go away… faye webster
in which you grow up with katsuki and realize you're a little more than friends
a/n: again, i'm trying to do as many requests as i can. the next few will most likely be long fics unless i get another headcannon request.
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during their childhood, bakugou and y/n net when they were around 5 to 6 years old so around the time all the little kids were developing quirks.
i feel like a lot of people think differently about this but i think he wouldn't treat you any differently than he treats everyone else. he'd give extremely subtle special treatment but i don't think he'd act any differently and this applies to the future as well.
but maybe since you guys have known each other for so long and y/n is one of the few people bakugou can tolerate, you'd be able to soften up his rough edges or at least calm him down a bit.
bakugou couldn't get enough of the fiery cracks that submerged from his palms. his newly manifested quirk was already fascinating enough as it was but the attention he received from it made it even better. especially from the little fly that wouldn't seem to leave bakugou alone, who was you.
you swung on the swing set as you stared at bakugou in pure admiration, your mouth slightly agape at the sight of sparks flying from his hands. "waah! you're going to be so strong katsu!" you exclaimed. bakugou puffed out his chest in a cocky manner.
"i already am strong," he said with his usual smug grin. you hopped off the swing and ran over to him, grabbing his hand and examining it in curiosity. "i'm going to be the number one hero!" he continued, both of their cheeks puffed up as they shared the same cheesy grin.
"and you'll be the number two, so we can stay together. okay?"
it would take years and i mean YEARS for him to realize he finally has feelings for you. especially during U.A where being in a relationship isn't even on his current list of priorities.
he finds himself more hyper-aware of everything you do. the way you talk, the way you fidget in your seat during class, the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about something you love. he notices it all and it irritates him so much.
bakugou realizing his feelings will definitely change his attitude but definitely not for the better. i feel like he'd be harsher towards you but i see him doing it as a way to see you improve and not blatantly being rude to you like others.
you will definitely have to confess first because i STAND by the fact that he will not confess anything until you say it. and when you do he will not be easy about it bro will look at you like this and not say a word.
sweat dripped down the faces of you and bakugou. the intensity of training as 1-A students was no joke. you lay on the grass, huffing and puffing trying to catch your breath. training itself was difficult, but training with bakugou made it 10 times harder. a sudden shadow blocked the sun from your face and bakugou's face was above yours.
"i told you your form was sloppy. you never fix it," he grumbled. you scoffed and waved a hand over your face for cold air. "you never give me time to fix it." you retorted.
"i told you i'm not going easy on you," he said with his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. his expectations for you were high, he knew you could do it so he kept pushing you, and he also saw how determined you were. how your jaw would clench, how your eyebrows would furrow how your hair would move over your shoulders, how the sun would define every curve on your face-
"dammit.." he grumbled under his breath and moved away from you to the other side of the field. "hurry up so we can keep training."
personally, i think dating bakugou would be similar to how you were when you guys were friends but with added affection. everything would still be the same like the bickering and the banner but it'd be so cutesy now because omg couple (≧◡≦)(≧◡≦)
bakugou had always been protective of you years before you started dating. now think of that times 10. he'd constantly be on alert and if anybody did anything to offend you expect them to be at your front door begging for forgiveness on their knees.
and his affection would be subtle. he is a D1 hater of PDA so he'll only show you intimacy when you guys are alone in one of your rooms with the door locked (real!). but you two would be curled up together and he'd always keep the same scowl on his face until eventually his features get softer and softer (つω`。)
it was well past midnight, and you knew that katsuki would be asleep but you didn't know where else to go. you'd woken up from a nightmare in the middle of the night, and though you weren't one to get spooked easily, it still startled you quite a bit. so that's how you ended up at katsuki's dorm with his arms forcefully wrapped around you and a scowl drawn on his face.
he wasn't the happiest since you did wake him up from his deep slumber, but he knew that if he didn't open the door he wouldn't hear the end of it in the morning. "you're such a scaredy-cat, y'know? who in hell gets that scared from a lame nightmare?" he grumbled.
