#at the same time i see a tooltip 2 words too long and I skip reading it bc i can't be arsed i just wanna play
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yoiku · 2 months ago
One does not simply play just one game of Civ. One must play another, and maybe just one more, and just one more... Goodbye to my hopes of getting drawing done this weekend, lol. Then again i am finally catching up on my podcasts while playing so i've been having a nice time with it. Also curious to start watching others play civ7 when it drops, i'm not going to buy it for 70euros on launch. we all know civs are worth it after an expansion or two, by then you'll also have at least the base game on sale. also because goddamn, I could maybe accept 60 on launch/preorder but 70 is just too much for me. But very interested on hearing some people's thoughts on it when its not a sponsored stream. I feel like i've heard mostly good things but i don't trust that lol. also i like hearing opinions from people who have a similar playstyle or attitude towards the game as i do, because I sure am not doing them 900IQ 5D chess runs. So the feedback from people who are insanely good at the game often says very little or makes very little difference to me :'D
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deiupvote · 7 years ago
BFA has been riddled with bugs, imperfections, game system flaws and design choices that can be frustrating to say the least. But in the first few weeks of BFA I've noticed a trend where these things seem to change very quickly if its made public on a place like reddit where blizzard lose control over the negative publicity. (They don't seem to care much at all about their own forums, especially not the EU side. Bug reports for the dungeons and raid were to be found there in enormous numbers and yet they were never fixed or even adressed or mentioned.)/r/wow frontpage mentioned for example that Azerite pieces felt awful to not be able to trade, which then not two days after in the Q&A was adressed and fixed. Other cases include the parrot mount which had its saddle covered with the parrot texture instead of the saddle texture. which was fixed yesterday in a hotfix. This had been reported long before since the model displayed the same texture even in the mount inspect tool where you can inspect mounts before you own them. Even more recently we had the case of the weapon drop from Taloc which was then converted into a transmog item, which was promptly reversed after Blizzard noticed that the community expressed well-deserved outrage over the fact.So with this in mind, I figured I'd point out a few other things Blizzard might be interested in knowing. First are bugs that can be quite baffling, later they get a bit nit-picky.Bugs/features, who really knows at this pointIn waycrest manor, AoE Abilities like Divine Star and Halo (Halo in particular) for disc priest, so I assume many other abilities for other classes as well, sometimes pull the mobs in the basement even when you're upstairs and theres no way to deaggro them except for just dying.In waycrest manor, dying at the maggot packs that spawn more maggots out of you and releasing will sometimes (read: most times) cause the maggots to spawn at the dungeon enterance with you where you respawn.In freehold, if you cast a knockback on the brawlers that you need to slay before the 2nd boss while on the bridge, they can fall off and AFK in the water for a couple of minutes before finally despawning and then respawning so you can continue with your life and pull them again. Conversely, sometimes by doing this all of them despawn and you just skip the entire thing and the game gives you the pirate hat for the council without any effort.In Uldir you can try to pull and reset MOTHER by running back into Talocs room, which wouldn't be that strange... if it wasn't for the fact that if a havoc demon hunter does it and double dashes then she sometimes doesn't despawn and you get to do her fight in Taloc's room with 0 room mechanics.If you have a 370 staff weapon as a caster, and a 370 held in offhand or dagger drops for you, Personal Loot does not allow you to trade it since you own no dagger or offhand, only a staff. Why this is in the game is beyond me, but I guess Blizzard really resent the idea of us sharing loot amongst each other like... I don't know.. whats the word? A community?If you have a 370 ring and a 370 ring drops, you can not trade it if you dont have a 370 ring in your 2nd ring slot. In order to counter this mechanic you need to equip every item level increase in Rings in both ring slots (move the item up and down once) so the game thinks you own a ring for each slot. Then you outplay the personal loot system and you can trade rings again. This works the same for trinkets.The mechanical golems at the start of Motherlode that you would like to scrap as an engineer to get pieces for the new engineering mount dont count as scrappable. When you hover over them it says instead that they're "skinnable", but skinners can't skin them either. (This one I haven't confirmed if they've hotfixed or not yet, this was a couple of days ago.)In Temple of Sethralis, the orbs sometimes dont respawn if a Guardian tries to replace it on its pedestal, and your only choice is to reset the key because there is no way to continue the instance.The second to last boss in Shrine of the Storms, where you need to soak orbs to remove your mind control, doesn't remove the mind control debuff even after soaking all the orbs. It sometimes does after soaking 6 orbs or more, but that requires you to soak 1 full wave of orbs and then a bit of the next. Which means that the guy after you operates on incrementally fewer orbs at their disposal. This is however not consistent, sometimes you dont lose the pre-mindcontrol buff at all. (Edit: apparently this is a feature? Its hard to know sometimes so I hope you'll forgive me.)If the same fight finishes it also sometimes takes up to 20 seconds until the squid goes off your head, which might be a feature or a bug but who knows at this point. You can't attack the eels which is the next pack while you have it on you in any case.Taking the boat that goes between the different ferrey-stops in Tiragarde Sound can sometimes result in you running into one of the larger ships that sail about, resulting in your tiny boat getting stuck on the bigger ship, waiting for the bigger ship to move at an angle where your smaller boat is freed.Death Gripping the Purification Construct on the bridge towards the entombing boss room in King's Rest while its casting its laser Purification Beam will cause it to reverse the direction it was going rotationally, only to then correct itself 3 seconds later and go back in the direction it