#as a gay ass art student; can confirm
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Craig Tucker Character Analysis: Canon Overview, Pt. 1

So, this guy right here is pretty popular, both as a fictional 4th grade student at South Park Elementary, and as a phenomenon in the South Park fandom onto whom masculine behavioral and aesthetic ideals are projected wildly. I wanted to dig into the character because it’s honestly fascinating that this fictional little space dweeb has been some kind of teen heartthrob for like 20 years. This long ass post is part 1 of my analysis of his character in the series, but it’s largely setting the stage for an analysis of fanon Craig as I’m interested in comparing the evolution of his canon characterization to his fandom reception over the years.
Part 1 here examines Craig’s initial role in the series as a troublemaker and his dynamic with Butters as playground law enforcers in the early seasons, and there will likely be 2-3 parts total for canon (part 2 has now been posted here). Hopefully, by breaking it up, people can more easily find parts they’re interested in (for instance, I’ve seen recent renewed interest in Craig and Butters as schoolyard bullies together) and nobody will think I’m all that mentally ill for dedicating so many words to this fictional gay autistic asshole. Here we go!
Craig Tucker: Troublemaker
Early on, Craig is introduced as a character with behavioral issues. In “Rainforest Shmainforest” (S03E01), Craig’s speaking debut, Mackey reveals Craig is sent to his office every day for misbehavior. Craig’s shtick in the early seasons is flipping people off and being shown waiting outside Mr. Mackey’s office, where he has likely been sent for flipping people off. This lands Craig a reputation as a troublemaker, which is why Cartman chooses him as worst-behaved kid in “Tweek vs. Craig” (S03E05). The glimpse into Craig’s home life in this episode reveals his family to be uncommunicative and not terribly emotionally involved. Also, they all flip each other off all the time:
In light of this, it seems like learned behavior and the school’s way of dealing with it is, naturally, completely ineffective. Eventually, Craig does stop flipping people off (as he hasn’t done so on the show since “Fun with Veal”, S06E04) – maybe he grows out of it, or maybe it was decided the bit was no longer funny – and his family is also diversified in their behavior and manner of speaking. His parents are both as nasal-voiced and blunted in their affect as Craig in “Tweek vs. Craig”, but this changes later on.
His parents also treat Craig more affectionately as the series progresses, but it’s clear that talking about feelings doesn’t come naturally to the Tuckers, and to Thomas Tucker in particular. Coming to terms with the idea of having a gay son in “Tweek x Craig” seems to have softened Thomas up a bit and, unlike Richard Tweak, both Craig’s parents show genuine concern about their son’s emotional well-being when Tweek and Craig are broken up during The Fractured but Whole (2017) (even if Thomas is also way, way too into the yaoi art).
The Tuckers struggle financially, though it’s unclear how much better off they are than the McCormicks and the Cartmans, the two poorest families in town (as Butters determines in “The Poor Kid”, S15E14). Both Laura and Thomas Tucker work, Thomas in an unspecified office job (as of “Tweek x Craig”, S19E06) and Laura Tucker as a bank teller. In “Here Comes the Neighborhood” (S05E12), we see the Tuckers exiting the South Park “Welfare Office” during Token’s song, though this may very well be an exaggeration in Token’s mind. More conclusively, their financial troubles are confirmed when you’re in the bank in TFBW and Laura Tucker complains about having to see other people’s healthy bank accounts all day.
Thomas is a regular at Skeeter’s Bar and we find out in “The End of Serialization as We Know It” (S20E10) that he has accounts on multiple “married but dating” sites, so it’s possible they have budgeting issues as a result of his vices. The Tuckers overall seem fairly dysfunctional, but they love Craig and believe his heart is in the right place, and they themselves seem to have good intentions as parents, if not the strongest marriage or best communication skills. The way they defend him in “Pandemic” against Sheila and Sharon suggests that they aren’t chiefly concerned about their reputation as parents (as, for instance, Tweek’s parents likely would be), but are instead offended on behalf of their son.
Craig, on the other hand, doesn’t exude natural warmth towards his family members. He doesn’t care what Tweek allegedly said about his mother in “Tweek vs. Craig”, and an oft-circulated photo of the diagramming for TFBW reveals he only cares about Stripe and Tweek. In TFBW, Craig tells you that each of his parents likely killed a past Stripe – his mother via accidental stepping, and his father via poisoning as retribution for Stripe #3 having pooped in the living room. For all we know, Craig is just making assumptions, but even if neither story is true, it’s notable how neutrally he relays this information. He might have difficulty relating to his family members and others due to autism, as he also demonstrates other common signs of autism spectrum disorder that many autistic fans have noted mirror their own. He often speaks with a blunted affect, he likes to stick to his usual routines, he has just a few narrow but extremely intense interests, and he struggles to relate to others on an emotional level at times.
Based on the way “Asperger’s” (a term which was retired in 2013 and replaced with autism spectrum disorder) is discussed in “Ass Burgers” (S15E08), and Craig’s inconsistent characterization with regard to his vocal inflection, understanding of social dynamics, and behavior towards others, it is unlikely Craig was intended to be autistic. It is possible that this has become a more conscious part of his characterization at this point in time. In my reading of Craig’s characterization throughout the series, however, he shifts between this monotone-voiced, matter-of-fact guy (which I view as a more purely autistic Craig) and this angry, insecure bully, raised by a conservative father who struggles to express his emotions and expects his son to behave in a traditionally masculine way (resulting in a more socially dominant and antagonistic Craig). These two modes aren’t mutually exclusive by any means, but there are episodes that feature one fairly exclusively; “Quest for Ratings “ (S08E11) exemplifies the latter Craig, while the former is quite evident in “Tweek vs. Craig”.
In the early seasons, Craig is undoubtedly a bully. He’s a bad influence, the type of kid your parents tell you not to hang around, which is precisely what Sharon Marsh and Sheila Broflovski say in “Pandemic” (S12E10), respectively. He often leads the charge in disciplining kids who step out of line, as evidenced by his taping Mark Cotswolds to a bench in “Hooked on Monkey Fonics” (S03E12), sock-bathing Kenny in “Lice Capades” (S11E03), beating Kyle up for being insufficiently fabulous in “South Park Is Gay” (S07E08) (he was right to do it. Kyle wasn’t even using any product 😔), and rounding up ginger kids to eject from the cafeteria in “Ginger Kids” (S09E11).
Craig Tucker and Butters Stotch: Playground Enforcers (somebody plz make this buddy cop movie)
Early on, Craig is often shown enforcing the social codes of the playground with Butters, with whom he also shares a certain aggression and familiarity with violence. One point that often gets lost in contemporary discussions of bullying on South Park is that the intended point of episodes like “Hooked on Monkey Fonics” is not that the kids are so awful and their behavior should be stopped; the point is that this behavior is normal and kids should be socialized properly so that they can learn to take it and dish it out in turn. Whether one agrees with this point or not is immaterial to one’s analysis of the show.
However, just because social hierarchy is portrayed as normal for these children doesn’t mean that the roles various children seek out or are shunted into tell us nothing about who they are. That Butters and Craig go out of their way to enforce norms on the playground in fact tells us a great deal about these characters.
Notably, Butters and Craig both have conservative fathers and both stand out to a certain degree among their peers in different ways. They are also both particularly hostile towards girls. At the same time, they’re emphatic about their interest in girls generally to a degree that seems excessive for fourth graders. That combination of interest and hostility is not necessarily unusual, as boys at that age often engage in what is known as “pigtail-pulling”, or aggressively teasing or bullying somebody one likes. But neither Butters nor Craig really exhibit that behavior towards girls; rather, they are derogatory towards girls more broadly, as evidenced by this clip from “Lice Capades”.
Craig’s deep voice and tall stature relative to his peers suggests he might be an early bloomer. He’s the main boy interested in the girls’ photoshopped pics in “The Hobbit” (S17E10) and seems comfortable being around girls one-on-one given that he has an unknown girlfriend at one point (referenced in SoT) and is sometimes shown in the hallways with girls like Annie and Red. (Also, some random girl comes up to you in SoT and tells you “Craig is so hot! He just doesn’t give a f uck!” Perhaps this is his mysterious ex-gf, and he dumps her for doing weird sh!t like that.)
Craig is (or was, prior to “Tweek x Craig”) frequently shown sitting in the back of the bleachers at school assemblies with 6th grade bullies. Though he appears insecure socially at times (such as throughout the friend contest in “Professor Chaos”, S06E06), he largely acts dominant socially. Some fans seem to believe this dominance is who Craig truly is, but given that he has consistent moments of insecurity throughout the series, it’s far more likely he’s posturing in an attempt to disguise his social shortcomings. He seems to develop better coping methods as the series progresses, but early Craig is violent, reactive, and does not deal well with feelings of inadequacy.
In Butters’ case, his interest in girls is played for humor, as it’s insinuated that he’s gay in much the same way Tobias Fünke is implied to be gay on Arrested Development. Both characters frequently say things with homoerotic subtext unknowingly, and it’s implied that they’re gay and the only ones who don’t yet know it. Unlike Tobias, however, Butters is 10 and may very well not be gay at all.
His fantasies about girls are weird 50s “going steady” type imagery (see his wet dream in “Sarcastaball”, S16E08). The way he likes girls is portrayed as naïve and unlikely to result in an actual relationship (see his crush on Kim K in “The Hobbit”, S17E10, and his first kiss which he has to pay for in “Butters’ Bottom Bitch”, S13E09). He has one relationship with a girl end poorly and starts a whole incel dick-flashing movement at his school. This is not a particularly smooth gentleman.
These difficulties with girls are emblematic of a larger naïveté socially. Butters is a frequent punching bag for his classmates, and it makes sense that he would want to pair up with someone like Craig to enforce social norms through bullying. In essence, it is implied that Butters desires to punish others the way he’s often punished for the sense of power that it gives him. He also believes in things like corporal punishment (as seen, for instance, when he spanks Cartman as Awesom-O for being naughty and tells him it’s for his own good in “Awesome-O”, S08E05).
Butters and Craig belong to different socioeconomic classes and their fathers have accordingly different expectations for their behavior and have imparted different values on their sons. Both boys have an affinity for authoritarianism, likely learned from their fathers, though Craig’s father is coded working class and clearly far more hands-off, particularly when it comes to the emotional side of parenting. Stephen Stotch, on the other hand, is the sort of upper middle class Republican to produce children like this: https://www.theonion.com/gop-maintains-solid-hold-on-youth-that-already-look-lik-1819595704 (see also: the crop of GOP townspeople watching the election results at the Stotch residence in “About Last Night…”, S12E12).
The ass-backwards way Butters has been raised has left him simultaneously sheltered and deeply traumatized, as Stephen is both extremely abusive and refuses to tell Butters truths about the world that he needs to know (think “super aids in your butt”, Butters’ goo, what bi-curious even means). As a result, Butters is incredibly gullible and lets people abuse his trust over and over, because that’s what he’s been conditioned to tolerate. Butters often seeks out a more aggressive boy to assist; he is accustomed to being told what to do.
Craig is almost on the opposite side of the spectrum in terms of his tolerance for being told what to do. He can’t sit through a minute of Mackey’s unhelpful counseling without flipping him off twice. He tolerates nothing and seems to display signs of oppositional defiance, which sometimes coexists with autism. Again, it seems unlikely Matt and Trey knowingly conceived of Craig as autistic, but given that Cartman, Butters, Kenny, etc. are based on real kids they knew growing up, it’s possible Craig is based on someone they once knew who behaved this way.
As allies, Butters and Craig carry out fairly straightforward schoolyard punishments. For much of the rest of the series, Butters sticks by Cartman’s side, but he is frequently conflicted about Cartman’s behavior which is far more manipulative and Machiavellian than anything Craig would think or desire to do.
This part is a bit expository, particularly as concerns Craig’s upbringing and family life, but the next section will be more purely analytical; it compares Cartman and Craig as violent bullies and delves into the emergence of CATG as a rival gang for the main four.
To close this section off, one thing I wondered writing this was if it’s possible Craig wasn’t even a particularly violent child until he was set up to fight Tweek. In the episode, neither he nor Tweek had ever fought before and all the violent acts I listed above take place after the fight. I’m curious what others think about that.
#south park#south park analysis#character analysis#craig tucker#butters stotch#tweek tweak#eric cartman#autism representation#thomas tucker#stephen stotch#pointless analysis
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SEVENTH general reference post for favorite posts/ posts I want to reference
Someone really needs to stop me until I actually organize what I already have lol. If I reblog this, it's just to make sure I don't lose it. Everything's linked to my blog because it's the best, easy way for me to make sure nothing gets deleted. See pinned post for more
I'm going to hunt you down like a Lowland Gorilla
Dudeskull Thread
Shaolin Soccer
Great video essays reference
Coachella censor
Running up that hill
White boy folding himself into "black lives matter" TikTok
Tendinitis exercise
5 accents tiktok
Black people are treated like a sexuality tiktok
Critiquing dreams
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Writing resource nsfw thesaurus
It's okay if nationalists are treated worse than other people
Norwegian guy insulting "hot person" tiktok
Hozier "be wary" speech
The piss cloak
Very normal article about football
Bernie Sanders Tribute
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Korean "fuckit-expense"
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Just like when you open your mailbox it will be explosively hilarious
"With me as teacher, kids can retake tests as often as needed"
Beatles Ghost art
Youre my girlfriend brah
Roger Fisher and the Nuclear Launch Codes
Davy Jones from the Monkees is Gay Drama (2)
Semen and Gay Uncle (1)
Yeah I killed him vid
Misanthropic female authors
20% of the Korean Population died during the Korean War
Raven wolves mutualism discourse
In the tags age & wedding
Being an adult means living with regret and not allowing it to consume you
Prison labor is absolutely the new slavery
Zenitsu flip tiktok
Pup on soccer field does interview video
Lemon stealing whores video
I'm Mr. Sterlings vid & memes
Boundaries between creators and fandoms
Bohemian rhapsody in memes
Fudgers meaners post edit
Ant-Man Thanos ass post
Here's how u age when you're unproblematic
Orange juice w/ pulp
Idea of doubling down has ruined the internet
Easy-to-read bionic typefont for disabilities
"We need to drop the t"
Shinzo abe anime birth propaganda
Color theory
Morbius trailer tiktok
Confirmation bias quiz
Insane coffee shop story
Girl is this wheel of fortune or something
Alpha males eat spiders
"not very political" libertarian dude
Documentary on people in private security
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Tumblr deleted partyjockers drama may 2022 (2) (3) (4)
Wall-leaning tiktok
Disabled people deserve to have a high income with no strings attached
I want shinsou to go up against stain
Report bigotry
"lesbians and bi women are regarded with suspicion"
Ekko vs. Jinx Arcane Fight
Shounen Feminist Villain
Annoying does not equal immoral
Todoroki's favorite hero would've been all might anyway
Brett Fucking Toohey
Lmao (mhy)
My mom and the new lawnmower
"knock it off or die"
Me challenge
LoL 2017 cinematic trailer was the best I've seen
Todoroki making Bakugou his friend
Georgia O'Keeffe (for me)
Don't censor tags
Superhero stories can be enjoyable, but are inherently fucked
I'll apologize if I want
Chip & dale ugly sonic legal
Getting diagnosed with ADHD
Medical incarceration
Todoroki and Kaminari Friendship
Kaminari trying to convince Deku
On "it'll be okay"
On "HP always sucked anyway"
Hiroyuki sawano Elon musk baby names
Sports Festival arc sub
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What will be in my bag? Pre-ordered Manga. Straight and Lez edition.
Here’s a list of English-released manga I’ve currently got on pre-order, and manga series I ordered before but won’t be continuing with the series.
As a note: Some of these titles have been released but I have not received them yet due to a issues with covid backlog effected how things are released. I personally find that if you pre-order it tends to get you manga quicker. It seems there is more pressure to keep up with the new release schedule than chip away at the backlog.
I’m starting with the stuff I’ve already read some of and confirmed enjoyment, then stuff I’m shooting in the dark for, and finally series I have tried recently and have discontinued.

