#assassin's creed: syndicate jack the ripper dlc fanfic
celestialgaea · 3 years
(Older) Jacob Frye x Reader//  Post Coital Mornings
Warnings: fluff, really soft smut, age gap, a tiny bit of angst
Pairings: (40 year old/ older) Jacob Frye x Reader
Summary: On an early morning after a night of passionate love making the dilemma seem to haunt you again, until Jacob pulls you out of it with his intimacy.
disclaimer: If you’re uncomfortable with age gaps then I advice you to scroll further. Also, I didn’t write this fanfic to romanticize age gaps but to entertain the AC community with a fanfic that includes a protagonist with the age that has been canonically included. 
A/N: I am still alive. I cannot explain how sorry I am for not immediately publishing request and writing new fanfictions. I really love doing this for you guys and also for myself, but the past months have been getting rougher and rougher. I do not want to give up this passion and I hope I can still do this for a very long time (There are a lot of drafts is till have to publish, so dont worry, there will be enough to read.). I just find it sad how the AC community is slowly dying compared to it during the 2010s (it was like the prime age for AC fanfiction.) But alas, anyways, enjoy the fanfic :) And sorry if it’s a little too short!
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He was staring at you. No, not staring; Observing you. Admiring the curvature of your bare back as you sat at the edge of your mattress, chugging down a glass of water. You didn’t seem to do anything afterwards either, just staring down your lap whilst your hand kneaded the solid mattress in its grip. Jacob assumed that you weren’t planning on returning to the comfort of the bed very soon, he was slightly worried. Hidden inside of his subconciousness there was a worry about last night, a small intursive thought that convinced him of his performance in bed. Jacob didn’t want to break his own pride by assumptions, God forbid. 
He pushed himself up before opening the cover of the bed and pushed himself towards you with his knees. You felt how they slithered around your naked thighs, his manhood touching your back, and the warm desire of his embrace enveloped your torso. 
Jacob didn’t speak. The only sounds that he emitted were the swallows of nothingness and the bundle of hot breaths he breathed through his nose as he rested his burning cheek upon your shoulder, rubbing the sides of your arms. His hands weren’t soft, they never were. Yhey felt rough, as if a thin layer of glue had dried onto his skin. But you didn’t complain though. His hands may be rough but they softened with the feeling of his loving caress.
‘Your cheek is burning, Jacob,’ You whispered. You caressed his bearded cheek and felt how the heat spread across your handpalm. ‘Are you sick?’ He only grinned,the left-over of sleep still overwhelming him.  ‘How can a man be sick after such a night, Love?’ Jacob pressed a warm kiss on your shoulder, softly grazing your skin between his teeth. ‘Come back to bed, (Y/N), It’s sunday. God knows when the next time will be where we can enjoy this morning being together.’ The only answer you gave was your hand blindly straying from the pathway of his facial hair to caress his neck.
You didn’t want to move, it was like sacrificing the warmth that embraced you if you dared to lift one hip. And it wasn’t out of grief nor numbness, you were just tired. Tired of being afraid to lose Jacob in these dark times. You’d regret every second of his skin not being on yours whenever you had the chance, just feeling the heat of his love taking you in just like the layered waves of the ocean taking you deeper into the unknown, yet, at the same time you felt like seperating yourself from him would protect you from the future pain.It was a dilemma spiraling downwards until you’ve reached the bottom of the well, and if you would’ve reached it then you’d be stuck inside the haze of your own doubts and hesitations. Jacob’s love was like the ocean. There was love in abundance, just like there is an abundance of water, yet all that love was laying motionlessly down the bottom, hidden by layers of darkness upon darkness. But you yearned to grasp his love from that blackness and hide in it, letting all of his warmth and affection suffocate you until you’d die and only then you’d die happy.
He sighed defeatedly. ‘Please, (Y/N), just lay with me. I want to feel your warmth. I want to be comfortable with you.’ He was so straightforward due to his sleepiness that there was no filter covering his words. He was hurt and tired and in need of comfort. You sighed, regretting the hard-headedness of your fear. You faced Jacob and allowed your face to move closer to his, only to stop before your lips had touched. And you stayed like that. You liked it like that. Only the buidling up tension of two lips wanting to touch and suffocate into each others fleshiness until the emotions of it overwhelmed both of you. But Jacob couldn’t resist your lips and its emotion so he kissed your lips, sucked onto them, nibbled them, licked them, whatever strenghtened the sweetness that made your marrow get pulled out of your bones without breaking them. He took you by the skin underneath your breasts and pulled you fully onto the bed and you allowed him. Without fear? Yes, without fear. And so you kept on exploring the edges and corners of love and its lust by kissing, touching, loving, moaning, whispering, moving and letting you both hide safely into the cocoon that was built by each others intimacy, even if that cocoon only lasted during those moments.
