#authentic college football jerseys
Whistle Down the Wind, Chapter Ten
Word Count: 4503
TW:  Idiots in love, angst, smut (PiV, protected). 18+ only.
AN:  Part of a series.  The series masterlist here.
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You were late.  Again.
To be fair, though, it wasn’t your fault this time.  When your plane landed at LaGuardia, it ended up taxiing for forty minutes until it found an available gate, and then you had to sprint to baggage claim.  And then you had to find a taxi, and when you did, traffic was so bad that the driver shot into New Jersey and took I-95 to get to Staten Island.
It didn’t matter, as long as you got there eventually.  Sometimes you had to take the long way round.
It was a subdued Thanksgiving, which suited Sonny just fine.  Theresa’s daughters, since the divorce, had to split their holidays between their parents, so they were with their father.  Theresa herself had opted to stay in Connecticut and host her own wine-based, solo Thanksgiving for herself.  Gina and her latest boyfriend had stopped in for a quick dinner but had left to go to his family’s house on the other end of the island.  Bella and her baby – a little girl named Moira – were taking a nap upstairs in her childhood bedroom, exhausted by the baby’s awful sleep schedule.  That left Sonny parents and Tommy in the living room, watching the football game and dozing off from their respective turkey comas.
Sonny was so exhausted that he was having trouble sleeping.  It had been an awful year.  He had an undercover assignment with a men’s shelter that left him shaken to his core about the thin possibility of redemption for lost souls.
His sergeant had also been gunned down and killed.  They never replaced him, though, so SVU was running perpetually short-handed.  He rarely had time off, he never had time to recover from one case to the next, and his commanding officer seemed pretty cavalier about the mental wellness of her detectives.
If he ever needed his best friend, it was now, but he respected your choice to move to L.A.
He kept in touch with you, of course.  He called and texted, and the two of you had a few video chat sessions.  You showed him your cramped little apartment a few blocks from the ocean, and once you had a chat from London, where you were working on a limited episode run for a streaming service. 
He loved seeing you, but it left him heart-sore.  Seeing you on the screen of his laptop could not compare to the genuine article.
He held back a lot of his work struggles.  He didn’t tell you how lonely he was, how much he missed his friend.  He didn’t want to make you regret your choice.  All the same, you seemed to sense when he was at his lowest, because a new playlist always seemed to appear for him to bolster his flagging spirits.
The best playlists, though, were the ones he was able to buy after you started your stint on the west coast.  You got work – first with the limited run series, then with a bare-bones action film, then with a larger film.  You scored a documentary, and the haunting piano and string-based score was nominated at some film festivals.  Sonny bought every soundtrack and score that had your name on it. 
He set up a news alert for your name and got some traffic.  The best was a profile about new up-and-comers.  It was a group shot of everyone in the piece, but he was able to crop everyone else out on his computer.  You looked amazing in it:  hair down and styled, in a chic tuxedo tailored to your form, with a slight smile on your face.
Still, he missed you.  And on days like Thanksgiving, he felt your absence more keenly.
He sat with his parents and Tommy for a bit, half-heartedly watching the Lions play.  He wondered what you were doing.  Probably hanging out with your new friends, eating the authentic Mexican food you were always raving about.
He stood up abruptly and made his way down to the rec room in the basement.  Most holidays – and summers when you were in college – that’s where you and Sonny ended up.  It was your movie hub:  just the two of you curled up on the couch together, under his nonna’s scratchy acrylic crocheted blanket (because he cranked the air to an uncomfortable degree on purpose), watching a movie and ignoring the tension between the two of you.  Well, he knew it was tension now.  At the time, he had just thought it was him.
He sprawled out across the old couch and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels until he found something.  “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.”  Sonny smiled.  It was one of your favorite movies, and he settled down and watched it.  If his mind wandered, it wandered back to your final week in the city.  Those few final days you had spent together, mostly in his bed (and in his shower and on his couch and once on his kitchen counter).  He replayed those moments over and over, but the details had grown hazy over time.  All he could vividly remember was the feeling of completion and contentment when you had fallen asleep beside him.
The movie was about halfway done when he heard people talking upstairs – laughter and little shrieks of joy.  He guessed that Moira was awake and his mother was cooing over her.  Or maybe Tommy and his dad were really getting into the Lions game.
