#autocorrector called it The Thanks Imperative let's fucking go i guess
lollylandgirl · 16 days
For some reason today I got Very Emotional about RiderQuill and thoughts were thought and randomly I have now the headcanon that Gamora was the one that proposed that Rich and Pete needed to be together in the memorial statues that appeared at the end of The Thanos Imperative.
#i should be sleeping i have to wake up early tomorrow for work i am already lacking some good sleep this week but gay thoughts#What's gayer the rainbow flag or their symbols being together in that statue for the first time and somehow ending as the Guardians logo#this is kinda an ot3 hc? impressive#i needed to share this in a place i know i would be understood... my twitter moots can only understand like 0.5 of my comics GotG ramblings#t: dick rides quill#t: all the love in this cosmos#ACTUALLY i think it started because im getting all the Ewing GotG comics at last through ebay in english because i trust no traslator to#embrace the gayness in the i love(d) him too they were cowards back in the Original Sin GotG tie in with Pete's “he did it because he loved#you i did it because i loved him“ i did not forget i will not forgive#and maybe Bendis did know what he was doing with them (he had to get something right in all his comics right?) because that was gay#not in a gay = only homosexual way btw im bi (in the most inclusive way) too#stronger i should be sleeping#autocorrector called it The Thanks Imperative let's fucking go i guess#autocorrect? maybe autocorrector is only the spanish way idk too late brain not braining#this piled with the hc that Gamora has been waiting for them for years to just confess to each other#that's why the first thing she ever did wask ask Rich if they had something and everything after that was just her angry bc they stupid#thinking Bendis may have put gay stuff deliberately doesn't make me less disappointed about how he dealt with like 60% he put in his comics
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