#as told by kenya
kibibarel · 3 days
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soapstone rhino save me...save me soapstone rhino
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bxtonpxss · 2 months
Spirit Box || Headcanons
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Opacho is multilingual. While not conversationally fluent, she can understand French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and a little bit of Russian. However, she really wants to learn Swahili, her native tongue.
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pxlheaux · 2 years
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With the right motivation, Rue was able to pull her grades up so well that she was offered the choice to graduate early and took it! The kids are out to eat at a new karaoke bar/restaurant to celebrate. 
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katebush1985 · 4 months
in my nightmares i am reminded of the time my coworker tried to """explain""" basquiat to me and kept calling him "gene michael biscuit"
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she-is-ovarit · 2 months
The intersection of male supremacy and white supremacy: Sperm donation corruption and rape by deception of women.
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Jonathan Jacob Meijer.
(There is a Netflix documentary: Man with 1000 kids)
Several women went to this Norwegian man seeking a sperm donor. He had great hair. He had great teeth. He traveled and made Youtube blogs of everywhere he went, to all of these different countries. These women went through a private website as opposed to a clinic. He told these women that his intentions were to donate to a maximum of five families.
As they began getting pregnant and giving birth, some bumped into each other. And what a funny coincidence it was that they happened to share the same donor. And then more met and knew of each other. And some realized that their kids were in the same day camp together, and what were the odds of that?
And as it turns out, this man was operating under several different aliases and traveling internationally, donating to 11 different sperm banks under different names, providing sperm privately for women on the side. And he didn't just donate to five women, he donated to hundreds of women, many of whom connected with each other over social media and formed an online group where all were concerned with what he was doing. And this resulted in thousands of children directly related to this man internationally.
And he didn't just use his sperm, but would also meet up with his bald scarred friend and mix their sperm together in the sample bottle, so many of these women non-consensually conceived children with a man they had never even heard of without realizing it. And him and his buddy and other serial donors would "joke" that they were spreading their "white seed" when they would travel to places like Hong Kong and Kenya.
When he was finally tried in court he stated that if there was concern about incest, the children can all simply wear and use a social media symbol that brands them as his so they can recognize each other. And a female judge (who's name I cannot seem to find online) in a Dutch court, sentenced him to 100,000 euro fine for every time he donated if he was ever found donating again and required him to contact the donor banks and request his material be destroyed.
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Donald Cline
(Also a Netflix documentary on this: Our Father)
A fertility (gynecology and obstetrics) doctor in the 1980s who welcomed women into his clinic before cryogenic freezing of sperm was a thing and it was freshly inseminated through a procedure. He let the women know that he was using the sperm of medical students and that there would be no more than three times sperm from the same student would be used. Some women, who weren't able to conceive with their husband for one reason or another, also came into the clinic wanting to use their own husband's sperm.
Years later a woman who grew up knowing that part of her DNA was from a sperm donor began wanting to connect with her potential siblings on 23&Me. She was shocked to discover at least 10 siblings she was related to. She got in touch with them.
It turns out that Dr. Cline proceeded to use his own sperm on the female patients, hiding somewhere in the clinic to produce it immediately before using it to inseminate unsuspecting women. This man covertly reproductively exploited several women and "fathered" 94 children. Whenever the children would try to meet with him, he would show up intentionally carrying a gun to intimidate them.
One of his biological daughters, who didn't realize Cline was her biological father until adulthood, even had him as her own gynecologist. He performed pap smears and breast exams on her. He knew that she was his biological offspring and she did not have the knowledge and therefore the option to decline being sexually examined by her biological father.
Dr. Cline was also tried in court by the victims; however, the judge was sympathetic to him.
This form of sociopathy not only majorly creates significant consequences to the gene pool for our human species as these half siblings are at higher risk of incest, but the psychological harm done to the mothers and the children are horrific. Some of these (now adult) children have described an entire undoing of their self-identity, and many struggled in processing that the men who may have raised them was not their biological father. Some of these mothers are teaching their children to always ask whoever they date if they were ever conceived by a donor. These mothers now wrestle with conflicting emotions - the fact that they were betrayed, taken advantage of, and used to fulfill a man's god-complex, while also finally having a child or children that they love with all of their hearts who were a result of a violating situation.
These two men share two other things in common: they have both argued that they were "helping" these women. That these women came to them in need and that they were engaging in philanthropy and giving them what these women wanted. That they should be grateful.
And that they were interested in contributing to the white race. In addition to Meijer's comments in "spreading white seed", Jacoba, one of the child victims of fertility fraud/the reproductive rape of her mother by Donald Cline, described how he was using her mother as a pawn repeatedly to fulfill religious, male supremacist, and white supremacist ideals to spread the white race.
Now, look:
Presently there are little to no regulations or legal enforcement in preventing men from committing fertility fraud/this form of sexual violation and reproductive exploitation of women. There are little to no consequence for men substantially altering the genetic pool and using women as chattel and children as genetic products. In fact, Meijer was the first case in which a judge placed restrictions on male reproductive autonomy as a consequence for causing sexual, psychological, and evolutionary harm.
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
U.S. news reports suggest that the aircraft contained civilian contractors and supplies to pave the way for the deployment of a Kenyan-led security mission to Haiti, which is expected to begin any day now.
But no one has informed Haitians who or what was on board. Even the members of Haiti’s new transitional government told me that they did not know precisely what the United States was flying into the country. Although the Haitian members of the presidential council have met with Kenyan and Haitian officials to discuss the force, they said they have not provided input to U.S. officials. Aides to newly installed Prime Minister Garry Conille confirmed that he has had no say on decisions related to the mission. [...]
The truth is that the United States outsourced the Haiti mission to Kenya. U.S. President Joe Biden has admitted as much: “We concluded that for the United States to deploy forces in the hemisphere just raises all kinds of questions that can be easily misrepresented about what we’re trying to do,” Biden said in May during a news conference with Kenyan President William Ruto, adding, “So, we set out to find a partner or partners who would lead the effort that we would participate in.”
As that partner, Kenya will “lead” troops from countries that will likely include Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Antigua and Barbuda. But in practice, it is “a U.S.-led mission with multiple actors,” congressional aides admitted to the Miami Herald. The U.S. Defense Department has pledged $200 million to help the mission, and it is clear from its preparations in Haiti—where some U.S. military officers and many U.S. private contractors are building a base and medical facility—that defense officials from the United States are the ones making the decisions.[...]
Haiti’s gangs do not expect the multinational force to end their operations forever. Jimmy Chérizier, who heads the gang alliance in Port-au-Prince, has said that he predicts an extended period of bloodshed, but also that eventually international forces will tire and leave. He anticipates that his gangs will endure.
