#as much as I love the game and the devs I play it with adblock on
potatoof69 · 3 years
alternatives for honey impact because fuck them
I know a lot of the genshin community know that honey impact was being taken down and now is back up on another server, but I haven’t seen a lot of people that are actually taking Honey’s response seriously and not like it’s just a harmless joke:
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Yeah, no. This is literally so disgusting. Fuck honey impact, seriously. If you can still defend them after this, or even laugh at it, then you better ask yourself why you’re fine with defending someone who steals shit and profits “5 digit numbers” off of it, and then proceeds to throw a tantrum with ablest and racist insults to target game devs, not even the owners who actually call the shots. Why are you yelling at people who live off of coffee and fix bugs in their code all day? I doubt they give a shit about company revenue, they’re just trying to fix stupid bugs and remember to stick in semicolons. I know that hating on big companies is all the rage these days, but Honey isn’t even talking about Mihoyo’s greed or anything; they chose to target their ability to speak English and use mental illnesses as an insult.
Honey Impact seems like the best place to find info on genshin chars rn, but here are some alternatives to use so we aren’t giving these assholes even more money:
1. Paimon.moe. This is pretty much the best alternative I’ve found so far, even beating honey in my opinion. It has a wish counter for you to keep track of your wishes past the six month mark on Genshin’s history page, a page to see characters’ ascension materials, scalings, base stats, constellations, talents, and even a quick little guide for each character. It has calculators to find how many resources you’ll need to ascend a weapon or build a character, and even for friendship farming. It has a database with materials (and what day to farm them), weapons, furnishings (including which are the special ones for which chars), and artifacts. It’s got an achievements checklist so you can keep track on what you have to do next. It also has a reminders tab to remind you about stuff like the parametric transformer or logging into Hoyolab to get the daily rewards. It has a timeline that keeps track of all the genshin events in a neat format. Also, no ads at all on this site, yoohoo! Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t been using this earlier.
2. KeqingMains. This has base stats and scalings from level 6 onwards for each character along with their constellations and passive talents. It also has damage calculators and even lots of in depth theorycrafting guides and pages for each character. It has info on combat mechanics, artifact sets, weapons, world environment, and each enemy in the game. If you want to know all the meta about playing Genshin, here’s the site to go to. Also no ads here, so you aren’t bombarded with “i just fucked my stepmother” manga ads all the time.
3. Genshin Wiki. This has a ton of stuff, like voicelines, stories, base stats, and ascension materials for all the characters. It also has lore and scaling for all the weapons. If you want to see Artifact and book lore, it’s got that too. This is basically the go-to site for all the lore.
4. Hoyolab. Yeah, Mihoyo’s actual legal forum. They have an interactive map on the site, which actually shows a ton of useful stuff. It shows chests, oculi, world quests, NPCs, fishing spots, monsters, wood, local specialties, puzzles (sorted by what kind, too), ores, books, recipes, and even heat sources if you’re ever stuck in Dragonspine with sheer cold chasing your ass down. Along with all the puzzles, chests, and oculi are also videos on how to solve them.
5. Finally, Adblocker. If you really have to use Honeyhunter (to look at leaked chars, I guess), use adblocker. Using Adblocker makes it so the website can’t load ads and therefore owners don’t earn revenue from their ads when you’re looking at the website. So if you really have to use Honey hunter, fuck them up with adblocker. Don’t give more money to their 5 digit earnings that they’re getting by literally stealing data. The person running this site definitely makes more money than the low level employees at Mihoyo so don’t feel bad about fucking them over.
In the end, outside of leaks, Honey Impact is not that useful, nor is it particularly impressive after all. They have no content other than the shit they datamined. Everything on that website is stolen info, and now they even removed watermarks and are literally mocking the people who created all that shit in the first place. Who, by the way, aren’t the ones calling the big shots about main company policies that everyone’s upset about.
Paimon.moe made to-do lists and wish trackers, and is definitely more user-friendly. KeqingMains have better guides and people actually do contribute their own guides and stuff along with the data. Genshin Wiki is a whole database for lore, and Hoyolab has the actual interactive map.
There will always be other leakers. This entire community loves the hell out of leaks. Hell, I like leaks bc I can know ahead of time which characters are coming so my f2p ass doesn’t suffer. I used honeyhunter before all this shit happened, because I thought they genuinely liked the game and it was useful. I also didn’t know they made money off the site, which in hindsight should’ve been obvious bc of all the ads. Yeah, after this, I don’t think they’re doing this for the game or the community, it’s for the money and the clout. Hell if I’m going to contribute to the thousands they make every month after this.
