#as a majority autistic people have requested you don't use the puzzle piece
master-jarrus · 6 months
Me: *explaining why the puzzle piece is harmful* the puzzle piece says that we are incomplete but we are whole people so majority of the aitistic community with actual autistic people having a say ask that you don't use it to represent us
Autistic warrior mom: but my children are my puzzle pieces that made me whole
Me: *internally* no you were a whole person before they were born just like how they will be whole people when you die
Me: *What I actually said* No you are more like paintings in a series. Yes you all look great together but being separate doesn't take away from what you already are
Other autistic warrior mom: YOu neeD to sTOp beIng So senIsTive anD PutTing YOUR FeeLings oN the reSt of the aUtiSm comMunIty. JuSt becauSe yOu haD a bAd exPerIence wItH auTiSm SpEaKs doSN't maKe theM aLl bAD!
Me: I was sharing my personal experience but there are hundr- you know what never mind. *internally* If you actually cared you would take in consideration of my experience and would appreciate my input as an autistic adult
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