13 Jun 24
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coochiequeens · 6 months
I know this blog focuses on TIMs invading women’s sports and locker rooms but Saving Women’s Sports means more than that. Like calling out sexist bs when companies give men real clothes to compete in and women get basically underwear.
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The Nike Air Innovation Summit in Paris on Thursday.Credit...Dominique Maitre/WWD, via Getty Images
By Vanessa Friedman April 12, 2024
Ever since the Norwegian women’s beach handball team turned the fact that they were required to wear teeny-tiny bikini bottoms for competition into a cause célèbre, a quiet revolution has been brewing throughout women’s sports. It’s one that questions received conventions about what female athletes do — or don’t — have to wear to perform at their very best.
It has touched women’s soccer (why white shorts?), gymnastics (why not a unitard rather than a leotard?), field hockey (why a low-cut tank top?) and many more, including running.
So it probably should not have come as a shock to Nike that when it offered a sneak peek of the Team U.S.A. track and field unies during a Nike Air event in Paris celebrating its Air technology on Thursday (which also included looks for other Olympic athletes, like Kenya’s track and field team, France’s basketball team and Korea’s break dancing delegation), they were met with some less-than-enthusiastic reactions.
See, the two uniforms Nike chose to single out on the mannequins included a men’s compression tank top and mid-thigh-length compression shorts and a woman’s bodysuit, cut notably high on the hip. It looked sort of like a sporty version of a 1980s workout leotard. As it was displayed, the bodysuit seemed as if it would demand some complicated intimate grooming.
Citius Mag, which focuses on running news, posted a photo of the uniforms on Instagram, and many of its followers were not amused.
“What man designed the woman’s cut?” wrote one.
“I hope U.S.A.T.F. is paying for the bikini waxes,” wrote another. So went most of the more than 1,900 comments.
The running comedian Laura Green posted an Instagram reel in which she pretended to be trying on the look (“We’re feeling pretty, um, breezy,” she said) and checking out the rest of the athlete’s kit bag, which turned out to include hair spray, lip gloss and a “hysterectomy kit,” so the women would not have to worry about periods.
When asked, Nike did not address the brouhaha directly, but according to John Hoke, the chief innovation officer, the woman’s bodysuit and the man’s shorts and top are only two of the options Nike will have for its Olympic runners. There are “nearly 50 unique pieces across men’s and women’s and a dozen competition styles fine-tuned for specific events,” Mr. Hoke said.
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Sha’Carri Richardson
Women will be able to opt for compression shorts, a crop top or tank and a bodysuit with shorts rather than bikini bottoms. The full slate of looks was not on hand in Paris but more will be revealed next week at the U.S. Olympic Committee media summit in New York. The Paris reveal was meant to be a teaser.
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Anna Cockrell.Credit...Dominique Maitre/WWD, via Getty Images
Mr. Hoke also pointed out that Nike consults with a large number of athletes at every stage of the uniform design. Its track and field roster includes Sha’Carri Richardson, who happened to be wearing the compression shorts during the Paris presentation, and Athing Mu. And there are certainly runners who like the high-cut brief. (The British Olympic sprinter Dina Asher-Smith, another Nike athlete, told The New York Times last summer that while she opts to run in briefs, she also leans toward a leotard style, rather than a two-piece.)
What Nike missed, however, was that in choosing those two looks as the primary preview for Team U.S.A., rather than, say, the matching shorts and tanks that will be also available, it shored up a longstanding inequity in sports — one that puts the body of a female athlete on display in a way it does not for the male athlete.
“Why are we presenting this sexualized outfit as the standard of excellence?” said Lauren Fleshman, a U.S. national champion distance runner and the author of “Good for a Girl.” “In part because we think that’s what nets us the most financial gain from sponsors or NIL opportunities, most of which are handed out by powerful men or people looking at it through a male gaze. But women are breaking records with ratings in sports where you don’t have to wear essentially a bathing suit to perform.”
The problem such imagery creates is twofold. When Nike chose to reveal the high-cut bodysuit as the first Olympics outfit, purposefully or not, the implication for anyone watching is that “this is what excellence looks like,” Ms. Fleshman said.
That perception filters down to young athletes and becomes the model girls think they have to adopt, often at a developmental stage when their relationships with their bodies are particularly fraught.
And more broadly, given the current political debate around adjudicating women’s bodies, it reinforces the idea that they are public property.
Still, Ms. Fleshman said, “I’m glad Nike put this image out as the crown jewel of Olympic Team design,” because it may act as the catalyst for another conversation that has been long overdue.
“If you showed this outfit to someone from the W.N.B.A. or women’s soccer, they would laugh in your face,” she said. “We shouldn’t have to normalize it for track and field anymore. Time’s up on that.”
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limeade-l3sbian · 8 months
"Demonstrations are taking place across major cities in Kenya to protest against the rising cases of femicide and other violence against women.
Hundreds have gathered in Nairobi, Nakuru, Mombasa, Nyeri and Lodwar, some carrying placards with the names of those who were killed.
A 2022 survey found at least one in three Kenyan women had endured physical violence at some point in their lives.
"I am here because I'm angry," 33-year-old Winnie Chelagat told the BBC.
"It is wrong, we are tired and we want something to be done about it."
Men and boys must take responsibility for their own actions instead of the burden being on women and girls to protect themselves, said another protester called Michael Onyango."
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pyro-les · 7 months
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Regina George X Reader
Warnings: none
"You, yeah you, come over here" Regina called from across the hall. Cady looking around unsure before slowly walking towards her. "Why don't I know you?".
"I'm new, I just moved here from Kenya" cady responds happily.
"Shut up, shut up" Regina replies
"I didn't say anything" Cady says with a confused smile causing Regina to giggle before slowly looking off somewhere behind Cady. "You're really pretty"
Surprised Cady happily responds "thanks".
"So you agree, you think you're really pretty?" Regina says turning her attention back towards Regina.
Gretchen joins in saying "You're an international student,that is so fetch!".
"What is fetch?" Regina says slowly turning to gretchen with a slightly judgemental look on her face.
Gretchen hurriedly justifies "it's like slang from an old movie. Juno I think".
Karen joins the conversation saying "Have you ever touched a tiger?".
"No,those aren't indigenous to Kenya" cady replies seemingly happy to be talking about Kenya.
"Cause that's one of my life goals. To not touch a tiger" Karen slowly responds.
"Hey new girl!" Jason cuts In "wanna see a trick? I can guess any girls bra size, just jump one time".
