#awww ryuji
hourly-yugi · 1 year
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brights-place · 2 years
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A/N: Hiii! Here’s another X Reader Piece! I have created for you all! Yes I’m doing this instead of studying cause Why not!
Pairings: Draken,Mikey,Chifuyu and Takemichi
Content: Fluff
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When You hug them In Public…
Draken would look at you with a questioned look before hugging your waist closely and glaring at anybody who gave you guys looks while a small blush’s deviated his cheeks when he heard you whisper “Aweee I love you Ryuji” he couldn’t help but Tsk and hide his face In your hair while you chuckle while he repeated the words “shut up” mikey came back with doryaki in his hands and mouth confused what was happening.
Mikey would hug you back instantly pecking kisses around your face with a Cheeky grin making you all flustered “Awww your so cute N/N-chin” Mikey said squishing your face and pecking her lips making her have a bloodied nose making mikey shocked and scared “Oh… KEN-CHIN I MADE Y/N PASS OUT AGAIN! KEN-CHINNN” next thing you know draken comes in with a ‘hoe you interrupted me vibing to my music’ Let’s say that Mikey wouldn’t leave your side and you guys were getting cute awe’s and adorable looks by some people when Draken carried you back to your house with Mikey following with an scared expression.
Chifuyu couldn’t help but stare at you in shock lips parted with lots of thoughts Processing through his head wondering what to do since you hugged him. He hugged back snuggling his face in the crook of your neck “Awww Chifuyu” y/n smiled pecking chifuyu is cheek while he grinned “Let’s go see Baji now I just wanted to hug before we go” Chifuyu pecked your forehead and took your hand “Don’t worry Baji-Sam wouldn’t care… I think?” Chifuyu said shrugging while Baji was watching from afar clutching his chest “SO CUTE” he shouted before hiding behind the wall when the two of you snapped your heads his direction.
Takemichi would freeze on the spot out of shock and cry with joy a giant grin on his face while he is trying to speak only having stutters of words leaving his mouth while you laugh “Honey relax! I’m sorry I hugged you out of nowhere let’s go see our wonderful girlfriend Hina now!” Takemichi nodded his head taking your hand in his as he pecked your cheek with a soft smile reaching your face. Some standby’s are watching with an face of awe.
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gumibearboy · 5 months
oooh your art is so pretty and you like bugsnax AND persona?! are you the perfect tumblr blog? is this it? hope you're having a good one :D
Awwwe thank you so much! It's hard to believe someone would consider me the best tumblr blog! Shoutout to all you Bugsnakers that also like Persona! Here's a doodle of the modern trio as Grumpuses as a little thank you gift! I hope you like it even if it's not the best!
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also shoutout to yall who played Bugsnax and immediately recognised that Filbo and Beffica were Ryuji and Morgana! bonus points if you recognised Akechi's VA voices the Buffalocust
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butchfalin · 1 year
akira, gesturing wildly: i just feel like i would know by now, right?
makoto, who just walked in after retrieving snacks for everyone: whoa... what's going on?
futaba: ann was complaining about dress shopping alone so akira offered to come with her and then ann said he could rock a skirt and ryuji said he would be hot as a girl and yusuke said it wouldn't change anything, so now akira's having a gender crisis and ryuji's having a sexuality crisis because he just called akira hot. oh shit are those toritos?
makoto: yeah i got toritos and a few boxes of rocky— you said they're both having separate crises? and all this happened in the five minutes i was gone?
akira: i mean, a persona is all about your true inner self, right? so if i was repressing something like that i shouldn't have been able to awaken arsène in the first place
haru: oh! but aren't several of your personas women? you especially spend a lot of time using kaguya lately...
ryuji: wait, if akira's a girl then am i still straight?
yusuke: you... were meant to be straight? this whole time? interesting... i believe i may have misunderstood some things
ann: i mean, akira, you coooould still be a dude and just like dressing femininely, buuuut...
akira: i haven't even done that, though! this was all purely hypothetical!
morgana: didn't you buy a dress last week? you're just waiting for it to come in, right?
futaba: ooh, ooh, you did! i saw it in your history!
