#baekhyun black hair
sugar-petals · 18 days
baekhyun’s comeback is audiovisual perfection. he put on his best sexy satin shirts, cranked up the fucking bass, strutted through a haunted mansion like it’s a perfume commercial, and then started dancing on water lmao he did it again!
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baekhyunlooks · 2 years
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04archive · 2 years
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230205 EXO Baekhyun
Kwangya Club update
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tattooyeol · 1 year
I haven't mentioned this yet but I hate baekhyuns hair soooo much not least of all because we were SO CLOSE to having an all-black haired comeback 😫
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edenesth · 5 months
Scarlet Requiem
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Pairing: emperor!Baekhyun x empress!reader
AU: historical au (Goryeo era)
Word Count: 4k
Summary: In his reign, Baekhyun strived to be a virtuous emperor, all for the sake of his kind-hearted empress, steadfastly resisting the temptations of power that had corrupted those before him. He held onto the belief that this was the key to securing her eternal presence by his side. Yet, he learned, to his heartbreak, that this very resolve would lead to the cruellest loss of all.
Genre: heavy angst
Trigger Warnings: major character death, violence, gore, lots of blood
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"Capture that demon before she flees!"
Her hands trembled as she gazed at her reflection in the ornate gold mirror. Once healthy skin now bore a sickly pallor, brown eyes turned crimson, tears staining her cheeks red. Even her jet-black hair had transformed to snowy white. Confusion and fear gripped her as she struggled to comprehend the inexplicable transformation.
As guards roughly seized her arms, she pleaded, "No, please! I've done nothing wrong! I don't understand any of this!"
"Of course, you'd deny it, Your Imperial Majesty," sneered the Minister of Rites, one of many who had urged her husband, the emperor, to accept their daughters as concubines. "Little did you know, those potions you received from the royal healer for the past month were meant to reveal your true nature by shedding your human guise."
Horror pierced her heart as realisation dawned. The tonics meant to maintain her health had been a ruse. She had been poisoned, it explained the sudden and alarming changes in her body and health.
"You," she whispered, the weight of the truth settling heavily upon her. "It was all you."
She was not naive; she understood the ministers' discontent with her influence over Baekhyun throughout his reign. Their persistent attempts to sway him, offering their daughters as concubines to bolster their own power and threaten her position, had not escaped her notice. Their frustration must have reached its zenith when her husband adamantly refused their advances, steadfast in his commitment to her as his one and only empress.
"Hm? I'm not sure I understand what you're implying," the man smirked, his deceptive tone belying his words. "We've long suspected there was more to you, Your Imperial Majesty. It appears you're indeed a demon, effortlessly manipulating the emperor. Surely a man of his stature would desire more than one woman by his side?"
Struggling against the guards' grasp, she retorted weakly, "You vile cowards. You'll rue the day my husband learns of this..."
The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, revealing their sinister plot. They had bided their time, seizing the perfect opportunity amidst the chaos of war. With Baekhyun, the virtuous emperor she had wished him to be, leading the army, they saw their chance to poison her, framing her as a demon to eradicate her while he was away.
"Or perhaps we'll witness the rise of the ambitious emperor we've long awaited. He will finally be able to reach his full potential without you here obstructing his path," he sneered, gesturing towards the approaching healer with another bowl of poison. "Just comply and drink your tonic, Your Imperial Majesty. Your suffering will soon end, and our nation will thrive under the rule of a new emperor, liberated from your naive ideals."
As the sinister men tightened their grip, she sobbed in agony, the relentless headache from the past month resurfacing with a vengeance. Each touch felt like a dagger through her skull, each word a cruel reminder of her plight.
With an apologetic bow of his head, the healer cupped her jaw, his hands trembling as he forced the bowl of poison towards her lips. "Forgive me, Your Imperial Majesty," he whispered, his voice trembling with remorse. "This will be the last one, I promise."
She gagged as the bitter liquid slid down her throat, burning with each swallow. Crimson tears streamed down her white face as she choked on the vile concoction, feeling her strength wane with each passing moment. In that desperate moment, all she could do was pray for salvation from the nightmare consuming her.
As the healer finally released his hold, she felt despair engulf her. The bitter poison settled within her damaged insides, coursing through her veins like a silent killer, slowly consuming her from within.
"It is done, my lord. The empress will not survive through the night," the healer declared, his voice carrying a finality that chilled her to the bone.
The minister's grin widened with satisfaction. "Excellent. Arrange for someone to confirm her death by dawn. Let her enjoy her final moments in the comforts of her own chambers. His Imperial Majesty will surely be grateful we've rid him of his treacherous demon of a wife upon his return from war."
Laying limply in the centre of her grand chambers, the very space she had once despised before ascending to empress, memories flooded her mind. She recalled the scepticism that clouded her heart when she first found herself falling for the crown prince of the nation. After all, history had taught her that no happy endings awaited the women who loved emperors. But Baekhyun was different—he was loving, caring, and considerate, going to great lengths to prove his devotion to her.
He swore never to take concubines, to resist the allure of power, and to remain hers, and hers alone. Despite the admiration of the entire nation, he remained committed to prioritising her above all else, even if it meant drawing the ire of his ministers and officials. Their accusations of his partiality towards his empress over his nation only served to strengthen his resolve, his unwavering loyalty to her.
But now, as she lay weakened by poison, she realised the tragic irony of his goodness. It was his very commitment to righteousness that led him to the battlefield, refusing to let his men fight in his stead. And it was this decision that ultimately sealed their fate, leaving her to face the consequences of his noble intentions.
As the darkness closed in around her, she couldn't help but wonder how Baekhyun would react upon returning to find her lifeless form in this state. Would he succumb to the poisonous words of his ministers, believing their accusations that she had been a demon all along? Would he entertain the notion that she had bewitched him, clouding his judgement and leading him astray?
Or would he remain firm in his loyalty, unwavering in his belief that this was nothing more than a cruel ploy to rid him of her for good? In the depths of her fading consciousness, she desperately clung to the hope that he would see through the lies, that his love for her would prevail over doubt.
On the brink of death, she yearned to trust in his endless devotion to her, to believe that he would never doubt the love they shared. It was a fragile hope, but in that moment, it was all she had to cling to as she slipped further into the darkness, awaiting the inevitable arrival of dawn and the fate it would eventually bring.
"Forgive me for not being strong enough, Baek," she whispered into the stillness of the chamber, her voice barely a breath against the heavy silence. "Please don't blame yourself for any of this."
As the darkness threatened to swallow her entirely, she couldn't help but reflect on the warnings of history, the cautionary tales of women who loved emperors, only to meet tragic ends. Once again, it seemed, she had fallen victim to the same fate.
Her vision blurred with crimson tears as memories flooded her mind—moments shared with Baekhyun before he departed for battle, blissfully unaware that they would be their last. Each memory stung with bittersweet intensity, a painful reminder of what could have been, had fate been kinder.
As her life ebbed away, flashes of cherished moments with him flickered through her mind like scattered stars in the night sky.
Wrapped in the warmth of silk sheets, doubts clouded her mind one morning, questioning her husband's resolve to remain faithful amidst the pressures of his position.
"Would you truly refuse to take any concubines, Baek?" she inquired, her voice laced with uncertainty. "You're aware that the ministers and officials desire it, and perhaps even the citizens of our nation. For all we know, the people might have grown weary of this same dull empress who has yet to bear you an heir."
He drew her close, pulling the silk sheets higher to shield her bare form from the chill seeping through the open windows. Pressing a tender kiss upon her head, he smiled reassuringly. "Never, my love. I do not care for their political machinations. I won't forsake my vow to you. You will remain my only wife, that is final. I did not ask to be emperor, the role was thrust upon me. Now that I am here, they should at least be grateful I am fulfilling my general duties."
She chuckled, nestling into the crook of his neck as he added, "Besides, if the ministers and officials are so displeased, they could just dismiss me. That would be even better; we could live in a quiet little village, just as we've always dreamed."
In another memory, standing before her reflection, plagued by insecurities instilled by the scheming ministers, his unwavering admiration melted her fears away.
"You look beautiful, my empress. You always do," he reassured, approaching from behind to envelop her in his arms.
"Not as beautiful as those young maidens, I fear. I am old," she confessed, feeling a twinge of self-consciousness after witnessing the ministers' attempts to seduce the emperor with their daughters.
Baekhyun gently turned her to face him. "If you're old, then I must be ancient," he teased. "I believe it's only fitting that I am with someone my age, and that's you, my empress. I have no interest in marrying children or anyone else for that matter; I am a taken man. Don't you dare compare yourself to anyone else again, you hear me? You're the most beautiful woman in my eyes, and that's all that matters."
In the final embrace before he departed for war, hearts heavy with the uncertainty of his return, they clung to each other.
"I will be back before you know it, my love. You'll wait for me, won't you?" her husband murmured against her neck, his arms tightening around her.
"Where else would I go, you idiot? Of course, I'll be waiting right here," she retorted, tightening her hold around his shoulders.
Amidst tears and laughter, he leaned in to kiss her deeply, pressing his lips against her soft ones over and over again to imprint the sensation into memory.
"I love you, my empress," Baekhyun whispered against her lips before pulling away, his eyes full of love and determination.
In the quiet of her chamber, she found solace in the fleeting recollections, clinging to them as the darkness threatened to consume her entirely. And as the crimson tears clouded her eyes once more, she resigned herself to the inevitable, silently bidding farewell to the life she once knew.
"I love you too, my emperor."
"I will not ask again, where is she?!" the emperor's voice thundered through the throne room as he stormed back into the palace, abandoning the battle upon learning the shocking revelation. According to the Minister of Rites in his letter, the empress had been discovered to be a demon all along, concealing her true nature under human skin to manipulate him and bend him to her will.
The eunuch panicked and fell to his knees. "Th-the empress is confined to her grand chambers, Your Imperial Majesty!"
Without uttering another word, Baekhyun stormed over immediately, his heart thumping loudly against his chest as fury overtook his being. Betrayal flooded his veins; he was seething with anger.
"You will regret lying to me," he growled under his breath, his vision zeroing in on the path towards her chambers, the place he frequented more than his own. "You will regret deceiving me."
Upon reaching the entrance of her chambers, he turned to the eunuch. "Gather all the ministers and officials who played a part in discovering the empress as what they claimed her to be in the throne room. I wish to speak with them soon."
"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty," the eunuch hurriedly replied before darting off to carry out his orders. Baekhyun steadied his breaths, his hand resting on the door as he prepared to face her once more. Under his breath, he vowed, "I swear, you will all regret it. How dare you accuse my wife of being what you are—demons."
I'm here now, my love.
Stepping into the familiar room, the emperor's heart raced with anxiety as he mulled over a perfect apology. He needed to express his deep remorse for not being there when she needed him the most, for failing to shield her from the treachery of those vultures. Reflecting on his actions, he realised he should have never left her behind. In his rush to leave for war, he had neglected to arrange proper protection for her. In hindsight, he understood that he should have never left her side in the first place.
Determined to make amends, he vowed to do better. He resolved to never again allow those ministers or officials the opportunity to torment her in his absence again. From now on, he would be her shield, her staunch protector, and her unending support.
But it might be too late for any of that.
His steps faltered, his breath caught in his chest, and his heart skipped a beat as he beheld the sight before his eyes. The sword in his hands slipped, clanging loudly as it hit the ground, and he sank to his knees in disbelief at the last thing he expected to see.
His shock deepened as he took in his wife's unrecognisable appearance. Crawling towards her limp form on the ground, he pulled her into his arms, his voice trembling with anguish. The horror settled within him like a heavy weight as he tried to imagine what atrocities these monsters had dared inflict upon her while he was gone. His mind raced with images of torture and torment, each one more gruesome than the last.
"Oh god, what have they done to you?" he whispered, his heart fracturing into a million shards as he struggled to comprehend her pale skin, her white hair, and the blood-like tears staining her cheeks. With shaking hands, he gently cupped her cold cheek, his fingers tracing the contours of her face as if seeking reassurance that she was still there, still his beloved wife.
"Please wake up, my love. This isn't funny, stop scaring me," he pleaded, his voice thick with emotion. "You promised to wait for me. You promised..." His words trailed off into a broken sob as he refused to accept anything but the truth, shaking his head in denial even as he searched desperately for a pulse, even when she remained unresponsive.
"No, no, no... this can't be real. It can't be," he murmured, his mind reeling with the unimaginable horror of what he had found.
Despair and regret enveloped him as he sobbed painfully, holding her lifeless body tightly against his chest. The realisation that she was truly gone, that her final moments were spent alone in the very room she despised just to be with him, weighed heavily on his heart. He grappled with the bitter truth that he had failed her, just as she had feared when she hesitated to be with him.
Gradually, his sorrow gave way to seething rage as he recalled the faces of the ministers and officials responsible for this atrocity. They had callously taken her life, foolishly believing he would be deceived by their feeble attempt to frame her. With trembling hands, he picked up a shard of the shattered bowl nearby and brought it to his nose, recognising the metallic scent of mercury.
Suddenly, everything clicked into place.
They had poisoned her with lethal doses of mercury, causing a myriad of symptoms—tremors, headaches, muscle weakness, kidney damage, and breathing difficulties. And the deliberate administration of such high doses to turn her hair white revealed their sinister intent from the outset.
Just how much had they fed her? It was evident they had intended to kill her from the start. Anguish and fury surged within him as he vowed to make them pay.
Gently caressing her cold cheek, he leaned in to kiss her unmoving lips, his own trembling against hers. He blamed himself for everything that had transpired. Perhaps if she hadn't been with him, she would have lived a better life—a normal life with a normal man. She wouldn't have to endure such a painful and cruel death.
It was all because of him.
Regret hung heavy in his heart, but dwelling on what could have been served no purpose.
"I'm so sorry, my wife," he whispered, his voice thick with grief. "Just hold on a bit longer, alright? I'll join you soon, but first, I'll make those bastards pay. Wait for me—I won't let you face this alone. Not again."
With resolve hardening in his heart, he retrieved his sword and sheathed it once more before lifting her lifeless form into his arms. Like a man burdened by death itself, he trudged towards the throne room where justice awaited. Kicking the doors open with a forceful thrust of his leg, he was met with a sea of horrified expressions from the ministers and officials. Clearly, they hadn't anticipated the emperor's dramatic entrance, cradling his beloved empress in his arms.
Ignoring their shocked gazes, he strode past them, his eyes fixed on the throne at the far end of the room. With careful tenderness, he laid his wife down upon the ornate seat, arranging her robes and ensuring her comfort as though she were merely sleeping. Pressing a solemn kiss upon her cold forehead, he turned to face the assembled council, their unease palpable in the air.
The guilty culprits remained frozen in their places, uncertain of what awaited them.
As the emperor's gaze swept over them, the ministers and officials for the first time felt a cold shiver of fear trickle down their spines. His expression was unreadable, his appearance wild and dishevelled compared to his usual polished demeanour. Specks of blood and dirt stained his robes and skin, his hair a tangled mess, half tied up in a disarray that mirrored the chaos within him.
Gone was the warm smile that often graced his features; instead, a slow, unsettling grin crept across his face.
"My dearest ministers and officials," he began, his voice low and laced with an eerie calmness. "Your message has been received loud and clear. I hope you're satisfied now that you've succeeded in eradicating the empress, as you so desperately desired. I've given it some thought, and perhaps... you were all right."
The Minister of Rites, attempting to feign nonchalance, cleared his throat. "A-about what, Your Imperial Majesty?" he stammered.
Baekhyun's eyes gleamed with a frightening intensity as he smirked, his demeanour bordering on madness. "About what this nation truly needs," he replied, his voice carrying a chilling edge.
"Not a good emperor, but a mad one."
Without giving the men before him time to register his words, all Baekhyun saw was red. In a split second, he unsheathed his sword and transformed into a bloodthirsty animal, cutting down anyone and everyone in his path. The Minister of Rites tried to flee but to no avail. He watched in complete horror as his colleagues dropped dead one by one, their blood splattering over the grand walls of the throne room, their screams echoing.
The emperor went on a rampage, leaving no man behind. The Minister of Rites, who had been behind the idea of poisoning the empress, smearing her name by labelling her a demon, and executing her, was now filled with regret. They had turned him into the mad king his empress had feared. Perhaps they had finally achieved their goal, but it wasn't what they were prepared for.
The minister collapsed to his knees before the emperor, realising that His Imperial Majesty had saved him for last. Trembling, he rubbed his hands together in a desperate plea. "P-please, everything I've done, it's for the betterment of our nation."
Baekhyun's humourless laughter echoed through the hall, sending shivers down the minister's spine. "You truly believe that, don't you? Of course, that includes subjecting my wife to all that torment. Yes, because that is exactly what the nation needs. Unfortunately for you, I am the emperor, and I determine what's best for the nation. And in this case, I think it's better off without traitors like you. See you on the other side," were the last words the minister heard before his head was severed from his neck, rolling off to join the others on the floor.
The emperor finally turned back, his eyes softening as they landed on his beloved's lifeless body. Making his way back towards her, he knelt down beside her, tears streaming down his face as he reached for her hand. Holding it to his cheek, he missed the warmth it once had.
"I'm coming now, my love," he whispered brokenly. "I'm sorry you had to wait for so long. I'll be there with you soon."
"Yes, I understand His Imperial Majesty's orders not to enter, but it's been hours. Surely, any assembly would have concluded by now, wouldn't it?" With apprehension and curiosity, a senior court lady pushed open the doors to the once-bustling throne room, expecting to find His Imperial Majesty and his council of ministers. Instead, she was met with a horrifying sight—a scene of bloodshed and chaos spread across the grand hall.
Her piercing scream echoed through the silent room, jolting nearby palace staff into action. Rushing to the scene, they were met with a scene that chilled them to the bone. At the end of the room, amidst a sea of lifeless bodies, lay the empress on the throne, her appearance shocking all who beheld it. Beside her, her husband remained, his head cradled on her chest, their hands tightly clasped together. A gaping stab wound marred his chest—it seemed he had taken his own life before joining her in death.
Following that, the next prince in line promptly ascended the throne and found himself compelled to appoint an entirely new cabinet of ministers and officials. The entire nation descended into chaos, particularly since it was still embroiled in a war, with endless theories circulating about the events. While some speculated that the emperor succumbed to madness and killed his own council, others whispered of a conspiracy, suggesting that the ministers had orchestrated the demise of both the empress and the emperor.
Amidst this uncertainty, the new prince faced the daunting challenge of restoring order to the kingdom. With a heavy heart, he pledged to uncover the truth behind the tragic occurrences and ensure that justice was served to those responsible.
In the end, the truth of what truly occurred remained shrouded in mystery. All those involved had departed from the realm of the living. As centuries passed, that chapter in history became known as the Scarlet Requiem, a haunting tale that lingered in the collective memory of the kingdom. Despite countless efforts to unravel the enigma, the events surrounding the tragedy remained obscured by the sands of time, leaving future generations to ponder and speculate about the dark secrets of the past.
"What do you think really happened?" a woman asked her boyfriend as they studied a painting depicting the throne room scene in a museum dedicated to the events of the Scarlet Requiem.
He pondered for a moment before responding with a shrug. "It's hard to say. But judging by the way he's holding onto her, it seems he must have truly loved her. Let's hope they've found peace and happiness, whether in the afterlife or their next life."
She nodded in agreement, leaning into his comforting embrace. "Yeah, I hope so too."
He flashed a mischievous grin. "I'm just saying, if I were him, I wouldn't have left her for war in the first place."
She rolled her eyes and gave him a playful smack, though a smile danced on her lips. "I'm sure you wouldn't. I bet it's because the empress was described as beautiful as a celestial being."
He scoffed. "Doesn't matter to me how pretty she was. I'll stay only if you're my empress."
Unbeknownst to them, the couple had been contemplating their own past lives. Perhaps the emperor and empress had indeed found each other again in another existence.
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Believe it or not, this has been on my mind for months ever since seeing those AI-generated photos of Baekhyun. I had an epiphany while looking at them again yesterday and just had to write this. It's my first EXO fic, and I hope it's decent hehe~
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Master Tag list:
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @green-agent @vantediary @tinyteezer |
@hollxe1 @pandabur666 @lilactangerine @oddracha @evidive
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bobohu4eva · 8 months
Illicit Affairs
Characters: Idol!Baekhyun x trainee/idol!Reader
Genre: smut, angst
Warnings: explicit unprotected sex, virgin sex, significant age gap, problematic relationship dynamics, this is purely a work of fiction and in no way representative of a healthy relationship
WC: 9.7k (trust me it needed to be that long)
A/N: Heavily inspired by the song, although the forbidden nature of the relationship is interpreted more as dealing with the age difference and dynamic, rather than being a result of infidelity. I definitely recommend giving it a listen before reading further.
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He was one of the last people you met after becoming a trainee, but he was the one you'd been thinking about meeting the most. 
Baekhyun was the reason you decided to become a singer. He was the person that made you fall in love with music and singing ten years ago, so when you finally bumped into him in person, it left you breathless and flustered. 
He was even more gorgeous than you could've expected, and you'd already met many other idols by then. You'd been waiting for your vocal lesson one evening, and he was the person who went right before you. When his lesson ended, he walked out of the soundproof room, and he was standing right in front of you. 
The image of him you'd always had in your mind, based on the countless pictures and videos you'd seen of him throughout the years, couldn't compare at all. With him directly before you, in person, he looked so much better than you ever could've imagined. He was just wearing a black tshirt and sweats, no makeup, hair unstyled and even a bit messy, but you still had to fight off the urge to stare. He was quite a bit taller than you, and you could see the muscle definition in his chest and arms under the plain black shirt. Everything about him was just so perfectly shaped, to you. From his familiar but still somehow surprisingly handsome face, to his broad shoulders, down to his waist and hips. If you found him attractive before meeting him in person, you were down badly now. 
It was so natural and sweet how he greeted you, asking if you were new, and wishing you the best for your trainee journey. Of course you thanked him, but he could easily see how much the sudden meeting had shaken you up, so he kept it brief. 
From then on, you saw him there every week before your lesson, and found yourself looking forward to it every time. The greetings became short conversations, and eventually you even told him how he'd been the one to inspire you back in the day to also be a singer and eventually audition. You would never forget how those words made his face light up. 
“Really? Back then I had no idea what I was doing, I'm still surprised by how much people seemed to like me. It means a lot to hear that.” 
He had one of those special kinds of smiles that you only see a few times in your life. It made you feel seen, appreciated, like to him, you were the only other person that mattered. He had that kind of energy about him. 
All you could think to do was blush and smile back. Being around him was almost like some sort of high to you, the way your heart pounded and you got butterflies in your stomach.   
Finally your voice teacher popped his head out the door, clearing his throat. “Sorry, I've got a bit of a cold. We'll keep it short today.” 
Without missing a beat, Baekhyun spoke up. “If you need to take the night off I can take over her lesson.” He turned towards you, “Would you be okay with that?” 
Your eyes grew wide and your mouth opened slightly, but no words came out, so you just nodded. 
“You sure?” The teacher said, “That would be great, thank you.” 
“Of course, it's already pretty late, you should get some rest.” 
So, you were left with Baekhyun teaching your lesson for the evening. You were still dumbfounded as he led you back into the small soundproof room, and asked what you had learned in last week's lesson. 
You answered him, though it was barely above a whisper. Having him teaching you all of the sudden was not something you were mentally prepared for. 
However he still understood, and started leading you through some warm ups.
To say that you were blushing, embarrassed, mortified, or anything similar still felt like an understatement. Warm ups just aren't cute.They felt silly and sounded dumb and the idea of doing them in front of Baekhyun of all people made you want to curl up into a tiny ball and become one with the carpet on the floor. 
Of course Baekhyun quickly caught on to that. “How about we do them together? I'll start, and you just match me, ok?”  
His voice concealed your own enough to ease your mind a bit, but soon he was asking you to sing on your own, without his voice to hide behind. 
You could barely get out a sound, let alone properly sing a simple scale. It was frustrating beyond belief, you knew you were a good singer, and you were incredibly lucky to have him offer to teach you, but your shyness still got the best of you. Trying to do anything while his eyes were on you felt impossible. 
Baekhyun was starting to regret offering to do the lesson, not because he didn't want to, but because he felt he was making you uncomfortable. He loved the idea of mentoring a trainee, helping them develop their skills and getting to see them debut with his encouragement, it had even been a dream of his. Of course this was only one vocal lesson, but it was something he'd been thinking about for a while, and this seemed like a great opportunity, at least at first. But he knew he couldn't force it, and he didn't want to hold you back either.
“I'm sorry, I didn't really think this through. Should we call it a night?” He asked, and you felt your heart sink. The disappointment evident on your face must've told him that you weren't quite ready to give up yet, so he made you an offer. 
“What if I face the wall, and you close your eyes, just imagine I'm not here and you're practicing by yourself. Just so I can hear you and get a better idea for what we should work on.”
You took a deep breath. He was just another person, and he was here because he wanted to help you. 
