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dailyanarchistposts · 9 months ago
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thuocdongytotmedicine · 5 months ago
Đất nước ta có nền y dược cổ truyền lâu đời và phong phú. Nền Y dược cổ truyền đã có nhiều đóng góp to lớn trong bảo vệ và nâng cao sức khỏe nhân dân cũng như phòng và chữa nhiều bệnh, đặc biệt là các bệnh mạn tính. Nhiều danh y đã để lại những tác phẩm Đông y nổi tiếng không chỉ về y học mà còn tổng hợp nhiều vị thuốc, cây thuốc và bài thuốc độc đáo.
Lịch sử
Thuocdongytot.com ra đời để giới thiệu với người sử dụng các sản phẩm Thuốc đông y hiệu quả, có nguồn gốc từ các bài thuốc độc đáo sử dụng trong chăm sóc sức khỏe bản thân và gia đình. Thuocdongytot.com được thành lập từ tháng 8/2015 đến nay với mong muốn giới thiệu các sản phẩm nổi tiếng hiệu quả của các Viện Y học cổ truyền lớn trên cả nước như: Viện YHCT Quân đội, Học viện Quân Y, Viện YHCT Trung ương, Viện YHCT Bộ công an, Bệnh viện Tuệ Tĩnh,…Ngoài ra, tại Thuocdongytot.com còn giới thiệu nhiều sản phẩm Đông y nổi tiếng của các nước trong khu vực như Trung Quốc, Malaysia, Singapore, Hồng Kông,…
Sứ mệnh
“Dốc hết trái tim chăm sóc sức khỏe cộng đồng” - Trong hơn 8 năm qua, đội ngũ của chúng tôi luôn thấm nhuần quan điểm “Mỗi Khách Hàng Là Một Ân Nhân”. Sự ủng h��� của Quý khách là yếu tố quyết định sự tồn tại của chúng tôi. Đây chính là tôn chỉ hoạt động mà chúng tôi luôn theo đuổi, không ngừng nỗ lực để mang đến cho Quý khách những trải nghiệm tốt nhất khi mua sản phẩm tại Thuocdongytot.com.
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- Điều trị bệnh từ gốc: Các sản phẩm Đông y thường được bào chế từ dược liệu thiên nhiên, giúp điều trị bệnh từ gốc và ít gây tác dụng phụ.
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- Phòng ngừa bệnh tật: Ngoài việc điều trị, các sản phẩm Đông y còn có tác dụng phòng ngừa bệnh tật, giúp cơ thể khỏe mạnh và chống lại các bệnh mạn tính.
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Nhận thức được nhu cầu chăm sóc và nâng cao sức khỏe ngày càng tăng của người tiêu dùng, Thuocdongytot.com cung cấp cho khách hàng một danh mục đa dạng các loại thực phẩm chức năng, phù hợp với nhiều mục đích sử dụng khác nhau. Một số thực phẩm chức năng nổi tiếng có thể kể đến như: ZEINPHARMA CORDYCEPS CS-4 – 500M, Viên uống Liver Detox AtoZ, Viên uống bổ mắt HEALTH AID EYEVIT của Anh Quốc,….
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Các sản phẩm có nguồn gốc từ thiên nhiên không chỉ an toàn mà còn có lợi cho sức khỏe. Hiệu quả vượt trội từ các loại cây thảo dược đã khiến chúng trở thành xu hướng tiêu dùng hiện nay. Một số sản phẩm nổi tiếng được nhiều người biết đến như: Linh chi hoạt lạc đơn của Malaysia, Thất diệp sâm Malaysia, Ngưu Hoàng Thanh Tâm,…..
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iffoundreturntosea · 6 months ago
September 19, Day 262/263
Day 262 2015
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Black and white skies
#sky #clouds #blackandwhite #lookup #picoftheday #project365 #day262
Day 263 2016
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Grr Arg
#hothappy #september #blackandwhite #shadesofblackandwhite #picoftheday #project365 #day263
Day 262 2017
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What a lovely night
#painting #paint #create #art #wall #bright #blackandwhite #color #colorsplash #september #picoftheday #project365 #day262
Day 262 2018
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The space between night and day
#sunflower #wildflower #flower #wilt #beauty #opposites #thespacebetween #color #yellow #blue #dayandnight #artistic #negativespace #september #picoftheday #project365 #day262
Day 262 2019
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Aye matey, getcha own booty!
#pirate #booty #telescope #jewels #coins #nationaltalklikeapirateday #september #september19 #2019 #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day262
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#91919 #neveroddoreven #palindrome #zero
Day 263 2020
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#bolor #bright #blue #orange #light #stitch #leather #wallet #pull #zipperpull #close #zipper #zipit #september #september19 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day263
Day 262 2021
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What mood are you?
#fruit #bananas #choices #color #september #september19 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day262
Day 262 2022
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Snail mail is the best! A homemade postcard from mom and homemade bookmarks from a new friend!! 💝
#snailmail #thebest #homemade #art #watercolor #mademyday #love #smile #september #september19 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day262
Day 262 2023
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Brightly distracting
#flowers #witness #wilting #color #september #september19 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day262
Day 263 2024
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Through the years this project has taught me to love the challenge and to see things people might overlook. I like that I don’t have a niche, that I’m not boxed into one thing.
#AtoZ #dailytheme #photography #allthethings #september #september19 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day263
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scotianostra · 5 years ago
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David C. Weinczok @TheCastleHunter's Scottish Wonders AtoZ.
G is for Galabraes Standing Stone.
