#asking for help' etc etc and then i couldn't focus on the next 5 minutes bc i was thinking about siffrin <3
beneathsilverstars · 23 days
my therapist is so concerned for me jdhdjf im such a special boy
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
also not to keep vaguing about work, but I was starting this rant this morning before I went to get mom and I'm so pissed at my coworker I'm retyping it now lol
Basically, this one dev has a task that my Trusted Fellow Dev/kind-of manager estimates would take roughly 10 days to do. It's a larger task, and there's a hard deadline next week that he cannot miss on pain of death (read: firing), and he was given basically a month, maybe 5 weeks to do it. What has he done?
Week before last: had it on his list but never did it, did other tasks instead despite being told to focus on The Big Task
Last week: put off working on it by dragging a "2 hour" task out for multiple days (he always does this, either under-quotes the amount of time something would take to make people happy, or quotes the right time but procrastinates wildly, either way he has a reputation as being Slow As Fuck now that drives everyone insane)
Got so hysterical even though he had 3 weeks left at this point that I gently told him to ask the bosses for an extension, if only to get some peace. A bad move on my part bc I didn't realize at the time that a) the scope of the task was perfectly doable if he just sat down and did it and b) there is a Hard Deadline that you should Absolutely Not ask to change (he did not convey that in his frantic ranting). so unfortunately I made him look bad to the bosses, even though I thought I was encouraging him to ask for help (which he's always reluctant to do). For once in my life I should've said "suck it up, buttercup." That's the last time I ever try and be nice :/
This week: was given 4 helpers, but lost them due to spending over an hour in a meeting to "show them what to do" going off on unrelated tangents, causing my boss to intervene and yell at him for wasting everyone's time when he couldn't even explain what needs to be done to the boss. (Note: they are still available to him but he has to gather his thoughts and explain things properly and so far he has not taken the initiative to do so. Also this is BASIC SHIT it's like "change the text here to this" "change this colour to that" the helpers just need to be shown what and where.
Attempted multiple times to write scripts to automate the manual work (also tried to drag the programming team into this, they declined to help and said it was faster to do manually. It is absolutely faster to do it manually than to write complex scripts to automate a thing you have to do for one client once)
This brings us to about Wednesday afternoon.
Has gone on multiple hysterical rants about how awful this client is and how they're terrible assholes and we're not charging enough etc etc.
Also, the PM has been asking him to do a small 5 minute task for this project (the client wants it updated first for some reason) for THREE DAYS and he keeps getting distracted and not doing it.
YESTERDAY AFTERNOON, finally admitted what Fellow Trusted Dev has been telling him and I for weeks, "oh, I don't think this is as bad as I thought it was."
Oh, and he's also not eating or sleeping correctly, because his parents went on an extended vacation out of the country and...christ, why must I work with multiple 30 year old men who still rely on their mommies to cook and clean and fucking...give them bedtimes??? Then they all wonder why they can't get girlfriends. It's not the fucking 50s, jesus christ. you are a dying breed. your ineptitude will ensure you never reproduce!
Anyway, at this point we're torn between genuine concern for his mental health and placing bets on whether he'll get fired next week, and also debating calling in sick and working from home until this project is over because the atmosphere in the office is oppressively Bad.
One of the PMs got smart and sat beside him Wednesday afternoon to watch him make a 15 minute update, which miraculously ensured it got done in time with no distraction. I joked to Trusted Fellow Dev that he and the PM might have to do that in order to get the Big Task done and he very seriously just said "well if that's what we have to do we'll do it." So that's the confidence level with this guy.
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minhoon · 3 years
High School Crush
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Contains: femboy!jake, bad rich boy!jay, dom!jay, sub!jake, unprotected sex(stay safe people), bullying, curse words (fuck, shit etc), bulge kink, sir kink
Word Count; 1.2K
Jay & Jake have been childhood best friends but once they started middle school, Jay had to move to America and Jake had to move to Australia meaning they were seperated. Jake came back to korea before high school started and decided to roll in a high school at korea. Jake did not expect his best friend Jay to be back in Korea as they lost contact of each other for years and Jay did not expect Jake to be in a same school with him, being a femboy.
Jake woke up, due to his alarm and got ready for school, wearing a simple turtleneck with a skirt and thigh highs. It's his casual style no matter where he goes, he's glad he does not get judged in school and is actually friends with everyone. He was a social butterfly who got along with everyone and gets good grades. Teachers love him. A lot.
Jake headed to school after eating and decided to study in class before classes starts. People were saying how there was a new student coming in today but he ignored it, he couldn't care less about a new student. He wanted to focus on his studies and get a scholarship.
~time skip~
The bell rings meaning classes will start in 5 minutes, teachers coming in the classes ready to teach. Jake notices a student outside his class and thinks to himself "that must be the new student.." The teacher then calls out to the new student and tells him to come in.
Jake watches the new student walk in and can't help but think that it's someone familiar but he ignores it. The new student introduces himself "Hi, my name is Jongseong but you can call me Jay." Jake is just writing notes in his notebook, unbothered until the teacher calls out to him and tell him to raise his hand.
