dicenete · 4 months
IkePri Suitors!
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I shaded these quite quickly o.o I just wanted to get this out of my system xDD
But here we are ^^ I tried to color pick the skin colors from the sprites, and well there aren't much diversity here.
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jaimeski · 9 months
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azelle-intermisson · 9 months
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in honor of dungeon meshi anime coming out i wanted to post one of my favorite laios moments i love this freak so much
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sserrafeim · 18 days
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He outcunted every other prince with this one I’m afraid
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s0bk · 1 month
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omg azel hiiiiiiii !!!
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reroseshi · 3 months
Was bored so have these freshly baked ikepri memes lol
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(Hopefully i these haven't been done already lmao if yes i'm sorry)
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juliakeyoto · 11 months
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Might do a Leonie, Marianne, or Dorothea rant later
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givemegivemesome · 11 months
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I translated Beast Encyclopedia for ikepri users who have difficulty understanding Japanese. I searched the character illustrations and made it😊
I couldn't get a background illustration. Because the Beast Encyclopedia of 3 new characters currently exists only on paper goods,, Thus I did a little editing by using photo of those paper goods.
When the official version comes out, it might have some differences with officially uploded Encyclopedia.
I tried to improve the illustration quality by retouching but it's the limit I guess...🥲 I thought you might be veryvery curious before the official version come up!! hope you enjoy it💓
If there are any incorrect translation, please let me know..😅 Thank you~
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chevlvrs · 2 months
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Honestly all ikevil characters could be here
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ikeprinces-stuff · 1 month
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Your honor, in my defense, it's 1 AM here... It just happened... Again ◉⁠‿⁠◉
@leonscape @reborn-elven
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reccyls · 2 months
Beyond the Merging of Then and Now (Azel story)
Azel's 4th anniversary story sale, where child Azel is brought into the future to meet Emma and current Azel.
As I made my way towards Prince Azel's sanctuary as usual, I came across a small figure.
Emma: This child was all alone in the middle of the desert. Emma: His hair and eye color are exactly like yours, so is he your secret son?
Azel: Not that I can recall. Azel: And don't just bring any random child from who knows where to my sanctuary. Azel: Send him away.
Emma: Don't you have any heart at all!?
Azel: A god has no such thing.
???: God...
Emma: ...That's right. This man here is a god.
(He finally said something.) (He seems to be really anxious around strangers. On the way here, he barely spoke at all. And...) (He's been gripping at the hem of his clothes almost like he's scared of something. And his expression is so stiff.)
Emma: If there's anything troubling you, this man can help you.
Azel: No I won't.
???: O holy god...
Azel: Did you not hear what I just said?
???: Please help me...
Azel: And what would you offer in return? I care not for destitute believers.
???: I... I...
Emma: H-hey, don't cry! Were you scared of this mister? Emma: I know he has a bad personality, but he's not a bad person.
Azel: How disrespectful. Your ability to keep adding onto your debt remains unchanged.
Emma: Prince Azel, please don't bully a child, especially not one this young.
Azel: I would have been merciful had he been just an ordinary child. Azel: But this boy is no "ordinary child". Azel: Just looking at him is enough to make me sick. If you won't throw him out, I will.
Emma: No, no, no, absolutely not!
???: ...if even god has forsaken me... then what should I do...?
Emma: It'll be okay! He's been- um, this was all a divine joke!
Azel: .......A what.
Emma: Anyway! Could you tell me your name? Emma: I've been wondering what I should call you.
???: ........
(Uh oh... He doesn't seem to want to talk to me.)
Azel: Call him whatever you want. How does 'Brat' sound?
Emma: Well then, I'll just borrow part of your name. We'll call him El.
Azel: What kind of hideous naming system is that? No.
Emma: El, won't you tell me what's bothering you?
El: ........
Emma: Did you get lost? If you can't find your parents, we'll look for them together.
El: ........