They all turn to him with varies looks of surprise and disgust except for Karen who happily says "ooo do me do me!" While Gretchen calls out "ew Jason!".
Before he can respond Regina cuts in harshly "Oh my god Jason, you do not come to my party with gretchen then skeeze on the new girl right in front of me. Do you wanna have sex with him?"
"Oh, no thank you." Cady says after a small moment, taken aback by Regina's blunt response.
Regina gives her a small smile before turning back to Jason with a harsher gaze "Then it's settled, no body thinks you're funny and that thing you do where you lower your voice is making people really sad." She then turns out to the rest of the hall which had seemingly been watching the whole interaction. "Excuse me anyone who wants Jason Weems to go back to his normal voice raise your hand"
Suddenly everyone in the hall puts up their hand, some nonchalant and some excited to be included in something related to the infamous plastics.
"Wow, you're really going to get noticed around here. We should help you" Regina says with a small smile. "Can you give us some privacy for a second?" she asks.
Cady turns around towards Janis and Damien who are mouthing to her "we have your food" her attention is drawn back to the plastics as she hears some of their whispers.
"Shes nice, I'm sure she wouldn't tell anyone"
"People won't question it as much"
"Just ask her"
Cady doesn't know what they mean but she doesn't want to intrude so she returns her attention back up to the rest of the room. She sees a girl quickly looking up in her direction before returning to her phone typing something. Cady then hears Regina say "Okay so we don't normally do this but,you're invited to sit with us for the rest of the week".
"Oh no I'm fine,it's ok" she starts to say, wanting to go back to Janis and Damien.
"On Wednesdays we wear pink!" Karen happily says leaving no room for her to disagree.
"Yeah he's almost too gay to function" Cady says giggling slightly before realising saying that might not have been the best idea. Before she can take it back Gretchen says "sounds like someone else we know". Karen laughs as Regina giggles with a light blush on her face.
After a short while Cady asks "do you write about everyone in here?".
"Not everyone. Just people who get on our nerves, it's a good way to get out feelings without anyone being hurt" Regina explains.
"And we would never write about friends in it! Because friends are completely deserving of our respect and confidentiality. I mean you would never tell anyone anything we told you, would you?" Gretchen adds on.
Cady nods "of course, you can tell me anything!".
"Good because some secrets are secrets for a reason, otherwise someone could get hurt." Regina states a sudden seriousness to her tone.
After looking up confused for awhile Karen suddenly turns to Gretchen and says "we have secrets?".
Shaking her head Gretchen reasons "of course! You know the fact that Regina-"
"It doesn't matter she'll find out soon enough anyway. For now why don't you give Cady the shoes." Regina cuts her off, turning the conversation into something else.
"The shoes? Oh yeah! Come on Cady." Gretchen says before leading Cady Into the closet.
Karen and Regina start to talk for awhile until the doorbell rings and Regina excitedly runs to get it.
"Hi baby" Regina says as she pulls Y/N Immediately into a hug who mumbles a small "I missed you" Into Regina's chest.
"I missed you too" she responds as she pulls back placing a small kiss on the top of Y/N's head before grabbing her hand and leading her upstairs to see the others.
"Y/N hi!" Karen exclaims seemingly shocked to see her as the couple enter Regina's room.
"Hiya" Y/N responds as she sits at the top of the bed right next to Regina. "Where's Gretchen?" She asks realising the girl was no where to be seen and neither was the new girl.
"I'm here! I was just giving Cady some shoes and having a bit of a chat with her" Gretchen responds as she walks out of the closet with Cady trailing slightly behind her looking a bit awkward.
"Oh I didn't know you had another friend. Im Cady, nice to meet you." Cady said thinking back to Damien and Janis' run down of the plastics and not remembering them saying anything else about a fourth plastic.
"I've heard quite a bit about you, I'm Y/N" the girl says with a smile.
"My girlfriend" Regina adds on as she puts a possessive arm around Y/Ns shoulders who happily leans into her touch.
Cady looks a but shocked before smiling and saying "Oh I didn't know you were dating anyone. Why weren't you at lunch?"
"People in northshore aren't exactly the most accepting with, well anything really. Especially when it comes to the most beautiful popular girl in school dating a loner theatre kid." Y/N says a bit sadly.
"But that's ridiculous, what does that matter to other people" Cady says quite annoyed. She doesn't understand why people can't just mind their own business.
"Everything here is perfectly set out, there's a clear hierarchy and rules on who can do what and if you make one wrong move you immediately fall down. You're lucky Cady, you're new so no one knows who you are, you could be anything, you could be at the top or bottom of the hierarchy. Luckily you have us to help you get to the top"
After a moment of contemplation Cady decides to ask "why did you decide to let me sit with you? I mean I don't exactly scream popular, I didn't even know schools had this kind of hierarchy.".
"Well exactly that, you seemed lost and we wanted to help. Besides it'll help with our plan" Regina responds like it's nothing.
"You're plan?" Cady asks confused.
"To help Y/N sit with us of course!" Gretchen answers "if we were to bring a loser into our group now everyone would question it but if we wait awhile then it won't be too weird because we already would've invited you.".
"Do not call my girlfriend a loser!" Regina yells.
Pulling Regina back towards her Y/N speaks softly to her "Hey hey baby she didn't mean it like that. She's just trying to say that that's what people think and I'm fine with that." Regina grumbles a small sorry to Gretchen before leaning back into the embrace of her girlfriend.
Watching the sweet interactions between the two Cady couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous of the two,she wished Aaron would look at her the way Regina looked at Y/N. But it also made her question, what would she tell Janis? She had promised her new friend she would tell her everything the plastics had said but she had also sworn confidentiality to Regina, what would she do?
I finally finished writing the first part of this fic, it's nor the longest chapter but there should be more:)
I hope everyone enjoyed it. This is my first time writing a fanfic so if it's not the best I apologise.
Thank you so much for reading!💜
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smusherina · 6 months
yard work - chapter 5 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warnings(s): homophobia is still a theme. another dead relative mentioned. smoking cigarettes.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 6
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You'd decided to do nothing about Cady's infiltration for now. Or, well, Regina had told you she'd figure it out and given firm instruction to not do anything.
You didn't exactly like that. Then again, you didn't have any better ideas. Obviously, you wanted her to not be around Regina. It was wrong that she was friends with her under the pretence that she was looking for reasons to stab her in the back. Then again, she didn't need reasons. Regina had provided plenty already.
As September dragged along and eventually turned to October, it felt as if day by day your mind split into an exponentially growing number of pieces. Your desire to protect Regina battled with the fact that she had been wrong so many times, had really hurt people. Didn't they deserve some reparation? Didn't Regina deserve forgiveness? Was any of that for you to decide?