My Androgynous Boyfriend
Story & Art by: Tamekou Publisher: Seven Seas
It is rare for straight shit to end up in my library but My Androgynous boyfriend is an exception that will surprise no-one since it’s pretty queer adjacent. This story is mostly a couple being lovey-dovey between jokes about sexuality and gender but (so far) isn’t problematic at all. The female lead is quite enjoyable as she’s well-balanced and has agency throughout. There’s even ace representation! It’s very low-stakes, wholesome, and sweet so far. (Volume 3 is set to release in November.)
My Excitement Level: The gentle about to sink into a bubble bath variety

Even Though We’re Adults
Story & Art by: Takako Shimura Publisher: Seven Seas
Takako is also the creator of Sweet Blue Flowers and Wandering son. I have dipped by toe in to both those series. I overall find their writing kinda meandering and tepid (might just be me) but technically pretty solid. I am hopeful for this series since it features adults....if the title didn’t make it obvious. I was intrigued by the one character being married but the man finding out about the affair quickly and reacting more realistically and interestingly than the average male love interest in a Yuri. I also found myself relating at bit to Akari’s angst about being unlucky with relationships with women. I also do enjoy the artwork! This one is the most likely of my followed series to be dropped at some point. (Volume 2 of this manga was set to release in June this year.)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism
For more click the jump!

Kase-san and Yamada
Story & Art by: Hiromi Takashima Publisher: Seven Seas
This is a series I keep going back to. While it is the very typical low-stakes bubbly, cutesy School age Yuri...it is a very good version of that. Just warm bubble bath vibes. (Volume 7 is set to release in February of next year. I think it was originally supposed to be released this May but was bumped back.)
My Excitement Level: The gentle about to sink into a bubble bath variety

Adachi and Shimaura
Art: Moke Yuzuhara Story: Hitoma Iruma Publisher: Yen Press
This, as I understand it, is a slow-burn romance about two delinquent girls. I have heard good things about the novel and the anime series! However I prefer manga to novels and don’t have a funimation account so I went to snag it in manga form. (Volume 1 was set to release in February this year and 2 in September)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism

The Girl I want is so handsome!
Story & Art by:Yuama Publisher: Seven Seas
The premise is a young lady has a crush on a handsome older girl who’s oblivious to her advances. When she tries to confess she instead gets roped into being the club manager of the basketball team that her crush is a part of. So it feels like it may end up cycling through 2 jokes and be so deep in the stereotypical manga bullshit you can easily-predict its beats volumes in advance. HOWEVER that is also a premise that is similar to Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun which is legitimately a hilarious series. Also I fucking love butch/stud/masc-presenting women/AFAB people. So I’m willing to risk “The same Anime bullshit” for good jokes and a cute lezzy romance with a beautiful butch. (Volume 1 is set to release of December of this year.)
My Excitement Level: Pretty nervous actually. I hope it works out!

