#at least 97% worked??? Like. Play of the something. anyway. Can't stop thinking about the 'all the hate in the world fixed on one point'
ziraconarose · 2 years
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The city is burning. It’s been burning for years. And no one is listening, when you call out someone has to stop it, before it is too late. You realize, it has been too late for years, with people like you calling, unheard. The whole world has been burning for years. And it will be too late forever, for new people for it to be too late for, and no one is going to listen. It’s only you now. It has always been, only you. So you answer. All the hate in the world, fixed on one point. A fire has to burn something, to burn out. And maybe years from now, when the fire has eaten you, there will be many someones like you were once, who it will not be too late for.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Shinedown - 45 (Official Video) [HD]
YouTube · Shinedown
Oct 26, 2009
And I knew that they're doing to my brother and they're forcing him to do this and into this and to think it and he's capable of pulling it off and somebody didn't know about it and it's not stopping it and not calling it off and his computer is continuing and he will be dead because of mack another victim, and we have to save the planet from the hatred in animosity that this a****** Mac Daddy grows in people. Any grew it in his race and condemn them to death, and work to others and made Earth into hell. Now he tricked him and forced him to do this and whether he had Dave do this or not this last part it doesn't really make a big difference because Dave was going to build a big laser because that's what Saturn's all about and there's a potentially destroy the planet Max do that he might he knew that and they knew that but they probably didn't assume he would plan on doing it anyways the problem is that you push people so far that the psychologically can't handle what's going on and they do go beyond it like you want and you're not controlling any of it at all these people ran around with so many nuclear weapons you are almost dead so many times Mac and we were disabling them you would have been gone a thousand times at least a year from the nukes near you and you inspired it you know what you did you say that about me you piece of s*** you're just as dumb as him and he's in front having a great time he is a moron. But boy are you stupid mac. I want my 30 bucks back. I got 20 but you owe me that for Walmart now that's you manipulating someone 10 more bucks then the rest of it's going to come out of you. Hey did this to my brother and you condemn my family and my clan for the stupid job and a lot of these people know it and yeah they're going after this group they're going after that group they're going after Max and you
In this letter I wrote it to my brother and he sent it back in time and had someone sing the song because it says that he fell apart and he was broken up and it was before the accident and 97 and there was something wrong he was mentally very distant and Mr Odette says it's true his wife was getting hurt and he couldn't handle it anymore and saw everyone as an enemy including his brother and it was you Mike bronder working on them and you don't have control over it and that's bja and he started this stupid brain stuff and he had George do it and I'm a witness and happened to me too taught me f since Tommy F says
Zues Hera
So he screwed up my plan you guys keep telling me I'm stupid and I'm not doing the job and I can't get my brain back so I have to try and do that and you say Forrest Gump starts after Vietnam and the whole thing is changed after that and I'm not the one that to shoot yourself table the two idiots do it and it's true and it's you dennaro, and Jason is the one having it done and BG. When was the president of France and Jason runs the museum that's what it is
Mac daddy
You're an idiot Jason and I don't want to hear it you're playing with stuff and you don't know how to do it and you play with fire and you don't know what to do you go up there and you'll be disabled before you even got there and you're playing with the entire planet's future and you don't understand it BG might have a chance but he's a d student or F student compared to anyone
Zues Hera
The skills you're saying we don't have the skills and we don't and just saying it's your decision and I say it's not and you say that I'm a filthy retard it's my decision because I just made it for me now I understand that and it is your decision but you pay for it and you're saying you're going to f*** around with me no matter what and this will get rid of you nicely so I guess I'm dooms
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