"i do" you argued back. the two of you went back and forth for a bit, the usual bickering until the sound of your soft snores filled katsuki's ears. he wanted to be annoyed, he really did, but he couldn't fight the faint smile that tugged on the corner of his lips.
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mysicklove · 1 year
thots on kitty!bakugou getting his nipples played with for the first time? feels so good it scares him, i bet. good enough to break down his sense of pride to beg for you to get your wrap? hehe
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Pairing: Sub! Bottom! Cat Hybrid! Bakugou x Dom! Top! AFAB! Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: Pegging, HEAVY nipple play, anal play, mention of collar, katsuki swears in like every sentence, nickname "kitty", hints of sadistic reader, pain/pleasure play ig.
A/N: I kinda changed it up just a tad anon im sorry lol. but i loved this idea so much i had to turn it into a fic. damn another fic that is not a kinktober one, ughhh
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Your kitty has a very sensitive chest. Of course, Bakugou would never tell you this. You have a problem with bullying him a little bit, poking fun at him until he hisses at you, or teasing his body until he cries from frustration. Telling you about his nipples is a one-way ticket to mewling under you. He's not taking that ride.
So he hides it. Relatively well too; he tries his best not to press his ears back and whimper when you accidentally graze one of the buds. Instead, moving your hand away from his chest either up to his collar or beneath his pants.
You never suspected a thing. Just how Katsuki like it.
"Kitty, I'm home!" You chirp, opening the front door with a small content smile on your face. Katsuki peers up at you from the couch where he was napping, a frown plastered on his face.
"Why did you take so fucking long?" He complains, automatically getting up from the couch, and making his way over to you. He leans slightly leans down, and your hand reaches up to pet him. His ears twitch and he lets a gruff sigh at the feeling of your fingers.
"Sorry, Kats. There was a car accident on the way home. Traffic was bad. But anyways, how are you?"
He pulls away from you before he starts purring, his pride getting the better of him. "Fine. Dinner is getting cold."
He walks away toward the kitchen before you can respond, fixing you a plate while you sigh and slump against the dinner table chair. He sits down next to you, and you thank him. He lets out a grunt in response. The best you'll get out of him.
Dinner goes down relatively quietly. Katsuki isn't much of a talker, and you were tired from the day. You needed a little bit of energy before holding a conversation between you too.
"Want to do it tonight," He says finally breaking the comforting silence. 
You pause, looking up with a raised eyebrow. He doesn't make eye contact with you, but his cheeks are slightly pink. He tries to act all bold, but both of you know he always is so embarrassed to suggest these things. A prime subject to tease. "Do what?"
His ears fall back and he glares at you. "You know what."
You balance your head on your hand. "Hm?"
"Want to...Fuck." He sighs, staring at his bowl with bared teeth.
"You want me to fuck you?" You say, now grinning at him.
Katsuki dramatically stands up from the table, his face now blooming red. He leaves the bowl on the table, and his tail sways behind him. 
"Never mind. I'm going to bed."
You are up in an instant, chasing after him before he gets too far. Without really thinking much of it, you reach out from behind him and grab his chest, pulling his back against your front.
Katsuki doesn't have time to hide himself. He feels your hands grip accidentally grip his nipple, and he whimpers. Loud and shakily, while his eyes furrow to process the overbearing feeling.
The two of you freeze, both with wide eyes. He doesn't dare to move, afraid of what you'll say.
You loosen your grip slightly on his chest, and he lets out a breath of relief. But you don't dare to let him go, now intrigued. Slowly, your hands begin to run over his chest, taking notice of the way his breath hitches when you hit his nipples.
Your face curls with a feral grin, happy to find something new about your pet. "Oh, Kats. You didn't tell me you were so sensitive here."
His ears are pinned to his head, and he gulps. "Fuck you. 'm not"
You gently pinch his right nipple and his eyes widen, a broken whine falling from his lips. "Hmm? You sure, love?"
"Don't do that!" He pleads as he shrinks away from your fingers and into your chest, afraid you'll pinch him again.
You press a kiss to his neck in apology. Then you grab his hand and lead him into the bedroom. "Let's go fulfill your request, yeah kitty?"
