#ash's re experience extraordinaire
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I won at RE2R last night! (false: there is so much more to do and enjoy)
RPD B.T cause y'all know I'm not set in my ways
Also it doesn't say on the photo I took but I got S+!!!
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e-of-west-glendia · 4 years
Happy birthday to the wonderful @imliterallyvirgilandlogan!! You are an absolutely amazing person and I love you to death.
(Apparently I’m incapable of writing fluff without angst so um enjoy this fluffy angsty mess. To be fair Sirius Black on Mother’s Day is basically a recipe for an inevitably angsty disaster.)
Something About Mother’s Day
(I can’t come up with creative titles)
Sirius sat on the edge of his bed watching Peter, James, and Remus finalize cards and wrap up gifts. It was Mother’s Day. His absolute least favorite day of the year.
Sirius had had bad experiences with Mother’s Day in the past. At the Black residence it was never a time of sweet celebration and kindness, it was always some dull party that was really just an excuse to showcase their wealth. Alternatively it was a meeting with all the Sacred 28 members. Sirius has found that those were the worst Mother’s Days. Sitting at a table, back straight, giving small, perfunctory nods to everyone he encountered and answering awkward questions about being in Gryffindor and producing heirs (he was 16 for god sake).
It had to be around noon when he finally decided that he should leave. There was no use in bringing everyone down with his feelings about this holiday.
Hopping off the bed, Sirius made his way to the door.
“Honestly, my mum is too nice for her own good. Last Mother’s Day she sent me a gift— Sirius where are you going?” James had stopped halfway through his sentence, glasses slipping down his nose as he peered over the top of them at his friend.
Sirius shrugged. “Nowhere in particular.”
Peter cocked his head to the side curiously, while James and Remus narrowed their eyes in suspicion.
“Sirius is something—“ but Sirius was gone before Remus had even finished his question.
Peter turned to the other two boys. “Do you think it’s because…” he started.
“Probably,” James and Remus said in unison.
Sirius found himself sitting by the lake. If he was being quite honest with himself he couldn’t even remember how he’d gotten out there in the first place. His mind had been swimming with images of that past winter.
Drunken screams and broken glass. Flashes of light of every color. And pain. Excruciating pain. The faint crack of broken bones— it had taken him a while to realize that they’d been his bones broken — and the sharp metallic scent of blood. Everything had been hazy after that. Regulus’ hands on him, silently cursing and muttering about something that Sirius had been too pain weary to try and listen to. Two flashes of green light— one that smelt sickly sweet and poisonous, death laced in every syllable. The other, light and warm and smelling slightly of ash and burnt wood. Then he passed out in the Potters living room to the sounds of James screaming for his parents.
A light tap on his shoulder almost made him jump. He looked behind him and almost jumped again when he saw who it was. He quickly schooled his features into something befitting the infamous Sirius Black — Marauder and mischief maker extraordinaire.
“Ms Evans, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked.
Lily rolled her eyes at him. “Shut up, Black.”
Sirius laughed. Since becoming a prefect Lily and Remus had begun to hang out more. Which meant that Sirius saw more of her than he had in previous years and it also meant that she seemed to hate him significantly less. By significantly less he meant he would say hello to her in the halls and she wouldn’t completely ignore him. Unless of course James was around. Then she’d just leave.
Sirius raised an eyebrow at her. “What’s up? This has to be the longest conversation we���ve had all year.” A grin lit up his face. “What, have I finally started to grow on you?”
Lily turned slightly red and scowled at him. “No.” She said firmly. Then, “I just saw you sitting outside alone and I thought I’d make sure you didn’t get eaten by the giant squid. Actually, on second thought, I wouldn’t mind if the giant squid ate you.”
Sirius laughed again. “Isaura wouldn’t hurt me. We’re best friends.”
Lily snorted. “I’m sure that’s exactly what she thought when she threw you out of the lake last summer.”
Sirius shrugged. “Our relationship might have its ups and downs but I promise you we’ll withstand the test of time.”
“You’re an idiot,” Lily sighed. Then she peered down at Sirius. Sirius got the odd sense that she was analyzing him with that piercing green gaze.
“Something’s wrong, isn’t it?” she asked. He’d been correct.
Out of instinct he said. “Nope. Everything’s all good.”
Lily didn’t buy it for a second. “Uh huh sure. You’re sitting outside, by yourself, skipping stones across the lake while staring forlornly at the horizon. Not to mention it’s fucking freezing outside and you’re not even wearing a jacket. Meanwhile I just came from the common room where your friends are being idiots as usual.”
Sirius winced. She had a point.
“You don’t hide your emotions nearly as well as you think,” Lily finished.
Sirius grumbled something about meddling redheads that made Lily smile.
Lily chewed her bottom lip for a second before sighing and plopping down next to Sirius. Sirius glanced at her in confusion.
“Not going to run away screaming this time, Evans?”
“Har har.”
It was another few seconds of silence before Lily turned to Sirius.
“I heard about what...happened...over winter break,” she said cautiously.
The small smile that had been creeping onto Sirius’ face died immediately.
“I suppose Snivellous told you then.”
Lily bit her lip, fighting a retort against the nickname.
“Doesn’t matter where I heard it from. I just— what I’m trying to say is...I get it.”
Sirius snapped his head to her so quickly he almost gave himself whiplash.