The monolith was first shown on the 1854 Ordnance Survey map of the region, along with its fallen companion, which is described in various places as a stump, and may have been moved.
It's always good when I find out older information on the stones, like this published in 1903 by a Fred Coles.....
“I examined this site in August 1902.  It is about a mile to the east of Bathgate, and occupies the summit of a ridge extending some 300 feet westwards of the byroad that branches off due N, near the farm of Clinkingstane.  The ridge is about 850 feet above sea-level.  On reaching it, I found but one Standing Stone,—a rough whinstone boulder, split very unevenly, and jagged on the south side, very smooth on the two shorter sides, and girthing at the base 10 feet 5 inches.  The longest edge trends WNW and ESE.  It stands 5 feet 3 inches high and occupies the highest spot on the ridge.”
Whilst Mr Coles was pottering about, the courteous local farmer approached him and they began chatting about the old place—as tends to happen more than often in olde Scotland.  When he...
“…asked if any digging had ever been made at either of these stones, the farmer, Mr Carlaw replied that many years ago an old Bathgate worthy known as “The Apostle” persuaded his (Carlaw’s) father to dig at the base of the upper Standing Stone (the one at present erect), and they found human bones. The farm of Gala Braes has been in the tenancy of a Carlaw for upwards of a century.”
It is said that there was a third stone associated with this site standing where the farm of Clinkingstane was subsequently built. Local tradition has it that this was the 'trysting place' of a young heiress and her lover who had a 'lang pedigree' but little in the way of wordly goods.
After failing to have the suitor transported to the colonies the girls father had an armed band slay him. After a desperate fight the ruffians fled as the heiress came upon them. Finding her lover murdered she is said to have died at his side of a broken heart.
A poem attributed to George E.S. Shanks of Whitburn, West Lothian commemorates the event and stone as follows:
One long embrace, one concious kiss, And both our souls had fled, And there beneath the Clinkin' Stane, Two lovers we lay dead.
If auld stanes are your thing there are a few sites in the area that might interest you, the best being the impressive Cairnpapple Hill.
You can also find my own post from 2015 about Cairnpapple here https://scotianostra.tumblr.com/search/Cairnpapple+Hill
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rfptm · 2 years ago
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lindafrancois · 4 years ago
Benefits of Plant-Based Eating in Kidney Disease, Part 1
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Traditionally, plant-based diets have been considered the wrong choice for some patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to their high potassium content. However, recent studies show plant-based diets may slow the progression of kidney disease and have other benefits for overall health.1 In this first part of a two-part series, we’ll discuss benefits of a plant-based diet in CKD, including its effects on weight, blood pressure, diabetes and inflammation.
There are lower rates of obesity and overweight among vegetarians in the general population.2 One diet and weight researcher, Mozaffarian, and team found that eating plant-based foods did not contribute to weight gain.3 Studies have also found that eating a vegetarian diet unrestricted in calories for more than four weeks was associated with an average weight loss of 7.5 pounds.4 More research is needed on the effects of plant-based diets on body weight, specifically in people with CKD.
Blood Pressure
Diets like the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), which include high intake of fruits and vegetables, are recommended to improve blood pressure in the general population.2 There are limited studies that include CKD patients. One study, by Goraya and others, compared the treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate tablets to a base-producing fruits and vegetables diet in people with stage 4 CKD.5 In addition to the fruits and vegetables diet improving metabolic acidosis, systolic blood pressure was lower compared to the group treated with sodium bicarbonate at 1 year.
Insulin resistance is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.2 Insulin resistance is common in all stages of CKD. In a population of people with diabetes, ovo-lacto-vegetarians (vegetarians whose diet includes dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts) showed higher insulin sensitivity compared to the meat eaters and the degree of sensitivity correlated with years following a vegetarian diet.6 A review of several studies on people with diabetes found that a vegetarian diet combined with exercise was associated with a reduction in the use of glucose-lowering medications and hemoglobin A1c.7 There are few studies including CKD patients. A small study found that after three months following a plant-based protein diet, fasting glucose levels were reduced in patients with CKD stages 4-5.8
Uremic toxins are produced during the breakdown of amino acids. Normally, the toxins are removed by the kidneys, but in people with CKD the toxins build up in the blood.9 The toxins contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress and increase risk for cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance. Production of uremic toxins are affected by the diet. A diet high in animal protein produces more uremic toxins. A diet high in plant protein can reduce the levels of uremic toxins. Researcher Wu and team found that in dialysis patients, a vegetarian diet was associated with lower serum blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and C-reactive protein.10
Plant-based diets have been studied more in the general population and have been found to aid in weight loss, blood pressure control, diabetes control and inflammation. There are some studies that include people with CKD that have found the same benefits as in the general population. So, keep eating those fruits and vegetables! A plant-based diet may help people with CKD maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure and glucose levels, and help decrease inflammation.
Look for Part 2 in this series that discusses a condition called metabolic acidosis and how plant-based diets can improve it.
What is a Plant-based Diet, and Is it Good for Your Kidneys? National Kidney Foundation. Accessed March 3, 2021. Reviewed August 18, 2018. https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/what-plant-based-diet-and-it-good-kidney-disease.
Vegetarian diet and chronic kidney disease. Chauveau et al. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2019, 34:199-207. https://academic.oup.com/ndt/article/34/2/199/5049714.
Changes in diet and lifestyle and long-term weight gain in women and men. Mozaffarian et al. New England Journal of Medicine. 2011, 364:2392-2404.