When you nodded, he smiled, ready to give it your best shot before he turned away, facing the corner of the room. 
It actually came out sounding okay that time, so you repeated it again for good measure. 
When you opened your eyes Baekhyun was looking your way again, with a proud smile on his face.
He had you repeat it a few more times, reassuring you every time that you were doing well, and for you, just seeing him smiling and praising you was enough to keep you going. 
With you finally past your mental block, he was able to get an idea of where you were at, and both of you were surprised to see how quickly two hours went by. He still kept things simple, not wanting to overwhelm you or make you shy again, but it was going amazingly well and he found himself almost as excited about it as you, if not even more. 
With the lesson finally over, he offered to drive you back to your dorm on his way home, and you happily accepted. When he led you to his car, a silver Porsche, you let out a small laugh in disbelief. Baekhyun just smiled, making a little extra show out of opening the door for you, before circling around to get in himself. You stayed quiet, just listening to him softly sing along to the music he'd put on until it was time for him to drop you off. Part of you was still in disbelief, that you'd really spent the last few hours with him, and now, you were next to him in his car as he drove you home. When he pulled up to your dorm, he wished you a good night, and didn't move until he saw you enter the building safely. As you laid in bed that night you replayed it all in your mind, smiling like a fool at how heart fluttering it all was. For the first time, you couldn’t fall asleep because your reality was somehow even better than what you could dream up. 
One week later, when you arrived for your lesson again, you were surprised when Baekhyun and your original teacher said they wanted to discuss something with you. 
“How would you feel about having your vocal lessons with me from now on?” Baekhyun asked. 
They saw the surprise on your face, your first teacher nodding at what Baekhyun had said. 
“Wow, I mean, are you sure? It's an honor, of course, but, why..?” 
“Teaching is something I've been thinking a lot about lately and I really enjoyed our lesson last week. It's up to you, of course, but if you'd be interested then I'd love to be your new voice teacher.” 
You laughed, mostly in disbelief. It felt too good to be true. Baekhyun was someone you'd looked up to for so long, and now he was happily offering to personally help you with your singing. 
“You really mean that?” 
He was still smiling in that almost frustratingly captivating way, nodding at your question. “So should we get started?” 
Unlike the week prior you had a bit more confidence this time around, and both you and him thoroughly enjoyed the lesson. Every week that followed your voice grew even bolder, as you got more used to being around him. You got less nervous to see him, moreso happy and excited to get to sing with him, and having him as your teacher made you all the more dedicated to doing your absolute best. 
Soon you started to ask him about other things, too. First it was dancing, asking his advice for how to memorize choreographies more easily. Then, how to talk to the media, or how to pose for photo shoots. Within a few months Baekhyun was much more than just the voice teacher you saw once a week. He helped you with basically every aspect of becoming a successful idol, he became a mentor to you. 
You could never fully get used to it, to having him in your life in such a close way. Your heart would still flutter when he showed you that amazing smile of his, and you still refused to slack off on your vocals or dancing, because you wanted to impress him, but mostly because you’d get to see that very smile. He was every bit as lovely and charming as you’d always imagined he would be, and you fell hard for him, he made it impossible for you not to. With how sweet he was to you, it sometimes seemed like he might actually like you, as more than a student, but those were thoughts you pushed away, knowing realistically that a relationship with him was nothing more than a fantasy. 
It was only six months into being a trainee that you were told you would debut, and you knew that you had him to thank for it. Another few months later the day came, and it was time for you to perform with your group for the first time. 
As soon as you stepped off stage, out of the view of the cameras, you lost it. The tears weren't because you felt sad or disappointed, simply overwhelmed. You knew you'd done well, really well in fact. Your career had officially begun, and the weight of it came down on you all at once, leaving you with little to do but sit in your dressing room in disbelief.
There was a soft knock on the door, and next thing you knew Baekhyun’s head was peeking in, and you weren't sure you'd ever seen him smile that big before. 
Without as much as a second of hesitation, you ran to the door, pulling him inside. As the door shut behind him, his arms wrapped around you.
His praises almost went unheard, still too overwhelmed by everything to fully listen to what he was saying, but you could tell he was happy, that he thought you'd done really well. 
It wasn't long until his arms broke away, hands still on your shoulders as he looked at you, smiling that amazing smile of his. With him looking at you like that, telling you how well you'd done, how proud he was, how happy he was to be your mentor, your emotions ran wild. It was everything, the adrenaline, relief, euphoria, and just him. 
His eyes were still on your teary ones, admiring you, a little overwhelmed himself. Seeing you finally debut after the months he'd spent with you, singing together, dancing, doing everything he could to make sure you were ready when the day came, got him a little teary eyed, too. You'd done so well, and he felt so lucky to have gotten to be there by your side for all of it. 
“I'm so proud of you.” He said, his hands moving down from your shoulders, along your arms. His eyes held so much warmth behind them, the sweet words along with his hands on you, and the way he never took his eyes away from you, had you reeling, stomach doing flips. For a second you swore his face was getting closer to yours, and his eyes flickered down to your lips. The tension seemed so thick, it became unbearable. 
You threw your arms around him, and you kissed him.
At first he took a step back, stumbling a bit, too surprised to fully react. But before you had the chance to pull away, his hand was holding your face against his own, returning the same kind of passion you showed him.
Baekhyun, your endlessly kind, lovely, talented, handsome, funny, charming mentor, was kissing you back. With his free arm, he circled your waist and pulled you closer, flush with his chest. The hand on your face held you close so softly, asking, not demanding, for more contact, for this to not end so quickly. He gave you every chance to pull away, to stop him, but you didn't, you only melted into his affection even more. 
The knock on the door pulled you both rudely back to reality. Your lips parted, and as you stared at one another, what you'd just done started to sink in. Baekhyuns’ face fell in a way you’d never seen before, and then he was gone. He walked through the door with all the horror disgust he felt towards himself clearly evident and the knot in his stomach nearly made him sick. 
He knew he made a huge mistake. He fucked up so incredibly badly. 
You stood there stunned, a million things running through your head, and collapsed under the weight of it all. 
The stylist was confused to say the least after first witnessing Baekhyun’s swift exit and next finding you, sitting on the floor crying. Thankfully she excused herself and let you be.
Baekhyun kissed you, and then just walked out, leaving you alone and confused. The guilt nearly ate him alive. Returning your kiss crossed so many lines and he should've known better, and he did, but you caught him so off guard, in such an emotionally charged moment, it just happened. The sudden euphoria of realizing that you were kissing him overpowered any rational thought. He knew he must be insane. 
And of all days, it was the day of your debut.
He had to make this right. 
He returned to your waiting room but it was already empty. He kept walking around the building trying to find you, even running into your bandmates, but you were nowhere to be found. 
Then he tried calling you, but he was sent to voicemail after the first ring. You declined his call. Finally he texted you, although he really didn't want to have this conversation over text. He knew he needed to do a better job at apologizing than just sending a few texts 
“Can we please talk about this? I'm so sorry I just walked out, I wasn't thinking, I need to talk to you.” 
You didn't reply. 
The next day he called again, and still you didn't pick up. 
The truth was, you were too embarrassed. Seeing him again, after he'd rejected you like that, was just too mortifying to consider. You felt so stupid. Of course kissing him was an outrageously dumb thing to do. He was your mentor, of course anything romantic was off the table. But you had a crush, and the adrenaline, combined with how sweet he was to you, made you lose any sense of reason. 
Stupid little girl, kissing the man she never even had a chance with, because her emotions got the best of her. 
But then why did he kiss you back? 
That was what drove you insane. Of course you had a crush on him, it was painfully obvious from the first day you'd met him, but he'd always stayed professional, never giving you any reason to think that it was anything more than how a fan feels toward their idol, and that it ever would be. Unfortunately for you, your feelings towards him only got stronger over time. 
Baekhyun had convinced himself that it was a good thing you liked him, that with him as your mentor, you'd work that much harder. He thought it was cute, the same way he thought of other fans' attitudes towards him, during fansigns and the like. He hadn't considered that maybe he'd gotten a little too close with you, that those lines started to feel blurred. In reality, you weren't just another fan, you were far from it. You were a real friend, you knew him. 
It was easy for him to understand why you didn't want to see or talk to him after what happened. He knew he messed up, both when he kissed you back, and when he left the room. He couldn't even imagine what must've been going through your head. He hoped you weren't blaming yourself, sure you're an adult, but at ten whole years older than you, he knew he was the one responsible for making sure things stayed appropriate between you two, and he'd failed. 
To his relief, you still did amazing for the rest of the debut promotions. He watched every performance, wishing he could've been there to support you. 
Because of how busy you were you'd agreed a while ago to skip lessons for the first two weeks after debut, and as the days dragged on, Baekhyun was starting to worry that he wouldn't get to see you again for a lot longer than he'd like. He still knew he needed to apologize to you, and the longer you avoided him the guiltier he felt. 
When promotions ended and he still hadn't heard from you, he reached out to your manager, asking when you'd have time for a lesson again. 
She assured him that you'd be there next week at the same time and place as usual, and he breathed a sigh of relief. The days before the lesson dragged on for what felt like ages to him, but at least there was an end in sight. 
When the time finally came, you were mortified, almost as badly as the first day you'd met him, or during your first lesson together, maybe even worse. He greeted you just as warmly as he always did, emphasizing how well you'd done during all the performances, and how he wished he could've been there for you. He did everything he could to try and relieve some of the tension and awkwardness, but you weren't there yet. 
You were bright red, hating the unpleasant heat sweeping over you, burning your cheeks and making you uncomfortably sweaty. You couldn't talk to him, or even make eye contact, you were still too ashamed. 
“Y/n?” You saw in your peripheral how he looked at you, and your eyes started to water. “I need to apologize for what happened after the showcase, I'm so sorry, I never should've put you in that situation, or kissed you back, or just left like I did. I was being reckless and stupid, the fault is all mine, and I understand if not, but I really hope you can forgive me.” 
His heart sank when you started to cry, and although he'd told himself a million times that he wouldn't, that any physical contact with you was inappropriate, he still ended up holding you, giving you a shoulder to cry on. 
“I'm such a fucking idiot.” You eventually let out between sobs, and he detached himself from you, finally meeting your eyes. 
“Please don't say that, this is all on me. I'm the one who fucked up, not you.” 
“But I'm the one- I-”
“Because I was being inappropriate. Like I said, I shouldn't have put you in that situation, that was my mistake.”
“I'm just so embarrassed.” It came out barely above a whisper. 
“Nobody saw us, and I could never judge you for that. I know you just got caught up in the moment.” 
You did your best to smile and nod, but the tears just kept coming. His words were sweet but did little to mend the pain and shame you still felt. 
He wanted to reach out and wipe away your tears, to hold you, to comfort you as best he could, but he knew it would only worsen things. Once again, however, when you leaned into him for comfort, he let you do as you pleased, cursing himself for letting his very necessary boundaries slip away so easily. 
This was bad, he knew it was. He didn't have the strength to push you away though he really should've. If this was going to continue, he had to do better, but he was coming to terms with the fact that he just wasn't able to. 
He stayed holding you until the tears eventually slowed down, and came to a stop. Now that your face wasn't buried in his chest anymore, he shot you a soft smile. “Do you want to get to singing?” 
Finally, you let out a small laugh. “Do we have to? Can we just talk? I missed you.” 
He sighed, but nodded. He'd missed you too, but saying so didn't feel like a good idea. 
He kept the conversation light, trying to make you laugh, anything to brighten your mood, if only for a little while. When the end of the lesson came, he knew he was going to have to be the bearer of bad news. 
“Next week I promise we can actually sing again.” You told him as he led you to his car to bring you home. 
He took a few deep breaths, and you were on your way to your dorm when he finally replied. 
“I don't think it's a good idea for me to be mentoring you, or giving your lessons anymore.” 
He stopped at a red light, and the look of hurt and disappointment he saw when he looked over at you made his throat feel tight. 
“I'll talk to your original voice teacher, to see when he can fit you into his schedule again, now that you're getting more advanced it'll be better for you to train with him anyway.”
You felt your lip start to quiver again. “You just don't want to be around me anymore now, I get it.” You mumbled, trying to hide the shakiness in your voice. 
Baekhyun’s eyes squeezed shut for a second, “it's really not that, not at all.” 
He was pulling up to your dorm and you just wanted to get away from him now before he saw you start to cry again. “You don't have to keep lying to me, I know I'm the one who fucked everything up with that stupid kiss.” 
He parked, trying to think of how he could finally convince you that it wasn't your fault, but you were reaching for the door before he had the chance to say anything. 
“Y/n, wait, please-” 
You were already gone though, shutting the door behind you. As soon as you were outside of his car the tears came, and you tried to wipe them away as best you could as you hurried to your dorm. 
When you got to the elevator you prayed nobody would see you like this. You'd spent so much of the evening in tears, you knew you looked an absolute mess. You just wanted to get to your room where you could finally be alone and let it all out. 
“Y/n, wait!” 
You turned around, and there he was, jogging towards where you stood. Your stomach suddenly felt like it was in your throat, and then he was in front of you once again, this time taking both of your hands in his.
“I don't know what to tell you, for you to believe me, but it's not your fault, I swear. I- I don't want to stop teaching you either, really, but I can't keep being alone with you, not when I can't trust myself.” 
All you could do was stare back at him, knowing that you were a tearful mess. What he was telling you didn't make any sense in your mind. You kissed him. Not the other way around. 
“Please say something.” He was still panting a little as he said it, winded from having run after you. 
“What does that even m-mean, you can't trust yourself? I'm the one who kissed you, and I'm definitely not stupid enough to try that again, so what does it matter?” 
“I already told you, I shouldn't have put you, or us, in that situation in the first place.” 
“But that doesn't fucking matter! Who cares if we're alone, we've been alone for the last two hours and it was fine.” 
Only it really hadn't been fine, he knew that he shouldn't have been touching you at all.
You were staring back at him through tear filled eyes, and he felt absolutely terrible. He wanted to be able to comfort you, and eventually just gave in, throwing caution to the wind and wrapping his arms around you. 
He just didn't have it in him to stand and watch you cry, knowing that he was the reason. This time he felt the way you grabbed onto the back of his shirt, keeping him from moving away. 
“Please don't cry, I'm sorry, really, I just want what's best for you. We would still see each other occasionally around the company, it's not like this is goodbye forever.” 
“I- I don't want lessons with anyone else. You're the whole reason I was able to debut, you can't just leave me now. Please.” 
You were still holding onto him, and with every “please” you added, he was slipping. He hoped that you would eventually calm down, and he would be able to reason with you, to finally make you understand why he couldn't be around you so much anymore. 
He had no such luck. All you could think about was how badly you would miss him, how lost you would feel if he stopped mentoring you, the last few weeks had been bad enough already, the only thing that got you through without him was your embarrassment and how busy you'd been. You couldn't lose him, you needed him. 
Every minute that he listened to you cry because of him, he felt his rationality fade. As much as he knew he needed to distance himself, he wasn't going to do it if it hurt you that badly. 
You felt him take a deep breath, and finally, a soft “okay” fell from his lips. 
It wasn't until then that he felt your grip on him loosen, and you looked up at him. 
“What? Really?” You sniffled, face still wet. 
He nodded, running one hand through your hair, moving it from where it had started to stick to your face. 
Once again, your arms were thrown around him, but at least this time, it was because you were happy. You must've said thank you to him a million times that night, as you felt the relief wash over you. Baekhyun was all too aware of the way your chest pressed against his own. 
When he was finally free of your arms around him, you were beaming up at him, and he couldn't help but smile back. “You should get to your dorm before people start getting worried.” 
You nodded, pressing the button and hugging him one more time before the elevator arrived. 
“Bye” he waved, as you stepped inside and the doors started to shut “see you next week.” 
He knew he was in too deep, and he was a fool to give in to you, but now it was too late. He was going to have to live with his decision and try to keep things from going further, but he 
knew deep down that realistically, he didn’t have that kind of self control, not with you. 
Baekhyun hadn’t planned on seeing you again until the next lesson, but when your debut song entered the top ten on all the major charts just a few days later, he wanted to celebrate, and invited you to a nice dinner. That day you spent hours getting ready, putting on your favorite dress and making sure your hair and makeup were perfect. You knew that it wasn’t a date, but the way you felt leading up to him arriving could’ve fooled you. 
He picked you up and drove you to the restaurant, pulling up in the back where there was already somebody waiting to lead you to a private dining area where you’d be out of sight of the public. You hadn’t really thought about it, but you understood why it would probably be better for your dinner with him to stay between the two of you. 
It was the first time you’d been around him just to hang out, more as a friend than a student, and you thought it was magical. You were nervous at first, still having all of the past drama with him on your mind, but he was his usual wonderful self, easily leading the conversation, making you laugh until your stomach hurt, and he too felt it, how easy and right this was. You ended up at the restaurant with him for over two hours, neither of you wanting the night to end. Finally the awkward tension from the previous weeks was gone, replaced with optimism and gratitude for still having him in your life. 
When he finally dropped you off, he got out of the car to walk you inside, and you ended up alone with him, standing in front of the elevator once again. 
“Thank you for tonight,” You started, “everything still feels kind of surreal, I can’t believe this is actually my life now. And it’s all thanks to you.” 
“You always had it in you.” He said and smiled that lovely warm smile. You were about to press the button to take you upstairs, but he stopped you, looking around to make sure you were alone. “Wait- I know I tell you all the time that I’m proud of you and how far you’ve come, but I really can’t say it enough. I’m really lucky that I get to teach you. You have something special, truly.” 
You and him got stuck in a weird place, neither one talking, but not making any effort to leave either. The way he was looking at you pulled you in, and you thought you saw something flash across his face, something you hadn’t seen before. He stepped closer, close enough that you could feel his breath against your skin, and your heart rate skyrocketed, confused. He wasn’t sure what came over him, he must be insane. 
“Baekhyun?” You barely whispered, but he didn’t explain himself, instead he leaned in, and he kissed you. 
Your mind was going a million miles a minute and it made no sense to you whatsoever, but he was kissing you, softly, sweetly, like something out of one of the many day dreams you’d had about him. As quickly as it started he was pulling away again, his face tinted a deep shade of pink, smiling a bit bashfully at you, still too shocked to react. 
“Goodnight.” He whispered, and then he was walking back to his car. 
After that, things felt completely different with him. The hugs got longer, his words sweeter, and every time he dropped you off, he’d again kiss you goodnight. It wasn’t only after your weekly lessons together that he would drive you around either, you and him began to spend more and more time together, and had to get more and more cautious about not being seen. 
You would sneak out in big hoodies with a mask on to walk to where he was waiting in the parking lot, just to drive around all night with him in one of his fancy cars, talking, singing, and sometimes pulling off to the side of a quiet road where he would lean over and kiss you, though it never went any further. He knew that sneaking around with and kissing his student was bad enough, anything more, and in public, would be a whole different kind of stupid. 
Both of you started to lie a lot, to your managers, friends, anyone really who would question or even just ask about your relationship. To everyone else, he was still just your mentor, a strict student-teacher agreement and no more. The lying should’ve been your first clue as to how wrong it all was, but you were blinded by your feelings for him. Getting to be alone with him, kiss him, and talk to him about things no one else knew was too all consuming for you to even think twice about it.
How you talked to each other changed too. When you were alone with him he would call you baby, treating you less like a student, or even just a friend, and more as a lover. You should’ve been happy, thrilled, even, and you were when you were with him, but when he’d drop you off and you’d be alone in your dorm again, you’d break down.
The late nights together, the romance, the kisses, they were all wonderful in the moment, but afterwards you’d always part ways, realizing that it was all fleeting, that any relationship beyond what you already had with him was impossible, because no matter how you might feel about each other, you were still his student, and far too young to be involved with him in any deeper way. No number of kisses or secret rendezvous would make him yours, he made that clear. You would always end up alone in your dorm at the end of it all, crying, knowing it would never turn into anything more.
Seeing him during lessons was a different experience now. There would be other people around, and they didn’t think twice seeing you together, but you and Baekhyun would give each other knowing looks, or he’d wink at you, or something else to signify your little secret. You and him almost had a special secret language, joking with each other often with little more than a glance.
Even your manager didn’t know about you and him, she knew that he was mentoring you, but she’d known him for so long, she never even suspected that he might be acting inappropriately with you, he just didn’t seem like that kind of guy. 
The two of you had everyone fooled, and while it felt exciting on the surface, it also grew a new kind of shame within you, knowing that what you were doing was deeply wrong. 
What you had with him wasn’t real, and never should or could be, and it was starting to tear you apart. It took you weeks of working up the courage to do so, but finally, during a lesson, you decided you were going to confront him with all of it. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
Baekhyun shrugged. “Sure.” 
“But you have to promise you'll answer honestly!” 
“Okay! I promise.”
You took a deep breath. “What are we doing?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You know exactly what I mean. The sneaking around, the kissing, what is that about?” 
He'd been perfectly relaxed, but you could see how he tensed up as he realized what you were talking about. 
“Y/n, I don't think it's a good idea for us to talk about that right now-” 
“You said you'd answer!” 
A long sigh left him, eyes squeezing shut for a second. “Okay, okay. I’m just doing what feels right. You know I like you, but you also know that we can’t just act like we’re together either.” 
“You know why.” 
“Cause it’s inappropriate? We both know that this entire arrangement hasn't been appropriate since you decided to mentor me, knowing that I have a huge crush on you.” 
You wanted to finally hear it from him, wanted him to admit that he'd been just as irresponsible as you, and Baekhyun didn't say a word. It was the hard truth that he'd been trying for so long to avoid, and you threw it right in his face. 
“Ever since then it feels like you've been slowly leading me on, acting like we have something special but never letting it feel completely real, when you're the one who started all this in the first place, and let it get this far.” 
He stared at you, and he knew he couldn't keep it up anymore, couldn't keep ignoring it. He saw your hurt and frustration clear as day, and finally, he broke. 
“I'm a fucking idiot. I know I am, I'm an idiot and knew that getting so close with you was a terrible idea but I ignored all of that because I like you too much, I never intended for us to end up like this and feel like a huge asshole because I know I'm in a position where it's completely wrong of me to touch you at all because of how we met and the power dynamic but still every time I see you that's all I can think about.” 
“Do you really not understand how cruel you're being?” 
You scoffed at how genuinely confused he looked. 
“I've liked you so much for so long, you know I have, and you just waltz into my life and start talking to me and then teaching me and then offering to mentor me, when you know I can't help but fall for you. You even make it clear that you like me back, inviting me out with you and kissing me but never truly acknowledging what it means, it feels fucking awful. You keep stringing me along because you like me even though you know you can't give me what I really want. You're such a selfish asshole for that.” 
Your voice grew less and less stable and Baekhyun saw how the tears gathered in your eyes, threatening to spill over. 
He knew there was no use trying to argue with you, he'd gotten himself into this mess and he knew he was the one to blame. “What do you want me to do?” 
“I don’t know. But it can’t go on like this, it hurts too much.”
The small room fell silent and all you could do was stare at each other. You looked so defeated, the guilt nearly brought him to tears, and he did the only thing he could think to do. 
He held your face in his hands, bringing you close, letting his lips meet your own. 
Kissing him was just as electrifying as it always was, only this time, he didn't stop, didn't hold back. You got lost in the feeling, savoring the familiar taste and feel of finally getting what you craved again. This time though, it couldn't end the way it always did. Something had to change, so you pulled away.  
“You can’t just kiss me again and then keep on the same way. Please, I need more.” 
His face fell, because he knew he couldn’t give you that. “Y/n, I’m sorry, but you know why I can’t do that, why it has to be like this.” 
And he was right, of course you understood, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. It would be the end of his career if he was seen with you, and even his close friends would be raising eyebrows. He was so much older, your teacher, and your idol. What you wanted was completely impossible. “I care about you, a lot, you know I do. I also wish it wasn’t like this but we don’t have another choice.” 
“So what? You keep stringing me along, and I just have to live with it? Knowing that no matter how much we may want it, we’ll never be able to be together?” 
He sighed, and frowned at how sad you looked. “Can’t we just be grateful for what we do have?” 
You shook your head, “I want too much.” 
Despite everything you said, you and him both knew that you wouldn't be able to walk away, and neither would he. So when he took your face in his hands, whispered another “I'm sorry,” and kissed you again, you melted into him effortlessly. 
It was heated and messy, both letting out all your grief and frustration, clinging to each other almost desperately. He kissed you harder, deeper than he had before, until this time he was the one to pull away, though he didn't move far, looking at you with a look that while apologetic, was still hopeful.  
“I can't give you what you want, but if we're careful, I can take you home with me. For tonight, we can act like it’s real.” 
Before, taking you home with him had always been off the table. You were both too easily recognizable, and being seen in his building together would make it dead obvious that your relationship was more than it should be, so it didn’t even seem like an option. 
Wide eyed, you nodded, and not even a half hour into the lesson he was sneaking you carefully out of the practice room, and then the building, into his car. You texted your manager some bullshit excuse as to why you'd be gone for the night, and then you were on your way to his place, for the very first time.  