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recklessbrash · 7 years
Back to the Way Things Were Ch. 15
Ok, here it is my darlings 🙆🏽! Revised because I wasn't too crazy about the way the original chapter 15 had come out. I had realized that the story was a little jumbled and didn't really explain a couple things about Jack. So I went and I redid major parts of the chapter and this is the finished result! Hope you enjoy and 16 should be out soon my sweethearts! ☺️😘💟🎩 •*•*•*•*•*• Chapter 15 Over the 3 weeks they'd stayed there in India, training and learning new tactics for battle, the time had gone by in what felt like a blink of an eye. It'd become even more clear to both Mara and Evie that Jack was quick to lose his temper when something didn't go as planned. One sweltering afternoon, Jacob had been growing frustrated over the fact that he couldn't land a roll while dropping from a certain height. Avni was partnered with Jack, showing him how to tuck himself in properly so the roll would be easier. She showed great patience with him, always talking softly and not being bothered by how many times it took for him to get the hang of it. After what felt like ages trying to get Jack to nail a landing roll properly, Avni felt it was best to move on to some sparring. She passed Jack a wooden blade and grabbed one of her own. "Ready, Jack?" She asked as she got into a fighting stance. "Ready." He replied, getting into a similar stance of his own. "Okay, 3, 2.. Ouch!" She yelped as Jack lunged and swung his wooden sparring blade, letting the blunt side make hard contact with her arm. "That's cheating, Jack!" She remarked, annoyed. "Aw, come now then. Don't be a baby about it." He snickered. Avni's patience withered away and she lunged back, swinging with all her might as her blade made a harsh knocking sound against Jack's. "Avni, you'll have to do better than that." He said with a smirk. "I'm the one teaching you, Jack. We have to take this seriously." She said, successfully blocking his second attack. "Everyone is always so serious with this, I think we should have at least a little bit of fun!" He swung, narrowly missing the side of her arm. "It's not a game, Jack. Stop it." Avni sounded like it was a bit of a plea. Jack smiled and became still, "All of this isn't real. We're not fighting real Templars or other enemies. This is just a waste of time. Don’t you ever take a break and have fun?" He asked. Avni took a moment to think about this, seemingly weighing the options in her mind. "I know there aren’t any Templars here right now. But we train so that we can be ready for when that day comes. Hasn't your Father, Sir Frye and your Mother, Dame Frye taught you that?" Avni asked, looking a little puzzled. His anger was instant, Jack pulled his wooden blade back and swung it right into Avni's ankle bone, causing the girl to fall down and clutch her ankle in pain. "Jack, stop it! That hurt!!" She yelled. "She's not my mum!!!!" Jack yelled before tossing the wooden piece to the floor near her and walking away angrily. Jacob had been sparring with Mara when he spotted Jack storming away. "Hang on, love. Jack? Oi, Jack!" He called out before turning to where Avni and he had been practicing. "Avni, are you alright?" Jacob called out, getting Mara's attention as well. They both ran towards the young girl as well as her father, Arjun, to see why she was on the ground. "Avni? Avni, what happened?!" Arjun asked, moving her colorful skirt up a little to see why she was clutching her ankle. "Jack.." Avni began. "Wait, Jack did this to you?" Jacob asked, anger already gripping him. "I'm sure he didn't mean it." Avni said, covering for Jack. "No, no. He knows the way sparring works, therefore he certainly knows he's not to strike to cause actual harm. Look at your ankle, it's bloody swollen beyond recognition!" Jacob seethed, "I'll be right back, Mara." He said as she nodded. "Avni, let's get you up my dear." Mara offered and bent to help Arjun lift his daughter up. As they walked over to a place to sit, Mara noticed Jacob heading into the Assassin compound where Evie and henry would train initiates, no doubt using Eagle to look for Jack. "Mrs. Frye, I trust you'll understand where I'm coming from if I don't allow Jack to spar with my daughter anymore?" Arjun asked as he assessed his daughter's ankle. The swelling looked painful and it was already a purple hue due to the bruising that began almost immediately. "Absolutely, I do." She answered, uneasy. Avni tutted out loud, "But, Father, it was my fault. I made him angry!" She exclaimed, hoping this wouldn’t be the case. "I'll not hear another word on the matter, Avni! Just look at you. The boy's shown time and again here that he cannot handle his emotions!" Arjun noted angrily. He was right, Jack was constantly losing his temper over the smallest of things. Jacob had already had to speak to him 2 other times before and now he was off to do it a 3rd time. Mara knew his patience