#bakugo Katsuki x reader
writeriguess · 1 day
katsuki x reader where they are THE it couple of ua
The school buzzed with chatter as you walked down the hall, all eyes drawn to you and Bakugo Katsuki. It was a routine now, this attention. You were UA’s “it” couple, known for being both powerful and perfectly matched. Katsuki, with his explosive temper and unmatched combat skills, and you, with your sharp wit and quirks that perfectly complemented his own. Together, you were unstoppable — both on and off the battlefield.
As you reached the classroom, Katsuki walked beside you, his usual scowl plastered on his face. Yet, there was a certain calmness in his stride when you were around. His hand found yours for a brief second, a small gesture that many wouldn’t have even noticed, but you felt it. It was how he was, never overtly soft, but his little actions always spoke volumes to you.
Inside the classroom, your friends were already at their desks, Midoriya waving cheerfully while Uraraka greeted you with a bright smile. You smiled back, greeting them warmly, but you felt the heat of Katsuki’s hand press lightly against your lower back as if telling you to focus on him.
“Katsuki, you’re too possessive,” you teased, glancing at him. He clicked his tongue, the corner of his mouth quirking up.
“Tch, I ain’t possessive. Just don’t like people staring too much,” he muttered. He shot a glare to a few first-years who were peeking from outside the door. “Idiots.”
You chuckled, finding it amusing how easily jealous Katsuki could get, even though he would never admit it. Sitting down beside him, you leaned over, resting your chin on your hand as you watched him. He was busy setting up his notebook, his brow furrowed in concentration. His attention to detail was something that never failed to amaze you.
“Do you need help studying?” you asked playfully. “I could tutor you if you’re struggling.”
He shot you a sharp look, but the faint pink dusting his cheeks told you he wasn’t actually mad.
“I don’t need help,” he grumbled, narrowing his eyes at you. “I’m not some damn Deku.”
“I know,” you said, voice softening. “You’re amazing, Katsuki.”
The words seemed to catch him off guard, and for a second, his eyes softened as he looked at you. That vulnerability in him was something he only ever showed you, and it made your heart swell.
“Damn right I am,” he muttered, leaning closer to you so that his lips ghosted near your ear. “And you better remember that you’re mine, too.”
His voice was low, possessive, but there was a tenderness in his tone that made your cheeks warm. Despite his brashness, Katsuki cared deeply for you, more than he’d ever admit out loud to anyone else.
“I could never forget,” you whispered back, a smile tugging at your lips.
Just then, Kirishima leaned over from his desk, a wide grin on his face. “Man, you two are goals. Seriously, how do you make being in a relationship look so badass?”
Katsuki growled, glaring at Kirishima. “Shut the hell up, shitty hair.”
But you just laughed, brushing a hand over Katsuki’s arm to calm him down. “Thanks, Kirishima. It’s not that hard when you’ve got someone who’s always pushing you to be better.”
Katsuki shot you a sideways glance, his expression softening for just a second before he turned back to his usual scowl. “Damn right. If you’re not getting stronger, what’s the point?”
As class went on, you couldn’t help but feel proud. Not just of yourself or your relationship, but of Katsuki too. People often misunderstood him, saw him only for his temper and aggression. But you saw the real Katsuki — the one who, despite his rough edges, was fiercely protective, incredibly driven, and cared for you in a way that made you feel like the most important person in the world.
When the bell rang and class ended, Katsuki stood up, stretching his arms above his head. He turned to you, his eyes scanning your face before he reached out, grabbing your hand.
“Come on, let’s get lunch,” he said, his voice softer than before.
You smiled, squeezing his hand. “Lead the way, Katsuki.”
As you walked through the halls of UA, hand in hand with Bakugo, you couldn’t help but feel on top of the world. There was something powerful about the way you two fit together, like a perfect team both in life and battle. And as long as you had him by your side, you knew that nothing could stand in your way. You were the power couple of UA, and nothing could change that.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like.
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shonen-brainrot · 2 days
Together - Bakugo x Reader (comfort)
The soft light of early morning spills through the window, painting the bedroom in hues of gold and rose. You wake to the familiar weight of his arm draped across your waist, his breathing steady and deep, his face relaxed in a rare, peaceful expression. Katsuki Bakugo doesn’t look this calm often, not anymore. Not since the war.
You move carefully, not wanting to disturb him. But as you try to shift, his grip tightens ever so slightly. Even in sleep, his instincts are sharp. You glance over your shoulder, catching the way his jaw clenches, his brows furrowing in that familiar scowl even now.
You wonder if he’s dreaming of the battlefield again.
It’s been nearly 10 years since the dust of the final battle settled. The world has changed so much. The heroes are rebuilding, trying to restore what was lost. Bakugo’s name is whispered with reverence across the nation — Dynamight, the one who helped bring peace. But to you, he’s Katsuki. Your Katsuki, the boy who used to snarl at you for getting too close, and now, the man who can’t sleep without his hand resting on your skin, as if anchoring himself to something that isn’t the chaos.
You can tell when he’s having a bad day. He doesn’t talk about it — he never does — but the tension in his shoulders, the way his eyes cloud over, those signs are enough. You’ve learned to read him in ways no one else can. But you wish, sometimes, that he would share the weight he carries, that he’d let you into the storm raging in his mind.