A systemic review and meta-analysis of changes in body weight in clinical trials of vegetarian diets. Barnard et al. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015, 115:954-969.
A Comparison of Treating Metabolic Acidosis in CKD Stage 4 Hypertensive Kidney Disease with Fruits and Vegetables or Sodium Bicarbonate. Goraya et al. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2017, 8(3):371-381. https://cjasn.asnjournals.org/content/clinjasn/8/3/371.full.pdf?with-ds=yes.
Insulin sensitivity in Chinese ovo-lactovegetarians compared with omnivores. Kuo et al. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004, 58, 312-316.
Vegetarian diets and glycemic control in diabetes: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Yokoyama et al. Cardiovascular, Diagnosis, and Therapy. 2014, 4, 373-382.
Low protein diet in uremia: effects on glucose metabolism and energy production rate. Rigalleau et al. Kidney International. 1997, 51:1222-1227.
Vegetable-based diets for chronic kidney disease? It is time to reconsider. Cases et al. Nutrients. 2019, 11, 1263. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6627351/pdf/nutrients-11-01263.pdf.
Nutritional status of vegetarians on maintenance hemodialysis. Wu et al. Nephrology (Carlton). 2011, 16, 582-587.
Additional Kidney Diet Resources
Visit DaVita.com and explore these diet and nutrition resources:
DaVita Food Analyzer
DaVita Dining Out Guides
Today’s Kidney Diet Cookbooks
DaVita Kidney-Friendly Recipes
Diet and Nutrition Articles                                                       
Diet and Nutrition Videos
Kidney Smart® Virtual Classes
This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Consult your physician and dietitian regarding your specific diagnosis, treatment, diet and health questions.
Benefits of Plant-Based Eating in Kidney Disease, Part 1 published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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seekerload294 · 4 years ago
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Movie Name : Nani – (2004) Cast & Crew : Mahesh Babu, Ameesha Patel https://seekerload294.tumblr.com/post/652771325738467330/decision-tools-for-excel-mac-2011. Music : A. R. Rahman Category: Telugu Movies
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Nani is a bad film. Mahesh should not have accepted this film. Mahesh Babu was born in 9 august, 1975 at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. He was made his debut as a child artist in Needa, a 1979 Telugu film when he was a four years child. In 1999, Mahesh Babu started himself as lead actor in Rajakumarudu film. Rahman Naani Songs, Mahesh Babu Nani. Oct 06, 2015 Nani Songs Download,Pedave Palikina Song Download Nani,Naani 2004 Telugu Movie Mp3 Songs,Nani Telugu Mp3,Nani Telugu Songs,Nani Telugu Audio Songs,Nani High Quality Mp3 Songs 320 Kbps. Pedave palikina song from nani movie, hero mahesh babu.This song describes mother love.one of the latest telugu songs, melody song and mahesh babu hit songs. Watch He's Soo Cute Lyrical Video Song from Sarileru Neekevvaru Latest Telugu Movie, Starring Superstar #MaheshBabu, Rashmika Mandanna,Vijayashanti. Download Nani Movie Songs Free Download Song Mp3. We don't upload Nani Movie Songs Free Download, We just retail information from other sources & hyperlink to them.When there is a damaged backlink we're not in control of it. Each of the rights over the tunes would be the property of their respective owners.
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afrontier-jp · 8 years ago
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petite afrontière
今年14年目を迎える横浜発のビッグパーティーafrontier(アフロンティア)が、自由が丘の隠れ家的ジャズスポットとして人気の”hyphen”(ハイフン)で、カジュアルなライブ&DJイベントを開催する。初回はafrontierレジデントDJ TOJOによるプロデュース。ライブにはベーシスト清水玲がハイスペックなジャズを個性的な仲間と共に披露。長年音楽シーンを牽引してきた経験豊富なDJ陣が自由が丘の夜を華麗に彩る。
DATE: 2017.9.17(sun) open 19:00 close 22:30 1st 19:30 / 2nd 21:00
VENUE: hyphen Jiyugaoka 1-26-9 B1, Meguro-ku, Tokyo (google map) Tel 03-3723-2251 (web/reservation) http://r.goope.jp/hyphen LIVE: [清水玲 Elements of quartz]            清水玲(b)、堀越昭宏(key)、村上広樹(ds)
DJ: TOJO(afrontier)、TOMITA(Level 7/太子堂ジャズ部)、sayaka
MUSIC CHARGE: adv…2000yen+order(without tax) door..2500yen+order(without tax)
※ スタンディングによるイベントです。
supported by afrontier