You would have to pick a side and make your stance known, eventually. You'd have to plant your feet firmly on the territory you really believed in. Only, you dreaded that you didn't have as much agency as you'd have liked.
Were you weak or strong for always sticking by someone? What would become of you if you didn't stand up for what you thought was right and wrong? Where was the line?
You didn't want to side with Janis and her lackeys. The more you looked at it, the parallel between them—Janis and Regina—started to become obvious. Janis and Regina weren't that different at all.
What did you even want? What could you want? You didn't have answers to those questions.
The weather was getting colder, so you'd shuffled your wardrobe quite a bit. Short-sleeved flannels and tee shirts were replaced by cotton undershirts and grandpa sweaters. Literal grandpa sweaters. You'd gotten the majority of them from your grandfather's closet, which he had left for you in his will. It was a joke you two had shared, that you looked better in his clothes than he did.
Regina certainly didn't think so.
"Those sweaters are fucking ugly." She put it bluntly, chewing on some gum as she surfed channels on your TV. She'd taken to spending a lot of time at yours recently. You guessed it had to do with her dad being home and her friends no longer being trustworthy.
"They were my gramps'." You pouted and slumped onto the couch next to her. Since your first sleepover, the distance between your bodies had gotten smaller each time. Your knees almost touched.
"The emotional baggage makes them even frumpier." She glanced at you before looking back at the TV. "You'd be better off framing them."
"I like them, Reg." You settled back and turned your attention to the screen as well. "I don't tell you what to wear."
"If you did we wouldn't be friends." She quipped, finally settling on just shutting the thing off. "Now, what's up with you?"
"Nothing." You didn't want to talk about it. You doubted you could talk about something like that and both remain calm. You hated shouting. It always made you cry, no matter the situation. You could've been the angriest you'd ever been, not sad at all, and still cry.
"Fine. Be stubborn." She huffed and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I'm going to Aaron's Halloween Party."
"Are you?" You turned and blinked at her. "Cool, I guess."
"You know how everybody, like, dresses sexy? It's like the whole point of Halloween, yeah? Cady's from Kenya. She doesn't know that. She thinks Halloween's supposed to be scary."
"Isn't it, though?"
"Ugh, for kids it is. We're practically adults. Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." Regina recited as if from a book. "Karen's words."
"She's very wise, isn't she?"
"Yes, she is." Regina mused.
"You ever told her that?"
"No, she'd get a big head."
"Karen Shetty would get a big head." You said, disbelieving.
"They want what I have so bad," Regina said. "I have to keep them on their toes."
"Are they even your friends? Or do you keep them close to control them?" You sat up straighter, some dots connecting. "Is that why you got Cady to join you? Because she was too pretty to go unchecked?"
"So you think she's pretty." Regina shifted closer, your knees really touching now. You tried to contain your excitement.
"I feel that's pretty obvious." You leaned in also, almost without noticing yourself. She was like a magnet.
"She had potential. If she were to realize it, who knows what she would've gotten up to."
"You made her realize that. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy if I've ever heard one."
"What do you know about prophecies?"
"I know that if I scoped a threat, I wouldn't make them stronger." You licked your lips nervously. "Keeping an eye on her is one thing, but you've made her an enemy."
"Fine, sure, whatever. Now, I'm gonna bring her down. She's gonna humiliate herself by showing up to the party all scary-looking, and then I'm gonna kiss Aaron Samuels." She grinned and blew a bubble. The thin pink of the bubblegum complimented her eyes.
"Why? To make her jealous? Because she wants something you had?"
"To establish dominance."
"I dunno, Reg." You sighed, rubbing a hand down your face. "You're making an enemy."
"It's what I do best, jorts. Just watch." She got up and headed for the kitchen. Hated to see her leave, loved to watch her go.
So, you watched. You watched her hatch her plans, how she deliberately kept Karen from talking to Cady about high school Halloween party etiquette, which seemed like a challenging task indeed, and how her leash on Gretchen tightened to an impossible degree.
You sat alone in the computer room the night of the party, trying to build a profitable amusement park and failing miserably. Your heart wasn't in it. Not even gaming could take your mind off of Regina.
She was probably kissing Aaron Samuels right now. Right now, their lips were sealed together in a nasty French kiss that surely repulsed anybody close enough to hear the slurping and suckling that came from the union. Aaron was probably on her, touching her everywhere he could get his grubby paws, shamelessly licking at the roof of her mouth like a dog.
While the thought of the jock being a bad kisser soothed you somewhat, it didn't cure the clenching in your chest. Fuck, it was stupid that this hurt you. It wasn't even real, she was using him to get to Cady, but the mere thought of them like that made you want to puke.
You watched the chaos unfold the next morning. At lunch, Janis herded you to their table near the back. You were barely listening, too busy glowering in the general direction of the jock table. Cady was officially on board now, you were told. Regina had officially gone too far for her and now their real plans could commence.
"Hey, dude, are you even listening?" Janis punched you on the shoulder. You glared and punched back.
"No. Yes, I- what did you say? Something about Homecoming."
"Yes!" Janis practically hissed, looking a little manic. You looked at Damien, who was eyeing you suspiciously. "We're spraying water on her when she's inevitably crowned Homecoming queen. Cady's also replacing her moisturizer with lard. Can you think of anything?"
What, you were supposed to contribute to bringing Regina down? She was kidding, right? She continued to stare holes in you.
"Uh..." You swallowed. "I'm not really an ideas guy. I can help in other ways?" You squeaked, desperately wanting out of this whole thing.
"Ugh, you're boring." Janis groaned, slumping against Damien.
"Good talk." You said hastily as you got up. "I'm going to smoke a cigarette now." So acutely uncomfortable, you talked like a robot.
"Can you gimme one?" Janis perked up.
"No, she can't." Damien cast a look at Janis. "We agreed, remember? Smoking only at the garage."
You took that opportunity to skedaddle. They bickered like an old married couple. Though there was no romantic chemistry between them, they were obviously a solid duo.
Janis didn't seem so bitter when she was with Damien. Sure, now that they were planning revenge their focus was on Regina, but they often strayed off track. Why couldn't she just let go? She was clearly doing better now.
As you rounded the building and made it across the lawn towards the bleachers, you spotted a couple making out. The boy had the girl pinned to the wall. You were quite far away and you could hear their lips smacking.
You didn't want to look too close, because gross, but the varsity jacket and pink ensemble were hard to ignore.
You gritted your teeth and pulled out the pack of Marlboros you had on hand. Regina and Aaron fucking Samuels. You lit up and inhaled before you were even properly concealed under the bleachers.