He heard the basement door open and someone take a few tentative steps down the creaky stairs.  It must be time for dessert and coffee, but Sonny wasn’t hungry.
“I’ll be up in a bit, ma,” he called over the back of the couch, focused on the screen in front of him. 
“I’m not your ma, stretch,” a familiar voice replied in a teasing lilt, and he shot up into a sitting position just in time to see you descend the rest of the steps. ********
Your first thought was that you broke him.  He stared at you over the back of the couch so long without saying anything, you worried that he had died in place.
Your second thought, as you looked him over was, Christ, he looks exhausted.
Sonny was as handsome as ever.  His hair was a little greyer, but it made him hotter, in your opinion.  It was soft and tousled, unstyled – your favorite version of his hair.  His eyes were as blue as the ocean.
But he looked pale, and he had dark circles under his eyes, and the lines around his eyes were deeper than the last time you saw him.  You knew that his job wasn’t easy, and you knew from Bella that it had been more difficult than usual.  You worried that you hadn’t made things easier on him either.
He continued to stare at you, and your eyes flicked to the TV.  It was one of your favorite holiday movies, and you made a little cry of delight.  You walked around to the couch and made to sit down to watch, but Sonny shot to his feet and pulled you into a fierce hug.  He wrapped his long arms around you and squeezed you so hard you thought your ribs would break again. 
“You’re really here,” he muttered into your hair.
“I am,” you replied.  Your face was pressed against his chest, and you breathed him in.  He wore a cologne that always made you think of growing things – a sort of fresh, green smell that combined with his soap and his own body chemistry.  “I would have been here sooner, but traffic was a nightmare.”
He squeezed you to him for another moment, then pushed you away, his hands firmly placed on your upper arms.  “No one told me,” he said, looking you over.  “You didn’t tell me.”
“I wanted to surprise you.”  You suddenly felt shy underneath the scrutiny of his gaze, and you ducked your head.
He moved both of his hands to either side of your face.  “It’s the best surprise ever,” he declared, and he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your lips.  You sighed and kissed him back.  You had missed him so much.
He tilted your head, deepening the kiss.  You felt him part his lips and run the tip of his tongue along your lower lip, but before you could open your mouth to him, the basement door swung open again.  A voice – Bella’s – yelled down that coffee and dessert were being served.
“And stop making out, you perverts,” she added for good measure, and you ignored her cackling laughter with all the dignity you could muster. 
Sonny sat across from you at the dining room table as everyone gathered for pumpkin pie and coffee.  You immediately scooped baby Moira from Bella’s arms, claiming that you had to make up for lost time.  The baby grabbed at your hair and tried to shove her chubby fist in your mouth.  She was completely enamored with you.
Baby Moira wasn’t the only one.  Sonny felt like he would never be able to look at you enough.  Your hair was just a shade messy – he knew it was from your cross-country flight, but it looked exactly like your usual post-sex hair, and it made him feel more turned on than he would usually like while sitting with his family at the dining room table. 
You were in relaxed jeans and a button-down flannel shirt, partially unbuttoned and revealing a lace-trimmed camisole underneath.  You looked completely comfortable, and maybe for the first time since Sonny met you – completely comfortable with yourself.  You had a relaxed air about you.  Maybe it was all the sunshine.  More likely, it was all those tamales that you raved about.
Bella dished out pie while Dom Senior poured mugs of coffee and passed them around.  Sonny’s mother went to the kitchen and came back a few minutes later bearing a plate of reheated leftovers.  She placed it in front of you with a smile.
“I’m sorry I was late,” you said with a rueful shrug.  “Our plane didn’t have a gate and it took forever to get here.”
His mother waved off your apology.  “We’re just glad you’re here.”
You tucked into your leftovers one handed, your other arm cradling the baby as she dozed off against you.  It made Sonny smile to see it.  You were always such a natural with his nieces – even this one who had just met you.
“How long are you staying?” Dom Senior asked. 
You chewed a forkful of stuffing and swallowed before you answered.  “I fly back on Sunday morning.”  Sonny felt his stomach drop.  You were only here for a few days, and it already felt like time was slipping away too quickly.
