#aurelia's imagines
valleyof-goldenlilies · 9 months
The Fuss About the Christmas Gala - Modern! Rhaenyra Targaryen x Reader
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Summary: Rhaenyra faces a small crisis regarding the planning of the Targaryen Corporation's gala.
Pairing: Modern! Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem! Reader
Warnings: profanity, angst, slight talks of Rhaenyra self harming (biting her fingernails), fingering, lots of kissing, mentions of dom Rhaenyra, slight dom reader
Word Count: 2.3k words
A/N: hoe hoe hoe! a very merry late Christmas and Happy New Year in advance from me to you :) this is for all the Rhaenyra girlies out there! I hope you enjoy :)
lovely dividers credited to @firefly-graphics !
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If there was one word that was the antithesis of Rhaenyra Targaryen right now, it would be the word calm. 
For two days now, you had watched your girlfriend rush about like a madman caught up in a whirlwind. Unsure of what to do, you usually just sat on the couch, concernedly sipping a glass of water as you watched your girlfriend work herself to death. 
Today was no different, and the stress had only multiplied by a dozen. Since the Targaryen Christmas Gala was this weekend, Rhaenyra was rushing around, calling up caterers, decorators, florists, to make sure that the weekend would go as perfectly as possible. 
“Ugh, those fucking dim-witted imbeciles!” Rhaenyra raged, slamming her phone down on the couch where you were sitting. You looked up from your work, concern furrowed in your brow, as Rhaenyra sank into the couch next to you and began ranting. “Can you believe that the caterers had to cancel at the last minute? Said something about having to attend to the President’s dinner party for all his cabinet at the fucking Red Keep!” Rhaenyra was positively vibrating with fury, and if her anger could sprout wings, she would have flown away by now, probably to kick the head of the caterers’ ass. 
“Nyra,” you tried to calm her, but she continued on with her tirade. “And the florists! No one can do their jobs right.” rhaenyra buried her face in a throw cushion, making a distressed noise. “I knew I should’ve accepted Alicent’s offer of connecting me to the florists she previously used at the other Targaryen events. But I’m just-” 
“I know,” you said, hands going to rub Rhaenyra’s shoulders soothingly. Rhaenyra’s dislike for her stepmother was legendary among your social circles, and with how bullheaded Rhaenyra was, you can’t say you were surprised when she vehemently turned down her stepmother’s offers of connecting Rhaenyra to her contacts, preferring to do it on her own. 
Rhaenyra’s anger soon turned into a crack in her voice, as she felt small tears slipping down her cheeks, seeping into the velvet of the throw cushion she was using to hide her face. She didn’t want you to see her like this. But the stress was really getting to her, and she soon broke, like a dam that had caved at long last. 
Mortification and sympathy immediately filled you when you heard your girlfriend’s strangled sob, as you moved to take her into your arms. “I just-” Rhaenyra choked out, “I wanted to do this on my own. To prove that I could. This is the first event that Father asked me to plan on my own as future CEO to Targaryen Corporations, and I’ve-” Rhaenyra sniffled noisily. The snot from her tears was getting into the blouse you were wearing, but you could care less, only continuing to stroke Rhaenyra’s silver-blonde locks, trying to mollify her. “I’ve screwed it up completely. I’m such a fuckup.” 
“You’re not a fuckup, Nyra,” you said softly, heart breaking as you watched her shoulders shake with sobs. “Don’t lie to me, Y/N,” Rhaenyra spat out, though the venom in her voice was weakened by how much she was crying. 
“I haven’t finished yet,” your voice was chiding, but gently so. “A fuckup, absolutely not. Bullheaded? Stubborn? A little idiotic? Definitely so.” A choked laugh bubbled up in the midst of Rhaenyra’s tears, and you smiled at that, satisfied to have elicited a response apart from cursing or tears. 
“What do I do, my love?” Rhaenyra sniffled, her tone stained with despair. “How am I supposed to face Father tomorrow and tell him that the caterers and florists have both cancelled? I barely can keep the rest of the event’s logistics from spiralling out of control too.” Rhaenyra barked out a jagged laugh. “Seven Hells, the only thing I actually managed to get done was secure the venue and the musicians. He’s going to be so disappointed in me, isn’t he?” You hummed, softly curling a strand of Rhaenyra’s hair around your index finger. “You know, love, I did offer my help a few weeks ago. The offer still stands.” 
An exasperated sigh burst from Rhaenyra’s lips. “And I said no. I don’t need help…” Rhaenyra’s voice slowly trailed off, as the absurdity of words began to sink in. “Oh,” she spoke, voice sounding defeated.“I really am an idiot, aren’t I?’ 
“Oh, darling,” you spoke affectionately. “You are, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start amending that.” You kissed her on the forehead tenderly, wiping her tears away with your thumb. “Let me help you. Please, Nyra. You can’t keep insisting on doing everything yourself, you know.” Your voice was gentle, yet firm. “You need to let go of your pride. Capeesh?” 
Rhaenyra grumbled a little, but she melted under the warmth of your embrace. “Fine. Capeesh. But maybe hold back on bruising my ego, why don’t you?” You chuckled, kissing her on the lips. “How else am I supposed to get you to learn, dearest?” 
