#as long as i don't have to sleep in the airport overnight it's whatever
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theninjamouse · 11 months ago
I treat myself to a steak after the hard weekend, and it's too spicy for me to eat
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blue-disco-lights · 1 year ago
🚄 w e e k ly 🌊 t a g ✨w e d n e s d a y ✈️
Thank you @deedala for putting it together this week! and thanks for the tags @energievie, @creepkinginc, @sam-loves-seb, @lingy910y @michellemisfit @mybrainismelted
Name: Julia (or Julia Gulia if you love to quote The Wedding Singer)
Age: if everyone’s doing it… double Nosho plus maybe one more
Location: Pacific Time!
we're going on a trip!!
📍where are we going? Japan (and then I change my departure ticket and just stay backpacking across Asia)
📍whats the weather like there right now? Whatever it usually is when the Cherry Blossom Festival is happening (I think it's soon! so spring?) 
📍are you an over-packer or a light-packer? Fairly light - I know no matter what I pack, I’ll end up wearing the same 2 outfits on rotation 
📍are we taking a plane or a train? Flying (first class, of course, because I make the rules here, right?)
📍early morning departure or an overnight trip? For a long trip like that, overnight (whether i’ll be able to sleep is a whole other story)
📍what song are you playing in the car while we drive to catch our departure? so i remember to come home...
📍we need to grab something on the way, starbucks or dunkin? a whatever they have Starbucks latte, extra hot because I can’t let it get lukewarm while I wait to board - bleh
📍we've made it to the transportation place 🚂✈️! be honest, are we on-time or are we rushing because we're running late? On time, i never trust traffic getting to the airport (which is quite nice, so i don't mind wandering around)
📍are you taking the window seat or the aisle seat? joining the aisle team - just like the movie theater, i hate climbing over people to go to the restroom!
📍we're settled in our seats, are you gonna read or watch a movie/show? a 12+ hour flight and my 100+ open fic tabs and library books on my phone are all glaring at me… so read til my eyes burn/head spins, and then watch a movie
📍what are you reading/watching? let's go with whatever romcom they have on deck in the movie section
📍are you using wireless or wired headphones? If they make you use your phone on the entertainment system, wireless - if it’s fancy and i get a screen, whatever headphones they give me
📍are you going to take a nap or stay awake? reeeeally try to nap, but i’m terrible at those
📍do you want a salty snack or a sweet snack? both?  I’ll take both! but also will need water with those salty ones 
📍we've arrived! are we heading straight to activities or are we gonna rest at the hotel? i’m pretty much ready to explore the minute i get off the plane. i’m too curious to sit still
📍finally, pick a treat to reward yourself for a travel day well done! the jasmin green milk tea boba i’m drinking BELOW
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Thank you @michellemisfit @mybrainismelted and @creepkinginc for tagging me in this Pic Crew!
For the record I haven't worn overalls since college, but it's the first outfit i gravitate to in these!
Care to travel and pic crew today? Both or just one your choice! 🪄 @sweetperversiongirl @palepinkgoat @gembu-tortuesouscafeine @jrooc @metalheadmickey @steorie @callivich @darlingian @thepupperino @deathclassic @heymrspatel @crossmydna @gallawitchxx @sweetbee78 @francesrose3 @deathclassic @jessieoneday @krysmiss @ian-galagher @bawlbrayker @ifallonblackdays @vintagelacerosette @stocious @look-i-love-u @mmmichyyy @rereadanon @sleepyfacetoughguy @heymacy @ms-moonlight-inn @suzy-queued
And everyone who sees this post!
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echo-three-one · 4 years ago
Whatever It Takes : RELOADED
Ghost fights his hurt feelings and discovers something in the process. Could this be the key to locating Samantha?
Table of Contents
Previous Chapter : Delayed Flight
Chapter 18 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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Lurking in the Shadows
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Task Force 141 - Disbanded
400 meters east of Safe House 110197, Brazil
Ghost checked his phone by the hotel nightstand. It's 3:34 am and not a single notification from the team. They probably believed he was out to get intel and didn't bother to look for him. He was fine with that.