アフロンティア公式サイト http://www.afrontier.com/ <出演者プロフィール>
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清水玲 Elements of quartz ベーシスト清水玲が、2015年、ドラマーの村上広樹、鍵盤奏者の堀越昭宏と共にバンドを結成。そこには、約30年と多岐に渡る音楽活動の推移が物語る、清水玲ならではの独特なサウンドを感じ取ることができる。また、個性的な三人によるアンサンブルは、実に斬新かつユニーク。それは、バンド名が表しているように、様々な要素が偶然かつ必然に結びついて出来た、混沌としたこの時代だからこそ生まれた、結晶のような音楽だ。テクニカル&グルーヴィーなそのパフォーマンスは、一部ではすでに伝説となっている。
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TOJO (afrontier)
90年代前半にDJとしてのキャリアをスタート。都内クラブ、カフェやライブハウスなどで活動後、2003年、トランペッターでありオーガナイザーでもあるオサダイサオ氏に見出され、Motion Blue yokohamaを拠点としたクラブジャズイベント『afrontier』に、JUN MORITA、Takeshitaと共に参加。『afrontier』のレジデントDJとして、国内外のアーティストと多数共演。Blue Note TOKYO関連イベント、来日アーティストのフロントアクトや数々のリリースパーティーに抜擢される。その他サルサやUKジャズダンス等のダンスイベントから、カフェやレストラン、ホテルのラウンジイベントまで、活動の場��多岐にわたる。また、ジャズミュージシャンやダンサーを相手にその場で選曲をするなど、セッションの経験もあり、アーティスト側からの信頼も厚い。近年はバレアリック・シーンとの交流もあり、シーンを代表する来日アーティストのサポートDJとして出演もしている。リイシュー・シリーズ【EXTRAVAGANZA!】から2016年5月にリリースされた『Randy Weston’s African Rythms / Niles Littlebig』のライナーノーツを担当。ジャズやエキゾチックな音を基調に、時空間を横断するクロスオーバーなDJスタイル。ドラマティックでストーリー性のある選曲を得意とする。
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TOMITA (Level 7/太子堂ジャズ部) DJ&レコード好事家。「太子堂ジャズ部」主宰。レジデントDJとして関わった主なパーティーは「a new dimension」@ LOOP、「Steppin'Jazz Sole」@ JZ Brat、「DUAL JAZZ」@ The Room etc..。現在のレギュラー・パーティーは「Level 7」@ Bar Music、「music in the food」@ CAY。ライターとしてディスク・ガイド『MUSICANOSSA』、『Jazz Next Standard』、『Jazz Next Standard-SPIRITUAL JAZZ』、『Jazz Next Standard-Fusion / Crossover』、『和モノAtoZ』etc..に寄稿。
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2003年横浜・黄金町のラテン・バーでサルサDJとしてデビュー。ジャズ、ラテン、カリビアン、民俗音楽等が空想的に組み合わさった、呪術場としてのナイトクラブに辿り着く夜を目指す。『カリビアン芸者』『夜のみだらな鳥』『HOT HOUSE』(nadja 名義)等にて活動。
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keylog-slp-blog · 6 years ago
名前:未来みき(みらい みき)
Tweets by Re__mirai
Place of birt:福岡
Hometow:福岡 / 鹿児島 / 名古屋
2018年の2月末の「アイカツミュージックフェスタ2018 in アイカツ武道館!」にて全員が卒業するまで、TVアニメ/データカードダス「アイカツ!」「アイカツスターズ!」の歌を担当していたグループです!
【未来みき⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝】 AIKATSU☆STARS!のメンバー⭐️ データカードダス/TVアニメ 『アイカツ!』💛新条ひなき 『アイカツスターズ!』💚早乙女あこ 歌唱担当✨ 2人共私にとって大切な存在…♡ よろしくね💋#aikatsu #aikatsustars pic.twitter.com/4HXSxaKTHZ
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2017年4月1日
STAR☆ANISの「アイカツ!スペシャルLIVE 2015 『SHINING☆STAR』」ツアーでは、初回の2015/2/11渋谷公会堂でのライブから、5/3の大阪公演、6/6の福岡公演、千秋楽の6/28NHKホール公演にオープニングアクトとして出演しました。
2015/11/21「アイカツ!スペシャルLIVE 2015『LOVELY PARTY!!』」@中野サンプラザ
2016/3/19-21「アイカツ!ミュージックフェスタ 2016」@東京ドームシティホール(3DAYS)
2018/1/8~2/3「AIKATSU☆STARS!スペシャルLIVE TOUR『MUSIC of DREAM!!!』@仙台・東京・大阪・名古屋・福岡
2015/5/31「@JAM2015」&2017/5/28「@JAM2017」@Zepp DiverCity
2015/7/11「MBS たいバーン!」@大阪・梅田クラブクアトロ
2016/10/15「No Maps SAPPORO ANI-HIGH!!」@北海道・Zepp Sapporo
2017/2/26「かなざわ アニメソングフェス2017」@石川・本多の森ホール
この他にも、2015年4月の「STAR LIGHT PARTY!!!」や、2016年7月の「ハルナツ感謝祭」をはじめ、全国各地でたくさんのフリーライブを行っていました!
2017/3/21 「DEARSTAGE WEEK」
#夢みるDS 最終日♡今日もあそびに来てくれてありがとう⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝ 最高に楽しかった☺️❤️一緒に頑張ったディアステのみんな、支えてくれたスタッフさん、そしてなにより、思いっきり楽しんでくれたキミに感謝です😭✨未来みきが少しでもたくさんの人の笑顔に関われてますように✨ pic.twitter.com/FhPUbBqecU
— 未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2017年5月21日
2017/5/13~21 夢みるディアステージ
#夢みるDS 最終日♡今日もあそびに来てくれてありがとう⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝ 最高に楽しかった☺️❤️一緒に頑張ったディアステのみんな、支えてくれたスタッフさん、そしてなにより、思いっきり楽しんでくれたキミに感謝です😭✨未来みきが少しでもたくさんの人の笑顔に関われてますように✨ pic.twitter.com/FhPUbBqecU
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2017年5月21日
2017/8/6 艶めくディアステージ
昨日は #艶めくディアステージ 1部に出演したよ⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝ ありがとうございましたでございまする🙇🏼‍♀️💕 みんなにいっぱい可愛いって言ってもらえたけん みたんは満足である❤️ pic.twitter.com/pGlD9K4RZs
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2017年8月7日
2018/8/19 ささかまリス子爆誕フェス~秋葉原Bon Voyage~
#リスフェス2018 改めて、ありがとうございました⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝#閃光プラネタゲートに未来みき わちゃわちゃ楽しかったぜーぃ💕 ライブやっぱ楽しいね☺️ リス子さん、本当におめでとうございました😊 そしてありがとうございました❤️ うーがぉーーー! pic.twitter.com/Q0Va15sgdF
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2018年8月20日
2018/10/24【DEAR◆HOLIC】Chapter 1_
#ディアホリ ありがとうございました⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝ サイコパスで情緒不安定なお姫様の仮装した、未来みきですわ👠💕 楽しかったああああ! 崇めて頂き感謝感激🖤🖤🖤 みんなねこさん可愛いかったよおおお🐾にゃん!にゃん!にゃんにゃんにゃん! pic.twitter.com/5XhjVjt4Jy
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2018年10月24日
また、河野万里奈さんの全国ツアー「We are MARINARS!!」の福岡公演や、 AIKATSU☆STARS!で一緒に活動していた遠藤瑠香さんの生誕イベントにもゲストやMCとして参加しています!