He stares at the hand and then you, nervously. He knows you are going to abuse him, and he's not sure if he can take it, but on the other hand, he really wants to be fucked.
He's willing to take the risk. "Alright."
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You know too much. Another thing to hold above his head. How is he ever going to escape your cruel hands if his body is so complaint with them?
"Fuck you! S-Stop! The teeth."
Your mouth has made his way to his chest in a matter of minutes of the two of you being in the bedroom. He is laying limp against the mattress, and your finger is moving in and out of his hole, prepping him for later.
But your current fixation was seeing how far he can go with his tits solely. You are still working on the intensity, and seeming to how Katsuki is dripping tears, it's probably too much for him. Your teeth barely even grazed him. "My fault. Didn't mean to, shhh don’t cry kitty."
He clenches his teeth together and the back of his arm covers his face, embarrassed about the tears You begin kitten licking the nipple and he sniffles, being okay with this sort of pressure.
Gently, you reassure yourself and your fingers continue their prodding. He has already taken two of them, and now you are scissoring the hole. He was taking them well, moaning gently under you with no complaint.
You gently begin to to suck, and the cat let's out a shaky moan. Not a whimper or a cry, a better sign. Your other hand travels to his other side and you gently travel circles around the pink nub. His back arches slightly and his mouth opens.
“There ya go. See we did it Kats. Doesn't hurt so bad now, hmm?”
He gulps, slightly gripping onto the sheets from the prodding sensation and your antics on his chest. It's overwhelming him, and he is struggling to bite back moans. “Dumbass. Just be gentle.” His voice doesn't hold a bite, instead it's higher in pitch and shaky.
Cute. But he always was, unitentionally of course. His pride is to big to try to act cute sole for you (even if you begged him multiple times).
He keens when you press your fingers onto his prostate, clenching his teeth with his ears pressed against the top of his head. You immediately distract him from the sensation by gently sucking his nipple.
His eyes fling open in an instant, and he choking out moans. "Not at the same time!"
You ignore his pleads, and switch to the other side. He grabs the back of your head and grips onto it desperately. The feeling makes you wince, but you don't stop your movements.
Eventually when it gets too much for the cat, he forces you away from his chest. You glance at him, slightly peeved, but your eyes widen at the sight.
Tears are streaming down his face, and he's trembling. His ears are pressed flat upon his head, and drool slightly drips from the corner of his lips. He is shaking his head at you, slowly but full of emotions. "No more. No more. 's too much. Just fuck me already!"
You peer down at his chest to see both of the nubs swollen and throbbing. You have abused them for too long, and it almost made you feel bad. Your poor kitty didn't deserve this, but alas, his wet teary eyes made it worth it. You couldn’t help but bully him if he looked so cute.
But, you take pity on him, and grab the strap, lubing it up, along with his entrance. He bites back a whimper at the coolness, but you force it out when you press a kiss to his thighs.
You pull your fingers out and he lets out an obviously displeased noise, trying to follow the digits. "So needy," You coo, and he scoffs, rolling his eyes, but blushing.
Then you line the toy up to his hole, and his ear twitch. He gulps and stares at the silicon, trying to contain his excitement. You begin to press it in, and he sighs, closing his eyes.
Slowly, you bottom out, and the cat lets out a breathy moan. A finger travels up to his chest again, and he jumps when you drag it over again. "Not—Not again."
You lean forward, now completely above him, waiting for him to adjust to the length. You circle the bud and kiss his cheek when he whines out. "Cant' help myself. You're so cute, Kats."
"F-Fuck you! Stop teasing me," He warbles, his eyes hazy and lips wet from his own saliva.
You begin your movements and he clings onto you. His mouth flies open, exposing his pointed canines that you are so fond of. "Such a cute kitty with such an adorable, sensitive body. I'm so spoiled."
He shakes his head, tears dripping down his cheeks. "Just shut up, and fuck me!"
