#avi's ten cents
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knifeinthecofffeee · 7 months ago
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is this anything
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
Shiba ( SHIBA), the self-proclaimed “Dogecoin DOGE/USD killer,” has experienced a massive surge in value, rising by 750% in the past 24 hours.  What Happened: While it is not listed on centralized exchanges, the token has been actively traded on decentralized exchanges, with a trading volume exceeding $1.96 million during this period. Data from DEX tools reveals that there are currently over 16,500 SHIBA holders. At the time of writing, SHIBA is being traded at a price of 0.00000000588. In comparison, Shiba Inu SHIB/USD, is trading at $0.000007195, showing a slight decline of 0.93% in the past 24 hours. The SHIBA website declares itself as the “rebirth of the DOGE killer”. It emphasizes the anticipation for a new leader and highlights the enthusiasm of the Shiba whales. "The world has witnessed a lot of disappointments, the Shiba whales have their eyes blazing. It’s time for the birth of a new king, a new Doge Killer of 2023, $SHIBA. Will The SEC Finally Approve Long-Awaited Bitcoin Spot ETF? Ask industry experts directly at Benzinga's Future of Digital Assets event happening in NYC on Nov. 14, 2023. Be a part of the discussions where you won't just be a passive spectator. Don't let this chance slip away – secure early bird discounted tickets now! See More: A Stay At The Floating Palace From James Bond's ‘Octopussy Why It Matters: In terms of token supply allocation, SHIBA has distributed its supply as follows: Here is the breakdown of token supply allocation: – Liquidity: 47% of the token supply, which amounts to 470  trillion tokens, will be burned at launch.  – Burn: 30% of the token supply, which equals 300 trillion tokens, will be removed from circulation at launch. – CEX: 5% of the token supply, which is 50 trillion tokens, will be allocated for centralized exchange listings. These tokens will be vested at a rate of one percent per week. – Marketing: 5% of the token supply, which amounts to 50 trillion tokens, will be allocated for marketing and development funds. These tokens will be vested over a period of twelve months. – Ecosystem Fund: 4% of the token supply, which equals 40 trillion tokens, will be allocated for the ecosystem fund. These tokens will be vested over a period of ten weeks. – Bridge: 4% of the token supply, which amounts to 40 trillion tokens, will be allocated for the bridge fund for cross-chain trading. These tokens will be vested at a rate of one percent per week. – Team: 5% of the token supply, which is 50 trillion tokens, will be allocated for the team fund. These tokens will be vested over a period of twelve months. Please note that these allocations are subject to change and may be adjusted over time. Further, SHIBA has introduced its own token called $BONES. Photo by Avi Rozen on Shutterstock These types of tokens can be highly volatile, and their value may fluctuate significantly in the market. Therefore, it is important to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions. Read Next: Here’s How Much You Should Invest In Shiba Inu Today For A $1M Payday If SHIB Hits 1 Cent?
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ohsweetflips · 6 years ago
talk about a carey/killian modern au. one of them owns a flower shop, the other a tattoo shop. how do they fall head over heels
stephano u are speaking my motherfucking language here!!!!!!!
killian owns the flower shop. it started as a family business in her home town but, when killian moved to a new city, she thought it would be a good time to “expand the brand,” so to speak
carey owns the tattoo shop. she’s worked at the shop since she was sixteen, first just answering phone calls and making appointments, then for a couple years she worked as an artist, and then the old owner had to move but didn’t want to shut down, so he handed it off to carey
the stores are across the street from each other
to the right of the florist is a bakery. to the left of the florist is a bookstore. to the right of the tattoo shop is a speech therapy practitioner. to the left of the tattoo shop is a building currently being constructed on.
killian knows Literally No One in these other businesses
carey, on the other hand...
her best friend, magnus, who she met in college and is her current roommate is also working on the construction in the building next door. she met taako, one half of the twins that own the bakery, and merle, davenport’s boyfriend and someone very interested in this new florist across the street, through magnus. she met lup, second half of the twins, through taako. she met barry, biology professor at the local college, through lup. she met lucretia, the owner of the bookstore across the street, years back when she had to work two jobs and, for a duration, was a cashier at her store. she met davenport, the speech therapist from next door, through merle.
it also helped that they all worked in a very close vacinity to one another
but, yes, killian is super new to the city and doesn’t know Anyone and is just trying to keep her store afloat and not go poor
the first person she hires is a guy named avi and, within their first shift working together, they came out of it best friends
she then quickly accumulates other employees, like boyland (who needed a third job to help support his family) and robbie (who killian isn’t quite sure what actually does when he isn’t working) and noelle (a freshman at the local college who needed some money and activated killian’s older-sister instincts)
and then she meets merle. this older guy with a big bushy beard and a hawaiian shirt who just strolls into her shop one day and spends about thirty minutes looking at all the flowers and plants and nodding to himself, even murmuring some things, before looking at killian behind big round glasses, grinning, and saying, “pretty fuckin’ nice place you got here”
killian blinks. “thanks?”
before merle leaves, he has a job there and his first shift the next day.
killian meets davenport through merle when the two walked to work from their apartment down the street the next morning. she meets lucretia the next day because lucretia stopped by to introduce herself when she realized that the two never met. she technically meets lup through lucretia because lup saw her walk into the flower shop. she meets taako right after because she met lup. she meets barry technically on accident, because he came it to buy a bouquet of roses for his girlfriend’s birthday and only when lup came into her store talking about the roses she got did killian realize she met her boyfriend. avi meets magnus first, so killian meets magnus through him.
she meets carey last, because that’s how things like this work
she was just starting to close up when she heard the bell above her door chime. she’s almost frustrated, it’s been a long day and she was already yelled at by a stressed husband who forgot his anniversary and was surprised that he couldn’t get an arrangement in five minutes, except, turning to face the door, she just stares at the girl standing there for a moment
she looks around killian’s age, though perhaps half her size. she has short hair dyed blue, a septum piercing, two eyebrow piercings, snake bites, and both her ears nearly completely done. what catches killian’s attention the most is the sleeve going down her left arm that looks like blue scaling, and it reaches down her hand as well to wrap around her fingers as if it was a fingerless glove.
she’s the most beautiful woman killian has ever seen
the girl catches her looking and flashes a grin at killian. “hey there.”
killian blinks. “hi.”
the girl approaches the counter that killian is standing behind, looking around at the hanging plants. “you’re killian, yeah?” killian nods. “i think i’m the only person around here that hasn’t stopped in to say hi.”
killian, ever the eloquent speaker when it comes to pretty girls, says, “well, hi.”
and the girl actually laughs, which is enough to make killian’s day, or at least make her smile. “i’m carey.”
after that, the two seem to just find reasons to go over to each other’s shops on their breaks. first, it’s because taako and lup are having half-off all cupcakes at their bakery, and carey thought she would just stop by. then, it’s because killian’s always thought about getting a tattoo, so she might as well look at some of the art. then, it’s because lucretia finally added a cafe to her bookstore, and carey thought she’d get killian something. next, it’s because killian found out that carey’s shop does piercings, too, and she figured why not. because they want to be better friends. because magnus wanted to say hi and carey decided to come along. because lucretia and killian have gotten close and she wanted killian to go with her to get a tattoo done. because. because. because.
because killian thinks she’s been in love with carey since the moment carey walked into her store, even if she didn’t know it yet. because carey made killian’s heart soar and made her stop being scared of living on her own. because killian smiled whenever she saw carey across the street in her own shop.
the business owners all become close friends. they all grab snacks from the twins’ bakery together and sit with each other through piercing and tattoo appointments. they relax in lucretia’s store and all jokingly heckle magnus when they see him working outside. they help merle and killian set up the outside flower display when the weather gets nice and sit in the backroom of the bakery with barry while he grades tests and chill in the AC of davenport’s lobby when there aren’t many patients for the day.
they’re all best friends now, but killian is terrified of ruining that with carey. what if she’s just misreading everything? what if carey already has a girlfriend and she’s just super private? what if what if what if
important note: literally everyone but carey knows that killian is in love with her. even taako’s new boyfriend who none of them have met yet because taako is actually private knows that killian is in love with carey
also very important note: also literally everyone but killian knows that carey feels the same way
it happens in killian’s shop when she’s the last one closing up
carey comes in, and the sun setting behind her makes her look magical, and killian can’t help but stare as she walks in
“what are you looking at?” carey asks
“you,” killian says
carey laughs and rolls her eyes. “thanks, captain obvious.”
carey walks behind the counter and props herself up on it, looking up at killian. killian, who had just wiped down that part of the counter, didn’t mind.