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In all honesty, managing an event was definitely way harder than you imagined it was when you had offered your help. While the lack of a budget certainly helped, there were a lot of things the both of you had to consider. Such as the table seating arrangements, the order of the performances (who knew there would be so much fuss over whether the ballet-contemporary dance trope should come before or after the string quartet performance?), the approval of the various menus for guests with special dietary restrictions and the like. 
Rich people truly never ceased to amaze you with their elaborate whims and fancies. 
Even with your help, Rhaenyra still occasionally flew into anxious fits while the both of you were sorting out the details for the event, and you had to stop all work to comfort her when that happened. You also noticed her bitten off fingernails, an old childhood habit Rhaenyra was fond of doing. When confronted, Rhaenyra only sheepishly admitted that the stress often blinded her from doing anything else. 
While it made your blood boil that Rhaenyra was neglecting her own well-being for the sake of the godsforsaken gala, you also felt an uncomfortable, crawling sensation under your skin, and that little voice in your head, telling you that you were to blame for this whole mess. 
‘Why weren’t you more insistent on helping her out?’ it whispered, taunting. ‘How could you let your girlfriend stress herself to this point until she would mistreat herself?’ 
Still, you managed to wave the thoughts aside, wanting to just focus on Rhaenyra now. Gradually, as the plans for the gala became more and more concrete, Rhaenyra became noticeably more relaxed, the perpetual frown that was present on her lips slowly dissolving into a less tense expression. Although Rhaenyra still bristled at the thought of bringing in additional help, she reluctantly acquiesced when you mentioned asking Alicent, who was more experienced in hosting these events, to take a look at the event timeline. It was no easy feat for a Targaryen to set aside their pride, but you were very glad that Rhaenyra could. 
As the night of the Targaryen Christmas Gala rolled around, you were in Rhaenyra’s dressing room, lips pursed in concentration as you fastened the delicate clasp of Rhaenyra’s diamond festoon necklace around her neck. 
“Hey,” Rhaenyra said softly, looking at you through the mirror. “Mmm?” you hummed inquisitively, smiling widely as you finally managed to get the clasp buckled together. She grabbed your hands as she turned around, leaning her forehead on yours. “Thank you.” Love and gratitude laced her voice. You squeezed her hands in yours, leaning in to kiss your girlfriend on the lips. “It’ll be alright,” Rhaenyra felt a warm feeling seep into her muscles, extinguishing the tension she had been feeling all evening. “Don’t worry too much, hmm? It’s Christmas after all. Tis’ the season to be jolly, you know.” A light giggle burst from Rhaenyra’s lips, before she leaned in for another kiss. “I’ll do my best, love.” 
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Hours had stretched on, and it seemed the gala was going swimmingly. Though Rhaenyra had roped you into attending the gala with her - her reasons being that you were her beloved girlfriend and that she wanted every single one of the Targaryen family’s business associates, as well as all her family to see that you were the woman she loved - she had been noticeably absent for some time now. 
Anxious footsteps thumped across the floor of the ballroom, as you politely manoeuvred past the gala’s attendees, trying to find the familiar figure clad in red. 
When you neared one of the endless amount of balconies in this massive building, you breathed out a sigh of relief when you caught a glimpse of white-blonde hair. Standing out at the terrace, surrounded by the night and glowing under the shimmer of a thousand stars, Rhaenyra leaned on the balcony balustrade, her back to the door, as you admired her from behind. 
“You look like a goddess from this view you know,” Rhaenyra smiled as she felt your arms encircle her waist, planting a soft kiss on her neck. “Oh no, you found me,” her tone was filled with teasing. She relaxed into your arms, seeking your warmth. “I found you,” Rhaenyra’s breathing grew heavier as you continued peppering kisses on her neck. “Why are you out here all by yourself, gorgeous? The party’s going well, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, it is,” Rhaenyra sighed, tilting her head up to give you more access to her neck. “It just…still makes me a bit disappointed in myself, you know? That I couldn’t take charge of a simple event like this.” 
“You’re belittling yourself again, my darling,” you murmured, lips grazing along the sensitive curve of her shoulder. “This event is far from simple, and you know that. Besides, it’s alright to accept the help of others when you’re overwhelmed.” 
Rhaenyra closed her eyes, her hair falling into her face slightly as she cast her gaze downwards. “And I know. It’s just still hard to accept.” You purse your lips, wanting to comfort her somehow…
Rhaenyra felt her breath hitch as your fingers slowly made their way up her thighs, all while your lips still remained on her neck. “Where are those fingers going, hmm?” she murmured. 
“I just want to make you feel better, my dear.” You trailed your kisses to the top of her spine. Do I have your permission, love?” 
“Yes,” Rhaenyra breathed out, gripping the balcony railing tighter. “Fuck yes.” A wicked grin graced your face as she said that, as your fingers skillfully slid aside her panties, grazing them gently against Rhaenyra’s sweet spot. Her answering moan was a cry from the angels themselves. 
“Wet already, hmm?” You murmured, the pad of your finger collecting the wetness of her slit. Rhaenyra groaned, “That’s usually my line.” You smirked in response, fingers playing with her folds with deliberation. “I know you’re always on top, darling. But isn’t it nice to have me take charge for a change?” 
“Definitely no-” Rhaenyra had to bite her tongue as you plunged the first finger inside of her, pleasure coursing through her veins. “Oh, darling,” she moaned your name huskily as you added a second finger, beginning to move faster. A strangled cry rose from her throat as your thumb went to rub at her clit, her skin feeling feverish as she felt you tug off her furred shawl so that you could have access to her bare back. Your soft lips followed the curve of her spine, while your other hand went to trace patterns on her heated skin. 