started off in.This one I'm not sure if its a feature or a bug either, but in Siege of Boralus at the last boss, the cannons block Line of Sight which makes healing the fight beyond infuriating. It's not a difficult addition to the fight since the rest of the terrain is fairly open, which is why it makes me think its more likely a bug than not. It only makes life awful for the healer as they run around the object in circles looking for angles to heal everyone. The same cannons (or atleast same model) in Tol Dagor do not block line of sight.In Temple of Sethralis, the Guardians at the last boss seem to spawn Sanguine. Maybe this is intentional, but no other dungeon bosses that I've found that include adds spawn Sanguine. This falls down under maybe bug I guess.This one is very minor, but the champions worldquest in Voldun which spawns near the bottomleft, edging on the desert where theres a tiny hole into the ground, last time it was up, spawned about 2 snakes every 2 minutes that 15 horde and alliance players had to share kills on. It took 15 minutes for me to finish the world quest because the azerite shards you click on the ground as part of this same world quest (the variant where you acquire %, not the heal 5 wounds one) stopped spawning after you collected each respective node once too.Disc priest mastery snapshots. If you put up Atonements and then use a mastery-giving trinket, your atonements do not take more healing appropriate to your new Mastery, but to the mastery you had when you applied them. Fuck knows if this is a feature.In Freehold, the turtle miniboss before the Ogre boss sometimes leaves a single shell that never stops bouncing.This might be a feature, but in Island Expeditions (I have not confirmed for this reset), healers pull an obscene amount of aggro that can be next to impossible to overthreat as a DPS. Healers definitely generate more threat in this game-mode than others, but this has never been explained anywhere so might be a bug so worth mentioning in case it could then get fixed. It could have something to do with Blizzards new AI made out of tibetan gold wanting to prioritize healers.In Island Expeditions, the resources gathered bar up top measuring your progress and the enemy team's progress sometimes spawns slightly outside the screen so you can't read the numbers.Like previously mentioned on this sub today, weapon enchants are listed under ring enchants on the Auction House.In Motherlode, the last boss casts a gatling gun which you need to dodge to get the achievment Ready for Raiding, but at the last second of the cast he abruptly turns to hit the tank with the last two ticks which makes the achievment impossible to obtain for any tanks, and incredibly confusing for non-tanks as well who stand behind the gatling gun the entire way only to immedeatly be met with it cancelling its animation to shoot them out of nowhere if the tank is trying to get the achievment with them.In Underrot, Cragmaw, if tanked closed to the edges of the room, can throw parasites outside the boundries of the map where you can't step on them to stop them from hatching.In Underrot, the last boss if tanked at the walls of the room shoots his vile spray backwards instead of the way he's facing because the spell can't find enough room ahead of him. So you can just stand AFK the entire fight and nuke him.Minor inconvenience, the Disc priest talent Sins of the Many doesn't say in its tooltip that your damage dealt increase only diminishes down to 3% and not 0%. You need to google this or constantly check your buff in combat to figure it out. Its a three-line tooltip, you really couldn't fit that crucial bit of information in there?This is just a few of the things I've found since launch and I'm but one player. I invite the rest of you to contribute with other bugs or strange design choices you've found that have probably been reported hundreds of times on the Blizzard forums, in the PTR and BETA clients, and in game on live too so that we might catalogue them. Maybe if we concentrate them all here in one big mega post that people can actually see then something will be done about it.Like I said, feel free to contribute with your own examples of absurdities you've found in BFA so far. And on a larger scale it might be worth discussing whether or not the fact that these things only gets fixed when great public attention is turned towards them is a good thing or bad? In Legion we had similar behaviour from Blizz with for example the getting stuck in the cages in m+ on Maw of Souls which was there at launch and remained unfixed until it one day happened in the MDI.Its honestly fairly depressing that we need to muster all our efforts to form a public outcry for many things to get fixed, let alone CHANGED. Do we need to collect signatures to prove to Blizzard that we want to be able to choose between Personal Loot and Master Looter so people who like each can use their own system? Collect signatures to show that there is a demand for classes to not be what arcane mage has become, where its close to a one-button spec? Collect signatures so bosses like Hyrja dont oneshot at Tyrannical unless you're an immunity class? Maybe I'm being unfair.EDIT: EDIT: The vote-brigading has been counteracted upon but I'll leave /u/elmaethorstars list here regardless:Adds on the last boss in Temple of Sethraliss, as well as dropping sanguine as you mentioned, also contribute to trash percentage which are likely the same bug or some sort of flag mix up.Likewise, adds on Lockwood in Siege of Boralus also count as trash percentage which I doubt is intentional.Sanguine pools from the tunnels in Tol Dagor can hit people upstairs with no visual indicator.Numerous Azerite armour tooltips do not display the correct values. For Holy Priest: Everlasting Light, Permeating Glow, and Twist Magic all consistently heal for more than they say they will without any +modifiers to healing active except versatility (and the differences are not the versatility percentages).Hunters still have animation lag on instant abilities when using guns or crossbows as a Tauren and several other races. This bug was introduced during patch 7.2 and has still not been fixed. It is particularly awful throughout Alliance BfA levelling because every ranged weapon reward is a crossbow.Power Word: Shield occasionally just fails on Prot Paladins with no indication of why.Hand of the Protector consistently fails to account for missing health and thus does incorrect healing. Coupled with the above bug, this makes this healer/tank combination very annoying to play.Divine Star on Priests continues to bug out on certain terrain even when there are no visible obstacles. via /r/wow
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