You glanced over at him and caught his gaze before you continued.  “I have a few more months on my sublet here in New York, but after that, I’m going to move back.”  You gave him a smile.  “I’ve made great connections, and I’ll probably have to travel back to L.A. more than I’d like, but plenty of composers and musicians live elsewhere.”
Bella scoffed and gestured to the window where an icy rain was pattering against the glass.  “You’re trading in warm weather and sunshine for this?”
“Aren’t you the one who gave me a list of reasons why L.A. was worse than New York?” you teased back.
“I just liked living vicariously through you,” she shot back.  “How many friends run into one of the Marvel Chrises on the way to the bathroom?”
You nodded and took another bite of stuffing.  “True.  But I can’t keep up with the people out there.  Too many diets and workouts.  Everyone assumes I’m a wannabe actress and critiques me accordingly.”  You scowled at your plate.  “One producer told me that I was a ‘New York five but an L.A. two,’ and that was after he realized I was there to score his garbage movie.”
Sonny felt a flare of hot anger to hear that some guy made you feel bad about yourself.  “You’re a Staten Island eleven,” he blurted, making the table erupt in laughter.  He felt his face growing red, and his dad reached over and clapped him hard on the back.
“Smooth, son,” he chuckled, but Sonny’s mom reached over from the other side and smacked her husband. 
“Like you ever did any better,” she teased.  Dom Senior snatched her hand as she tried to draw it back and kissed the back of it.
“I did good enough to get you,” he said with a wide grin, making Bella groan in embarrassment.  Sonny, though, could only watch you across the table.
Sonny’s family was old-fashioned, despite having a grandchild out of wedlock and a daughter who had recently divorced.  As such, you and Sonny put up what you hoped was a convincing charade about how he was going to drive you to a friend’s place where you were crashing for the next few days. 
The reality, of course, was that within seconds of returning to his apartment, he had you pressed against his door, the two of you kissing fiercely and pawing at each other like you were each drowning.  There were too many sensations and emotions:  the feel of his warm hands as they untucked your shirt and camisole to touch your back.  His mouth on yours, his lips impossibly soft.  His thigh, as it pressed between your own legs and parted them.
You reached down and tugged at his grey Henley, breaking the kiss long enough to pull it over his head, ruffling his hair even more.  You tossed it aside and then his mouth was back on you, kissing the sensitive spot at the junction of your neck and shoulder, sending chills through you.
“I missed you so much, doll,” he whispered against your neck.  His breath was hot and sent another tremor through you.
You ran your fingers through his hair.  “I missed you more,” you breathed back.
Sonny fumbled at your shirts.  His fingers scrabbled at your button-up, and he mumbled curses when he couldn’t get it undone fast enough.  When he did get it unbuttoned, he tried to pull it off of you, but your sleeves got caught and he cursed again as he unbuttoned the cuffs. 
You pushed him off of you so that you could handle it, so he shifted his attention to his own clothes.  He tugged his undershirt over his head, but slowed and then stopped completely to watch you as you removed your camisole.
You bent over and pulled your boots off, then straightened up to unbutton your jeans.  You looked up at Sonny and laughed at him.  His chest was rising and falling with his shuddering breaths, and his mouth hung slightly agape.
He moved swiftly to you.  He pressed you back against the door, latching his mouth on the pulse point.  You laid your hands on his bare chest and tugged on his sparse smattering of blond hair there.
Sonny’s hands drifted down to your hips and finished unzipping your jeans.  He unlatched his mouth from your neck and worked his way down, pushing your pants down over your hips, down you thighs.  His ran his warm palms over your bare legs before he pulled your jeans over your feet and tossed them aside.
He knelt in front of you, and you laid your hands on the top of his head.  You tangled your fingers in his hair, tugging it gently, trying to get him to stand back up.  He looked up at you, in just your underwear, while he was still half-clothed.
“You need to catch up, Dominick,” you said.  You loved the way his sunny blue eyes turned dark when you called him by his first name. 
Instead of responding to you, he slid an arm behind you, cupping your ass in his large hand and pulled your lower half towards him until his face was pressed into your lower belly.  You ran your nails over his scalp, drawing low groans from him that vibrated through you.  His hot breath made the throbbing between your legs increase almost painfully.  You felt dangerously close to losing your legs underneath you.
