#as always if disabled folks consider that i said or did something unintentionnally armful please tell me and i'll remove the problematic pa
Could you draw Aziraphale with a cane or some other mobility device?
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Aziraphale wanted a croissant. He got one. He couldn’t be happier.
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Or… maybe he could. Btw he has little handles with pins on his chair to prevent “nice” people from grabbing it and “help” him move without his consent :))))) ( also, I noticed I gave him a coat that is probably not wheelchair friendly at all, he can probably only button up the highest buttons… I’m sorry Aziraphale… but… maybe he can use this as an opportunity to ask his demon to miracle him a better coat instead…)
OK so I was very happy I received this drawing prompt for several reasons:
2) we absolutely need more representation of disabled people and Aziraphale is an excellent character to help reach that goal
3) this is going to allow me to explain one of my headcanons about the corporations Hell and Heaven give to their agents (more of that below the cut!)
4) I am not a disabled person myself but I do try to educate myself on those topics, and though I still have a looong way to go I’m going to take this ask as an opportunity to promote the Youtuber that has made me understand quite a few things about ableism and how to stop being an ableist little shit myself:
Please consider giving a look at Vivre Avec’s videos. I linked one that has english subtitles and explains the disability they have (Ehler Danlos Syndrom - also, I’m saying they because they just came out as nonbinary today, so most of their videos don’t reflect that entirely. They/them in english and il in french). They are very interesting and their Twitter is full of pictures of their bunnies ^^
OK so now for the headcanon about corporations.
Basically, neither Hell nor Heaven see human bodies or their specificities as good or bad. When they are inhabited by a demon or an angel, most of the time they’ll be using their magic mojo inside to make it do what is more practical / comfortable for them (like preventing sweat and other annoying body fluids from forming), which will most likely lead the host to ignore any disability the body may have.
But it doesn’t mean that the body itself isn’t disabled. 
My headcanon is as follow: Heaven and Hell’s stock of bodies are representative of the diversity of bodies that can be found on Earth in the same proportions ( it goes from eye color to intersexuation to any size shape and age - with a bemol on children’s bodies because they are way less useful than adults’ ones - and it very much includes disabilities ).
Angels and demons alike have shapeshifting powers that can come in handy for when you, for instance, need to impersonate a gardener for a few years, or if you need to blend in and therefore have to change your skin color or other features… But, if the host decides to let their body look like and behave the exact way it was made -so by removing any magic influence they have on it-, then any feature originally implanted will manifest. Once again, this includes disabilities.
To accompany the drawings above, I don’t have a particular disability to propose for Aziraphale’s corporation ( I’m afraid I don’t know enough about it, don’t hesitate to headcanon anything you like ) but it seems to be something that varies in intensity. Some days he can walk, some days he can’t, and therefore he might need his wheelchair even if he could theoritically stand without using his powers to magically force it. 
Aziraphale’s main struggle when he is in his wheelchair is to prevent Crowley from establishing permanent residence on his lap, because that is a real temptation if that demon has ever seen one.
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