#全マリ 楽しかったあああ😍💕 マリナーズのみなさん、みーたんずのみなさん、本当本当にありがとうございました☺️✨ みたんソロプレー曲⚾️は 💛チェリボム 💛Gravity=Reality でした⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝ 髪型、編み込みしたらツインテールみたいになったよ🙄 pic.twitter.com/EK6k1XEDei
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2017年10月15日
#るか生誕祭 夜の部もありがとうございました⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝ ふぁああああ楽しかったぜぃ❤️ るかのお祝いみんなで出来てよかったぁ☺️💕 今日のみきが歌った曲とコラボ曲も載せとくぜぇ✨ やっぱ #るたんみたん は最高だな!!! ちゅーるっちゅーるちゅるぱーやっぱー😛#遠藤瑠香生誕祭2018 pic.twitter.com/llZuDHB0WO
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2018年9月17日
#るか生誕祭 総合MCを務めました、未来みきです( ´_ゝ`)えっへん バーリ楽しかったね! るかもりえも大好きすぎたわぁ😍 髪留めりえに借りた♡ 目元のねこたんもりえにもらたああ 楽しすぎたけん、今日はみんないい夢見れるね☺️ おやすみーたん💕 pic.twitter.com/vN05Hd6415
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2018年9月28日
よく歌っている曲としては、 「オリオンをなぞる/UNISON SQUARE GARDEN」
「ようこそジャパリパークへ / どうぶつビスケッツ×PPP」
また、3月21日に行われる生誕祭、「あにてれpresents 未来みきBirthday Party~未来へシュバっ★とサイエンス!~」では、「太陽曰く燃えよカオス」を歌うということが配信などで予告されています!
♡MVにもちらり⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝♡ でんぱ組.inc NEWシングル「おつかれサマー!」のMVにもちらりと登場してます♪ 聴いてても見てても楽しくなっちゃうおつかれサマー! 気が向いたらみきのことも探してね♡ pic.twitter.com/gD1CXLbYkR
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2015年6月12日
おつかれサマー⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝昨日はおつかれサマーカフェ、みんな本当にありがとうございました♡つたないMCでしたが、みんなの'楽しかったよ'が本当に嬉しくて.. みんなにとっておつかれサマーカフェが素敵な思い出になったらいいな*. pic.twitter.com/sV6xsakvBa
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2015年6月22日
未来みきさんといえば、AIKATSU☆STARS!時代にも見せていたしなやかでキレキレのダンスも魅力の一つ。 未来みきさんは「みしゅえる」としてAIKATSU☆STARS!結成以前からニコニコ動画に踊ってみた動画をアップしており、ライブなどのイベントでも度々踊ってみたを披露しています!
未来みきさんは、はちみつシアターさんの舞台「LIVE VOL.4 バーキン・バーキン」のゲストで初めて舞台に出演しています。
舞台「バーキン・バーキン」遊びに来て頂き、ありがとうございました⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝ 役というより、ありの〜ままの〜みきでしたwすっご��すっごくすーごく楽しかった!!#はちみつシアター#黒サンタ#サンタさんのボスはわたしです pic.twitter.com/3kzp2URi0C
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2015年12月5日
しかし、しっかりと爪痕を残し、その後、はちみつシアターさんのLIVE VOLシリーズに
2016/7/3-4 「星くず14号~GAME」コンコン役
2016/12/2-3 「地獄≡リボン .snpクリスマスだった…」シーナノ役
2017/6/21~23 「死がらみドメスティック」アリス役
2017/12/1 「月光ロックはちみつスターズ」ゲスト出演
2018/8/15-16 「パラドーション 0 ~未来はあなたを誇ってる」あみ役
2018/12/7-8 「月光ロック はちみつスターズ・バトル!!〜派遣の息の根、とめてやるっ!〜」ムーン役
はちみつシアターのLIVE VOLシリーズは、芸能系の時事ネタや下ネタ、ブラックジョークなどを織り交ぜながら伏線をきっちりと回収する舞台パートと、ダンスや歌で盛り上がるライブパートがあり、舞台という敷居の高さを感じることなく観劇することができます!