(Hmm, still nothing. He's just been crying silently, but I feel like there's something he wants to say.) (But he doesn't sob and wail like a regular kid. It's like he's still trying to hold everything back...) (Like his heart is a bowl full of water with a little crack in it, and his tears are slowly leaking out.) (It really hurts to see.)
Azel: Anyway, I shall be leaving now. I leave things here to you.
Emma: No you aren't!
Azel: Ugh... Let go of me.
Emma: Between the two of us, you're the only one that El will talk to. Emma: He doesn't trust me, so please stick around for his sake.
Azel: I don't care.
Emma: ........
Azel: What?
Emma: ........
Azel: Don't just look down and stand there silently.
Emma: ........
Azel: What, are you crying?
Emma: ........
Azel: No, a woman as impudent as you wouldn't-
Emma: ........
Azel: There's no way.
Emma: ........ Emma: ........ *sniffle*
Azel: Agh, damn it, fine. Fine! What do you want me to do? Just tell me.
Emma: Thank you for your kindness, Prince Azel! You aren't just using the title of god for show after all! Emma: --ow, ow, ow, don' pull my cheeks!
Azel: This is your punishment for blasphemy.
El: .....
Azel: You're crying too much, brat. Stop.
El: Because... because I'm still--- I'm not...
Azel: Watch what you say. Don't say anything unnecessary.
El: .......
Azel: At any rate. Brat. It appears as though this woman will be your playmate.
El: ...I can't play.
Azel: God himself speaks before you, and you dare to defy me?
El: ...It's really okay?
Emma: You've never played any games before, El?
El: Never.
(Whatever circumstances El is in must be even worse than I thought.)
Azel: Well then, I've done my part, so now--
Emma: Let's all play together!
Azel: Are you trying to give me an ulcer?
Emma: Oh, I'm sure won't be that bad, come on!
Azel: ...You are definitely the worse person compared to me.
Emma: I didn't hear that! Now come on, let's all play hide and seek!
scene change - now at an oasis
El: Hmmm.... he's not here.
Emma: Who would have thought that Prince Azel was so good at hide and seek...
(It is kind of petty how he's hidden himself away.)
El: Of course we can't find him. He's god, so he has to be good at everything.
Emma: ...You think so?
El: Yes.
Emma: Then it must be really tough, being god.
El: ...Yes. It's tough. El: Um, no, wait. It's not tough at all. El: That's just how a god is.
Emma: ...
El: ...What's wrong?
Emma: It's nothing. I just thought that you looked more relaxed, that's all.
(He was pretty closed off at first, but I think El's warmed up to me while we were searching for Prince Azel.) (Playing like this, he seems just like a normal child.)
El: ...I'm sorry.
Emma: What are you apologizing for?
El: I'm not supposed to let anything show on my face. El: People change how they act if I change my expression. El: If I don't keep things the same, it makes people start unnecessary conflicts. El: Actually... I shouldn't have cried before. I'm not good enough yet.
(So that's why he was so closed-off.) (...I don't know El's full circumstances, but that's probably what the adults around him told him.)
Emma: El, right now, there's nobody here aside from you and me, right? Emma: I don't know who told you that, but here, it doesn't matter. Emma: I promise I'll keep it a secret, so it's okay to let your emotions show, all right?
El: ...... El: ....Miss... What do you think about me?
Emma: Hmmm... I suppose I think you're a young boy who has a lot of difficult things to worry about.
El: A boy... El: ....... El: ...Okay. Then, just for now is okay... El: I'll stop holding back... because for now, I'm just a boy.
(He smiled! What a little angel!)
Emma: Great! So let's play a lot more, okay?
El: Okay. I'll wake up from this dream eventually, but until then, I want to play a lot.
Emma: Dream?
El: My grown up self who became a real god is here, so this must be a dream.
Emma: ...Your grown up self?
El: Huh...? El: Oh, miss, you didn't realize? El: My name is--
Azel: It's El, is it not? Though I think "Brat" suits you better. "Stupid Brat" even more.