with Jack's temper was nearing to an end. Jacob reached an inner room inside the compound and found Jack sat on the ground with a stick in his hand, twisting it into the struggling body of a now dying beetle. Jacob watched on silently, wondering what prompted him to be torturing a harmless insect. "Jack, explain yourself. Now." He said through gritted teeth. "There's nothing to explain, Jacob. Avni ha-" "Dear Avni has to have her ankle bandaged because it's now purple in color because YOU struck to harm!!! What has gotten into you, boy?! The voyage here you'd been easily agitated, quick to be short with Mara and now this? I reckon you've loads of explaining to do! And leave that poor bloody bug alone and kill it already, don't let it suffer!" Jacob shouted. Jack had flinched. He'd never heard Jacob use such a tone with him before and he realized he really had messed up. Lifting his foot, he quickly brought it down and ended the beetle's suffering the moment he removed the stick. He hung his head lowly, messy black hair tufted this way and that before he picked up his voice. "I-I'm just worried that the baby will replace me. I finally have a place where I belong and I really like being with you and Mara. I don't mean to be so mean to her. I just think that when the baby comes, you lot will forget all about me and that scares me a lot. I had a Mum once, but now I feel like I now have a Mum and a Dad in you and her. I don't want to lose that." Jack said, finally bringing a tear rimmed set of blue eyes up to meet with Jacob's hazel green ones. Jacob softened a bit and sat on a nearby stool, bringing a large hand up to smooth his hair back before crossing his arms. "Jack, there's no way we'd ever forget you, yeah? You've been in our lives for a several years now. We've come to think of you as our own son, do you even know that? We love you, Jack. You've brought Mara and I a happiness we never thought was possible. It's actually because of you that her and I decided to try and have a baby of our own. It's all thanks to you. We've a lot of thanks to be giving you. You started a lot of things for her and I. However, I've failed you in a way. I've failed you in learning how to be patient and as an Assassin in training you need to have an abundance of it if you want to be a proper Assassin. I promise you, you and I will work on that together. Just you and me, yeah? Come here, lad." Jacob opened his arms and watched as Jack got up and came in to hug him. "We love you, Jack. Don't ever forget it." He said as he pulled away from him, he got up from the stool and stood, holding Jack's shoulders in place. "Don't think you've gotten off that easy, now. I want you to get your arse out there and apologize profusely to Avni. She won't be able to get about for a couple days now. And when you're finished with that, I want you to apologize to Mara as well. She loves you and she wants the best for you as well. If it weren't for her, you wouldn't be here with us right now. Go on, off you go." Jacob commanded as he swatted Jack's rump watching him run off. As Jack went, he watched on with a shake of his head. "Thought you were going to chime in as well. What stopped you?" Jacob asked as Mara emerged from the side entrance. "This was all you, you came here with heated determination. Besides, Jack listens to you no matter how "Mum" like I am, however the hell you Brits say it." She chuckled as Jacob slid his arm around her waist. "What's the matter? Hm?" She asked, rubbing the back of his head. "I just want him to do it right. I want him to be brilliant at this, but if he keeps this type of thing up…" Jacob trailed off with another shake of his head before speaking up again, "tell you what though, that was bang out of order, it was. We never taught him that, but we never showed him how to stop it either." Mara kept rubbing the back of Jacob's head softly before reaching up to kiss the side of his temple. "We'll tale care of him, you know that, right? We've come this far, no? We'll do it. Together." She said, speaking softly close to his ear. Jacob looked at her and gave her a smile before hugging her closely. "That little bump is only going to get bigger. Then it'll be hard to hug you proper." He teased. This was more like it. The jokey Jacob Mara had come to love. She shook her head, trying to mask the smile that was forcing to curl the corners of her lips. "Don't hide it, darling. You know I love to see it, come now!" Jacob held her flush against himself as his fingers began their assault on her sides making her squeal with laughter. "Jacob, no, n-NO!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face as he started to rub the scruff of his beard against the softness of her cheeks and neck and laughing with her. He slowed down to let Mara catch her breath, "Come on, love. Let's go speak to Arjun. I trust he would lime to speak to me over this." He said, wrapping his arm around her waist again and escorting her out of the compound.