Monologue Woven for You
Story & Art by: Syu Yasaka Publisher: Seven Seas
A woman gives up on a career in theater gets tangled in a relationship with a woman passionately pursuing theater. Since it is set between college age women, and appears to be about more personal and mature themes I am interested. (Volume 1 I BELIEVE is supposed to be released in February of next year.)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism

Mizuno and Chayama (No page yet so far as I can tell.)
Story & Art by: Yuhta Nishio Publisher: Yen Press
Two daughters of feuding families meet in secret. This is by the same author of After Hours. I read a bit of After Hours and found it fine but boring since it seemed without conflict. Conflict doesn’t seem to be in short supply with a story like this! While I enjoy the sugary-sweet high school lesbian romances...those are not in short-supply. So I am always hungry for something darker, meatier, more mature. (Volume 1 is set to release next February)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism

5 Seconds Before The Witch Falls In Love
Story & Art by: Zeniko Sumiya Publisher: Seven Seas
It appears to be a playful fantasy about a Witch and Witch-hunter who’s antagonism turns romantic. This may end up one note and stupid...but I’m always hear for queer romances set in high-fantasy and I haven’t read a Yuri where rivals turns to lovers. (Volume 1 is set to release next February)
My Excitement Level: Low-key

Catch These Hands! (No page yet so far as I can tell.)
Story & Art by: Murata Publisher: Yen Press
A former delinquent runs into her high school rival. After losing a fight to her she agrees to her terms...her terms being to go out on a date with her. I mean the title alone makes me want to pick it up! It may run afoul of bad anime humor, but I’m hoping with the fact that it’s full of gay adult delinquents that it’ll be a little different. (Volume 1 is set to release next February)
My Excitement Level: Medium-key
Series I have discontinued:

I’m in love with the Villainess
Art by: Aonoshimo Story by: Inori Publisher: Seven Seas
A woman gets reborn into her favorite Otome game but she wants to romance the villiain! I had heard a ton of great things about the novel but I picked up the manga version. (If the novel is totally different I can’t speak to it.) For me, the writing is ham-handed, the jokes flop 90% of the time, and the fact the lead’s only personality trait seems to be ~obsessed with a bully~ really dampens this title. Her advances are so aggressive and unwanted I honestly started feeling bad for a spoiled rich bully. I will say it’s saving grace is the fact that the lead is masochistically into the villainess’ tsundere abusiveness. For me I hate tsundere romances if framed like, “I like you DESPITE your insults.” It is only tolerable if it’s instead, “I like you cause you tell it like it is. I’m a dirty little pig. Please step on this bad little piggy!”

Our Teachers are Dating
Story & Art by: Pikachi Ohi Publisher: Seven Seas
Well one reason I stopped the series is that cover you see up there. The sex in this series is fade to black but FOR SOME REASON the 3rd cover has them both butt naked. But on a less superficial note, the story is about two teachers who start dating. And while cute at points, I was just underwhelmed. I think a part of it, is the fact that this behaves like a stereotypical high school romance...and while set in a high school...these are grown ass women not 15 year olds. So I have less patience with the, “Gosh when will I get to kiss my girlfriend?” bullshit. I mean, I would hesitate to call it bad...but it’s just not a good version of it’s brand of bullshit.

Breath of Flowers
Story & Art by: Caly Publisher: Tokyopop
Absolute train-wreck, this is hands down the worst Yuri I have ever bought. The story is nonsensical and all over the place. There is a love rival who’s trying to break the two of them up so she can get with Gwyn...but then switches mid-gear to put in a lot of effort to bring them together intentionally...but she also still wants to hook up with Gwyn...it’s very ???????????? The main conflict of Gwyn is hiding their gender so they can play basketball on the boy’s team (not well explained) is built up hugely and resolved with a hand flick. There is a melodramatic moment where a school nurse says more or less, “GIVE IT UP YOU’LL NEVER BE A BOY!” And it’s like “OH SHIT! The fact that Gwyn is on the basketball team is cause he’s a transboy trying to live life as a boy! Oh gosh it makes so much more sense now!” But the author seems to not even know that trans people exist cause the story bumbles along as if that scene never happened. The closest we get is at the end Gwyn is like, “Look I’m learning to do make-up on myself to make you happy lawl!” Which is I GUESS supposed to be, “NO NO DON’T WORRY ALL OF GWYN’S GENDER STUFF WAS JUST THERE TO MAKE THE MAIN CHARACTER SEXUALLY CONFUSED WHEN SHE DISCOVERS GWYN’S TRUE GENDER! HER TRUE GENDER IS 100% CIS WOMAN CAUSE SHE DID MAKE-UP ONCE! IT’S FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!” Like whaaaaaaaaat? And it ends on a very random scene which doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the story. Ugh just very bad do not interact!

A White Rose in Bloom
Story & Art by: Asumiko Nakamura Publisher: Seven Seas
At an all girls catholic school a young woman falls for a mysterious foreign student. I grabbed this cause it’s gay and I overall like Asumiko Nakamura’s work (she also does Doukyusei, double mints, and others.) However I was just not grabbed with this title. I just felt like I wasn’t getting what was making the MC pants on head obsessed with Steph. Also the lead’s mother tells her that she’s getting divorced and therefore will no longer have money to pay for the university and she’s framed like a super bad person for this. Like I get why the MC (a teenager) would think that something like that is THE END OF THE WORLD! But I remember them really framing the mom like a selfish bitch for this...when like...it’s well established that her mom and dad’s relationship has been toxic for YEARS and that they TRIED SO HARD to fix it. OH WELL! This might be good but it just didn’t grab me in the 1st volume.
I’ll make a post on the BL titles later! Take care and Stay Rotten!
#preorder#my androgynous boyfriend#kase-san and yamada#even though we're adults#Adachi and Shimaura#the girl I want is so handsome#white rose in bloom#our teachers are dating#breath of flowers#catch these hands#I'm in love with the villainess#Mizuno and Chayama#monologue woven for you#5 seconds before the witch falls in love
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Okay, guys, so hear me out. Feel free to add on to this if you guys want.
But an actual full-length character study of Dabi and Hawks? But like, in an AU where there's no quirks. Dabi, a tattoo artist(i know, so original 🙄) and a burn victim, Hawks. Hawks, who was once a pro athlete who had gotten into an accident ends up having a burn scar smeared right across the side of his face. His backstory is basically similar to his own, but he actually suffered the neglect from his family. So he's got mad mommy and daddy issues. And so, when he was recruited as an athlete(im not sure what sport), he had a full-ride scholarship. He was always a successful person in school and tried to be perfect.
So, he emailed became one of the best AND youngest pro athletes. But, of course, he got caught in a bad accident and he was hospitalized for awhile. Hawks- now Keigo -doesn't have the physical capability to be how he used to. The fastest man alive now barely able to run at a normal speed of the average person. Physical therapy is a bitch.
Because of all his money in reserve, he goes to a therapist. She expresses to him that he seems to have a self-conscious issue with himself. Keigo agrees. Not because he's acknowledging the situation, but because he hates how far he's fallen. He's not the same person he used to be. This prompts the therapist to ask, "Who were you, Keigo?" It throws him for a loop because he can't find himself to be able to scrap up any ideas or proof he actually was a person with a personality.
So, the session ends and he can't stop thinking about it. His best friend, Rumi, encourages him that night whilst eating a a giant bowl full of takeout Ramen that he should, "Try something new! Stop bitching around and wallowing around in your own shit. Life ain't shit. It ain't gonna tell you to get off your ass. You gotta do something." He takes this advice.
There are more troubles when his family ends up contacting him and asking for a stipend on money. You know, to support their "retirement". Keigo, who still has a soft spot and moral compass, reluctantly gives them money. Hie agency had given him a large severance pay when the doctors confirmed to the team and league that he wouldn't be able to play anymore.
Without even contacting Rumi, Keigo decides to do one of the worst(but possibly best decision in his entire life) impulsive things in the textbook. Angrily get a tattoo, that's what he's gonna do. So, he goes to this stupid little tattoo parlor. Isn't the best, the employees are apparently a bit crazy(especially the 18-year-old blonde desk worker, jfc). But he likes the vibe. This is the perfect place to ruin his life. Yes. It's called The League of Villains. Pretty edgy, right? Right, that's the point.
And so he already planned the appointment last night when he was kinda drunk. You know, putting himself in a stupor with deliciously fancy brandy and possible soda in the mix? It was strong. But he was so for this qt the moment. Of course, he was nervous as he got pointed to the closest room. The door was ajar and he could hear some edgy pop punk music he could imagine some teenager in their emo-phase would listen to after their breakup with their first boyfriend they had for like 4 days. So, he opens the door to see this mop of black hair, and instantly, the long overcoat with staples jumps out at him. Oh God, is this guy a teenager stuck in his emo phase?
Said-guy looks up and he has these gorgeous flaming blue eyes that looks like he could drown in and be burnt in at the same time. There were so many piercings on his face, and he looked intense with tattoos. The more he stared. He noticed the leathery burnt flesh underneath the intricately done patchwork of an elaborate tattoo. They were plentiful of electric blue flowers that matched his scorching eyes, monochrome smoke with pairing wild flames that looked something out of a folklore book. It was just utterly magnetic and magical and--
And the tattoo artist glances up at Keigo with this knowing smirk. And wow, he's hot AND pretty. How dare he? His own burn scar visible on his face makes him look so wretched. How can he pull that off so well? And so, that's how Keigo got a Hawks tattoo on the side of his neck. He wasn't that dedicated to get one over his scar like this guy here. Soon enough, he learned that his name is Dabi, he's been a tattoo artist for about three to four years. Before that, he was a starved artist who took like, a couple of years in philosophy(maybe he could be an art student with an associate's???). He blatantly made flirty comments toward Keigo and wow. If he wasn't gay before, he is now.
The two share contact information, they talk, and Keigo genuinely gets 10x better with his mental health. Apparently Dabi had no fucking clue that he was a pro athlete because all he watches are stupid documentaries and terrible reality shows. And maybe some ghibli films, because he's a man of flavor.
Dabi starts to learn a lot about Keigo but Keigo never learns a lot from Dabi. Eventually they start hanging out. This evolves into intense flirting. And then this turns into hook-ups. All Keigo knows is that apparently he's a good lay, Dabi's tongue is very hot for no reason(like temperature don't kill me lmao), and he might have severe commitment issues because he only deems them as friends. Now, Hawks normally wouldn't care. But Dabi then starts to invite him out after he confides in him about his therapy session.
So, they start going on not-dates. To coffee shops, to bakeries, McDonald's at 3am after a quick fuck, and even more stuff that he knows would be deemed as dates but they just aren't. The tattoo artist claims he doesn't care, but it's so evident that he does.
And he doesn't realize Dabi has as many problems as he does when he thinks about the entire situation. He has feelings for the man, and it's apparent that the other wants no strings attached. So, he brings it up after they have an "intimate" moment. Keigo looks over at the raven, and he sees him staring at him with this placid look on his face. And then he swears he sees tears welling up in his eyes. Then there's a slow meld of pink appearing on his face, up on the healthy portion of his skin. Before he knows it, Dabi just fucking up and leaves without much of a word and Keigo just feels-- he feels like shit.
And that's where I stop because I've been typing on my phone for 30 minutes and I'll keep going on. What do you guys thinks lmao
#boku no hero academia#boku no hero fanfic#my hero academia#dabihawks#dabi is touya#dabi is todoroki touya#dabi x keigo#touya x keigo#dabi x hawks#my hero imagines#bnha#mha#mha dabi#mha hawks#mha au#mha au idea#rumi usagiyama
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More Than Meets the Eye #12- Gay Rights: the Movie
Finally finished with our franchise obligations! Let’s get back to the main story.
Those are some ominous ellipses. Almost like something bad is going to happen!
Let’s take a look at Cover A for this issue.