You giggle into his neck, and pinch one of his nipples. His whole body jerks and whines, loud and pathetic. He trembles under you and glares at you, which doesn't look threatening at all considering they are wet from tears. "Be nice Katsuki."
He doesn't say anything, afraid you'll pinch him again. Instead, he nods his head and wraps his legs around your hips, silently signaling he wants more and quickly.
You abide his wishes and quicken your pace, and he mewls out, latching his mouth onto your shoulder. You grin at him and kiss the side of his head, mumbling words of encouragement.
His grinds himself on the strap, and his eyes roll at the feeling of his throbbing cock rubbing against your stomach. Mixed with earlier teasing, he felt like he was already close to cumming. He grips onto you and begins to beg for you to go faster.
But much to his dismay, you don't listen to him. Instead, you purr in his ear, "Katsuki~"
He clenches his teeth at the thrust, but whines at your words. Something bad was coming, he could tell. "Hmm?"
"Touch yourself."
He doesn't hesitate to reach down and begin stroking himself off, but you catch his wrist with the first stroke. He gulps and glances at you hesitantly.
You stare at him, smiling softly. Then, you lean forward and press your lips to his ears. "Your nipples, silly."
Your pace hasn't slowed and he can barely process your words, but the way you drag his fingers back to his chest lets him know exactly what you want.
He shakes his head furiously, clinging onto you. "Nooooooooo. Fuck, they hurt!"
You balance yourself on you forearm above him, and use your other to thumb over one of the buds. He moans, slightly arching his back. "They won't. See? Gotta be gentle, love."
He looks up at you with a pout and teary eyes, but nods hesitantly. His hands travel down to his chest, and he uses both hands to trace circles on them. The blonde whimpers out, shutting his eyes to try to manage the strange mix of pain and pleasure.
You finally quicken your pace, and Bakugou groans, not knowing what to with his body. He feels the sticky feeling of pre cum leaking on his abdomen, but his hands are too busy to wipe it away.
"m gonna cum."
"Are you asking for permission?"
He wasn't, and the both of you knew that. "Y-Yeah."
You smile at him, pressing a kiss to his tear stained lips. "As long as you touch your nipples through it all."
He wants to protest, already feeling overstimulated from both of the intense pleasures, but he also wants to cum. So, he nods with a sniffle. You rub you fingers over his twitching ears, and he leans into the warmth.
The pressure begins to build up, and hes now gently flicking his nipples. Hes withering from his own ministrations, and the ruthless pace of your strap isn't helping at all. Every breath is a moan, or a whine, and he shivering. "Fuck. Fuck. Im cumming. I can't!"
"Go ahead, kitty."
His whole body contracts, and his eyes screw shut. It tears viciously through him, and he's crying out. Its loud, high in pitched, but cute.
His hands clench up on his nipples, so you lean down and press your mouth to one. His shaky hands find the back of your hand and he curses, back now arching completely off the sheets.
Cum leaks onto his stomach, and some onto yours. His tail goes pin straight, and his ears are pinned to his head.
His high lasts longer than usual, about thirty seconds, and by the end of it his clinging onto you desperately while you coo at him.
When he comes down from his orgasm, he is heaving, trying to catch his breath again. You gently pull out during this time and he lets out a small gasp, but other than that doesn't complain. He falls limp against the bed, his body sweaty and flushed.
You take off the strap and begin to wipe him down with a washcloth, humming softly in your work. You are careful to leave his nipples alone, knowing hell prob freak out if you even graze them now. They are puffy and red, and most likely throbbing.
"You with me Katsuki?" You say, glancing hesitantly at him, almost feeling bad about his chest.
"Yeah, I'm here, you brat."
You laugh gently, glad your cat is back to his usual antics. "Ironic," You tease, grinning at him.
He doesn't find it funny. "Hey fuck you. I listened well today! Even after you tried torturing me." The last part comes out as a mumble, pouting into his pillow.
Your eyes whole a sadistic glaze to them, and he gulps, wondering what you are going to say next. "If you think thats torture, oh kitty, what do you think we buy you some nipple clamps?"
He throws a pillow at you and hisses before you could finish your next thought.
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