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lucytheecourageous · 4 years
Lil plug, chapter 2 of my AC: Syndicate, Jack the Ripper DLC fic, ‘Gods and Monsters’ is now up! This is set within the world of my ‘the Frye twins are uncanny, eldritch beings’ headcanon, so expect weird magical twin stuff!
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recklessbrash · 7 years
Back to the Way Things Were Ch. 14
It's been long overdue my loves! Here we are, chapter 14. Once again, sorry for the lack of a cut but hopefully I'll be able to get into my account online besides the app. Enjoy, babes! 😘💟🎩 •*•*•*•*•*•*•*• The following month Jacob, Mara and Jack were sailed to India to meet with Evie and Henry and to get a whole other culture's assassinship in their current skill set. For Jacob this would be his 2nd cultural training and for Mara this would be her 4th since she was born and trained in America, Puerto Rico, and England. An ever so small bump had finally made its presence known, she was now 1 month and 3 weeks in with her pregnancy and both Evie and Henry were exhilarated. "I'm so happy for you both! What do you guys want to have?" Evie asked at the dinner table the same night they'd arrived. Jack had been seated next to Henry but he was too busy looking out the window. He spotted that girl he saw when they arrived at the village. She was a little older than him, 15 and one of the Indian Assassin's daughters who was very good friends with Henry and Evie. Avni, he recalled her name to be as he heard her father call for her. He went back to eating, wanting to finish and escape all the talk of the coming baby. "We're both hoping for a boy, but if not, that's alright as well." Jacob said as he spooned out some more hummus on his plate for his roti bread. "Have you both decided what you're going to name the baby?" Henry asked, his smile lines being more pronounced than when Jacob and Mara had last seen him. Mara answered this one as she noticed Jacob's cheeks puffed with food, chuckling, "If it's a boy we're naming him Ayden and if it's a girl, we decided Olivya. Both with a 'Y', we decided to be a little different." She said as she nibbled on some roti. Henry and Evie both nodded, smiles on their faces. "I happen to like that idea. But I still can’t imagine MY brother taking care of a baby. I mean, you have Jack the Lad here, but you both missed the baby stage with him, yeah?" Evie asked, wanting to ruffle Jacob's feathers. "Oi, I can too take care of a baby, the key is to not drop it or leave it behind somewhere." He said in defense. Mara gave him a sideways glance making him smile looking all innocent like. "Still excited, Mara?" Evie joked at seeing her reaction. "I mean, I'm still shocked Jacob was the one who initiated bringing Jack in to live with you. In all honesty, I'm very proud of you Jacob. It's about time you took on an initiate. Father would be proud of you as well." Evie sipped her wine, passing the clay pitcher across the table to see if either Jacob or Mara needed a refill. Jacob did, of course, he leaned over to see if his wife wanted any yet and she held her hand over her glass. "No, the smell still makes me ill. I'll pass, Jacob, thank you." She said, sticking with her water. "Alright, love. Are you well? How are you feeling?" He rubbed the small of her back before rubbing her stomach. Evie couldn't help but smile, looking at Henry who was smiling as well. "Alright, just really hungry." Mara chuckled, blushing. "The baby's been very demanding lately, hasn't he?" Jacob asked with a grin. "Ugh, don't remind me." She said, her hands covering her eyes. "What's the matter?" Evie asked. "She's been bloody starved the whole way here. Eating those, uh, what were they, dove? Almond cookies?" Jacob asked while Mara buried her face in her hands even more. "Yeah, almond cookies." She admitted shyly as he continued to rub her stomach. "Aye! Those almond cookies they were giving with just about every meal. I even started saving mine on the side." He said proudly, like he'd done a major service. Mara smiled with a shake of her head. "I think the baby likes the roti more." She said as she removed her hands from her face. "I admit, it's quite good, especially with the scallions on it. Even better with hummus." Jacob agreed. "What about you, Jack? What do you like?" Henry asked. "I liked it all. Especially the Lamb." He said, the sides of his mouth full of food debris. Mara leaned over and helped him wipe his face with the cloth, his eyes searing into her with anger. "Well, I'm going to clean up, shall we let the men have their time, Mara?" Evie asked as she got up and stretched. "Sure, I