“we’re going to the bar down town tonight,” carey tells her. “we’re finally meeting the elusive dr. kravitz so what better way then to get absolutely fucking hammered with him?”
killian laughs. “will you need a ride?”
carey smirks. “how ladylike.”
“just because last time we all went out, you and magnus tried to sleep on a park bench because you thought the four-block walk back to your place was too long.”
carey arches an eyebrow up at killian. “are you making fun of me?”
killian smirks and shrugs. “only stating the truth.”
in the next 2.5 seconds, they are making out on the counter, but that is neither here nor there
that same night, hell, in the next ten minutes, they’re talking out their feelings and realizing that they have both been head over heels for months. and they laugh. they laugh a lot because of course everyone but them knew.
also tho, just know that a lot of other rom-com stuff happens before this. magnus and avi try wingmanning them. taako and lup debate sending each of them valentine’s day donuts under the name of their respective crushes. merle has to hear killian talk about carey every day at work and goes home to davenport to try to concoct a plan. lucretia just so happens to leave romance books in each of their shops. somehow, barry’s students have also tried to give their two cents on what the girls should do. even kravitz is like, “oh, finally!” when he hears that carey and killian finally got together
they get an appartment together and adopt two cats and a lizard and their appartment is always decorated with flowers and carey gave killian her first tattoo and they have weekly dinners with their friends at each other’s appartments and magnus helps carey choose an engagement ring and they get married at the beach near killian’s childhood home and they live happily ever after
and roll credits!!!!!
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xtruss · 3 years ago
'All to Grift Billions From Western Taxpayers': Thug Zelensky's Vogue Photoshoot Ripped to Shreds Online
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The Ukrainian president and First Lady Olena Zelenska sparked controversy after posing for a series of glamor shots with the US edition of “fashion bible” magazine Vogue. The shoot got hundreds of thousands of likes on Instagram, but also sparked questions about whether the president has anything better to do with his time.
President Volodymyr Zelensky’s photo shoot with his wife for Vogue photographer Annie Leibovitz has gotten social media��s creative juices flowing, with detractors posting dozens of meme-worthy photoshopped images maligning the president and accusing him of corruption and NATO puppet status.
Users took a particular liking to a shot of Zelensky closely embracing his wife, cropping her out and replacing her with a Ukrainian soldier, showing the First Couple at a table before piles of cash, or, in one instance, showing US President Joe Biden joining in on the love fest by affectionately sniffing Zelensky’s neck.
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Twitter: Fiorella Isabel@FiorellaIsabelM! New VOGUE photoshoot dropped.
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Twitter: Dr. Jebra Faushay, Ph.d@JebraFaushay! July 27, 2022. Love the centerfold of that Vogue photo shoot.
One person took inspiration from a shot featuring Olena Zelenska solo sitting on the steps of a government building with sandbags all around her, replacing her face with that of her husband and again featuring bags of cash, in likely reference to the tens of billions of dollars in weapons, and financial and humanitarian aid Washington and its allies have committed to Kiev in recent months.
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Twitter: I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸@ImMeme0
The photo shoot itself exploded on Twitter, rising up to the top five most tweeted hashtags on the social media platform Wednesday night and into Thursday morning.
In addition to the mocking photoshopped images, users expressed exasperation over the decision to hold such a shoot in the middle of a conflict.
“Massive amount of Ukrainian soldiers dying every day, Zelensky: let’s have a Vogue shooting,” one user complained. “Why did we send $54 billion to Ukraine, so Zelensky and his wife could pose for Vogue? You’re at war and you’ve got time for photo shoots?” another inquired. “A complete loss of sovereignty, a poor country, currency devaluation, a third of agricultural land sold to US corporations, the last grain is exported. What is Zelensky doing? A photo shoot with his wife for glamorous Vogue,” a third vented. “Did taxpayer money fund Zelensky’s Vogue cover shoot? Not a dime more for Ukraine,” Washington Times columnist Tim Young wrote. “Let’s send another $40 billion to Zelensky. Maybe he could do a Vanity Fair spread after this Vogue photo shoot,” another person chimed in.
Vanessa Beeley, an independent reporter who helped expose the US-funded attempt to institute regime change in Syria, reacted with fury to the shoot. “When your people are dying in a #NATO proxy war and you pose for Vogue you are not a leader, you are a morally bankrupt NATO-controlled parasite who sends his own people to death while dressing up and prostituting himself to Western warlords,” she wrote.
“I respected Zelensky at the beginning of the war when we were flooded with photos of the Ukrainian President on the frontline in tactical gear. Turned out the photos were faked. An act like the man himself. Now posing for Vogue. All to grift billions from Western taxpayers,” Rebel News correspondent Avi Yemini wrote.
A few supporters of the president got in their two cents, accusing detractors of “feigning outrage” and comparing the photo shoot to articles and ads appearing in Vogue during the Second World War with a "support the troops" message.
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Twitter: Kate Tsurkan 🇺🇦@TsurkanKate! During WW2 Ladies' Home Journal was one of the biggest magazines in the US. They published numerous articles about the roles of women during wartime, stories of heroes, and, of course, ads tied to war. But let's feign outrage over Zelensky and his wife appearing in Vogue. 🙃
Twitter: Nat@Arwenstar! Zelensky and his wife posing for Vogue. The optics are really bad. Terrible. Anyone with half a brain is going to find this photoshoot repellent. But the people with the 🇺🇦 flag in their bio will lap it up - this is for them. So very shallow. And very sad. 6:59 AM · July 27, 2022
However, even Ian Bremmer, a neocon academic who has been cheering on the Ukraine crisis since the February 2014 coup d’etat in Kiev, admitted that the Zelenskys’ Vogue photo shoot was a “bad idea.”
— Sputnik International | Ilya Tsukanov | July 28, 2022
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brainmassfinance · 4 years ago
In every profession, there are probably a dozen or two major rules. Knowing them cold is what separates the professional from the amateur. Not knowing them at all? Well, let's put it this way: How safe would you feel if you suddenly found yourself piloting (solo) a Boeing 747 as it were landing on an airstrip? Unless you are a professional pilot, you would probably be frightened out of your wits and would soil your underwear. Hold that thought as you read this essay because I will explain to you how market manipulation works.
In order to successfully speculate, one should presume the following: THE SMALL CAP STOCK MARKETS PRIMARILY EXIST TO FLEECE YOU! I'm talking about Vancouver, Alberta, the Canadian Dealing Network and the US Over-the Counter markets (Pink Sheets, Bulletin Board, etc.). One could also stretch this, with many stocks, to include the world's senior stock markets, including Toronto, New York, NASDAQ, London, etc. The average investor or speculator is not very likely to have much success in the small cap crapshoots. I guess that is what attracted ME to these markets. I have been trying, for quite some time, to answer this question, "How come?" Now, I know. And you should, too!