When this was released to the general public, alongside the synopsis that stated the Lost Lighters were going to run into a group of Decepticons, a lot of people thought we’d be seeing them meet the Scavengers. This isn’t the case, and that’s not Fulcrum. It’s some other K-Con, one that has purple in his color scheme.
Our story opens up with a narrative framing device:
Welcome to “Before & After”, one of the more ambitious issues of MTMTE in terms of storytelling. Roberts really likes bouncing between scenes and POVs, and he’s really indulging that here.
Rodimus and crew have loaded up on one of the Lost Light’s scouting ships to check in on a planet called Temptoria. Whirl’s leading all the guys in the front in a war cry that wouldn’t be out of place in Hollywood’s version of the Vietnam war, while Brawn demonstrates how to not properly handle a gun. Rodimus tries to explain what exactly they’ll be doing, but no one’s listening, feeding off of the chaotic energy. The back seat isn’t quite as rowdy.

Oh, Ambulon’s here? That’s got to be awkward. And Perceptor’s looking mighty cross about having to pick up a gun again. Isn’t he supposed to be retired from being a science sniper?
Rodimus finally gets everyone to settle down long enough to explain the situation, though not without a little jargon mixup.
Basically, Ultra Magnus went down to Temptoria while the “Shadowplay” story was being told, and found out that the organic populace had been enslaved by a group of Decepticons, and, more importantly, the sovereign agreement that the planet had with Cybertron’s been violated. Also, these guys might have been the one’s who kidnapped the Circle of Light. You remember those guys, right? The guys who were supposed to be in the 2012 Annual, but they weren’t, and Drift got really mad about it.
Rodimus wraps up the briefing with a “’Til all are one!” And we cut over to see what Swerve and Tailgate are up to. Tailgate seems to be a little nervous, not the type to enjoy waiting, but Swerve seems to be doing just fine. Why is that, exactly?
Even if Rung’s still a steamed side dish of a vegetable, he’s still here, in a way. And good on Swerve for not assuming Tailgate can visualize in the same way he can. Aphantasia is more common than one might think.
Escapism is an interesting way of dealing with your problems, but I don’t know enough about wartime psychiatry to know if this is something that would actually be considered a viable solution or not.
Oh, now that I’ve said it, I’ve got the research itch.
Later, later.
Anyway, Tailgate gives it a spin, and his happy place is surprisingly domestic for such a seasoned professional.
Pipes, it’s a clear glass, it’s not hiding anything from you.
Speaking of Pipes, he’s seated next to Hound, as they discuss what happened to Red Alert. Or, rather, the cover story that’s been fed to the rest of the crew by Rodimus, which is that the engine room pretty much attacked him. This is how ghost stories get started.
Trailcutter’s gotten some guns installed in his legs, because he’s a hypocrite.
Over with Chromedome and Rewind, there’s trouble in paradise, as they’re having a lovers’ spat. Chromedome’s giving Rewind the silent treatment, and Rewind’s having none of it. What exactly are they fighting about? We don’t get to know about that yet, but it’s digging up other issues, like Chromedome going back on his promise to stop injecting. The only thing keeping this from becoming a total meltdown is Whirl can-canning through the door to kidnap Rewind, so he can film Whirl getting in the zone before the fight. Whirl’s having a great time. This is probably the first time they’ve gotten to fight something since the Lost Light took off, and he’s all about it.
Rewind’s dragged away, and Chromedome just lets it happen, because he’s feeling cross. It’s good to take a moment to cool off, but I’m not quite sure this was the best time or way for it to happen.
Meanwhile, on the Temptorian surface, Blip the Decepticon, who is likely the dirtiest son of a gun we’ve run into so far, is asked to take a look at the monitor by a guy who sounds exactly like Megatron. It doesn’t particularly matter which Megatron, because comics are not an audio-based medium, so you can pick whichever one you like best. What’s on the monitor does not please Blip in the slightest.
I feel like maybe having guys who don’t turn into flying machines jump out of the bottom of the shuttlecraft isn’t the greatest tactical thinking, but I’m sure everything will be okay. Brawn’s got a gun, maybe he’ll figure out how to rocket-jump before he hits terminal velocity.
Then the narrative jumps to after the fight, as the ship flies away from the scene, and Chromedome isn’t happy. It’s for a different reason than earlier, though.
Man, Pipes just can’t win, can he?
Ambulon remembers that he is, in fact, a medical professional, and starts working on Rewind, while Chromedome tries to ask Swerve just what the hell happened. Swerve’s having his own issues, however.
I’d nearly forgotten they had skeletons.
On the production side of this issue, we’ve got two artists: there’s our usual guy, Alex Milne on the “Before” sections, and Brandon Cahill on the “After”. Cahill’s other Transformers work includes The Transformers (2009) and the sister series to MTMTE, Robots in Disguise. Outside of the franchise, he’s worked on several Marvel pieces, including writing Sable & Fortune and Legion of Monsters. Unlike a lot of the alternate artists we’ve seen for the series, Cahill won’t be a one-and-done; we’ll see his art again in Dark Cybertron, Season 2 of MTMTE, and even Lost Light.
Getting back to the story, we’ve jumped back to the point in the battle where everyone’s hit the ground and are just wailing on each other. Tailgate and Swerve watch the chaos unfold, as Ultra Magnus more or less takes on a platoon of Decepticons.
Drift’s having a great time, as he Naruto runs through the enemy, slashing as he goes with a big ol’ smile on his face. He stabs a guy in the back of the head who was trying to grapple with Rodimus, thus interrupting the little dialogue they had going on. Rodimus is vaguely upset that his moment was cut short.
In the “After”, the shuttle’s landed back on the Lost Light, and Chromedome rushes out with Rewind in his arms to find First Aid with a motorized stretcher. He was hoping for Ratchet- he wants only the best for his shnookums. As they run Rewind down to the medibay, Chromedome starts listing off his allergies- which include ultraviolet light, something we know reveals mnemosurgery scars. This is a holdover from a dropped plot point I’ll cover at a later time; as it stands in the canon narrative, Rewind’s just got an allergy to the friggin’ sun.
Back at the shuttle, Tailgate starts dragging Cyclonus down the gangplank. Oh, hell. You know it’s a bad situation when the guy who literally couldn’t die for six million years is out of commission.
Spoke and Lockstock are a bit of a gag- they always manage to get their asses kicked, but everyone on the ship really likes them. They will never be seen on-panel, and have no character designs.
Over in the medibay, history is being made.