“Katsuki,” you whisper, gently shifting to face him. The sound of his name from your lips, soft and tender, works like a tether. His eyes flutter open, and for a moment, they’re unfocused, still lost in the remnants of some distant war.
He blinks, and the sharpness returns. He’s here. With you.
“Morning,” he grumbles, his voice rough with sleep. His hand moves to your cheek, calloused fingers brushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear. It’s a small gesture, one that he doesn’t even seem to think about, but it sends warmth blooming in your chest. The touch is gentle — so unlike the explosive power in his hands when he’s out there saving the world. 
You lean into his touch, your eyes locking with his. The scars on his face are more prominent in the morning light, reminders of the battles you both fought to get here. But to you, they’re not marks of violence. They’re proof of his resilience, his strength, his will to survive and protect.
“You okay?” you ask softly, knowing the answer but asking anyway. 
He huffs, his typical response, but his thumb brushes against your cheek with a tenderness he doesn’t often let others see. “Tch. 'Course I am.”
You smile, but it’s tinged with concern. You know him better than that. You reach up, taking his hand in yours and pressing a kiss to his knuckles, feeling the small tremor that runs through him at the intimate gesture. His walls are strong, but they crumble for you, in moments like these, when the world feels far away and it's just the two of you, suspended in the quiet aftermath of everything.
“You don’t have to pretend, you know,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. “Not with me.”
His eyes darken for a moment, the weight of your words sinking in. He shifts, sitting up in bed, running a hand through his messy blonde hair, which falls rebelliously across his face. He doesn’t respond right away. Bakugo’s never been good with words, not when it comes to things that matter most. But then, after a long pause, he sighs.
“It’s just…” He stops, jaw tightening. “It’s not over. Not for me.”
You reach out, gently brushing the hair out of his eyes, the same way he always does for you. The small act feels like an unspoken promise — that you’re here, that you always will be by his side.
“I know,” you say softly. “But you don’t have to go through it alone. I’m here, Katsuki. Always.”
His eyes meet yours, and for a moment, the vulnerability there takes your breath away. He reaches for you, pulling you close, his face buried in the crook of your neck. It’s not an apology, not an admission of weakness. But in his silence, you find his answer.
You hold him, running your fingers through his hair, feeling his heartbeat slowly calm against yours. The world may never fully heal from the wounds left behind, but in this moment, here with him, you believe that you both will find a way to keep moving forward. Together.
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a11eya · 3 months
bakugou pauses mid-sentence, then leans in, pressing his face right into your neck.
you squirm, trying to push him away. his nose brushes against your skin, and a reluctant laugh escapes you. you put your hands on his chest and push.
“stop! you know i’m ticklish there,” you tell him.
he grips your waist, holding you in place. his eyes narrow.
“what the fuck is that?” he says.
“what?” you furrow your brow, leaning back to look into his face. “what’s what?”
bakugou scowls. “you smell like shitty cologne.”
“what?” you turn your head, attempting to smell yourself. you do catch a wisp of scent on you. “oh! it got cold out, and i forgot my jacket so todoroki lent me his. his cologne must’ve rubbed off on me.”
“why the hell would you take it?” bakugou says, scowl deepening.
“it was cold!”
“so stay cold.”
bakugou reaches up and pinches your nose. “you call me if you’re cold, i’ll bring you something.”
“you were on patrol!” you say, voice nasally. you bat at his hand, and he lets go.
“i don’t give a fuck. now go shower. don’t fucking pull this shit again.”
“you’re so annoying sometimes,” you say. “he was just being nice.”
bakugou drops his head to bite your shoulder.
“are you a dog,” you say, deadpan. your hand reaches up to thread through his hair. you tug at the strands a little.
he growls into you in response, and you break into a smile, laughing.
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sansfangirl24 · 17 days
When you and Bakugo got married, he made it very clear that he wanted a ton of kids. of course, you didn't want like 12 kids, and you told him that, but he completely ignored you and looked right at you and said "I don't care, you are my wife, and I expect you to give me some brats"
you were (rightfully so) offended by this and you countered saying: "well if I have to pop out a bunch of kids for you then I better be able to quit my job, and become a stay-at-home mom, and get my nails done and my hair done whenever I want. and I want you to pay for everything and buy me clothes and flowers and chocolates all the time" thinking it would shut him up about having a mini army
but your plan backfired and just like that you became a pregnant, stay-at-home mom with 4 kids, no responsibilities (other than the kids), and a loving husband who came home with gifts every night. and despite the smug grins from your husband and the stress of having a bunch of kiddos running around you wouldn't have it any other way
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dekuneho · 20 days
no one else's ☆ ( ​thirdyear!katsuki x fem!reader ) mdni | suggestive
Kirishima taps Katsuki on the shoulder very gently, looking embarrassed as he chokes out, “Your girlfriend fell asleep on the couch.”
Katsuki would’ve brushed it off with a snap that anyone could use the fucking couch who gives a fuck, but his eyes slide to Kirishima’s other arm holding a disgruntled Mineta up. Immediately, Katsuki’s gut twists in displeasure, the pencil in his grasp snapping in half.
