#at best they'd start crying as soon as the words are said. Hope thats what u wanted
charmixpower · 2 years
Whats something that makes everyone break down in tears immediately
I actually did a art series about something similar for the self confidence gem quest if you'd like to see them here:
Bloom. Stella. Flora. Tecna. Musa. Aisha.
But something that would make them just break down in tears.... The obviously thing would be something bad happening to their friends and family, so I'm not even gonna mention that stuff
Angst my beloved
Musa is probably the easiest for this, as she cries the most out of the main cast. Being told that the guy she wasn't date and was visibly not interested in her, is not interested in her and has a girlfriend makes her break out into tears. This happens TWICE mind you. Musa is not the most emotionally stable person in the world. Musa is probably the most sensitive about her emotions and her view of herself, so someone just yelling something really mean about one of those two things would set her off pretty quickly. Something more personal would probably be like, in s1 Musa has a habit of being snarky and pessimistic to the point of saying shit that's really mean (in what I think is a clear attempt to protect her own self esteem) so one of her friends yelling at her about that would make her sob, Riven has always been a raw spot for her so some strong needling about him, or really any of her friends getting really upset at her for any reason would do the trick. Pick your poison, lots of options here
Aisha is a bit of an easy crier but she also hardens up whenever someone tries to intentionally make her upset, so if someone makes her cry it's usually accidental. There's two easy ways to go about this, either lock her in a dark room, or pick at Aisha's feelings of responsibility for her friends and claim she failed at doing what a good friend would do. Aisha is always one of the first to make sure a plan go smoothly, so it isn't a stretch to assume this means it's important to her and she's anxious on top of that
Bloom has pretty low self-esteem, a constant feeling of being an outsider, a naive streak a mile wide, and was bullied. I think she's more likely to get angry than cry most of the time, but there's a lot to work with. Especially if you pull a Trix and Valtor and just start lying to her about shit. Claim her friends don't really like her, say that her bio parents hated her, say that everyone at Alfea thinks she's a nuisance, say that she'll never belong at Alfea, say that Sky is dating down, those topics are what she's the most sensitive about, so just making up a really really mean lie about them that barely holds water should do the trick
Stella used humor as a coping mechanism, and like most people who do that it's hard to make her cry because she actively does anything she can to avoid being visibly upset. Unfortunately for her she has two hot button issues that are enough to make her cry if needled in the correct way. Her parents divorce and the fact that most people don't find her likeable. If she's pushed about her parents divorce being her fault or how other people view her she will start crying. Especially about the divorce, and how her parents are very distant, thats like her most tender spot
Flora is emotionally mature and has a calm disposition so it's pretty hard to make her cry. I feel like you'd have to put her mom energy against her, something would have to either say she was useless to her friend and were only dragging them down or make her feel that way, and that would make her cry. Anything a mom friend would worry about being thrown back in her face would do the trick
Tecna is very hard to make cry, half because she has a vice grip on her emotions that would make a constrictor boa jealous and half because she cant just be lied to about something bc if it's not logical she's not believing it. However it's shown that she can't really cope well with people acting outside of what she thinks is correct, getting frustrated and upset about it to tears but I don't think that matches this well. Tecna has a bit of a thing about being compared to a robot, being called unfeeling, or anyone implying that she doesn't have compassion or doesn't care about other people. This upsets her a lot, so being needled about this topic would probably make her cry
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
Self Indulgent Shigaraki Nonsense Part 2!
Tomura Shigaraki x pregnant!reader headcannons
Lmao I'm obsessed with this idea, I'm having so much fun with it. I love it, and I hope you guys like it too!
Warnings: Pregnancy and pregnancy related issues.
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(I couldn't find the original artist for this, but just know that someone out there is a very talented artist lol)
After the initial reaction,
Shigaraki doesn't want to take you back home to the others. He doesn't want anyone to know.
He still wants you to get an abortion. It makes you feel, unwanted. The more he mentions it, the more it hurts you.
You knew he wouldn't be happy or excited about this, but neither were you. This just, hurt.
He stayed with you a few more nights in the hotel. He didn't want to leave your side, apart of him was afraid you'd still run. That you'd choose the baby over him. The other part, wanted desperately to protect you. To keep you safe and to him, an abortion would.
It would leave you free and untethered to him. He knew, objectivley, you shouldn't be with him. And he knew that if you ever needed to, in order to keep yourself safe, he would understand. But the idea of losing you made him unreasonably upset. What felt like sadness would soon turn to rage. He just, didn't want to lose you. He thought it was selfish of him to think that way, but he couldn't help it. It tore him apart from the inside out.
The years of having you around made him emotionally dependent. You cared for him in ways no one else had. He stayed up at night wondering where you had been his entire life. You felt like a missing piece of a puzzle.
He layed with you in bed one night, unable to sleep. He watched your sleeping form, the way your chest heaved up and down with every breath. His eyes ran over your body as a few fingers pulled away the covers. He eyed your belly. He felt his stomach turn as he thought about it all.