“Dominance is a good look on me, isn’t it?” You teased, adding a third finger, curling it in a come hither motion. Rhaenyra felt like she was about to faint, as a familiar budding sensation in her abdomen began to bloom. “I should do it more often, love. Who knew you could be a pliant mess under all that tough exterior?” 
“Oh, you are so going to regret this later,” Rhaenyra growled, head already filled with the ideas she would do to punish you later when she got home. In response, you only rubbed her clit harder, making her let out a cry of needy pleasure. 
“Nah,” you smiled, not fazed in the least. “I don’t think I will, dear.” The speed of your fingers quickened, and Rhaenyra let out a final wanton moan as she came, legs turning weak. You had to grip on tightly to her waist with your other hand that wasn’t buried to the knuckle in her so that her knees wouldn’t give in then and there. 
“You okay, darling?” you asked teasingly, as your fingers gradually slowed their pace and you planted a kiss onto the crook of her shoulder. Rhaenyra narrowed her eyes, though her breathing was still unsteady after the orgasm she had. “Don’t act so smug just because you’re in charge for once. You’re going to get it when we get home, darling.” 
“I’m looking forward to it,” you continued challenging her with that teasing tone of yours, retracting your hand from under Rhaenyra’s skirts. “Do me a favour before that, and taste yourself, darling?” Rhaenyra looked a bit miffed at that, though in good spirit. Still, she gave in with a dramatic sigh, as you lifted your fingers to her lips, making her suck her essence off of them. A light moan burst from your lips at the sight, and you leaned in to kiss her, threading your fingers in her white-blonde locks to pull her closer to you. When she abruptly broke away, you frowned, thinking that you had done something wrong, but she only pointed up and said with a sort of childlike delight, “Look, it’s snowing, darling.” 
Caught off guard, you directed your gaze upwards, noting with wonder the white furls currently dancing in the sky. Rhaenyra laughed as a snowflake got caught in your eyelash and you let out a small yelp, flicking it off with her fingers. “Merry Christmas, darling,” Rhaenyra murmured, capturing your lips with hers again, her hand cupping your cheek. You smiled back, gazing adoringly into her eyes. “Merry Christmas, Nyra.”
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let me know if you wish to be added to a general taglist for rhaenyra related works, or just my works in general in the comments or through this form! :) 
thank you for reading! if you liked it, likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated! merry late xmas guys 😘🎄
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squoobest · 5 months
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i should be writing my paper rn
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cerine0357 · 2 months
i ask for Yandere ayano shimizu headcanon with a lazy and tired reader of course you can ignore and delete if your stuff is closing or for any other reason.
oc: Shimizu Family:-
Ayano Shimizu X Reader
✤ Summary: Ayano Shimizu finally has his darling, little sweetheart in his the palms of his hands and it appears that they're.....sleeping?
✤ Fluff|| headcanons|| blood, mentions of murder, invasion of privacy, noncon, dubcon?? since Reader does not care what he does to her as long as she gets to sleep, regular yandere stuff|| Yandere version of OCs
✤ Author's note: I loved writing this, it's been a while since I got back into writing!!! I love you all and thank you for reading!!
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Yandere!Ayano X Lazy!S/O HCs
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◊ Well, this was quite a surprise to Ayano when he realized how you did not even bother the kidnapping, only slept your way through the whole thing and kissed his forehead, thanking him for helping you escape your life and sleep all day. He was flattered and happy about it, but still surprised nonetheless.
◊ It took him a while to get used to it, he would honestly continuously in worry check your pulse and breathing to see if you're alive and well and sound, makes sure you're okay, thank god you are...It scares him and he gets spooked like a mama gets when her newborn sleeping for longer than usual...
◊ He is extremely concerned for you, so he makes sure EVERYTHING IS ABSOLUTELY OKAY! After he gets used to it, he takes his chances to smother you with his affection, kisses, hugs, snuggles, cuddles, anything that he wants, he'll give it to you with a bright smile.
◊ He has Xinyue cometimes check your head and memories to see if any of it is trauma related and how you think about him, if it's all okay, he's so relieved but still incredibly confused...don't you want to return home? Not that he's complaining, he loves that you're willing to be his little trophy doll.
◊ Sometimes he chases off his siblings when they try to see how deep you sleep by pulling pranks on you,he refuses to let them even do stupid shit near you, though he lets those siblings in who need to de-stress from the family shenanigans for self-care (Oshinyu, Oshinuza, Ilseong, Hyejun), he'll even let them apply skincare to you as long as you're not waking up, he wants you to be all freshen up even if you're asleep with drool out your mouth.
◊ Speaking of drool, he has those super absorbent and silk pillow covers for you, so drool dries easily and your hair is also not ruined..he's particular about things, okay?? He's a nepo baby! Leave him alone, by the end of a week you're becoming a nepo baby too, because you're basically family since you're so quiet.
◊ Ayano doesn't allow anyone in your room, fearing your sleep would be ruined, except his parents and some quiet siblings, so his parents sit there for hours. Both Kaiyo and Reo sit in your room with you to do their paperwork and other stuff otherwise they'll be constantly interrupted by servants, pets, the kids..
