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badartenthusiast · 1 month ago
i dont understand active mode in chrono trigger, it honestly feels stupid to play a game that involves strategy and choice at high speed. its not even making it harder, its like taking the game and increasing chance of making stupid mistakes by 30%.
like something bothers me about the fact that the only thing that determines whether i get an extra hit by an enemy is my processing speed. id rather the challenge be in the strategy not how fast i come up with the strategy and click the button
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badartenthusiast · 1 month ago
Art-themed RPG Concept
(from a couple months ago, some suggestions at the end made by lum and stolas) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pyTED6NcBiY2T_u2GI4PJNifQ7yTvdI3Dqnrdt0RSQU/edit
* Artist (the artist seeks to create; filling the void and enriching their fans. elemental strength is art)
- Satirist (finds the weaknesses in their opponents and exposes it; more focus on debuffs)
- Expressionist (uses their art to impact the emotions and perspectives of those around them; more focus on damage)
- Entertainer (uses their art to heal and invigorate those around them; more focus on buffs)
* Patron
- Fan (spiritually supports the artist to increase the quality of the art they make. can form fandoms which reverberate their attacks.)
- CEO (financially supports the artist to increase the amount of moves they can make in one turn. all of their moves cost currency. unlike other classes, their currency can go under 0)
* Critic
* ??voidthing??
ELEMENTS (like pokemon kinda):
Void (the lack of art and existential dread which compels artists to create and for fans to seek art)
(void damage is more effective against support)
since fans are incapable of making the art themselves, they are more vulnerable to the lack-of-art and lean on artists to ward it off with creation
(void debuffs are more effective against art)
art consistently persists, void simply attempts to slow it down and weaken it. things like writers block or burnout aren’t direct damage against the art itself but more sabotages the process of art being created
(void buffs are more effective with deconstruction)
void is the goal of deconstructionists, so while void itself isn’t powerful enough to get rid of art, it is able to do it in more passive ways such as eliminating supporters and aiding deconstructionists to do the actual killing for them.
Deconstruction (seeks to take down art and aid the propagation of void)
(deconstruction damage is more effective against art)
deconstruction directly damages art by logically taking it apart and dissecting it until it is derivative and no longer of meaning
(deconstruction debuffs are more effective against support)
deconstruction can’t directly take apart support but instead demoralizes, mocks and criticizes it to decrease its intensity and make supporters stray from their artists out of shame
(deconstruction buffs are more effective with void)
deconstruction aids the propagation of void as void is its ultimate goal of deconstructionists
Art (creation; the counter force to void. it is more directly powerful than void, but void is slippery and hard to kill off, just as art is strong and hard to kill off. both exist and both want the other gone)
(art damage is more effective against void)
as art is the direct opposite of void, its existence is direct damage to it. void can’t do direct damage on art because void is a passive force, unlike creation which is an active one.
(art debuffs are more effective against deconstruction)
good art is harder to deconstruct and minimize, sabotaging the deconstruction process and making it more difficult
(art buffs are more effective with support)
supporters respect and aid art, and so the existence of art invigorates them as it is what inspires them to help art in the first place
(support damage is more effective against deconstruction)
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so deconstruction’s attempts to minimize art into nothing has no impact if supporters are strong enough to still see that meaning.
(support debuffs are more effective against void)
support can make it harder for void to propagate by virtue of their own passion
(support buffs are more effective with art)
artists cant create without supporters by their side encouraging them both spiritually and financially
(your art always has a random chance to be more powerful and resonate with someone more, and originality increases the power of your art when it does: increases critical strike multiplier of art damage/effects)
(your art always has a random chance to sometimes be more powerful, and pandering increases that chance: increases critical strike chance of art damages/effects)
skill trees:
avante garde (build into this direction and your powers become more chaotic, from either being extremely effective to straight up counter intuitive: goes this direction when you put skill points into originality)
praxis (build into this direction for an artist that focuses on using their art to have an impact on the world at large: goes this direction when you put skill points into)
(random ideas:)
move ideas
(Artist spell) Constructive Criticism
a buff that lasts for a certain duration which takes the deconstructive damage that was just taken and scales it with the artist’s quality stat temporarily
(Artist spell) or maybe (support buff) Inspiration
kinda like rage with barbarians; ur on a creative spree that makes you more powerful but once you exit it you are burnt out and tired
(Patron (Fan) spell) Cringe
a buff that amplifies your support moves at the cost of being more vulnerable to deconstruction moves
(Patron (Fan) spell) Fanart
reverberates the artist’s last attack for a third the effectiveness. if a fandom is present, it will reverberate among the fandom as well depending on how large it is. can only be used once per combat.
