#as long it can retain the SPIRIT of the source material then i'll happily watch it
deanpinterester · 8 months
Thank you for your criticism of the execution of Sally's character in the show. I agree that it was done really poorly and I have a feeling that people defending it don't really know (?) Sally from the books.
It left a very odd & sour taste in my mouth that she's so visibly annoyed/upset with/mad at Percy so often in comparison to how often she's supportive of him. Book Sally Would Never. Musical Sally would never, hell even movie Sally would never - all of these versions as well as the original were all shown so empathetic, and no matter what Sally's priority of never exposing Percy to behavior that will make him scared was so prominent.
Show Sally seems like she would have no reservations to blaming Percy, almost, if she's annoyed enough; and that's just not how I remember book Sally. I feel like people don't understand that Percy's care and love for others comes from the unconditional love his mom gave him, and now that the show made that patience, tolerance, and willingness to hold down irritation very much conditional... it leaves me wondering if Percy's character is going to suffer the angstification too.
Thank you for your thoughts!
"angstification" is such a good way of putting it lol like why is the supposed show for children based on a series known for its sarcasm and comedy so overly serious and grimdark
anyway i probably won't post much about the show from now on, just bc i feel like i already aired all my grievances and continually thinking about the show is just going to make me grouchy, but the last thing i'll say is: i think it's weird how when the movie completely misunderstood the characters' personalities, everyone was rightfully annoyed, but when the show does it we're supposed to be okay with it because...?
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