◊ Constant sleepwear shopping, he has SO MANY SLEEPWEARS FOR YOU!! Listen, poor boy never had a relationship and you're his first one and his parents always spoil each other, he thinks it's a sign of love and he loves you...Poor thing has no idea what else to do, because you're asleep half the time.
◊ He spends so much time snuggling you, de-stressing beside you, watching movies with earphones, doing homework or anything else where he wants quiet. He has a personal pool in his bedroom's large balcony, so he also spends time there, while watching you with lovesick eyes as you slept with drool, eye-crust or boogers, hair messed up and looking like a demon...Oh so gorgeous.
◊ Let's be honest, he even has specially made mattress, blankets, pillows, pillow covers, bedsheets and other stuff...all for you..all custom made, all for you to sleep, drool and fart in anyways...Yeah, pretty sweet, I know.
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© cerine0357. All characters belong to me; Aurelia, Moon, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading and if you like this check out my blog!
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nick-cassidy · 2 months
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ahockeywrites · 4 months
the assistance part one
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pairing: trent frederic x aurelia mcavoy word count: 1k warnings: probably swearing knowing me, authors note: decided to split this into two parts so I can get one out to you guys today masterlist
David Pastrnak’s car had a problem. And he had no fucking clue how to solve it. He thought that he was skilled with his hands. On the, 100%. When it came to cars, 0%. If negative percentages existed, that would be how good he was at fixing cars. YouTube couldn’t help him this time.
The team were over at his place for a barbecue as he had the best grill and hosting facilities. David knew that he should have called a mechanic but he also knew that Charlie’s cousin was a mechanic and that it might be easier to get them to fix it. 
The Czech player walked over to Charlie with a beer for each of them before sitting down in the chair next to him. David ran a hand through his hair and he didn’t know why he felt so awkward asking a friend for a favour, but he did. It wasn’t the thing he usually did.
“You know your mechanic cousin,” David started, getting over the awkwardness and just saying what he needed to.
“Yes, I do know Peanut,” Charlie replied, he had to refrain from rolling his eyes. Everyone knew that he had a cousin who was a mechanic but it was only Trent who had actually met her. He didn’t even know if the rest of the team knew that the mechanic was a woman. 
“Any chance he could come and take a look at my car? I’ll pay him for the trouble, I’m just driving around and something sounds wrong,” David explained, hands gesticulating.
“Yeah, I’ll drop Peanut a message and hopefully they’ll swing by today,” Charlie pulled his phone out and composed a text to his cousin. Charlie knew that Aurelia was at a race day but she was usually done by 3PM and, he checked his watch, it was half past two. She should be done soon.
His phone vibrated almost immediately after putting it down.
Peanut 🥜: will swing by, race has just finished. ya gal won again ✌️
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Charlie: was never in doubt! see you in an hour or so
Peanut 🥜: 👍✌️
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Trent wandered around Pasta’s garden after chatting to a few of the guys and their partners. He had a beer in his hand but something was off. He didn’t feel right but that could have been related to the punches he received in his abdomen the afternoon before. Saturday matinee games had gotten a lot more feisty than he remembered.
The can of beer in his hand was finished so he crushed it before walking inside to find the recycling bin. Trent knew where the glasses were so he quickly grabbed one and filled it up with some water. He wasn’t drunk by any means but he was dehydrated.
Three quick knocks on the front door took him out of the trance he was in. His hands didn’t move quickly enough as he spilt a large portion of his water onto his shirt. A few expletives left his mouth as he put the glass down and pulled his T-shirt off. 
Charlie had just got Aurelia’s text saying that she was here so he walked to the front door but was greeted by a half naked teammate. 
“Please put your shirt back on, Aurelia doesn’t need to see that,” Charlie groaned when he realised that it was Trent who was shirtless.
“Aurelia’s here?” asked Trent. As far as the St Louis native was aware, she wasn’t meant to be coming to this event. But it wouldn’t be unlike Charlie to change who he invited last minute. 
“Yes,” Charlie wandered through the kitchen to the hallway of Pasta’s house. “So please put a shirt on, she doesn’t need to see your chest.” Trent thought about his request but had to ring out his shirt in the sink before he put it back on because the sensory overload of a wet shirt was not fun.
Trent’s back was to the hallway so Aurelia wouldn’t be able to tell who it was. This was a good compromise between putting a shirt on whilst it was still wet and not wearing a shirt at all, he thought.
A wolf whistle from behind him was unexpected but Trent thought it was one of his teammates so turned around to explain why his shirt was off.
“Frederic!” Charlie shouted. “I told you to put your shirt back on.” In front of him was a fuming Charlie McAvoy and a staring Aurelia McAvoy.
“Not complaining at all Chucky,” Aurelia grinned as she looked Trent up and down. Charlie playfully hit the back of her head and then shouted for David.
Pasta walked into the kitchen with a beer in his hand, which he thought he was going to hand off to the mechanic who was going to fix his car. Instead he was greeted by a shirtless Trent, an angry Charlie and a girl. 
“David, Peanut,” Charlie pointed between the two of them. “Peanut is going to fix your car then go home.”
Aurelia raised an eyebrow towards her cousin. “And what if I don’t want to go home after?”
“You’re welcome to stay-“ David started but was cut off by Charlie.
“Peanut,” Charlie sighed, “you’re working tomorrow and you raced today. You should get some sleep.”