“S-Sonny,” you stuttered as he moved his mouth a fraction lower.  “I need you.”
“You have me,” he murmured against you.  He licked along the lace waistband of your panties, making your knees buckle just a bit. 
You tightened your grip on his hair, drawing another groan from him.  You felt almost dizzy with desire and had to press the back of your head against the door and take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.
“Sonny, we have plenty of time,” you told him in a strangled voice.  “But right now, I really need you.”
His other hand landed on your hip, tugging at the edge of your panties and pressing wet kisses on each new inch of exposed skin.  He didn’t reply, too focused on moving his mouth closer and closer to his target.
“Damnit, Dominick!” you yelled, and you pulled his hair hard enough to get his attention.  He looked up and shot you a wounded look, like a puppy that had been scolded, but whatever he saw on your face made him stand up and press the length of his body against yours.  You pulled his face to yours and kissed him breathlessly, without any art or ability.  Just his mouth with his soft lips against yours, tongues sliding against each other, breathing each other’s moans.
“I need you,” you repeated, panting against him.  He shifted his head back to the nook against your neck.  “Please.  I…I’ve waited for this for months.  I’ve missed you, Sonny.  So, so much.”  You wrapped your hand along the back of his neck, stroking between his hairline and the knobs of the top of his spine.  You felt rather than heard Sonny sniffling against you, and you felt the first tears when they hit your shoulder.
“I missed you too, doll,” he said.  “And it’s been a tough year.”  His voice was watery, and you tightened your grip around him, pulling him as tight as you could.  He took deep breaths against you as he tried to regain his composure, and once he was calmed, you took his face between both of your hands.  You forced him to face you, and you looked into his brilliant blue eyes, now rimmed and swollen from his tears.
“I love you, Dominick,” you said solemnly.  “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you.”
He shook his head gently between your hands.  “I’m glad you went, doll.”  His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled at you.  “I’d never want to hold you back.”
You couldn’t help but smile back at him – his namesake sunniness was contagious.  “I’m here now though.”
“You are.”  He reached down to grasp the back of your thighs, and you jumped up into his arms.  You bit back a moan at the sensation of him pressed against your core, and you wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you into his bedroom and laid you down on the bed.
He stood at the foot of the bed and removed the rest of his clothes, and you wriggled out of your underwear so that when he crawled over you, you were both completely naked. 
You could feel the conflict in him – you knew that Sonny was gentle and probably wanted to take his time, but you also could feel how badly he missed you.  He settled on an uneven middle ground, pressing slow, wet kisses to you while his hands roved wildly over your form. 
His mouth drifted a lazy path from your mouth to your jaw and down your neck, across your collarbones and back to your mouth.  His hands wandered down your sides and up your front to cup first one breast and then the other.  He stroked your nipples until they were peaked and hard under his caresses. 
Spurred on by your moans and your squirming underneath him, his hand glided further down until it was pressed between your legs.  He slid a finger between your folds and groaned at how wet you were.  He pulled his head back to peer down at you, and your face felt red-hot.
“I told you I needed you,” you muttered at him, avoiding his gaze.
“I told you that you have me,” he replied thickly, and he pushed his finger into you slowly, making both of you moan.  Your face grew hotter, which didn’t seem humanly possible, as he stared down at you through half-lidded eyes.  He slid a second finger into you, then shifted his hand so that his thumb was circling your clit.
You huffed out a breath through your nose and tried to calm yourself, but you felt a liquid heat pooling deep in your belly, and you knew you weren’t going to last long. 
“Sonny, stop,” you whispered.  You felt him hesitate and pull his hand away from you.  You looked up and saw the question in his eyes.
“I want to…finish,” you stammered.  “With you, you know.  Inside me.”
He nodded and shifted his weight off of you to reach into his nightstand for a condom.  You used the moment to try and steady yourself again, squeezing your eyes shut as you heard him rip the wrapper.  Then you felt him stretch himself on top of you again, and you felt his hand cup your face, the thumb stroking your cheekbone.
“Hey, look at me,” he said softly.  You opened your eyes and looked up at him.  He gazed down at you as if you were the only other person in the world.
