I had a post ready and the tumblr app ate majority of it. Just wanted to be happy over Astarion/Everett because that's all I can think of. That and wanting more scenes. Why can't there be more kissing? Necking? Grinding? I'd love to see an ass grabbed, see Astarion top Everett because that is my head canon.
I want to see them both happy but at the same time, I want to see how far Everett would go to protect Astarion. Fan fiction has been a big help and to me, Astarion is possessive. Even if in the game he isn't quite like that.
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mslanna · 1 year
graveyrad scene got me distracred bad because my Tav got a new dress (appropirate) but really, I was looking at them more than him
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look at them
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step on me 🥺
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fangswbenefits · 9 months
Astarion would make the prettiest babies and probably become a menace like him xD. It also would be one way he find out what his former eye color was, if his child inherited it and he becomes absolutely smitten and shove his child at everyones face as in a " i made this!" While tave is just giving a thumbs up in the back
"I made this!"
😭😭😭😭😭😭 baby, come here... let's make some more
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rat-rambles · 3 months
Let me tell you about my acidently bloodweave pluss tav au. So it started with what if tav/you turned into a worm post game good ending. Witch the answer is he'd lose his fucking. He puts you in a fancy glass jar gets you to all the way to waters deep to bang on gales door in the pouring rain for dramatic efect. Gale like "ah astarion what a surprise what are you doing here" and astarions like ugly crying "they truned into a worm" and gales like "what?". And after dislike and some tests gale realize that the worm is tav/you and the 2 of them go on a classic dnd adventure to get you/tave back to normal. Along the way they bond in a gay way and you/tav gets back to haveing 2 boyfriends congrats.
Feel free to uses this idea for anything but I'd love to know about it.
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songbirdtales · 1 year
Sleepless Nights (AstarionxTav)
Author's Note:
Hello reader! This is a steamy SFW fic with some vampire feeding. This is set after the first feeding cutscene with Astarion. Hope you enjoy!
A rumbling filled Tav’s ears as they squeezed their eyes shut. A weight on their shoulder stirred them from their sleep, a hand gripping firm yet gentle on their arm. There was sound, a voice? It was hard to tell at first but as Tave woke fully they’d catch a soft, “-please.” 
Astarion hung over the tiefling bard, Tav’s cool complexion made them look undead in the moonlight, their long hair the only warmth to their coloring, strands splayed out like a puddle of rose gold under their head. The vampire looked sick, his breath labored and the shadows under his eyes deeper than usual. He tried not to flash his fangs as he smiled. “Thank the gods,” he sighed in relief. His voice barely a whisper, his desperation for privacy only slightly stronger still than his hunger. “I need your help.”
Tav sat up slowly, rubbing their unnaturally blue eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness of the night. “Do you have any idea what time it is?” They grumbled softly.
“I know,” a tinge of guilt laced his voice. “I wouldn’t have woken you if I had any other choice.” The ill look to him only compounded the misery in his expression. 
Their eyes narrowed as Tav studied him. Maybe he was being honest or maybe he was testing how far he could push their sympathy to get what he wanted, either way Tav pushed themself from the ground and motioned for Astarion to follow as the two slipped away from the fire.
Tav led Astarion towards the river beside camp, they were barely out of view when he caught up to them. Astarion’s stride quickened gradually as they walked, coming up behind and slipping his arms around Tav. One hand took their chin as his other planted firmly against their ribs and pulled them back into his chest. 
“What was it you said the other day, about your ‘delightful’ dream? Something about predator and prey?” His lips tickled their ear. His hand began to tip their chin to the side when Astarion felt the sharp points of nails digging into his skin. 
Tav’s hand grasped at Astarion’s wrist, black framed irises burned like fey light in the dark as they stared back at him sternly. “I’m trusting you.”
The smug grin slid from Astareion’s face. They didn’t need to say more, he recognized their look deeply. He knew fear too well, every nuance of micro expression etched into his mind. That’s the only reason he knew they weren’t afraid of monsters or even him, Tav was afraid of betrayal. 
Rage sparked in him as his mind raced with thoughts of who could have taught them that fear, but it didn’t catch a blaze nor explode. Instead his anger cooled to a warm ember glow, the hand holding them close wrapped more fully around their ribs as he gently squeezed Tav against him. “I know.” His tone said everything else.
He could feel their ribs compress as Tav exhaled, the tension in their body melting as their grip of his wrist releasing to a gentle hold. Astarion gently tilted their head to the side as Tav’s free hand pulled their hair aside.
They could feel the warmth of his breath against their skin, his nose tracing down their neck as he took in the scent of magic and iron. His tongue wet his lips as he felt their breath in his hand, their heart beat like a drum deafening his thoughts. 
Tav tried to prepare themself, minding their breath as he readied himself as well. Their bodies were in sync, and as he felt their ribs expand to their fullest in his hand, his jaw opened wide. Fangs poked at their skin, setting themselves in place as he waited for the slightest hint of exhale. As their breath gave out, his teeth sank into them. 
Astarion felt every little movement as Tav tensed. Their heart raced, breath quickened, and hands clenched as he began to feed. The feeling of their nails digging into his wrist grounded him every so slightly. A lone tether to call him back with. 
Tav’s vision blurred as their eyes struggled to keep focus. The pain was negligible, but there was a disorienting feeling to it all, dizzy, nauseating in a drunken way. Their legs began to buckle as they leaned back into him, his own hold guiding them. After a long moment Tav tightened their grip. “-Astarion,” it was the first noise they’d made since he’d bitten them, the weak croak ringing in his ears as he pulled himself from his feast.
