#at least it should be completely free to fix but man I hust need a long nap and no more tasks today
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not every day you gift your dentist practice a cute little guy, but they really liked him! all of the receptionists came over and were like "whaaaaaat is that, is he for us?!? can I pet it???" lol
my family has a bad history with dentists but I never feel scared there even when I have to have a filling done like today with needles and everything (I'm needle phobic and medical-procedure phobic so this is big!!), so I thought it could be nice to have this guy there so they can let kids hold it if they're scared too or something, it's REALLY soft and a good size for squishing! when I got the email about april fool's preorders for it I was like "mmmmm now I legitimately need this as a non-joke gift" and bought one straight away lmao, but it's got such nice colours and design that I'm almost tempted to buy another for my collection :'D
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