futaba: yeeaaaah and speaking of your history... don't discount this line of thinking, okay? 'cause, uh, this definitely isn't the first sign if you know what to look for
akira: ...please don't go through my phone history anymore
futaba: awww but your taste in featherman fanart you bookmark is so good :(
makoto: guys, should we maybe give everyone some time to think? we were going to plan our next mementos run, weren't we? let's table this discussion for now. akira, ryuji, we're all here for you if you'd like to talk about anything, but don't feel like you have to, okay?
akira: thanks makoto. i appreciate it
futaba: i'll send you some links later akira i gotchu
akira: thank you futaba
futaba: there's some important reading about transgenderism and some black falcon/red eagle rule 63 art i think you'd like
akira: thank. you. futaba.
ryuji: wait so am i bisexual or not
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sunset-bridge · 10 months
Similarly to Persona Q you can “get married” in P5 Tactica, which includes male characters like Ryuji and Yusuke
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finally. my shukita shit can become a reality
WOW!!!!!!!! NO WAY................. AWWW AWW AWWWWWWWW
whatever no gorbo. or mishima. not even happening. tsk whatever. i dont even care
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rygoespop · 2 months
Wolves of South Town: Welcome to Riyadh (Chapter 3)
Najd: What brings you here Rock?
Rock: Najd, it’s a long story
Najd: Go on
Rock: Me and my team were ambushed by Billy and Ryuji, the two henchmen that work for my father
Najd: I see, so why did you come all the way here?
B. Jenet: So we can hide from them
Najd: I see, well you can stay here for a while
King of Dinosaurs: Thank you!
Rock: After that, can you tell us where should we go out of fear that my father will stop us?
Najd: I am happy to help you
Rock: Thanks Najd
Najd: For now, you must take refuge in my home, come with me
Soon, Team Wolves follow Najd to her place, unaware that a South Town Mafia Drone observes them, as Geese, Billy, and Ryuji all look at the camera’s monitor
Billy: There they are sir!
Ryuji: Permission to go to Saudi Arabia to deal with them?
Geese: No! Not yet, instead we will do the opposite
Billy: What’s that boss?
Geese: We wait for them to come back to South Town *he smirks*
Back in Saudi Arabia, Team Wolves and Najd arrive at Najd’s place
Najd: Here we are, my Apartment
Rock: Whoo, it looks all fancy
Najd: Well, it is what it is
King of Dinosaurs: Hey, it’s kinda bit small, but impressive
B. Jenet: Is there a jacuzzi?
Najd: Unfortunately there’s no jacuzzi
B. Jenet: Awww
Rock: Now then, tell us where should we go to next?
Najd: I can suggest you three to travel to the Classic Chinese Garden, all the way in China
Rock: Right, so we have to go to China?
Najd: Yes, you will have an advantage to avoid any of the South Town Mafia members
Rock: I don’t know what to say, thank you Najd
Najd: Anytime
The sky transitions from Night to Morning, as Team Wolves began to leave Saudi Arabia for China
Rock: We thank you for your hospitality Najd
B. Jenet: Thanks for letting us stay for one night!
King of Dinosaurs: But now, we are off!
Najd: Good luck, Team Wolves
Soon, Team Wolves head off from Saudi Arabia all the way to China
Rock: Here we come
Scene cuts to Team Wolves arriving at Classic Chinese Garden in China
Rock: We made it, China
B. Jenet: The garden looks so lovely!
King of Dinosaurs: The lights are so nice, but the view is great
Rock: At least we are here
Scene cuts to black
To be Continued
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mechahero · 6 months
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@electricea asked- White Day Ask! "Lambda, this is for you! Happy White Day, man!"
Oh, right. White Day! He'd forgotten about that!
Even as the card is gently pushed into his hand and Lambda looks down, studying it. He didn't know they made cards for this. Neat. It's even Hello Kitty themed, how cute! Lambda runs a thumb over it, a small smile slowly making its way onto his face.
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"Awww! I wasn't really expectin' to get anything back. Thank you though, Ryuji! I really appreciate it."
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dragondemoness · 1 year
Bunny awww will ya look at that we ending up sharing a room ryuji what a lucky suprise well I’m will take a shower hope you won’t take a peak day winking with a playful way of talking
*Ryuji starts to blush as Bunny goes to take his shower. Later, everyone meets up at the beach outside, and both Dragon and Yusuke completely cover themselves instead of wearing swimsuits.*
Ren: While we're here, let's take a picture.