“Who are you, my dad?” She questioned back. “Let me take a look at the car and then I can figure out how long it’s going to take me to fix it. Then I can see if I’m going straight home.” She mumbled something that only Trent caught as she walked past him to the garage. “Stupid fucking cockblock,” was what he heard. 
Did Aurelia McAvoy like him back?
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sussyjake · 2 months
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚. . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚. . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚. . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧
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꒰ Welcome ! ꒱
୭˚. ᵎᵎ Aurelia! or (sussyjake) : she/her — 18 yo.
༉‧₊˚. ASKS ARE - OPEN !
⌞ LINKS ! ⌝ masterlist. rules. about me. anons. carrd.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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doodlingcrayon · 7 months
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cuteness aggression
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mistfallengw2 · 7 months
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Markus Blake, Lionguard Deputy
After witnessing his father become one of the casualties among the Frozen, Markus rejected the sudden promotion at first, caving under the weight of grief and the pressure coming from the Captains, hesitant to take on the role. When push came to shove and Lion's Arch was threatened by the Void, he finally took courage and stepped up to rally the scattered soldiers, and soon become one of the Lionguard's most commendable Deputies to date.
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pavus · 7 months
i need to be hornier about my ocs and their partners.
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thebalancedangel · 7 months
Astarion and Aurelia: *sitting next to each other*
Aurelia: *putting her head on Astarion’s shoulder* Hey.
Astarion: OW! Did you forget your horns are sharp?!
Aurelia: …Sorry.
Aurelia: And not just about the horns…
Astarion: *sigh* …Can we keep Cazador where he belongs?
Astarion: In the ground, I mean. Figuratively.
Aurelia: …I wasn’t referring to that.
Astarion: …I’m so glad we’re not having a serious conversation.😮‍💨
Aurelia: …Dal told me you wanted to pour acid in your brain because you saw me and Abbie- Abdirak do a…certain thing.
Astarion: …
Aurelia: So, I am sorry you saw that.
Aurelia: But I’m not sorry for doing it.
Astarion: …OK.
Aurelia: …😌
Astarion: …😐
Aurelia: …😌
Astarion: I thought you were gonna try to justify what I saw.
Aurelia: …No…
Astarion: …No?
Aurelia: I do what I want now.😉
Astarion: …That sounds strange coming from you! 😅
Aurelia: I know…😉😌
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valleyof-goldenlilies · 9 months
Falling of Snow, Falling in Love - Modern! Alicent Hightower x Reader
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Summary: Alicent finally finds the courage to confess her feelings for you, her longtime admirer and best friend.
Pairing: Modern!Alicent Hightower x Fem!Reader
Warnings: slight mentions of homophobia, homosexual pining, Alicent angsting on the inside
Word Count: 1k words
A/N: hoe hoe hoe! a very merry late Christmas and Happy New Year in advance from me to you :) this is for all the lovers of our favourite doe-eyed queen with the reddish brown curls (and all of Olivia Cooke's simps). I hope you enjoy! :)
lovely dividers credited to @firefly-graphics !
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Despite the biting chill that had been plaguing Oldtown for the past few weeks now, today, the sun hung up high in the blue sky, shining brightly, painting the portrait of a perfect, though chilly sunny day. 
Which was how you found yourself prancing along the cobbled streets of Oldtown this fine afternoon, arms linked with your best friend, Alicent, the both of you deciding to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Even though the cold had brought out the redness in your cheeks and in your opinion, made you look like someone who had just undergone a severe sunburn, Alicent still looked as dazzling as ever. Her reddish brown curls cascaded down her back, perfectly windswept by the winter breeze, and her cheeks were tinged with the sort of rosiness reminiscent in paintings of old. She looked like a vision. 
And you said as much to her this morning when she appeared at your door, bright eyed and bundled in her cosy brown trench coat and maroon scarf. She had laughed and the loveliest shade of pink had spilled into her features, a sight which made your heart beat ten times faster in your chest. 
Gods, was she beautiful. 
You had always made your feelings of admiration clear to Alicent, something that had first started as Alicent taking it as a joke, before evolving into something much more serious. More complicated. You knew Alicent never did well with complicated, and you always accepted that you wouldn’t push her on reciprocating your feelings. Having been raised in such a cloistered and conservative environment, Alicent still struggled with accepting your adoration and her own amorous feelings towards you, which were frowned upon by her parents and siblings, all deeming a romantic love between individuals of the same gender ‘unnatural’. 
As Alicent began to grow older however, she gradually distanced herself from those harmful beliefs with your help, learning to accept who she was and how she chose to love. After all, she had learnt from you, love was love, and no matter who you love, it should never stir up a sense of shame in you. 
Now, Alicent’s main obstacle was her lack of courage. As she watched you drag her from shop to shop, whether it was marvelling at the baked goods displayed in the windows of Oldtown’s finest bakeries, or excitedly gesturing to Alicent the little porcelain animals you’ve seen at the cutest antiques shop, Alicent couldn’t help but fall in love with you more and more. 
However, it was never easy for Alicent to express her feelings, much less ones she had repressed all her life. She was someone who would rather listen quietly and observe others rather than speaking out on her own. So she bided her time and waited, as you were patient and comforting with her struggles, as you told her time after time again it doesn’t matter if she couldn’t express her admiration back for you the same way that you did. It all didn’t matter, as long as she was by your side. 
