#aye I washed my mouth as soon as I was home but he doesn't need to know that
daemoninfluff · 1 year
why can't straight men just be friends with me
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leewritesstuff · 3 years
Keeping Up With The Hollands | 04
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Summary: You and Tom were offered to document your life since you are both famous in the entertainment industry. Now as you got older you left the entertainment industry and head for the medical field. How difficult can it be? Also, did I mention that you have kids?
Pervious | CHAPTER 04 | Next
Series Masterlist
WORDS: 1.6+k
Writting this made me laugh at some parts pfftt. Anyway let's pretend that Far Away From Home was shooting during the time the boys were of age (forgot their age ngl 2 or 3 somewhere there)
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Tom woke up first, sensing something on his face. He opened his eyes and catch a small foot in front of him. In confusion, he turned and notice all of his children on his king-size bed. Slowly but gently, he removed the feet that belonged to Edward.
He got up and head to the kitchen. Preparing breakfast for the family. His girlfriend Y/N was on a press conference for her charity.
"So today, we are going on the set of Spiderman Far From Home. Um, I'm not really sure how I'm going to do that and take care of four children. I know Harrison said he will be there but... I'm scared" he said to the camera as he tries to flip the pancake.
"I actually tried hiring a babysitter, they only lasted a few hours. I think I had forgotten to tell them that there would be more than one kids. Anyway, Ed and Chase gave them hell so they all left." After flipping the pancakes, Tom separated them, one for each boy and three for him, with some whipped cream on them.
Finish fixing up breakfast, he goes to wake up the boys, seeing as they are on a time limit. When he got there, he saw Jake up, trying to wake up his brothers.
Tom smile and ruffle the boy's hair, "Morning bud, you slept well?" Jake gave him a toothy grin and nodded. Jake got up and jumped into Chase's body making the boy yell, which woke up Max.
"Get up" Chase got up and pushed Jake down the bed, the two starting a fight. Jake's leg accidentally kicked Ed in his face, making the boy cry. Tom pulled away Chase from Jake and grabbed Ed, trying to soothe his nose.
"Alright, alright, it was an accident okay? You're okay" Once the boy calmed down, he picked up Maxton and carried him to the kitchen, as his two other ducklings followed.
Chase and Jake climbed into their highchair while Tom put Ed and Max in there's. He grabbed the prepared plates and gave them it.
Tom sat down in front of them, trying to feed each of the boys, "Chase is the only one who could fully feed himself, so I have to help the others."
Max took a piece of pancake and gave it to Tom, when Tom saw what he was doing, he opened his mouth and let Max feed him.
"Thank you Max for sharing." Max smiled and nodded and continued eating. After the boys were finished, Tom took their plates and washed them.
When he was done, he went to get the boys dressed including himself.
They made it to the studio safely. Tom took out each boy and placed name tags on them. He took Chase hand's who was holding Ed, then Jake's then Max and walked towards the entrance.
"Pa where we at?" Questioned Ed as he looked around the building.
"Well, we're at my work. You get to see Ironman, Thor-"
"Do we get to see Batman?" Tom looked at Max as if he just asked the weirdest question. As he was going to answer, Ed beat him to it.
"No stupid, they have Captin America"
"Aye! Don't call your brother stupid!" Ed pouted but kept quiet. After checking in with security and handing the children their passes they were allowed to enter.
As they were walking, Tom felt something heavy on his foot. He looked down and noticed Maxton was on it, he let out a sigh and tried to get the boy off of him.
"Max let go, I need to walk"
"Max, come on buddy, I need my foot"
Tom huffed and bent down, then he grabbed the boy making him scream. He tried shaking the boy off his foot but he wouldn't move. Giving up, he grabbed back Chase's hand and dragged his right foot.
"Stay then. Bloody hell"
On his way to his trailer, he showed the boys all the objects that were on the walls, the posters, the banners, the pictures of people etc etc.
Tom had left the boys in the lounge area with his stylist, Rachael since she asked too. He was grateful for that, but what he didn't mention was that they were slippery. Literally.
The poor woman's attention was more focused on Jake and  Maxton fighting to get the last box of juice, that she didn't notice that both Ed and Chase were missing. Somehow, both boys ended up by the set where Tom was shooting his scene for Far Away Home.
They watch as 'Spiderman' fought Mysterio. Wanting to go help his father, Chase quickly took off his clothes and ran onto the set and started hitting Mysterio.