2016年7月14~18に上演された舞台「無頼くノ一 零の段 対胤《TWIN》~二人の羅刹~」に伊邪那美役で出演。
【舞台『対胤』本日千秋楽でした!】 たくさんの人から愛されるこの作品に伊邪那美役として参加できたことを幸せに思います*.ご来場くださったみなさん、本当にありがとうございました😊❤️#対胤#我神になったり#みんな大好き粉塵綺羅星 pic.twitter.com/1Tqa06m5OE
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2016年7月18日
2016/11/27 「また、笑いのツボ ~ただやってみたかっただけ~」ゲスト出演
2017/7/13~17 「わたしはTOKIOのVASガール!!」 ティア役
2017/11/16~19 「また、笑いのツボ ~ただやってみたかっただけpart2~」 梶林檎役
2018/7/12~16 「うらめし屋で召し上がれ」 ホオズキ役
2018/12/20~24 「また×3、笑いのツボ ~ただ×3 やってみたかっただけ~」
2017年2月9日~19日の「DANCE DANCE DANCE! 踊りが丘学園~これが私の舞活動~」では、黎伽役として11日で16公演を完走。
昨日は月組さん星組さん、共に千秋楽でした⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝約1ヶ月、、長いようで短かったなぁ。今日みんなに会えないのが変な感じ。支えてくれたキャストのみんなやスタッフさん、応援してくださったみなさんに感謝の気持ちを伝えたいです、本当にありがとうございました!#踊りが丘学園 pic.twitter.com/FAeedk5OFJ
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2017年2月20日
2016年12月20日~25日の「君死ニタマフ事ナカレ 零」ではツツジ役で出演。
💛舞台 『 #鬼魅鬼 』の配役決定💛 未来みきは「雛菊(ひなぎく)」役でございます✨✨#劇団わたあめ工場 さん 初参戦なので楽しみでござる😜💕 2019.4.6(土)〜14(日) @川崎市アートセンターアルテリオ小劇場 https://t.co/C6OIGRWltI
未来みき*大天使みしゅえる⸜(´ ˘ `∗)⸝3/21シュバっとMBP🔥 (@michuell_bunny) 2019年1月15日
みーたんだよ☆【未来みき�� - わたあめの作りかた https://t.co/GKzhlaqdGs pic.twitter.com/E6GnObMhNu
劇団わたあめ工場 (@wataamekojoh) 2019年1月20日
「あにてれ情報局 A」収録しましたー!出演は、アメザリ柳原さんと未来みきさん!初回は、5月16日(水)19時配信スタート!!お楽しみにー!! #あにてれ pic.twitter.com/m4ZOC8bcF3
テレビ東京アニメ公式あにてれ (@anitv_PR) 2018年5月14日
2018/6/10「東京おもちゃショー あにてれ大運動会」 MC
2018/7/23「あにてれ情報局A 公開生配信」
2018/8/12「コミックマーケット94あにてれ情報局A 夏コミ出張所」
2018/9/3「あにてれ情報局A 公開生配信」
2018/9/15「あにてれ情報局A 京まふ出張所」
2018/11/25 「あにてれ情報局Z 公開生配信」ゲスト出演
2018/12/30 「あにてれ情報局 AtoZ~ついに全員集合!笑いあり、歌あり、涙あり?の年末大感謝祭~」
「あにてれ情報局A」は、隔週水曜日の19時から、あにてれ、YouTube、ニコニコ動画、LINE LIVEで配信中です!
▽「未来みき写真集 13thaaM~びさーむ~」
また、未来みきさんは、あにてれのバックアップを受けて、「未来みき写真集 13thaaM~びさーむ~」を発売しています!
13th =「12使徒に続く、13番目の」
aa =「大天使(ArcAngel)
M =「みーたん」
「未来みき写真集 13thaaM~びさーむ~」は、以下のリンクから購入することができます!
未来みき写真集 13thaaM~びさーむ~ |テレビ東京「テレ東本舗。WEB」
「あにてれpresents 未来みきBirthday Party~未来へシュバっ★とサイエンス!~」
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qaumisafeer · 7 years ago
انتظار کی گھڑیاں ختم،ویرات کوہلی اور انوشکا شرما ایک ہو گئے
بھارتی کرکٹر ویرات کوہلی اور اداکارہ انوشکا شرما کی شادی سے متعلق خبریں تو گزشتہ ڈیڑھ ماہ سے گردش کر رہی تھیں، تاہم تازہ خبر یہ ہے کہ دونوں نے خاموشی سے 11 دسمبر کی صبح شادی کرلی۔
انوشکا شرما نے اپنے ٹوئٹر اکاؤنٹ پر تصدیق کر دی
علاوہ ازیں نیوز ویب سائٹ ’فلم فیئر‘ نے بھی اپنے ذرائع سے اس بات کی تصدیق کی ہے کہ دونوں نے شادی کرلی ہے۔دوسری…
View On WordPress
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tombolagreenlantern · 6 years ago
------------------------------- How to Pollinate Flowers https://www.wikihow.com/Pollinate-Flowers -------------------------------- Flower Diagram https://www.calacademy.org/sites/default/files/assets/docs/pdf/297_flower_diagram.pdf --------------------------- POLLINATORS https://www.calacademy.org/sites/default/files/assets/docs/pdf/297_pollinatorprofiles_updated.pdf ---------------------- Flowers but No Fruit? Try Hand Pollination. https://www.towergarden.com/blog.read.html/en/2015/6/flowers_but_no_fruit.html ---------------------- Gardening: How To Hand-Pollinate Fruits and Vegetables https://www.thekitchn.com/summer-gardening-handpollinati-57513 ----------------------------- Got Pollination Problems? Give Hand-Pollination a Try! https://bonnieplants.com/the-bonnie-blog/pollination-problems-give-hand-pollination-a-try/ ------------------------ Hand pollinate