“Did you fucking do something?” Katsuki hisses out, yanking Mineta��s collar to face the full brunt of his sneer.
“No!” Mineta cries out, having the nerve to sound disappointed. “No, I didn’t, dude. Get off me.”
And before Katsuki could kill Mineta right then and there, Kirishima swerves him out of the way. Don’t get your hero license revoked over him, Kirishima’s eyes seem to say.
“He’s telling the truth, man, don’t worry about it.” Kirishima then glares soundly at Mineta, disappointment evident. “He was acting weird, though. That’s why I got him.”
“Traitor,” Mineta says, wriggling uselessly mid-air.
“I’ll kill you,” Katsuki swears to him, before storming off, each step heavy with pure murder.
The rest of the class is smarter than Mineta. They avert their gazes and mind their business — or it could be that they can sense the unadulterated rage emanating from every pore of his body.
Yet as he reaches you, every trace of that same rage dissipates into the air. His eyes outline your body, dead to the world, shorts hiked up with one leg curved — laid unaware. No wonder some freak like Mineta wanted to prey on it.
Katsuki sighs. "Always giving me damn trouble," he mutters to your sleeping figure, snorting when there's an answering snore.
He heaves you up and off the couch, arms hooking under your neck and the back of your knees. Katsuki pushes past the living room, ignoring the curious stares of his classmates. They all know where he's headed — straight to his room.
You awake to a pinch on your thigh.
When you come to, Katsuki is staring at you heavily, hovering above you with your head between his hands.
"Kats'ki?" you croak out, words stringing together. "Wha's…"
Katsuki begins to crawl down, and down, until his knees hit the floor; until he's face to face with your legs. You're still swimming through the sluggishness limbo of being half-awake, lagging behind only moments after Katsuki. You feel his grip on your ankle; it tickles, it's warm.
He lowers his head and pins your knee down with a searing kiss. The sensation spreads to your entire body. You shudder, toes curling. Katsuki smiles against you, his hands sliding up to your thighs.
"Too early," you whine. But you don't push him off; you press against him closer.
"'s already 6 AM," Katsuki says, pushing your legs open.
The touch of cold air and the sporadic puffs of Katsuki's breath have you sinking deeper into the bed, pleasure crawling in every part of your body that he's taking by force, in the gentlest way possible.
Katsuki latches his mouth onto the inside of your thigh, inching deeper at your gasp. You suck air through your teeth, taking every control you have left not to snap your legs shut and force Katsuki out. When he pulls off, your thigh is left with a clear bruise. He doesn't stop there — he dives in again on a different point.
"As soon as we get our ass here," Katsuki murmurs against your skin, his breath hot on your evening-chilled skin, "I'm taking you out; we'll go apartment-hunting."
"And you can wear whatever the fuck you want," he continues, licking at the mark, "or nothin' at all — I don't give a shit. No one else, just us. You hear me?"
You sit up, nearly knocking your knee against Katsuki's face. "You're asking me to move in with you?"
Katsuki scowls, the telltale sign of a blush creeping to his face. "You have other plans?"
"No, no," you cup his cheek, kissing the pout of his lips; "never, if it's not with you."
Katsuki appears satisfied, claiming your lips in a deep kiss. You draw away from each other with a stuttered gasp, heat pooling in your stomach at Katsuki's delighted gaze. "No turning back," he whispers. "Got that? This'll be no one else's."
Dizzy with need, you can only say, "Yes, yes. No one else's but yours, Katsuki. Now, please go back in between my legs."
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seumyo · 1 month
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“Do you have dimples?”
Bakugou doesn’t understand it himself, but you always find your way back to his house after your first visit—asking these out-of-the-blue questions that seem to have no end to them. It’s like a curse has befallen him, one that follows him wherever he goes.
For a moment, his eyes snap in your direction, his head tilting ever so slightly to the side, though his intense glare never once wavers. He didn’t know what the hell you were getting at, and he wasn’t sure if he had the strength to even want to know why you were asking about something so random.
Honestly, he should be used to it by now. But the thing is, he isn’t, because sooner or later you’ll be popping out of nowhere with another of your pointless questions.
“I asked, do you have dimples?” you repeated.
His eye twitches at the repeated question, and as much as he’d like to give you a snappy remark to get you to stop, he can’t seem to come up with one. So, for the time being, he decides to humor you (and hope for the best that you drop it and move onto another topic).
“Why the hell are you asking?”
“Because Kaminari and I made a bet whether you have dimples or not. I went with yes, you do have them—even if it’s a singular dimple, but Kaminari says otherwise,” you explained, tapping your finger softly against the coffee table.
He scoffs at the childish reason. “And what makes you think I do have one?”
“A hunch,” you said, shrugging your shoulders. “I also have just one.” You smiled, showing off your obvious singular dimple on your right cheek.
Bakugou glances at your dimple for a brief moment, eyes scanning over your face and the way that the dimple seemed to perfectly dip into the soft skin of your cheek. He almost found himself entranced for a moment, but his gaze returned to your eyes as he huffed out in mock disinterest.
He was about to dismiss your hunch—maybe just flat-out refuse to even show you—or come up with a lie. But Bakugou Katsuki wasn’t a liar.