El: Mmph!?
Emma: Wha- Prince Azel!? Where did you come from-- wait before that, stop covering El's mouth!
Azel: I don't know. Keeping his mouth shut seems like the better-- ack!
(El bit him!)
El: ...Miss.
Emma: Leave it to me! Just say the word and I'll give Prince Azel a good slap--
El: No, it's not that. We found god.
Emma: ...Oh, that's true.
(I forgot we were in the middle of hide and seek.)
El: I knew you didn't want to let her know, but...
Azel: ...
El: The bait really worked. Even though you're an actual god.
Azel: ...All right. Time to do what I should have done from the start. I'm tossing you out to the far end of the desert.
Emma: Wait! You're not really going to take him away!?
Prince Azel picked up the struggling El under one arm and began walking. Perhaps it was due to how I desperately chased after the god who really did began walking out into the dunes, But the burning pain in my chest lingered for a long while after that.
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hakuoyuki · 11 months
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Hello Hello, I am back from my semi-permanent hiatus to share what's known so far about the 3 new foreign princes from Tanzanite, Achroite, and Kogyoku as shared from Chevalier Proposition of Love Chapter (a.k.a. Chevalier's Sequel which followed the event after the end of his True Love (Romantic) End)
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kitsurei17 · 8 months
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Azel 🦄
"You.. are under a curse, aren't you?"
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
When the Holy Beast Falls - Azel
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An “If you were lovers” story. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
If Prince Azel and I were lovers…
Sometimes the Living God of Tanzanite would visit the befriended nation Benitoite.
On those occasions, he’d always have me go with him.
I’d never hear something cute like “I’ll miss you” from the two-faced god who apparently brought me along just to push me around.
But I know his true intentions.
Emma: Prince Azel, I’m back. 
Azel: You’re late.
Emma: I brought everything you asked me to buy since you can’t go into town, so please forgive me.
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Azel: That’s not the issue.
Prince Azel, who waited by the entrance, took the packages from me.
However, it didn’t seem like he was considering the packages and studied me.
Emma: …Are you hurt?
Azel: You can see I’m not.
Emma: Then what is it?
Azel: You’ve kept me waiting because you’ve been having fun in town.
Emma: H-how did you know? Is this God’s power— 
Azel: It’s all over your face.
(I guess I was grinning)
At my honest confession, Prince Azel pinched my cheek.
Azel: You got some nerve. I’ve been waiting for you to come back—
Emma: You’ve been waiting? For me?
Azel: …Don’t get the wrong idea. I asked you to get something for me.
Emma: That’s too bad. I thought if you were waiting for me, I’d rush back the next time.
Azel: Hurry back even if I’m not waiting. That’s a debtor’s responsibility. I’ll add this late fee to your debt.
Emma: Is that okay? The more debt you add, the more you won’t be able to let me go.
Azel: …You’re getting defiant.
(You’re so awkward, truly)
With a grim look on his face, Prince Azel turned his back on me and placed items he had me get on the table.
He went to check its contents, but his hand immediately stopped.
Azel: Emma…What is this?
Emma: It’s cute, isn’t it? I made a stop along the way to buy it.
Prince Azel held Benitoite’s popular “Living God doll” in his trembling hands.
It was a small doll in Prince Azel’s likeness that was said to bring many blessings, including luck with money, love, health, etc.
(It took me a while to buy it since there as a line)
Before he could throw it against the wall, I snatched the doll from Prince Azel’s hands and held it dearly.
Emma: I bought this separately from the money you gave me. I’m not giving it to you.
Azel: Get rid of things that aren’t wanted or needed.
Emma: I refuse. He’s cute, isn’t he?
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Azel: Cute?! I think you mean repulsive.
I moved the doll out of Prince Azel’s reach as he tried to steal it back and stepped away from him.
Emma: Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of it.
Azel: No one’s telling you to take care of it. I'm telling you to throw it away.