By the way, the premise of these books is uniformly: "While these speculative companies do not actually make any money, one can profit by speculating in these companies." THAT is the premise on how these markets are run, by both the stock promoters, insiders, brokers, analysts and others in this industry. That logic is flawed in that it presumes "someone else" is going to end up holding the dirty bag. Follow this premise all the way through and you will realize the insane conclusion: For these markets to continue along that route, new suckers have to continue coming into the marketplace. The conclusion is insane in that such mad activity can only be short-lived. I disagree with this premise and propose another solution (see my earlier essay: A Modest Proposal) at the end of this essay.
What the professionals and the securities regulators know and understand, which the rest of us do not, is this.
This should explain why a mining company finds something good and "nothing happens" or the stock goes down. At the same time, for NO apparent reason, a stock suddenly takes off for the sky! On little volume! Someone is manipulating that stock, often with an unfounded rumor.
In order to make these market manipulations work, the professionals assume: (a) The Public is STUPID and (b) The Public will mainly buy at the HIGH and (c) The Public will sell at the LOW. Therefore, as long as the market manipulator can run crowd control, he can be successful.
Let's face it: The reason you speculate in such markets is that you are greedy AND optimistic. You believe in a better tomorrow and NEED to make money quickly. It is this sentiment which is exploited by the market manipulator. He controls YOUR greed and fear about a particular stock. If he wants you to buy, the company's prospects look like the next Microsoft. If the manipulator wants you to desert the sinking ship, he suddenly becomes very guarded in his remarks about the company, isn't around to glowingly answer questions about the company and/or GETS issued very bad news about the company. Which brings us to the next important rule.
Ever wonder why a particular company is made to look like the greatest thing since sliced bread? That sentiment is manufactured.
Newsletter writers are hired -- either secretly or not -- to cheerlead a stock. PR firms are hired and let loose upon an unsuspecting public. Contracts to appear on radio talk shows are signed and implemented. Stockbrokers get "cheap" stock to recommend the company to their "book" (that means YOU, the client in his book). An advertising campaign is rolled out (television ads, newspaper ads, card deck mailings). The company signs up to exhibit at "investment conferences" and "gold shows" (mainly so they can get a little "podium time" to hype you on their stock and tell you how "their company is really different" and "not a stock promotion.") Funny little "hype" messages are posted on Internet newsgroups by the same cast of usual suspects. The more, the merrier. And a little "juice" can go a long way toward running up the stock price.
The HYPE is on. The more clever a stock promoter, the better his knowledge of the advertising business. Little gimmicks like "positioning" are used. Example: Make a completely unknown company look warm and fuzzy and appealing to you by comparing it to a recent success story, Diamond Fields or Bre-X Minerals. That is the POSITIONING gospel, authored by Ries and Trout (famous for "Avis: We Want To Be #1" and "We Try Harder" and other such slogans). These advertising/PR executives must have stumbled onto this formula after losing their shirts speculating in a few Canadian stock promotions! The only reason you have been invited to this seemingly incredible banquet is that YOU are the main course. After the market manipulator has suckered you into "his investment," exchanging HIS paper for YOUR cash, the walls begin to close in on you. Why is that?
Your favorite home-run stock has just stalled or retreated a bit from its high. Suddenly, there is a news VACUUM. Either NO news or BAD rumors. I discovered this with quite a few stocks. I would get LOADS of information and "hot tips." All of a sudden, my pipeline was shut-off. Some companies would even issue a news release CONDEMNING me ("We don't need 'that kind of hype' referring to me!). Cute, huh? When the company wanted fantastic hype circulated hither and yon, there would be someone there to spoon-feed me. The second the distribution phase was DONE....ooops! Sorry, no more news. Or, "I'm sorry. He's not in the office." Or, "He won't be back until Monday."
The really slick market manipulators would even seed the Internet news groups or other journalists to plant negative stories about that company. Or start a propaganda campaign of negative rumors on all available communication vehicles. Even hiring a "contrarian" or "special PR firm" to drive down the price. Even hiring someone to attack the guy who had earlier written glowingly about the company. (This is not a game for the faint-hearted!).
You'll also see the stock drifting endlessly. You may even experience a helpless feeling, as if you were floating in outer space without a lifeline. That is exactly HOW the market manipulator wants you to feel. See Rule Number Five below. He may also be doing this to avoid the severe disappointment of a "dry hole" or a "failed deal." You'll hear that oft-cried refrain, "Oh well, that's the junior minerals exploration business... very risky!" Or the oft-quoted statistic, "Nine out of 10 businesses fail each year and this IS a Venture Capital Startup stock exchange." Don't think it wasn't contrived. If a geologist at a junior mining company wasn't optimistic and rosy in his promise of exploration success, he would be replaced by someone who was! Ditto for the high-tech deal, in a world awash with PhD's.
So, how do you know when you are being taken? Look again at Rule #1. Inside that rule, a few other rules unfold which explain how a stock price is manipulated.
When there was less volume, the price was lower. Professionals were accumulating. After the price runs, the volume increases. The professionals bought low and sold high. The amateurs bought high (and will soon enough sell low). In older books about market manipulation and stock promotion, which I've recently studied, the markup price referred to THREE times higher than the floor. The floor is the launchpad for the stock. For example, if one looks at the stock price and finds a steady flatline on the stock's chart of around 10 cents, then that range is the FLOOR.
Basically, the markup phase can go as high as the market manipulator is capable of taking it. From my observations, a good markup should be able to run about five to ten times higher than the floor, with six to seven being common. The market manipulator will do everything in his power to keep you OUT OF THE STOCK until the share price has been marked up by at least two-three times, sometimes resorting to "shaking you out" until after he has accumulated enough shares. Once the markup has begun, the stock chart will show you one or more spikes in the volume -- all at much higher prices (marked up by the manipulator, of course). That is DISTRIBUTION and nothing else.
Example: Look at Software Control Systems (Alberta:XVN), in which I purchased shares after it had been marked up five times. There were eight days of 500,000 (plus) shares trading hands, with one day of 750,000 shares trading hands. Market manipulator(s) dumping shares into the volume at higher prices. WHENEVER you see HUGE volume after the stock has risen on a 75 degree angle, the distribution phase has started and you are likely to be buying in -- at or near the stock's peak price.
Example: Look at Diamond Fields (TSE FR), which never increased at a 75 degree angle and did not have abnormal volume spikes, yet in less than two years ran from C$4 to C$160/share.
Example: Look at Bre-X Minerals (Alberta:BXM), which did not experience its first 75 degree angle, with huge volume until July 14th, 1995. The next two trading days, BXM went down and stayed around C$12/share for two weeks. The volume had been 60% higher nearly a month earlier, with only a slight price increase. Each high volume and spectacular increase in BXM's share price was met with a price retreat and leveling off. "Suddenly," BXM wasn't trading at C$2/share; it was at C$170/share.... up 8500% in less than a year!
In both of the above cases, major Canadian newspapers ran extremely negative stories about both companies, at one time or another. In each instance, just before another share price run up, retail investors fled the stock! Just before both began yet another run up! Successful short-term speculators generally exit any stock run up when the volume soars; amateurs get greedy and buy at those points.
Just as the manipulator will use every available means to invite you to "the party," he will savagely and brutally drive you away from "his stock" when he has fleeced you. The first falsehood you assume is that the stock promoter WANTS you to make a bundle by investing in his company. So begins a string of lies that run for as long as your stomach can take it.