“What happens if you win the bet?”
“I get 3000 yen,” you answered.
That’s a lot, he thought.
“I can pay you 3000 yen to shut the fuck up and stop with the useless questions.”
“There’s no fun in that!”
He scoffs again as he leans back against the sofa, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at your stupidity. He eyed you for a moment, his head tilting to the side as he sighed. “And what happens if you lose the bet?”
“He gets 3000 yen.”
Bakugou almost wanted to laugh at the fact that you were putting so much faith and money on a simple guess, but he managed to hold back on the amused expression and forced himself to remain calm and unbothered.
He leaned back a bit more, relaxing against the plush seats, letting out a mocking “tch” before he said, “What if I don’t show you if I have a damn dimple or not?”
“Please? Oh my god, Bakugou. Don’t do this to me now! Kaminari’s going to do a ‘victory dance’ when he finds out he won by default,” you half-whined.
He was about to give you his final choice when suddenly you started whining at him. Bakugou rose an eyebrow at you, lips quirking to a frown. As idiotic as it is to him, it looks like it was quite a serious matter to you.
“Tch. Whatever.”
You threw your hands to your face, groaning. “Pretty please, with a cherry on top? Spare me some sympathy—and be a team player for once!”
He found himself fighting a scowl at the way you acted. It was somewhat different this time around, and it was making him feel weird. Damn it. You’re a goddamn nuisance.
“Alright, fine. Just—” He motioned with his hand for you to come closer, an almost annoyed expression on his face. “If you tell anyone else about this other than Dunce Face, I’ll make sure you don’t ever see the next sunrise.”
“That doesn’t sound heroic at all—but yes, of course!” you cheered. “Just a little smile, and I shall confirm the goods.”
“Yeah, yeah. Shut up,” he muttered under his breath, already regretting giving into your stupid request but at the same time knowing that he would never let Kaminari win against you in all circumstances possible.
He let out a huff and hesitantly let the sides of his own lips quirk up into a half-assed attempt at a smile, but from the way it was so rigid, it looked more like a painful grimace.
You gave him a confused, somewhat flat look in return. “Dude, you look like you’re about to shit yourself—mmph! ” You didn’t get to finish what you were saying as Bakugou’s palms immediately squished your cheeks together to shut you up.
“Oh shut it, dipshit,” Bakugou grumbled, his grip on your cheeks tightening ever so slightly as he forced you to pout your lips. “You were asking for a smile. I give one, and you wanna give me smart ass remarks about it?”
“I didn’ even gwet toh shee anythin’! That’s how bwad ith was,” you muffled out through pouty lips.
“Are you gonna keep yapping and bitching about what you asked for, or are you gonna accept my goddamn smile?”
“Fine, fine!” you yielded, pushung his hands away from your face. “Do it one more time, and I’ll actually check this time.”
He narrowed his eyes, almost as if he were wondering if you were going to actually do as you said or go against it and keep making smart-ass comments. But as you yielded, he let out a sigh and decided he’d rather just get this done and over with. 
Less hassle for him.
He repeated his ‘smile’ from before, which looked more like a forced sneer, and he waited for your verdict. This was his last straw; he was going to murder you (not).
You had to hold back your laughter but failed to do so. “I really can’t— Bakugou, please! ” you mused, hitting his shoulder playfully. “Your ‘smile’ reminds me of that time Kirishima had to hold the biggest shit before the bell rings.”
That caught Bakugou off guard. He remembered the memory of Kirishima’s panicked expression and the weird waddle he’d walked around in as he desperately tried to find a bathroom made Bakugou snort under his breath.
“Oh my god, you’re laughing!” you gawked. “And have a dimple! Just a singular one, like mine! We’re matching.”
There it was. A singular dimple on his left cheek.
Bakugou tried to regain his lost composure and let out a scoff in an attempt to mask the slight tint of pink that reached the tip of his ears. He forced his hand onto your face, shoving you (lightly, if he may add) away from him to prevent you from getting another look at his dimple.
“It’s not a worldwide discovery, dumbass. I can fucking laugh if I want to, and it’s just a fucking indent on the cheek.”
“Still cute,” you shrugged, pulling up your phone to text Kaminari. “I need to let Kami know that I won the bet, then we celebrate with bubble tea— my treat!”
“Hey wait— You—“
He tried to protest against your sudden celebration, wanting to tell you that he wasn’t going to let you treat him for anything. This whole damn thing started because of a stupid bet, and he doesn’t really find joy in gaining something from it, but as you pulled out your phone and began to text Kaminari, he sighed and leaned back again with his arms crossed tight against his chest.
“Whatever. You’re fucking annoying.”
“Kay,” you answered. “Also, your actual smile is pretty charming, if you ask me. It’s different from the usual sneer you have on your face. That’s just my opinion, though.”
Bakugou’s face grew a bit warm at your unexpected compliment, but he quickly tried to hide it and turned his head to avert his gaze away from you. His mouth opened to reply with a snappy remark or something like that, but he found himself hesitating.
He eventually scoffed and muttered a low, “Tch. Stop spouting nonsense.”
“Bakugou Katsuki has a singular dimple,” you sing-songed aloud, though you knew that no one would hear since his parents weren’t even home.