"What time is it?" a female groan murmured beside him as she circled her soft arms around his bare chest.
"3:34" he whispered, making the girl giggle as he ran his hand on her hair.
"We aren't supposed to be cuddling like this, remember?" She said, sighing as she got up slowly. Ghost immediately followed, groaning as well.
"I'm sorry Alexandra. It's just…"
"Don't worry. I know this sounds too odd for you at the moment. To be honest I got carried away too…" the interpol agent frowned and wrapped herself up with a towel, making her way to the showers. Ghost trailed his eyes at her and sighed.
"What have you gotten yourself into, Simon?" he murmured and turned to his phone, rereading their conversation.
It was as clear as day that they both agreed to this whole "No strings attached" thing together and he only said yes because he was too broken about France. He needed someone who could treat him well but this was the closest thing he could find. 
Sure, he had no regrets about the woman, she was amazing, but while his body was happy, the heart yearned for something more. It was getting worse every day especially when he woke up to see the two lovebirds chasing against each other around the house.
Just as he placed his phone beside hers, Alexandra's notification tone beeped and her screen lit up, as it showed a message from an unknown number.
Simon wanted to take a peek but the message itself is encrypted, his mind wandered more as the security detail of such a message meant that it was of high importance. It might've been from the EMP machinery they're still investigating on which could also be a lead to Nero. He's debating whether he's going to ask her for information just as he intended to, but he's scared that she'll think he's just using her.
"Hey, you got a message." Simon called her from the bed. 
"Who's it from?" she asked, her voice was faint as the shower sounds concealed it. Ghost wore his pants and grabbed her phone, leaning by the bathroom door as he announced the details.
"It's encrypted." he murmured. The water stopped pouring and the shower curtains peeked open.
She didn't even bother how she looked as she quickly wiped off her fingers and grabbed her phone.
"Shit." she cursed scrolling to the contents of text, which Ghost observed as very lengthy.
"Wh-" he paused and hesitated. He didn't tell her of their little rogue act so any questions might come off as suspicious.
"Shepherd wants to exchange Samantha for the I.P. Address." she mumbled, looking at Ghost.
"What's his deal?"
"To fund his EMP Nuke that he'll get from Nero." she replied as she continued scrolling.
"With New York already in chaos, the President would most likely be desperate enough to fund this, now that the economy is in shambles."
"What's stopping them from fighting against the New York attacks?" 
"We have no idea where the small EMP interferences are, and our strongest lead is that the missing persons are being manually controlled to travel and situate themselves near the stock exchange where they blindly emit blasts through their phones. Like the one we found back in Europe." 
"They walk and interact like normal civilians, so with millions of people around the city. It'll look like we're looking for a needle on a haystack." She added, wrapping herself with a towel and quickly dressed up.
"Where are you going now?" He asked as she walked past him.
"I'll try to talk some sense into someone who can talk some sense to the president. The EMP nuke is not a joke." She spat, the worry in her eyes made Ghost want to console her. But now was not the time for that.
"Can I ask a question?" Ghost said.
"Be quick." She said, putting on her jacket and collecting her stuff.
"Do you have any idea where Shepherd is?" 
The sun wasn't up when Ghost decided to return to the Safe house. He expected that it'll still be closed but it looked like Price and Jack were already sipping coffee by the balcony.
"Where have you been?" Price asked, his tone wasn't that strict so Ghost decided to lie.
"I just took a walk around the town." he replied, hoping that there will be no more follow up questions.
"For Twelve hours. Okay." Price noted as Ghost got inside the house. Ever since he started this little team of rogue soldiers, Price became protective. And Ghost knew that it was bound to happen. Any injuries under his care will not be funded by any higher department and they need to be careful.
He immediately accessed their little command center and began searching. He got two locations to research on, and he needed to act fast.
He did the best he could, hacking into public and unsecured CCTV footage, squinting his eyes over the poor quality videos just to look for Samantha. She was last spotted in Moscow about 30 minutes ago. Ghost had to admit his cryllic knowledge is a little low and his fingers were trembling in panic. He needed help.