But today, it did matter. Because she was finally going to tell you how she felt. How she felt the same as you did her, how she worshipped every inch of you, how she relished in every laugh elicited from you, every single one of your words that were laced with honey and everything sweet in the world. 
How much she loved you. 
Your strolling eventually carried the both of you to a square in the shopping district of Oldtown, and Alicent was absentmindedly giving out responses to your questions. She bit her lip nervously, her other hand going to pat down her curls. ‘This is it,’ she told herself, inhaling deeply. ‘I’m going to tell her how I feel. On Christmas day, just like I planned.’ 
‘I got this-’ 
“Alicent!” Your exclamation jolted Alicent from her self-induced panic, and she looked at you, trying not to display the anxiety she felt at her confession being disrupted. But then, she tilted her head up at your behest, and saw something wondrous. 
White flecks of snow were cascading down from the skies, making their soft and swift descent as all around, people in Oldtown stopped to stare and marvel at the sky. The first snowfall had arrived at last. 
“Oh my goodness,” you said excitedly, before you started shivering violently, teeth chattering. The sudden landfall of snow had made the temperature drop by a few degrees, and you hastily moved to pull on your mittens, urging Alicent to do the same. But the bone-biting chill aside, you looked positively delighted as the snow gradually began covering the ground, and as the sun’s rays reflected on it, it cast an otherworldly, magical glow on all your surroundings. It was truly a White Christmas now. “It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?” you remarked to Alicent, eyes shining. 
Only to realise that her twinkling brown eyes were fixed on you. 
“Yes,” Alicent said softly, as you felt the graze of her soft mittens on your cheek. “It really is.” 
You could feel your heart nearly beating out of your chest, a rush of epiphany and joy making your head spin a little. ‘Was this finally happening?” 
Alicent hesitated, deciding that the time was right, she leaned in, brushing her lips against yours. When she made to pull away, however, you held her face between your hands, pulling her in for a deeper, longer kiss. 
And there was nothing more perfect in the world than this, Alicent realised. Your kiss was slow, languid, but filled with emotion, with nothing but pure, innocent admiration for one another. Of love. 
Alicent hadn’t wanted the kiss to end, but when it eventually did, she took the chance, leaning her forehead against yours and whispering the words she had always wanted to say: 
“I love you.” 
And as you laughed and dipped Alicent, bringing your lips to hers again, Alicent realised again that you were right, that love was nothing to be ashamed of. 
Love was something that made her feel powerful.
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let me know if you wish to be added to a general taglist for alicent related works, or just my works in general in the comments or through this form! :) 
thank you for reading! if you liked it, likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated! merry late xmas guys 😘🎄
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rypnami · 6 days
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rome’s face card economy crumbled when they disappeared
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cerine0357 · 1 month
Raemous (remoss)
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"A fucking good time hurt never nobody, I got a little drink but it's not Bacardi"
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so this is why they're best friends
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pinksdoodles1 · 10 months
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[gently blows away the dust that has settled over my blog] hi, it's me again. this time i bring a (frankly) quite self-indulgent drawing of my pc and her childhood friend dancing together. it's based on that scene in tangled where flynn and rapunzel join a public dance that's going on.
i told my dnd group that if this were to ever happen, i'd just die on the spot. the secondhand embarrassment everyone else would get from my roleplaying would be lethal, just downright radioactive.
my dm just replied with "assignment understood" so, you know. i think i just doomed myself.
there's an alternate version of this doodle where aster has his hair in a ponytail, which was the original version of the drawing - but i changed it because it looked somewhat wonky. i'll post it here anyways.
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aurelia's lips hadn't been properly drawn in at this point either... whoops.
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ahockeywrites · 5 months
the service
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pairing: aurelia mcavoy x trent frederic word count: 2.5k warnings: swearing, it’s my fic, there’s always swearing authors note: hello and welcome to another series that I hope I can finish (lol). hope you all enjoy! masterlist
Trent pushed open the door to the garage, feeling as though he was somewhere that he shouldn’t be. Charlie had recommended this garage as it had the best reviews for Porsche maintenance and was where he took his car. But it didn’t seem right. All he had to do was see if ‘Peanut’ worked here and if he did, then he would know if he was in the right place.
A gruff looking man with white hair and a long beard sat behind the counter and now Trent felt as though he really shouldn’t be here.
“Charlie McAvoy said I should come here for my car’s service?” He weakly asked, really feeling as though he was in the complete wrong part of town.
“Freddy with a Porsche?” He man behind the desk asked, after flicking through a few pages of the large diary that sat in front of him.
Trent nodded, feeling slightly more relaxed that be was definitely in the right place and that Charlie hadn’t sent him on a wild goose chase around the city. That wouldn’t be the craziest thing to happen to him. 
When he was a rookie in Providence, the older players told him that they were having after game drinks at a bar. A bar that didn’t exist in Rhode Island. It was in California. Trent was pissed but ended up channeling his anger into a fight in the following game.
“Peanut will be with you in a moment, they’re just finishing up on a vintage 911,” the man explained.
Fuck, a vintage 911. How Trent wished he could own one of them but the upkeep on it would be more than he could handle. Especially when he had no clue about cars. But fuck, if he knew someone who knew their way around a car, his first purchase would be a vintage 911.