God, you were such a hypocrite. If you weren't over what Regina did to you in middle school, then why should she be? She'd had it worse, too. You couldn't even imagine the consequences of something like that.
If people knew you liked girls, it'd be over. Even if it was sort of like an open secret, because nobody ever asked you about boys or stuff like that, to have it confirmed would ruin you beyond repair.
If people knew you liked Regina, it'd be even worse.
"Hey, why're you sulking under there?"
"Regina, I'm not in the mood to talk."
"Uh, grumpy much?"
"Leave me alone."
You leaned your head back against the steel, looking up at Regina as she stood over you. She was in all pink. A pink, fuzzy sweater, white skinnies, and Uggs. You had a blue, old Carhartt jacket, denim jeans and scuffed Converse.
You matched with her way better than Aaron. You could probably kiss better too. Not that you'd had any practice. But you'd at least have the sense to not slobber all over the one you were kissing.
Unless Regina liked sloppy kisses. As if you'd get to find out.
"Not until you tell me what's wrong."
I like you. I like you too much and it's hard to think. I can't tell wrong from right.
"It's nothing." You took another drag. "Janis and Damien are plotting. It just makes me mad." Not entirely untrue. You were lying by omission, though.
"What kinda plots?"
You hesitated. How could you? "Nothing concrete yet." Now you were really lying. It sunk like a stone down your gullet, hitting your heart on the way down, and dropped heavily into your stomach. It nearly punched a hole clean through.
"Keep me updated." She lingered and you kept looking at her. What would she look like as Homecoming queen, soaked down to her bones up on a stage? What would she look like after smearing lard on her face?
Not ethereal in the sunlight like this, probably. Though you reckoned ruined mascara and pimples wouldn't do anything to shake off this stupid crush.
"For sure." You just nodded and looked down. You couldn't keep your eyes on her when guilt gnawed at your insides.
"Can I have one?" She hopped over your legs and sat down on the grass next to you.
"A cigarette?" You baulked. "A cigarette for Regina George?"
"Yes, you doof." She laughed and reached for your pockets. "Where's the pack?" She kept patting down your body. Your heart sped up, your palms sweated, and a stupid grin split your face.
"Only one." You turned your face as stern as you could make it. "I'm not ruining your beautiful singing voice."
"You think my voice is beautiful?" When she asked questions like that and looked so small waiting for your answer, you didn't quite know what to do with yourself.
"Yeah," You breathed, sounding a little too sincere, too reverent. "You sang at the talent show in middle school that one year. I think it was a Celine Dion song? Captivating."
"That was so embarrassing. I had such shit breath control." She rested her hand on your thigh, casually, and the other behind your back. Your faces were so close. "C'mon, jorts. Now."
"Nobody complained. Everybody loved it." You reached into your pocket and handed her a cig. She put it between her lips and looked at you expectantly.
If you'd been feeling bold, you would've touched the tip of your lit one to hers. Yours was more than halfway done, so you'd have gotten real close. Maybe in your dreams.
You flicked the lighter to life and held the fire for her. "Suck. Yup, you got it."
She inhaled and let the smoke out of her mouth. You took a drag to keep from laughing. "When you've got the smoke in your mouth, inhale it."
She did as you told and started coughing violently. This time, you couldn't keep the laughter in. She shoved you and you laughed harder.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie, @likefirenrain, @luz-enjoyer, @dandelions4us, @natashamaximoff-69
(if you want to be added to the taglist, reply to this post :))
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meangirls-imagines · 7 months
Stupid With Love (Literally)
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Requested by @rocknroll900: Hello, there! I would like some Mean Girls x reader fic, please! Reader has a large crush on Cady and vows to ask her out. Reader tries over and over---failing each time. It turns out that Cady knows about this and finally asks R out.
WARNINGS: none, reader being a dork, cady being adorable as always
If you were to ask any of Y/N's friends what their favorite quality of the girl was, they would all answer her dorkiness.
But, with that dorkiness, came with a curse.
Y/N was allergic to girls. Talking to them specifically.
Any girl Y/N had a crush on, she admired from afar because there was no way that she was ever going to be able to talk to them. The only girls that she was able to talk to it seemed were the three most popular and the prettiest girls in North Shore High School.
The Plastics.
Regina had basically adopted Y/N when they were in 5th grade after Zack Morgan told Y/N that she would never have friends because she was a nerd. Ever since, the blonde had taken her under her wing, which eventually led Gretchen and Karen to do the same.
The three had a sort of protection over the girl. A soft spot if you will. Everyone in the school knew not to mess with Y/N or else they would meet the wrath of the plastics.
The first day of junior year and Y/N was stressed. She woke up late, missed the bus and didn't abide by the Plastics fashion rule. By the time she made it to lunch, she was already exhausted. She was the first one to the table and just sat there with her head down as the cafeteria filled up.
Gretchen was the next to the table, followed very closely by Karen. The two noticed their best friends state and Gretchen texted Regina, telling her to grab Y/N some cheese fries. The blonde texted back a thumbs up.
Gretchen smiled at her phone, taking her seat next to Karen, gently grabbing Y/N's hand and rubbing the back of it, the girl grunting in appreciation.
Meanwhile, Cady Heron stood off to the side with her new acquaintances Janis and Damian, the two trying to help her find her group. Cady looked over to a table where three girls were. "Who's at that table?"
Janis and Damian followed her eyesight and cringed. "Oh, no. Those are the Plastics. We call them that because they are shiny, pink, and hard." Cady rolled her eyes as the two told her who was sitting over there.
Suddenly, the clacking of heels was heard as Cady's head turned to the source. "Who's that?" Damian and Janis rolled their eyes. "That's the queen bee. Regina George." Cady watched as the blonde girl set the tray of cheese fries down, sitting next to a girl with her head down.
Regina leaned down and rubbed Y/N's back. "Hi, baby. How you doing? Rough day?" Y/N grunted. Regina giggled and kissed the girl's head lovingly. "Okay, come on. Eat." Y/N sighed and sat up.
Across the cafeteria, Cady's breath hitched. The girl who had her head down was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. "A-and who's that?" Janis and Damian shared a knowing look. "That's Y/N Y/L/N, Regina's best friend."
Cady couldn't pull her eyes away from the girl. Janis and Damian shared another knowing look. Over with the Plastics, Regina scanned the cafeteria for any new faces, eventually landing on Cady, who was still staring at Y/N.
Regina smirked and glanced at Y/N, who was too engrossed in her cheese fries. She decided to call Cady over. Cady walked over at the same time Y/N looked up.