All the years of frustrated longing, all the other people you’d each been with, every conversation and glance laden with unrequited love – it all fell away when he looked at you like that.  You smiled at him and reached up to cup his own face in your palm, and he leaned into it, touch-starved.  After a moment, you simply nodded at him, and he reached down to line himself up with your entrance.
He pressed the tip of his erection into you with a groan, and you felt dangerously close to the edge.  He slid into you slowly – way too slowly.  His position on top of you made the angle shallow, and his length dragged along your sensitive clit as he pressed himself into your molten core. 
You wanted to make it last, but every single sensation was too much:  the friction on you bundle of nerves where the two of you were joined.  His hot breath, panting praise in your ear.  The scent of his cologne and your perfume mingling along with the headier scent of sex. 
He was only halfway inside you, but it was too late.  You gasped his name once, and then shuddered underneath him with a whimper, your legs wrapping around him to pull the rest of him into you in one thrust.  He started to reply to you, but he growled instead as your sheath gripped him, your orgasm ripping through you.  You shut your eyes as you came, moaning his name over and over.  You were distantly aware of him cursing above you, and he gave a single thrust until he came too.
He collapsed on top of you completely, and his weight pressed you into the mattress.  He groaned again, in frustration this time.  You stroked his hair at the back of his head until you both recovered.  He lifted his head to looked down at you.
“I’m sorry,” you each said at the same time, and you both laughed.  He leaned down and kissed you firmly before he shifted his weight and pulled out of you.  He left the room for a moment to dispose of the condom, then he came back into the bedroom.  He laid down beside you, and you each turned on your sides to face each other.
“I’m sorry I came too quickly,” you said with a rueful grin.  “I was too worked up, I guess.”
He pinched your chin lightly between his fingers and kissed you again.  “It’s all well and good for girls,” he grumbled good-naturedly.  “But I didn’t last at all.  Now all my street cred it gone.”  You laughed at this, and he pretended to look angry.
“It’s your fault,” he continued.  “You set me off.”
“Well, I owe you then,” you replied.  You tried to look contrite.  “Since your street cred is gone and all that.”  You snuggled up against him, enjoying the feeling of his skin pressed against yours.  He wrapped a lanky arm around you and pulled you tighter.
You felt comfortably drowsy, the net effect of your flight, Ma Carisi’s dinner, and being back in Sonny’s bed.  He hummed above you contently, and you started to doze off until your cell phone chimed from the other room.  You roused a bit but settled back against him.
Then it chimed again, and a third time.
“You need to get that?” Sonny asked.  His voice rumbled through his chest.  “Your west coast boyfriend, maybe?”  You knew he was joking, but there was still a jealous undercurrent to his tone.
“There was no west coast boyfriend,” you murmured against him.  “Unless you count my detachable shower head.”
He snorted at this but you could feel the relief in him as he relaxed against you. 
Then his phone chimed, one after another after another.
“Is that Nicole?” you asked, only half-meanly.  He snorted again before he untangled from you and grabbed at his pants at the foot of the bed. 
“Be careful,” he said as he pulled his phone out of his pants pocket.  “If you say her name three times, she’ll turn up and haunt your house.”  You laughed at this and sat up.  You wound his blanket around yourself.  Sonny unlocked his phone.
“Is it work?” you asked.  You felt your stomach dip.  You wanted to stay in this little bubble with Sonny for the entire weekend.  A little sex bubble, maybe with the occasional movie and homemade pasta break.
He just chuckled in reply.  “No, it’s Bella.”  He held up his phone so that you could read the screen.  “She tried to text you and you didn’t reply.  Now she’s of the impression that you’re here with me, corrupting her chaste, virginal brother with your wanton ways.”  He typed out a reply, then turned off his phone and tossed it on the nightstand before lying back down.  He grabbed you around the waist and pulled you down beside him.
“What did you tell her?” you asked.
“The truth,” he said.  He kissed you chastely, then tilted his head to deepen the kiss.  He broke away to look down at you, and his blue eyes were glittering with unshed tears again.  “I told her that you’re home.”
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nunez1020 · 9 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nike Ncaa Florida State Gators Jersey (XL).