Esteemed members of the jury, I present to you: canon gay robots. The first in a long line of them. This is the starting point of the queer community being handed the Transformers franchise on a silver platter.
Up to this point, Roberts hadn’t gotten any further than implied attraction and affection between robots, in either his fanworks or professional credits. Pretty heavy-handed implication in some cases-
-but implication nonetheless. Here is the first, honest-to-god direct confirmation of two male-coded robots in love.
In love and space-married and recognized by the authority in power, in a comic written in 2012, as a part of a major franchise owned by a massive American company, three years before same-sex marriage would be legalized on a federal level.
As part of the story, it’s great. Within the context of the time during which it was published, it’s a whole other level. This wasn’t just good writing, it was important.
Let me part the kimono a little here, with some personal backstory- I grew up in Buttfuck Nowhere, NC, and went to a high school that was so homogeneous, they were threatening to bus students in after I graduated. I didn’t know what a gay person even was until I was 12. “Lesbian” was used as an insult, and it was one I was subjected to because I had cut my hair short in middle school and wore cargo shorts on occasion. It was something I really pushed against, because that’s how a lot of people react to being forcibly given a label.
Not the best environment for a little queer kid, clearly.
It wasn’t until well after I’d gone to college that I really started understanding who I was. Hell, I’m still figuring some things out, but at least I’m getting somewhere.
I remember reading this for the first time in 2015- yes, I got into the comics sort of late- and then having to reread it. I needed a moment just to process what had happened. As a person who had only recently come to terms with their sexuality at the time, it was kind of mind-blowing to have that sort of representation, especially since I was also watching Transformers Prime at around the same time. Talk about the duality of man, am I right?
These days, there’s a lot more representation in many different forms of media. Things are getting better. Which, y’know, yay! I’m glad. I just can’t help but wonder if things would have been a little different if this sort of representation had been available earlier on.
Anyway, so yes, Chromedome’s got a difficult choice to make for Rewind- either let his body try to sort itself out, or let First Aid break out the clamps and try to jumpstart him. Rewind’s got a relatively rare spark type, but luckily Chromedome’s the same type. Looks like everything’s coming up roses for our boys!
Tailgate and Cyclonus aren’t getting nearly as good a break.
My god, he’s filled with grape soda!
Back in the “Before”, things are getting a little silly.
Chromedome, what POSSIBLE tactical advantage could you be gaining from riding the giant, fire-breathing robot dinosaur? This is why they threw you in Kimia, isn’t it? Because you’re a dumbass.
While this bullshit is happening, Rewind and Tailgate are stacked on top of each other to look through a window, because I guess that’s just how things turn out when the resident couple on the ship is upset with one another. Rewind’s found something, but it isn’t the Circle of Light. Rather, it seems the Decepticons are dabbling in Pink Alchemy- a rather inefficient process that allows organic creatures to be turned into energon for consumption.
The good guy thing to do would be to save all the organics, but there’s a bit of a problem- the door is wired to a massive bomb. Good thing Tailgate was in Bomb Disposal, and is just generally an impressive and well-established dude. He gets to work.
Getting back to a point I made during Chaos Theory, Whirl can’t make a fist. Punching himself in the face is probably more akin to slashing it.
Tailgate’s got a weird approach to bombs, taking the time to teach Rewind how to do it, by way of student-led learning. They decide to poke a hole in the bottom of the bomb to drain all the explosive fluid out, which Tailgate does with little robot tears streaming down his face. Fear is a great motivator.
Oof, not a “Domey” in sight. That’s how you know things are rough.
Outside of this little scene, Whirl and Cyclonus are handling Decepticons. Whirl’s got a hold on that guy who’s voiced by Frank Welker, and we get a nice shot of his sad cat face before Whirl turns his head into a memory.
Swerve- who is also here- asks Whirl to loan him a gun.
Not a single one of you bastards know proper gun safety! Between all the severe depression and reckless weapon-handling, I genuinely have no idea how the hell are any of you are still alive.
In the “After”, Chromedome’s just finished jumpstarting Rewind, and it’ll take a bit to see if it worked, so he’s left alone with his thoughts.
Just kidding, Tailgate’s come over to check in. Seems like Cyclonus is gonna pull through, something Chromedome’s not terribly thrilled about. Chromedome’s still miffed about the whole Kimia thing.
We finally learn why Chromedome and Rewind were fighting; it was because Rewind, as a walking historical database, has been deemed too important to die, and can opt out of any fight he choose to, but he doesn’t, thereby putting himself in harm’s way unnecessarily. Maybe he just worries about you when you go out there on the battlefield alone, Chromedome, you ever think of that? Maybe he doesn’t want to wonder when his husband will return home from the war.
Tailgate asks about all the little vials that are scattered around Rewind’s hospital bed, and we get a little Cybertronian tradition thrown at us.
The vials are filled with innermost energon, the stuff that surrounds the spark casing and never changes, no matter how much you modify or upgrade your body. Leaving a little of the stuff for someone in an offering signifies that you care very much for that person. Chromedome can’t give Rewind any, because he was “born dry”, but I think being space-married to the guy more than makes up for it.
Tailgate asks how the two of them met, and unlike in issue #6, Chromedome is feeling vulnerable enough to indulge the question this time.
But first we need to establish that Chromedome is insanely insecure.
So, Rewind is fucking old. He’s older than the Cybertronian civil war, he’s older than the calendar system, and he’s old enough to have been affected by Functionist society’s categorization system. Due to being a memory stick- something that there were millions of back in the day- Ratioism dictated that Rewind as an individual was worth very little, and made him and his like into slaves. Because he was a slave, he needed a master, and that master was none other than Dominus Ambus, also known as Cybertron’s Mech of the Year for 40,000 consecutive years.
Even on Cybertron, there’s a weird stigma about breastfeeding.
Rewind and Dominus quickly became friends, because that’s just the sort of guy Rewind is, and it made Dominus realize that maybe these slaves Cybertron had been working to death were sentient creatures worthy of respect too. He even developed a test to prove that all the slave classes were on the same level of functionality as everyone else.
On their quest to find a cure for the horrible disease Cybercrosis, Rewind and Dominus fucked off into space, on a wild goose chase to try and find Luna 1, the Cybertronian moon that just disappeared one day. Weird, that. They didn’t find it, and by the time they’d come back home, the war was well underway. They immediately became Autobots, and that was it for a while.
Then we move on to how Chromedome and Rewind met, and boy is it a doozy.
Chromedome had decided he wanted to kill himself, so he moseyed on over to the nearest relinquishment clinic- they did assisted suicides instead of body-swaps at this point- to do the deed. He was sitting in the waiting room, when he heard someone screaming. He wandered into the back to find Rewind weeping over a coffin, and he thought to himself ��Maybe I don’t need to die after all” as he offered his future conjunx a shoulder to cry on.
What a fucking dark start to a relationship.
Rewind wasn’t upset about anyone who was dead though, but rather missing- Dominus had disappeared into thin air months ago, and Rewind was getting desperate to find him, looking in more and more awful places in the hope of recovering what he’d lost.
As it turns out, he’s still doing that. The reason the two of them are on the Lost Light is because Rewind needs to find Dominus- alive or dead, it doesn’t seem to particularly matter at this point. That’s why he buys snuff films in dark alleys.
See, Tailgate gets it.
Guys, bad news.
Chromedome’s spark is too weak to jumpstart Rewind. Unless they find another compatible donor, Rewind’s gonna be in big trouble. There’s nothing to do but wait.
Later, in their room, Chromedome is sitting on the floor and very much not following doctor’s orders to get some sleep. Someone on the opposite side of the door he’s leaning up against starts talking to him. Chromedome doesn’t seem to want to hear any of it, until he does.
Given who the basement dweller is, this probably won’t turn out so hot.
Chromedome gets a call from the medibay, and fortunately the universe has decided to play nice this go around, because someone came forward as a match.
But it’s not like Whirl cares about anyone, right? Not in the slightest, nuh-uh, not him!
While Chromedome gives Whirl what is probably an uncomfortably long hug, and they both most likely ignore the fact that Chromedome would be actively suicidal without Rewind, Tailgate’s off in the corner, having taken his hand off and begun pouring cartoon toxic waste into a vial. It’s actually his innermost energon. Boy’s making an offering, but it isn’t to Rewind.
It’s to this ungrateful fuck.
Cyclonus stalks away from Tailgate’s kindness, until he’s stopped by witnessing the power of love.
Everyone likes Rewind, and these displays of affection seems to have reminded Cyclonus that he’s horrifically lonely. Feeling some remorse over his actions- not that he’ll ever admit it out loud- he goes back to help Tailgate pick up the pieces of the vial he broke.