(I'm sorry I had to laugh at this scene pffttt)
"Someone's Kid is on set!" someone shouted
"Whoa! Hey hey! Get me down!" Tom yelled when he notices what's going on. Jake who was playing as Mysterio, 'fell' onto the ground yelling, "Argh! You got me! Man down!" Giggles and laughter could be heard around the seat.
After they got Tom down, he quickly grabbed his son, and shield him, "Mate, I get you're trying to save me and all but you need to keep your clothes on"
Chase smiled at his father, dimples on display. Tom couldn't hold in his laugh and just started bursting out. Jake got up from the ground and head over to the duo. "I guess we have a new spiderman?"
The director yelled for everyone to take a break, Tom, Chase and Jake head over to where Ed and Jacob were enjoying themselves at the buffet table.
"Ed, I thought I left you at Rachel's? Why didn't you stop your brother?"
"He's older" "Yes he is, but you know sometimes he acts like a div and you're stronger than him, so why didn't you?" "I saw food" Both  Jake and Jacob laughed at that while Tom let out a sigh. He picked up the other boy and carried them to who knows where. They spent a good few minutes looking for the other two Hollands. After giving him, Tom carried the two to the lounge area. Tom got irritated when he saw both Jake and Max sitting next to Zendaya and Angourie who was entertaining the two.
"You're shitting me right?" The four turned towards the voice, Max with his bag on his back and  Jake running up to their father's leg and hugging him.
"Daddy said a bad word" "Pay the cookie jar!" Both girls laughed at their friend, watching as his children scold him for cursing. Tom squeezed into the girls and sat on the couch. Noticing that his brother was nude, Max goes up to Tom and turned around. The said man opened the bag and took out some clothes.
While he was putting on the clothes on his eldest son, he kept mumbling about how 'what's with you and clothes?' and 'I will glue them onto you' or 'You have some issues with clothes'
Both girls found the whole scene to be entertaining considering the eldest son was fidgeting and feeling squirmish. Zendaya who had Max on her lap, played with the boy's hair while Angourie tickled Jake. Ed kept on enjoying his juice box.
After finishing dressing the boy, Tom took out a juice box from the bag and handed it to Chase. "Now keep your clothes on okay?" The boy nodded his head in return.
"So what's his issue with pants? Is it too tight or something?" Questioned Zendaya.
"No. He just doesn't like clothes for whatever reason. We're trying to break him out of it but it's hard. The lad just likes to keep his bits cool" "Tom never say that again please" "I'm just saying"
As he was going to say something else Rachel burst into the room panting and sweating, gasping for air. Quickly Tom got up and handed her a bottle of water while Zendaya rubs her back.
"Are you okay?" questioned Angourie. After calming herself down, Rachel turned to Tom and quickly started spurting out apologizes, "I-I'm sorry,  I got distracted by Max and Jake? I think and then I lost the other two and then I told the two that were with me to stay put but when I came back they were gone!"
"Rachel, love, it's alright. I forgot to explain hay they tend to wonder about so that's my fault. I shouldn't have given you four kids. They are a lot to handle" After trying to reassure the woman, he turned to his troublemakers who all gave him a cheeky smile.
"You should apologise for worrying Mrs Rachel."
"We're sorry" The woman nodded her head and left the room, feeling tired after all of the stunts that were pulled on her today.
Since Chase interrupted the scene, the director decided to call it a day and sent everyone home. After Tom changes out of his suit, he heads back to the lounge to pick up his troublesome children.
Once they got home, Tom took them to the shower, after doing that he dressed the boys into their nightwear with the extra stress from Chase.
Once they were out cold, Tom grabbed his phone and called his wife.
"Hey love"
"Hey, you sound tired, how was today?" He took his hand and rubbed his forehead. A minute had passed.
"It was alright until Max and Jake gave Rachel the slipped, then while I was shooting Chase ran onto the scene and started hitting Jake" "He what?!" "Oh! Not our Jake, I mean Jake Gyllenhaal" "Almost got me rilled up"
"Yeah no, we were shooting a scene and Chase thought I was being attacked so he started hitting Jake, it was cute and funny but it did give me the day off. I got them ice cream, so we had a good day, yeah"
"Well I'm glad you guys enjoy yourself" "Yeah.. I miss you. I'm going to bed alright?" "Sure, night, love you" "Love you too"
Tom hangs up the phone and heads to bed, as soon as he laid down, he heard yelling in the other room.