need to move around anyways." Mara agreed, getting up and stretching herself. Jacob grabbed her wrist, slowing her a little. "Are you sure? You're not tired?" He asked, his thumb gliding over the bone of her wrist. "I'm alright, Jacob. I'm going to talk with Evie and help her a bit. She shouldn't do all this which means I'm putting you in charge of getting Jack to bed." She smiled as Jacob pulled her down for a kiss. "Alright, love. I'll see you soon. Say goodnight, Jack, give everyone a hug and I'll get you to bed, lad." Jacob said, prompting Jack to hop off the chair and give Evie and Henry a hug and then Mara a two second one before siding over to Jacob. "Goodnight, Jack." Everyone said. "One moment, Greenie, I'll be right down." Jacob ushered Jack up the stairs as Henry threw his hands in the air. "After all these years, still calling me that?" Evie and Mara had finally got all the dishes in the kitchen when she hushed her tone. "Mara, I need to ask you something." Evie's voice sounded urgent and serious throwing Mara into instant concern. "What's the matter?" She asked, passing her dish by dish. "I don't mean to cause alarm, given your condition, I just want to know where my brother found the boy." She asked making Mara's mouth drop open. "O-oh…" "I saw the way he'd been looking at you during dinner. What's going on? Does he not like you?" Evie asked, concern written all over her face. Of course Evie would see, she's so perceptive to everything, it'd be hard to get one over on her. "I'm actually happy you ask, I feel like I'm going insane. Jacob found him at Lambeth Asylum. His mom was killed by Starrick back when he was still alive, before we overthrew him. He wasn't always like this either. I noticed a change ever since shortly after Jacob and I had talked about being ready to have children of our own. I have a strong feeling Jack overheard that conversation." She confided in Evie. Evie furrowed her brows. "What does Jacob think of all this?" She asked as she scrubbed the plates. Passing the cleaned ones to Mara for her to wipe them dry. "He doesn’t see it. Jack is very good about showing only me and not Jacob the faces he makes. They always seem to be behind Jacob's back. It's like I'm in the way. Now that I'm pregnant, it scares me." Evie finally met her eyes with Mara's. "I'm not going to lie, the lad troubles me. I know Henry saw it as well." She said passing the last plate on the stack of dishes yet to be dried before helping Mara dry them. "Thing is, Evie, Jacob's been nothing but a father to him. It's like Jacob is his hero. And he's teaching him to be an Assassin and he takes it very seriously. It's just me he doesn’t like. I mean, didn’t you see, he hugged you and Henry decently but he hugged me for barely a second. It used to never be like this. And I keep telling myself that it's just that he's getting older, he doesn't need me anymore, he needs a man to follow. A man like Jacob." Evie found tears running down Mara's cheeks. She let go of the dish she was drying and pulled her sister-in-law in a hug. "I'm sorry, Evie." She said, burying her face in the taller woman's shoulder. "What ever for?" Evie asked, rubbing her back. "I've been an emotional mess since I been pregnant, crying at the drop of a gauntlet. Or getting upset over the silliest of things. Like, I tripped over one of Jack's wooden cars the last day we were home and I cried over it. Don't get pregnant." Mara warned before laughing. Evie began to laugh too as she pulled away to look at her sister which quickly became uncontrollable. As they recovered, Evie wiping a tear from the corner of her eye looked at Mara. "Well, hopefully after this batch of initiates, Henry and I can focus on making a family of our own. I so badly want to, I'm well ready. Seeing you and my brother tonight… has only fueled that desire to be a mother. And look at you!" Evie exclaimed, placing a palm over Mara's small bump, "I'm so happy I'm going to be an aunt!" They giggled and hugged once more. "I'm so happy for you both. I'm truly proud of you and of Jacob. I know I was taking the piss earlier but, I am. You're both going to make perfect parents." Evie softly said before pulling away from Mara again. "Thank you, Evie. It'd mean the world to us if you and Henry were there 8 months from now?" She asked more as a question, a hopeful look on her face. "I'll be sure to bother him every day until he says yes. He owes me anyways, we've been working nonstop and I need a holiday. WE need a holiday. By then, our current initiates will have moved on and we'll be free for the first time in a long time." Evie relished the thought. "The last