(Patron (Ceo) spell) Invest
mark an artist you want to invest in. when the artist critical strikes, stockholders are summoned to increase the ceo’s currency. whenever the artist critical strikes, stockholders are gained. when the artist’s outgoing damage goes under a certain threshold, stockholders are lost. if the artist goes unconscious, all stockholders are lost and there is a market crash, the ceo is incapacitated for an amount of turns equal to how many stockholders were present.
(Patron (Ceo) spell) Loan
take out a loan and gain currency for a certain amount of turns. once that amount of turns is up, the ceo loses twice the amount of currency they took.
-procrastination (or mahbe) analysis paralysis (skips your next turn, as you are too hesitant to act)
-whisper horrible lies (you cannot use a buff on another player because of the doubt)
-make you question reality (your turn isn’t skipped, but the order you play changes)
-convince you to isolate (artists either cannot work with another artist player, or cannot be buffed by patrons for one round. Patrons cannot buff anyone for a round if it is played on them)
other ideas
maybe some classes can sort of mush into others(multiclass), for example a satirist kind of mushes in with with a critic by utilizing deconstructive spells, or how a ceo kind of mushes in with void since its support sometimes comes at the cost of good art & creativity to appease its stockholders which propagates the lack-of-art when taken too far. like these classes might be more dangerous since they’re on the edge of being like the force youre trying to oppose, but also more powerful, just at the cost of safety.
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badartenthusiast · 1 month ago
its funny how in rpgs we sort of have to look at numbers and do this wishywashy brain math to strategize
imean unless this is just me but i get super into it and every little adjustments to my stats becomes this huge like AND NOW THIS CHARACTER ASPECT HAS BEEN HEIGHTENED!!! WHILE THIS HAS BEEN DECREASED!!!!
meanwhile in reality
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most things are like a 0.5 difference in numbers and just bcs u put points into something doesnt mean that this is just WHAT THAT THING IS NOW youve gone ALL INTO THIS THING WOOO THIS IS HUGE
maybe this is just my personal fallacy and i take rpgs too seriously despite not having an actual understanding of the actual numbers but pretending i am with my magical brain math and just "vibes" on how effective things are
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badartenthusiast · 1 month ago
ok i would like to clarify this now that ive thought about it more and played more of this game
i feel like this is a silly complaint now, however i do think it came from a genuinely valuable point; which is the distinction between technical games and decision games. take an arpg like dark souls for example, in that game having time be a factor makes sense because theres actual technical and physical skill to the gameplay, its not ALL strategy, so it feels justified in also limiting your strategy to real time gameplay. but in an rpg like chrono trigger there is no technical skill beyond how fast you can press the buttons.
so i understand where i was coming from, its the same jankiness that quicktime events have. like it feels silly. so i think where i was wrong was not simply that "all games with time as a factor require fast processing speed," because this isnt a one-to-one comparison; rpgs were not made with time in mind. but THATS where i was wrong, is that chrono trigger IS made with time in mind. its a core aspect to the gameplay and lots of mechanics are built around it. the speed stat is pretty much useless without time based combat and lots of combat quirks like those guys that peak their heads from behind their sheilds rely on time based combat.
so i was wrong in criticizing crono trigger specificallt, but overall i still think there was some truth to what i was getting at and its a somewhat justified emotion to feel outside of crono trigger
i dont understand active mode in chrono trigger, it honestly feels stupid to play a game that involves strategy and choice at high speed. its not even making it harder, its like taking the game and increasing chance of making stupid mistakes by 30%.
like something bothers me about the fact that the only thing that determines whether i get an extra hit by an enemy is my processing speed. id rather the challenge be in the strategy not how fast i come up with the strategy and click the button
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badartenthusiast · 1 month ago
ok i am kinda warming up to active battle, im starting to realize my fallacy in considering rpgs different from other games in terms of making "speed" a factor in the challenge; majority of games are a test of your processing speed and there is somethhing gratifying to a clean battle when youre under time limit.
though, especially with rpgs, i just dont work in a way where this time limit thing comes naturally to me. if there are numbers and stats i need to understand all of them and it was frustrating at first not being able to comprehend how much damage im doing or what each characters mp is at and stuf like that, i genuinly had to obs record a battle and rewatch it bcs i genuinely need it i want to know how much damage each attack does so i know what magic attacks are worth it and not
like maybe thats cheating and i jus need to accept the confusion and overtime ill get a feel for it, but feeling my way through an rpg isnt as fun for me idk
i dont understand active mode in chrono trigger, it honestly feels stupid to play a game that involves strategy and choice at high speed. its not even making it harder, its like taking the game and increasing chance of making stupid mistakes by 30%.
like something bothers me about the fact that the only thing that determines whether i get an extra hit by an enemy is my processing speed. id rather the challenge be in the strategy not how fast i come up with the strategy and click the button
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