spilledmilkfkdies · 6 months
Dunno if anyone asked this but like…Wizard redemption arcs?
I’ve got my own takes on them as well for my rewrite:
-Orgon would never, too goal-oriented
-Anagan probs would through Flora
-Duman’s a 50/50, he’ll probs stick with his band
-Gantlos is a wild card arsonist but I believe he can do it, may take a lot of time though (90% of this is headcannon skcjskxjsk-)
But those are my takes what about yours?
Idk this is kinda hard because like?? Not to be a stinky wizard apologist I am, but I like a bit of "you both suck wtf happened here bro" in my planet history, which makes a clear cut redemption a bit more difficult ig?? Like in whose eyes are they being redeemed? The fairies' who were also very much morally bouncy? Or uh maybe the audience idk- I forgive em.
That being said though, depending on if you try to tackle the whole group at once or take it one at a time, it could both be interesting.
I've had thoughts where you have Ogron, Gantlos and Anagan: No Circle (object), no Duman, half their powers if not a quarter, washed up and heavily in mourning- At that point just. Talk to them. They're in no position for a full on revenge spree, they are SAD, they're weak. Either just leave them be or talk them into joining a cause for mutual and equal benefits, then if they ever do get back to full strength they'll simply not bother you again. Rough concept kinda, but yeah. Side note that in this timeline, if Duman does eventually claw his way outta the Gardenia grave, he's not going to be happy. Actually maybe giving the washed up wizards their Duman back would do all the work by itself? They'd show genuine gratitude and Duman wouldn't be allowed to be mad. Win win.
Then we have one by one, many many many possibilities there too. Like the best order? There isn't one. Several delicious routes, some more difficult than others. Play onto Gantlos following Ogron to the ends of the world, Anagan already having been mentally done with the hunt for ages- Does modern day Ogron care deeply enough about the others to put their well being and safety above their goals? Or at least more so than early days/in his prime Ogron who CANNOT relate. Again, don't put Duman last though. Cornered animal core fr I'm so serious. Which is where my pLANS COME IN- jkjk
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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bunnyb34r · 4 months
Wow just fucking wow
I sent in a medical records request in october? To get life insurance through work (why not right?) And my stupid dr never sent them in.
Fucking unbelievable
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silversimp · 1 year
Aot Headcanons
In honor of 4/20 here's a list of headcanons about aot characters smoking weed~
He smokes socially and it always makes him find everything anyone says hilarious
After two hits Eren is above the clouds and giggling under his breath because someone said something that rhymes with fart
Likes smoking in a group but gets really paranoid if he smokes alone or with only one other person, if he smokes too much he gets hyper aware of his body functioning and has a hard time breathing
He usually only takes one hit when smoking with his friends and gets really annoyed when they make fun of him, but the one hit is enough to make him feel a little lighter and relax
He doesn't like smoking because it gives him panic attacks but he always pitches in to buy stuff for the group because he likes hanging out and being the sober one
He normally ends up being the one to drive everyone to go get fast food or snacks
She prefers smoking over drinking because when she's drunk she gets really aggressive. She likes that weed makes her calm down a bit
Annie gets almost too relaxed even. She'll keep taking hits until she's in another dimension, it always freaks Armin out
She smokes with everyone but she doesn't really get the point of it, probably because she's eating the whole time and never gets very high. Just one hit gives her major munchies
Sasha will keep smoking until there's nothing left, but only ever gets a little high because of her tolerance/constant eating
This boy radiates so much stoner energy, he for sure always had the plug before weed was legalized and got his medical card before it was legalized to the general public
Connie smokes every morning to start his day and then uses a pen throughout the day for a constant high. He's always offering hits of his pen to whoever he's with no matter the location or situation
He used to be really scared to smoke and when he found out his friends had started the boy went on long rants about it being a gateway drug. Eventually with enough peer pressure, and a bunch of online research to make sure he'd be okay, Armin started taking little hits when the joint passed him by
Weed had a much different effect on him than he expected it to though, it always makes him flirty. The only time he smokes outside of the group is before sex every now and then.