Bakugou felt his eyes twitch at your teasing, resisting the urge to tell you off and even going as far as to just punch your shoulder lightly. “Shut the fuck up, dipshit.”
He later found out that there was no bet, and you had just made up the whole scenario to confirm your curiosity. That Bakugou Katsuki does have a dimple, a singular one at that.
Could you imagine how furious he was?
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shigarosie · 17 days
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"Fuck you want?"
"Hello to you, too, Bakugo," you say with an eye roll. "I'm here to see Kiri, he invited me. So can you move out of the way and let me in?"
"Say please," he teases with a glare that reminds you how superior he feels to everyone.
You scoff, crossing your arms. "I'm not saying shit."
"Fuck, you promise? Been trying to get you to shut up since the unfortunate day I met you."
"Oh hey! You're here!" Kirishima's head pokes up over Bakugo's broad shoulder, an unbothered smile on his face. He was used to the squabbling of his two best friends.
Bakugo pushed away from the door, knowing Kirishima wouldn't allow him to prevent your entry into the apartment any longer. He instead stands in the kitchen off to the side, angrily chopping vegetables.
"I got some of those face masks you recommended, thought we could wear them while we watch the show." Kirishima took your purse for you, hanging it on the coat hook while you kicked off your shoes. "I've already got Netflix up on the tv in my room so we don't bother Mr. Grumpy pants over there."
Bakugo chopped something with extra force in place of an obnoxious response before continuing like normal.
You followed Kirishima to his room, hating that whatever his hot headed roommate was cooking actually smelled pretty damn good. When the bedroom door closed and you were safely sprawled out on the big king sized bed, Kiri looked at you with a smile, shaking his head.
"You know he's into you, right?"
You roll your eyes. "Course I do. But until he gets over himself and handles his feelings like a big boy, I'm gonna match his energy."
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startaee · 2 months
obsessed w the idea of being close to katsuki's mom. you're just yoga friends or jogging buddies, so when he groggily walks into the kitchen on that saturday morning, to find you in your cute coord set, eagerly watching mitsuki make that healthy drink she was telling you about all morning, he's stunned.
all he can see is your side profile. lips parted in awe as your eyes are wide and glimmering with curiosity. and he thinks you look absolutely adorable with the little fat under your chin, he thinks it compliments your soft jawline. and he's about to think more, but then you turn around to face him, with a smile that just knocks every thought right outta his goddamn head.
© startaee 2024. do not copy, translate or repost .
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katsukistofu · 20 days
contents ౨ৎ ⋆ k. bakugo x teacher! fem reader. fluff. ⭑ he keeps staring. the kids notice.
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In your five years of teaching, you never thought you’d see Dynamight sitting cross-legged on the daisy shaped carpet in the center of your classroom, while your kids swarm around him to paint his face.
Warmth spreads across your chest as you take it all in. It’s quite the sight, to see the big, buff, seasoned twenty five year old pro hero letting all these tiny toddlers take turns taking clumsy swipes at his face with the colorful paints you bought for them the week before for art class.
What you don’t notice is the way his eyes trail to you wherever you are in the classroom. When you move to open the windows to let the fresh air in, to wipe the chalkboard, even when you’re organizing the mess of crayons on your desk into their rightful bins.
“Why do you keep staring at our teacher?” One of them, a little boy wearing his t-shirt backwards, curiously pipes up. Everyone else nods in agreement, they’ve been wondering the exact same thing.
“You gonna tell her what I said when I leave later?” Katsuki raises a brow. A chorus of playful noooo’s follow him.
“We’re gonna tell her while you’re still here!”
These little brats. He’s barely known these kids for two hours and already he knows that they love you like a second mother, and wouldn’t be letting him go so easily. There’s fondness in his eyes as Katsuki chuckles and leans in, and the kids eagerly lean in to hear what he has to say.
“I’m starin’ cause she’s pretty.”
Gasps and nods of agreement spread across the carpet just as you clap your hands together, your sweet voice ringing through the classroom, to which everyone, including Katsuki with his paint bedazzled face, turns to give you their fullest attention.
“Alright my angels, let’s give Mr. Dynamight some space now okay?”
Curious little eyes glance back and forth between you and Dynamight with, when someone loudly pipes up, “Ms. L/n doesn’t have a boyfriend!”
“Mr. Dynamight thinks you’re pretty!”
“He stares at you like the way my brother stares at ice cream!”
“Hey I was going to say that!”
Bickering ensues across the carpet and you simply gape at them as a hint of a smirk appears on Katsuki’s face.
Should we tell them after class? He mouths in your direction.
No, you mouth back, covering a giggle behind your hand at the continued chaos of your kids behind your boyfriend.
A little homework never hurt anyone.
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polly-pocket13 · 4 months
drabble katsuki bakugou
katsuki bakugou x reader
You were watching a movie with Mina and Eijiro when you suddenly heard a really mad Katsuki ask, “Who of you motherfuckers ate my protein yogurt?” 
You looked at the empty yogurt cup. 
After you realized you ate Bakugous yogurt, he entered the living room. 
“I am sorry. I was hungry. I didn't notice your name on it,” you told him while you were looking at him.