Y/N looked at Cady for the first time and finally understood what people meant by love at first sight.
She thought Cady was the most beautiful person in the whole world. Regina spoke for the group. "Why don't I know you?" Cady stuttered. "Oh, I'm new. I just moved here from Kenya." Y/N continued to stare at Cady lovestruck.
The Plastics noticed and decided to invite Cady to sit with them. Y/N glared at Regina once Cady left. "What are you up to Gina?" The blonde smirked. "I'm gonna help you get a girlfriend."
Cady ended up being in Y/N's advanced chemistry class. They sat together and Y/N shockingly was able to have a coherent conversation with the girl. She was actually really sweet and smart and Y/N felt herself falling for the girl even more.
Unknown to the pair, Regina was watching from the window on the door and smirked. Her plan was going perfectly.
Her plan was not going perfectly. It had been a couple months since the first encounter with Cady and Regina had made opportunity after opportunity for Y/N to ask Cady out on a date.
However, she severely underestimated how awkward her best friend was. It seemed like every time Y/N went to ask Cady out, she either couldn't form the words or stupid Aaron Samuels would weasel his way into the conversation, causing Y/N to shut down.
Regina had enough. She cornered Aaron one day after school, telling him to back off Cady or she would tell everyone how he couldn't make it past second base without jizzing in his pants. The boy promised to back off before walking away with his tail tucked between his legs.
Then, the blonde called Cady.
"Hey. it's Regina. I need to talk to you about something."
Regina ended up telling Cady that Y/N had a crush on her but was too nervous to ask her out. Followed very closely by a shovel talk that made Cady fear for her safety for a split second. She smiled as the call ended, excited for school the next day.
Y/N stood at her locker gathering her books for history when Cady approached her. "Hi Y/N!" Y/N shyly smiled at the girl. "Hi Cady. What can I do for you?" The redhead bit her lip. "Well, Regina told me that there's this party everyone is going to tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go together? Like a date?"
Y/N's heart began racing. "Oh! Y-yeah! I'd love to." Cady smiled. "Grool." The girl froze. "I meant to say great and cool and it came out as grool." Y/N smiled at the girl. "No worries. I kinda like it. Grool." Cady blushed. She kissed Y/N's cheek softly.
"Pick me up at 7?" Y/N nodded as the girl walked away. From a few lockers down, Regina, Gretchen, and Karen all high fived.
Their baby was growing up.
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Justice League Headquarters
Signal (Duke Thomas) sits at a table by himself while scrolling for broadway tickets.
Vixen: Signal, you headed out soon?
Signal: Nah, it's a holiday.
Vixen: What holiday?
Signal looks around then leans in.
Signal: I told Arrow it's kunte kinte's birthday and that black people don't got to work today.
Vixen: Oh... Oh yeah it- it is his birthday. I don't have to work today.
Vixen sits down next to Signal. John Stewart (Green Lantern) walks over to the two having overheard their conversation.
John: Did you guys say Kunte Kenya's birthday?
Signal: Kinte. Yes, his birthday. We're off today!
John: You sure are right.
John sits next to the two. Hal Jordon and Clark Kent enter the break room to find the two sitting there.
Hal: Why are you guys just sitting around?
John: Kunte Kinte birthday. We're off. Black power.
John, Vixen, and Signal raise their fists on the air.
Vixen: Are you going to deprive us of this... Sacred holiday? Are you going to do that?
Hal: Nope. Nope. I'm just gonna go.
Clark: But that's not even a real guy-
Hal: Shut up, Clark!
Hal drags Clark out of the room.
Vixen: I like you, Signal.
Signal: Thanks, it helps today since Batman isn't here, but he'd be cool with it.
John: Really? Nice. You guys want to get lunch?
Signal: I know a good sandwich shop.
Vixen: Let's go.
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seulszn · 7 months
Haiti is a country in the Caribbean and Latin America that has been exploited and oppressed by colonial powers and imperialist forces for centuries. Its people have suffered unimaginable horrors and atrocities. Haiti was the first Black republic in the world, and the second independent nation in the Americas and the first Latin American country It achieved its independence in 1804, after a successful slave revolt against France. Haiti's independence was a threat to the racist and capitalist system that dominated the world. It inspired other enslaved and oppressed people to fight for their freedom and dignity. Haiti was also punished for its independence by the colonial powers. It was forced to pay a huge indemnity to France, and faced trade embargoes, diplomatic isolation, and military interventions.
Haiti was also exploited by multinational corporations and NGOs, who profited from its cheap labor, natural resources, and humanitarian aid. They also imposed their agendas and policies on the Haitian people, undermining their sovereignty and democracy. Haiti was also devastated by natural disasters, such as earthquakes ( a earthquake they are still recovering from that happened in 2010 and then a earthquake that happened in 2021 that killed 1,419 people) hurricanes, and floods, which worsened its already dire situation. Haiti was also victimized by diseases, such as cholera, malaria, and COVID-19, which ravaged its population and health system. The diseases were often introduced or exacerbated by foreign actors, such as the UN peacekeepers who brought cholera to Haiti in 2010. Haiti was also marginalized and silenced by the mainstream media, which portrayed it as a hopeless and helpless case, ignoring its history, culture, and achievements. The media also spread misinformation and stereotypes, fueling racism and stigma.
Haiti was also betrayed and abandoned by its allies and neighbors, who turned a blind eye to its plight, or worse, contributed to its misery. The United States of America, in particular, has a long history of meddling and undermining Haiti's sovereignty and stability. Taking 500,000 dollars from Haitian banks and still collecting money. The United States of America has invaded, occupied, and intervened in Haiti numerous times, imposing its political and economic interests. It has also exploited Haiti's labor and resources, and blocked its development and trade. sugar refining, flour milling, and cement and textile manufacturing, clothing, scrap metal, vegetable oils, dates and cocoa are all things given to other countries by Haiti. The United States of America has also supported and funded the Core Group, a coalition of foreign powers that has interfered in Haiti's internal affairs, manipulating its elections, constitution, and government. The United States of America has also failed to protect the human rights and dignity of the Haitian people, both in Haiti and in the US. It has deported and detained thousands of Haitian refugees and asylum seekers, and discriminated and criminalized them.
Here are a list of countries who agreed to help the United States and Canada evade Haiti:
France (the same country that we had to pay just to be free)
Yes I am Haitian my dad side is from Haiti. My fathers family moved up here to Seattle because Haitian was going through a small silent genocide and have been since they have been free from France in 1804, France took my countries money and told them that they have to pay reparations just for existing and they had to pay France just to be free from the French. And then America jumps onto the bandwagon and decides to take billions of dollars from Haiti. Haiti was once the richest country but became the most poorest because of ignorance.