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topwowdesign · 27 days
Jj McCarthy Jersey: A Must-Have for Michigan Wolverines Fans
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For the dedicated Michigan Wolverines fans, there's no better way to show team spirit than by donning a Jj McCarthy Jersey. This jersey is not just a piece of apparel; it's a symbol of passion, loyalty, and pride for one of college football's most dynamic quarterbacks. Whether you're at the stadium or watching from home, wearing Jj McCarthy's jersey connects you deeply with the heart-pounding action of Michigan football.
Why Choose a Jj McCarthy Jersey?
Jj McCarthy has captured the hearts of Michigan fans with his exceptional skill set and charismatic leadership on the field. Owning his jersey means you're not just a spectator; you're part of the team's rich history. These jerseys are crafted with high-quality materials to ensure comfort and durability, making them perfect for game day festivities or casual wear.
Each jersey offers the authentic look and feel of what McCarthy wears on game day, complete with the iconic Michigan Wolverines colors and logos. It's an ideal way for fans to display their admiration and support for one of their favorite players, ensuring they feel connected to every pass, run, and touchdown.
Customization: Making It Yours
While owning a Jj McCarthy jersey is a great start, personalizing it adds a unique touch that sets you apart from the crowd. Customization allows fans to tailor their support in a very personal way. Whether it's adding your name, a special date, or even customizing it to reflect the style of another beloved team, like the Ole Miss Rebels, the possibilities are vast.
A Custom Ole Miss Jersey offers a similar opportunity for fans of the Rebels. Just like Michigan's offerings, these jerseys can be tailored to reflect individual preferences, creating a one-of-a-kind piece of memorabilia that showcases both allegiance and style.
Quality and Authenticity
When purchasing a Jj McCarthy jersey, it's crucial to opt for quality and authenticity to ensure you get the most out of your fan gear. Authentic jerseys replicate the exact specifications worn by the athletes on the field, providing fans with a professional-grade product that lasts through seasons of cheering and washing.
At Top Wow Design, the connection between fans and their heroes is understood and cherished. That's why they offer high-quality, authentic jerseys like the Jj McCarthy and Custom Ole Miss jerseys, allowing fans to express their support in the most genuine way possible. Whether cheering for the Wolverines or the Rebels, ensure your jersey represents your passion and pride accurately. Visit Top Wow Design today to find your perfect piece of fan apparel and carry the spirit of the game wherever you go.
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heiwhite24 · 6 months
Supporters Go Online Now to Buy Cheap Soccer Jerseys
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Particularly these days soccer jerseys are not only used on the field by players, but the fans are also ready and roaring. They have the energy and money to purchase Cheap replica soccer jerseys to wear to the match. With more and more people choosing to wear jerseys to show loyalty to their team this trend has become quite well-known. All different ages and nationalities are wearing jerseys, but the trend is especially popular among students in the college years.
The sale of soccer jerseys gets an additional boost during international events such as those of the World Cup and the European Championships are scheduled for the near future. The crowds flock to soccer stores to purchase replica cheap soccer jerseys in advance of these tournaments. The shops are prepared ahead of time and purchase the jerseys since they are aware of how popular the demands for them is. If you can afford it, opt for authentic ones. They are the authentic sports jerseys that are worn by players. They are usually auctioned to the most bidder. They usually get really expensive because they have so many passionate soccer fans who would pay a fortune to get a soccer shirt to add to their collection.
The authentic jerseys are used even when the football season is over. The vibrant colors of these shirts with short sleeves are an excellent accessory to any fashionable outfit. Because the materials used in these shirts are lightweight, they are comfortable to wear casually, or even when you are active. If you are looking to buy authentic apparel you should visit the stores that carry these products or visit the team's merchandise store to purchase the official equipment. The cost could be expensive since they are authentic items. A few of these shirts are signed by the owner too.
In addition to the original replicas are available that are less expensive. They are also popular because anybody can buy one and accumulate the most he can to fit every sport that he is watching. Be wary of replicas being advertised as authentic, they cost more than what they ought to be offered. It is not a good idea to buy replicas that are likely to become outdated by the time the season comes to a close. Many soccer shops now have online stores too. This makes it much easier for fans to purchase soccer jerseys because they need to sign in to their account and view the complete collection of soccer jerseys on sale. The majority of shops stock the entire range of teams, brands, and countries, meaning that fans can get their hands on the most jerseys possible.