What I don’t like is pretending that leakers are somehow the Robin Hoods, going around generously giving us info bc of course they have no other hidden agenda, right. Yeah, Honeyhunter made thousands off of that site and tons of internet clout, no wonder they’re trying to keep it afloat. Honey Impact won’t always be the only site that goes datamining, others are eventually going to surface and do it themselves. Hopefully those others won’t be racist, ablest, money hungry little bitches. Or Mihoyo might take another step forward and release roadmaps for the characters and render Honey Impact completely useless, who knows.
TLDR; please don’t continue to support Honey Impact. There are lots of better alternatives out there for character and weapon information that you can use. Or install adblocker. Or get your info about leaked chars’ ascension stuff through secondhand sources that repost Honey’s info, bc that way you aren’t actually accessing their site. Because going onto that website does give them money; it isn’t harmless.  
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chiester410 · 3 years
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Rozen’s a prospective Rance fan?! No way! What a happy day.
I don’t blame you if you don’t read all this. I just really like visual novels. And seeing myself say stuff, hoho.
The series was made from 1989 to 2018 (and there’s ten games!) The creators were amateurs in the beginning so a lot of it’s pretty bad or mediocre. The first three games have been remade though! I’ll tell you about the two starting points the series has.
I’ll be starting off with Rance 01, the remake of the original Rance!
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In Rance 01, you play as a very brutal very horny wanker named Rance. He’s a rapist, a murderer, a huge jerk in general, and this is tale is of his advent as the world’s greatest hero!
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01 is pretty relaxing and low stakes compared to the later entries in the series. Rance enters the Kingdom of Leazas early on in the game, there Rance’s fate and dick intertwines with the many hotties of the city. A lot of the game alongside searching for Hikari is just Rance helping(?) ladies out just so he can screw them. Not doing a good job making it sound chill but it’s a chill game!
Don’t let the manwhore fool you though, Rance is actually a more dialogue and story focused series! If you’ve ever read Mushoku Tensei or Konosuba’s light novels, or watched their respective animes and enjoyed them I would heavily recommend Rance! Both series do their own things with their obvious inspirations from Rance, but still carry a lot of the same spirit so if you like ‘em you’d have a good time here.
Gameplay wise Rance 01 is
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Gahahaha, I have no idea how to explain this! It’s something!
If you wanna purchase Rance 01 you can get it here! (it also comes with 02!)
But if you wanna pirate it! Bada bang! Check it out!!! No idea what this site’s like without an adblocker so watch out.
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The second starting place, my favorite game in the series, (at least out of the localized entries,) also most of the devs favorite game in the series is Rance 5D! I recommend starting here most personally.
For a little context, in 1986 AliceSoft was in fear of going under. Stronger than their fear though was their passion! AliceSoft loved Rance and had dreams much stronger than their budget, to let it all out before the company went down they created a game called Kichikuou Rance. Kichikuou contains all of the ideas AliceSoft had for the series and is a hearty, low budget mess (now completely non-canon.)
Thankfully the company was able to survive and their first Rance after their return was Rance 5D! 5D was meant to be a new start, as such it’s mostly standalone and all of the returning characters have quick and easy to understand recaps of who they are and what their relationship to Rance is.
It’s the shortest game in the series, it should only take you around five or six hours to complete, one of the reasons I recommend starting with it! You’ll have a good idea whether or not you enjoy the series or not pretty fast due to it’s concise nature.
Gameplay wise Rance 5D is
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What the heck.
You can purchase Rance 5D here! It also comes with VI, the game I recently finished.
Here’s a link for the same pirate site from earlier!
Uhhhhh here’s some quick notes too!
Rance gameplay for the most part is very ambitious in a good way and sometimes bad. Don’t feel bad about having to cheat! Cheating is awesome, especially when you just want the story and dialogue like me. Install Cheat Engine and look up a cheat table for whatever game you’re playing once you’ve begun to feel death’s cold embrace!
One reason I recommend starting with 5D over 01 is that Rance IV doesn’t have a remake yet. Rance IV is kinda not good so if you were to start from the beginning it’s recommend to skip it completely for now. The remake for Rance 03 also hasn’t been localized yet so if you wanna go english only you gotta wait for that too xwx
The remake for Rance 01 was made four years after the remake for Rance 02. If you go from 01 to 02 you will go from a nice and more modern game straight to hell. 02 is mostly the same game as it’s original release but with new art. Rance II was made in 1990. 1990 rpgs are death.
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