She hates it, it makes her cough a lot and she can't stand the smell of it. She tries not to complain when her friends are smoking, but she usually finds a way to be out of the room or space they're smoking in because she hates when the smell sticks to her clothes
Eren and Connie have had her try it in every possible way and she only liked the edibles, but she gets nervous about eating too many after the one time Sasha accidentally ate an entire batch of pot brownies.
Before he actually started smoking he used to brag about how he already had, it was obvious he'd been lying when his first hit made him cough up a lung and wheeze for almost ten minutes. He doesn't really like smoking but he doesn't like to be left out so he always joins in
His lips get very loose when he's high and he often just says everything he thinks out loud in basically word vomit. He's accidentally said some rude things that have gotten him in trouble with the group a few times.
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cureblogging · 7 months
Gonna say something potentially controversial:
I think Heartcatch suffers from the Up phenomenon in that people remember it as an excellent, if not flawless masterpiece when it actually has One (1) excellent, if not flawless moment in the beginning and is otherwise nothing special.
#pretty cure#babs' musings#precure: heartcatch#i remember sitting there watching 4 episodes at a time and asking myself “so when does it get as Great as people say”#i admire how different it is in tone and style to other seasons. it really stands out in that regard!#but that doesn't make it automatically better (or worse) than other seasons#it was funnier.#but the story? really underwhelming imo#the only notable part about the plot was the very first scene that set the intrigue and mystery of Yuri's character#but what they deliver on that front was extremely disappointing for me#and all the other characters get pretty mid arcs as well#Tsubomi has anxiety about not being good at anything. nothing comes of that besides one or two insults from the villains.#Itsuki has to crossdress in order to continue the family business because her brother has vague illness#that's never confronted in any satisfying way. it just sorta fades away once she decides she likes being a girl#Erika's insecurity regarding her sister is honestly the most engaging of these arcs and that's because I have a little sister#I suppose I set my expectations too high for that season. but people call it The Best Precure Season when it's not even in my top 3 so far#and that's kinda concerning for me going forward#suite is also proving to be a huge bore for me. extremely artificial season going through the motions of the franchise#Hummy... save me. Hummy. Save me Hummy#I really don't want to struggle through 13 more unremarkable seasons in the hopes of recapturing the magic of Futari Wa and Fresh#argh. i hate not liking things#sorry for the rant in the tags.
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cloud-somersault · 10 months
Oh god. Macaque may have made a big deal about closing their chapter and moving on, but if he got that and wukong appears to find someone else, mac would NOT be able to handle it
Yeah, exactly. Macaque made this attempt to push Wukong away, but that's not really what he wanted. A part of him is rationalizing that being apart from Wukong would be overall safer (which, fair), but he doesn't want to be without him. He just feels unimportant and unloved and forgotten and abandoned. And even though Wukong didn't do any abandoning, those feelings are still there for Macaque.
And Macaque just hates. The Great Companions. And Tripitaka. Primarily for being more important to Wukong than he himself was. And though Wukong said he wasn't making a choice, the fact that he killed Macaque just fed into those feelings of abandonment. 
That's why Macaque says "I'll never be the most important thing to you." And he kind of breaks down there because he doesn't think he'll ever be the most important thing to Wukong.
But Wukong loves Macaque with his entire heart. He never stopped loving him and grieving for him. Wukong is so sentimental...he cannot help this. The moment an opportunity presented itself for him to be 💯 honest? He took it and bared his whole heart.
All that to say, if Wukong did find someone else (he wouldn't, he's too in love with Macaque), Macaque would not be able to handle that and he'd try and get Wukong's attention no matter what. He'd be petty and mean and immature about it. He wouldn't handle it with grace. And, depending on characterization, it could get worse but.