Emma: Throw away my beloved Prince Azel? I could never.
Azel [polite]: …I see, I see. Even with the real God present, you chose the doll and casted me aside. How cruel…This is a slight toward God. This blasphemy deserves divine punishment.
Prince Azel deliberately covered his face with his hands and began sobbing.
I knew it was a trap, but it hurt my conscience to ignore him.
Emma: That’s not it. However, with this doll, I can be with Prince Azel even when I’m out running errands. It’s my way of showing how much I love you.
The instant I approached the god to butter him up, Prince Azel stopped his crocodile tears, took the doll from me, and tossed it into some corner of the room. 
Emma: Ah! That’s cruel—Mn?!
My eyes widened when he stopped my protest with a kiss.
Azel: Who’s the cruel one here? Cheater.
Emma: …Even though it’s a puppet of you.
Azel: If you want my blessings so much, I’ll give it to you. You’ll have to deal with it.
A large hand grabbed my chin and our lips met again.
The kisses of a holy, unrelated god were always so greedy, greedily exploring deep inside that it made you feel like you were going to fall.
(Why is every kiss so lewd…)
Even when I nipped his lip to tell him he was going too far, the two-faced god didn’t stop and instead started tickling my ear.
Emma: Mm…Mmm!
Azel: Don’t need the doll anymore? That’s wonderful.
Emma: Wro…ah
The fingers that were tickling my ear slid down my neck and under the collar of my blouse.
I hastily grabbed the hand that was going to defile me and looked into his mysterious, starry eyes.
Emma: I can’t return to my room anymore, can I?
Azel [polite]: A message from God. You should not be alone tonight for there are bad omens.
Emma: …A lot of good things happened in town though?
Azel [polite]: It will happen, and it will surely be a misfortune.
Emma: Specifically…
Azel [polite]: Divination is an ambiguous thing. You won’t know until it happens.
Emma: Then let’s test out if Prince Azel’s divination is really correct.
Azel: Why would you do that? Are you stupid?
He cupped my cheeks and squished them.
Emma: Because lately, you’ve been saying the same thing. That when I’m alone, misfortune, bad luck, or a disaster will happen to me… So I thought I’d try it out just once.
Azel: Being fearless isn’t good. God’s words are absolute, so you must heed His warnings.
Emma: I get it Prince Azel. You just really want us to be together, don’t you?
Azel: ……I didn’t say that.
(You’re so easy to read)
Azel: I don’t care if you’re here or not. I prefer being alone.
Emma: Then— 
When I tried to shake his hands off and turn away, he hugged me tight.
Azel: You don’t believe in God’s good will?
Emma: You just need to be honest and say that you want me with you.
Azel: Aren’t you the one that wants to be with me?
Emma: If I’m the only one that wants this, then I’ll only bother you so I’ll head back to my room—
Azel: Try to go back if you can.
(Ugh…He’s so strong that I can’t shake him off!)
Even after saying all this, Prince Azel still won’t admit it.
But when I turned to look at him, we kissed for a short moment.
Azel: Ah…
It seemed like he didn’t mean to and his brows furrowed.
(He never wants to admit it, but…)
Emma: You truly do love me, Prince Azel.
Azel: Don’t be so conceited.
A blush spread across his grim face.
(...God’s blessing was real)
(Because it’s possible to make Prince Azel look like this)
With a dramatic sigh, Prince Azel rested his forehead on my shoulder.
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Azel: What am I even doing?
Emma: It's love.
Azel: No. I’m in no way in love with you. Damn it…
(There’s still a long way to go, but I’ll definitely get it out of him one day)
(An “I love you” from Prince Azel)
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otomehoneyybearr · 3 months
Ikemen Prince 4th Anniversary Eve
Gilbert & Azel: The Relationship Unbeknownst to Anyone
Somewhere on a certain day—
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Gilbert: "---I've always wondered if the conqueror beast and the sacred beast were one in the same."