“Okay,” Trent replied, swinging his car keys around his finger as he wandered over to the notice board on the other side of the reception. The Bruins key ring hit against the plastic of his car key as he kept himself distracted waiting for Peanut.
“Freddy with a Porsche Cayenne?” A distinctly feminine voice with a strong Boston accent called out into the reception. Trent looked around, realised he was the only person in the room and then figured out that it was for him. 
“That’s me,” he replied, spinning around to be greeted with a short woman with an imposing stature. Her dark hair was tied up in a ponytail behind her and Trent had no inclination of who she was except for the name Peanut. That surely couldn’t have been her name. But it was the name that was stitched into her dark blue overalls. 
“I’m Aurelia but everyone here calls me Peanut. You met Gramps,” she pointed at the older man sat behind the counter, who offered Trent a wave. “It’s dad and I who are working today but occasionally you’ll get Adam who’s my brother working when he’s not at collage.”
Trent just nodded, that was more of an info dump that he expected from his mechanic but it really did feel like a family run business the way they treated him.
“Sorry for the run down,” Peanut apologised,  most people here are regulars and know all of us. But you’re new, so you get the speed rundown. So, your Cayenne, what we needing for it?”
The hockey player thought for a moment. Why did he actually come here again? Oh crap yeah.
“Just a yearly service,” Trent got out, slightly in awe of the pretty girl standing in front of him. She was beautiful, he hoped that Charlie hadn’t mentioned this garage to any of the other players as he wanted to call dibs on her. Well, if that was still a thing that people did.
“I can’t sweet talk you into an engine upgrade, car wrap or new rims?” Peanut giggled as she headed out to the front where Trent had parked his car.  
You could sweet talk me into anything, he thought but did say that. He just apologised and reaffirmed his need for a service and nothing else. 
Peanut shook her head in mock disgust. “Damn, I always try that with the cute ones and it never works,” she laughed once more as she squatted down to look at the brake discs and callipers for a quick first inspection. “Left hand side looks good, from first glance but let me check the right.” 
Peanut zipped around to the other side and did the same tyre and brake check confirming her initial thoughts that there probably wouldn’t be anything wrong with them. 
“Looks like you don’t need new tyres but I can’t confirm that until I properly check them,” Peanut smiled. “So I’ll just need your keys and it should be a few hours.”
“Sounds good, do you need my number?” Trent asked, not realising how it sounded.
“Well,” Peanut raised an eyebrow, “my personal phone is missing the number of an attractive Porsche driver.” 
A faint blush tinted the hockey player’s cheeks as it clicked in his head what he said and how it could be interpreted.
“Not like that,” he quickly backtracked, not wanting to make it seem as though he wasn’t interested but he was. He had placed himself in a sticky situation.
“Don’t worry,” Peanut explained. “Gramps will take your details before I drive it around the back. He’ll also explain how much it’ll cost. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to move my car out of the way.”
Peanut skipped back to the garage and opened the roller shutter doors. A white Porsche 911 Carrera from 1973 backed out of the opening and the same person who he was envious of earlier happened to be Peanut as she reversed out of the garage and into a spot on the side of the road.
She jumped out of the driver’s side door and invited Trent back inside to fill in all the paperwork that they needed before they could get started on servicing the car. 
“Right, I’ll leave you with Gramps to get all the boring stuff sorted and I’ll be in the back, see you later!” Peanut waved and stormed through the door at a speed that had Trent concerned for the door.
“Don’t worry about my granddaughter, she’s always had this sort of energy,” the man that Peanut called Gramps explained. “That will be 300 dollars for the service and if Peanut finds anything else, it’s labour hours plus parts. All good?”
Trent nodded again before handing his keys over to Gramps and calling an Uber to take him back.
“You’ll call me when it’s good to pick up, yeah?” Trent asked, just making sure that he knew what was going on.
“Sure thing,” Gramps replied. “Should be done sometime this afternoon, provided no hiccups.” Trent nodded in appreciation before making his way outside to jump in the Uber to head back to his place.
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Trent sat in front of his monitor, playing a solo game. He didn’t want to risk being involved in an online game with some of his teammates when he got the call to pick up his car. He felt limited in what he could do as Tuesday afternoons were usually the days he went food shopping, as long as he was in the city and not on a road trip. It was a slight change to his routine.
The doorbell went and Trent paused. He wasn’t expecting anyone or any deliveries so it must have been one of the guys. But why would any of them be visiting him on a random Tuesday afternoon?
He stood up and walked across to look through the peephole. Charlie was stood outside his door, hands in his pockets looking awkward. Trent had no idea why the defenceman was at his apartment when he knew Trent’s car was at the shop.
Trent opened the door and Charlie barrelled his way into the Boston apartment. He walked straight over to the kitchen, grabbed a glass for himself, filled it with water and drank the whole thing in one go. Water dripped from Charlie’s mouth but he quickly used his sleeve to wipe it away.
“You okay?” Trent asked, very confused as to what had just happened.
“Please tell me why my cousin just called me to say that Fit Freddy’s car is ready and that I should bring him to the garage?” Charlie growled, slightly concerned at what Aurelia had said on the phone. “And why she really wants your number?”
“It might help if I knew who your cousin is?” Trent replied, trying to make sense of the situation. He was racking his head to see if he knew an Aurelia. 