Wrapping up our story, we go back to the “Before”, right before the bomb is set to go off. Whirl and Cyclonus have more or less taken care of the Decepticons, Whirl suggests they set aside their differences and agree to stop trying to murder each other, in a surprising show of reason and, perhaps, self-preservation. Cyclonus doesn’t seem to agree with the idea.
I genuinely think that’s the most he’s said all series up to this point.
Rewind calls the two idiots over for help, because Tailgate’s about to pull a self-sacrifice to get this bomb emptied, and he just isn’t listening to reason. Cyclonus assists.
Once Tailgate’s been fastball-specialed out of the room, Whirl decides to get back to being a bastard, and locks Cyclonus and Rewind in with the bomb with 10 seconds left on the clock. Ah, so the donation was out of guilt, I see. Still a form of caring, in its own way.
With no way to escape, all Cyclonus can do is attempt to shield Rewind with his body as the bomb goes off.
That’s the end of the issue but it’s the middle of the story, and despite what Cyclonus says, dynamics are changing. Slowly, but surely, things are shifting. He’s headed for a lot of character development, and he’ll be kicking and screaming the whole way.
#transformers#jro#mtmte#issue 12#maccadam#Hannzreads#text post#long post#overthinking about robots#incoming analysis#comic script writing
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very Important adam/ronan things to take away from the cdth sampler:
“like the other lynch brothers, he was a regular churchgoer, but most people assumed he played for the other team.” i am SCREAMING. top tier gay joke. well timed.
everyone: ronan’s eyes aren’t pretty. adam: mhmm e y e l a s h e s
much to say about the revelation that ronan is partly at the barns to keep his dreams hidden and in check, and how much he relates an inability to change and be like everyone else to having to stay there. almost like he’s stuck huh! i’ve been saying!!
of note that words used to describe ronan’s existence are BORED and MALINGERED.
fingers crossed he finds some balance between his dreams and his wants/needs that allows him to leave the barns and grow but after the Great Crab Disaster I’M WORRIED.
fire imagery EVERYWHERE. i’m WORRIED again.
“there are stains that spread faster than you drive. if you drive, it’ll take fourteen years to get there. seventeen. forty. one hundred. we’ll be driving to your funeral by the end.” good to know ronan is still the most DRAMATIC boy in the whole of virginia. absolutely no chill.
dont like the possible foreshadowing of that driving to your funeral by the end, though. must leave lynches alone!
“it’s very safe” asjkajjka DECLAN PLEASE
“ronan kicked one of the volvo’s tires” asjkajjka RONAN PLEASE.
ronan trying to act nonchalant by cramming chocolate covered peanuts into his mouth and choking a little is Peak Disaster Gay.
matthew’s music must be awful if ronan and declan are in agreement over it, must have playlist.
ronan who lives to pretend he doesn’t care wondering if his brothers didn’t say anything about his moving because it didn’t make a difference to them is huhhh. don’t like it, take it away pls.
shut up!!!! shut upppppp!
“is there any version of you that could come with me to cambridge?” tbh nothing would have readied me for this. adam i-can-do-everything-alone asking ronan if he could go with him. so much growth, too much pride, nowhere to put it, send help.
the fact that ronan doesn’t stay in cambridge when he visits adam because of plausible deniability, that if he doesn’t try there’s no evidence he can’t make it there. rip.
ronan! missed! him! like! a! lung!
dramatic again, but entirely relatable bc damn, same ronan, same.
a) ronan thinking about how his heartbeat is the same as everyone else’s so he wasn’t that different and b) JUST LIKE ADAM’S HEART WHEN HIS HEAD WAS RESTING ON HIS HEAD = much too much to think about. need to lie down for a bit.
he could move to follow the guy he loved!! we all knew it was love, we’ve always known it was love, but! the words. the words!!!!! brb sobbing.
i have only had jordan for a day and a half but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. 11/10 would marry.
art forgery plot confirmed!
bitch fkajdkajksja GIVE ME A WARNING.
still can’t compose myself RE the info that ronan saw adam and immediately sent a desperate prayer up to god
will the word please ever be the same again? definitely not!
adam’s arms adam’s hands his lovely! boyish! hands!
the description of his expressions with all its contradictions and multitudes is just my favourite thing ever. it encapsulates everything i love about adam fucking parrish.
and the fact that ronan instantly recognised all those multitudes in him. there was always a level of understanding ronan had for adam throughout trc that no one else did and this tells us he had that before he even met him, he just... recognised something in him i just... ;______;
ronan knowing all the harvard stats because he was the person adam could crow to, how he takes on that adam that is still full of contradictions and multitudes, how he finds it hard but he absorbs all the facts and all of adam’s anxieties, even in the face of his own anxieties about adam leaving and falling in love with the shining, educated people that ronan thinks are better than him. that absolute, unwavering support 😭😭😭
tbh there’s a whole ass lot to unpack in this section so imma try and do it briefly (she says!)
ronan lynch is a romantic cdth confirmed:
he could have texted adam but he liked the soft surprise of it
over the past few days ronan had played his reunion with adam over in his head MANY TIMES
adam i love you but that outfit sounds awful. you are a student, it’s a friday night, put some sweats on and stuff some cheetos in your mouth.
the sweet nervousness of their reunion, how they walk past each other and both seem so uncertain. they’re a year into dating and the still get nervous and unsure after a few weeks apart and it’s CUTE and definitely speaks to their excitement/anticipation levels.
THE WATCH. big time softness.
they hugged hard ;_____;
im just so relieved that they’re allowed to touch each other and be intimate and aren’t consigned to the ‘boys in love aren’t like that boring boring’ corner.
the way ronan thinks about how adam fits as he remembered. huh. you’re really gonna do this to me.
his hand still pressed against the back of ronan’s skull the way it ALWAYS did when they hugged.
you smell like home. you smell like home!!!!!! brb ive gone absolutely fucking feral.
i both want to play repo because it sounds fun and don’t want to because it sounds complicated and i fucking hate instructions. much confusion.
adam pressing his shoe hard against ronan’s and then his leg and then breathing in ronan’s ear I AM HOWLING. ronan’s nerve endings being made a marvel of I AM SOBBING. it’s very important that m/m ships are afforded the same level of explicit attraction as m/f (and i don’t mean explicit as in nsfw, i mean as in obvious)
no offence because i love them but all of adam’s friends sound Extra™
“to the outside eye, ronan lynch was a loser” pls ronan, you are giving me an ulcer.
scary spice i asjkjdkjskdjak
queer crying club! i stan!!
also adam saying in the epilogue of trk that he wanted to save all the adam’s hidden in plain view and then going to college and scooping up all the criers and giving them something to do is far too much to handle.
don’t think about that and the time he thought about how he used to spend his nights crying on the trailer steps and wondering why he bothered until gansey came along and offered him friendship. dont think about how he’s essentially paying that forward DON’T THINK ABOUT IT.
hand holding, arms around each other, hip to hip walking, can’t wait anymore kissing, I MISSED YOU. love that for me!
but also the fact that adam reaches down for ronan’s hand and its so natural. ronan’s hand is there so he just. takes it.
hearing ronan’s thoughts on what happened with robert at last is A Lot. the way it’s still happening, always happening, kept fresh and savage shows how affected ronan was by it all and still is and i think its so important that he’s not just. angry and hot headed. there’s more to it than that. its painful, it makes him feel sick, its unending and it really speaks to how much adam means to him.
adam thinks he has no one BITCH YOU’VE GOT ALL OF US.
and ronan.
but. how he feels like he has nothing still. the way his voice hitches on ‘because’ because it’s all still so painful. i wanna wrap him up. i wanna take everything that hurts away. i wanna tell him he’s so loved. guess i’ll just have to sit back and watch him work his way through it all I GUESS. no but i am looking forward to his growth in this trilogy, especially considering how much he’s grown already. adam parrish invented character growth lets 👏 be 👏 real 👏
it had never been a fight between them/it was a fight between adam and himself, between adam and the world/for ronan it was a fight between truth and compromise, between the black and white he saw and the reality everyone else experienced. i LOVE this. it so well encapsulates them. and it’s so important that they can realise their differing world views and their complexities and meet in the middle somewhere.
“ronan put his lips on adam’s deaf ear, and he hated adam’s father” FUCK ME UP. my absolute favourite bit 103930%. absolute incoherent mess over here. not! okay! see other post for more coherency because i only had it for 5.7 minutes.
frowning, guarded, crumpled adam who i’ll literally. never be over in all of my life. 38983/10 will love him until the end of time.
i want it too much. !!!!!! going feral again over here. WHAT DO YOU WANT ADAM? I WANT IT TOO MUCH. definitely will never shut up about this.
scared adam is going to be a visionary so pretending chapter 6 doesn’t exist.
LINDENMERE ;________;
i love it already
i CANNOT believe that ronan is being dream invaded and challenged and he’s over here like hmm nice bike ELEGANT and ROUGH and READY like ADAM asjkasj please ronan you are so embarrassing!!
also. ronan thinks adam is elegant and rough and ready so! there’s that!
i literally. cannot. cope with the HILARITY of chapter 8. the whole thing is a complete and utter DISASTER. it’s absolutely gone off in adam’s room after all his work at constructing a well put together boy. ronan comes for a night and everything goes BONKERS. amazing.