His anger immediately disappeared, and his face expression became soft. 
“It's alright, sweets,” he said. Then he walked up to you to place a kiss on your forehead.
You blushed. 
You still don't realize that you are in a relationship.
You and Bakugou have been officially together for a month now.
Whenever he shows physical affection in front of others, you're overcome with emotions.
“Alright sweets.” Eijiro imitates your boyfriend, and Mina laughs.
“What did you just say? Are you making fun of me?”Bakugou mumbled. 
“I would never, softie.” Eijiro said.
Oh, no. Now, Eijiro should start running.
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writeriguess · 2 days
Katsuki x fem reader… a katsuki who loves boobs … and fondles it a lot
It was one of those rare nights where the world seemed to slow down just for the two of you. The apartment was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight streaming through the curtains, the hum of city life outside faint and distant. You sat together on the couch, your body nestled into Katsuki’s side as you absentmindedly scrolled through your phone.
Katsuki’s arm was draped around your shoulders, pulling you closer against his chest. He was unusually quiet tonight, his gaze heavy on you. You could feel the heat of his eyes as he watched you, his fingers slowly tracing patterns along your arm. There was something about the way his thumb brushed against your skin that made you shiver, a spark of anticipation building in the pit of your stomach.
"You're quiet," you commented, glancing up at him. His crimson eyes met yours, and you saw the intensity in them, something primal and unspoken. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
"Shut up," he muttered, his voice low and gruff, but there was no real bite behind his words. Instead, his hand slipped from your shoulder, trailing down to rest on your waist. His touch was possessive, firm, and you could feel the heat of his palm through the fabric of your shirt.
He didn’t need to say more. You knew Katsuki had never been one for flowery words or grand declarations. He showed you how he felt in the way he kissed you, in the way he touched you. And right now, his touch was speaking louder than any words ever could.
Without warning, his hand moved higher, slipping under your shirt, and you gasped as his fingers grazed your bare skin. The rough pads of his fingertips sent electric jolts through your body, and your breath hitched when his hand cupped your breast, squeezing gently.
“K-Katsuki…” you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper. He leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Yeah?” he rasped, his voice rough and dripping with need. His thumb circled your nipple, teasing it through the fabric of your bra, and you couldn’t help but arch into his touch.
Your body responded to him instinctively, your mind clouded with desire. Katsuki had always been like this—direct, unapologetic, and completely in control. He knew exactly what he wanted, and right now, it was you. All of you.
His hand slipped further under your shirt, pushing it up until it bunched around your chest, exposing you to the cool air of the room. You shivered as his lips followed the path of his hand, kissing a trail from your collarbone to the swell of your breasts. His tongue flicked against your skin, sending waves of heat through your body, and your hands tangled in his ash-blonde hair, pulling him closer.
“Katsuki, please…” you whimpered, your voice trembling with need. He chuckled against your skin, his breath hot and teasing as his hand cupped both of your breasts, kneading them with a possessive hunger that made your pulse quicken.
“Please what, huh?” he murmured, his lips brushing against your nipple before sucking it into his mouth. You gasped, your back arching as his teeth grazed the sensitive skin. He was relentless, his hands and mouth exploring every inch of you, and the way he touched you—it was like he couldn’t get enough.
“You like that?” he asked, his voice rough and husky. His hand moved from your breast to your waist, pulling you closer to him until you were practically sitting on his lap. You could feel his hardness pressed against you, his need for you evident, but he took his time, savoring every second of having you beneath him.
You nodded breathlessly, unable to form words as his hands and mouth continued their relentless assault on your senses. Every touch, every kiss, sent shockwaves through your body, and you could feel the tension building inside you, coiling tighter and tighter until you thought you might break.
Katsuki’s hands returned to your breasts, squeezing them gently before rubbing his thumbs over your hardened nipples. His eyes were dark with desire as he watched your reaction, and the sight of you writhing under his touch seemed to ignite something inside him.
“Fuck, I love these,” he growled, leaning down to kiss you hard, his tongue invading your mouth with the same intensity as his hands. You moaned into the kiss, your fingers tightening in his hair as you ground your hips against him, desperate for more.
He pulled away just enough to speak, his breath ragged and hot against your lips. “You’re mine. You know that, right?” His hands squeezed your breasts again, and you nodded frantically, too caught up in the pleasure to do anything else.
“Yes… Katsuki, I’m yours…” you managed to gasp, your body trembling as he continued to tease you. His touch was possessive, his hands roaming every inch of your skin as if he was trying to memorize the feel of you beneath his fingertips.
He smirked, clearly satisfied with your response, and kissed you again, slower this time, but just as intense. His hands never left your breasts, and you knew he wasn’t going to stop until he had completely undone you.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
it sounds stupid, but katsuki absolutely hates it when you cross your arms. it’s like you’re closing yourself off from him and he doesn’t like it. not one bit. so yeah, even if you’re arguing and he’s mad at you. he gives himself a second to cool down and with a huff he grips your arms and pulls them apart. he doesn’t keep ahold of them, he’s still mad. but he just. pulls them away from your chest and rips loose the muscles that were once locked in place.
“don’t fuckin’ do that.” he grumbles, before crossing his own arms seconds later.