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The websites of the soccer stores facilitate this as they offer a carton which you can summarize the clicks on your jerseys. When you've finished your shopping, you'll receive a bill stating that you can pay with a secure credit card online service. The jerseys will be delivered by couriers or postal service within a few days or even two, based upon the size and availability of your selected jersey. Fans will also receive regular updates about the latest replica soccer jerseys through emails. These sites provide news about sports blogs, as well as other information which could be relevant for soccer fans.
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mks-grin · 2 years
Happy ‘The Quarry’ Day!
Some headcanons for fun / au where nothing bad happens and camp is normal. Slight spoilers
Ryan and Dylan bond over having both been campers at Hackett’s Quarry before. They remember Mr.H’s late wife Amelia telling ghost stories at camp.
Dylan jokes about them taking over the camp and letting Mr.H and his family help long after they retire. They can all grow old together. He says they should get married and change their last name to Hackett, since that’s sort of Ryan’s family anyways. The first time Ryan heard this he shoved Dylan off of the swing under the tree by the cabins. It was a little too serious to sound like a joke.
Travis and Bobby help Chris make breakfast most mornings.
Laura and Max take a liking to Travis. Laura tries to teach him TikTok dances for fun. They joke that Travis is their adoptive dad.
Max tells Travis he didn’t get into the college of his choice. Travis assured Max that college isn’t everything. Max could always be a cop. Max sorta cringes at that.
There’s a pie eating contest every year. Abi won it and now refuses to eat pie on any other occasion. She hates it now. Previously, Cherry was her and Emma’s favorite. Constance bakes the pies.
Kaylee Hackett won the pie eating contest as a kid and got sick from it. She also will not eat pies anymore.
Emma and Abi have a plant parenting class for campers and the two of them decide to plant ‘Lipstick plants’. You know why. 💅🏼
Jacob makes Dylan a macaroni necklace, from Abi’s art class for the KIDS, for his birthday. Dylan jokingly eats one of the uncooked pieces of pasta. Jacob almost cries bc he struggled so hard to get the string through the tiny noodles with his sausage fingers.
Laura and Max are from North Carolina so they take longer to acclimate to the group.
Jacob’s last name means ‘guardian or keeper’ so he sees himself as the big brother of the group. When things go wrong he always blames himself. He typically can be found carrying campers who hurt themselves to Laura.
Max hits it off with Dylan and the two of them blast 80’s music from an old radio in the boys cabin early at 6:30am everyday. - Ryan, Jacob, Caleb and Nick absolutely fucking HATE this. Max and Dylan found the radio broken one morning, jokes on them, Dylan knew how to fix it.
Laura and Kaitlyn butt heads, in a fun way, and see each other as rivals for camp activities. Since Emma and Abi don’t have a competitive bone in either of their bodies.
Jacob’s 80’s jersey is probably a Dan Marino’s jersey.(Supermassive can’t make it the right colors bc of copy-write laws. However Dan Marino’s number is 13 and he’s the most notable Quarterback from professional football in the 80’s) Since nobody else at camp understands sports stuff, they always give him horribly themed Dan Marino / Miami Dolphins gifts. He pretends to like them, but they’re really awful. Once Dylan got him a Miami’s Dolphins Christmas Tree skirt. Jacob was confused and asked what it was and Dylan was like “idk it’s the dolphins you like.”
Desperate to actually be able to stay awake early, Max tries some coffee from Ryan. Max is no longer allowed to consume caffeine. (Let’s be real. He’s a milk kinda guy anyways.)
Ryan and Emma actually talk regularly and give each other relationship advice / stick up for each other.
Every morning, Dylan walks by the girls cabin to make the morning announcements. Kaitlyn comes out to see what Dylan wears. She rates his outfits out of 10.
Nick experiences culture shock once a week. The counselors go out of their way to expose him to weird things just so he can get an authentic “American” experience.
Jacob gives Max advice about school bc he’s the big brother of the group. He tells Max to reapply to the same program in the spring, colleges are more likely to take on students in the spring bc spring admissions are less competitive. This actually works for Max later. AKA Max doesn’t have to be a cop.
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