You could hear the rapid pounding of your own heart as he drove you through the night, unsure but excited. Even if it was only for one night, and he was risking far too much, you were going to hold onto whatever you could get. 
When he pulled into his building’s garage, he gave you a hat and a mask to put on, he pulled up his hood and put his own mask on, saying a short prayer before getting out of the car, and walking in with you. If anyone saw and recognized you both, he would be fucked, so he hurried, and luckily you made it to his apartment without running into anyone. 
Once inside you both let out a sigh of relief. You were alone with him, truly alone, no chance of passers by seeing you, or label mates catching onto your relationship, just you and him, all night. 
When you felt his hand on your own, pulling you closer, it robbed you of your breath. He took his mask off, and then yours, and leaned in, though his lips only barely met your own before he was looking at you once again. “I’ve wanted you so badly, and I know it’s wrong and I’m an idiot and an asshole for doing this, but I just can’t bring myself to stay away from you.” 
“So don’t. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. I’m all yours.” 
You looked up at him, eyes sparking with all the hope and clueless naivety he should expect from you, a girl of barely twenty, who’d grown up loving him, and was powerless not to fall into his trap, whether he’d set it on purpose or not. He was a man ten years your senior, who positioned himself as an authority figure in your life, someone who should never touch you, kiss you, or anything even close. 
The guilt manifested as a lump in his throat, knowing that your feelings for him, your willingness to ignore how wrong it all was, were because of him. 
Still, he kissed you, with a kind of passion that was new to you both. Without any risk of getting caught, he let himself hold you tighter, let the kiss get more and more heated. He led you to the couch, where you ended up on his lap, his hands on your hips as his lips wandered to your neck, kissing, biting, enough to make you gasp and shiver, but not leave marks. 
For you it was otherworldly, lightheaded and dizzy with disbelief as his hands and lips stayed glued to your skin, finally living out the fantasies that played in your head when you laid alone at night, longing for him. You’d kissed boys in the past, but none of them came anywhere close to the way he made you feel. You were convinced nobody could ever make you feel the things Baekhyun could, and all he’d done was kiss you. He wasn’t some boy, he was a man, he knew what he was doing, and you wanted more. Every last little piece of him. 
The restraint was gone. He wanted you just as badly, and that was all he could focus on. When you pushed your hips further into him, he groaned at the friction, easily getting carried away. You felt, looked, sounded, tasted, even smelled divine to him. He’d been hard for a good while already, and this time when you rolled your hips and he felt you against him, he let out a satisfied groan. 
That only encouraged you further and you kept moving, lips moving heatedly against his, as you started to get yourself off against him, his hands on your ass guiding you. 
“I want more.” You breathed out when he pulled back for air. “Where’s your bedroom?” 
Baekhyun didn’t answer, rather he stood, your legs still wrapped around him as he carried you away, until gently laying you down on his mattress. 
With you he became a gentle, caring lover. Maybe it was your age, or the fact that he’d been your mentor, but the way he touched you was like you were something precious. Like if he wasn’t careful, you would break. Even as he positioned himself between your thighs, he was cautious, never moving too quickly, watching for any hesitation on your end. 
But there was none, your desire for him was all-consuming in a way that was hard to understand, even in the moment. Without him pressed against you, you felt like you might actually die. 
“I’m not made of glass, Baek. You don’t have to be so careful.” 
“I know, I just… I want to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I want this to be special.” 
When his lips met yours for the nth time that day, you started to tug on his clothes, until his shirt was being pulled over his head and he got to work undressing you as well. One by one he took off your blouse, followed by the skirt you were wearing, next unhooking your bra, until all that was left on your body was a pair of lacy underwear. Still desperate for his affection, you kept your lips glued to his all you could, the added feel of his warm skin against your own stealing any rationality from your mind. All you could think of was him, you wanted him in a way you didn’t even know was possible. 
He froze above you when your hand reached down, trying to get the button of his jeans undone. 
Even the few seconds when his touch left you completely as he finished undressing himself felt torturous. A breath got stuck in your throat when you felt his hands at your hips, slowly pulling the last piece of clothing from your body before reclaiming his place between your thighs. 
As your eyes met his and he started to move closer, you realized that there was something he needed to know. 
“Wait- I should probably tell you, I’ve never done this before.”
You watched as the color drained from Baekhyun’s face, eyes wide. He hadn’t even considered that you might be a virgin, you were old enough to have some experience, but it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise to him either. Those five words hit him like a punch in the gut. 
He rolled off of you, hands running through his hair, eyes squeezed shut. “God, this is so fucked up.” 
You sat up, taking one of his hands and he looked at you with uncertainty. “It’s not a big deal, but I’m sorry if that was a bit of a shock.” 
He gave you a sympathetic, but worried look. “It is a big deal though, at least to me. This would be irresponsible enough if it wasn’t your first time, I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t want to be responsible for how you’ll feel afterwards.” 
His words made your heart sink and a lump form in your throat. “What? No, please, Baekhyun, trust me, there isn’t anyone in the entire world that I would rather do this with than you, here and now. Please. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything this badly.” 
“You have to realize how tough of a spot you’re putting me in.” 
“I don’t care. I just want you, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life. Please.” 
You moved closer to him, linking your hands behind the back of his neck, taking him with you as you fell back onto the mattress. He looked down at you, still unsure. 
He shushed you with another kiss, but had his own conditions if he was really going to be your first. “You have to tell me immediately if you feel uncomfortable at all, or if it hurts, and you can stop me at any point if you don’t want it anymore.” 
You could see in his eyes the concern and uncertainty he was feeling, but you had gotten this far, and you knew what you wanted, and you wanted it bad. You nodded, and he was between your legs once again, the anticipation rising. 
Baekhyun didn’t miss the way you gasped at the first touch of his length against your inner thigh. He wanted to make sure you were ready, that it didn’t hurt too badly, so he started with one finger inside you, slowly working it in and out, before adding a second. The wetness and your whimpers told him you were more than ready, easily taking his digits, and finally, he moved to replace them with his length.  
You felt him position himself at your entrance, and you were certain you’d never felt that kind anticipation before, leaving you a shaking, panting mess underneath him. 
You felt his hand softly against your cheek, and your eyes opened to meet his. “Y/n, baby. You’re sure you want this?” 
You nodded without even a second of hesitation. “Yes, god, please.” 
The softness of his kiss was a stark contrast to the intrusion of him pushing inside, the pain making your eyes squeeze shut and a whine pass your lips. 
He stopped moving when he saw your reaction, giving you time to adjust to the new sensation. “Am I hurting you?” 
It did hurt, but your desire overpowered any sign of discomfort. “Please don’t stop.” 
With his forehead pressed to yours he kept going, until his hips were flush with yours. He felt your discomfort in how tense you were, staying still to let the pain subside. 
“Baekhyun, please.” 
You might’ve not minded the pain, too concerned with the intense need for more, but he wasn’t going to move until he knew you were okay. 
“I know it hurts baby, you have to relax, can you do that for me?” 
You whined in response but realized that he was right, you were extremely un-relaxed, and as you made a conscious effort to let go of all the tension in your body, the pain faded away. 
He felt it, and saw how you melted into the mattress, and took it as his cue to start moving. 
The first thrust had your back arching, moaning his name and he just kept going, setting a slow rhythm. You clung to him, moaning unabashedly, losing yourself to the new and incredible feeling of him inside you. Nothing could’ve prepared you for it, this was so much better than anything you’d been able to come up with in your own fantasies. Just the weight and warmth of him on top of you overwhelmed you, combined with the feeling of him pushing in, pulling out almost completely each time, before sinking back into you, it was like your own personal heaven. He was your own personal heaven. 
It only got better as he kept moving, that familiar warm feeling building in the pit of your stomach. You’d had orgasms before, but what you could do with your own hands didn’t even compare to what he was doing to you. It was a wholly different, and far more intense sensation. 
His lips collided with yours in a messy, lustful haze, praises passing his lips in between breaths.  “You feel so good baby, so perfect, so beautiful.”
Those words heightened everything even more, his low voice sending chills running down your spine. 
“Baek, please.” 
You didn’t even know what you were begging for anymore, you were just imploring him for more, everything and anything he could give you, you wanted it. The feeling of him rolling his hips into you again and again clearing your mind, your pleasure and desire all consuming. 
However he could see it in your eyes, how you needed more, and picked up the pace. The way he pushed himself into you, now faster, and with more force, had the tightness in your belly growing more intense by the second. 
The build up was more intense than you ever knew possible, losing control as he continued his ministrations, until all at once, you fell. 
The orgasm raged through you, leaving every nerve ablaze, as you shook and gasped at the overwhelming wave of pleasure. 
Above you, Baekhyun was losing control too, still pushing inside deeply, teetering on the edge, but your fucked out expression combined with the way you clenched around him had him reaching his high soon after you, shuddering with a moan as he let go. 
For a minute you both stayed just like that, panting, gasping, letting the climax slowly fade, until there was nothing left but a tangled web of sweaty limbs. 
When he pulled out and rolled off of you, the loss of his warmth made you whine. You barely even noticed when he got up, soon returning with a wet towel, and cleaning you up. 
He settled in next to you, and you smiled when his arm wrapped around you, pulling you into him. 
Luckily the exhaustion did well to lull you to sleep, any painful thoughts being pushed to the morning, but you wouldn’t be able to escape them forever. 
He woke you up with a kiss on the cheek, and at first it all felt so nice, so tender and intimate, in bed together with him as the sun began to poke through the curtains. Slowly he got up, and you followed, feeling the dull ache between your thighs as you stood. 
Seeing the way you grimaced at the soreness, he was quickly at your side. “Shit, sorry.” He muttered. 
You just let out a small laugh. “It’s okay, it was worth it, at least. Definitely worth it.” 
He smiled, pulling his clothes on as you gathered your own, before doing the same. “Let’s get you home, before it gets busy and people could see us leaving here together."
There it was, the rude call back to reality. That your night with him was over, that now you would have to hide again, to sneak around, and constantly be reminded that he wasn’t really yours, and never would be. 
Stupid, foolish girl. 
You managed to make it back home without being spotted, and even his kiss goodbye couldn’t keep the sadness from taking you over. He noticed it too, how you seemed to shut down after making it to his car. 
Back in your room, you let it all out, letting the tears seep into your pillow. Once again, he’d turned you into a complete mess, the pain and frustration leaving you broken.
Nobody could ever again give you what he could, could make you feel what he could. It was him, the man you’d looked up to and admired for so many years, and now after having slept with him, it was clearer than ever. 
That was the nature of your relationship with him. You were powerless to him, and no matter how much it would ruin you, you'd let him do it, over and over again.
For him, you would ruin yourself, a million little times.
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bittersweet-folder · 7 months
Lipstick stains for his pretty face ♡ (part 1?)
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Pairing: Wen Junhui × fem reader (honestly this can be counted as a Wen Junhui × gender neutral reader too but there's a mention that reader is wearing a dress which some may not prefer but still letting y'all know)
Warning: nothing much just lots of kissing and little bit suggestive at the end.
I did proofread twice but if there's any grammatical errors lemme know!
Genre: fluff, a little suggestive at the end. | Song rec: Bambi by Baekhyun . | MASTERLIST
Word count: 798 | Let me know if y'all want a part 2🎀.
The date went well.
Jun unlocked the entrance door of the apartment you both shared.
"You go in first, madam" he said. A smirk laced on his lips afterwards. He couldn't take eyes off of you tonight. You looked exquisite clad in that black silky dress with that light makeup painted on your face. But now you also had his leather jacket on your shoulder. As soon as you entered the apartment which you both shared, he followed after you and locked the door. That followed his much awaited, impatient confession with him pinning you against the wall. Your eyes meet his.
"Can I kiss you? Please. You looked so gorgeous tonight, sweetheart" he had that sense of urgency laced in his voice while saying that.
"Yes. Of course" You smiled.
His hand touched and caressed your cheek making its way on the nape of your neck. Slowly, he closed the gap between your lips and his. His other arm went around your waist, closing the distance between your bodies. With your hands around his shoulders, your fingers find their way running through his hair. His lips were soft. He could slightly taste your lipstick. It was a pretty dark berry red shade which adorned your lips tonight. Your lips were moving in a perfect rhythm with his lips. You both were lost in the bliss of it as if it was not enough and you both craved more. The jacket dropped on the floor which made you both pull away from the kiss.
"Umm I think we should take this to the bedroom?" he asked.
You noticed the lipstick stain on his lips. Color smudging over his lip line a little bit. That's when something popped up in your head.
"Jun is it okay… if you take me to the bedroom and we do something I saw on YouTube a few days back" you hesitated at first but then said everything in one breath.
He let out a chuckle. "Of course we can my lady"
You let out a yelp in surprise when he lifted you up, proceeding towards the bedroom.
He made you straddle on his lap.
"So what is it?"
"Basically…" you kept your purse aside and searched up the video and showed it to him "this.. was what I was talking about.. can i do it? Pretty please Junhii" you said dragging on the last syllable.
"That's something new not gonna lie but yeah of course baby you can do that" his hands pulled you closer by your waist.
"Okay!" you grinned and took your lipstick out of your purse. After applying a fair amount of lipstick on your lips you kept your lipstick on the side. At first, he felt your soft, supple lips pressed on the corner of his lips, then it found its place on his cheek. Too many for the cheek because they look so plumped and adorable when he smiles. Then another one on the nose which made him giggle. Slowly you moved a bit below, now pressing kisses on his neck. Then you stopped to take a look at his face, which was now littered with plenty of red lip stains with a smirk laced on his lips.
"You look soo adorable" you said squealing.
"You've got lipstick on your nose" Jun smiled.
"You've got lip prints all over your pretty face" and then added "made by me" you said feeling content with the deed you did.
"So my face is pretty with the lip print or it's prettier without the lip print?"
You groaned "yahhh you're pretty either way!!"
"And you're my pretty," he moved dangerously close to your left ear and said in a lower voice "pretty girl" he said while moving one of his hands on your back, fiddling with the zipper of your dress. It felt warm yet ticklish when he whispered in your left ear and then you let out a breathy sigh.
"But wait-" You pulled away and then continued "we need to take a picture and then remove this off of your face I don't want you to have any kinda skin infection now" you said.
"Alright then! we're taking this to the shower baby!" Jun said as he lifted you up and walked towards the bathroom. "I hope you won't mind getting a little more wet than usual honey" he said, yet again, in a lower, deeper voice.
"I- I would honestly love it- a lot.." you stuttered. Your cheeks started burning up.
"Cat got your tongue now" Jun said, placing you on the countertop beside the sink, hands still placed on your waist now slowly moving to your lower back, massaging that area lightly.
It's gonna be a long night.
A/n: hello everyone, it's been a while since I posted anything let alone write something. I just didn't wanted to force myself to write something. A lot has be going on and I gotta study too because my exams are coming up.
Thank you for your support🎀✨❤
Also I ain't tagging anyone here. This was literally a part of the performance unit imagine I was writing but then I thought of writing it as a separate fic. Next part would ofc be a smut fic☺🫣🫶 lemme know if y'all wanna be in the tag list for that.
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gamerwoo · 1 month
[Tales from the Pack] Jeonghan: Sold (Part Five)
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Characters: Jeonghan x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, angst, reader is referred to as ‘blue’, mentions of death, mentions of human trafficking, lots of mentions of abuse, reader's been through the wringer lmao
Word count: 4,559
Summary: If Jooyeon and Baekhyun never went snooping around the black market, they would’ve never discovered the human trafficking ring and wanted to help. They would’ve never discovered you inside one of the many cages full of people, and Jeonghan would’ve never went against the alphas and demanded they help. But for you, Jeonghan would do anything, even if it means bringing back trouble from a past he never knew about.
Previous | Next | Sold Masterlist
He felt guilty metaphorically keeping you caged up at the house, but Jeonghan wasn’t taking any risks with you. The market was off limits for you – no exceptions. Maybe he could find one in a different region of the Capitol, but at that point, it seemed basically pointless to even go because of how long the trek would be.
However, you seemed perfectly happy as is. You loved going outside and watching his brothers chop wood or weed the garden, or whatever their chores for the day were.
“Why don’t you pull your weight, Hannie?” Mingyu would call, shirtless and sunburnt with sweat dripping down his skin as he stood upright with an ax in one hand.
Jeonghan would stay standing in his spot behind you, his arms around your waist – you learned he was very touchy, but it made you feel safer somehow – as he watched his brothers with a shit-eating grin, “No, I have to look after Blue.”
Even though you said you were fine with the name Blue, Jeonghan kept trying to think of a new name for you. He didn’t want to have Blue stick with you because he felt like it would just keep that awful part of your life attached to you. He was going to give you a better, happier life, and Blue would be left behind with it. 
However, Jeonghan still didn’t have any answers about your past. He didn’t want to ask too many questions, but he wanted to know everything about you. Not just because he wanted to get to the bottom of this strange fear of yours, but just because he really did want to know everything about you.
Meanwhile, you were always hyper aware of your surroundings now knowing that you lived in a house with a bunch of humans. All of the humans appeared to be female, so you thought that maybe you’d stand a chance if you had to fight one off. But Jeonghan was always by your side, and had already promised you that he was significantly stronger than any human. Wonwoo had handed you a thick, old, leather book with a soft smile. He told you there was a whole section on werewolves that you could read about, so you were working on that. It did confirm, though, that Jeonghan’s promise was true.
One of the humans – an intimidating-looking girl with short, dark hair – seemed all too eager to volunteer to fight Seungcheol as proof, but he tiredly sighed and shooed her away. 
Still, you stayed on your guard.
There was one girl that kept walking up to you and striking up a conversation. Jeonghan said her name was Jiaying, but everyone just called her Jia. He said she was half werewolf, but appeared mostly human other than her ability to find her way into people’s dreams. You had yet to decide if you trusted her, but so far, she was nice.
Did you think she could still turn on you in a second? Yes. 
…Until you realized she was blind.
Despite your mixed feelings toward Jia, you still felt uncomfortable around so many humans. So you didn’t mind that Jeonghan took you outside often. He never brought you anywhere toward civilization, but you still enjoyed it. In the few days you’d been there, he’d brought you on little walks through the woods, had taken you to see streams where a couple of his brothers that would tag along would fish, a few clearings, and he even brought you to a waterfall that was absolutely breathtaking. You both figured that the less time you spent indoors was for the better – but for different reasons.
But that was why Jeonghan should’ve expected that he’d wake up one morning to an empty bed. He’d slept so soundly beside you that he didn’t even feel you get up, so he was immediately in a panic despite sensing no danger.
“Where’s your–” Jihoon didn’t even get to finish his sentence when he saw Jeonghan sprinting down the stairs, before the taller wolf was racing out the front door, barefoot. 
“Y’know, if he stopped for a second, I could’ve told him where she was,” Junhui mentioned casually as he poured himself another cup of tea.
Jihoon simply shrugged, not bothering to go after his brother, “Eh, he’ll find her.”
Sprinting, Jeonghan followed the pull to you. He ran through the forest, easily ducking and dodging and pushing passed branches and twigs. He didn’t care if he didn’t sense danger. You were missing. That was dangerous enough to him.
After what felt like forever to him, – it was only a few minutes – he could finally see some light through the trees. It was a clearing he had brought you to before. It was mostly just tall grass there, but there were a few little groups of yellow, blue, and purple flowers here and there. But he still couldn’t see you.
He broke through the trees into the clearing, and he paused to take in his surroundings and really see if he could find any visual clue as to where you went. But that was when he saw you.
Toward the middle of the clearing, Jeonghan could see someone lying face-up in the grass. He could just barely make out the highest points of your body over the grass, and he let out a sigh of relief. And as much as he wanted to scold you for doing that to him, he forced himself to remember that you were stuck in a house with something you were afraid of, and you didn’t really have anywhere else to go to get away from it. 
Plus, it had only been a few days, so now really wasn’t the time to start scolding you. Maybe later on in the relationship he would start nagging you a bit more.
You saw him out of the corner of your eye as he walked up to you. You were watching the clouds slowly roll by in the sky, and you only glanced over at him before going back to the clouds.
You really appreciated Jeonghan. You felt a weird connection to him ever since you first laid eyes on him, but he had really shown you over the last few days that you could trust him. He made you feel safe, and those odd feelings you felt before were only getting stronger. You didn’t know what you’d do without him. You owed your entire life to him because if it weren’t for him, you probably would be dead or who knows where.
He sat down in the grass beside you. He had looked you over quickly before he sat down just to make sure you were completely unharmed, but once he realized you were, he felt like he could relax.
What a way to wake up, he thought.
“Why’d you leave so early?” he decided to ask, wanting to whine about how you didn’t tell him but figuring that might come across as a bit too controlling – especially considering where you were only a few days prior.
“I’m not stuck in a cage anymore,” you sighed peacefully, letting your eyes close as the sun warmed your skin. “I’m enjoying every minute of my freedom that I can. That, and…the human thing.”
He nodded with a chuckle of his own, “Right. Well, I’m glad you can stretch your legs now.”
He laid back, looking up at the sky with you. He suddenly felt your fingers wiggle under his hand and wrap around it, so he did the same, his heart fluttering. A content rumble came from his chest, and he heard you giggle. You definitely heard that.
“How do you feel lately?” he wondered, still looking at the sky. “Better than before, I hope.”
“Still a little scared, but…I feel safe with you,” you decided to admit.
A soft smile spread across his face, “I love to hear that. I only want you to feel safe.”
A nice silence fell between the two of you as you just enjoyed each other's company and how nice it felt to hold hands. You just liked being close to Jeonghan, and you hoped he felt the same. He must’ve if he was around you all the time, right?
“Can I ask something?”
Your eyes opened to look over at Jeonghan, “Of course.”
If he made you feel safe, maybe now was a good time to ask about your fear. Maybe he could get some more information on you and where you came from.
“This might be a little silly to ask, but…if you are a human, why are you afraid of them?” he asked slowly, turning his head to meet your eyes.
Your eyes focused on the grass the the small flowers speckled between the two of you instead, your thumb nervously rubbing over Jeonghan’s skin as you let out a soft sigh, “I guess it does seem silly…since…none of you seem to be afraid…”
“It’s not silly, darling,” he promised you. “We all just want to understand so maybe we can help. But don’t talk about it if you’re not comfortable.”
Something about Jeonghan calling you the pet name made your heart flutter. Nobody had ever called you a sweet name like that. But because you weren’t looking at him, you wouldn’t see the small smile that spread on his face because he heard your heartbeat change.
“Obviously, I was born to humans,” you began after a moment of wondering how exactly to explain everything when you didn’t quite know everything yourself. “I don’t know much about my mom because she died when I was a baby, but my dad was the one who killed her.”
You heard a soft gasp leave Jeonghan’s mouth, and you glanced up to see shock on his face, but he quickly tried to compose himself. You continued regardless.
“Nobody knows why he did it. So I was sent to a children’s home since he went to prison. I don’t remember much, but I don’t remember anyone really being nice to me. I was the youngest for a while, and some of the kids said the people who ran the home hated me because I couldn’t take care of myself for a long time. A lot of the kids there showed up at an age where they could be forced to be self-sufficient.”
“You were just a baby,” Jeonghan interjected, disgust in his voice. “How could someone run a children’s home and treat children that way?”
You scoffed, “You’d be surprised. So, yeah, they were just really mean people, and the kids were really mean.”
“Weren’t any of them nice?” he wondered. “There had to have been some kids who didn’t bother you. You weren’t the youngest forever, so maybe some of the younger kids didn’t bother you?”
“Some didn’t bother me, but I didn’t trust them. One girl was… I thought she was my friend, but then she started doing mean things to me with the others. She was always standing with them just staring at me and just…letting them do it.”
“But you got out eventually. You had said you were on the streets at one point.”
You nodded, “Yeah, you can only stay until you’re 18. The workers often reminded me they didn’t keep track of any of my information when I got there, so they didn’t know my name or my age. They just knew when it was around the 18 year mark and kicked me out. I only stayed because I at least had a roof and a bed. Then on the street, I had nothing, and strangers went out of their way to be mean to me. One person might toss me some change every now and then, but another would always steal it or beat me up for it, so it never really mattered. It didn’t matter if one person was kind because the majority would ruin it.”
Jeonghan was starting to get why you were so afraid of humans now. Your life seemed pretty horrible, and it was all because of ways humans treated you.
“And then one day, some grabbed me in the middle of the night and put something over my face,” you continued, “and then I just…woke up in a cage. And that was it.”
It took a couple beats of silence before Jeonghan breathed out a, “Wow…”
“Yeah…” you nodded slowly with a tight-lipped smile.
“I’m…so sorry,” he said softly. 
You took a deep breath and let it out, looking down at your hand still intertwined with his, “One of the people in my cage used to say ‘everything happens for a reason’ and they’d repeat it all the time, over and over. I think I started to believe it.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he studied you. Why would you possibly think that? What could’ve been worth going through all of that.