"You got to be pissing me!" He complained but head into the other room to try and get his trouble makers back to sleep.
T A G L I S T @webmeupspiderdaddy @runawayolives @nerdy-collector-festival @hopelessromm@bi-lmg @speedyhandsbonkpalace (If you see this then I couldn't tag you) Want to be added? Then message me!
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lancetuckershairgel · 5 years
Lost Boy
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Starring: Chris Evans as Captain Hook, Sebastian Stan as TJ Hammond, and Tom Holland as Peter Pan (and Anthony Mackie as Mr Smee but he isnt in the story. He was...swabbing the deck or something)
Warnings: drug use, feelings
Word Count: 1,545
A/N: Ahhhhhh!!! This is my new favorite thing ever and it took a turn from TJ being Pan but still. Me likey.
Tag List: @southernbell91 @book-dragon-13 @marvelgirl7 @anxiousamandapanda @randomfandompenguin @louisianaspell @jobean12-blog @leisurelypanda @buckysforeverprincess @tranquil--heart @abovethesmokestacks @brat-in-a-teacup @marvelandotherfandomimagines @collinsstanharbour @nerdy-bookworm-1998
Another bullshit party where TJ Hammond fell under the scrutiny of his parents, their colleagues, and the press left him itching for a fix. He couldn't get out of that place fast enough and relief washed over him the second he stepped foot inside the sanctuary that was his apartment. He tossed  his leather jacket on the couch before he grabbed a beer from the fridge, popped the cap off on the counter, and made his way into the bedroom. 
He lost count of how many lines of white powder he had snorted. He didn't care. Anything to numb him and wash away the feelings. He laid back on his bed and stared at the ceiling, his heart pounding in his chest and eyes glazed over. His fingers tingled and he felt the euphoric sensation of being high overcome him. Just as he was drifting away he heard a scratching at his window, loud enough to draw his attention back to the present. He sat up, swung his legs over the side of the bed and looked at the frame. He didn't think his heart could beat any faster but when the window began to slide open he thought the organ would pound right through his chest. 
"Wh-who's there?" TJ whispered 
A shadowy figure crawled through the open space and heavy boots clunked on the hardwood floor with a thud. TJ couldn't move, the effects of the drugs causing his reactions to be hindered and response time to be much slower than normal. His eyes were wide as the man began to walk toward him and he shook with fear. 
"Don't be afraid." The man spoke "I won't hurt you, my dear boy."
"Wh-who are you?"
The man reached out his arm and TJ jumped but couldn't bring himself to move away from the man's reach. A shiver ran down his spine when something cold slid down his cheek and under his chin, tilting his head up. Blue eyes shown bright with fear and wonder as he looked up at the man. In the dark TJ couldn't make out much but he could see vague features. Long dark hair, a beard. The man was dressed in all black. Slowly, TJ lifted his hand to the object under his chin, his fingers curling around the man's wrist and sliding to his hand. There wasn't a hand. Instead there was a hook. 
"You..you have a hook for a hand!"
"Clever boy." The man chuckled "And now you have answered your own question. I am Captain Hook."
"Yeah right." TJ laughed 
"Don't believe do ya? Come, let me show you."
"Show me what? Your ship? A treasure?"
"Sure, why the hell not." 
TJ shrugged and followed the man to the window, assuming this was a fever dream from his high. The wind on his face sure felt real, as did the man's towering presence next to him. 
"I suppose were gonna fly?" 
"We sure are. Go on, take my hand."
TJ curled his fingers around the hook and off the men flew, out the window and up to the sky. As they began to pass through the clouds the silhouette of a ship appeared in the distance. 
"This is one hell of a trip." TJ thought to himself as he looked over the shining lights if D.C. below him. 
Once the pirate's ship had set sail through the sky, TJ leaned against the front, wind blowing gently against his face. The man, Captain Hook, appeared next to him, leaning against the wooden edge and looking out across the stars. 
"Where are you taking me?" 
"Aye, my boy. See the bright star there?" Hook gestured with his makeshift hand and TJ nodded "That's the first star. We go straight from there and on til morning, then we'll be in Neverland."
"Neverland? You mean with Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, and the lost boys?"
"My child, you are a lost boy." Hook sighed, not looking at TJ
TJ raised his eyebrows but didn't respond. Instead he stood alongside Hook and watched as they carried on with their journey. 