cantaloupe plant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7YgSLBxQfM ------------------- Hand Pollinating Melons https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/melons/hand-pollinating-melons.htm ------------------------- Hand Pollinating MELONS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdYLgkG5Mww ----------------------- Hand Pollination: How to Pollinate Plants by Hand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd4MmbWks2E ------------------- Hand Pollination of Flowers http://www.gardenersnet.com/atoz/handpollination.htm ----------------------------- How to hand pollinate plants in the vegetable garden. https://www.planetnatural.com/hand-pollination/ ------------------------------ How to Hand-Pollinate Cantaloupe https://homeguides.sfgate.com/handpollinate-cantaloupe-21871.html ----------------- How to Pollinate Flowers by Hand https://homeguides.sfgate.com/pollinate-flowers-hand-77515.html ------------------------- Pollination for Vegetable Gardens https://www.growveg.com/guides/pollination-for-vegetable-gardens/ ------------------ The 21 Best Flowers to Get Bees, Butterflies, and Other Pollinators Pollinating https://www.sunset.com/garden/flowers-plants/plants-pollination#plants-pollination_15 ------------------------- How to Hand Pollinate Plants Like Tomatoes, Zucchini & More https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9a7SdyZHFY -------------------------
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goodoyasuminight · 6 years ago
・KANJANI∞ 五大ドームTOUR EIGHT×EIGHTER 〜おもんなかったらドームすいません〜(京セラ)
よく半券残ってたね…大晦日の昼公演に入ってたらしい。友人と4連して全員分のうちわ買って加工してミカンジャニ∞(当時ハイチュウのCMやってた)揃えた記憶があります。公演内容は〜どんな��ったかな…Dye D?とかエイターコンだったよね?スクリーンのPVみたいなやつでギャアってなった記憶ある。あとWater dropで確かピンスポ演出あったはず。流石にセトリないと思い出せん。
・Johnny's Dome Theatre 〜SUMMARY 2012〜(A.B.C-Z公演)
これはさすがに覚えてる。っていうか死ぬほどDVD見た。当時は諸星くんにぐらついてたのでAddictedとI・ZA・NA・I・ZU・KI(DVD未収録のJr.コーナー)の印象がめっちゃある。あとOne by One。この年のワンバイ、歴代のワンバイの中で一番好きなんじゃないかな。(この後の話でひっくり返ってる可能性)
・NEWS LIVE TOUR 2012 〜美しい恋にするよ〜(ほっともっと)
・A.B.C-Z 2013 Twinkle×2 Star Tour(大阪)
内容は〜戸塚ソロが今聞くとすげーしんどいな〜。確か君といたってトゥインクルだよね?「君に幸せがさ 訪れるように 祈っているからさ 絶対絶対大丈夫だよ」「願うことはただ一つだけ 君よずっと笑ってて」って当時の自担が辞めた今聞くと顔引きつるよね。
・Sexy Zone summer concert 2014(たまアリ)
え…?たまアリのセクゾ…?あーーー!!!!!バスローブか!!!!!!(バスローブではない)これは完全にはらくんを見に行ったやつだ。バスローブはあれです、Livin' la Vida LocaでJr.が着てた(多分)ロング丈のジャケットがバスローブにしか見えんよなって話をしたってやつ。てらぴ〜さんの男優感がすげかった。(怒られろ)It's going downとかLove風とかもここか〜。
・Summer Concert 2014 A.B.C-Z☆"Legend"(大阪/名古屋/東京)
待って!!!一番大事なの忘れてる!!!!!塚リカ!!!!!!!気にせずGo my way!!!!!!!!!!一番ゴーマイウェイしてる奴らがいない!!!!!!!!!(ここで身内ネタ)
��Sexy Zone Sexy Power Tour(横アリ)
・A.B.C-Z Early summer concert(東京)
アーリーサマーにこのありさま!(?)Stay with me♡に殺されたでおなじみのアリサマコン。しかしよくよく考えるとアリサマコン自体の記憶ってうっすい。すのーまんがいたような気はする。だめだ何も思い出せん。
・ガムシャラ!サマーステーション/者vs覇 ×3回
者がファンカッションで覇がローラーで合ってる!?多分そうだと思う!Jr.の投票コーナーの時に千田くんが絶好調だったのってこの年だったよねたしか…。何歌ってたかとかの記憶が全くないんだけどまつしまそーさんがぎぶみー歌ってたのってこの年ですか…。あと覇のワンラブ。うっかり者覇ラストに入っちゃってぐーじさんのSEISHUNとOh yeah!に泣かされた記憶。
・Summer Paradise in TDC 『A.B.C-Z Hassy★Concert』×2回
・Summer Paradise in TDC 『A.B.C-Z はじめようAtoZを!!』×4回
・ジャニーズ銀座2016 MADE
>Mr.KING、HiHi Jets、Classmate J ×2回
>髙橋海人、Snow man、Love-tune ×3回
・A.B.C-Z Star Light Travel Concert
・Johnnys' Summer Paradise 2016 ハシツアーズ 〜もうかわいいなんて言わせない〜 ×2回
この年の橋ソロって何やってたっけ…。hazy love初披露ってこの年?シークレットラバーと花言葉がとにかく好きだった記憶。そういえばわたし鏡とかもやってたな〜〜懐かしい!そしてチョイスが天才!アンコールでゴーマイウェイしてたのもこの年では?やっぱり橋本くんは天才か?