There was already so much he didn't know. He didn't really even understand how you knew you were pregnant or what stage you were at. What would a baby like his look like? Visions of a horrible monster came to mind. No matter what, it was no good. He had to convince you to get rid of it before it was too late. Before it tore you apart.
The basis for his fears were unknown, even to him. He knew thats not how things really worked, he knew his fears seemed ridiculous to you, but still. He felt guilty. He felt a sense of dread as he thought about it. It took two after all. He felt like he had condemned you. He like he had wronged or hurt you.
"This love, loves the trouble." He remembered you saying. He thought you were being foolish, blinded by your feelings to see realisticly. How could you not see? You were doomed. If the monster inside you wouldn't kill you, then it would tie you to him for forever. It'd be born into a world he hadn't solved yet, even if it could help him, it wasn't a tool. If you ever needed to leave, go off and be safe somewhere else, you couldn't. It would always tie you to him. It made him feel sick. You would never have the freedom he wanted for you.
You stirred in your sleep, your eyes slowly coming open before you turned to look up at him. He looked down at you, warm tears falling down an emotionless face. He was so lost in thought, he didn't realize he was crying.
"Uh, Tomura? Whats wrong? You're crying." You sat up and started to wipe the tears away from his cheeks before he wrenched himself from your grasp. He sat on the side of the bed, hunched over, before he got up to use the bathroom.
You sat there in wonder as you laid back down. He was no doubt thinking about the baby again. Baby. The word seemed foreign to even think about. A baby. Lost in thought, Shigaraki came back into the room. The light from the bathroom masking his silhouette in the door frame.
"You have to get rid of it." He mumbled.
"We've been over this before, I'm fine. Nothing bad is going to happen. Women have babies all the time, I promise-"
"No...you don't understand. You can't do this to yourself." He shuffled forward to the bed.
"Think about it this way, you'll be rendered useless to the league. You and I were dangerous enough, but now,"
"Well damn, I didn't realize I'm such a fucking burden."
"THAT'S NOT-" He bit his tongue. Yelling at you or showing his anger never solved anything, it only made things worse. "You're not a burden. You're in danger. As a villian you run so many risks but the moment you got busy with me, you made yourself vulnerable. You made me, vulnerable. Adding a third into this, makes not only us more vulnerable but them as well. If the heroes knew we were involved with one another the way we are, they'd take advantage. They'd threaten you, they'd kill you if they got the chance."
"Then we won't give them that chance." You uttered. He balled his fists and turned away, holding his head down.
"It's not that simple. You don't understand."
"I understand just fine, Tomura. You don't think I haven't thought about all the ways this could go wrong? Tomura, you're all I have. You are my family regardless of a third party, you're my best friend and I love you with everything I am."
"This isn't about me. I can't promise you anything, I can barley keep you safe now. If you choose this, I can't do anything for you. I can't promise your safety or comfort. And especially not happiness." You crawled along the bed in a hurry before reaching out to grab ahold of his wrists. He froze.
"You make me happy." You told him. When he didn't move you spoke again. "You make me happy. All I want is you, all I want is to love you and be loved by you. I'm not asking for safety or comfort, I lost those a long time ago. I'm just asking for you." He stayed silent for a while, not moving or saying a word. The only sound in the room being his heavy breathing. "Tomura?"
"I feel torn." He rasped.
"Torn between what? Your war and me? You don't have to choose."
"No. Not that." He pulled his hand away from your grasp. "You would still choose me, choose me to be a father. Knowing what you know." You pasued and thought for a moment. He watched you.
"I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't mean to put you in such a difficult position. But I know you. I know how kind you can be. I know you're whole goal is to create a better world for people, to free humanity. I know the pain you struggle with and the issues you face. But there is no other soul I'd choose over you."
"You're so foolish." He sighed, crumbling as he sat down on the bed. You wrapped an arm around his shoulders and rested your forehead against the side of his. "How could a woman so smart, be so ridiculous?" He rested a palm on your knee.
"Love does that sometimes, doesn't it?" You spoke softly.
"It does. It makes me a fool." He turned his head to press his forehead against yours in a sweet gesture.
"For the record, I think you'd make a fine parent." He scoffed at you.
"I doubt I will." Will. Will? The word echoed in your mind.
"I guess you'll just have to wait and see." You said with a smile. Tomura leaned in and gave you a soft kiss. You leaned into it and took deep breaths as you ran your hands over his chest. He rested his palm over your hand placed on his knee.
"This isn't a game yknow. We don't get second chances here." He warned, squeezes your hand.
"I know."
"Its still early isn't it? You still have time to rethink." He told you, slowly turning and pulling you in to hold you tightly.
"I guess..." you trailed off.
"Just...if anything goes wrong...if anything happens to you..."
"I'll be fine." You reassured.
"You can't know that. How am I going to keep you safe?" He muttered to himself, tucking his face into your shoulder.
"I'll be more careful, I promise. And I'll stay away from dangerous missions, and I'll stay away from heroes from now on, alright?" You told him, rubbing your hands up and down his back.
"Just....think it over...please..." He begged.