*Dragon volunteers to take the picture to avoid being in it, and after it's taken, Futaba texts Ren before saying that she bugged his phone. She texts him again shortly after.*
Futaba, text: Hey Ren, why do you have so many pictures of--
*Ren immediately puts away his phone before anyone can read what the bottom part says, and awkwardly clears his throat with a blush.*
Ren: ...Well, let's go.
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year
As of who’s in my party, it’s Ganyu, Ayaka, Klee and Noelle. Noelle is really amazing when it comes to being both my shield and healer. Ganyu is my main dps and Ayaka/Klee are my sub dps.
As of who’s my favorite, Itto definitely because I absolutely love his personality(reminds me so much of Denji, Yuji and Ryuji), and just the fact that he has voiced by one of my favorite English VAs adds onto. I’m just so attracted to him. Dehya is my favorite female, ever since I played the sumeru archon quest I’ve been waiting to play her! I especially love the part where she wanted us to smile 🥺 I was immediately in love.
In the future I really want my dream party to be Ganyu, Ayaka, Dehya, and Shinobu.
Awww yes Itto is so fun!! I love him too 💗He made me laugh immediately after I got him, and that's always a good sign!! I haven't met Dehya yet, because I am still playing in Liyue aaaaah. But I have seen pictures of her and she looks so hot!!
I am really happy to be able to play again!! It's such a fun game. There is still so much I have to figure out, but I think I am slowly getting there :)
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*Ann beams at you.*
Ann: Awww! So you were thinking of them, even then?
Ryuji: ...Considerin' how much you seemed to hate their guts yesterday, that's kinda surprisin'.
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
ooooo i just noticed youre on valentines day yes
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hourly-yugi · 1 year
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Tell me about your first playthrough (or watch through) of persona 5
Oh god, Persona 5 was weird.
I played it maybe up until Futaba's palace. I grappled with the idea of health as a currency to perform attacks, and then got really good at the battle system way quicker than I expected. So, I abandoned the game to binge what came before!
I played Nocturne, I played a fan translation of the first SMT, I started a play through of P2 fan translated on the PS1... And then I remembered somewhere while playing Persona 3!
I never beat Persona 5.
I struggled an awful lot on Kamoshida my first play through. 3 days of on again, off again attempts. I came back though with even more experience and honed skills than I came in, and honestly? It felt too easy. I started a second play through on the hardest difficulty: I still couldn't really cut my teeth on it. It felt like (by quitting for a while to find out about all this stuff everyone else said was harder) I had sharpened my claws a little too much.
It didn't help I am not easily invested in social sims. I will only really talk to characters that strike a chord with me, and disregard basically everyone else. You can't date guys in Persona 5, so I just spent Valentine's with Ryuji. I maxed out Yusuke, I maxed out Ryuji, I talked to a few of the adults like Sojiro... I came around a little on Haru, but she's like a daughter to me. So I never pursued the romance route.
I guess that's being aplatonic though. I am disinterested in all but the relationships I have a better frame of reference for, with few exceptions. Higurashi actually kind of sold me on the idea friendship isn't just something alloplatonic people made up, and that frame of reference has been helpful to my DND character (since he is, demonstrably, alloplatonic.)
Oh and I fucking hate Morgana. Congratulations Persona 5: you made me hate a cat. No other media managed before. Hats off to you, only Persona has managed to make characters annoying enough that they even grate my nerves. (Chie and Teddy also go up there from Persona 4. Do not ask me about Persona 4 unless you want to hear how much I hate it, please and thank.)
First playthrough, I'm in Kamoshida's palace, I was like... Awww, he's not that bad! By fucking Futaba's palace I was just like ON GOD SHUT UP OR I WILL TURN YOU INTO A LARGELY UNETHICAL COAT.
Oh and Maruki wasn't a thing yet, because Royal didn't exist.
I don't talk about it much, but my main F/O and dream date was Yusuke. Still... Def would date him if the game let me, and I wasn't playing Royal (thus, Maruki isn't an option.)