My people are being killed everyday just for speaking out against their government, my people are being killed because nobody was their for them when the 2010 and the 2021 earthquake happened because “Haiti is a bad country and helping them won’t do anything” and they are still recovering from that to this very day. Families are being displaced, the violence is getting worse, innocent people are dying and are fighting trying to stay alive, women and children are being r$ped and kidnapped. I have family that live in Haiti that I lost all contact with because they are fighting everyday, and who knows if they are even alive.
Here are some important links to help you get a better understanding on what’s going on in Haiti and stuff to donate to
Haitian Health foundation
Partner in Health: Haiti
Hope For Haiti
Haiti Aid
Haiti Children
Haiti Twitter Link for More Donations. P2 P3
FYI a lot of these videos are from last year but a lot of them speak really well on what is always going on and why they are going through it
Haiti Debt
What is Happening in Haiti
Haiti and the Rice
Listen Part 2
Free These countries as well
What we want to free in Haiti
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAKE THE TIME OUT OF YOUR DAY TO AT LEAST LOOK AT THESE LINKS. For the sake of My dad and the sake of my family I want to see them happy they wanna go home but won’t be able to until Haiti is free I will update this if I need to and please Like, comment, reblog anything is appreciated
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pxlheaux · 2 years
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Kane: “The night is coming to an end, and all day I’ve been trying to hint little things here and there, I’m not sure if you’ve picked up on them. I love you, more than words can explain. So, I think I’ll let my actions do the talking...”
Kane: *getting down one one knee*
Kane: “Kenya ---”
Kenya: “Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!”
Kane: *laughs* “Can you let me finish first?”
Kenya: “HURRY!”
Kane: “Will you marry me?”
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thegirlmirage · 25 days
Hello. For roughly a year I have been fundraising and supporting Queer refugees in Uganda and Kenya. One of these people, Sheri, manages and protects lesbians in Kakuma from attack. Recently the Kenyan government told queer inhabitants of the camp that they should go back in the closet, and that they would not be refugees if they did not do that, and as such should not be consideded refugees supported by funds the kenyan government recieves.
Sheri and the people under her care need to move on to a better chance of being safely resettled somewhere they do not have to live in constant fear, and has quoted full travel and food expenses at £180 after selling off anything they cannot use, which for such an undertaking is remarkably economical. Please donate and/or share this and we can support them all getting to a safer future.
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queenshelby · 13 days
Daughter Dearest (Part Six)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (47) x Step! Daughter (21)
Warning: Infidelity, Smut, Dysfunctional Family
Tag List will be updated soon! Please comment and engage!
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As the day progressed, some more wild weather had settled in, but that did not prevent Cillian from going out and picking up a delivery for you, namely some photographs you had developed externally from your recent travels.
Usually, you liked to do these things yourself, in a studio of your own, at least when utilising analog films, but this was not an option right now.  Cillian arrived home earlier than expected, his face still damp from the rain. The wind had picked up outside and the shutters beat against the brickwork of the house as he entered.
"Y/N," he called out, but you didn't answer. You had headphones on and was buried in one of your books.
He set the package down on the kitchen table and walked over to you, gently touching your shoulder. You looked up at him in surprise.
"I got your pictures," he said, pointing towards the table.
Your eyes lit up as you realized what he was referring to.
You pulled off your headphones and placed them next to you.
"Thank you so much for picking them up. You didn't have to," you exclaimed, beaming up at him, genuinely grateful.
"No problem," he replied with a soft smile. 
You jumped up from the couch, making your way over to the kitchen table. You noticed that the package was slightly damp from the rain.
Carefully, you unwrapped the package, revealing an envelope full of developed photographs while Cillian stood behind you expectadly.
"Would you like to see them?" you  asked, glancing back at him.
Cillian's gaze shifted between you and the envelope in your hands. He was curious, but he also didn't want to overstep any boundaries.
"Sure," he said finally, nodding his head. "I mean, unless they are too personal for you to share," he added quickly, remembering that you might not want him to see them.
You smiled at him, understanding what he meant. "I would love for you to see them," you told him, seeing how they weren't just random snaps. These photographs were part of your art and everything you photographed, especially during your last trip to Kenya, had a meaning.  They showed a snapshot of life there, its beauty, its harshness, and everything in between.
You opened the envelope, carefully taking out each photograph, placing them on the counter. The room was silent, the sound of the shutters beating against the brickwork still echoing. It made the whole scenario more magical, making you feel as if you were back in Africa, immersed in all its vastness and incredible beauty.
You picked up the first photograph, a black and white image of a woman carrying a baby on her back. Her face was etched with lines that showed the passing of time, but her eyes held a spark of life and strength.
Cillian leaned over your shoulder to get a better look.
"She's beautiful," he murmured, taking in the woman's stoic expression and the way she was cradling her child with such tenderness.
You smiled, glad that he could appreciate the photo's beauty.
"Yes, I took that picture when I visited a Maasai village," you said, feeling a sense of pride bubbling up inside you.
"Their way of life is so different from ours, but there's so much beauty in their simplicity."
Cillian nodded in agreement, completely captivated by the raw emotion conveyed in the photograph. He pointed to the next picture, which showed a group of children playing in a dirt field with a makeshift soccer ball. "These kids look so happy," he observed, admiration in his voice.
"They were! I spent an entire afternoon with them," you replied, feeling a fondness for those kids coming back.
"They don't have much, but they truly know how to enjoy the simple pleasures. It's quite inspiring."
Your voice trailed off as you went through more pictures, showing mostly people and their raw emotions. Each face told a story, and this was obvious to Cillian who watched you, mesmerized by your passion for photography. It was clear to him that this wasn't just a hobby for you, but a calling. He couldn't help but be impressed by your ability to capture moments, feelings, and the spirit of the places and people you've encountered.
You turned around to look at Cillian, noticing how he seemed lost in thought. " What's on your mind?" you asked him gently, your hand reaching out to touch his arm.
Cillian started and looked at you, his gaze softening as he saw the concern etched on your face. "Nothing, I am just...,"  he stammered, unable to put his feelings into words just yet.
"Just what?" you pressed, sensing that something was bothering him.
He licked his lips nervously, indecision etched on his face. "I think that you have a true gift Y/N. These photographs are  incredible," Cillian finally managed to say, his voice tinged with admiration.
You smiled, warmth spreading through you at the compliment, grateful for his acceptance and encouragement.