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starreo · 2 months
katsuki comes back home late after a tough day of work to find you welcoming him with a big sloppy kiss and grabby hands. he's tired but he's hard. you've barely made it to the couch and he's already pumping it in you, in and out, fast.
you're tugging on his hair, on his bicep, cupping his face, all while staring into his eyes with that gaze of yours that drives him absolutely insane. then it hits him. you're ovulating.
sweat's dripping down his face and he's still in his costume when he pulls out for the second time. "babe, you better be done now, 'm too tired to go again"
and then furrow your eyebrows, and with whatever strength you have left, you say, "put a baby in me" and suddenly he's hardening up again, but the haze in his eyes now is darker than yours.
© starreo 2024. do not copy, translate or repost .
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blqstar · 2 months
౨ৎ katsuki bakugo loves to sleep naked with you.
but not in a sexual manner, no. instead, in the most loving way imaginable. he loves to feel your plush and honey soft skin rubbing up against him. he loves how warm to the touch you feel, basking in the fervor plethora of just you. bare you.
just to rub his hands all over your body feels like heaven to a man like him. for you to be so comfortable in showing him the most beautiful body that God has given you has him almost shedding tears. he honestly feels like the luckiest man alive.
knowing he only gets to trail his fingers through every crack and crevice of you, that he’s the only one to love on your tinted brown skin is so excruciatingly satisfying. he can’t get enough of it.
no, he just can’t get enough of you.
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
╰┈➤ ꒰🍓💌🌶 ┊Katsuki fucks like he can’t live w out you
『♡』 unprotected sex, spitting in mouth, cum eating, pussy licking, creampie, squirting, f!reader, reader has acrylics, biting
Katsuki fucks like he’s going to die without you. His hands shake despite his rough grip on your hips, yanking you down onto his cock. You gasp and moan every time he does it, fingers desperately searching for something to grip onto.
His mouth finds yours, tongue invading your mouth, like he’s hungry. It’s like he’s trying to devour you. He wants to take your soul and keep it. Make it his- make you his.
“Fuck fuck fuck-“ He gasps, face tingling and shaking with pleasure.
Your pussy is squelching, frothing at the base as slick juices run between the two of you. His thick hand reaches to your jaw, thumb pushing between the plush of your lips.
He pries your mouth open and spits, a long string of saliva drizzling into your mouth. Your head throws back against the mattress and you squeal. The coil in your stomach begins to grow taut.
Your hand reaches to blond hair, tugging him lower and you push his spit back into his mouth with your tongue. He groans into the kiss before pulling back.
Katsuki snatches a pillow from his side of the bed, hooking his arm under your knees to lift your ass. It’s placed under your lower back and he shoves your knees to your shoulders, folding you in half.
The angle makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. Thick, hot, heavy dick slamming into you with long strokes. He’s got to be in your stomach- you can feel it. The head pushes against the spongey spot inside you and squirt gushes from your pussy onto the both of you.
“Give it to me, y’feel like- oh-“ Katsuki babbles, watching you frantically nod your head.
Your pussy clenches around him and he’s on cloud nine. Acrylic nails dig into his shoulders, your teeth clamp down on the side of his throat. It’s raw- needy and desperate.
He can’t get enough of you. Stray hair sticks to the side of his face, sweat beads at the nape of his neck. His muscles are almost sore from fucking into your tight cunt. And he can’t stop.
He’s addicted. You begin rambling between moans and gasps, telling him filthy things. How he’s god, that you’re in love with him, no one’s gonna ever compare. And the coil in your tummy snaps.
Because he presses his cock against that special spot and stays. As much as it pains him he doesn’t move, waiting. And you explode, clear juice spurting from your pussy and all over his cock and pillow.
Your head throws back and you scream, tears beginning to form in the corners of your eyes. He’s the closest to heaven he’ll ever be when you tell him to cum inside you.
And god, he does. His fingers dig into the plush of your thigh and he clamps his jaw, teeth marking your shoulder. His hips stutter and he slams his length into you. His entire body goes taught and he fills you. Katsuki starts whining at the thought of what he’s doing.
He can feel his cock head pressed against your cervix now. If there was a way, he’d go further. But for now his cum fills your pussy, drenching the inside of your walls. He pushes your hips up.
“Don’t let it out, fuck- don’t.” Katsuki rasps, fingers running through his hair to move it out of the way.
He laps at your pussy and you squirm in his grip. He’s slurping his own cum out of you like it’s his last meal on this god forsaken earth. Licking at the squirt on your ass, his white ropes, sucking at your clit. You buck up and fuck into his mouth a bit, trying to ride his tongue and escape all the same.
You cum like that, shaking and writhing. He leaves a smack to your ass and shoves his cock back into you, fucking the cum that’s left back in. He’s got one more in him.
You get flipped over to your chest, where his cock is bullying that same spot again. And you just can’t stop squirting. It’s everywhere. The bed is soaked, you’re soaked, he’s soaked.
He finishes in you again after you’re drooling all over the bed and desperately begging for it. He thinks about another round. He doesn’t know how long he can go without you.
Cause to him you put the stars in the sky and your pussy tastes better than water to a man dying of dehydration.