You will get the first clue that "you have been had" when the stock stalls at the higher level. Somehow, it ran out of steam and you are not sure why. Well, it ran out of steam because the market manipulator stopped running it up. It's over inflated and he can't convince more people to buy. The volume dries up while the share price seems to stall. LOOK AT THE TRADING VOLUME, NOT THE SHARE PRICE! When earlier, there may have been 500,000 shares trading each day for eight out of 12 trading days (as in the case of Software Control Systems), now the volume has slipped to 100,000 shares (or so) daily. There are some buyers there, enough for the manipulator to continue dumping his paper, but only so long as he can enlist one or more individuals/services to bang his drum.
He may continue feeding the promo guys a string of "promises" and "good news down the road." (Believe me, this HAS happened to me!) But, when the news finally arrives, the stock price goes THUD! This is entirely orchestrated by a market manipulator. You'll see it in the trading volume, most of which is CONTRIVED. A market manipulator will have various brokers buying and selling the stock to give the APPEARANCE of increasing volume and price so that YOU do start chasing it higher.
At some point during the stall stage, investors get fed up with the non-performance of the stock. It drifts for a while, in a steady retreat, with perhaps a short-lived spike in price and volume (the final signal that the manipulator has finally offloaded ALL of his paper). Then, the stock comes tumbling down -- having lost ALL of the earlier share appreciation.
Sometimes, with the more cruel manipulators, they will throw in a little false hope... giving you a little more rope so they can better hang you. Just after a severe drop, there will be a "bottom fishing" announcement which sends the share price up a bit on high volume, rises a little more after that and then continues to drift. Meanwhile, you keep getting "shaken out" through a cruel drip-drip water torture of the share price's slow retreat. Again, virtually every movement is completely orchestrated.
Like Jesse Livermore wrote, "If there's some easy money lying around, no one is going to force it into your pocket." The same concept can be more clearly understood by watching the tape. When a market manipulator wants you into his stock, you will hear LOUD noises of stock promotion and hype. If you are "in the loop," you will be bombarded from many directions. Similarly, if he wants you out of the stock, then there will be orchestrated rumors being circulated, rapid-fired at you again from many directions. Just as good news may come to you in waves, so will bad news.
You will see evidence of a VERY sharp drop in the share price with HUGE volume. That is you and your buddies running for the exits. If the deal is really for real, the market manipulator wants to get ALL OF YOUR SHARES or as many as he can... and at the lowest price he can. Whereas before, he wanted you IN his market, so he could dump his shares to you at a higher price, NOW when he sees that this deal IS for real, he wants to pay as little as possible for those same shares... YOUR shares which he wants to you part with, as quickly as possible.
The market manipulator will shake you out by DRIVING the price as low as he can. Just as in the "accumulation" stage, he wants to keep everything as quiet as possible so he can snap up as many of the shares for himself, he will NOW turn down, or even turn off, the volume so he can repeat the accumulation phase.
In the mining business, there seems to always be another "area play" around the corner. Just as Voisey's Bay drifted into oblivion, during the fourth quarter of 1995 and early into 1996, the same Voisey Bay "wannabees" began striking deals in Indonesia. Some even used new corporate entities. Same crooks, different shingles. The accumulation phase was TOP SECRET. The noise level was deadingly silent. As soon as the insiders accumulated all their shares, they let YOU in on the secret.
Twenty-twenty hindsight will often show you that there was a "little stumble" in the share price, just as the "assays were delayed" or the "deal didn't go through." Manipulators were peeling off their paper to START the downslide. And ACCELERATE it. The quick slide down makes it improbable for your getting out at more than what you originally paid for the stock... and gives you a better reason for holding onto it "a little longer" in case the price rebounds. Then, the drifting stage begins and fear takes over. And unless you have serves of steel and can afford to wait out the manipulator, you will more than likely end up selling out at a cheap price.
For the insider, marketmaker or underwriter is obliged to buy back all of your paper in order to keep his company alive and maintain control of it. The less he has to pay for your paper, the lower his cost will be to commence his stock promotion again... at some future date. Even if his company has no prospects AT ALL, his "shell" of a company has some value (only in that others might want to use that structure so they can run their own stock promotion). So, the manipulator WILL buy back his paper. He just wants to make sure that he pays as little for those shares as possible.
Placing a Market Order or Pre-Market Order is an amateur's mistake, typifying the US investor -- one who assumes that thinly traded issues are the same as blue chip stocks, to which they are accustomed. A market manipulator (traders included here) can jack up the share price during your market order and bring you back a confirmation at some preposterous level. The Market Manipulator will use the "tape" against you. He will keep buying up his own paper to keep you reaching for a higher price. He will get in line ahead of you to buy all the shares at the current price and force you to pay MORE for those shares. He will tease you and MAKE you reach for the higher price so you "won't miss out." Miss out on what? Getting your head chopped off, that's what!
One can avoid market manipulation by not buying during the huge price spikes and abnormal trading volumes, also known as chasing the stock to a higher price.
During the run up, you WILL have a rush of greed which compels you to run into the stock. During the collapse, you WILL have a fear that you will lose everything... so you will rush to exit. See how simple it is and how clear a bell it strikes? Don't think this formula isn't tattooed inside the mind of every manipulator. The market manipulator will play you on the way up and play you on the way down. If he does it very well, he will make it look like someone else's fault that you lost money! Promise to fill up your wallet? You'll rush into the stock. Scare you into losing every penny you have in that stock? You'll run away screaming with horror! And vow to NEVER, ever speculate in such stocks again. But many of you still do.... The manipulator even knows how to bring you back for yet another play.
What actors! No wonder Vancouver is sometimes called "Hollywood North."
The Financial Markets are a Cruel, Unkind and Dangerous Playing Field, one place where the newest amateurs are generally fleeced the most brutally.... usually by those who KNOW the above rules.
Just as I have a duty to ensure that each of you understand how this game is played, YOU now have that same duty to guarantee that your fellow speculator understands these rules. Just as I would be a criminal for not making this data known to you, YOU would be just as criminal to keep it a secret. There will always be an unsuspecting, trusting fool whom the rabid dogs will tear to shreds, but it does NOT have to be this way.
IF every reader made this essay broadly known to his friends, acquaintances and family, and they passed it on to their friends, word of mouth could cause many of these market manipulators to pause. IF this effort were done strenuously by many, then perhaps the financial markets could weed out the crooked manipulators and the promoters could bring us more legitimate plays.
The stock markets are a financing tool. The companies BORROW money from you, when you invest or speculate in their companies. They want their share price going higher so they can finance their deal with less dilution of their shares... if they are good guys. But, how would you feel about a friend or family member who kept borrowing money from you and never repaid it? That would be theft, plain and simple. So, a market manipulator is STEALING your money. Don't let him do it anymore. Insist that the company in which you invest be honest or straight... or find another company in which to speculate. Your money talks in LOUDER volumes than any stock promotion scheme. ALWAYS refuse any deal which smells wrong.
Refuse to tolerate the scams prevalent in the financial markets. This can ONLY be accomplished by KNOWING and USING the above rules. Thoroughly COMPLETE your due diligence on a company before risking a dime. Dig up the Insider Reports to find out who is blowing out their paper, how often they are blowing out their paper and whatever happened to their "last play."
Begin to use this as YOUR rule of thumb: If the insider's paper is really worthless, then avoid it. Find another's whose paper DOES hold promise and honest possibilities. In these small cap stock markets, you are investing more in the INDIVIDUAL behind the play, than the "possibility" of the play itself. Ask yourself before speculating: Could I lend this person $5,000 for a year and hope to get it back? If not, then don't! Do it for your own good and the good of everyone else who is so foolish as to speculate in these financial markets!