(really worried about what this means RE ronan being able to exit the barns and grow and change and not be bored and not feel like a loser so we’re focusing on the hilarious disaster of it all.)
p.s. adam sleeping slotted between ronan and the wall OKAY. THIS IS FINE!
p.p.s. adam’s bed hair is WILD.
p.p.p.s i have missed adam and ronan so so so so so much and im an emotional fucking wreck
#call down the hawk#ronan lynch#adam parrish#pynch#dreamer trilogy#cdth spoilers#long post#sorry so much to say we were so well fed so many thoughts#;_____;#lou.txt
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Okay so...
I feel like KiriBaku will just became The Ship™️ of My Hero Academia, mostly because I see most everyone accepting it based on their interactions.
But just in case there are any reservations, I personally want to point out some things.
First and foremost, I would like to mention I am certified to make these claims because I have a degree in "Everything is a dick, and everything is about sex, and everyone is gay." In other words, an English degree where I have spent hours and days on end analysing every single line of a book and come up with an interpretation of it (The door was not red because it signified red-hot passion. It was red because it was just god damn red, for fucks sake!)
Anyway. Now that my unnessesary but nessesary egotistical claim is out of the way, here is why KiriBaku is (at least) the most narratively canon gay ship. ***Obligatory warning that this will get long***
1) Concepts to Canon. Kirishima was originally said to apply to UA to impress Mina. But as we can see, that changed. We see very minimal interactions between them. Even in the manga (I am a manga reader fyi) So honestly, I don't think Horikoshi kept that interest interest as part of Kirishima's character. Hell there are more cute interactions between Mina and Aoyama than Kiri and Mina. And coming from the writer's perspective, someone who is in the process of writing and drafting her own material for publication and creating her own characters, I can see Horikoshi's own writing process when designing the characters. I can especially see a reason for ditching the interest in Mina. I can sum it up I four words: It simply didn't click. Something I had experienced 1st hand was scraping the idea of a female love interest for my main character because I something just didn't feel right about it. It would have been forced and I would have gotten nowhere with my story. So when I discovered that my main character was gay, everything fell into place and I was able to move on with a concept that worked. So that may be had happened with Kirishima towards Bakugou.
2) World Building. I know this is Shonen, so romance is not the main focus. But honestly, MHA could be considered a slice of life/school life anime at times. And what do normal school-age students do? Have crushes and date. To the MHA crew, this is their normal. Their life. It's not like, say, Assassination Classroom where the idea of training to kill their teacher is a normal concept. No. Those kids were thrown into it, so their mindset changes a bit to adapt to that special situation. MHA, being a hero is just another profession they can study to become. Just like a doctor or lawyer. Yeah they get roped into the something big, but under everything, this would be their life once they become heros. One thing I have particularly noticed is Horikoshi's attention to detail when it comes to his world building. The way it appears to me, it seems as though the story moves forward based on his complex characters interacting with their world rather than them jusy being placed into it. Probably doesn't make much sense. But it's there (Kiri ordering night vision goggles for a rescue mission, a kid being turned into a meme in response to Endeavor's fight, Todoroki and his brother savagly slurping noodles, Recovery Girl offering a Snickers to students after training. Those types of things.) These little things are unnecessary, but are still included. Long-winded way to get to my point. Whose to say that the MHA kids can't find a chance to go on dates on off days, develop crushes organically based on hanging out with each other and training? Their world allows something like that to exist simultaneously with the danger they face.
3) Horikoshi's subtle progressiveness. I always use this point every time I talk about KiriBaku. There are already two confirmed Lgbtq+ characters who are legit characters and not written off as joke characters. Tiger and Magne are both trans. One is a hero. One is a villian. Horikoshi seems to include that fact to show that a trans person can be either side, instead of either being simply good or simply bad (or a joke that so many series tend to do.) I'm not going into the problematic part of Hori killing off Magne, because that's a different rant. The point of this is saying that there is a possibility, based on that point, that someone from the main cast would be gay. Because, like I mentioned in the previous point, this is their normal world. I know homosexuality is usually played off as comic relief, but I feel as though Horikoshi wouldn't do that, based on the world he's built. Tiger and Magne were accepted by their peers with no one saying anything about it. So I doubt any homosexual moments will be treated like comic relief. Which brings me to my next point.
4) Kirishima and Bakugou's steady relationship build up. I am not going to go too into detail about their relationship, but I will give a general gist. These two have had the most character development between the two of them. Even more than Bakugou and Deku. It's slow, but natural. They go from negative first impressions to being pretty much joined at the hip. Bakugou, as we've seen, presents us with a certain way to determine his opinion of characters: names. If he doesn't care for them, he calls them nicknames or "extras" yet when he has respect for them, he calls them by name. Kirishima is arguably the first one to gain Bakugou's upmost respect. Started from the USJ, then the sports festival, all the way to Kamino and post that. This is a fact Deku, good old insightful, analytical Deku, has pointed out when they rescued Bakugou. Deku knows how Bakugou is, so the fact he picked up on how Bakugou has changed says something. Not to mention all the promotional art of them (Google some. They are always paired and next to each other.) They are so close that Kirishima seems to know Bakugou's SUIT-SIZE. Listen. I talked with the guys from my friend group. And even if they act gay around each other all the time, they all agree that Kirishima knowing Bakugou's measurements is a bit too much for them to just be best friends. It's one thing to get matching t-shirts. It's a whole different monster when it comes to to formal wear. And if that doesn't say anything, the fact Kirishima got himself a normal looking suit yet took one look at a vest covered in white roses and thought "gee that would look great on Bakugou" says something. And the kicker is he didn't even do it ironically. He didn't do it for a joke to humiliate Bakugou, he was serious about it and got it because he KNEW Bakugou wouldn't bring one. They've only known each other for half a term at this point, and Kirishima already knew what to expect. THAT says something. Without going too much into it, the moments when Bakugou shows concern for Kirishima. Bakugou is still an ass to his classmates, yet shows he does deeply care about his friends.
Thanks for reading my little word vomit post. Where was I going with this long-ass response? More or less, KiriBaku has the most narrative support for the ship and it is because of the world in which they live in. Hopefully it made sense 😅
#kiribaku#kirishima#kirishima eijirou#bnha kirishima#bakugou x kirishima#bakushima#bakugou#katsuki bakugou#bakukiri#bnha bakugou#bakusquad#my hero academia#bnha movie#bnha spoilers#bnha#mha#mha bakugou#mha spoilers
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All In the Past (10/13)
Prompt: You were the bane of my existence in high school but now we’re going to college together AU
Cheerio!Kurt/ Jock-Football!Blaine
Summary: Kurt Hummel is tolerating his senior year of high school. He’s head cheerio, which affords him some protection from the hamhock bullies who ruined his designer knock offs in his first few years. He can manage his one last year with that new charming transfer student, Blaine Anderson. swooping into his school, rising to popularity, and completely ignoring him. Next year he’ll be free from a world where everyone is afraid of the gay kid.
He just didn’t expect Blaine Anderson to swoop into his college world too.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Part 10 - Alarm
Kurt is in a daze as they walk back on the path towards his dorm. He feels out of body, like he’s watching himself walk beside Blaine, the energy around them making him hot despite the fall chill. But the Blaine he’s watching is cool as a cucumber, chatty and happy, like they are two buddies shooting the shit about classes and teachers and whatever regular people talk about who haven’t just admitted to wanting - wanting what? Something.
Or in his case, not admitting it.
“My parents wanted me to go into business but they settled for the prestige of NYU arts with a theatre minor. You’re in that queer literature class, right? I’m thinking of taking it next semester. Is the professor good?”
“Hmmm?” Kurt is pretty sure Blaine is asking him a question about school but they’re approaching his building and the Kurt that is watching him walk sees that Blaine’s cheeks are rosy in the cool air and that the mustard pants compliment his brown pea coat so well that he looks like he walked out of a fall men’s fashion magazine. That outside-of-him Kurt also notices that Blaine is trying to connect with him. Wants to connect with him. Still thinks he’s hot.
“Sorry,” Blaine says turning to him. “I’ve been talking your ear off and you seem a bit distracted?”
That’s putting it mildly. Kurt laughs and knocks into his side. “Marinating, remember?”
“I remember.” Blaine crosses his arms in front of himself to keep warm. “So this is where I take my leave-”
“Do you wanna come up? Or something?”