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dekuneho · 27 days
five in the morning ☆ ( ​prohero!katsuki x reader ) mdni | suggestive
The digital alarm clock seated on your bedside table flickers, casting a glow that reads 5 AM in the asscrack of morning. Your boyfriend is dead asleep and probably won’t wake up for a while, hopefully. You don’t waste opportunities that the universe has clearly granted on a silver platter, and so you set to work right away.
You slip off the bed, skillfully slithering away from Katsuki’s grip. He stirs momentarily, legs sliding over the warmth you had left; you hold your breath, watching him carefully. Katsuki continues snoring.
Mission accomplished.
Katsuki’s the better cook, and he had been spoiling you rotten all this time with his three-star Michelin cooking. Considering how well he treated you last night, you want to treat him by waking up to breakfast in bed this morning. It’ll be nothing special, but he’d be on the other end of the princess treatment this time, and it’s at least something.
A traditional Japanese breakfast would take a while, but you had prepared beforehand with leftovers and freezer foods. Now, the real challenge is perfecting Tamagoyaki the way Katsuki does — an impossible feat, but you wouldn’t be Katsuki’s favorite person in the world if you weren’t stubborn and headstrong.
As the rice boils, you move to reach for a cutting board but instead, startle at a warm figure pressing against your back.
Fuck. He wasn’t supposed to wake up right away! You barely started. Did he wake up once he realized you were missing?
“Katsuki,” you say, twisting around to meet your boyfriend’s half-asleep daze. “Can you go back to bed and pretend to be surprised in preferably an hour or so?”
“Nah,” he rasps out, octaves lower than usual. “Don’t wanna waste my view.”
Your plans have been foiled, but whatever. The heat emanating from Katsuki’s body makes you want to leech off him for a little longer. This morning had been a little too cold for comfort.
Katsuki keeps quiet as you work, his chin resting on the curve of your shoulder. He doesn’t murmur any complaints or criticisms, so it could either be because he’s approving of your methods, or it could be because he’s dozing off on your clavicle. He’s pliable as you glide through the kitchen, back and forth — and still, Katsuki’s like a cat perched over you.
“Hey,” Katsuki says. You feel his voice rumble over his chest, and it meets your shoulder blades. “Baby, look at me, please.”
A please so early in the morning? What a miracle.
You shift around, meeting Katsuki’s sharp and heated gaze. Seems like he enjoyed watching you a little too much. You smile, your arms slowly winding their way around his shoulders as his nose brushes against yours.
“Hi,” you whisper in the space you share, grinning.
“Mm,” hums Katsuki, expression turning fierce.
Without warning, he ducks and bites over your nose. It doesn’t hurt, just the threat of his sharp teeth on your skin. Still, you jump in his hold, bewildered and possibly a little aroused?
He licks over your mouth, humming like a cat purring in approval. 
Well — scratch that. He’s more like a dog, licking your face like that, what the hell? You hide your face with an arm, ignoring the heat pooling in your stomach at how Katsuki’s staring at you like he’s mistaken you for breakfast. Breakfast that you worked hard to prepare!
“Down, boy,” you scold. Is he experiencing cuteness aggression?
“Had some on your lips,” Katsuki explains, like he couldn’t have just wiped it off with his thumb. “Tastes good.”
He pokes his tongue out, and you go cross-eyed, trying to follow it. There’s a trace of sauce on it, and you have to summon the power of a thousand men to hold back from sucking on it. He cages you on the island counter with two beefy arms.
“You, I mean,” clarifies Katsuki.
The thousand men are failing miserably.
“Katsuki,” you warn, sounding winded. Pointedly ignoring his grin, you push on his chest. “Let me finish your damn food first, ungrateful brat.”
“You ain’t my ma,” Katsuki snarks back. “Could make you one, if you—”
“Katsuki!” You push on his shoulders with more force, ears burning. Katsuki barks out a gleeful laugh, sounding too lively at this hour, feeding your mess of irritation and arousal.
Katsuki skids to a halt before you can reach the dining table, leaning forward to capture your lips in his. You inhale sharply, fingers twitching uselessly by his side. Katsuki pries your lips open with his, licking into your mouth some more. You can taste the residue of the fruits of your labor ( the breakfast that will get cold soon if Katsuki doesn’t cut this shit out ), and his hand sliding down to cup your ass is all it takes for you to melt against him.
You jerk away, needing to breathe. Katsuki watches you with a frown. You feel lightheaded.
“Fuckin’ cute,” he mutters, pinching your cheek. “Cookin’ breakfast f’me like that. So good to me, baby, you know that?”
“I — I should be the one saying that, Katsuki,” you say, embarrassed. “‘s why I wanted to surprise you.”
Katsuki scowls. “Stop acting all cute so damn early in the morning. I don’t want to fuckin’ marry you on some random fucking Wednesday.”
Breakfast is quiet, with you steaming from embarrassment and Katsuki preening from his win, all smug and stupidly handsome. It didn’t work out as planned, but maybe it was just an opportunity for you to share a Wednesday morning with your Katsuki, who’s criticizing the lack of spice but inhaling every grain of rice on his plate. 
You smile at your food. Maybe marrying him on a Wednesday wouldn’t be so bad.
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