The truly sane and only somewhat safe solution to all of this: FIND GOOD COMPANIES IN WHICH TO SPECULATE AND GET INTO THEM AT THE GROUND FLOOR LEVEL. Anything else is criminal or stupid. This is a case where there really isn't a gray area. It's either Black or it's White. The company and its management are scamsters or they really intend to bring value to their shareholders.
- Financial spread betting..
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years ago
Committing to a fully zero-emission fleet by 2040, Uber is dedicating $800 million to electrifying its drivers
Ride hailing giant Uber is committing to become a fully zero-emission platform by 2040 and setting aside $800 million to help get its drivers using electric vehicles by 2025.
The company said that it would invest further in its micro-mobility options as well with the goal of having 100 percent of its rides take place on electric vehicles in the US, Canada, and European cities in which the company operates. Uber also said it would commit to reaching net-zero emissions from its own corporate operations by 2030.
If the company can hit its timeline, Uber would achieve necessary milestones in its operations a decade ahead of the Paris Climate Agreement targets set for 2050.
The keys to the company’s efforts are four new and expanding initiatives, according to a statement.
The first is the launch of Uber Green in 15 US and Canadian cities. For customers willing to spend an extra dollar, they can request an EV or hybrid electric vehicle to pick them up. By the end of the year, Uber Green will be available in over 65 cities around the world. Riders who choose the green option will also receive three times the Uber Rewards points they would have received for a typical UberX ride, the company said.
Uber’s second step toward making the world a greener place is to commit $800 million to transition its fleet to electric vehicles. Part of that transition is being subsidized by the $1 surcharge for riders who choose to go green and from fees that the company collects under its London and French Clean Air Plans. Those are 15 cent (or pence) surcharges that Uber has been collecting since January of last year to pay for the electrification of its drivers’ cars in European cities.
Dara Kowsrowshahi, chief executive officer of Uber Technologies Inc., speaks during an event in New Delhi, India, on Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018. During his Japan trip, Khosrowshahi has made it clear the ride-hailing company isnt scaling back its ambitions in certain Asian markets, despite speculation of a retreat. Photographer: Anindito Mukherjee/Bloomberg via Getty Images
To incentivize drivers to go green, Uber’s doling out an extra 50 cents per trip in the US and Canada for every “Uber Green” trip completed to be paid out by riders. Drivers using EVs will also get another dollar from Uber itself, amounting to $1.50 more per trip for each EV ride completed.
Other enticements include partnerships with GM in the US and Canada and Renault -Nissan in Europe to offer discounts on electric vehicles to Uber drivers. Working with Avis, Uber is planning to offer more electric vehicles for rental to US drivers. Meanwhile, the company said it would also expand electric vehicle charging by working to develop new charging stations in conjunction with companies like BP, EVgo, Enel X, Izivia by EDF, and Power Dot.
Uber’s also working to revive the vision of robotic battery swapping to enable customers to forget about their concerns when it comes to charging a new vehicle. It’s working with the San Francisco-based startup, Ample, as the young company develops its battery-swapping tech — and Lithium Urban Technologies, an electric fleet operator out of India.
Building on its existing micro-mobility network, the company is going to integrate bikes and scooters from Lime even closer into its networks and expanding its shared ride programs as soon as its safe to do it. The company is also intent on expanding its Journey Planning feature to enable users to see pricing options, schedules, and directions to and from transit stations. Uber also now offers in-app ticketing in more than ten cities, so people can buy public transit passes in the app itself. As a coup de grace, Uber’s also unveiling a new feature that allows users to plan their trips in Chicago and Sydney using cars and public transit to get where they need to go.
Finally, the company has released its first Climate Assessment and Performance Report analyzing emissions from the company’s operations in the United States and Canada from 2017 through 2019. Unsurprisingly, Uber found that it was more efficient than single-occupant driving, but the company did reveal that its carbon intensity is higher than that of average-occupancy personal cars. Meaning when there’re two people using a personal car, their footprint is lower than that of an Uber driver looking for passengers.
Although arguably, Uber shouldn’t be having its customers foot so much of the bill for its electric transition, these are all positive steps from a company that still has a long road ahead of it if it’s looking to reduce its carbon footprint.
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knifeinthecofffeee · 9 days ago
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ive deadass been working on this piece since april last year and its TECHNICALLY not done but im done w it so that means its done. anyway throws this at you
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unveilingtheuniverse · 7 years ago
Will We Visit Another Star in Our Lifetime?
There is a moment I remember when I was old enough to appreciate stars for what they were, and I have admired their beauty and profoundness ever since. It is fascinating to think that some of the stars we see could host planets and moons holding life. A distant neighbour could be looking at our sun right now, as a star in their night sky.
Our nearest star is Proxima Centauri, situated 4.25 lightyears away in the star system Alpha Centauri. Though it’s the closest to us, it’s still so unimaginably far away. To put this distance into perspective, NASA aims to launch the Parker Solar Probe next month that will become the fastest moving man-made object. After using repeated gravity assists from Venus, it will enter an egg-shaped orbit around the Sun and will study its outer corona. At its closest point to the Sun, it will be travelling 200 kilometres per second. At this speed, you could complete an orbit around the Earth at the equator in 3 minutes and 24 seconds. However, this is only 0.07% the speed of light and it would take 7000 years at this pace to reach Proxima Centauri.
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This is where Breakthrough Starshot comes in. This is a mission that aims to travel to Alpha Centauri in just 20 years.
The Ships
To get there, tiny ships called ‘sprites’ will be used. These are 3.5 centimetre squares, each weighing 4 grams. Professor Avi Loeb, chair of the advisory committee for the mission, says they have to be this small because they need to travel at about 20 per cent the speed of light to get there this quickly. They carry radios, sensors and computers, and are powered by sunlight.
The Journey
In June 2017, the sprites were put into Earth’s orbit. They will need huge momentum to reach speed, so they have attached sails which are 4 metre squares. These will act like boat sails, but instead of wind providing thrust, a 1 kilometre square on Earth packed with lasers will. The lasers will focus on the sails one at a time, which should propel each one to the aimed speed in 10 minutes. 
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The scheduled flight date is 2036, so should arrive in 2056. A thousand will be sent on the journey as at this speed, a collision with a speck of dust would destroy a sprite. The hope is that at least a few will make the journey. Despite the risks, Loeb insists that the wait will be worth it, so there is good reason to be optimistic.
The laser array will use up to 100 gigawatts for each sail it propels, equal to peak electricity consumption in France at 7 o’clock in the evening. However, the cost of the mission, estimated at $10 billion, is surprisingly low compared to other budgets. NASA’s for 2018 is $19.1 billion, and the cost of the International Space Station has been $150 billion. Going further, the US federal budget for 2018 is well over $4 trillion. Loeb stated that each sprite only costs tens of dollars to make. Taking a small sum from any of these budgets isn’t ally to ask, especially considering its significance for humanity.
Planetary Colonisation
Breakthrough Starshot is a huge leap into developing humanity as a space colonising species. There is a planet orbiting inside the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri called Proxima Centauri b. This means that liquid water could exist there, which has proven to support life. The sprites could take pictures of the planet that might reveal oceans and land. If it shows to be habitable in this way, it will become the primary focus of future human colonisation efforts in our galaxy. It also opens up the possibility of extra-terrestrial life living there. All of our science fiction fantasies of aliens could become a reality when we reach this planet.
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My Thoughts
When I discovered this project, I was speechless. This is something astronomers dream about.
Researching space has engrained into me the idea that everything out there is unreachable. It’s incredible that it’s only a 20 year journey, a blink of an eye when being familiar with space and how long things take to happen.