“What do you mean?”
“Well… If I didn’t go through that, I wouldn’t have met you, I guess,” you mumbled shyly, suddenly feeling self conscious about the words coming out of your mouth. You weren’t sure you’d ever said anything so…mushy to someone.
And while Jeonghan didn’t necessarily agree that sort of abuse was worth it, he was too giddy from your words, and leaned over to press a soft kiss to your forehead.
“And the rest of your life will be the happiest life anyone has ever lived,” he promised. “I’ll make damn sure of it.”
“I found one.”
Jaemin’s head whipped around to see Sanghun entering the den, a small smirk on his face.
“Seems to be the only live one left,” he added on.
Most of the people in the cages were killed or succumbed to their injuries before the pack got there in the morning. But for the last few days, Jaemin’s pack had been tracking down any scent they could pick up, trying to find lost mates. Most leads went cold, trailing off into nothing as their scent had faded. Others led them to dead bodies that had dragged themselves into the woods before passing. But then, there was a scent that Sanghun had picked up on that wasn’t too far away from the market, and he would get strong whiffs of the scent in waves.
That led him straight to you.
“Who is it?” Jaemin asked.
Sanghun shrugged, “She doesn’t seem to know anything about herself. Doesn’t even know her own name. They just call her Blue.”
“Who’s ‘they’?” Haru asked with a scoff.
To that, Sanghun’s smirk widened, “Oh, you guys are gonna love this.”
That piqued the other four’s interest, all golden eyes on the second oldest now.
“Looks like some other wolf imprinted on her.”
Their eyes widened, excitement on their faces. They loved nothing if not a challenge.
“There’s another surprise, but I’ll let you see that one for yourself, Jae,” he continued. “I think you’ll need to step in to lure this one in.”
“What’re you guys doing here?”
Cooper opened the door to Chris, Minho, and Jisung. The latter looked absolutely horrified, like he’d seen something one would only see in their nightmares. Minho seemed mildly concerned, while their alpha looked tired but still a bit worried. It gave Cooper a weird feeling in her stomach that she didn’t like.
“Where’s Blue?” was the first thing out of Chris’s mouth.
Cooper’s eyes widened as she slowly asked, “Why…?”
“Don’t be anxious,” Minho sighed. “If you start acting anxious, his’ll get worse.”
He gestured to the youngest of the trio, who glanced wide-eyed between him and the female wolf in the doorway.
“Can we come in and talk?” Chris asked. “There’s something…concerning we think everyone should know about.”
“Yeah, of course,” Seungcheol appeared from behind Cooper, gesturing for the three to come inside.
The beginning of the conversation already had some of the pack coming to see what was going on, but Chris’s question had the rest of them gathering in the living room where Seungcheol had decided to bring them for this debriefing. Some of the mates followed and gathered with the rest of the pack, while others were either napping or decided to decline the invitation. They were sure they’d hear about it later, anyway.
“Okay, now,” Chris began calmly, “before anyone–”
“We think the pack found us!” Jisung blurted.
Minho rolled his eyes, and Chris let out a sigh.
Seungcheol’s pack seemed confused by what he meant until Seungkwan asked, “Wait, the one Blue was sold to?”
“We don’t think they found any of us,” Minho quickly clarified. “We think they found out the mates are missing.”
“How would you know that?” Jihoon asked, eyes narrowed as he studied the younger pack.
“Because some of us like to go places we shouldn’t be going,” Chris said pointedly.
“We were in the area,” Minho clarified. “Obviously, we were curious, so we made 100% sure that nobody was around. We were safe. Don’t blow a gasket, old man.”
Chris put his tongue in his cheek but said nothing, eyes rolling instead.
“The place was totally ransacked,” Jisung continued. “They offed the rest of the guards, and it was obvious what kind of creature had done it. Plus the place just reeked of werewolf. So they’re definitely pissed.”
“We need to get Blue back here,” Soonyoung stated, suddenly sitting up from where he was leaning against the doorway, arms uncrossing as he looked to see if anyone else was as worried as he was. “We have to tell Jeonghan.”
“Soonyoung, I get the urgency, but–”
“There’s no but!” Soonyoung exploded, cutting off Seungcheol. “Those wolves could be out there right now and it’s her and Jeonghan versus who knows how many!”
“But,” the eldest alpha continued like nothing had happened, “Blue’s been caged up for who knows how long. Let her enjoy the last of her freedom for today, okay? Jeonghan’s always on hyper-alert with her. He knows the situation well enough. We’ll set a curfew after they get back, but just let them stay out for now.”
The room suddenly went from a calm meeting, to chaos. Everyone ducked their heads and covered their ears, sharp pain going straight to their eardrums. It felt like everything was shaking from how loud the shriek was. They were pretty sure they heard a second scream that was much less awful but still loud.
After a moment, it was silent except for whoever was still screaming. Jisung’s shriek cut off just a second after, his eyes opening wide after being squeezed shut.
“What the fuck!” he exclaimed.
“I think that’s our cue to go the fuck home,” Minho said, standing up.
But Seungkwan had already booked it out of the room and straight to the stairs. Jiwoo could be heard crying from Danbi and Mingyu’s bedroom, with a groggy Danbi trying to soothe her.
“Excuse me,” Seungcheol said as he stood and followed Seungkwan.
“If that’s not a sign to go find them, I don’t know what is!” Soonyoung shouted as he followed after him.
Seungcheol found Seungkwan already in Eunjin’s room, sitting on the bed beside her while she sat up straight, staring wide-eyed across the room.
“What was it?” he asked her softly, arms around her as he gently rubbed her arms up and down. “Take your time, okay?”
“Someone… A woman…” she mumbled, eyebrows starting to furrow as she slowly came back to the current plane. “She’s been around, but…she's getting more…aggressive.”
“Aggressive how?” Seungkwan wondered.
“She’s crying harder,” she told him. “She’s crying for her baby.”
The two alphas – who had been joined by Seokmin, Jihoon, and the three visiting wolves that Jihoon had invited up – looked around at each other, wondering what that could mean. The only baby in the house was Jiwoo, but she was a toddler now, and her mother was very much alive and well.
“Alright, who has dead parents that cared about them? Because it’s definitely not mine,” Soonyoung asked, looking around at everyone in the room. “So I’m safe. Rest in peace to whoever–”
“Shut up,” Jihoon grumbled, whacking him in the stomach to shut him up.
“Do you really think that’s what it is?” Seokmin wondered slowly, sounding a little worried.
“Soonyoung, go outside and do something,” Seungcheol told him. “Wait for Blue and Hannie to come back.”
Still clutching his stomach, Soonyoung walked out of the room, grumbling profanities toward Jihoon for hitting him.
While the rest of the pack tried to think of what the significance of this ghost woman could mean, Minho tried to lighten the mood and Jisung’s anxiety by smiling, lightly jabbing him in the arm and saying, “Hey, well we’re both probably safe, right?”
You and Jeonghan spent most of the morning in the field, up until he heard your stomach growling. He squinted up at the sun, blocking the brightness of it with his hand as he let out a sigh.
“It’s about lunchtime,” he noted. “We should head back.”
You got up without complaint, rejoining hands once you were both standing, and walked leisurely back to the house.
The two of you just did a lot of talking. After your little backstory, Jeonghan questioned your relationship with Saoirse, wondering if it was a friendship. When you explained it was more that she was just the nicest one out of all the humans there, Jeonghan then questioned if you were upset by her death if you weren’t really friends at all. That was something you couldn’t stop thinking about now. Were you upset about losing an almost-friend, or were you just uneasy knowing that someone you knew had died?
Jeonghan kept your mind occupied on the walk, though. He talked about different flowers, berries, and plants you passed, teaching you about them “just in case” as he had said.
“All the mates know survival things, for the most part,” he explained with a shrug. “Obviously, Jia wouldn’t really know how to tell things apart. And we’ve tried to teach Eunjin, but her mind is…hard to keep on track.”
Jeonghan had already gone over who the girls were. He knew you knew Kyung and Cooper were werewolves, and that Ari was a werecoyote so you trusted them. He could tell you were less wary around Jia simply for the fact she couldn’t see. You’d also shot up in bed a couple times saying you dreamt of her, but Jeonghan asked her to cool it with that because it seemed to make you more tense than anything, wondering why she then came up to you the morning after the first time it happened saying, “Wow, you’re really pretty, Blue.”
He told you Danbi was Wonwoo’s sister, insisting that basically meant she was like a werewolf without being one. Soomin was a ‘sort-of’ witch, so you shouldn’t worry about her, either. Yeji was some sort of hybrid, but he intentionally left out the curse part. Eunjin was obviously a banshee, so that’s technically not human. Jooyeon was a thief, so to others in town, she was actually considered a parasite rather than a human, and Suvi was just a harmless kid.
You knew he was reaching, but you always let him babble about them to try and convince you not to be afraid, anyway.
Once you’d reached the house after your little survival lesson, you saw the back door open. Seungcheol was standing there, waiting for the two of you with his arms crossed. To you, it seemed like he was mad. You wondered if he was upset with you for leaving without telling Jeonghan.
But with Jeonghan’s heightened senses, he could see how worried Seungcheol looked. Whatever he was going to say, it wasn’t good.
“Blue, why don’t you go with Cooper to the dining room for lunch?” he suggested with Cooper already on standby, waiting for you. “I need to talk to Jeonghan quickly, and I don’t want you to miss out on first call for the mates.”
You looked at Jeonghan, then at Cooper. You knew she wasn’t necessarily the bravest out of the werewolves, so you didn’t feel quite comfortable having her be the one to guard you while Jeonghan was busy.
“Can I go with Kyung instead?” you asked.
Cooper’s cheeks turned pink as she vanished from in front of you, and you heard Seungcheol sigh in annoyance.
Instead of looking at you, Jeonghan shot Seungcheol a sharp look as he opened his mouth. But he was cut off by someone else.
“I got it,” Soonyoung said, still offering you a friendly smile despite what happened with his mate. “C’mon, Gyu made stir fry.”
You decided Soonyoung was safe to go with since Jeonghan had told you he was an alpha, so you walked with him to go get lunch. You sat between him and an empty chair, with Suvi on the other side of the empty chair, but you decided not to make much of a fuss this time because you didn’t want to upset the humans. 
Soonyoung put a plate in front of the empty space on his other side before he placed one in front of you with a smile. Once all the mates had food, then the boys dug in and grabbed their own servings. Multiple times, someone would mention to leave enough for Seungcheol and Jeonghan, and Minghao even had to take some from Mingyu’s plate once to put back on the serving platter for the two missing wolves.
About halfway through lunch, the two walked in. Jeonghan sat beside you in the empty seat, but you began to get worried maybe there was a ghost there because Soonyoung seemed to be hugging and holding hands with something that wasn’t beside him as he picked from their plate.
You didn’t ask about his conversation at the table. You waited until he brought you to the backyard to get started on his chores to ask.
“I don’t know how to tell you this…” he began slowly.
Your stomach sank, and he could tell how worried you got.
“There’ll be a few…restrictions now,” he told you.
“Like what?”
“You can’t...really…go wherever you want anymore. You should stick close to the house. And you can’t stay out for too long, or too late. And you should always be with one of the wolves, okay?”
When he looked at you, he looked almost pained to tell you. He looked sorry. You weren’t sure why. You didn’t even know why he was worried to tell you that. It wasn’t even anything bad.
You just shrugged, “Okay.”
He looked surprised, “Are you sure? I don’t want to tell you what to do, but it might not be safe considering everything.”
You scoffed, “This is still way better than where I was before.”
“Someday things will be easier, and you can do whatever you want and go wherever you want,” he smiled. “Promise.”
“You sure promise me a lot of things in the future,” you joked.
“Yeah, because you’ll still be stuck with me then,” he grinned as he wrapped his arms around your torso, holding you to him like he was trying to hold you captive, but his grip was far too light.
“That sounds more like a threat than a promise,” you laughed.
“Some consider it both.”
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marshmallow-phd · 3 months
A Manor of Shadow and Blood
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won’t let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
The grand hall was lit as bright as midday. Every surface was polished to perfection, reflecting the candlelight at a greater force. Brilliant brass and gold surrounded you as you made your way through the dancing couples, their movements in perfect sync. Wrapped in each other's arms, they spin around without a care for your wandering presence. 
While all who surrounded you were decorated in blacks and whites, your own dress was the color of freshly spilled blood. The heavy skirts that hug from your waist made it difficult to navigate the ballroom. Their fullness was of an older fashion, one that maybe your grandmother would have worn in her youth. The dropped shoulders left you exposed, your skin chilled despite the amount of bodies in here. 
You kept navigating the dance floor, on the look out for something, though you didn’t know what. Then you felt the familiar burn of eyes boring into your back, which sent a shiver down your spine. You whirled around to find the source, the dress brushing at your feet with the sudden motion. Through the crowd, you spotted Baekhyun leaning against the wall. With a single finger, he beckoned you over. And you obeyed. 
Breaking through the sea of dancers, you took in his elegant suit, the hems lined with gold thread that shimmered against black velvet. 
"You shouldn't dance alone," he purred. Arms crossed over his chest, he smirked at you with a grin even the devil wouldn't wear.
"I have no partner," you retorted. He held out a lazy hard. Hardly the romantic gesture. "No, thank you." 
"How about me?" asked a sweet voice in your ear. 
You turned your head to find Junmyeon at your back. He laid a soft hand on your hip to keep you from escaping out of propriety. When you didn’t shove him away, the hand slyly moved to your stomach, pulling your bare shoulder blades into his chest. With the fingers of his left hand, he tilted your chin towards him. 
"Am I a suitable partner?" 
No answer passed your lips. You could think of nothing to say. The thought of him twirling you around the dance floor was not… unpleasant. 
Junmyeon neither needed nor cared for a reply. He dipped his head to your shoulder and pressed a kiss to the skin. A small gasp passed your lips. And then he pressed another. More and more as he climbed up the curve of your neck. Heat rose from every inch of you as you sighed into the affectionate touches. You relaxed into his touch, welcoming each new contact of his lips. 
"It's rude not to share, Junmyeon.”
Your attention snapped back to Baekhyun, who you had forgotten was there. He pushed himself off the wall and stepped closer to you so he stood in front of the minor. 
No, not a mirror. There was no reflection. 
Except… there was. The mirror reflected the floor, the ceiling, the candlelight. You. 
But not Baekhyun. Not Junmyeon. And not the dancers still spinning behind you. 
Fingers snaked through your hair and pulled your head back, your vulnerable neck exposed. From the gallery above, Kyungsoo watched as elongated fangs flashed behind Junmyeon’s lips and plunged into your neck. 
You woke with a start, the blanket flying off of you as you sat up in a fury. Sweet drenched every pore of your skin. Your day old dress clung to your skin in a way that felt suffocating. Each breath was a struggle for your lungs. 
Vampires. The nightmarish tale that had kept you up as a child until you were convinced they weren't real turned out to be true. But how could they be real? 
Creatures of the night. Blood drinkers. Horror stories meant to keep children from wandering about after dark. 
Curling your legs to your chest and encasing them in your arms, you tried to think of a way out. To escape. With what strength you possessed, you slid off the bed and walked over to the window. The sun, so bright and full of life, was just beginning its descent towards the horizon. Night–their domain–was hours away. If the legends were true, then they would all be asleep at this moment. Any risk that was to be taken had to be taken now. 
After changing into a sturdier dress, you retrieved your still mud-covered boots and, keeping them in one hand, you carefully pushed away the pathetic barrier and snuck out of the room. 
Each step was taken with unmatched caution. You tested every board with your foot before fully committing. Any squeak of a floor or stumble down a stair could alert them to your escape. But by the grace of a miracle, you made it to the front door. Fingers trembling, you pulled on the boots and tied up the laces before opening the door only wide enough for you to slink through. 
The next breath taken outside was like the first breath of life. But there was no time to take it in. 
Gathering your skirts in your grip, you took off into the trees. The dirt was dry and sturdy under your feet. Branches and leaves crunched with the weight of your boots. A lady’s delicacy was out of the question as you ran without abandon. You didn't know what direction you were running. But vampires needed blood to survive and they weren’t drinking yours. And Jongdae had brought those buns from a bakery, not their own kitchen. You doubted any of them knew how to cook. That meant a village or town had to be nearby. Junmyeon had lied about the isolation of the manor. If you just kept going, you could find freedom. 
However, your stamina was running out. This was never your preferred activity. Your lungs and throat burned in an unfamiliar way. The sun still shined above. A short respite could be spared. 
You leaned against a tree trunk for support. In your boots your feet pulsed. Only now did you realize that you had run away without food or water. Not knowing where the kitchen was located, you didn't have time to waste on it. You could survive, you told yourself. Just a little farther. The town couldn’t be too far. Unless you were headed in the wrong direction. 
A rustling rippled through the silent forest. You snapped to attention, trying to find the source. 
“The wind,” you gasped between ragged breaths. “It had to be the wind.” 
A low, rumbling growl said it wasn't wind. 
In the distance, large silhouettes emerged. Wolves. Nearly a dozen of them. 
You ran as fast as your crying legs could take you. With their superior nature built for the hunt, the wolves caught up to you within seconds. Their growls and howls grew louder and more threatening behind you. Running from the manor had been easy. Running from the wolves was to be your end. 
Powerful paws slammed into your back. You were thrown to the ground, rolling across the ground as a scream ripped at your throat. The momentum stopped you on your stomach. Hair covered your face, but you could still see your death through the strands. 
Wolves of gray and black gathered in a half moon circle. They had their prey in perfect position. The middle wolf pounced. All you had time to do was throw up your arms to protect your face. Claws raked across your forearm. Another scream echoed through the merciless trees. The wolf landed on the other side of you with pride. Now you were surrounded. A second wolf leapt. 
A blur appeared in front of you and collided with the wolf midair. The two bodies tumbled across the forest floor. A human and the wolf. 
Not a human. 
Chanyeol. The wolf trapped within his grasp, Chanyeol tightened his grip–
The wolf fell limply to the ground, its tongue hanging from its jaw. 
The others appeared seconds later. Not understanding what they were up against, the wolves let you go to attack the newest threat. 
"Are you alright?" Junmyeon knelt down in front of you. His hands were outstretched as if you were the wild animal on the verge of attack. Behind him, snarls and whimpers told of the fight–and who was winning. Despite not answering him, he caught sight of your bleeding arm. "We need to get back to the manor." 
He didn't ask permission before picking you up into his arms and sprinting through the forest. Everything blurred past you, your loose hair whipping at your face. He burst through the manor doors and didn't stop until he was able to set you down in the largest chair. Once you were safe, he fell to his knees, only his palms keeping him upright. The others soon stumbled in behind him, heaving and collapsing onto the floor. Only then did you notice the smoke floating up from each of their backs. Patches of burnt, red skin sizzled on their knuckles and faces. Anything that had been exposed to the sun. 
"Baekhyun," Junmyeon gasped. 
"I already have it." Kyungsoo came into the parlor with bottles stacked in his arms. He quickly passed them around, waiting until the others were quenching their thirst before pulling the cork out of his own bottle and chugging the contents. 
With his bottle empty, Junmyeon tossed it to the side and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Red smears stained the ivory fabric. You shrank back in the chair as he turned towards you. 
"What hell were you thinking!" He growled. "I warned you about the wolves!" 
"Junmyeon, she's shaken up enough," Jongdae defended. Before your eyes, his burnt skin healed to be like new.
"She could have been killed!" 
Your head was pounding. He was… concerned about your life? The legends said that the sun was a vampire's deadliest enemy. It was why they thrived in the darkness. But they had all risked a final death to come after you. 
"Did you hear me scream?" you whispered. You could barely feel your own lips moving. All heads tuned to you. 
Yixing was the one to answer. "Yes. We all heard you." 
"Why were you out there?" Sehun asked aggressively.
You sucked in a sharp breath. There was no escaping the truth now. You stared at Jongdae. "I figured it out.” 
Baekhyun laughed. "At least we don't have to walk around delicately anymore." 
"When exactly did you do so?" Minseok mocked.
"Then you should remember what I said to you before was true. Harm would not come to you within these walls." Junmyeon crouched down next to the chair. His eyes... there was something behind the darkness that tugged at your still wildly beating heart. "I know you were running away. And if you're desperate to get away enough to get yourself killed, then the choice can be yours. We can send you on your way with every provision. Or," he cleared his throat, "you stay here. With us." 
A choice? He was giving you a choice?
Your gaze drifted over the faces that stared back at you. Even Kyungsoo refused to look away while he waited. There was almost a plea in his expression, a subtle beg. But was it to stay? Or for you to run as far away as possible? 
Junmeyon took your attention away when he picked up your wounded arm with delicate fingers. His pleading was much more clear. 
To leave would be the better choice. The more sane choice. But what would happen afterwards? You could claim being lost in the woods. With evidence of the carriage and the missing driver, what else could they believe? After a few days on bed rest, you would be back by your aunt's side, following her every whim. Including indulging her on a "perfectly adequate" suitor because you had no other option, no other path. That suitor who would then become your future. But you didn't want it. You refused to give in to it. 
Already within these few days, you were… changed in a way. They might not be human, but these men would forever be burned into your memory. Who could move you with music the way Chanyeol had? What silent strength could match the aura of Junmyeon? You had been promised that none of them would harm you. The chance for something extraordinary was right in front of you. The kind of chance you had only read about. It just had to be taken.
"I think… I think I want to stay."
The moon became an ever changing friend. You hardly saw the sun anymore. Like the men you had given yourself over to, you lived under the stars. It was oddly beautiful. This time was often forgotten about by you and many others. The night was only a background to your time within your dreams. But now it was your entire world. 
Every evening, you awoke to the dying orange light of the day. Breakfast always waited for you outside the door. It was the rule that no one broke; none could enter your room without explicit permission from you. Those walls remained your safe haven when things grew too overwhelming. 
Despite your decision to stay, discovering that other creatures walked the earth required a step away once in a while. Especially now, with you aware of their true nature, the men were refusing to hold back. 
Dropping from the roof, running around with spectacular speed, and lifting objects that ten men couldn't hold. It was remarkable. Except for the diet and inability to walk in the sun, the… condition seemed more like a blessing.
"You're rather thoughtful this evening,” Jongdae commented. He walked beside you like he did every twilight. 
After you finished your breakfast, you met Jongae at the front doors to go on a walk around the manor grounds. Often others would join you as well. Junmyeon was the most frequent, though Yixing, Changed, and Jongin made many appearances over the past week and a half. Boundaries were constantly tested, but one word from you and they retreated.
"I guess you could say I am thoughtful tonight," you finally sighed. You hadn’t realized that you were being so obviously quiet. Funny, since you would have thought Jongdae would enjoy the silence. You typically had many questions or comments of your own to make. 
"Should I go steal a penny from Sehun?" 
You laughed. "I'd like to think my thoughts are worth more than a single penny.”
"They must be if you've become so skilled in deflecting from them." He crossed over to block your path. Gaze narrowed, he studied your carefully guarded expression. "What are you thinking about so hard? Regretting your decision to stay already?" 
"No," you insisted. "Not at all."
He raised an eyebrow that simply asked, "Then what?" 
"Do you always stay here?" you countered. "At the manor, I mean." 
"We travel," Jongdae answered with a nod. "Not too often. It’s a bit difficult, you see."
"But we like traveling north.” Minseok dropped from who-knew-where, landing with barely bent knees and hands folded behind his back. "In the winter, the night lasts longer. Junmyeon has a small hunting lodge up there. 
A hunting lodge? "Then why do you stay here?" 
Minsoek shrugged. "This manor is bigger." 
"Having nine of us in one household can be a bit volatile,” Jongdae added. He stepped aside to continue the stroll. "We need the room to separate so we don't level a building." 
Your foot caught on an invisible lump in the grass. "You could destroy a building while fighting?" 
Minseok snickered as he caught your stumble and helped steady your stance. His hand lingered at your waist until your sharpened glare made him remove it. "We haven’t crumbled a wall in a few years."
You scoffed at the casual tone. "What sort of fight caused that?" 
"I can't remember." Minseok leaned forward slightly to look at Jongdae for help. But he didn't seem to recall either. 
"Who knows what started it between Chanyeol and Kyungsoo.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol had fought over something to the point of destroying a wall to crumble? It didn't feel plausible. Neither seemed like the hot-headed sort. You wanted to know the igniting incident so desperately. 
Both Jongdae and Minseok suddenly whipped their heads towards the front of the manor. 
"What is it?" you asked when neither offered an explanation. 
"Junmyeon's calling for us." Jongdae scooped you up into his arms without warning. At your confused expression, he explained, "We're not leaving you alone out here." Remember your last adventure in the woods lingered in the silence.
The short lived wind whipped at your hair that you still wore loose to cover your neck. As soon as he stopped running, you wiggled out of his arms to be back on your feet. Everyone else was already gathered just outside the door. Several eyed you and Jongdae with suspicious and annoyed glares. You took a step away from him for some separation. 