Upon arriving in Neverland, TJ followed the pirate off the ship and into the forest. Pixies, fairies, TJ didnt know what they were, flew overhead and he brushed their falling dust off his shoulder with a scowl. 
"They like you." Hook chuckled, drawing his sword to cut through vines 
"I don't like glitter."  
"It isn't glitter." Hook corrected "Pixie dust. It's special."
"Can I snort it?"
Hook paused his step and gave a sideways glance to TJ before carrying on.
"I wouldn't recommend it."
Soon the pair arrived at a campsite. Teepees and a fire, a pot of stew and wooden platter of bread, headdresses, everything one would expect at a Lost Boy camp, everything except the Lost Boys. 
"Where is everyone? Do I get to meet Peter Pan?" 
Hook laughed as he began to pour stew into a bowl. He handed it to TJ who sat on a wooden stump and began to eat. 
"The boys are off on an adventure."
TJ shoveled the food into his mouth, not realizing how hungry he actually was. 
"I want to go on an adventure."
"Oh but my boy aren't you already having one?" 
"Yeah, sure, but I want to wrestle a crocodile and pillage a village" TJ laughed "That rhymed. I want to find treasure"
"Well then, my lad, we can do all those things. Except maybe wrestle a crock."
While TJ ate, Hook told him tales of Neverland and how he became to be a resident. He debunked a few myths, such as he and Pan being enemies and a crocodile taking his hand. 
"So how'd you lose it?" 
"Aye, an unfortunate accident with the sword." Hook nodded solemnly "No matter. Are you done, Lad?"
TJ had finished his stew and felt pretty full. He thanked Hook before the pirate lead him away from camp. Through the woods and to Skull Island, dark cave with the rocks forming a skull. 
"Let's find treasure shall we?" 
TJ didn't know how long they had been in the cave. Hours. Days. He didn't care about the time, he was enjoying being a make believe pirate. He jumped from rock to boulder, climbing and exploring the cave. Eventually he found the treasure cove and his eyes lit up. Hook watched, leaning against the stone wall with his arms crossed over his chest, as TJ dove in. He tried on jewelry and pretended to drink wine from a gold goblet, he shoved diamonds and rubies into his pockets with Hooks permission. Last he picked up a crown adorned with jewels and placed it on his head. 
"How do I look, Captain?" 
"Like a proper young prince" Hook flashed him a smile 
On the way back from the island TJ began to get tired, his legs aching from all of the walking. Hook obliged in giving him a backride back to the camp where Peter and the Lost Boys were waiting for them. TJ took in Peter Pan, a young boy as expected, who had brown hair and big brown doe eyes. He had a complete innocence about him that TJ admired and envied. 
"Captain Hook! Who have you got there? Not another lost boy!"
Peter introduced himself to TJ and encouraged him to play with the lost boys. Seeing how young Peter and the boys were made TJ suddenly feel feel conscious and like he didn't belong. Hook noticed the long expression and put his arm around the boy. 
"What's wrong, my boy?" 
"I don't belong here. I'm thirty years old.Not a kid."
"Everyone is a kid at heart, some more than others.  Being a Lost Boy doesn't mean that you're a child, it means you need some guidance, love, and a little pixie dust."
"Yeah? I guess you're right."
TJ spent the rest of the night carefree. He played with the lost boys and had a sword fight with Peter. He ate more stew and met Tinkerbell who was exactly as he expected. When the sun began to peak over the horizon the lost boys retreated into their teepees and Peter climbed up to his treehouse for a long sleep. TJ yawned as Hook lead him back to the ship. 
"Do I have to go home?" 
"I don't want to." 
Hook scooped the sleepy TJ into his arms and carried him onto the ship, laying him in his bed. 
"You can come back any time. All you have to do is believe." 
TJ closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep as Hook covered him with a quilt and stroked his cheek with the smooth edge of his hook. 
TJ awoke to light shining. He sat up and looked around, no longer on the pirate ship but instead back in his apartment. He looked over at the window and saw that it was not only closed, but locked as well. He frowned, unable to not feel disappointed by the fact that he hadn't really gone to Neverland with a handsome pirate and instead had experienced a wild, cocaine induced trip. He sighed and got up, making his way to the shower, by passing the window. If only he had seen the gold pixie dust print left on the windowsill.  
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