Gilbert: "Both being evils of the world that control people and manipulate them as they please."
Azel: "I agree with the evil part. You and I would be better off not existing."
Azel: "We are both nuisances to the world, after all."
Gilbert: "Should we die together then?"
Azel: "You mean kill each other."
Gilbert: "That’s right."
Azel: "Disgusting."
Gilbert: "Agreed."
Azel: "So?"
Gilbert: "Hehe, no need to rush. I've went through the trouble of preparing food and drinks, so why not enjoy it first?"
Azel: "I'm having alcohol, while you're having water?"
Gilbert: "Oh, so you noticed."
Azel: "I am a god, after all."
Gilbert: "More like a con-artist, right?"
Azel: "That's another way to put it."
Gilbert: "Haha, you're not denying it."
Azel: "The title isn't that important."
Gilbert: "Really? I thought you’d be particular about it."
Azel: "Not at all. At least with you, being god or con-artist doesn't matter."
Azel: "I'm just a 'nuisance’ in the end, aren't I?"
Gilbert: "So you realized that."
Azel: "Just how many times do you think I've confiscated the weapons you smuggled into my country?"
Azel: "Can't you stop that? It's increasing my overtime and it's annoying."
Gilbert: "It only takes time because you carefully disassemble the firearms and send them back each time."
Gilbert: "Is that your hobby or something?"
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Azel: "Do you want to be called a carefree rich boy?"
Gilbert: "Oh, so it was actually a declaration of war."
Azel: "If you understand that much, then don't bother asking. Tanzanite is the land of the gods,”
Azel: "So you should’ve realized by now that your spies and schemes are powerless in my sacred domain."
Gilbert: "Hmm, that's troublesome."
Gilbert: "It seems I miscalculated how difficult 'cleaning up' Tanzanite would be."
Gilbert: "Or perhaps I should say I underestimated you."
Gilbert: "Tanzanite has the lowest return rate for spies among the major countries."
Gilbert: "Currently you’re the only one from your country that's noticed my plans—No, more like, you're the only one at all."
Gilbert: "I thought that I could gather some information from you by sharing a drink, but..."
Gilbert: "You're quite hard to read. Is this what a god is like?"
Azel: "Donations are always welcome."
Gilbert: "Unfortunately for you, I only believe in myself."
Azel: "I figured as much. Spending time on you could be considered a waste."
Azel: "...Though a free meal does have its value."
Gilbert: "Haha, if you get along with me, there might be even better things in store for you."
Azel: "Not happening."
Gilbert: "Oh, that was an immediate answer. Despite us being somewhat similar."
Azel: "That's just slander."
Azel: "I don't distrust human potential as much as you do."
Azel: "Humanity doesn't need gods or beasts."
Gilbert: "...Is that so?"
Azel: "Want to bet?"
Gilbert: "Sure, sounds interesting."
Gilbert: "Your schemes are like mirages, vague and hard to grasp, but..."
Gilbert: "I'll bet on the foolishness of humans."
Azel: "Then I'll bet the opposite."
Azel: "I'll bet on the potential of humans."
Azel: "They have the ability to cleanse themselves. They can recognize and atone for their mistakes."
Azel: "Make sure to prepare your money, Disaster boy."
Gilbert: "You too."
Some little notes I had:
*: There's a possibility of Azel being older than Gilbert, seeing as he would attach things like (ーくん)-kun or (ーちゃん)-chan to the nicknames he gave Gilbert…That or Azel's was just trying to antagonize him.
**: Alternative interpretation of the nickname carefree rich boy could be 'airheaded/thoughtless young master'
***: Alternative interpretation of the nickname (厄災くん or yakusai-kun)Disaster boy could be 'Mr. Calamity'
I wasn't sure which of these interpretations would fit Azel's dialogue more, so I wanted to leave these notes so that everyone can get a general sense of the word/nickname.
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aroejumping · 1 year
FEH stories
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