Oh and the game lets you fuck your teacher, so while I didn't do it, my step dad and I giggled like middle schoolers over it on his first play through instead.
I also really hated Akechi for like 80% of my play through. And then somewhere in that last 20%, he became a kismesis to fill my Persona 5 black quadrant. I really ought to give him a tag and write some of him and Maruki soon...
Also don't ask me what separates bad hate from sexy hate, I am not even 110% on it myself. All I know is that Akechi and Varre fill me with the most gleeful malice, but Morgana makes me want to commit atrocities out of like. Bad rage.
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kplays · 2 years
Jumin mod: Last time with the Lonely Hearts Club
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Omg ahahah Mishima run. Even Akira can't believe this!
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Awww don't be like that Ryuji, Akira can be bf material.
My shiiiiiip
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zachariesmackthee · 4 years
Ann: Let's play fuck marry kill, Akechi your up first, your choices are Akira, Ry-
Akechi: Fuck Akira, Marry Akira, Kill Akira
Ann: Wha- that's not how this works
Akira: I'm feeling a little unsafe
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crossxskulled · 3 years
their technological escapades were not to be so easily forgotten, despite how quickly the time between them had seem to pass since then. he had carefully selected a galaxy - themed case for the other's phone, having memorised its shape and size when he had held the device in his hand, having been with him to select his very own. in his other hand was a large box of sugar skulls and chocolate mochi, pristinely wrapped. " happy birthday, ryuji ! i hope i'm not too late ! i hope you have your best outfit planned out for today, as i'm treating you to wherever you would like to go to eat ! noodle bar, sushi, we'll do it all ! after all, you only have this specific birthday once in your lifetime ! "
☠ - Time before truly enjoying the said day was actually spent working. Helping out at the old spots, situating things at his old home, the clarity of another year passing only promoted thoughts of really working to cement his foundation. To let the people close knows that he gives a damn, while on the other hand, having the best grounds so this comfortable pace can freely run red hot through high vigor gridlined with plenty of effort. What he hadn’t expected was a reflection of just how far he’s really come thanks to the passing days.
Back then his phone would’ve been a graveyard, dulled out with colors on such a day, all aside from his mom and those silly notes that never made his spark die out from sadness.
Now? While those would never change, the luxurious burst across the screen, faces both all and new giving him well wishes and promises to hang out.. In short? It did a guy damn good, that warmth seething within his chest was undeniable.
Right now happens to be the perfect time for him to come running to a meet up spot with Ryoji. Their meet up spot was tinged in mild familiarity, an open park where the joggers or people who vied for solitude would come and make their dues. And it’d be there where these very gifts are received. Somehow this guy always managed to be a paradox. Sweet and simple, on the other hand, how he holds that same saccharine sentiment for death itself is one mystery he’s content in taking his sweet time in figuring. “Eyyy man! S’like a full on space set up here! I.. wait, I hadn’t shown ya my phone in a hot minute though, is this even gonna?”
One way to find out. Taking that first, his surprise would be.. very vocal.
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”Haaah!? This actually fits without a damn hitch!? Are you one of those phone whispers or somethin’ man!?”
From then on the rest was history. By the time he’s checked out all the presents, all, almost all, Ryuji was pressed to a point of even higher spirits. However the essence of that feeling never dragged pompously into his ego. Now days? Just being too damn thankful managed to fill that void any conquest for falsified validation would toil and fail in feeding. “Nah, not too late at all but.. yo, for real? I mean! I ain’t one to kick a top meal in the face! But you’d really be down for backing me on up like that?” Normally this wouldn’t be an issue. Ryoji’s kindness however felt like it needed more care applied, call it a hunch, but that nagging worry that people may want to take advantage of that bothered him. The last thing the blonde wants is joining that demographic.
“...I mean. while ya ain’t wrong. It ain’t gonna be that lonely with a lot more birthdays down the line, eesh.” With faux annoyance and a puff, it soon eases into a smile.
“Two guys suitin’ on up and hitting the town sounds fun as hell though. I’ma have to sweet these sweets... well okay, most of them till after a proper meal. I still think I got that one suit tucked up in my place. How many sushi places ya know?”
Times with these two could always manage to melt into a certain familiarity once again.
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