Breakthrough Starshot signifies the time we’re living in and how far we’ve come in terms of scientific technology in such a short amount of time. For all of you who are old enough to witness the launch of this incredible journey and who will be able to see its climax, you should feel very honoured just like me. This mission may answer the question of whether we could live on another planet or if aliens exist relatively close by. It could open up a new solar system for us to explore. It is an attempt to find another world that one day, our descendants could inhabit. If it pulls through, humanity will look back to missions like this one as the events that allowed them to experience a new world, a place to call home.
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RealLifeLore - YouTube
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Used Automobile Donation
Used Automobile Donation
Get paid Cash - We pay cash for junk cars in Lengthy Island upon pickup. Never let the needle get into the red, and in case you will help it by no means let the needle get wherever near the crimson. This is because during the educational course of the automotive can get damaged so its a best choice to purchase an outdated automotive initially. These are the little plastic Tomica which I will never ever spend a single cent on them unless I get them at Taito Station. I will let HIM get behind the wheel. The story of Cars is about in an alternate universe where every character is a automobile of assorted kinds, whether that be vehicle, aircraft or watercraft. Best rates and reliability of cars is a tie between Avis and Hertz. HowTo Exchange The Push Rod Tubes In Any Chevy Corvair follows the automobile present, where the winning cars in every section and the better of show awards are given. With enticing modern cities and stylish way of life, the villages of Switzerland are picturesque and scenic. Not only do they provide gas economy, they produce little to no pollution and are hence atmosphere-pleasant. Tear a little piece of aluminum foil, and ball it. It's normally easy to pay little money each month fairly than saving to your dream automobile until the time you turn 80 and a brand new automotive would possibly now not be your thought of pleasure.
In the meantime authorities workers who also pay these taxes take pleasure in Defined Advantages Retirement underneath FERS, and medical insurance coverage beneath FEHS. Inexpensive "throw away" telephones could be purchased for just a few dollars, if you're really the type of person who loses issues on a regular basis. Throw in interest on top of that and also you get, well, the identical rattling numbers keep arising. The primary thing individuals miss, in buying and selling cars, is the overall value of the transaction, or the dent it places in your web price. The shocking thing is that converting your storage can add up to an unimaginable 10% to your own home worth. The times of massive producer lead discounts is beginning to wane with most automobile types and so anticipate nothing greater than the 10% kind of low cost. Each sorts of applications accept car donations for charities, but differences do exist between the applications. Typically folks will favor not to buy their automobile by way of this methodology because they're concerned they won't have good enough credit. If Why SUVs Are The most popular New Car tells you one thing is just too good to be true, take heed to that worry, and investigate.
That is where promoting automobiles to dealerships could be very advantageous. Browse the categorised ads and you will see Chana Bennis selling for P175,000-P300,000. With out all the splashes and ripples, he might see underneath the surface a few toes. The 2017 Blogging Ideas To Grow Your Viewers is well known for offering high quality tires at an reasonably priced price. They actually have a one hundred ten% lowest worth assure. A schedule of basic automotive service or keeping up with seemingly insignificant problems with automotive repair may not have entered their thoughts. This will happen as a result of unhealthy fuel injectors that aren't functioning properly. But in addition remember in case your buying a Toyota you're shopping for "AMERICAN" nonetheless. Screeching or scraping sounds emitted from the wheels are usually signs that the brakes are either on their last legs or dust and dirt has by some means gotten onto the brake drums. It seems to be prefer it doesn't even want our enterprise! Ferrari pushed on with the Formula 1 connection even more with the successor to the F50, a car that was deemed exceptional enough to be named after Enzo Ferrari himself. However you can do more than simply plain colors.
Comparing to Tokyo and Skytree, Yokohama doesn't have manufacturing facility Tomica and the "art" truck which you'll be able to exhibit your creativity. Typically it is easy to spot out the auto engines which were mishandled. Myk Belmonte checks out the subdued enchantment of an in any other case sporty automotive. Limit 1 voucher per car registration number. The sunshine-emitting diodes (LEDs) gentle up instantly, like an incandescent bulb and is a supply of mild that is dependable, instantaneous, and may be dimmed accordingly. But to me, it looks as if yesterday. One also can find the smaller Maui mall there which is particularly well-known for Longs Drug Retailer and it additionally houses a brand new market or whole foods division. All of us thrive to live in a neat and organized house - but decluttering a complete home appears to terrify all of us. For the purpose of an oil change, you will fall into certainly one of two classes: regular driving situations or severe driving conditions. One in every of them is depreciation. The girls actually took to the concept. It has occurred to most of us at a while in our lives.
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lhlkristina22458-blog · 8 years ago
✅ ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE & Automotive Short article Group.
Keeping that in thoughts, think for a moment about just what you need to have in office supplies today and exactly what you might need in 5 years. To start with, you have to book your trip online so you receive the complete lowest Dark Friday price. Try to avoid utilizing old dustcloths, as they may certainly not just leave dust responsible for, but dirt also. Black folks are even more prepared in comparison to white colored folks to pay out a premium for all natural food-28 percent from dark folks evaluated claimed they would certainly pay out 10 per-cent even more for all natural excellent. And also I presume we think that our team probably will have, post the unities, much higher EBITDA per outlet than the rest of the competitors. You need to consider exactly what your objective is actually in the shop when you are actually presuming regarding just what you desire to offer. http://valeur-dachat.fr/eco-slim-avis-forum-en-france-acheter-en-pharmacie-ou-site-officiel-prix/ The year 2014 is also essential inside the perspective that off 2015 onwards, penalties are probably to be imposed on entities taking care of client health care info incapable to update themselves to digital report modern technologies. Rapid onward to the year 2012 and also my mama, who is currently 89 years of ages, admits that when she was actually a little bit of woman, she yearned for a black dolly therefore severely. As opposed to advanced black and white pictures formulated on your wall structures, choose animation personalities you like and also burst photos for intense wall hangings, and utilize structures in vivid different colors rather than simple silver or even lumber structures. I was truly discouraged, depressing and even just about protest when I saw this outlet title at shop number 93. It was actually stating SANTA EULALIA" instead of BALENCIAGA". The container as well as pot weren't necessarily aged however they were actually most definitely second hand, inexpensive enough and only what I was trying to find, at the appropriate rate. He could possibly fasten just photographes of enclosures in the plant's coating outlet and also accomplished door framings for the units. These graphics are actually quite essential black and white lays out, which might seem ill-suited for scrapbooking. Dark people in general tend to pay attention just to racially enthusiastic criminal activities agaist their neighborhoods. When you have actually located and also understood the a variety of information that you have actually located you ought to see if you may make a cost certifying on your old pieces based on the information that have found out. There I went to 5 am yesterday morning gladly doing my Christmas meals purchasing when I was actually confronted along with a shop loaded with people pushing shopping trollies as well as piling racks dressed just like me. Occasionally taken into consideration anti-capitalist or against globalisation, The Body system Shop ideology resides in favor of international marketplaces. Outdated Design is actually the only retail outpost in the recognized world for Divine Noise cable televisions and also our experts are actually filling all of them in 10, 15, and TWENTY foot durations.
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As soon as below, you can likewise explore the State of Sarawak as well as explore a considerable amount of historic spots, appreciate tens from exterior recreation tasks, as well as patronize some bustling buying markets. Old Preeminence's income increased 6.6% in the very first quarter from 2017, to $754.1 thousand.