Idk. Macaque and Wukong's relationship is so specific in canon and especially so in this AU. And in this AU, Macaque and Wukong are so intertwined that..neither of them would be able to handle it if the other took interest in another. They're too possessive. They're too...in tune with each other. They know, deep down, that they belong together. But Macaque is scared and apprehensive for obvious reasons. He doesn't want to be hurt again and he knows there's too big of a chance of that happening.
But he also loves Wukong fiercely, and he showed that by wiping his tears and cradling his face and speaking honestly. 
But yeah, even if they did mutually decide to go their separate ways....hmm they wouldn't. Wukong wouldn't accept that. And deep down, even if Macaque kept pushing Wukong away, he would want Wukong to keep reaching out to him. Just so he knows Wukong loves him and won't forget him.
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Every time I have to settle for Wendy's over the restaurant I was planning to go to, I'm shunted into a fucking circus and my chances of escaping with a semblance of edible food is a toss up.
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realitytvpros · 1 year
Instead of hot guy villain. I hope Caleb has trust issues. Worrying if people actually like him or just like for his looks. Gives him actually arce and different then Justin and Al.
YOOOO THAT WOULD BE A REALLY GOOD TWIST FOR HIM 👀👀👀 i’d love for him to hold everyone at arms length both good AND bad and only open up to people once he actually forms friendships with them
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finally settling once and for all... with the evidence laid out plainly.. which of these brother boys is more stinkys ,,,
#also please for the love of gourd do not take this seriously i am joking I do not hold any of these behaviors against my cats I know that#all cats are a little stinky and weird I have had cats all of my life I am not genuinely condemning my cats i am being silly please lol#(some of my goofy cat posts in the past will always get like.. one or two people taking an issue with something incredibly#mundane. like me saying a cat is being rude or somehting and someone being like 'um actually cats cant process the concept of#rudeness. he has no idea he did anything wrong!' ........ yes...... i am aware.. that my cat has the brain of a cat lol#ANYWAY.... polls!!! so excited to have polls.. I will try not to be annoyig but I just love asking random things to the general#public. in friend groups I am always the one asking people to taking surveys. quizzes. making surveys and handing them out. etc.#the rare times I can partially overcome my social anhedonia/inability to socially function properly/etc. is when I'm interviewing people or#socializing specifically in the context of like Information Gathering lol#I love running questionairres and stuff . even about the most mundane pointless topics. there's just soemthing really interesting#about like....... being able to ask people stuff and then look at and analyze the results.#Even though that's an incredibly simple average thing. idk.. my brain loves information even if it's pointless silly information.#I Just Think It's Neat. I have so so sos os oso many ideas but I wanted to make the first poll about my cats#of course because I'm also obsessed with them lol. I was thinking of taking some of the pictures of them in front of a blank#canvas and doing a poll of 'what are they painting?' or 'what should they paint?' but I decided to go with babey crimes#for now. inspired by various baby crimes committed just this morning. Fresh on my mind..#I wish they had a middle option though between '1 day' and '1 week'. I think a week is too long for a poll like this but also#one day is not long enough because I dont really have THAT many active followers. if it was just a day it would probably reach like 5 poepl#people. I want to at least be able to reblog it a few times maybe. lol#I think 3-4 days would be ideal. Its a new feature though. I'm sure they'll modify things as time goes on.#Still feeling sick and bad and weird and not being that productive at all generally but... I have just enough energy stores..#using up every ounce of my power to make a goofy poll... a worthy sacrifice....
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honnelander · 9 months
Part 4 was absolutely amazing and now I'm checking every 5 minutes again for part 5! I'm always so happy to see you posted something. Whether it's asks or Go Fish.
I'm obsessed. Happily read it at 5.30am this morning. Thought about it all day at work. Still thinking about it now.
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^ what I thought of when everyone is reading the newest part first thing in the morning 😭😂
thank you SO MUCH for loving it!!! 🤭💖 your kind words mean so much to me, thank you!