Clearing his throat, Junmyeon called everyone to attention. "We have to go hunting–real hunting. Now, normally, we all go together, but now that we have our guest," he nodded towards you, "some will have to stay behind with her until the first party… comes back." 
"If you all need to go,” you couldn't quite speak the word feed, "then I'll be alright. For a few hours, at least." You weren't sure how long this excursion would take.
Junmyeon's features softened. "No. We'll go in groups. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Minseok and I will go first. We shouldn't be gone long." He reached out and patted the top of your head before disappearing into the trees. Kyungsoo gave no goodbye as he followed suit. The last two playfully shoved each other while taking off. 
"Come." Yixing took hold of your hand and started pulling you inside. "I want to show you something."
"But–" You had wanted to ask Jongdae a question, but the traitor was already gone, off somewhere to do something he would never tell you about. So, you let Yixing take you into the manor and up the main staircase at the end of the hallway. At least he let you stay on your own feet instead of insisting on going at his speed. 
Going down an unfamiliar hallway, you were reminded how big this place was and how much you still had to explore. The men occupied most of your time, vying for your attention and pulling you this way and that so you didn’t have much time on your own. It was odd and overwhelming at times. 
During your seasons in town, you were hardly a well-sought after prize. There were prettier girls with grander dowries. You had accepted that fact. Now you were the center of a courting dance to which you knew none of the steps and possessed endless partners. 
Yixing paused in front of a door that looked identical to all the others. He kept his fingers tight around yours as he slowly turned the knob with his free hand. The door swung open. 
The gasp inhaled through your parted lips wasn't enough to convey your awe. 
Maps of all the places you'd heard of and dozens more you hadn't covered the walls like homemade wallpaper. Slipping out of Yixing's grip, you walked further into the study, spinning slowly around to take it all in. The maps were varying degrees of tan, some as light as his skin, others as dark as animal leather. 
Instead of bookshelves, doorless cabinets waist high lined three of the walls. Their squared shelves were stuffed full of parchment and ink and quills. A lone sketcher's desk sat in the middle, an unfinished drawing laying against the tilted surface. 
"What is this place?"
"It's my personal study," Yixing answered as he laid a hand on the edge of the desk. "Kyungsoo gave it to me after I had accidentally taken over one of the parlors." 
Your awe increased ten-fold. Your initial assumption was that he was a collector, not the original artist. "You drew all of these?" 
He nodded almost... shyly. "I did. I was a cartographer. Before." 
"Before?" You understood what he meant, but you didn't know how to ask for the story. 
Turning his eyes to the parchment, he pinched it between his fingers. "I didn't just love traveling. I loved capturing it on paper. I wanted to make these places into art, but not like every other painting. I wanted them to be perfect. Exact replicas as if you were staying at them from God’s point of view. And I wanted to be the best. I couldn't be, though. I wasn’t good enough." 
You moved closer to him, entranced in the story. "What happened?"
A rueful smile tightened at his lips. "I was given a chance to become perfect. What I didn't know was that I traded everyone knowing my maps for the talent to make it happen." Sorrow rolled from him like the tide warning of an oncoming storm. 
Feeling the pull to comfort him, you reached out and covered his fidgeting hand with your own steady fingers.
"People will be able to know your work some day," you whispered. "I’m sure of it." 
Perhaps you had been a bit too forward, a bit too open. 
Yixing moved gracefully forward to eliminate most of the space between you. A smooth thumb that once must have been calloused when it was human caressed the edge of your jaw. His flickering eyes made intentions obvious. 
Clearing your throat, you stepped out of the touch. "Why isn't this one finished?" You pointed to the drawing on the desk. It was an aerial view of the manor, with the top half of the parchment containing the beginning edges of the garden hedges. Disappointed, Yixing sighed and went along with your distraction. 
"I'm still working out the maze. It is intricate. Much more than I was prepared for." 
"Goodness." You were thankful that you hadn't wandered in there yet, especially on your own.
Both of you turned towards the door to find Sehun standing under the frame. 
"Yes, Sehun?" Yixing said through somewhat gritted teeth. The young vampire wasn't phased. 
"I need to speak with you." 
"Fine." None of you moved. 
Sehun looked at you with a pointed glare.
You received the hint loud and clear. "I'll leave you, then.” 
With more relief than you cared to admit, you scurried out of the room and down the hallway. 
Around the corner, you pressed your back against the wall and forced yourself to take deep breaths that filled your lungs to capacity. Panic had been the response at Yixing's closeness. You didn't mean for that to be the response. You didn't want to be closed off to any of them. But you couldn't help it. Maybe it was merely the closeness of the situation. 
Giving yourself a small amount of grace, you pushed off the wall and made your way downstairs. So used to your time being absorbed by the men that you weren't sure what to do with yourself. Two of the ones that remained behind were currently occupied. As for the three others, they could have been anywhere. 
You wandered around the main floor with a fleeting hope that one would come to find you. Then you saw them. A row of grand doors evenly spaced along the north wall called you forward.
The grand ballroom took your breath away. Not so dissimilar to the one in your dream, though this one’s lack of warmth and light left you heartbroken. Memories of dancing figures and lively music haunted these walls. In the corner, you could imagine a small orchestra strumming their instruments in delight. 
You walked to the center where dozens of pairs used to twirl and bow and embrace each other in time with the melody. Ghostly laughter echoed in your ears. What had once been  bright and golden and full of life was dull, dark, and covered in cobwebs that swayed in the breeze of unknown origin. 
Glancing around, you confirmed that you were truly alone before closing your eyes, lifting your arms, and began a soft hum. 
You danced with an invisible partner in the fashion that your grandfather had taught you as a small child. It was more intimate than the choreographed dances currently popularized. You had always imagined your first ball like this, instead of the disappointment you really experienced. You had pictured a boy you didn’t know catching your eye. As the music was struck up, he laid a hand on your waist.
Just like now. 
Hm. Your imagination was running wild, even pretending the weight of a palm was there on your lower back. And now in your lifted left hand. 
No. That wasn’t your imagination. 
Your eyes snapped open. 
Jongin had taken the place of your imagined partner. He smiled down at you with a feline smirk as his hands tightened around you, refusing to let you slip away. There was no choice in leaving this musicless dance. You had stopped humming but he continued to whirl you around the marble floor. He controlled the dance, in charge of every step. He led with an expertise he shouldn’t have possessed–if he were a man of this age. 
In one final move, he slipped his arm fully around your waist, pulling you so close that no room remained between you. Without breaking the spin, he lifted you from the floor as if you were no more than a kitten and whirled you around like the heroine from your favorite novel.
When the spin came to a close, he set you back on your feet, but didn’t let go. Your lungs heaved from the exercise–and from the way your bodies pressed together. Each rise of your chest brought you even closer to Jongin. He kept your gaze like a stablehand trying to calm a wild horse. His right hand slipped from your fingers, softly tracing the delicate inside of your arm. The touch left behind a fire you couldn’t explain. A cold, simmering fire.
He cupped your jaw as his eyes drifted down to your lips. This was a different reaction to Yixing’s wandering gaze. Not panic, but something similar. 
Jongin held you in place as he leaned down, his lips pressing gently into the corner of yours. The thin breath in your lungs hitched. He lifted his lips only to find a new patch of skin. The delicate skin covering your pulse. Every muscle in your body froze. He kissed the skin softly. Surely, he could feel the race of your blood. 
“Whenever you need a partner,” he said in a hush against your neck, “just whisper my name.”
And then, he was gone. 
You stared off at the empty path left behind Jongin. The sheer hubris.
His name lingered on your lips, wondering if he would really come back like he said. But you kept the whisper inside and left the ballroom just the same. 
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kpop---scenarios · 6 months
Obsession (1)
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Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Warning: Smut, Stalker
Genre: College! Au
Word Count: 3.4k
Fuck. You really should have declined this fucking date.
You were in your second year of University, now you were currently hours away from your friends and family now, but you needed it. For your first year of University you had gone to one closer to home, and while the school was good, you were miserable. You lived at home with your overprotective parents, who didn't allow you to go to any parties, join any clubs, or do anything you wanted. They were smothering you and you felt like you couldn't breathe while being around them. You needed to leave, so when you heard you had been accepted for your second year, 6 hours away, you were so fucking delighted.
Here you were, at your new school for 4 months and you had only managed to make one friend. Everytime she invited you out with more people, something came up and you hadn't really been able to meet more people who you vibed with. Lisa had quickly become your best friend. And while you loved this school, you almost regretted transfering, due to your current predicament. When a guy from one of your classes, Mark, had asked you out, you hesitantly accepted. He was nice enough in class but now he was weird and making you uncomfortable.
“What kind of things do you like to do?” You ask, trying to bring on some kind of conversation.
“I'll like whatever you do.” He smiles, reaching over the table to grab your hand. You quickly pull it back, pretending to itch your leg.
“You don't have any hobbies?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. You wanted to get the fuck out if here.
“You. You'll be my hobby. I could look at you all day.” He smiles. That made you groan.
“I think you need to have your own hobbies. Staring at me is not a hobby.” You say, checking your phone. You quickly typed a message to Lisa, begging her to call you with an emergency. It's only been 30 minutes of this date but you couldn't do it anymore.
Seconds later your phone rang, Lisa's name popping up on the screen. You gave Mark a slight smile before answering. She was laughing on the other end, but you put on a pretty convincing performance.
“What? Oh, Lisa!” You exclaim. “Yes of course, I will be right there.” You finish.
“Meet me at the Rook.” She says before hanging Up.
“I'm so sorry Mark, I have to go.” You tell him, grabbing your purse. “There's an emergency.”
“What happened?” He asks.
Fuck, you hadn't thought that far.
“Her…dad was hit by a..dog.” You stutter. “Yeah, just zoomed right under him, took him right out. He's in the hospital.” You say. “Thank you for a..evening.” You finish before darting out of the diner. You decided to walk, since you weren't far from the bar she wanted to meet at.
Pulling open the doors, you're met immediately with Lisa at a table with a few others you hadn't met yet. Others that would soon become just as close to you as Lisa.
“Y/N!” She screams, giving you a giant hug. “This is Jennie and Rose, Jongin, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Sehun.” She smiles introducing you to everyone. “So, how was your date?” She asks. You settle in at the table and begin telling them all about the 30 minutes you had just spent with Mark.
“He kept trying to touch me, saying that he'd do whatever I wanted him to do.” You sigh. “It was all very weird and he made me extremely uncomfortable.” You finish, finishing off your drink.
“Who made you uncomfortable?” You hear a deep voice from beside you. You glance over and see quite possibly the most attractive man you'd ever seen. He was tall, black hair parted just right. He wore a nicely fitting shirt, dark ripped jeans. He pulled up a chair beside you, sitting down and smiled at you.
“Ah, Y/N, this is Chanyeol.” Lisa smiles. “Y/N was just telling us about her date tonight.”
“If you could even call it that.” You laugh. “I only lasted 30 minutes before Lisa called me with an emergency.”
“Speaking of, what did you tell him the emergency was?” She asked.
You covered your face in embarrassment.
“I never said I was good at lying.” You start to defend yourself. “Your dad was hit by a dog.” You start to laugh. “It zoomed under him and took him out.”
Everyone stared at you before the table erupted in laughter.
“Oh my poor dad.” She laughs.
A few hours and a few drinks later, you were all paying your tabs, but first exchanging numbers with everyone at the table. You'd all made a plan in a few weekends to get together, there just happened to be a party at the EXO frat, and you, Lisa, Jennie and Rose were going to attend. You were happy to finally be making some new friends.
“Are you sure you're okay to get home?” Lisa asks you, as you sway outside the bar.
“I um, think so.” You giggle.
“Yeah okay.” She laughs. “Jongin?” she says, motioning towards you.
“I'll happily get her home.” He smiles, fuck he was hot. You glanced over at Chanyeol, but he had already turned to walk away.
Jongin wraps his arm around your waist, heading in the direction of your address, that Lisa had told him.
You shouldn't have drank so much
Before you knew it, you were standing in front of your apartment door, trying to unlock it, but it really didn't help that you were seeing two of the locks.
“Here.” Jongin laughs, taking your keys from you. He unlocks your door, allowing you to stumble in. He hands your keys back to you. You mumble a thank you as you walk in and crash on the house. You can faintly hear Jongin chuckle as he closes your front door. You wanted to get up to go to your bed, but unfortunately your body was already down for the count. You snuggled into the couch and very quickly drifted off to sleep.
You swear to god you felt like you died. You rolled off the couch, your neck was stiff, your body hurt. This is why you never slept on the couch, you felt like an old, frail woman after whose body was failing her.
“Fuck.” You cry out, trying to move your neck around as you make your way to the bathroom. You turn on your shower, as hot as you're able to stand before checking your phone. You'd been added to a group chat with all that you met last night. They were talking about their upcoming week, until Jongin asked about you.
[From: Jongin 10:08am] How are you feeling this morning, Y/N? 🤣
[From: Lisa 10:08am] she probably feels like shit lol
[To: Group 10:10am] hangover wise, I feel great. Body wise? I slept on my couch and I have a hunchback now.
[From: Baekhyun 10:11am] don't die on us now
[To: Group 10:12am] no promises. I'm pretty fucked up ha.
[From: Jongin 10:15am] I can straighten you out if you need
You stared at your phone with your mouth hanging open. Did he? Was he really hitting on you? Your phone dinged again.
[From: Lisa 10:16am] I'M SORRY WHAT
[From: Kyungsoo 10:16am] I'm going to throw up my breakfast.
[From: Jongin 10:17am] STRETCHING. You fucking pervs. But I mean.. 😉
You set your phone down, and got into the shower. Would you take Jongin up on the stretching? Probably not, the hot water was already helping. However, would you take him up on sex if he offered? Possibly, but there was one face you just couldn't get out of your head.
The weeks went by, and you spent more and more time with Lisa, Jennie, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Sehun and Chanyeol. You didn't see Chanyeol as much, but you would see him around school every once in a while and when you would see him, you were met with a smile and a wave. You really wanted to hangout with him more.
The night of the party finally arrived, you were getting ready with Lisa, Jennie and Rose. The way you all acted together, no one would have known that you had only met the other two a few weeks ago, it was like you'd known them for years. Music blasted through Jennies apartment as you all danced around while doing your makeup, hair and getting dressed. Pre-drinks flowed and already you were having so much fun, you couldn't wait to see what the rest of the night had in store for you. An hour or so later, the four of you walked into the house of EXO, immediately met by the smell of weed and sweat. People were drinking, smoking, dancing and it looked like everyone was having fun. You and Lisa made your way to the kitchen to grab a drink while Jennie and Rose went to talk to some people. After a few more shots, Lisa dragged you to the dance floor, where you both let loose. You felt a pair of hands slide behind you, grabbing your waist tightly. You looked up at Lisa who had a weird look on her face. Turning your head, you looked to see who was behind you. Immediately you were uncomfortable. It was Mark.
“Hi, baby.” He whispers into your ear. You look at Lisa with wide eyes, mouthing “help” to her.
“Bathroom break, c'mon Y/N.” She says, grabbing your hand to pull you away from him. She pulls you upstairs and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you.
“Oh my god, thank you.” You breathe.
“Ew, what is he doing?” She says. “What did he say to you?”
“Hi baby.” You gag, remembering the feeling of his breath in your ear.
“Oh that's fucked up.” She laughs. You both wait a few minutes before you head out of the bathroom, looking down the hall to make sure he's not waiting for you. Luckily he isn't upstairs, and when you went downstairs, you didn’t see him. You breathed a sigh of relief. You and Lisa got another drink, heading back to the dance floor where you met the rest of the group. Hours had passed and you had forgotten about your little interaction with Mark. You had left the dance floor, sitting on the couch with someone you didn’t recognize immediately. He wore a sweater, ripped jeans and a hat that almost covered his face.
“You want a hit?” he asks, passing you a blunt. You’d smoked a few times before but not very often because of your parents. You happily took it, taking a few puffs before handing it back. He looks over at you, giving you a smile and that's when you saw.
“Chanyeol.” you smiled.
“Having fun?” he asks. You nod your head as you feel the weed mixed with alcohol hitting you.
“That may have been a bad idea.” you giggle. Chanyeol smiles at you. Before you can say anything, you’re being pulled off the couch by Jongin, who insists that you dance with him, so you do. His hands on your hips as you grind your ass into him, but your eyes never leave Chanyeol. He adjusts his hat, showing his eyes that are set on you. Chanyeol licks his lips as he watches you dance with Jongin, his hands moving up and down your body. Chanyeol leans forward, his eyes still trained on you, his arms now resting on his thighs.
When the song is over, Jongin asks if you want a drink, you decline, wanting to go back to Chanyeol but you were cut off.
“Hey you.” Mark smiles, stepping in front of you. “Why did you run off?” He asks, tilting his head to the side.
“I've been with friends.” You say, trying to push your way past him, going anywhere else. He grabs your wrist, tightening his grip.
“Why are you trying to leave? I'm talking to you.” He snaps.
“Look Mark, you seem nice.” You say, glancing down at his hold on you. “But it's just not going to work out between us.” you finish, trying to get him to release your arm.
“Why not?” He asks, holding you tighter.
“I'm just not interested.” You say, fighting his grip a little harder now. You were beginning to panic. Everyone was in their own little worlds, no one realizing what was going on.
“You haven't even given me a chance.” he spits. You can't be nice anymore. He just wasn't getting it.
“I don't fucking like you.” You yell, pushing him with your free hand. His grip loosens a little, allowing you to rip your arm from his hand. You turn to walk away, catching the eyes of Chanyeol, who was looking at you with a concerned look. You start walking towards him when you're pulled away, Mark's hand back on your arm, pulling you in the opposite direction, towards the front door. You looked back for Chanyeol but he wasn't there. Mark continues to pull you through the crowd. Panic was really starting to set in, until you came to an abrupt stop.
“Move.” Mark yells. You look ahead, seeing Chanyeol blocking the way.
“She doesn’t seem interested, dude.” Chanyeol deadpans, glancing down at Mark’s hand on your wrist. He grabs Mark’s arm, swiftly moving Mark’s hand from you. “Don't touch her, or we're gonna have a fucking problem.”
Mark stares at Chanyeol for a moment before looking back at you. He gives you a wink before he walks away.
You let out a breath that you hadn't realized you were holding. “Thank you.” You say to Chanyeol.
“Can I take you home?” He asks. You quickly look around for the other girls to say goodbye, but you can't see them.
“Please.” You half smile at him, heading towards the door.
The walk home was pretty quiet, until you were close to your building and Chanyeol spoke up.
“So that guy..” he starts.
“Was the guy I went on a date with a few weeks ago.” You confirm.
“That's crazy.” He laughs. “I mean, I can see the appeal though.” He smiles.
“It's just right up here.” You tell him, pointing to the building coming up. “Would you.. want to come up for a drink or something?” You ask. Chanyeol nods his head, as you both make your way into the building.
You really had planned on having a drink, but as you closed your door behind you, Chanyeol turned around, looking your body up and down. He stepped towards you, you stepped back, backing into the door.
“Just say no if you want me to stop.” He whispers.
You say nothing.
He crashes his lips onto yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth, both of your tongues tangling together as he deepens the kiss, pushing his body against yours. You quickly discard your coat onto the floor, never breaking the kiss. Chanyeol bends down, his lips leaving yours and moving to your neck as he puts his arms under your thighs, effortlessly picking you up, letting you wrap your legs around his waist. He pins you against the wall once again, freeing his hands as you're still wrapped around his body.
“Hope you didn't like this shirt too much.” He groans, Using both his hands to rip open your shirt, buttons flying everywhere.
That was so fucking hot.
He pulls the shirt off of you, throwing it wherever, he kisses your neck, moving down your chest. You flick his hat from his head, upset that you were the only one half naked.
“Bedroom?” he asks.
“Kitchen table.” You breathe.
He smirks, walking you to the table. He lays you down, pulling his shirt off in front of you.
Holy fuck.
He was a lot more muscular than you had originally assumed, he looked so fucking good. He reaches up, grabbing the waist of your jeans, he tugs them down, discarding them on the floor, leaving you in your bra and panties. You place your feet on the table as Chanyeol kneels down in front of you, peppering kisses between your thighs. You're so fucking wet, desperate and needy right now and this was not helping.
“Please.” You pant.
“Tell me what you want, baby girl.” He says, moving closer to your pussy but not close enough.
“Eat me.” You groan, spreading your legs even more. Chanyeol licks his lips as he moves your panties to the side, spreading your lips before he licks a strip up your wet pussy.
“Mhmm.” Chanyeol groans, latching his lips to your clit. You back arches as he continues to lick and suck on your clit. Your eyes are closed as you feel him reach up, grabbing your tits, squeezing as he devours you. Your toes curl as he moves his mouth quicker, your hands make their way to his hair, gripping tightly as you push his face deeper into you, grinding your cunt on his face.
“Oh my fucking God.” You cry out, your orgasm building quickly. “Shit, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum.” You whimper just as your orgasm hits you, your eyes roll back into your head as your body works through the pure fucking euphoria you were feeling. Chanyeol takes one last slurp as he stands up, his rock hard cock pressing against his jeans.
He gives you a cocky smile as you sit up, your head spinning uncontrollably. “Wow.” You whisper, sliding off the table and down to your knees. You fumble with the button of his pants for a second before you get it undone, yanking his jeans and boxers down, letting his cock spring free.
You grab the base of him with your hand, licking the precum from his tip, before letting him shove his cock down your throat, as far as he could. You gag on him as he grips your hair. He thrusts his cock in and out of your mouth, tears falling down your cheeks, making your mascara run.
“Your fucking mouth feels so fucking good.” He groans, giving you one more hard thrust, before pulling his cock out. “I don't want to cum yet.” He breathes. You stand up, staring at him, he takes his thumb, smearing your mascara even more.
“Fuck that's hot.” he groans, bending you over the table. He stands behind you, his hard hands on your hips as he lines himself up with your entrance, his large cock stretching you out.
You cry out loudly as he shoves himself into you as far as he can go. He slowly pulls himself out before slamming back into you. Chanyeol grabs your hair, taking a clump in his hand to pull your head back before picking up his pace. His cock slams into you, hitting the perfect spot to build up another orgasm
“Right there, fuck, don't stop.” You scream. He lets go of your hair, pushing your head down, pressing your face into the table as he rams into you.
“Shit, you feel so fucking good.” He groans, not slowing down. Your apartment fills with the sounds of your skin slapping together, moans coming from both of you. The smell of sex and sweat filled the air as you came all over his cock, tightening your pussy around him. He pounds into you for a few more seconds before he finishes, releasing his cum inside of you.
He stands with his cock still inside you for a few seconds, both of you catching your breath. He pulls out of you, asking where the bathroom was. You continue to lay on the table, pointing in a direction, you weren't quite sure which one but he'd find it. You couldn't move, your legs didn't want to work right now. When he came out, he chuckled at you still laying against the table.
“Need some help?” He asks.
“please.” you half laugh. “I'm weak.”
Chanyeol laughs, scooping you up, taking you to your room, that he saw on the way to the bathroom. He laid you in your bed, covering you up with your blanket. He grabs your phone doing something quickly with it before pulling out his phone. He looks at it briefly, furrowing his brows.
“I gotta go, but I'll text you.” He smiles. You nod your head, your eyes already closed. chanyeol leans down, placing a small kiss on your lips before heading out.
Fuck you wished he'd stay.
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multifanhoe99 · 1 year
Kinktober Day 2- Biting
Here we go with day 2!
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Pairing: Chanyeol x gn! reader
Warnings: minor cheating (reader kinda flirts with Baekhyun and Sehun), nicknames (Chanyeol calls reader baby), implied foursome at the end.
=Let me know if I missed any warnings and I will put them in.=
18+ MDNI ~ Hope you all enjoy this one it's not as spicy but I am keeping it chill for now.
Everyone assumed that because Chanyeol's personality was a gentle giant it meant your intimate time with him must not be so crazy. That would be the wrong assumption because when you two are alone and things start getting hot and heavy he jumps right into his stage persona. The one that is dominating and aggressive but not in a scary way and you find that side of him very sexy. On multiple accounts, you have been known to draw that side of him out on purpose whether it be by walking around the house in one of his shirts knowing that some of the other guys would be there and pretending you forgot or those times when you would send him pictures while he's at the studio begging him to come home and give you what you wanted.
The former option is one you found yourself doing tonight. It was his weekly game night with Baekhyun and Sehun and while he was setting up you told him that you were going to shower real quick. He sent you off with a gentle kiss on the head and a light spank on the butt as you turned to leave. Little did he know you were setting another one of your traps in motion. You loved Chanyeol and really only liked to tease him there has never been nor will there ever be anyone else for you but him. That being said lightly flirting with his friends to bring out his possessive side always means a good time for you. This was the plan you would shower and then once you were done you'd put on one of Chanyeol's shirts and his favorite underwear to see you in. Black ones that really accentuated the curve of your ass just the way he likes it. After that, you would adorn Chanyeol's favorite scent the one that drives him wild the one he got for your anniversary last year. Hopefully, by then the guys will already be here and settled in playing and you can put the rest of the plan in motion.
