#at least I'm honest i know i “fetishize” and fixate on the Beatles; especially John if it ain't obvious
johns-prince · 3 years
Not to name names but some y'all get so goddamn pissed and peeved over seeing Paul drawn pretty and even somewhat effeminate, or even described so in fanfiction, even though it's just, visible, objective fact Paul is a very, very pretty boy (John did say Paul's the prettiest so yeah it's fact sorry 💋) and he's just naturally effeminate in his body language and mannerisms (which last time I checked in this day and age, there's nothing wrong with effeminate men, pretty men, because at the end of the day they're unquestionably still men)
That or y'all just a bunch of jealous biddies over other artist's creations and work, use all that as an excuse to shit on and scold/lecture and even ridicule them (and anyone else who loves the fact Paul is simply pretty and could be rather effeminate) and then feel artistically and morally superior, as a fan of the band and it's members.
"You're fetishizing Paul by drawing him too pretty and effeminate!—" uhugh bitch, is you blind?
You wanna talk about fetishizing?
The spicy artwork? Spicy fanfiction of the Beatles? Artists who constantly draw fanart of them? Bloggers who post and reblog photos of the boys or their favorite boy constantly? The hyper fixation many if not ALMOST ALL OF US have on them? The obsession? The lusting? The fangirling?
That's “fetishizing.”
Nobody in this damnable fandom is guiltless from “fetishizing” not just one boy, but all of them.
I've literally seen so many fanarts of John being overly feminized and turned into your “fetishized clingy-baby-boy-bottom,” and yet have not seen hide nor hair about that from these blithering-bitching hypocrites who bemoan about the “fetishizing” of Paul.
First off who the fuck gave you the fucking authority? Who the absolute FUCK are YOU?
No wonder so many artists are being driven out! Stop creating content for us and leave the online fandom!
Let people draw The Beatles however the Hell they want!
You don't like it?
Then fucking S T U F F IT and piss off!
Go find an artist you do like or maybe make your own bloody content, and stop acting like you have some goddamn higher authority over how the boys ought to be portrayed and drawn in goddamn fanart.
Jesus Christ on a bike, I personally dislike/squick a little at seeing overly-feminized-clearly-bottom John in fanart, and in fanfiction, but y'all don't see me going around tryin' to tell people they can't create content like that because it OfFeNdS me or because it's ““fetishizing”” John's vulnerable and soft side. Go around actin' like I'm somehow ~superior~ or some shit because I don't do that or write John “like that,” or what have you.
I know not everyone will draw or write the Beatles, or my favorite Beatle, how I might like and expect, and that's just how it's fucking gonna be! Oh well! ¡Que sera sera!
I just ಠ_ಠ and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and move on.
People are just trying to enjoy themselves and here I see y'all giving brownie points to a bunch of circle jerks who think because they draw Paul the "right" way, then any other way is “fetishizing” when they themselves literally fetishize the boys or their favorite Beatle every time they post fanart all the time or make posts fangirling and lusting/obsessing after them all day every day on their blogs.
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