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They claim one from 10 people, they gon be like this or 9 out of 10 black guys if they do this, live by doing this, they gon perform this, you understand what I am actually stating, it is actually no other way around this. They gon tell you this is actually no other way around. Article writer Nguyen Tuan professed that the best real Phi in Hanoi was served at an outlet a Hang Dong Street. Every designer is going to possess their personal popup establishment for 4 times (Self-reliance Day Weekend break) Therefore prep to go shopping till you fall. And also as our participants, our team wish to you to engage even more in Store Your Means and supply you with greater gain from your investments.
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regulardomainname · 8 years ago
How Much Does it Cost to Create a Video for My Business?
As broadband speeds increase and websites become increasingly sophisticated, video marketing is really taking off. Venture capital firm KPCB estimate that almost three quarters of internet traffic distributed during 2017 will be video content, though this does include streaming media services. Nevertheless, the concept of watching videos online has become the norm rather than the exception, with those stuttering 1990s’ AVIs giving way to buffer-free HD streams. There’s huge traction for videos on social media, with 500 million people watching Facebook videos every day, and four-fifths of Twitter users doing likewise. Adding the word ‘video’ to an email subject line boosts open rates and slashes unsubscribe levels, while embedding a video in the email can treble click-through rates. It’s even been reported that viewers retain 95 per cent of a video’s messages, compared to just 10 per cent of text-based content. Such statistics have naturally attracted the attention of marketing managers and entrepreneurs, desperate to engage with audiences and find new ways to spread their messages. As a result, corporate videos have become big business. With modern smartphones able to record in HD or even 4K, and free editing software available to meld clips into a seamless montage, we are undoubtedly living in an age of video marketing. A video represents a great way to make a point, tell a story or sell something. It should inform and excite an audience, explaining how your products or services can benefit them. A behind-the-scenes documentary-style video may bring humanity and warmth to an otherwise impersonal or anonymous brand, particularly if it contains talking-head testimonials. These are way more influential among potential consumers than a thousand corporate soundbites. In this special feature, we look at video production costs, from hiring professional crews through to taking the DIY route. We consider various hosting options, and discuss ways to maximize engagement once a file has been uploaded. We’ve also included ten golden rules every successful business videos adheres to; after all, maintaining an audience’s attention during a video is rather different to retaining their attention with advertising or a blog… What does a video typically cost to make? Like many aspects of running a business, the answer to this question varies hugely. It is theoretically possible to bring video production costs down to zero if you have suitable recording and editing equipment. You’ll also need storyboarding and scriptwriting abilities, plus access to people who can present or appear in the film, unless it’s a product video for a sales platform or ecommerce site. Alternatively, you could subcontract the job… (i)             Employing professionals Video production pricing can escalate rapidly, and there used to be a common rule of thumb within the industry that one minute of professional-standard video cost roughly $1,000. In the last couple of years, video production pricing has decreased thanks to a combination of growing competition and greater hardware affordability. Even a 4K video camera only weighs a couple of kilograms and costs a couple of thousand dollars, enabling production companies to slash their costs. With plenty of review portals and customer testimonials floating around, it’s easy to find a decent video production company in your local area. Even so, $750 for one minute of footage represents a considerable outlay, and video production costs remain a key barrier for smaller businesses. According to Buffer, almost half of marketing professionals would create more video content if they had more time and a larger budget. Then again, web analyst Dr James McQuivey claims that one minute’s worth of video is worth as much as 1.8 million words when it comes to promoting a brand. In that context, every cent invested in video can be considered worthwhile. These are some of the ways to reduce video production pricing: *     Have a clear idea before you call the professionals. Don’t ask the production team to produce storyboards, edit scripts or undertake casting. If you’ve done all this yourself at the outset, the camera crew will know exactly what they’re doing for each shot. That reduces retakes, which saves time and money. It also allows the movie’s editors to quickly compile a video meeting the brief, without the need for revisions or additions. *     Use editing tricks to disguise cost-cutting. When you watch an interview, there are usually cutaways to the interviewer before their subject answers. Most broadcasters record these questions before or after the actual interview, so they only need a single camera on-set. There are loads of other ways to reduce filming or editing costs, such as using copyright-free music and sound effects. We discuss this in more detail below. *     Avoid animations. An animated video can cost between three and ten times as much as a conventional live-action movie. Animators are skilled craftspeople in great demand, and animated clips pose unique challenges like dubbing on voiceovers. A huge number of cartoons or drawings are needed to fill the 25 frames in each second of video footage, while meme-style graphics videos look tacky and unprofessional. *     Employ rookie firms, or graduates. An established company’s video production pricing will  be many times higher than those of a new graduate, who’ll still have a decent portfolio and a working knowledge of Apple Final Cut or Adobe Premiere. Bear in mind consumers are only expecting steady camera shots, audible sound and slick captions. They won’t know or care who produced or edited a short movie. Ask prospective companies for quotes rather than estimates, and find out what will happen if the filming schedule overruns, which it usually does. Who will pick up the bill if an actor fails to arrive on set, or if ambient weather conditions prevent an outdoor shoot from going ahead? Will you be able to request revisions to the first-draft edit, and is a soundtrack included in the proposed costings? Videos without some sort of ambient music can seem surprisingly dull. (ii)           Doing it yourself This is a risky strategy, but potentially a highly affordable one. Even a decade ago, it would have been easy to spot a self-made video. However, technology’s relentless progression means each of the key areas involved in creating a corporate video can now be covered to a relatively professional standard by an enthusiastic amateur.   How to avoid video production costs by doing it yourself: *     Video footage. It isn’t necessary to record video footage in the highest definition possible. HD content will be fine, since nobody is expecting eye-popping quality from a corporate video. Framing the shots well is far more important. Ensure vertical lines are straight rather than crooked by using tripods or a Gorillapod to hold the camera steady, and consider what’s out of frame as much as what’s in shot. *     Sound quality. This is one area where video production costs can quickly escalate. Integrated microphones in tablets and smartphones are generally weak, but it’s possible to buy external mics to dovetail with everything from 4K cameras to iPhones. There’s an important distinction between unidirectional mics (which face in one specific direction) and omnidirectional (used to capture sound from all around). *     Editing software. Sophisticated programs like CyberLink’s PowerDirector or Adobe’s Premiere Elements can be purchased for less than $100. The latter is a cut-down version of Adobe’s market-leading Pro CC package, with features like haze removal and automatic soundtrack adjustment to match clip length. While learning how to use these packages can take time, it is possible to generate dynamic footage very cheaply. *     Music. The Free Music Archive is perhaps the best-known provider of copyright-free audio downloads. Each file will have some restrictions on its use, but these are far less draconian than recordings whose copyright is owned by record labels. Websites like Freesound offer specific noises and sound effects for general reuse, though a small donation should be made whenever you raid a creative commons-style portal. How do I host the video? Once you’ve made or acquired an edited video clip, the next decision is where and how to host it. These are the main hosting options: *     Self-hosting. From WordPress templates to bespoke site designs, it’s easy to upload video clips stored on your server alongside other web content. HTML5 has made embedding videos far easier, though it does have issues with codec standards. Avoid full-screen playback, and bear in mind HTML5 doesn’t support DRM or adaptive streaming, which adjusts according to the bandwidth capacity of output devices. *     Upload it to YouTube. As one of the world’s most popular websites, it’s almost unheard of for YouTube’s servers to be offline. Parent company Google has made its vast infrastructure available, so movies can be hosted remotely yet played on your site as if your own server was supplying the content. Since YouTube retains overall control of the file, it might be preceded by ads or followed with unrelated content. YouTube videos can also be embedded in your web pages, which leads us onto our next point … *     Embed your file from a third-party platform. It’s possible to use video