When you were done with the first steps of your plan you walked out of your shared room to see all three boys gaming away on the couch. You were glad you had been able to time it perfectly. Now to initiate the second part of the plan. You waited to greet the other boys until their match was done. When they had won the match they high-fived and took a break to get something to drink.
"Hi, Baek! Hi Hunnie," You said giving each boy a lingering hug.
"Hey (Y/N) you look," Baekhyun said pausing and looking over at Chanyeol before continuing, "comfy."
"Yeah it was a really long day so I just wanted to come home shower and relax. I honestly forgot you guys had your game night tonight. Should I change," You asked feigning innocence.
"NO, I mean no that's alright," Beakhyun flashed his signature smile and you knew the plan was working. After saying your hellos everyone settled back into their spots. Chanyeol motioned for you to come sit in his lap but instead, you opted to lie down in the spot between him and Baekhyun with your head in Baek's lap and your legs in Chanyeol's. He gave you a confused look but that was all. You continued to sit like this and cheer them on while they played their game. Every now and then you'd compliment one of the other boys or play with Sehun's hair since he was sitting on the floor next to you. You would occasionally run your fingers along Baekhyun's arm which you knew he liked. This continued until everyone got up again to refill on drinks and snacks. At this point when you got up Chanyeol pulled you back down so now you were sitting in his lap where he wanted you in the first place and you knew you had him. "What do you think you're doing huh," he whispered in your ear.
"Nothing, I am just relaxing," you replied trying to hide the devious smile on your face.
"You like them looking at you like this? Maybe I should just take you right here in front of them so you all know who you belong to hmm," he growled, "As a matter of fact I have a better idea." He leans in closer and starts kissing behind your ear. Then he moves down your neck. The sweet kisses start turning into long sucks making big purple marks all over your neck. Just when you thought he was done you feel his teeth bite sharply into your neck. It hurts but it feels so good you can't help but let out little moans every time you feel his teeth dig into your flesh. "Shhh, baby don't be too loud or they'll hear you, or is that what you want," he says darkly before continuing what he was doing. He lays you down on the couch and moves lower to start biting at your inner thighs. This was his favorite part on you so it was no wonder he wanted to mark them up too.
It was so hard to keep quiet now with how surprisingly good it felt to have his teeth bite harshly into the sensitive skin of your thighs. You kept moaning and mewling the presence of the other two men in your house being long forgotten. That is until you hear a throat clear and Sehun's voice pipe up saying, "Uhhh, are we interrupting? Should we go?"
Chanyeol's head rises from your thighs and he laughs darkly, "No, stay I think a lesson needs to be taught. What is mine is mine and if I wanna share then I will, but you have to prove you deserve it first baby." He says the last part looking at you. This was not the intended outcome for the night but you like where it's going.
A/N: Damn I think I got a little carried away on this one but I am not mad at it. Let me know if you'd like to see what happens afterward in a part two sometime. Also HERE is the link to the prompt list for Kinktober and here is the link to the MASTERLIST.
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eomayas · 1 year
frisky • bbh [req]
request: please write something for this (230607) baek
pairing: idol!baekhyun x f reader
synopsis: baekhyun looks good and you can’t keep your hands to yourself
genre: suggestive content
warnings: making out, name calling (minx), suggestive smut
baekhyun doesn’t know what is going on with you, but you can’t keep your hands off of him, and he doesn’t really mind. you two aren’t huge on PDA, but you do hold hands and kiss sometimes; but today, you’ve taken it to another level. you’re holding onto his arm, wrapping your arm around his waist, kissing him every five minutes. you two are worse than couples waiting in line at six flags.
you can’t help but be all over him, having not seen him in a few weeks due to his busy schedule. you’ve missed him extra, and it doesn’t help that he came home to you with new hair, and in a sweatsuit—two of your weaknesses. when you picked him up from the airport, it took everything in you to not pounce on him in front of his members, staff, and fansites. but you remained calm—chill, even—and gave him a hug and kiss like you always do.
when you both got in the car—xiumin included—you couldn’t even keep your hands to yourself then. you drove with one hand when you typically drive with both, your right hand holding onto his. and when you came to a red light, you ran your hands through his hair. “i like it,” you said, gently pulling on it before letting your hand find his again.
“yeah? it’s nice, right?” he replied, checking himself out in the visor mirror. even minseok agreed, which brought you back to reality and made you un-bite your lip.
after you dropped minseok off, you pulled the car over a few blocks away from his home. “why are we stopping?” baekhyun had asked, and you didn’t reply, just grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him deeply, immediately going for tongue. he reciprocated, kissing you back for a few seconds before pulling away, slightly breathless. “it was only a few weeks.” he said, stroking the inside of your wrist.
you shrugged and got back to driving, like you didn’t just pull over to tongue your boyfriend in a gated community.
when you got home, you still had to hold yourself back from getting on your knees and sucking him off. baekhyun moaned about how tired he was before giving you a kiss and dismissing himself to go take a shower. you sat downstairs by your lonesome, turning on the tv to some reality.
baekhyun came downstairs in a pair of black sweats and a tshirt, looking as cute as ever. he gave you a small smile and kissed your forehead before taking a seat next to you, pulling you into his side.
it didn’t take long for you both to start making out, though. the kiss started out innocently, as they always do, before he pulled you onto his lap. it didn’t go much further than hands sliding over bodies and light groping, but it got you fired up.
which is why you’re kissing his jaw and neck in public. well, it’s not entirely in public—you’re sitting in a half booth in a secluded part of a restaurant. you’re supposed to be looking over the menu and ordering appetizers for you and the rest of exo, but you just can’t keep your hands (and mouth) to yourself.
baekhyun doesn’t mind, of course. he likes when you’re clingy and into him like this. it’s why he lazily drapes an arm over your shoulder, turning to connect his lips to yours. he lets you take control over, the kiss, grabbing his jaw with one hand and steadying yourself against his thigh. baekhyun opens legs wider, practically inviting you to crawl on top of him, and youd do it, if there wasn’t a table in the way.
“umm…” it’s only at the sound of your waitress that you pull away reluctantly, gazing into each others eyes way too intimately for an audience. “are you ready to order… or do you need more time?” she asks, not meeting either of your eyes.
“more time,” you say as baekhyun says, “we’re ready.” he looks at you, his eyes narrowed, and when you slide your hand over his thigh, dangerously close to his crotch, he looks back at the waitress and says, “we need more time, please.”
she sprints away, leaving you and baekhyun alone again. you’re at his mouth instantly, and baekhyun pulls your chair closer to him, so it’s at an angle and one of his knees is in between both of yours. you put your hands on his shoulders, sliding one up his neck to tangle in his hair.
you scoot closer, his knee pressing against your clothed crotch. you discreetly grind yourself against him, but he knows you too well. “we’re in public,” he mumbles against your mouth, not pulling away. “stop that.” he warns when you do it again, biting your bottom lip.
you let out of a small moan, only loud enough for him to hear. you decide to test your luck again, dragging a hand down his chest to his abdomen, and down to his crotch, palming him through his pants.
baekhyun pulls away and pinches your thigh. “you little minx,” he says, removing your hand from his lap. you smile at him, your tongue between your teeth. baekhyun leans in close, your noses touching. “what’s gotten into you today?”
“you just look so sexy,” you purr, running a hand through his hair and looking up at him through your lashes. he lets out a breath and leans back in his chair, taking you with him.
but youre rudely interrupted again, this time by kyungsoo who lets his presence be known by a dramatic clearing of his throat. and still, you both pull away reluctantly.
a glimmer of mischief shines in baekhyuns eyes, and you know that you’re in for a long night once you both get home.
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Now you know | Chanyeol
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Idol!Chanyeol x Idol!Reader Word count: 2035 Genre: fluff, kinda crack Author: maari  Warnings: none Note: I loved writing this so much oh my god 😫 thank you ateez for giving me the perfect scenario lol Request: may i request a fluffy chanyeol fic where his s/o is also an idol (94L) and theyre “secretly” dating but theyre bad at acting subtle so the fans know whats up + ships them lol ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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"So, what do you think?" Y/N asked her boyfriend curiously, she was lying on his chest, the two of them in bed spending the weekend doing what they so deserved, resting.
After all, both would have long weeks ahead of them and they would hardly have the chance to see each other or be together.
She was holding her cell phone, after showing him one of the intro tracks from her upcoming album.
"I loved it, it has a very cinematic fantasy vibe." he replied, with a proud smile as he stroked her hair.
"I told you the concept of this comeback is going to be like this, right?" the boyfriend nodded in agreement. "And we're going to have a collaboration with that American producer."
"You seem quite excited." he concluded, he didn't look at her face because his position wouldn't allow it, as she huddled in his embrace like a koala, but he could imagine the glint in her eyes. “I’m!” she said, raising her head to look at him better, as he predicted there was the sparkle in her eyes of pure pride and happiness. "It will be the first time I get to show my more mature side to fans."
Chanyeol laughed and the hand that was stroking her hair went to his girlfriend's arm. "Should I be jealous?" he raised an eyebrow and she laughed softly.
Y/N held the phone with one hand and the other brought it to Chanyeol's cheek, stroking his skin slowly.
"No, you're the only one who knows all of my sides."
He lifted his chin, a rather proud look knowing he was the only one and Y/N smiled before she leaned closer to kiss him, she had been doing this all day but it wasn't enough, when the lips were a centimeter away from touching, Chaneyol even had his eyes closed Y/N's phone vibrated not just once or twice but five times. She complained and threw her head on her boyfriend's chest who still had his pout to kiss her. Y/N took her head off Chanyeol's chest and brought her phone closer, seeing what was going on through the notification bar.
"Is my leader." she said "Why does it seem like she always does it on purpose?"
Chanyeol laughed heartily and his girlfriend wanted to bite his cheek but she held back and unlocked the phone. "You shouldn't talk about your leader like that." Chanyeol joked.
"I'm older than she is, have you forgotten?" Y/N glanced at her boyfriend, Chanyeol now resting his arm behind his head, his biceps got bigger in the black t-shirt he was wearing.
She opened the twitter link that was sent in the message, along with the phrase 'you have to see this. ASAP'.
Y/N felt her jaw drop when she saw the tweet and tensed up all of a sudden, this didn't go unnoticed by her boyfriend who now wiped the smile off his face and frowned.
"What?" he asked, analyzing his girlfriend's expression.
"Look at this." she turned the phone screen towards Chanyeol who focused his attention on the tweet, he gulped when he saw the picture of him and his girlfriend.
There was nothing much but from what they wrote, the suspicions were there.
Chanyeol and Y/N had gone to NCT 127's concert the night before, to support the boys from the same company and because she was a huge fan of the boys, they hadn't gone alone of course. Two members of Y/N's group were on her right side while Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun were on her right side, exactly in that order.
In one photo they were just looking at the stage while in the other Chanyeol had his arm around Y/N's neck and the other was up. They were just enjoying the show, nothing else.
But fan comments came to the same conclusion: they were dating.
"Oh come on, it's not even that compromising!" he said and Y/N turned the phone's screen towards her, while bringing her other hand to her mouth to bite the nail. "We were just singing Dreams Come True."
"But it's not what the fans think, there's even a video of you hugging me." Y/N said, watching on her phone.
It really wasn't compromising, mainly because afterwards, Chanyeol hugged Sehun in the same way.
"Oh give me that." he took his arm behind his head to grab his girlfriend's phone.
"Hey!" she complained but he started swiping the screen. "Look, there are a lot of people thinking I was just being me." he glanced at Y/N who eyed him suspiciously. "I'll read it to you: 'lol he literally leans on Sehun afterwards, so they're dating', ew no!" Chanyeol stuck his tongue out in disgust and Y/N chuckled lightly.
"Good thing they were at an NCT show because if it was a comedy Y/N would probably be without an arm"
"Yeah, you do that with people when you laugh."
"But hey, there are a lot of people who shipp us."
"Really?" Y/N asked curiously and tried to snoop through the phone.
"They even made a thread about the two of us." he replied calmly and Y/N widened her eyes.
"What? You're kidding!" she said and slipped between her boyfriend's arm to see the phone too, he hugged her while opening the tweet.
The compilation had photos, videos, gifs of interactions between the two in events of all kinds. 
Y/N was never subtle in hiding what she felt for Chanyeol, it was no wonder he discovered the not-so-secret crush she had for him.
So the pictures of them looking at each other meant more than it should, she always smiled broadly when she saw him, it wasn't common to do that with anyone. 
And a photo in particular that she never actually explained, taken by a fan with low resolution, Y/N holding her phone and her backpack at the airport, accidentally her phone had been unlocked by fingerprint and it was possible to see that her boyfriend was the wallpaper, although couldn't quite see his face the fans had found similarities.
Chanyeol was always looking for her at SM concerts, whether to bow when greeting her - even though he had seen her backstage before - or to hold her hand at the end.
At award shows, they always seemed to talk with their eyes when they were at nearby tables. And they always danced and sang louder when one was performing.
She repeatedly praised the group's songs on her social media just as he did, and although it was vague, fans took it as a sign.
The interviews where she described her ideal type, someone like him.
The similar clothing and accessories. Which in their case wasn't similar, the hoodies Y/N took were actually Chanyeol's but no one could prove it. Anyone on the internet could buy the same model and size.
"Nothing that hasn't happened to other idols." Y/N spoke after a while.
If they didn't deny it and didn't confirm it, it would just be internet theory. Right?
"Ah, but this is interesting." Chanyeol stopped at one of the tweets with a wide smile.
"Oh no."
"Oh yes!" he chuckled before reading it aloud. "Y/N bubble update: 'I'm watching Descendants of the Sun again. Oh what? How many times have I watched it? Probably like 5 lol I really like this genre. And Dr. Kang is right, girls really fantasizes about the army uniform.' You said that the day I sent you my uniform picture." Chanyeol accused and she felt her cheeks burn.
That comment had been days before official photos of Chanyeol serving it were released on the internet, another clue for fans.
"I told you that on that video call." she tapped him lightly on the chest and he laughed.
Chanyeol dropped her phone on the bed and rolled over her, resting his elbows on either side of her body and glaring at her mischievously as she brought her hands to his shoulder.
"Actually you said something a lot worse, do you want me to repeat it?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and she laughed shyly.
"It's not necessary!" he nodded and leaned down to kiss her forehead, making her sigh at the contact.
Chanyeol then kissed Y/N's nose, cheek and chin, she just laughed lightly as she caressed his shoulder.
With her eyes already closed from the previous caresses, Y/N felt her boyfriend gently place his lips on hers, it was enough to melt her completely, no matter how many times they kissed even after so much time together, she felt the same things from the beginning, as if she were that dreamy little girl.
One of Chanyeol's hands went to her face, the big warm palm caressing her skin as they kept the same slow rhythm. Y/N took the opportunity to bring a hand to the back of his neck and caress the short strands of hair.
She felt him smile between the kiss and pulled away, causing her to complain.
"Hey, baby." he spoke softly and she opened her eyes, staring at him. "Don't worry, we'll be able to hide our relationship long enough."
Chanyeol was live in his study on Instagram just over 15 minutes ago. He talked to the fans, answered questions, sang, showed some demos of songs he was working on.
All because he was bored that afternoon, his girlfriend was too busy with her own schedule and would probably be late, it was enough time to interact with the fans for a while.
A week had passed since the leaked photos of the concert they went to together and some fans were still asking about Y/N in the chat, he smiled sideways but pretended not to see.
They had agreed to hold back the relationship news for a longer time, for the sake of Y/N's group promotions, anyway the company had already released both of them to announce it whenever they wanted but Chanyeol wanted it to be special, they had been together for a long time it was true, but he wanted to take a new step with her.
He was so busy with his guitar, playing as he always did in his spare time, that he didn't hear the studio door open.
Y/N walked on tiptoe so as not to make any noise, smiling mischievously without noticing that the camera was on.
"Hi, love. I'm home." she hummed and the boyfriend turned around completely shocked, his eyes looked like they were going to pop out.
She didn't understand why he stood there with the guitar in his lap, usually he always dropped everything and ran to hug her and kiss her all over her face.
However all he did was point his head back to where the camera was and Y/N followed with her eyes, feeling her heart race when she saw her boyfriend's screen.
"Is it live?" she asked quietly and shyly as she saw the chat going crazy.
"Yes." he replied, laughing nervously.
"Huh… I'll leave then, I'll let you do what you're doing." She stuttered and a nervous laugh came out. Chanyeol chuckled, scratching his head and looked at the screen. He could even keep track of the comments because they came in so quickly. "I'm so sorry! Oh my God."
"It's okay, babe." he chuckled again and looked back to see Y/N shake her head in disbelief and she clumsily closed the door.
He took a deep breath before looking back at the camera, his eyes lowered to the comments and he chuckled at the comments. Most were freaking out over Y/N's surprise appearance, but the other half were all the same 'Are they dating??'.
"Yeah guys, I guess now you know." he shrugged, and propped his elbow on the table and put his face in his hand, moving closer to the screen to read better, and to hide his huge smile.
Chanyeol laughed when he read a comment and had to agree.
They suck at hiding lol that's what makes them perfect for each other.
Note: I just wanted to say this is the face I pictured him making when Y/N walked in the room 👇🏻 BYE
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yeolsaintlaurent · 8 months
Crimson Veins, Midnight Flames ch.1 [BBH]
pairing - baekhyun x fem reader
genre - mature, smut, thriller
themes - Social Divide, Ambition and Privilege, Dark Desires, Identity and Self-Discovery, Love triangle, Sex, Mystery and Gothic Elements
Synopsis - Explore the intricate world of Oxford University, where Baekhyun, a scholarship student, intertwines with the wealthy elite led by Sehun Oh and Y/N Van der Bilt. Against the backdrop of seductive parties and concealed love, the tale unfolds at the grand Ivy Crest Estate in the picturesque town of Willowbrook. Here, secrets and power plays unravel, revealing a collision between societal expectations and personal truths, with gothic nuances weaving through the rich tapestry of privilege and deceit. This is where the heart of the story beats, echoing with the footsteps of characters entwined in a dance of love, betrayal, and hidden mysteries.
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A/N - Hi my lovelies~ I am so so so excited to be sharing this new series with you guys. Ever since I watched Saltburn at the cinema, I had wanted to write a fic inspired by it. As always, let me know what you guys think about my new series. <3
Chapter 1: Freshman Impressions
The air at Oxford University was alive with anticipation as freshmen flooded the campus, eager faces filled with excitement and trepidation. Banners fluttered in the crisp autumn breeze, welcoming the newcomers to a journey of knowledge and self-discovery. The courtyards were abuzz with freshmen finding their way, guided by the hopeful energy that marked the beginning of their academic adventure.
Baekhyun, clad in his drab attire, navigated through the sea of unfamiliar faces with wide-eyed wonder. His jet-black hair, styled in an old-fashioned way, hinted at his reserved personality. The banners overhead welcomed the freshmen, but Baekhyun felt like a stranger in a foreign land, an outcast amidst the throngs of students who seemed to effortlessly find their place.
As he lugged his bags, Baekhyun's gaze wandered, taking in the vibrant atmosphere. He saw students with smiles that mirrored the banners' enthusiasm, groups forming friendships that would last a lifetime, and laughter that echoed through the courtyards. His introverted nature left him feeling like an observer on the fringe of a world that he yearned to belong to.
The first day unfolded like a whirlwind, a cascade of introductions, campus tours, and the overwhelming realization that the journey ahead was as daunting as it was promising. Baekhyun, however, found himself struggling to connect with anyone. Ignored and brushed off when seeking directions to his dormitory, he felt the weight of his scholarship status more acutely than ever.
Upon reaching his dorm room, Baekhyun peered out of the window overlooking the courtyard, a view that would become a daily spectacle. It was there, amidst the crowd, that he saw Y/N for the first time. Her uber fashionable outfit, designer bag and shoes, and captivating beauty drew his attention like a moth to a flame. She stood with her friends chatting away, a cigarette in hand, an embodiment of the privilege that seemed so distant from his own reality.
Despite the magnetic pull he felt toward Y/N, Baekhyun remained introverted and nervous. He watched her from a distance, his silent admiration painting a picture of unspoken desire. The window-sill overlooking the courtyard became his silent refuge, and Y/N's presence, a beacon of aspiration in his mundane world.
The University's welcome reception dinner, a grand affair filled with chatter and clinking cutlery, brought Baekhyun face-to-face with the stark realities of his social standing. Most seats were occupied, and the few attempts to find a place were met with dismissive glances. Eventually settling into a solitary spot, Baekhyun's solitude was interrupted by Chanyeol.
"Hey mate, mind if I sit here?" Chanyeol asked, already pulling out a chair opposite to him.
Baekhyun, surprised by the friendly gesture, nodded. "Uh, sure. Go ahead."
Chanyeol flashed a friendly grin as he settled into the chair. "I'm Chanyeol, Chanyeol Park. What's your major?"
"Baekhyun Byun," he replied, still adjusting to the social interaction. "Psychology."
"Sound choice!" Chanyeol exclaimed. "I'm going for Business Administration. Got big shoes to fill as the family heir and all that."
The grand hall echoed with the chatter of students, and the vibrant atmosphere contrasted with Baekhyun's more reserved demeanor. As Chanyeol animatedly shared stories, the world around Baekhyun seemed to fade into the background, and his undecipherable expressions spoke volumes.
Chanyeol, with his outgoing personality, remained oblivious to the intricacies playing out in Baekhyun's mind. The topic veered towards Y/N as Baekhyun's gaze occasionally flickered toward her table, a subtle yet persistent attraction that Chanyeol noticed with a knowing smirk.
"I see where your interests lie," Chanyeol teased, nudging Baekhyun with a playful grin. Baekhyun responded with a nonchalant shrug, but his expressions betrayed a depth of emotion that went beyond mere acknowledgment.
Leaning in conspiratorially, Chanyeol continued his narrative. "That one there, whispering sweet nothings in her ear? That's Sehun Oh. Summered in Spain together after sixth form, so they're practically inseparable now." 
Chanyeol, always eager to share insights, revealed another layer to the story. "Sehun and I are good mates. Our fathers are business partners, and I've been a frequent guest at the Van der Bilt family galas at their estate," he confided in Baekhyun, unaware of the internal turmoil brewing within the quieter companion.
With each word, Chanyeol's extroverted energy almost felt like an intrusion for Baekhyun, who continued to listen to the endless stream of information about Sehun and Y/N. The dynamics between the trio unfolded in the narratives Chanyeol wove, and Baekhyun's expressions served as a silent canvas for emotions that ran deeper than the surface suggested.
Two weeks later :
The day of the first assessments arrived, and Baekhyun, armed with a sharp mind and a focused determination, emerged from the exam hall. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the bustling courtyard. As the other students dispersed, Baekhyun, oblivious to the world around him, made his way to the nearest notice board. The anticipation of upcoming exams lingered, and he scrutinized the posted details for any schedule changes or possible rearrangements of exam halls.
Lost in the sea of information, Baekhyun suddenly became aware of a commotion nearby. A voice, soft but urgent, reached his ears, seeking a graphing calculator amidst the departing students. He hesitated, not wanting to be drawn into the social currents that flowed around him. The solitary pursuit of knowledge called to him, urging him to retreat to the quiet confines of his dorm room for a session of solitary reading.
A tap on his shoulder shattered his reverie, and Baekhyun turned, finding himself face-to-face with the very object of his admiration—Y/N. Time seemed to freeze, and he felt a strange mixture of elation and nervousness as she stood before him. Her flustered demeanor and earnest expression captivated him, momentarily blurring the lines between his introverted world and the vibrant social tapestry around him.
Y/N, with a hint of desperation in her voice, asked if he had a spare graphing calculator. She explained that she needed it for her upcoming exam and had forgotten her own. Baekhyun, still in the grip of surprise, felt his hands instinctively reaching into his corduroy messenger bag. Without uttering a word, he handed her the calculator, a simple yet profound act of kindness.
The transformation in Y/N's expression was instantaneous. Gratitude and happiness radiated from her as she clutched the calculator in her hands. In a burst of genuine emotion, she planted a quick but heartfelt kiss on Baekhyun's cheek, catching him completely off guard. Before he could fully comprehend the moment, she enveloped him in a warm hug, expressing her thanks.
"I'll get it back to you! Thank you so much!!" her voice echoed behind her as she sprinted towards her exam hall. Baekhyun stood there, frozen for a moment longer, the weight of the unexpected encounter lingering in the air. The courtyard resumed its rhythm, but for Baekhyun, a simple act of generosity had set in motion a chain of events of social dynamics and hidden desires.
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bobohu4eva · 2 months
Part 1/2
Characters: Reader x Baekhyun
Genre: College AU, Baekhyun as an adorable art student and campus heartthrob, shy OC, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, angst, eventual smut
WC: 8.3k
Warnings: Harassment, alcohol consumption
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The streets of Seoul set your mind ablaze in all their bright, manicured chaos.