“You get it,” he asked, voice nothing shot of venomous. “Oh I’m sure you ‘get it’. Because everyone understands what it’s like to be—“ he stopped short at the silencing hand the girl held up.
Sometimes the power Lily Evans commanded over people amazed him.
“Easy, Black. That’s not what I meant.”
Sirius gave her a look that clearly said well then what did you mean?
Lily sighed again, it sounded sad this time. Sirius almost felt bad for snapping at her. Almost.
“What I meant was...I know what it’s like to not have the best relationship with family members. And my situation is definitely nothing on yours,” she said quickly when she heard Sirius’ scoff. “But I know what it’s like to be the hated one— the outcast. And it sucks. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, least of all you.”
Sirius stared at her but Lily kept speaking. “You’re a good person, Sirius. Annoying? Yes. Arrogant? Totally. A bit self absorbed? Definitely. But you’re a good person. You care about your friends and they care about you. Nothing your bitch of a mother says or does will ever change that.”
Sirius snorted at that last part. “Thanks.”
Sirius was silent again, debating on whether or not he should ask Lily the question that was now swimming in his mind.
“Hey Lil—“
“My sister,” Lily cut him off. “You were going to ask who in my family it was, right? It’s my sister Petunia. She’s hated me since I got my letter.”
Sirius winced slightly. He definitely knew a thing or two about difficult sibling relationships.
He didn’t apologize though. She wouldn’t want to hear that. Instead he said, “Yikes.”
“Much yikes,” Lily agreed.
“I meant what I said, y’know. About your friends. They really love you, Sirius. I mean you and James are basically brothers — practically joined at the hip. You and Peter are always laughing about something. And Remus,” she paused for a moment, as if debating on what her next words were going to be. “Remus, especially. He cares.”
For the millionth time that morning Sirius gaped still Lily. “What do you mean especially Re—“
“Speak of the devils,” Lily said, interrupting him and climbing to her feet. “I think I’d best be off now.”
Sirius squinted into the distance. He could vaguely make out his three friends picking their way across the wet grass towards them.
“Well Black it’s been fun. I swear I’ll kill you if you let it slip we ‘hung out’,” Lily said, framing her words in air quotes. Despite her menacing tone she was smiling.
“I don’t doubt it,” Sirius laughed.
Lily sent him one last smile before quickly setting off across the grass.
She was halfway to the greenhouses when the other three arrived at Sirius’ side.
James, in typical James fashion called out, “Hey Evans! How about you come with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?”
Sirius snorted at James as he watched Lily flip him the finger and shout something that sounded like “In your dreams, Potter,” over her shoulder before she disappeared around a corner, red hair flying around her face.
“Trying to steal James’ girlfriend?” Peter teased.
“Yeah!” James said, rounding on him. “What was that about.”
Sirius barked out a laugh. “You wound me Jamie. You really think I’d steal the future Mrs Potter from you?”
James spluttered incoherently at him. “Besides,” Sirius continued. “I’m not really into girls that psychoanalyze me.”
Remus snorted. “Yeah, she does that.”
Sirius looked up at Remus, reveling in the way the early morning sun turned his brown hair gold. He couldn't help staring at him, but could you blame him? Remus Lupin was beautiful in just about every way you could be. Inside and out. His mind flashed to what Lily had said about Remus. She couldn’t know that he was in love with Remus...could she? And she certainly hadn’t meant...had she? No, he thought firmly. She definitely hadn’t meant that. The odds of Remus liking him back were about 1 in a million and Sirius had never been high on good luck.
It seemed as though James had just remembered how far off the straight spectrum Sirius Black was because he said, “Oh...right...yeah…”
Sirius laughed at him. James’ face suddenly turned serious. “Right. Back to what we’re here for,” He said. “It’s Mother’s Day and Mumis fully expecting a card from both of her sons.”
Sirius gave him a confused look. “What do you mean both...?”
“Oh please,” James scoffed. “You heard what Mum said to Walburga on the platform back in January.”
Sirius very clearly remembered. Euphemia had looked down right murderous when she’d said, “And if you ever touch my sons again, Walburga, I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Even his mother, the unshakable Walburga Black, had taken a step back. Sirius had no doubts that Euphemia would make good on her threat. He smiled to himself. She kinda reminded him of Lily.
“And anyways you’ve been a Potter since the moment I met you.”
“He’s right,” Remus said, nudging Sirius with his foot. “You were a Potter long before you were formally adopted by them.”
“Exactly,” James said, nodding at Remus. “Now hurry up and sign the damn card. There’s going to be hell to pay if she doesn’t get a gift from both of us.”
James extended a hand to Sirius, which he accepted and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.
“Best get started on that card then,” he said.
The four of them headed back across the lawn. Remus leaned down close to Sirius, his hair tickling the side of his face.
“What’d Lily say,” he asked softly in his ear.
Sirius repressed a shudder, mentally chiding himself at his reaction. Just friends. Just friends, he thought to himself. He sent a glance in Remus direction. Curious green eyes met grey and Sirius sighed. Taking what Lily had said to heart would really just be wishful thinking.
“Nothing,” he said.
“Hmm,” Remus said, unconvinced, but he didn’t press it.
Sirius grinned at him.
Despite the answer that Sirius had given Remus, something definitely had changed between Lily and Sirius. And though neither of them would ever admit it at the time, from that day forth Lily Evans and Sirius Black were most definitely friends.
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