hosting platforms like Vimeo and Dailymotion to host content that is then played through a window within a page of your website. The host servers handle buffering and bit rates, while your server supplies other page content like text and formatting. This is the preferred method of video hosting, though each platform has unique drawbacks. These options are all technically free, yet each involves compromises. Option 1 may necessitate upgrading your servers to ensure there’s sufficient bandwidth for multiple audiences to view a file simultaneously. Midphase will gladly discuss the optimal hosting package to ensure your clients can enjoy lag-free video provision. Options 2 and 3 capitalize on some of the world’s most powerful servers, but they do involve relinquishing a degree of control over your own content. That may be painful if you’ve invested heavily in creating a slick promo video, only to discover your chosen hosting platform is prefacing it with a tacky advert for an unrelated product or service. How can I get people to watch the video? If you’ve gone to the expense of commissioning and producing a video, you will want it to pay for itself. And the statistics suggest it will – providing people see it. An entire subset of the marketing industry has developed around optimizing view rates for video content, attracting maximum eyeballs and allowing those carefully crafted sales messages to reach the widest possible audience. There are plenty of ways to ensure a worthwhile return on creating a video: *     Repost it on social media. Platforms like Snapchat and Facebook are great for sharing and reposting content. The more outlets your video is displayed on, the better. People tend to have one preferred social media platform, so you’ll be reaching new audiences every time you post on a new site. Don’t forget that with over a billion users, YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine behind parent company Google. *     Create blogs and news stories linking to the video. Blogs are great traffic drivers, but they need a destination to send their audiences to. There’s a lot to be said for finishing your latest blog or news post with a call to arms, encouraging people to watch a video for more information. If you end up creating more than one video, it’s easy to set up a dedicated channel on a platform like YouTube and organically build a following. *     Email marketing. Despite ongoing issues regarding spam filters, email marketing remains an effective tool for disseminating a message. That’s especially true for video content. Research indicates marketing emails with a video can double or treble click-through rates, making consumers 64 percent more likely to buy a product online. Emails are also easy to share and forward, spreading the message far and wide. *     Choose a dynamic thumbnail. If the opening frames of your video are a black screen fading into a product montage, you don’t want the first frame as your thumbnail. Think about how programmes on streaming services are often presented with a dynamic image from each series or episode. Pick something eye-catching to stand out from the millions of other online videos, making people want to click Play. *     Employ SEO. Videos can be tagged with search engine-friendly terms that will come up in results pages separately to the hosting pages themselves. Use a platform like Kissmetrics to identify terms people use to search for your industry or product/service, and ensure the file is appropriately tagged. Its title is also crucial; it should incorporate keywords, while being as clear and as concise as possible. *     Inbound links. Internal links on your site are good, but links from third-party platforms will boost your site’s SEO by inferring it contains valuable content. Of course, the video needs to be relevant to these external firms or people, so consider who might be willing to promote it. Linking to it ought to be as easy as copying and pasting a URL, but avoid spammy link farms that may damage your SEO ranking. *     Don’t forget about it! A well-made video should be durable, promoting your business for months or years to come. It might receive new views at any time, so it’s crucial to maintain promotional efforts. If the platform hosting it accepts comments, set up interaction notifications, and reply to every post. Periodically promote the video afresh – some of your audience will already know about, it but many others won’t. What do I need to know before making a corporate video? Below  are ten golden rules you should follow when scripting and editing a corporate video, to ensure it maintains audience attention and justifies its expenditure… *     Keep it short. There’s a reason TV ads tend to be less than a minute long. Attention spans are short and a sub-two-minute video clip will receive more engagement. Don’t let a camera shot last for longer than necessary, avoid fade in/out effects, and don’t leave subtitles on-screen longer than an average person needs to read them. Quick cuts between camera shots help to build a sense of dynamism. *     Be professional. Just because you’ve got an iPhone with 4K video capabilities doesn’t mean you’ll end up with a slick business video. Better to employ a video marketing agency than produce an amateurish attempt yourself. If you are going to create a DIY movie, invest in a tripod so the camera remains steady. Avoid wacky or silly content that will suggest unprofessionalism and potentially damage your brand’s credibility. *     Front-load the core message. Although two thirds of people watch the vast majority of a video, some will abandon ship at the first opportunity. On platforms like YouTube, that’s often within five seconds. Place a core message at the start of the video for people to take away – the AV equivalent of an email’s Subject line. The first half-dozen words might just stick in their minds, boosting brand recall at a later date. *     Add color. Can you present a to-camera piece in a dynamic location? Are your company’s products available in bright colors that can all be displayed at once? The human eye can see up to ten million colors, so don’t have someone in a black suit talking to-camera against a black backdrop. More visually stimulating videos retain an audience’s attention for longer. Colorful graphics and captions stand out more, too. *     Avoid long pieces to-camera or monologue voiceovers. Hearing the same voice speaking for a while can become dull, as does a fixed ‘talking head’ shot. If you have to deliver a monologue, break it up with reverse camera angles, or mix to-camera dictation with action shots or behind-the-scenes footage. It’s helpful to include two voices on the soundtrack, with a soft, upbeat musical score filling any silences. *     Add a splash of humor. In point one, we counseled against silliness. However, self-deprecating humor is fine, as are jokes aimed at major rivals or industry standards. For instance, if you’re a gourmet burger supplier, it’d be fine to show a squashed hamburger with the caption “product from leading competitor”. Test your suggestions on family and friends to gauge whether they elicit a suitably enthusiastic reaction. *     Build associations. Video is a two-sense platform, with no touch, smell or taste. That’s why washing powder companies often use footage of meadows, for example, inferring what the ads can’t otherwise convey. These associations can be projected through cutaway shots, backdrops or words used in the voiceover or captions. Use terms like ‘trust’ or ‘quality’, and try to show a product or service being used to deliver its core benefits. *     Leave contact details on-screen. People might abandon your video at any point, so leave web addresses and key social media details on-screen or periodically flash them up. Nobody will mind this in a business video – you’re not creating a Hollywood movie. Monitor click-through rates from embedded links or canonical URLs, and measure each video’s response rates for lessons you can learn with future output. *     Don’t rely on sound. Mobile audiences often consume video content with their devices set to mute, to avoid loud adverts or autoplaying content erupting into quiet public spaces. An estimated 85 per cent of Facebook videos are watched without sound, so captions and graphics need to relay the core messages of your video. Treat voiceovers and musical scores as a bonus, but ensure audio tracks are crisp and clear.   Include a call to arms. Videos are created for one of several purposes including lead generation, driving traffic to a website or raising brand awareness. Conclude with a graphic/voiceover encouraging people to perform your preferred action. Most videos finish with contact details on-screen anyway, but inject a degree of urgency with a time-limited offer, or encouraging people to act before competitors do likewise http://dlvr.it/PS7tWr www.regulardomainname.com
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knifeinthecofffeee · 2 months ago
talking to my friend about the grammys last night
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knifeinthecofffeee · 6 months ago
@/fuckyoucicadadays on insta is a fucking freak. up until recently we were mutuals but i found out that they read chris dunne x will wood fanfics from their friend's post. theyve had a platform for too long. this is what they said when i confronted them abt it
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this is too large of a situation for me to handle atm so i most likely wont be active for at least a week
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knifeinthecofffeee · 7 months ago
how the fuck do 3 people get so many ass rolls in one dnd session
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knifeinthecofffeee · 4 months ago
"damn, i can't find my 8mm, i'll just use my 9mm then i guess" and Other Things I Say While Crocheting That I Cannot Under Any Circumstances Say In School: An Autobiography
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knifeinthecofffeee · 4 months ago
i finished reading are you my mother? by alison bechdel not too long ago, would yall read it if i wrote an essay about it ?
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