 It had been three years since your first time in the city, but again it sucked you right in without as much as a glimpse of hesitation. Not unlike you with a bowl of your favorite ramyun.
The American midwest had its charms, if you looked hard enough, but your eyes were getting tired. The city had always been more your speed, and Seoul was, in your mind, the absolute best there was. When the opportunity finally came to spend your last year of college at Korea University you eagerly took it. 
No matter the area, the time of day, or one's specific interests, there was always a good chance that something uniquely enticing was just around the corner, waiting to be discovered. Getting bored wasn’t an option, even for those who might crave it every now and then. 
Patience, like boredom, was not on the menu in Seoul either. Ppalli-ppalli is what they call it, ‘quickly-quickly, the culture that drives the city to cater perfectly to the needs of those as antsy, or really just anxious, as yourself. It’s hard to overthink for hours when there is so much constantly changing and happening around you, demanding your attention. You found that profoundly comforting. 
Independence had always been a strength of yours, so the first several weeks flew by, but by the third week, and then the fourth, even you got a little lonely. 
After a few years studying the language, your Korean was decent. Passable. But fluent, you were not. Ordering in restaurants, reading directions and street signs, that was no problem, but having to make any kind of meaningful conversation was humbling, to say the least. 
It was a relief to finally get a roommate, Heejin, another senior at the university. She was thrilled to practice her English with you, and you your Korean with her. 
Before you knew it the semester was starting, and right on your first day of classes, you noticed him. Surrounded by a large group of friends all laughing together, he was at the center in all his beauty. 
It would be hard not to notice him, really, given his clothing. They were unusually colorful, in contrast to the muted neutrals most Koreans favor, and were often dotted with what looked like paint stains, mainly shades of yellow and gold. In the crowded lecture hall, he was a sliver of sunlight against the sea of black, brown, and gray. 
He wore round glasses, which framed kind, puppy-like eyes the color of your favorite chocolate. The dark curls of his hair were perfectly fluffy, and his lips perfectly pink. Moles and freckles decorated his nose and cheeks generously.
You struggled not to stare. He was just so pretty. Especially when you saw him smile. Just the sight of him laughing at a joke you hadn’t even heard, brought a smile to your face. 
He was shining, glowing, radiating so much warmth you’d blissfully forgotten the still looming chill of early spring. 
“That’s Baekhyun, he’s a studio arts major, pretty much every girl I know has a crush on him. I get it, though, he is super cute, he seems really nice, too, though I don’t really know him myself.” Heejin told you, when you asked about him that same evening.
Against your better judgment, or any rational thought, really, you let yourself be drawn to him, taking your seat the next day in the row directly in front of his. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but you couldn’t help it, listening in on him and his friends' conversations before class started. He was whitty, charming, and effortlessly funny, though he never made jokes at anyone else’s expense, like his friends did. He seemed like a genuinely sweet guy, just like your roommate had said. And basically every girl on campus saw it too, along with how devastatingly cute he was. 
Despite feeling relatively confident in the subject matter of all your classes, you still did your best to fade into the background and avoid being called on by the professors. Trying to sound smart and confident wasn’t something your Korean skills (or still slightly fragile psyche) were up to yet.
But as fate would have it, you couldn’t avoid talking in class forever. At the end of the second week, during your last class of the day, you were called on to answer something pretty simple, yet you still ended up stumbling over your words, sounding awkward at best. 
You easily picked up on the snide comments and snickers coming from the girls behind you. Back home you would’ve thrown her a mean side eye at the very least, but now you just kept your head down. Making enemies so early on here couldn’t be a good idea. Not only that, but you knew Baekhyun would be witness to all of it. 
“Sumin, it took you three tries to pass elementary English, talking about someone else’s language skills is wild.” 
His voice was just as lovely as the rest of him, so you didn’t even have to turn around to be sure who’d said it, but you still did. There was a small reassuring smile on his lips, and a pout on hers. He’d said it so casually, like it was nothing, but it definitely meant a hell of a lot to you. 
She was gorgeous, and you’d wondered in the past if there was something going on between them. But Baekhyun didn't appear all that impressed with her, at least not the way she clearly was with him. 
You kept replaying it in your mind, until finally class was over, and you headed quickly towards the door, worried you’d be hearing more rude comments. 
“Hey! Y/n, right?” 
“Huh?” Too shocked to fully react, you spun around to see him walking straight towards you. 
“I’m Baekhyun, sorry about my friend earlier. You’re an exchange student, right?” His English was nearly perfect, the slight accent he had making him sound even more endearing. 
“Yeah… Thank you, by the way. How do you know my name?” 
“Well, you do kind of stand out. In a good way though.” 
He was grinning, looking gorgeous as ever, even in a simple red tshirt and jeans, dotted with the usual colorful specks of paint. Now that he was standing so close to you, you got a good idea of how tall he was, and although he wasn’t the biggest, most muscular guy you’d ever seen, his shoulders were surprisingly broad, and his arms looked sturdy. As your eyes stayed glued to his form, your mind wandered off, thinking about how lovely it must feel to get a hug from him. 
It occurred to you then that he must’ve asked someone about you, the same way you’d asked about him. 
“I do?” You asked, starting to make your way towards the building’s exit. 
“Well, yeah, there are other foreigners going here too of course, but I’m sure most of them don’t get as much attention as you.” 
You blushed, not wanting to read into it too deeply, but you wondered if that was his way of telling you that he thought you were cute. 
“I don’t know about that…” 
“So, where are you headed now?” He asked, holding the door as you both left the building. 
“Back to my dorm, that was my last class of the day.” 
“Same, can I walk with you?”
“Sure, it’s a little far though.” 
He shrugged, “I don't mind.” 
As he accompanied you across campus, you couldn’t help but wonder why he was being so nice. He seemed like a nice person, of course, but he didn’t know you at all. You weren’t even an artsy type like he was. 
“You’re an art student, right? Is that why some of your clothes have paint on them?”
He nodded, a big beautiful smile on his face. “My favorite is oil paints, and they stain like crazy so now I just let it happen, I kinda like the way it looks.” 
“I like it too.” 
“Yeah? Maybe I could paint on your clothes too sometime.” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “I don’t think I could pull it off.” 
“What? Of course you could, if I can then you definitely can.” He teased, swaying slightly as he took his next step, letting his shoulder brush your own. 
It was troublingly easy for him to make you blush, and you hoped he didn’t notice just how flustered he was making you, without even really doing anything. 
“What about you? What's your major?” 
“International business, I've wanted to move here for years, and that major was recommended to me for this exchange program.” 
“Well, I'm glad you finally made it.” He grinned, warm and lovely, and if you hadn’t known better, you might’ve thought that he was flirting with you. “You're from America, right?” 
You nodded. 
“What made you want to move to Korea?” 
“My favorite professor back in the states was Korean, she told me that she thought I would do well here, and introduced me to the culture, the language, all of it. I eventually came here for a week-long spring break thing, and ended up liking it a lot.” 
Even from the outer echelons of your gaze, his smile was still bright as ever, those beautiful kind eyes fixated on you with intent. You couldn’t look back at him, not yet, your fragile heart needed time. He wondered why the architecture of the surrounding buildings suddenly became of such keen interest to you.  
“What about you? Why art?” 
He shrugged, “I've always been the creative type, ever since I was a kid. I can’t really imagine doing anything else at this point.” 
“I'd love to see some of your work, if you'd be willing to show me.” 
“Of course!” His face lit up even more, somehow, and he immediately pulled out his phone, opening up a photo album of his recent projects and handing it to you. 
You assumed he’d be pretty good just based on how popular he was, but when you got a good look at some of his work, it stopped you dead in your tracks. You froze, swiping through some of the pictures, speechless. 
“Do you like them?” 
You let out a short laugh, more in disbelief than anything else. “Are you kidding? These are amazing, you’re so talented.” 
Most of his paintings were dreamlike scenes bathed in yellow and gold, bright shapes and colors coming through in the most beautiful ways, creating so much atmosphere and movement, even just through the screen of his phone. They all depicted people, mostly women, just going about their normal lives, but the colorful and abstract nature of his style made it all so much more alluring to look at. Without a doubt, he had a real gift. 
He just shrugged, “I do my best.” 
You were a little disappointed to reach your dorm so soon, and have to tell him goodbye, though he assured you he would see you in class. For the first time, you actually looked forward to it, the promise of seeing him and his wonderful smile again making all of your previous uncertainty melt into comparative irrelevance. 
When the next class period came around, you’d expected to hear him sit down behind you with the rest of his friends. You did hear his friends sit down, talking among themselves, but he walked right past them, sitting down next to you instead. 
He started asking you about the homework, totally casual, and you had to act like you weren’t internally screaming the entire time. You acted as normal as you could, all the while feeling Sumin’s eyes like sharpened pencils stabbing into the back of your skull.
Eventually class started, and that took your mind off things at least a little, but as soon as the professor dismissed everyone Baekhyun was once again asking if he could walk you home, and of course, you agreed. 
An awkward silence filled the air as you tried to find something to talk about, but just having him there next to you made you so embarrassingly shy, you could hardly think straight. As he held the door for you, that disgustingly sweet fluttering sensation filled your belly, and while familiar, you’d never experienced it to such a degree. 
“Do you have a favorite painter?” You eventually blurted out. It was the first thing that came to mind, and to your relief, he seemed excited to answer. 
“Yeah! I mean, there are a ton that I love, but the one I’m most inspired by in my own work is Gustav Klimt, the way he combines art nouveau, with more classical and Japanese influences, it's so cool. I try to do something similar, but with a more Korean flair. He was really controversial during his time too, but he didn’t care and just did what he liked anyway.” 
“Why was he controversial?” 
“Well…” He cleared his throat, and you swore, for a second, it looked like he was blushing. For once, he wasn’t looking at you, seemingly avoiding eye contact himself. “Many of his really famous pieces are of women, usually without clothes on. There’s a lot of symbolism around sexuality and eroticism, so early 20th century Austria labeled his work as pornographic.” 
“Well it was the 1910’s!” He replied, maybe a little too quickly, “One rogue boob was enough to thoroughly scandalize them, you know what I mean, right?” 
You smiled, comforted by the fact that he actually seemed to be the one getting flustered now. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Different time.” 
“He was ahead of his time, for sure. That's one of the things I love about him and his work.” 
He just kept gushing about the different pieces he liked best, showing them to you on his phone, talking about the different motifs and what it was about them that he loved. It was so sweet, his enthusiasm for it, and you took it all in happily.
You could listen to him talk about art all day long. You could see the sparkle in his eyes, the passion and excitement he had for it, and you were almost jealous of him, that he was so great at something that he loved so much. Sadly though, you soon made it back to your dorm again. However this time, when you turned to start walking up the steps, he stopped you. 
“Wait, um, if you wouldn’t mind, could I get your number?” 
You stared back at him for a minute, happy but surprised, before nodding. He handed you his phone and you added your contact, heart beating rapidly, trying your best not to look as excited as you felt. 
When you reached your room, you saw the first text from him, one of the paintings he’d shown you. It was the same colorful yet overwhelmingly golden color scheme you’d seen in his own work, and depicted a man kissing a woman on the cheek. The racing of your heart took several minutes to return to a more normal pace. 
As the semester went on, he always sat with you, and always walked you home. It took you another few weeks to really start opening up to him, but as you gradually did, his kind and warm demeanor made you feel at ease. He asked you about your family, your hobbies, whatever he could to get to know you better. You told him about your love for music, your favorite artists, and he always listened intently. He’d check out songs you recommended, and singers he’d never heard of, seeming as eager as you to get to meet again and discuss them more in depth. 
Even as you talked to him about more personal matters, he never made you feel judged, always keeping an open heart and mind. That was another thing about him that you grew to admire. 
You loved Seoul, and Korean culture, but learned that people could be more judgemental, and on the basis of quite superficial matters. Not only that, but these judgements were perfectly acceptable to express, adding an extra layer of pressure to everyday life. Baekhyun, however, didn’t partake in any of it. 
Despite how attractive, popular, and as you came to learn, wealthy, he was, he never talked down to anyone. Jokes of that sort, that were normal to basically all of his friends, he wouldn’t react to, noticing the way he’d steer the conversation away from such topics when they came up. 
He was accepting of everyone, regardless of their status, appearance, or various other factors. He was friends with basically everyone, too. As he’d walk with you he would always be greeting people left and right, giving everyone a smile and a friendly wave, never once ignoring someone or showing any condescension. He was just good. 
His kindness, as lovely as it was, unfortunately also made you realize how not special you were to him. It was simply in his nature to be kind, even to those who might not deserve it, or could get the wrong idea. It was obvious how many girls had crushes on him, and though it never contained any malicious intent, he flirted with basically all of them. It was just part of his good nature. When he could tell someone liked him, he liked to make them happy. He never purposely misled anyone, or got their hopes up, but you still saw it happen time and time again. He would compliment a girl, and she would get all flustered, just like you had, wondering if maybe he really did like her, only to be disappointed when he did the same to her friend. If he wasn’t such a goddamn sweetheart he probably would've been labeled a playboy long ago, but everyone could clearly see that he wasn’t like that. Sleeping around wasn’t something he seemed to do either, though he definitely could’ve if he wanted to.  
All of that being said, you still fell hard for him. It felt silly, being so infatuated and getting so flustered around him due to his sweet words, knowing that there wasn’t anything special about the way he treated you. He was that sweet to all of the girls, and you couldn’t even be mad at him for it, so you learned to hide how you felt. At least you wouldn’t end up looking like a fool that way. 
Walking to class in the mornings always felt like such a chore, especially ever since Baekhyun had started to accompany you on your way back home everyday. You missed his company, and it was usually still quite cold, too, something you hated. Getting to listen to music uninterrupted was the only part that brought you some solace. 
One morning was particularly stressful for you, having overslept the day before an exam, already late to the very necessary hour of studying you’d planned before going to your first class. 
You were walking quicker than usual, headphones on, focused on making it to the library. However none of that seemed to deter the guy who started walking alongside you, now talking at you, motioning for you to take your headphones off. 
Annoyed as you were, you didn’t want to be rude either. You took off the headphones, telling him, “Sorry, I’m kind of in a hurry.” 
He didn’t seem to care, and when you started putting your headphones back on, he grabbed them from you. 
You stared at him, clearly pissed off and in slight disbelief, but still, he just kept walking, now uncomfortably close to you. “I’m Jaeyong. I’ve seen you around, you’re really pretty. My dad basically owns this whole place, you know.” 
“Oh yeah?” You tried to take your headphones back, but he kept them out of reach. 
You’d seen him around campus too, surrounded by a posse of other rich kids, though they weren’t the kind Baekhyun associated with, and it was easy to see why. You immediately had a bad feeling about the guy. 
“Can I get your number? We should go out sometime, I only date foreign girls. You guys are way less stuck up than the girls here, more open minded.” 
Oh lord. You’d been warned about guys like him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Come on, don’t be a bitch. At least give me your number.” 
You ignored what he said, trying again to get ahold of your headphones, and he still refused to give them back. 
“You’d be lucky to go on a date with someone like me, you know.” 
“Sorry, but I’m not interested. Can I please get my headphones back now?” 
“What? You have a boyfriend or something?” 
He’d been following you long enough that you were already in front of the library, and you really didn’t want him to follow you inside. For your own sanity, but also to spare the other students the annoyance, knowing he likely still wouldn’t shut up. 
Unfortunately when you didn’t go inside, he ended up backing you up to the side of the building, blocking you into a corner. 
“You can get your headphones back if you agree to go on a date with me.” His face was so close to your own you could smell his breath, turning away from him, refusing to respond. “Come on Y/n. You know you want to.” 
The greasy smirk on his face made you feel sick. You didn’t remember ever giving him your name.
“I really need to go study.” 
“I said, don’t be a bitch. It would be really stupid of you to reject me.” He spat, a jarring change in his tone.
He was no longer smiling, either, clearly getting frustrated with you. Fear started to take over, and you decided you could get new headphones later, you just needed to get away. You tried to get past him, but his hand on your shoulder shoved you against the side of the building roughly, painfully, and panic quickly set in, tears forming in your eyes. He didn’t even seem to care that there were other people around, clearly confident nobody would bother to stop him. 
He was talking again, and you could hear the malice in his voice, though you were too scared to even really tell what he was saying anymore, cheeks now wet, repeating again and again to please just leave you alone. Your shoulder ached, still being held against the brick wall hard enough that you knew it would bruise. 
Your eyes were squeezed shut, shaking your head, and suddenly the hand on your shoulder was gone. You collapsed to the ground, only vaguely aware of the voices around you. 
There was a cacophony of “Leave her alone”, “Mind your business”, “Fuck off”, and more coming from only a few feet away but you just sat slumped against the wall, wishing it would all go away. 
The sudden touch from a pair of hands taking hold of your own made you jump. You finally opened your eyes again, and to your great relief, it wasn't the guy who’d been bothering you, it was Baekhyun. 
“Y/n? Are you okay?” 
A pair of concerned eyes met your own, feeling his thumbs as they softly ran across the backs of your hands. You stared back at him, dumbfounded, too stunned to speak. He was crouched down in front of you where you still sat against the wall, the other man nowhere to be seen. 
“Please say something.” 
“I- I don’t know.” 
You didn’t notice, but Baekhyun grew increasingly aware of the people starting to gather around. His grip on your hands tightened and he pulled you back up to your feet, disappearing into the library with you. He made his way into the first empty study room he could find, his hand still firmly holding your own. 
Now that you knew you were actually safe the adrenaline finally began to wear off. Baekhyun pulled out a chair for you to sit, so you did, and he soon followed. He moved so he was facing you instead of the table, and you tried to do the same, but when you braced yourself against the table and put even the slightest pressure on it, pain shot up towards your shoulder, making you wince. 
He caught on right away, moving your chair for you. 
“Are you hurt?” 
Embarrassment slowly took hold now that you’d come to realize the gravity of the situation. As much as you didn’t want him to worry about you, you knew you couldn’t just lie, either. 
“It isn’t too bad, I’ll be okay.” You were avoiding his eyes, growing more and more shy by the second. “You should get to class, I need to study anyway.” 
The softness and confusion in his voice pierced through your heart, even with only that one word. He was moving closer, and you hadn't even realized that you were still crying, not until his thumb began to gently wipe your tears away. 
You were painfully aware of the rapid increase in your heart rate, as well as the redness spreading across your cheeks. He was so close now, his hands delicate on your face, looking at you with those beautiful brown eyes swimming with unease, still so worried about you.
His eyes moved to your shoulder, and his hand to the collar of your sweater.
“Can I..?” 
You nodded, turning that side of your body towards him, and he slowly moved the fabric aside. 
Seeing how his eyes widened, you looked down, and saw the blue and purple bruises for yourself. 
“You are hurt. Let's get you to a nurse.” He said as he stood, but you stayed seated. 
“Baekhyun, it's ok, I can go by myself later, you don't have to do all this.” 
“Yeah, I do. I want to help.” He said, and held out his hand, beckoning you to get up and go with him. His eyes met yours, holding your gaze with intent. You couldn’t say no to him, not when he looked at you like that. His hand was warm when you finally took it, gratefully accepting his kindness, bashful as you were. 
His hand stayed holding yours the entire way to the health services building. It wasn't far, but you still noticed the looks you got, especially from other girls. 
You assumed that Baekhyun would leave for class once he dropped you off, but he didn't. He took a seat with you as you waited for your name to be called, and soon enough, you were being led down the hallway, with him still by your side. 
“Sorry, your boyfriend can't come in the room with you.” Said the nurse, and you and Baekhyun exchanged nervous glances, though neither said anything to correct her.. 
He sat himself down in a nearby chair to wait, and you followed the nurse into the room. When you returned, he still wore that same nervous expression, asking, “How bad is it?” 
His sweetness brought a long overdue smile to your face. “Not bad.” You said, and pulled your sweater aside to show him the tape and bandages. “No heavy lifting for a few weeks, and I should try not to move it too much, but nothing serious.” 
Finally, you saw him ease up a bit, showing you a small smile as well. “Can I walk you to class?” 
You nodded, and he was once again by your side as you headed across campus, though this time without his hand holding yours. As much as you tried to deny it, you missed the feeling. Once or twice you felt his hand brush up against your own, and you wondered if he was thinking the same thing, but you knew you shouldn’t get caught up in those kinds of thoughts. 
“I don’t want to intrude, but if you’d like- I mean, if it would make you feel more comfortable, I could walk with you in the mornings, too, and between classes.”
As he said it his eyes were fixed on his hands, fidgeting with a ring he had on. 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to make you late, or be a bother.” 
“It’s no problem at all! Really, I think I would also feel better, just knowing that you’re safe.” 
“Oh..I would like that, yeah.” You found yourself looking down at the pavement, blushing, mind once again wandering off, the sickly sweet feeling fluttering within you. When you turned onto a larger road, you didn’t miss the way his hand gently took hold of your good shoulder, positioning himself between you and the street.
You went on to text him your class schedule, and he happily agreed to walk with you wherever you needed to go, though you still found it hard to believe that he wouldn’t end up making himself late as a result. He seemed so happy to do it, though, you didn’t question him any further. When you thought about the very real possibility of running into Jaeyong again, you were grateful you’d have Baekhyun by your side. 
He waved you goodbye when you got to class, and when it was over he was in the same spot, already waiting for you. 
It went on like that for the rest of the day, with him being his usual wonderful self. You could tell that he was trying his best to brighten your day after it started so badly, and you appreciated it more than you could put into words. During your last class, he was joking around more than usual, complimenting you more, making you smile every chance he got. When it was finally time to say goodbye for the day back at your dorm, you didn’t want to let him go.
The next morning, true to his word, he was there waiting for you when you walked outside. Instead of heading towards campus, though, he insisted you sit down on the closest bench, “I have a surprise for you.” He said. 
You played along, sitting down, following his directions to cover your eyes. He seemed to rummage around in his backpack for a minute, then set something down on your lap. 
He gently took hold of your wrists, moving your hands aside, and you finally got a good look at the surprise he’d prepared. 
It was a pair of headphones. The same model you’d had, but the newest version. Your old pair had been expensive enough, you almost couldn’t believe that he actually spent the money on a replacement. 
“Do you like it? I tried to get your old pair back yesterday, but that asshole broke them.” 
As much as you wanted to fight him and insist it was too much, he looked so excited, the smile on his beautiful face so pure, you just couldn’t bring yourself to do so. You grinned back at him, standing up to throw your arms around him without a second thought. The way he hugged you back was just as amazing as you’d always imagined it would be. He was warm, his chest and arms firm in the most comforting way, and even the way he smelled was addictive. His embrace was nothing short of perfect, and it took everything in you not to whine when it inevitably came to an end. 
“Thank you.”
“I know how much you love music, so I figured a nice pair of headphones would be pretty important to you.” 
“It is, this is so sweet, I don’t even know what to say.” 
He grinned, a teasing look on his face, “I wouldn’t mind another hug, if that’s easier.” 
Your smile told him more than enough. This time, he was the one to pull you in, and he held you even tighter, letting the embrace linger for a moment longer. You put the headphones in your backpack, and started walking to class. 
“You know I think that's the first time I've ever heard you call someone an asshole.” 
“Well he really, really is.” He laughed. “I couldn't stand him even before he did all that. It's not the first time he's done that kind of thing either, but nobody ever stops him since his family donates a ton of money to the university and is on the board of directors.” 
“That's awful..” 
“Yeah he's the worst. How's your shoulder?” 
“It only hurts if I put pressure on it or move it wrong, it’s really not too bad.”  
You didn't have the heart to tell him that it did kind of hurt when he hugged you, but you'd happily deal with the slight discomfort of it, if it meant you'd get to do it more often. 
He seemed to catch on anyway, only lightly holding onto your good side when you got to class and he told you goodbye. You wondered if he'd been thinking about holding you the same way you had been for weeks, now that he seemed so keen on it. 
Every time he was sweet to you, you felt yourself falling for him even harder. Just walking with him was enough to turn you into a giddy mess, gradually falling in love with every little part of him. Whenever you felt especially shy, you would ask him about different art projects he was working on and he would show you, going on and on about what inspired it, the different motifs and themes. His voice always calmed you down after a little while, but by then, you'd usually be home or at your next class. 
For days you thought about inviting him over, telling yourself you'd finally just do it, but always chickening out at the last minute. With how he treated you, you started to think that if he was alone with you, he might actually make a move. Maybe.
It wasn't until the end of midterms that you finally worked up the courage to invite him in. 
He asked what you were up to that evening, as he usually would, and you told him that you were just going to study for the exam the next day, in the class you shared with him. 
“Me too.” He said, looking at you with an expression you couldn't quite read as you got to the entrance of your dorm. 
There was a moment of awkward silence as you both stood there, not yet wanting to let him leave, and it seemed to you that he didn't want that either.
