#at this point i'm hoping hwaoc will snap me back into the groove
moonrabbitisgay · 4 years
Here’s the beginning of a Revalink WIP from a few months ago, feat. ADHD Revali and depressed Link because I am incapable of not projecting. When will I finish it? Will I finish it? Who fucking knows!
The first time Revali meets Link, he thinks nothing of him.
He’s so nondescript that Revali doesn’t even register his presence until Zelda’s blathering gets repetitive enough that he completely stops paying attention (she seems earnest enough, but really, she could’ve wrapped up a good five minutes ago). When his gaze inevitably slips away from her and lands on the boy standing behind her, it takes him all of five seconds to deem him even less worthy of thought than whatever’s coming out of the princess’s mouth. With a great effort, he manages to drag his attention back to her instead of just letting it wander off into the wilderness.
Just in time, too, as she seems to (finally) be wrapping up. She thanks him for his time, and he nods vacantly. She says she hopes he’ll consider her offer, and he nods again. Then she leaves, and the boy follows silently. Revali assumes he’s just a bodyguard, although he looks awfully young for the job.
Someone calls his name, no doubt wanting to know why the Princess of Hyrule had been looking for him, and instantly his mind is elsewhere. He preens himself briefly before hurrying out of his roost, eager to tell everyone all about the great, prestigious responsibility he’d been asked to shoulder.
(Maybe, just maybe, it’ll convince them to treat him with the respect he deserves.)
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