He slowly creaked the door open and saw Alex, Soap and Roach peacefully sleeping, Roach was upside down and clung onto Alex's metal leg, a sight worth taking a photo on but he didn't. It almost made him guilty to wake John up, but knowing the guy, he'll understand the urgency.
"Psst." he nudged his shoulders. It felt very awkward now that he's still frustrated about the guy winning France's heart but he needed to act professional, besides no one but Alex knows about his emotions toward the duo.
Soap groaned and slowly opened his eyes, flinching at the skull face that woke him up.
"Bollocks!" he exclaimed, making Alex and Gary shuffle and reposition while Ghost quickly pulled his mask and shushed him.
"Sorry Soap. But I need your help." he whispered as he slowly got up and collected himself following him outside.
"What about?" his heavy accent echoed against the quiet halls while he rubbed sleep off his eyes.
"Russian Alphabet." 
"Okay." he murmured lazily. "What for?" 
"A lead on Samantha." he said. The expression on Soap's face changed from sleepy-scotsman to what-are-we-waiting-for as he jumped to the control center and began typing.
The two teamed up together translating codes of texts and typing commands on different kinds of webcams all across Russia, all they had was a barely readable plate number of a black van which allegedly housed Samantha and three of Shepherd's men which were designated to protect her.
Hours passed and they barely got through any possible lead. The rest of the team woke up one by one and slowly helped the duo. Once Alex woke up, they got another additional pair of hands to help and it made them more efficient. If only Ghost knew that Alex knew Russian, it would've been less awkward. But then again, he needed this kind of interaction with Soap, so he could finally be comfortable around them.
Then there it was. The first solid lead with Samantha's face on it. A hotel not far from the airport. Alex couldn't help but creep his head close to the monitor, his eyes had that longing look on the blurry screen. He was sure it's her.
They later reported their findings to Price and Jack, and it was indeed a lead worth pursuing. But when asked how they got such info overnight, they all turned to Ghost to which he said that it's still within the phone's encrypted messages. Price and Jack nodded and Ghost sighed in relief. He didn't want anyone to know about his little fling.
"Then let's have breakfast and have a little briefing after. I'll make calls to Nikolai to arrange us a visit to his homeland." Price announced as everyone, especially Alex's, face lit up and felt energized. 
8:52 PM
Ghost set up his little command set up at the back of the van. The plan was easy, Alex, Soap and Roach sneaked inside her room, silently knocking down the three guards, taking their clothes and escorting her back to the van to safety. While Price would take down their driver and replace the getaway vehicle with this one. 
The group of five didn't bring any weapons so as to not raise suspicion, after all they're just sneaking Samantha from Shepherd's hands. No need for violence.
"Can you hear me, lads?" Ghost muttered softly against the microphone.
"Loud and clear, mate." Gary responded.
"Yes pal." Alex commented.
"Aye lad. I can hear ye." Soap added.
Price gave a thumbs up from the driver's seat. Ghost pressed some buttons and after a few moments, he now had access to the whole building's cameras and some controls. 
"Chuckles, I'm in." Ghost commented to which Gary snickered. It looked like he was the only one who understood the reference. 
"Okay lads. The janitors are on their break. They're inside that incoming elevator." Ghost informed as he looked at the live feed. The three carefully grabbed the janitors without intention of hurting them. Carrying some rope and cloth, they quickly tied the janitors and hid them on a blind spot away from the camera's eyes. Ghost could hear Alex muttering something to the three in Russian, he couldn't translate it fully but it had the word sorry, don't worry and okay in it. After that, they immediately wore their janitor uniforms and the janitors were already on their way to the 10th floor.
"I don't have cameras inside the rooms. But your hallway is clear."
"Okay. Your ride home is ready." Price muttered, Ghost never noticed the old man exit the van but apparently he already took care of the driver.
"Great. It's all on you three now. Let's save Samantha." Ghost said as the cameras show three janitors knocking on Samantha's room.
Next Chapter : Vlad the Janitor
Notification Squad my Beloved
@samatedeansbroccoli @smokeywhalee @ricinbach @enderio @beemybee @whimsywispsblog
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