He moved closer, about to hug you goodbye when your hand landed on his shoulder. 
He froze, swallowing, glancing nervously at the door. 
“If you’re just gonna study tonight too, would you want to maybe come inside and study together?” 
You braced yourself for the rejection, already dreading the excuse he would make, so it came as a surprise when he showed you a big dazzling grin. 
“That sounds great, sure.” 
You didn't miss Heejins face when he walked through the door with you, raising her eyebrows suggestively with a grin on her lips as soon as his back was turned. 
“Baekhyun, this is my roommate Heejin.” 
He smiled and greeted her, and you knew she'd be bombarding you with questions as soon as he was gone again.
You led him to your room, getting out your textbook and settling in on your bed, with him right next to you. 
Part of you hoped that he wouldn't be all that keen on actually studying and you'd be able to just talk and hang out. Maybe, he would even make a move. Unfortunately though, he really did want to study.
Even as you both studied in silence, he somehow still managed to make the room feel far hotter than it realistically was. You felt his eyes on you more often than seemed normal, and a few times you'd looked back up at him, but he'd always quickly returned his attention to his textbook. He kept inching closer to you as well, every brush of his shoulder or thigh against your own increasing your heart rate. 
You probably stole a few too many glances at him too, but he just kept drawing you in. Every detail of his face looked so kissable, your mind drifted away from your class work, wishing he was in your bed as more than just a friend. 
Every time he would turn a page his hands caught your attention. The mole on his thumb was so cute, you thought, just another part of him you found yourself becoming obsessed with. 
Hours went by in what felt like minutes, and when you both started yawning, you decided to call it a night. He hugged you again before leaving, only holding onto the side that wasn’t hurt. 
You were proud of yourself for actually taking the initiative and inviting him in. The way he’d kept looking up from the textbook at you, more often than felt normal, kept replaying in your mind. As much as you didn’t want to fall victim to his charm only to be disappointed later, you couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, he really did like you the same way you liked him. 
You couldn’t get him out of your head as you got ready for bed that night, and even as you tried to go to sleep, his soft smiles and the way his thigh brushed against your own consumed your thoughts. Your mind wandered off, wondering how he’d react if you made some kind of move on him, though you knew you’d never actually have the confidence to do so. The idea of him reciprocating any of it, kissing you, touching you, almost seemed like it would be worth it. However the possibility of rejection, of losing his friendship, was still too scary for you to consider it. 
It was well past midnight when you finally started dozing off, but the sound of your phone pulled you back to reality. For a second you considered just ignoring it until morning, but something inside told you not to. It must've been intuition, because when you did look, it turned out to be a text from him. 
Are you awake? 
You replied pretty much right away, 
Yeah, why?
Can I call?
Fuck. Before you even had the chance to properly freak out, his caller ID was flashing across the screen. You picked up. 
“Hi, y/n. Sorry to call so late, I can't sleep.” 
“No worries, is everything okay?” 
“Yeah.. I think I just wanted to hear your voice.” 
“Is that weird to say?” 
“No! I mean, you could call me at any ungodly hour and I'd probably still pick up, to be honest.” 
The words slipped out before you had any real chance to think about what you were saying, and true as it was, you were still grateful he wasn't there to see how hard you were blushing. 
“Really? That's awfully tempting… I might end up keeping you up a lot, though. Heejin’s gonna hate me.”
You laughed as quietly as you could, “She has her own bedroom, she'll be fine.”  
“Thank you again, by the way, for inviting me in today.”
Your cheeks ached with how hard you were smiling, staring up at your ceiling with the phone pressed to your ear. 
“It's nice to have some company. I always get so distracted when I try to study by myself.” 
“Well, if I hadn't put it off for so long I probably would've just talked the whole time. I don't know if I'm really a good study partner, but if you want company again just let me know.” 
“Well next time don't procrastinate so much, dummy.” 
“So you're cool with me distracting you?” You could hear it in his voice, the way he grinned as he said it. 
“Maybe a little..”
A brief pause.
“Did you have a boyfriend, back in America?” 
The sudden question caught you off guard. 
“No.. why?” 
“Just wondering, I guess… I mean that must be hard, right? Having all your loved ones so far away.” 
You wondered if you should tell him, but decide it would be best to just be honest. 
“Okay that wasn’t entirely true. I was seeing someone, but he wasn’t a boyfriend and I knew I wanted to move here, so I ended it. I do miss my family and friends, but I still talk to them basically every day.”  
“What about when you graduate? Are you gonna move back?” 
“No,” You giggled, amused with how concerned he sounded, “Hopefully not, I like it here.” 
“Thank god” 
“Why? Would you miss me?” 
He was quiet for a moment, dropping the teasing tone and answering with surprising tenderness. 
“Of course I would miss you.” 
“Oh.. I would miss you too.” 
“Awww, cute.” You could practically see the shit-eating grin on his face. 
“You can be such a little shit, you know that?” 
“How am I a little shit?!” He gasped, though even over the phone, you could tell he was just being his usual dramatic self. 
“You get a kick out of fucking with me!” 
“I wasn’t fucking with you! I just genuinely think it's cute that you would miss me, that’s all.” 
“You can’t tell, but I’m rolling my eyes.” 
“What? I’m not allowed to think you’re cute?” 
There was a long pause, and you considered if you should really believe him. It wasn’t that you thought he was being dishonest, you just didn’t want to set yourself up for disappointment. 
“What?” His voice was once again soft, bringing with it a tightness in your chest. 
“Nothing.. It’s just late, I guess, I’m pretty tired.” 
For a while he was quiet. You would’ve given anything to know what was going through his head right then. 
“You’re right.. I’ll let you get some sleep. I’m glad you were still up when I texted you. Goodnight, Y/n.” 
As much as it pained you to hang up, inevitably staying up much much later now that he’d given you so much to think about, his flirting just wasn’t something you knew how to handle. Even if he really did like you, why didn’t he say something more than just playful flirting? It would be a dream if he actually confessed to you, but it was exactly that; just a dream. That was clear enough considering how openly he flirted with other girls around you. 
The next week he was his usual friendly self, walking with you, joking around, though you felt he’d pulled back a bit on the flirting. Part of you was relieved, since it turned you into a blubbering mess, but of course you also missed it. 
He did still keep calling you though, often late at night, when he said he couldn’t sleep. A few times, you’d both even passed out with the call still ongoing. He told you that talking to you calmed him down, and once, he’d even said that he wished you were there with him. You’d laid awake nearly all night, wondering how he’d meant it. Did he just want company? Did he hate sleeping alone? Or did he also want something more than just friendship with you? Either way, until he said something more concrete, you wouldn’t be the one to ask. 
It was during one of those late night phone calls that he invited you to a friend's birthday party. It was at a popular club near the university, and at first you weren’t going to attend, but he managed to talk you into it. After all, he would be there. Alcohol and music also meant dancing, and the possibility of dancing with him was enough to ensure that you’d be there too. 
He wasn’t able to walk you, since he had to help set everything up, so you ended up going alone. Which wasn’t a big deal, in theory, but as someone who’d always been on the more anxious side, it still made you uneasy. Seoul was very safe, that wasn't the problem, it was what would happen once you got there that worried you. Baekhyun was your only friend there. You didn’t want to be a bother and hang onto him all night, since the rest of the guests were basically strangers to you. 
When the time came you wore your favorite outfit, and stepped into the subway towards Hongdae with all the confidence you could muster. 
You arrived a little later than the time he’d told you, not wanting to seem overly eager, and to your relief he already seemed to be waiting for you. When he pulled you in for a hug it was tighter than usual, and the smell of tequila on him was pronounced. You quickly took a shot with him, wondering how many he’d already downed prior to your arrival. 
The club was still relatively empty, but that didn’t seem to bother Baekhyun as he pulled you towards the dance floor. You protested, and he pouted. 
“I don’t really dance, at least not when I’m this sober.” 
Seconds later another shot of tequila was pressed into your palm, and Baekhyun clinked his glass to yours, spilling a little, before you downed them in unison. Before you knew it, he had you on the dance floor. 
It was your first real night out in Seoul, and it left you every bit as breathless as you’d expected. Now happily drunk, you danced with him, back pressed to his chest, both his hands on your hips. 
Any worries you’d had about the amount of alcohol being consumed were long forgotten. You just let the music guide you, swimming in the euphoria of his hands on you and the closeness of your bodies. 
When his warmth behind you disappeared, you spun around to search for him. Without him as an anchor, everything became far more overwhelming. There were more people now, the crowded space growing warmer, almost suffocating, until he burst through with a grin on his gorgeous face and two cups of water in his hands. 
You hadn’t even realized how dearly you needed it until he’d appeared, grateful to drink something other than tequila. When one of your favorite songs began, and you beamed at him, and he beamed back at you even brighter. He remembered, of course he did. He knew all of your favorite music, because you’d told him so much about it. 
Now as you danced, you couldn’t keep your eyes off him. His hands gripped your waist, and your arms were slung around his neck, swaying to the familiar beat, getting lost in the drunken haze of it all. You realized then that he was staring at you just as intensely as you stared at him. 
This is what it’s all about, you thought to yourself. Letting go completely, enjoying the music you love, and sharing it all with your favorite person. His smile shone so brightly, and you mirrored it, unable to imagine a more perfect moment. 
You hardly realized it when he began to drag you off the dance floor. The song had long ended, and as the speakers became more distant, his voice became clear.  
His eyes were bigger than ever as you looked up into them, in awe of their gentle downward slope, their deep brown color, the sincerity always behind them. 
“I want to tell you something.” 
“I..” He trailed off, still looking at you, seeming to lose his train of thought. “You… You look really pretty, you always do, but especially right now.” 
It was nothing he hadn’t told you before, but it still hit you harder than ever. For a while you just held his gaze, until in a burst of blind, drunken, confidence, you moved closer. You stood on the tips of your toes, and ever so softly, you let your lips meet his blushing cheek. Before the confidence could wear off and you’d start to second guess yourself, you pulled him back onto the dance floor. 
You both downed a few more drinks, your attention devoted fully to each other. It was silly, now, to think of how worried you’d been about coming here. You hadn’t had this much fun in ages. 
Eventually you had to excuse yourself to find a bathroom. You stared into the mirror as you fixed your lip gloss, wondering if Baekhyun had a mark on his face, from where you’d kissed him earlier. You liked the idea of other girls knowing that you’d been there. 
You held onto the sink with an iron grip, closing your eyes for a second to steady yourself, all too aware of the way the room spun around you. Drinking this much wasn’t like you, but you were having so much fun, you didn’t care. 
The bright flashing lights and hoards of strangers were disorienting, especially in your intoxicated state. You ended up on a sort of balcony, overlooking the dance floor, trying to find Baekhyun somewhere among the crowd. 
When you finally spotted him, your heart sank to the pit of your stomach. He was dancing with Sumin. 
Everything that happened next felt like it went by in slow motion. 
Her eyes broke away from him, scanning the room, and briefly met yours. You saw her throw her arms around his neck. She kissed him, and he kissed her back. 
The music seemed to wane into a dull buzz, sudden dizziness causing you to stumble. It took you a minute to get your bearings again, but when you did, you pushed your way through the crowd and out onto the street without a second thought. 
It had started to rain. The smell of wet concrete was your only company as you walked towards home, a cruel, painful pit swallowing you from the inside. 
Baekhyun didn’t like you like that, of course he didn’t. He was like that with all the girls. 
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starillusion13 · 1 year
Tumblr media
Pairing: Baekhyun x f! reader
Genre: Angst, Yandere, Dark Fantasy
Warnings: Stalking, possessiveness, restraining acts with chains, knife and blood, obsessive behaviors.
W.C: 3.1k
Note: Thanks for joining the event. thanks to the ones enjoying my works and your reviews are always appreciated and feel free to interact with me.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Request from @anyamaris
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @yeoobin
*under the cut*
“I will be home soon.” Walking through the streets late at night is a relief to you to get some peace and air of comfort. The bell sounds brings your attention towards a house and suddenly a train moves past through the tracks alongside the road. You got startled and your wide eyes looks around to see if anybody noticed you in that situation.
No one is around you, you sigh in relief and went towards your home, putting the phone in your pocket.
A smile appears in shadows.  A gloved hand adjusted the hat on top of head to hide the face properly. The shadowed figure whispered,
“My Bambi.”
Waking up in a dark room filled with the scents of different flowers; all of your favourite. The essence of these variety flowers is making your drowsy state more helpless. You can’t remember what happened to you before being in such a state.
“Help me…”
Rubbing your eyes, you realized that the room has dim light sources from the only candles placed on various light stands all around the room. You tried to sit up when you found yourself on a floor which is so shiny as if you are laying on a mirror because it can perfectly reflect your presence on it. Leaning sideways and balancing your weight on two hands, your attempt to sit on the floor is a success. Lifting up one of your hands to remove the hairs falling over your face to tug them behind your ears earned a groan of pain from you. Your hands feeling so heavy that caused your wrist to ache and then you found the cause for the happening. Hands are tied up in chains connected to the chains tying up your leg, the other end of the chain is getting dispersed into the dark corner of the room.
“Why am I tied with chains? Who even tied me up?”
Thinking hard to remember what happened to you in last moments.
Several memories popped up starting from morning when you found a letter and a bouquet at the front door like everyday. You were giggling to the sweet words and the praises written all over the letter, the sender ended the letter with a signature which can be read as BAMBI. You were sure it is from your boyfriend, the boy you are dating for last six months. Oh! He is such a sweetheart, his love for you is more than you have ever wanted from someone.
The memories flash forward to the evening when you were returning from a long day of work to your apartment to finally take rest. You were on a call with someone maybe your boyfriend when a figure with all in black came up to you suddenly. You didn’t hear anyone coming in that lonely road then how come this person is suddenly standing before you. Face was hidden due to the black panama hat and the extended hand towards you was covered with tight black leather gloves. The person was in all black attire maybe that was only possible for you to recognise because in that dark street with insufficient light to distinguish colors that was only how you could recognise it.
your head is aching with all these memories flashing on. Now the worst part is that you can’t remember what happen after that scene. You are trying hard to think, the headache causing you to close your eyes in pain. Your breathing is heavy and your whole body is paining. Your hands are not enough strong to keep your balance for any longer. No. You have to be strong, you need to figure out how to escape this place wherever you are and then you can think later about what could have possibly happened to you.
After three times of breathing practices, your panic settles down. Being in somewhat a little bit stable state, you looked around the place. The room is really dark, only the places where the candle lights can reach to is lit and visible, where the rest are mysteriously dark. You can feel that you are situated in the middle of a room, to your front there is a black curtain hanging from the ceiling covering the whole wall only leaving the sides for two very old vintage closets on either side to be palced. On your two sides, the walls have different kinds of hanging candle holders and various shelves and tables with things decorated on top of them which are barely visible. Turning your head to take a look of your back, its too dark that side and your chains are ending to that side.
You pulled the chains to see if the other end is fixed or not and to your dismay the action made loud jiggling sounds of the chains which echoed in the dark room.
“Haha…ha ha ha…” a laugh followed the sound of chains. Your eyes flash fear and a shiver run down your body on realizing that there is one more presence inside the room. So, all your actions till now were observed by someone and you didn’t know of it. This made you feel cautious and your hands automatically braced yourself and you pulled your knees inwards to your chest, sitting now facing the direction of the voice. The chains moving in a rhythm as if someone on the other side is playing with them. Heavy footsteps approaching you which made you close your eyes for not having the courage to face what is coming next.
Again, the person laughed, totally mocking your current state. You can hear a lot of chain sounds and ‘click’, something gets locked. The person’s voice is now much closer than before and so in the effect, your heart is racing too fast that it might burst out and cause an explosion then and there.
“Open your eyes my love.”
He is near you. Wait. He is totally in front of you, you can hear the footsteps stopped near you. The voice belongs to a man and your ears are blessed to hear such a smooth and honey like voice, even calling out for you. Slowly you parted your eyelids, revealing your glossy eyes to the man.
Is this real? Is this man real? The smile is so heavenly, no doubt that voice came out from these pretty lips. Oh no wait. This attire and the hat, your eyes scanning all over the figure in front of you and on realization you tried to scoot back. The chains didn’t help your attempt.
“Who are you?”
The man chuckled. Why is everything funny to this man? He has now sitter himself on his folded knees and one hand checking whether the chains are tied tightly or not, your eyes followed the chain and there is the other end locked in a hook on the wall. The other hand on his side seems like he is holding something.
“Why am I here?”
You are getting impatient to hear his explanation to keep you here like this even in this condition. He scoots near to you when his other hand revealed holding a shiny object. No no no. That’s a knife. Is he going to kill you?
“Are you going to kill me?” your voice is cracking in fear.
“My baby is so impatient.” He chuckled. The voice is so sweet and it can really hipnotis someone including you.
“I’m not your baby.”
He is literally keeping you like an animal who needs to be tamed and then also calling you with nicknames.
“You are being a bad girl again love.” Your eyes falling where he is playing with the knife, candle lights falling on the knife reflecting your fear in the room of mysterious dark.
“Stop with your names. Tell me who are you. Why am I here even tied up like this?” You are literally shouting at this point. Tears coming out in a flow and you are jerking your hands and legs to atleast get rid of those restraints.
“Oh.  We can go slowly. One question at a time.”
He stands up in his position and now you are getting his overall look. He is wearing a black fedora coat with matching pant and a white shirt inside with a black tie visible perfectly in middle. His face is still hidden, if only it was not hidden then you could have tried to recognize this person.
Suddenly, the chandelier above you lit up and now the room is a bit more visible to you except the man’s face.
“Can you guess my name love?” He is smiling at you. Walking over to his previous place near you.
Glancing at the knife in his hand, you gulped and replied “……no”.
“Oh!” he pouts at you. “I am Baekhyun but you can call me candy.” He laughed at his own words.
“Baek-baekhyun?” you are trying to think if you have heard this name before or even have encountered someone who goes by this name.
“Thanks love. I like the short name. Call me Baek if you want.” You glared at him. In one of the corners situated a small brown couch, he walked with quiet footsteps over there and sat down with cross legs.
“What am I doing here?”
“You are safe here.”
“I don’t need any safety when I was already safe in first place.”
“No. Bad people are all out there. They will take you away from me.”
“What are you even saying?”
He suddenly stood up. Slow steps nearing your weak frame on the floor. Looking around for any object to throw at him which can at least hurt him and prevent him to approach you. In his way, he took off his hat and placed it on top of the table at the side of the couch. Revealing his beautiful face with jet black hairs and flawless baby face. His look is ethereal to belong to a criminal like him. His eyes seem like holding two diamonds in each hole with his precious smile resting on his face.
“You don’t have to be afraid of me.”
“You are keeping me tied up here without any particular reason and you are telling me not to fear you. Also, holding a damn knife in your hand.” Your teary eyes looking up at his face.
You pleaded, “Please let me go.”
“Bambi……my only Bambi…… my love.” He is getting lost in your eyes, in your glossy eyes which seems like the brightest star to him right now. Always.
Bambi? This. You have heard this before. Oh wait! Those flowers. Those letters. Those Candies.
“You…you…he…letters….” He grins widely when you mentioned about letters.
“Did you like them? Oh yes of course. The way you always giggle when reading them and one hand busy eating those candies. Thanks for always decorating those flowers at the places I like them the most.”
You are shocked to know this truth. All this time you thought that those are all given by your boyfriend and he didn’t ever mention it because maybe he wants to keep it like that. But you were totally wrong, that was him, the man standing before you.
“How do you know?”
“I can’t miss to see you even when you are home.”
“What the……”
“Hell? I am from there. Thank you. Fuck? Well maybe we can but later.” He is scooting near to you to come face to face with you.
“Go away. Let me go. Don’t come near to me.”
“I can’t do that when you are my favorite person.” His hands tracing your face, eyes admiring your face. Brushing your hairs away to take a better look at your beauty. His other hand brings up the knife and traced over your cheeks which cuts you a bit.
“I don’t want to be your favorite person. You are a psycho.” You shouted at him.
“You are so precious baby even your shouts sound like a melody to me.”
Jerking your body so much causing pain to shoot over to your hands and legs, this effects to cause deep purple marks over the skin near the tied-up places.
Blood flowing down your cheek and the cold knife placed on your other cheek cutting similarly as before. He is still smiling while looking at you. You are silently sobbing with eyes shut tightly and hoping someone to rescue you from here.
“The day I locked my eyes with you at the café. I knew, I have to keep this bambi eyes all to myself. The owner of these starry eyes should be kept in a safe place.” Blood oozing out of the cut is getting mixed with the tears falling from your eyes. Wiping the blood with one finger, he brings it near his eyes and admires it. 
 “Doesn’t this look like a melted Ruby. The stars falling from your eyes and the red velvety liquid from your skin mixing together to form this ruby.” Your eyes slowly open to respond him. Your cheeks are burning and your nails are digging on the shiny floor.
“Please, it hurts.”
“It hurts me too.” He stopped smiling and put the knife aside. “It hurts me too when I see you smiling without me, when I am not the cause of your precious smile. It hurts when you are laughing at something when I can give more things which can be funnier. It hurts me when you are holding hands with someone and that’s not me. IT HURTS EVERYTIME WHEN THE THINGS WHICH ARE KEEPING YOU HAPPY IS NOT ME.” He shouts in the end of the sentence.
Your sobs become audible on the impact of the shout and noticing it, he pulls you in a hug and caressing your back and hairs. The smell of his cologne is so soothing and it’s giving you comfort but this is literally wrong, it should not be so comforting when coming from a criminal, moreover a psycho.
“it’s okay love. I will not shout at you. It’s okay, don’t cry.” These words causing you to cry more because you are missing your boyfriend.
“I want to go home. Please……”
“But this is your home.” He said softly, placing a kiss on your head.
“No……. I want to go back to my own life where I can be all by myself and with him.”
“Him?” He holds you tighter before releasing to grip your forearms to make you face him.
“There is no him. You are my Bambi, my one and only precious Bambi and you love candies the most so I am your Candy.” He is having an evil glint in his eyes but quickly returns back to his soft appearance.
“No, I’m Y/N. I’m not your Bambi.”
“You are so funny my love.” He puts a hand inside the pocket of his coat to bring out a handkerchief and wipes your tears and blood. He gives you his little smile and put away the hanky aside. Again, repeating the previous action but now took out some different kinds of your favorite candies and chocolates. Your lost eyes and confused mind staring at him as to why out of so many other girls, he chose you when you just look like an ordinary girl beside other girls who are way more beautiful.
“Why me? I’m not that special.”
He chuckles at you while looking down at the candies. Bringing up the hand to pat your cheeks, he leans forward to kiss your forehead. He sits on the floor before you facing the curtained wall and pulls you on his lap with your back leaning to his chest. Held in an unknown man’s embrace, who is also the one keeping you captive makes you stiff in your place.
“You know, why have I kept the room dark?” silently and slowly you move your head side to side.
“Look at your reflection on the floor because of the candle lights. Its looking so nice. The bright lights will not allow me to admire your beauty like the way these candle lights with dim effects reflecting your beauty. I want your beauty to be the brightest light in this room and your eyes “, holding chin, he makes you face him. He is bending a bit forward, he smiles at you, “Your eyes to be the brightest star.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“To keep you safe of course. Trust me I can be the best person to you forever.”
“I don’t even know you and also you don’t know me then how can you expect me to trust you?”
“Oh love, I know you a lot more than you can ever imagine.” His other hand sliding up and down your forearms and side frames. This giving you chills all over your body.
Hand holding your chin moves to his other pocket to bring out a small remote and when he clicks it. The curtains covering the wall move aside and you look over there. Your eyes go wide in shock when realizing what’s on that wall.
Your pictures, every picture showing all types of your emotions. Pictures including of you practicing a dance cover of your favorite group, slipping on the floor, crying on the sofa while watching a drama to the ones where you are wearing your favorite dress and going to work, eating ice cream, going to date with your boyfriend but only you in the frame. There is countless of pictues which you yourself can’t even recall from where they are.  You felt a kiss on top of your head.
“Do you like it?”
“How? This can’t be real.”
He chuckles, “This is very real.”
He turns your face towards him to take a look of your shocked eyes. He waited a bit before speaking up, “You know why you are my Bambi?”
“A deer when comes near to a car in front of the headlights, their eyes, those Bambi eyes look the brightest gem under the dark sky.”
Cupping your face in his hands, he places a soft kiss on your quivering lips, “You look exactly like that deer. Every night when I had followed you in shadows, under those street lights whenever you were afraid, those Bambi eyes looked the brightest star. They looked like mine to keep safe.”
He placed a candy inside your mouth. On realization, you wanted to throw it but he closed your mouth with pressing his palm over your lips tightly. Your eyes looked in fear towards him.  He kissed your head and smiling adorably at you. Your heavy eyes slowly closing while staring at his smiling lips, the first thing of this man you noticed back then.
“Sleep my love, My Bambi.”
[Expected something horny? Nah nah nah. Let it be like this.]
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