"Jay, you may sit next to Jake. Please raise your hand, Jake" He then raises his hand but continues to write notes. Jay takes a seat beside him and say "Your name is oddly familiar. But, aren't you afraid that people will judge you for wearing this?" Jake looks at him and shakes his head. "No, in fact, I'm friends with everyone here. Except for you I guess. We could be friends if you want to" Jake replies, with a smile on his face. Cute. Jay thinks, to have a boy so pretty in front of him. He feels himself blushing after seeing Jake smile. God, he just wants to kiss him.
~time skip~
Jake hangs out with his friend, Sunoo and Heeseung on the rooftop, laughing at each other's jokes. Then, a cold liquid is felt on Jake's head. Jake turns around to see who it is, and faces a somewhat angry looking Jay. "Why'd you do that?" Jake gets up from his seat. "No reason, just wanted to do it" Jay replies before walking away. The next few days, he is bullied by Jay. He doesn't know the reason why he's doing it but he wishes Jay would stop. But it doesn't. It gets worse. The bullying continues till mid term of high school.
Jake is tidying his locker till he sees a note. He takes it out and reads it.
Note; Hey, meet me at the rooftop
"Weird.. Wonder who's this from.." Jake says to himself and heads to the rooftop after tidying up his locker. Once he reaches the rooftop, he sees Jay, waiting for him. "Uhm.. you wanted to see me..?" Jake asks, fear evident in the tone of his voice. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything.. C'mere, take a seat beside me" Jay says, patting the seat next to him. Jake hesitantly seats next to him, hands clutching on the hem of his skirt. "You know, you look cute wearing skirts and shorts." Jay compliments him. Jake is starting to think this is weird. He remembers hanging out with Jay as kids before he moved out. He wondered why Jay became like this and became a bully. "Actually, if you didn't know, there were people saying that they had crushes on you and wanted to, y'know, fuck you because you looked cute in shorts and skirts. Obviously I got jealous and.. started bullying you.. I didn't mean any harm to bully you, I was just jealous. I wanted to have you as mine. I've had a crush on you.. since we were kids.. I couldn't stop thinking about you when I moved out.." Jay says, looking into Jake's eyes. Crush...? Him..? Jealous..? It started making sense when he saw those angry expressions whenever Jake would see him. He was jealous. "Well actually, I-" Jake tries to speak but gets cut off. "It's fine if you don't feel the same way Jake, I don't forgive myself for bullying you. I know it hurt, I'm sorry." Jay says, looking down. "It's fine Jay, I just wanted to say that I like you too. Since kids as well.." Jake replies, with a genuine smile on his face. Jay looks up, eyes widened. "R-really? Jake, you know you don't have to force yourself to like me back. After what I did to you. I'm really sorry for bullying you, Jake. I don't know what I was thinki-" Jay rambles but gets cut off with Jake's lips on his. Jake pulls away, smiling. "J-jake.. I-i-" Jay tries to speak up but Jake kisses him again. Jay eventually kisses back, immediately putting his hand on Jake's thigh. Squeezing Jake's thigh from time to time, the kiss getting more heated. Jay pulls away and says "Let's continue this at my house, hm?" Jake nods and giggles.
~time skip~
By the time they get inside Jay's room, Jay quickly closes the door and slams Jake against it. "Fuck, how I've always wanted to do this.." Jay says before kissing Jake's neck, marking it with red marks that will become hickeys and bite mark. Jake whined. "Please Jay, fuck me please.." Jay smirked and replies with "I'll take that offer baby" Within minutes, Jake was wearing nothing but his skirt and Jay was ready in front of him. "First time?" Jay asks and sees Jake nod his head. His first time. Meaning he'll take Jake's virginity. They'll take each other's virginity. Jay slowly enters Jake, not wanting to hurt him. Jay lets Jake adjust to his size, before moving. Seeing Jake giving a signal meaning he could move, he started thrusting in a slow pace. "F-fuck, you're so big." Jake whimpered. Jay could cum just by hearing him whimper. He looked at Jake's face then at his stomach. He cursed under his breath after seeing a bulge form on Jake's stomach every time Jay thrusts into him. Jay's thrusts got harder and faster while Jake was getting louder. "Y-you feel so good sir.." Jake whined, feeling pleasure. Jay was breathing heavily and groaning softly. "Fuck Jake, can't believe this is all mine to touch and pleasure" Jay says, grabbing Jake's cock and jerking it. As time went by, Jay's thrusts got sloppier. "Gonna c-cum sir.." Jake moaned out, arching his back. "Yeah? You're gonna cum for your sir? Go ahead baby, cum for me." Jay says, smirking. And just like that, Jake cums while Jay tries to chase his own climax. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum baby" Jay groaned out. "C-cum in me please" Jake tells him and Jay nods. Seconds later, Jay cums into Jake, filling him up. They both giggle after, Jake gets shy and covers his face. Jay chuckles and gets up to prepare a bath. After he prepares a bath, he comes back to pick up Jake. "Let's bath before going to sleep, alright love?" Jay says, picking Jake up in a bridal style. Jake nods and replies with "Alright boyfie" followed with a giggle.
Morning arrives, Jake wakes up to Jay coming in the the room with food. "Well, someone's awake. Here, have some food before you take a shower" Jay says, with a smile. Clearly in love with Jake. "Hmm, I will Jay, thanks. I love you boyfie" Jake says, hugging him. Jay hugs back and replies "I love you too baby"
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