As the day went on, you, Cillian and you spent some more time together after, due to the bad weather, he had postponed his plan to catch up with his mate Dermont.  You noticed the easy way Cillian interacted with you and the way he listened intently as you spoke about your photography, understanding and appreciating the way it moved you. He even shared some of his stories from his early filming days, for a bit of nostalgia. 
Yet, despite this familiarity, there still lingered a sense of unspoken tension between the two of you. A pull that neither of you could explain or understand. It was an awkward dance of avoidance and stolen glances every so often.
The day after though, the weather cleared and Cillian went to see his best friend, meeting up with him for pint of Guiness downtown while you stayed at home.
You were still under house arrest and were only permitted to leave the property for an hour each day, during which you had to remain within a five-kilometer radius of where you lived. This was to permit you to exercise and attend to important matters, like shopping for essentials. 
These restrictions were frustrating, and the monitor had caused a rash to appear on your ankle, but you tried to stay positive. At least you weren't in jail.
While Cillian was out, you took the opportunity to call Nadine, asking her to come over but, unfortunately for you, she declined. She had an interview for a new job that day and really couldn't miss it.
As you spoke to Nadine, who appeared somewhat reserved over the phone and when you asked her about what was wrong, she revealed to you that she had heard rumors concerning your arrest. 
"I ran into Kevin at the hostel bar last night and I think it may have been Lucy who got the drugs into your bag,"  Nadine explained.
You frowned, feeling a surge of anger well up inside you. "But why would she do something like that?" you asked, incredulously.
Nadine sighed. "Well, apparently she was pretty pissed about you and Kevin having hooked up," Nadine explained, not condoning your mutual's friend's actions but clearly trying to explain the circumstances.
You scowled, frustration building up inside you at Lucy's pettiness. "But I haven't hooked up with Kevin at all," you hissed, your voice barely controlled. "In fact, most guys repulse me and that most certainly includes him,"  you added with a shiver of disgust.
Nadine remained silent for a minute, as if contemplating her next words carefully. "I know you didn't, but Lucy is pretty impulsive," she finally said, sympathetic. "Not that it makes it right though,"  she quickly added.
"But what am I supposed to do now?" you asked, frustrated. "I almost went to fucking jail because of her," you went on to say. 
Nadine sighed heavily. "Look, Y/N, I don't know, but I should really go now. I have that interview in half an hour,"  Nadine said, her voice gentle and concerned.
"I know, I am sorry," you said, feeling a pang of regret. "I shouldn't be ranting," you went on to say. 
"No, don't be silly. I'm always here for you, that's what friends are for," Nadine replied warmly. "But promise me that you won't do anything stupid," she added , feeling a sense of responsibility towards you.
You sighed heavily. "I won't," you answered, although this was far from the truth seeing how, as soon as Nadine hung up, you checked out Lucy's social media to see where she was at.
According to Instagram, she was still in town and you knew that you had to confront her. You wanted to get your name cleared and you wanted to tell her exactly what you thought of her. You were angry and you wanted her to know that you weren't someone to be messed with.
Thus, you quickly threw on a jacket, grabbed your sister's car keys, and headed out the door. The cold wind hit your face as you stepped outside, but you barely noticed. You were too focused on the task at hand.
As you drove towards the hostel, which was about nine kilometers away, your heart raced with anger. You couldn't believe that she had done something like this to you. You had never done anything to her, yet she had still decided to frame you.
The audacity of it all infuriated you, but you pushed past your rage and focused on the task at hand.
The hostel was crowded with young travelers, but you spotted her easily. She was sitting in the courtyard, sipping on an iced coffee and chatting with a tall blonde girl.
You approached her, feeling a surge of anger building up inside you. "Lucy," you said, your voice cool and controlled.
She looked at you, surprise flashing across her face. "Y/N?
What are you doing here?" she said, looking around nervously.
You ignored her question and cut to the chase. "Why did you plant drugs in my bag?" you demanded, anger tingeing your voice.
Lucy's eyes widened, and she looked at you in shock. "What? No, I didn't," she stammered, trying to deny it.
You raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on your face. "Don't lie to me, Lucy. I know it was you," you told her sternly , your voice firm and unyielding.
She fidgeted, looking guilty as charged. "Fine. I did it. But I didn't mean for it to go this far," she whispered, finally admitting her wrongdoing.
"What do you mean you didn't mean for it to go this far?" You asked incredulously, not understanding why she would do something like this in the first place.
"I was drunk, and I heard about you hooking up with Kevin earlier that night.  It made me jealous, and in the heat of the moment, wanted you to get in trouble," Lucy confessed, tears streaming down her face.
You stared at her, shocked and angry. "You must be joking! How could you do something so stupid? I could have ended up in jail just because of your drunken fit of jealousy!" you shouted, your voice incredulous.
"I am so sorry Y/N. I even went to see you the morning after, just before you left, but you had already gone. I wanted to warn you and make it all right. I promise," Lucy said, sniffling and rubbing her eyes just as, suddenly, you watched as a police car pulled up into the hostel parking lot, and it was then when you looked down at your ankle, seeing a red light flashing on it.
"Oh fuck," you hissed, realisation dawning on you and, before you had time to act, Lucy got up and ran off while the officers were approaching you.
You stood there, frozen on the spot, with your heart pounding in your chest. You couldn't believe what was happening.
"Miss Y/N Y/LN?" one of the officers  called out, approaching you cautiously.
You swallowed hard, trying to steady your shaking hands as the figure in uniform stepped closer.
"You are in breach of your  house arrest, Miss," the officer stated calmly, but with an underlying tone of authority.
You nodded dumbly, looking down at the monitor on your ankle. The red light blinked menacingly, betraying your location to the people who held your freedom in their hands.
"I'm sorry, I can explain," you stammered, attempting to reason with the officers in front of you. "I know who did what I got in trouble for and I came here to confront her," you said, quickly reaching for the device on your ankle, scratching your skin beneath.
"Well, ma'am, we will have to take you down to the station and you can call your next of kin and your solicitor when we get there,"  the second officer said, his tone stern but not unkind.
He and the first officer took hold of your arms, guiding you gently but firmly towards the patrol car parked outside the hostel.
As they led you away, you couldn't help but feel a wave of embarrassment sweep over you. What had you gotten yourself into? It was like a bad dream from which you couldn't wake up and, if they actually called your mother while she was on vacation, you knew you would never hear the end of it.
@sunbeamseas @saint-ackerman @oatmealisweird @naxxsstuff @amanda08319 @r-m-cidnah @elysiannook @cillshot @infireddabdab @tastycakee @harrysbestiee @lilybabe22 @adalynlowell @henrywintersdearestgirl @ietss @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @ryiamarie @axionn
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