"Alright...I'll think it over..." You made no promises. With that, Shigaraki agreed to bring you home. Not saying a word to anyone about your whereabouts. Toga asked you privately about your absence, mostly to confirm that you were alright. You brushed it off, saying it was a private mission or something like that.
Toga knew more than the rest. She asked more questions, knew more details. She knew the true extent of your relationship. Being a close friend of yours, she was trusted with more information than most. Others were lucky if Shigaraki even answered questions about your relationship, declaring it was none of their buisness and to leave him alone.
You didn't tell Toga, you couldn't. It wouldn't matter if she knew or not and getting someone else mixed up in your buisness was a bad idea. Life went back to normal, you went about your buisness as usual, but soon symptoms started to become more of a hazard as the weeks passed. Certain smells like cigarette smoke and eggs would make you violently ill. Nausea and fatigue haunting you throughout the day. You'd wake up feeling sore and groggy, unable to shake the feeling. It bothered Tomura.
He'd watch you raise from the bed and shuffle off to the bathroom with a deep stare. Observing you with a dark gaze. For the most part, he kept his opinions to himself. He knew there was little he could do. His only hope was that you would see "reason". If this is how you felt now, imagine your suffering later. The more pain and frustration you experienced, the more Tomura's heart ached. He felt responsible for your pain. Unable to shake the idea that he did this to you.
"Have you given it anymore thought?" He asked you. Entirely out of the blew, and while you were trying to relax no less. You laid on the floor, pillows piled underneath your head as you browsed your phone. Your feet propped up in his lap as he played a game on the Tv. You peered out from behind your phone screen.
"I have."
"And?" He didn't change his position or attitude.
"And what?" You looked back to your screen.
"Isn't the cut off date coming up soon?"
"Sure is."
"You have to make up your mind soon." You paused and thought for a moment. You watched him play.
"I have."
"I still want this." You told him. He paused his game and froze.
"I don't understand..."
"I dont understand!" He shouted. His anger directed out to the Tv instead of you. He dropped the controller and let his hands hang limp as he propped his elbows on your shins. "I don't understand... Taking so many risks... because of me."
"Well, we're villians. Isn't taking risks what lifes all about?"
"I...I'm sorry..." his shoulder began to bounce. His head hanging low while he balled his fists. You sat up, realizing he had started to cry. You placed firm hands on his back to rub and comfort him. He cried, his hands coming up to cover his face and wipe away his tears. "This is all my fault..." He squeaked.
"Tomura, sweety, it's okay." You held continued to rub slow soothing circles over his back. The other on his knee in an attempt to ground him.
"I don't understand...why...why you want this...I don't get it...it makes no sense!" He sobbed. "Why, WHY!?" He clung to you, reaching out to dig his gloved fingers into your sweater in an attempt to keep you close. You held him tight, running gentle fingers through his hair. You let him cry a little longer before answering.
"You know how they say 'love makes you do crazy things?'" You started.
"That's not a reason!" He argued.
"Well, sure, but...it's true isn't it. I mean, our relationship is evidence enough, right? But besides that, when I found out, I was scared too. I'm still scared. But the more I think about it, the more I want it. It makes me smile to think about. I get butterflies and its all I can think of. It's like, I'm falling in love with you all over again." He looked up from his place tucked away in your chest. His eyes red and tired from his crying.
"But why me?" He groaned, "you could have this with anyone you wanted. Why me?"
"Because I don't want anyone else," you squeezed him tight with a smile, "I want you." You planted gentle kisses on his tear riddled cheeks. He let out a soft sigh before pulling you in to give you a proper embrace. He tucked his face in your neck and took deep breaths, as if to savor the feeling of you so close.
"I'm still sorry," he grumbled, "I got you into this mess."
"Hey, it took two, right? Besides, I don't know about you, but I had fun." You squeezed his thigh, trying to lighten the mood. He squirmed in response.
"Not funny."
"What? For sex that good, I'd let you get me pregnant all over again." You chuckled in his ear. He squirmed again, his grip on you tightening.
"Don't say things like that." He scolded half-heartedly. His voice soft, he was embarrassed. You always knew how to get under his skin. Somehow, the way you did it, Tomura found it endearing. It felt fun and lightheaded the way you teased him. When you first did it, he tried to ignore it, he found you annoying and rude. But as time past, and he found your pestering of your fellow teammates pretty funny, he grew to enjoy your witty banter.
He slowly started to run kisses along your neck. He never really understood what you saw in him. Initially, he thought you wanting to be so close with him was an attempt to gain more power. But there was no evidence to support that, you just genuinely enjoyed his company. He found that bizarre. Tomura was well aware he had a bad attitude and was generally a pain in the ass to deal with.
But you got to him. When you were gone, he missed you. When you made a joke or teased, he laughed. When you were close, he felt warm and comfortable. More comfortable with you than without you. He grew way too attached for his liking. Especially now, he cursed himself for loving you. He called himself selfish and reckless and stupid. He beat himself up for it.
Regardless, if this is what you wanted, he would make this happen for you. But as the deadline came and went, he grew more and more paranoid. If the Heroes got ahold of you, it was game over.
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