・ジャニーズWEST LIVE TOUR 2017 なうぇすと
>HiHi Jet 東京B少年 ×3回
>宇宙Six MADE ×3回
>宇宙Six ×2回
・A.B.C-Z 5Stars 5Years Tour 55(横アリ)
・Summer Paradise 2017 橋本ソロ充観とく?〜りょうちゃんと ぱ☆り☆ぴ〜 ×9回
・ジャニーズJr.祭り 2018 TravisJapan単独
・夏祭り 裸の少年 SUMMER STATION HiHi Jets単独
・Summer Paradise 2018 宇宙Six単独
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lindafrancois · 4 years ago
Benefits of Plant-Based Eating in Kidney Disease, Part 1
Tumblr media
Traditionally, plant-based diets have been considered the wrong choice for some patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to their high potassium content. However, recent studies show plant-based diets may slow the progression of kidney disease and have other benefits for overall health.1 In this first part of a two-part series, we’ll discuss benefits of a plant-based diet in CKD, including its effects on weight, blood pressure, diabetes and inflammation.
There are lower rates of obesity and overweight among vegetarians in the general population.2 One diet and weight researcher, Mozaffarian, and team found that eating plant-based foods did not contribute to weight gain.3 Studies have also found that eating a vegetarian diet unrestricted in calories for more than four weeks was associated with an average weight loss of 7.5 pounds.4 More research is needed on the effects of plant-based diets on body weight, specifically in people with CKD.
Blood Pressure
Diets like the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), which include high intake of fruits and vegetables, are recommended to improve blood pressure in the general population.2 There are limited studies that include CKD patients. One study, by Goraya and others, compared the treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate tablets to a base-producing fruits and vegetables diet in people with stage 4 CKD.5 In addition to the fruits and vegetables diet improving metabolic acidosis, systolic blood pressure was lower compared to the group treated with sodium bicarbonate at 1 year.
Insulin resistance is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.2 Insulin resistance is common in all stages of CKD. In a population of people with diabetes, ovo-lacto-vegetarians (vegetarians whose diet includes dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts) showed higher insulin sensitivity compared to the meat eaters and the degree of sensitivity correlated with years following a vegetarian diet.6 A review of several studies on people with diabetes found that a vegetarian diet combined with exercise was associated with a reduction in the use of glucose-lowering medications and hemoglobin A1c.7 There are few studies including CKD patients. A small study found that after three months following a plant-based protein diet, fasting glucose levels were reduced in patients with CKD stages 4-5.8
Uremic toxins are produced during the breakdown of amino acids. Normally, the toxins are removed by the kidneys, but in people with CKD the toxins build up in the blood.9 The toxins contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress and increase risk for cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance. Production of uremic toxins are affected by the diet. A diet high in animal protein produces more uremic toxins. A diet high in plant protein can reduce the levels of uremic toxins. Researcher Wu and team found that in dialysis patients, a vegetarian diet was associated with lower serum blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and C-reactive protein.10
Plant-based diets have been studied more in the general population and have been found to aid in weight loss, blood pressure control, diabetes control and inflammation. There are some studies that include people with CKD that have found the same benefits as in the general population. So, keep eating those fruits and vegetables! A plant-based diet may help people with CKD maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure and glucose levels, and help decrease inflammation.
Look for Part 2 in this series that discusses a condition called metabolic acidosis and how plant-based diets can improve it.
What is a Plant-based Diet, and Is it Good for Your Kidneys? National Kidney Foundation. Accessed March 3, 2021. Reviewed August 18, 2018. https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/what-plant-based-diet-and-it-good-kidney-disease.
Vegetarian diet and chronic kidney disease. Chauveau et al. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2019, 34:199-207. https://academic.oup.com/ndt/article/34/2/199/5049714.
Changes in diet and lifestyle and long-term weight gain in women and men. Mozaffarian et al. New England Journal of Medicine. 2011, 364:2392-2404.
A systemic review and meta-analysis of changes in body weight in clinical trials of vegetarian diets. Barnard et al. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015, 115:954-969.
A Comparison of Treating Metabolic Acidosis in CKD Stage 4 Hypertensive Kidney Disease with Fruits and Vegetables or Sodium Bicarbonate. Goraya et al. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2017, 8(3):371-381. https://cjasn.asnjournals.org/content/clinjasn/8/3/371.full.pdf?with-ds=yes.
Insulin sensitivity in Chinese ovo-lactovegetarians compared with omnivores. Kuo et al. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004, 58, 312-316.
Vegetarian diets and glycemic control in diabetes: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Yokoyama et al. Cardiovascular, Diagnosis, and Therapy. 2014, 4, 373-382.
Low protein diet in uremia: effects on glucose metabolism and energy production rate. Rigalleau et al. Kidney International. 1997, 51:1222-1227.
Vegetable-based diets for chronic kidney disease? It is time to reconsider. Cases et al. Nutrients. 2019, 11, 1263. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6627351/pdf/nutrients-11-01263.pdf.
Nutritional status of vegetarians on maintenance hemodialysis. Wu et al. Nephrology (Carlton). 2011, 16, 582-587.
Additional Kidney Diet Resources
Visit DaVita.com and explore these diet and nutrition resources:
DaVita Food Analyzer
DaVita Dining Out Guides
Today’s Kidney Diet Cookbooks
DaVita Kidney-Friendly Recipes
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Diet and Nutrition Videos
Kidney Smart® Virtual Classes
This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Consult your physician and dietitian regarding your specific diagnosis, treatment, diet and health questions.
Benefits of Plant-Based Eating in Kidney Disease, Part 1 published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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