His fangs detached quickly from their neck as he pulled his head away. Tav’s legs gave out as Astarion’s grip loosened, only letting them slip ever so slightly before his hold tightened once more to clutch them close.
“Why didn’t you stop me?” His anger sparked once more.
“I think I’m still exhausted from last time.” Their voice was so weak, their hand barely had the strength to hold onto his arm. He couldn’t stay mad at them like this.
Gently Astarion guided Tav to the ground and let his exhausted companion rest against his shoulder. He made sure they were comfortable as the two sat at the riverside. “Then I suppose you need some aftercare.” A joke was all it took for a hint of an amused smile to pull across Tav’s tired face, Astarion’s fangs poking out from behind his own grin. 
“Remember those tadpole dreams?” Tav threw his own words back at him.
Astarion let out an amused chuckle. “How could I forget?”
“I lied about mine.” Astarion fell silent, letting Tav continue as his eyes snapped down to them. “It was too upsetting.”
“Who was it?” He asked softly.
“He was an orphan my mother had befriended and kept fed before I was born. When she died, he made sure I was taken care of. He was a criminal so it wasn’t unusual for him to vanish without warning for months, sometimes years, and then reappear.” Their gaze softened as they stared out at the water, the exhaustion making them lose focus.
“That’s awkward,” Astarion grimaced. “Having a wet dream about your old brother.”
“He was never my brother.” There was a sharpness to their tone, it pricked at him like a thorn and he fell silent once more. “… I think the worst thing was it wore his old face.” Tav’s words caught Astarion off guard. “He… got into some bad magics. It changed him, physically and mentally. I couldn’t keep him close anymore.” Tav turned their head towards him, hiding their face in his shirt.
Changes like that weren’t totally unheard of, he should know, but how they said it made him think this wasn’t a simple vampire transformation. “You cut him out of your life because he became a monster?” His brow furrowed, trying to discern the nature of Tav’s anger towards a face these mind eating tadpoles deemed so important to them.
“No. I did it because he hurt me.” Their hands gripped at Astarion’s shirt tightly as their eyes turned up to him. They didn’t need to say more, Astarion once again recognizing the look in their eyes. So that’s who taught them such fear…
The one arm Astarion had wrapped around them to keep Tav from falling over squeezed ever so gently. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep watch while you sleep.”
They shifted closer, resting more fully against him as they sat partly in his lap. “Will you carry me back to the fire?” There was a playfulness to their half asleep inflection. 
It was a cute idea, it even made Astarion chuckle softly before he responded flatly, “I don’t think I have the arm strength.”
“Then what the hells was all that blood for?” Their gaze turned to a perturbed glare.
“You saw my complexion, darling, I looked ghastly. My looks are my main weapon.” He teased no more, his free arm scooping under their knees as Astarion lifted Tav from the ground and stood up. He let their head rest heavy against him as exhaustion overtook the tiefling.
Astarion brought Tav back to their bedroll. He’d gently lay them down, brushing their loose hair from their face as Tav settled into familiar scents and textures. They turned to sleep on their side instinctively as Astarion stood to return to his own bedroll to trance. 
Only once Tav was still and Astarion had settled into his trance would Gale open a single curious eye.
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Mini one shot maybe....
Astarion had been busy for the past few weeks.
Taking power from people tended to take effort and time. It was his favorite past time and unfortunately it took him away from his consort.
Finally after weeks of hard work of shaking hands and making deals and passing gold coins under the table Astarion found him self with time.
2 in the morning he found himself walking back to his palace. Back to his beloved Tav.
Entering the crimson palace his servant taking his coat(not that he needed it. But it did look good on him like most clothes tend to do.) he did not pause just continued to make his way further in.
A turn here another there finally he stood in front of Tav's door. He walked in and there on the floor laid Tav. wearing the thinnest shirt her Light pink hair in disarray. Her normally pale pink skin had turned as pale as her white horns. Enhancing her dark circles even grater.
The room was dark and looked as if a storm had passed by things strew around every where. papers crumpled and on the floor. curtains where opened allowing the moon to shine upon her form.
With a sigh Astarion bent down and scooped her up. Her limp form twitched for a moment her bleary eyes opened for a sec narrowing as if to take a look at him. her smile bloomed.
"Star!" she managed slur out just as she passed out again. Passing another servant Astarion order it to prepare a bath. it bowed and rushed to fulfill the order.
He walked in to their shared room and took off the shirt she was wearing. that was all she was wearing…. in mid winter. set her down at the couch in the corner of their room and began to remove his clothes.
Naked he picked up tav and made his way to the bathroom. the steam cause her skin to flush back up with color. Her pink returning. While carrying her he walked into the bath and sat in the tub making sure Tav's head was on his shoulder and above the water.
A sighed of comfort left her lips as she snuggled into his arms. her arms going around his waist.
"Is there a reason why my dearest Treasure was in this condition?" Astarion asked as he relaxed in the warm water.
Tave hummed. "I got inspired… to write… a song… it had … drums...a flute solo... Lute and .... the other one... violin...combo " she murmured into his ear. "Had to… write it …down …. before i forgot…about it. but some… partssss… were a….. pain! … not fitting… not …. right…. took me dayssssss."
Astarion sighed. Bards….. well who made him fall in love with one… lukily for her he
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