I started a bit on part 5 today, but I don’t expect to post it until the end of the week probably 🤔🤗
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tamagotchikgs · 3 months
i think im getting sick,. ... how,,, i have been purely nocturnal 4 the past few days i havent even left the house except for 1 short outting yesterday in the car
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rotisseries · 11 months
so um. how was the raven king. and your thoughts on andrew all of them now please
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vinca-majors · 6 months
Head's up, you (wonderful!) My Fair Lady stories are entirely responsible for getting me to check out the tag and, through it, discover what a wonderful little fandom it is. I just wanted to let you know since it led to my sitting down and putting together an Eliza Doolittle/Henry Higgins story. Thank you for your lovely work!
AW YEAH MORE MFL CONTENT 💪 and set at hogwarts?! psa to the fandom(s)!!
the ao3 MFL fandom is one of the kindest, most enthusiastic ones i've ever been part of! i'm so happy you'll get to encounter those lovely readers ♡
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flamingskull28 · 5 months
I will try to answer any questions about my agents in their voices unless it wouldn't make sense
4 (Sophia)
Hachi (8)
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wedding was wonderful but I’m very happy to be curled up in bed with the dogs now listening to the rain and finishing a novel. I give myself full permission to be a hermit all afternoon and then I think I’ll hang out and cook with my sister tonight. tomorrow I get bloodwork done in the morning and then will probably have a busy social day with liz + sam which is good as it’ll prevent me from being glued to my phone waiting for the results. at this point I don’t even know how to feel. I’ve read enough journal articles and forum posts to know that the odds are against me but that there is a small chance I’ll be one of the lucky ones whose body just follows a different course than your average pregnancy. I’m expecting to learn that I’m going to miscarry but obviously hoping against hope that I don’t… and also hoping, in a more clear-eyed realist sort of way, that if it has to happen it’s via miscarriage rather than an ectopic pregnancy, and that the process itself doesn’t take too long (so I can start again this summer instead of having to wait weeks or months). but ah well—I need to settle back into waiting mode, as I probably won’t get the test results back until tuesday morning and can’t change anything or make anything happen by obsessively googling in the meantime.
#I think I’m going to switch doctors too if this one doesn’t stick#IUI tag#tw miscarriage#I feel like I’m just having to constantly bug her to make changes to our approach#and I don’t really have a ton of confidence in her to adjust her approach or even notice when it needs to be adjusted#like my thyroid levels jumped a ton since we last tested which ups the risk of early MC#and she didn’t even notice? I had to show her the jump on my lab results#and then had to follow up three times to get her to prescribe the medication#and when I pushed for an IUI at 36-48 hours instead of 24#which seems to be what multiple studies suggest is most effective#she was kinda resistant and then was like well it doesn’t matter bc the sperm will be there waiting for 4-5 days#and I was like no that’s with fresh sperm. the research indicates frozen donor sperm only lives 12-24 hours max maybe less#and then the first time we did a 36 hour cycle I got pregnant 🙄#and then this week I asked for a progesterone test or supplements#and she was like we would never do that for an IUI that’s for IVF only#and I was like that’s just not true! like the research seems to be slightly mixed on how much it helps but most clinics I’ve looked at#list it as a fairly standard part of their IUI cycle protocol#idk!!! just not feeling super confident in her and also I feel like she gets annoyed with me when I’m just trying to like#understand the medical reasoning behind stuff instead of just doing what I’m told#bleh#whatever#I just want someone to blame but I think even setting that aside#there have been enough frustrations that I might just switch anyway
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stinkrascal · 1 year
Maybe I’m misunderstanding but what made Caspian upset? Was he overwhelmed by Anastasia staring at him?
it hasn’t been mentioned fully in my legacy so that’s understandable! caspian’s parents are deceased, so seeing vlad and brie together overwhelmed them, bc it makes him think of his parents
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