“Aurelia McAvoy, short, dark hair, sounds like she was raised in a barn?” Charlie explained, hands flailing around as though he couldn’t keep control of them. “You know, the cousin I consider a younger sister?”
Trent still looked confused. He didn’t know any Aurelia McAvoy… wait…
“You mean the mechanic?” Trent questioned. “Your cousin is Peanut?”
“Yes!” Charlie exclaimed. “My cousin is Aurelia. You went to my grandfather’s garage and my cousin is the one who has fixed up your car and supposedly given you the friends and family discount that no one outside of the actual family gets?”
Trent could see steam coming out of his teammates ears as he tried to make sense of the situation and also diffuse it. Playing mediator wasn’t his usual role on the team but he needed to today.
“Charlie,” Trent started, “I don’t know why she said that but if my car is ready to pick up. Maybe we should go and grab that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Charlie responded before grabbing his keys from his pocket. “Let’s head out, see if Gramps can explain what’s going on. Fucking hope he can.”
The drive to the suburbs was painful for both hockey players. Charlie was still fuming that Trent had been flirting with his cousin, he couldn’t have Aurelia dating one of his teammates. As much as he loved his teammates, he did not want any of them dating someone he considered a second sister. Aurelia could absolutely deal with one of the Bruins, but she deserved better in his head. 
Trent was slightly annoyed that Charlie thought he was flirting with his cousin. He didn’t intend to flirt with her and if he did, he was only responding to her flirting. Maybe she flirted with all the customers to try and get as many extras sorted as possible. That had to be it. She must also have been riling up Charlie. This could be one of the things they did growing up and Trent was now just a pawn in their game. 
The drive was quiet, just the sounds of a local radio station in the background. But Trent could see that Charlie’s ears were still red so he was still angry. 
Charlie turned the steering wheel and parked up outside the garage. He had tried to use the drive to calm down but it really didn’t help. It didn’t help when the recipient of his anger was in the enclosed space with him.
“Let’s get this shit over with,” he muttered under his breath before opening his door and then slamming it shut. Trent followed suit but didn’t use the same amount of force as his counterpart. 
Charlie stormed his way into the reception area of the garage and Trent was hot on his heels. He just wanted his car back, he didn’t want to get in the middle of a McAvoy family argument, but it seemed like he would.
Aurelia looked up from over the counter to see her cousin looking at her with angry looking eyes. Crap, she thought, have I gone too far with this one? It was no secret that she fancied Trent, but it was something she didn’t want to share with Charlie as his rule since he started playing hockey was that she couldn’t date any of his teammates or opponents. Which she understood at the start when they were all teenagers. 
But then he started playing in the big leagues. And he was playing against Mat Barzal, Nathan MacKinnon and Sidney Crosby. The latter was the first player that Aurelia had on her wall when she used to play hockey, before she moved onto racing cars. 
But Trent was Charlie’s teammate. One of Charlie’s friends. Charlie was the one who took Trent under his wing and showed him around the city. Trent was also the only teammate who Charlie had sent to her garage. Well, Patrice Bergeron had also been there, but he was no longer a teammate to her cousin.
“What can I do for you, dear Charles?” Aurelia asked as she stood up, spinning Trent’s car keys on her index finger, just to provoke her cousin slightly more. 
“Trent is here for his car,” Charlie pointed to the forward standing next to him. “Gramps can show him the car. You and I need a little chat.” Aurelia rolled her eyes but handed the keys across to Gramps who took Trent out to the back to explain the costs and how much he owed.
It was silent and the tension between Charlie and Aurelia was high.
“Peanut,” Charlie groaned as he ran a hand through his locks. “Please tell me you didn’t give him a friends and family discount?”
“What if I did?” She retaliated before popping a piece of chewing gum into her mouth. “He’s a friend of yours, so he’s a friend of mine. You didn’t get like this when I gave the discount to Bergy?”
“You gave the discount to Bergy?” Charlie questioned. “That’s the first I’ve heard of this.”
“Whoops,” Aurelia shrugged. “So what, I’ve had a crush on Freddy since he fought Tanev. Makes sense I’d give the guy I fancy a discount, right?”
“Fucks sake,” Charlie had to sit down to control himself. “You fancy Freddy? That’s breaking rule one.”
“No,” countered Aurelia. “Breaking rule one would be if I started dating him.” She blew a large bubble with the gum in her mouth. “Today is the first time I’ve met him. Did I flirt with him? Yes, I mean who wouldn’t. Would I date him? If you let me get to know him, yes.”
Charlie opened his mouth to speak but Aurelia raised his hand to shut him up.
“But do I trust your opinion and reasoning as to why you don’t want me dating your teammates? Yeah, I do.” 
Charlie understood where Aurelia was coming from. She wasn’t the young girl he remembered. She was 25 now. Ran the family business and had a successful racing career on the side. 
“Peanut,” Charlie started. “I just wanna protect you. I won’t give you Freddy’s number just yet.” To that she rolled her eyes. “But if a load of us are hanging out with our partners and you’re free, I’ll invite you. How does that sound?”
“Significantly better than keeping me in my own bubble,” she replied. “Can I go and get Freddy sorted now? And can you fuck off until family dinner.”
“You got it peanut, just don’t make too many mistakes.”
Aurelia saluted before tacking her cousin before he was ready and took him down to the ground.
“Pfft,” she exclaimed. “NHL defender my ass.”
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