time you and Jacob were here was for our wedding, you still haven’t told me how much you like the way the house turned out." Evie frowned making Mara smile. "It's utterly gorgeous. I love what you've done with the place, truly. The colors are lovely and lively, vibrant. A very wonderful burst of Indian colors." Mara noted as Evie grinned. "My dearest sister, Jacob and I need to head to bed, we have an early day tomorrow right? I'm excited to get the Indian Brotherhood training under my belt." Evie nodded and gave a yawn. "You're going to love it. I can’t wait to show you the fear tactics we use on enemies, you're going to love it!" She said again, ushering Mara towards the dining room to meet up with their men. Evie sat by Henry while Mara migrated towards Jacob, sitting down and leaning against his shoulder. "There's my lass. Hello, love. Knackered? Ready to get some sleep? We've a long and early day tomorrow." Jacob asked, pecking the top of her head. "Very ready. I'm exhausted. Jack asleep?" She asked before Jacob nodded. They said their goodnights and headed to bed. Their bedroom was a big one with large windows since it was very hot in India. Jacob opened them, staying in his underwear. Mara was busy fishing out a chemise also staying in her home sewn underwear. She hated knee-length underwear of the day so she specially cut and sewed all her underwear to be shorter which she found made it easier to maneuver in. Once she was in her pajamas, she sat at the vanity that was in the room and began brushing her hair while Jacob was fussing with the mosquito net that surrounded their bed. "Bloody hell, Jack's bed had one of these. They're a bitch to figure ou- where the hell is the opening?!" He hissed throwing his hands in the air in forfeit. "Just lift it up, silly. We'll enter from there." Mara said putting the brush down and scooping an ample amount of lotion in her hands and rubbing it in. "Can you get my back, please, Jacob?" His eyes widened as he made his way to her at the vanity. "I was hoping you'd ask." He wore a cheeky grin as he rubbed the lotion over her shoulders and back, his large calloused hands working over her soft skin, kneading and rubbing. His hands slid to her neck and collarbones, no longer rubbing, just touching and then slid under the top of her chemise. "Jacob!" Mara whispered, looking at him in the mirror, "Not here! Your sister and brother are in the other room!" She grabbed hold of his forearms, her fingers never meeting her thumbs all the way around. Jacob grinned and leant down to her ear, meeting her gaze in the mirror. "I guess we'll just have to be quiet then, won't we, hm?" He scooped her up, making her squeak as he crossed the room, lifting the mosquito net. She was trying to fight him as she kept giggling placing her down on the fluffy sheets. "The idea is to be quiet, love." He said, teasing her. She frowned as he leaned down and kissed her lips, slowly positioning himself over her. "You look utterly gorgeous tonight." He said after he pulled away, running a hand through her hair. She smiled softly, cupping his face running a finger along the scar on his left cheek while her thumb traced the scar at the end of his right eyebrow making him smile. "You are devilishly handsome, you know that?" She asked looking in his eyes. "You make me blush, Mrs. Frye." She smiled as she leaned up and kissed him before pulling him down with her, her hair fanning out around her in the process. He frowned, drooping his head as he remembered them having to wake early in the morning to train. "We're going to have to put this on hold, darling." Jacob huffed as she ran her thumbs over his cheekbones. "I know, we've a long and early day tomorrow. Let's get some sleep, alright?" Mara leaned up, kissing him once more before they shifted towards their pillows, snuggling up to one another. "It's bloody hot over here, 'innit? I hate it." Jacob complained as he slipped her hand in his, interlacing their fingers together. She giggled, nodding her head in agreement, "I know, tomorrow's going to be a rough one." She shifted closer to him, his free hand resting against the tiny bump on her stomach, rubbing gently. "Do me a favor, yeah?" He asked, prompting her to look up at him. "Just, promise me you'll take it easy. For both you and the baby. Alright, Mara?" Jacob caressed the side of her face softly before rubbing her stomach again. "I promise, I will. Ok? I love you." She whispered as he leaned in and kissed her forehead and then her lips before settling down again on his half of the pillow. "I love you more. Goodnight, little dove."
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