“Come up?” Blaine repeats, clearly surprised. “Really?” Kurt just nods and holds open the building’s front door, having absolutely no idea what he is doing. The Kurt watching him is as surprised as Blaine, he’s pretty sure.
They walk up in silence. Maybe this was a mistake. He opens the door to his room wondering just how awkward silence can get when you’re confined to a single dorm room with no one else around. Well, they are about to find out. He clicks the door shut and faces Blaine.
Blaine is standing there, coat still on, arms by his sides, face open, eyes warm. He’s happy. He wants to be here. Blaine has hazel eyes - Kurt never noticed before. Which is maybe because Blaine never really looked at him before. And he’s spent the last few weeks trying to avoid looking at Blaine. But now Blaine is looking right at him and his eyes are sparkling and a bit of something else that sends alarms through his body. The bizarre situation overwhelms him enough that he squints his eyes shut.
“Are you okay?”
Kurt opens his eyes again. “Don’t you think this is just a little - “
“Yeah,” Blaine answers before he finishes. Kurt isn’t sure what he’s agreeing with.
“You were not even a friend-” Kurt pauses at the incomprehensibility of the situation. “You wouldn’t even look at me-”
“I looked at you,” Blaine cuts him off. “A lot. I just didn’t let you see it.” Kurt huffs and his breath shivers.
“I didn’t look at you,” Kurt says back, with the slight aggression he still feels. “I know better than to look at straight guys. Especially ones who won’t give you the time of the day.” Kurt stares at him intently now, looks at his too tight mustard pants that fit the ass he became all too acquainted with the other day, the way the buttons on his matching plaid shirt pull just slightly open over his little muscled chest under his open coat, at his eyes that suddenly make Kurt feel both objectified and powerful. Blaine shrugs his shoulders. “Well,” Kurt corrects himself, “I didn’t look at you until the other day in the change room when you dropped your towel,” He smirks.
Blaine’s cheeks pinken but his eyes grow darker and he laughs. “I did tell you that I go after what I want.”
Where does he get that cavalier confidence? “You asshole.” Blaine takes a step forward and Kurt feels goosebumps on his arms. “Just want to confirm-” Blaine asks, eyes flicking back and forth from Kurt’s eyes to his lips, “Still marinating here, right?”
Kurt takes a deep breath, “No.”
“No?” Blaine hesitates.
“Simmering,” Kurt gives his answer.
A beat later and Kurt is pressed up against his dorm door, Blaine’s mouth open and hard on his. Blaine is kissing him and he is kissing and kissing him back. Kurt pulls their bodies together, doesn’t want any room between them, can’t get close enough. The outside-of-him Kurt is surprised he’s so sure. But the in-his-body Kurt isn’t surprised. It just feels so good. Blaine feels so good.
Blaine pushes into him, holding Kurt’s face in his hands, letting his lips explore. Blaine is not tentative. Or shy. Or gentle. Blaine is all over him, tongue in his mouth, tasting and moaning and pressing. Kurt feels like he’s on fire.“Thought about you for so long,” Blaine confesses before he starts kissing the side of his neck.
Kurt is sure he has now entered some alternate reality where the popular football jock pines over the gay cheerleader, and in this alternate reality he is bold, grabbing behind him and squeezing Blaine’s ass through his tight yellow jeans. “Yes,” Blaine says as he does it but groans in frustration and takes a step back.
“Yes?” Kurt feels suddenly exposed, Blaine moving too far away.
“Would it be presumptuous of me at this point to say that I’d like to at least take our jackets off?”
“At least?” Kurt catches the suggestion. He raises an eyebrow, as he tosses his coat down on the chair on top of Blaine’s and sits down on his single dorm bed, motioning for Blaine.
“Well, that’s up to you.” Blaine shrugs.
“Just me?”
“Yeah,” Blaine leans over the space between them and kisses him again, slowly this time. He pulls at Kurt’s lips with his teeth, traces his lips with his tongue. Kurt feels it everywhere. It’s disgustingly sexy. “I know what I want.”
“Okay.” Because what else is he supposed to say? Blaine knows what he wants. He leans over to kiss him again.
Kurt also knows what he wants. The outside-of-him Kurt smiles down at him and winks , as he finally leaves the room, with Blaine, half naked on top of real Kurt, pushing down into his body.
They sat on his bed still fully dressed and kissing gently, hands on faces and necks and chests. Kurt barely noticed when Blaine’s hands untucked his shirt, hands rubbing at the base of his back. But he did notice that Blaine really wears shirts a size too small because he couldn’t do the same in return.
“I’m going to rip your perfectly matched shirt,” Kurt breathed frustrated into his ear. “Though I’m not complaining about the fit.”
“Take it off,” Blaine said to him. Take it off, outside-of-him Kurt nudged him forward before taking his exit. So he did. Followed by his own. And they lay down and let gentle turn into something more urgent again, Blaine pressing on top of Kurt when side by side wasn’t enough.
Kurt squeezes his ass again, pushing them into each other and Blaine groans for more.
“I like your-” Kurt stops but squeezes again. Can’t say it. Blaine pulls back from where he was kissing his neck, looks at Kurt’s pink cheeks.
“My ass?” Blaine says it for him, easily. “Well, my ass likes it when you do that. And I like that you’re-”
“I wouldn’t have guessed you were shy,” Blaine says, holding Kurt’s face in his hands.
Great, now Blaine thinks he’s a delicate flower. Just as things were heating up and Kurt was contemplating for the first time in his life how exactly he was going to get these very skinny pants off of himself without making things totally awkward. And what exactly they would do once they were off. “Well, I wouldn’t have guessed you were gay,” Kurt says defensively. “And it’s still kind of hard to process. Maybe you’re going to wake up tomorrow and decide you’re not ready for any of this and re-secure that closet door.”
Blaine smirks and pushes down on him, kissing him deeply, making Kurt’s eyes roll back in his head. “Definitely gay,” Blaine’s body keeps moving in rhythm on his. “And definitely ready.” Blaine pushes down again. “It’s hot that underneath all that bite that you are-”
“What Blaine? Hard?” Kurt challenges and pushes up, flipping them so he’s on top and pushing down. Blaine moans loudly and grabs for him, holding his ass firmly down, bodies flush.
“Tell me how to-” Blaine looks at him, eyes dark and serious, “Show me what you like, anything,” Blaine’s feelings are bare. Or at least his hormones are. Kurt’s not going to tell him that he barely knows. He can mask his inexperience with his strength.
“Let’s take these off,” Is all he says, grabbing at Blaine’s yellow pants. “And you’ll figure it out.”
Blaine does figure it out. In fact, Kurt is pretty sure Blaine just won rookie player of the year. Which he might tell him if he wasn’t in a complete state of shock. Blissful shock. But still shock. Football star Blaine Anderson gave him a blowjob. From the moment Kurt was naked, Blaine already naked, lying open and waiting on his bed, all Blaine wanted to do was make him feel good. I love your body. You’re so strong. And big. That part too (He smirked as he looked shamelessly at Kurt’s body). I like how you move. I want to touch you. Can I touch you? And he just went for it.
“I did it,” Blaine sighs happily as he wipes his chin and hands and cuddles into Kurt’s side.
“Understatement of the century.”
“And sorry I finished myself,” That too. He finished himself off. Just from doing that to Kurt. “I was just really turned on.” Blaine really does not need to be apologetic right now. Blaine seems almost as dazed as he feels.
“Glad to be of service.” Really really glad. And also shocked.
“Maybe next time you can -” Blaine motions to his softening body as his eyes flutter shut.
All Kurt hears is next time.
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We are Anna @ronniesshoes and Silke Maria @she-was-a-gay-stripper, and we are one university student and one gap year enthusiast who bonded over nasty Queen fanfics and started this blog! Or well, Anna started it and ran it for years, really, but Silke Maria recently joined to help out
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Xue Yang’s 420 Punishing Reincarnations AU. Final Modern Setting
but hmmmmmm I Wonder,
in that final one,
yeeting patriarch how did they all come to meet
in another one of his reincarnation he gets pimples every week
mmMMMMM good question
we said they meet a-qing last
ssyifpfff🌙 do we wanna be cheesy lmao
8h 8 hours ago yes, since shes a lot younger than them
as long the Angst Lives On,
the beginning of their meeting needs some angst
yeeting patriarch either song lan or xue yang meeting xiao xingchen, the beginning of their relationships...
ssyifpfff🌙 as an allusion to when they meet in yi city uwu
8h 8 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 so tht its familiar n xue yang gets the de javus
8h 8 hours ago OMG. PARALLELS
yeeting patriarch HELL YEA PLEASE
n then he can meet song lan while going to buy groceries idk
ssyifpfff🌙 maybe they fite for the last bag of avocados
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch what about xxc and song lan were childhood friends and had a fight and suddenly young song lan had to move out and never got to apologize to xxc but then years later he moved back and found xxc again
ssyifpfff🌙 as long as no one loses any eyes
8h 8 hours ago NO LOSING EYES
8h 8 hours ago like. first xxc meets xue yang
who got hurt... uhh... how he couldve gotten hurt...
yeeting patriarch lmao he was skating and while doing a Sick Move TM he mf fell down and got wrecked
ssyifpfff🌙 he got an arm cramp while dabbing
8h 8 hours ago innocent xxc was passing by at the time, saw everything and went to help xue yang. because his golden pure heart lives on
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch as xxc helped him, xue yang experiences the Doki
xxc takes him to his apartment to take care of his wounds
and after this incident, xue yang shows up a lot around xxc's place
yeeting patriarch (hes got a bit of a bad situation at home, hes always outside like a stray cat)
ssyifpfff🌙 hes like "should i take u to a hospital?" n xue yang i slike NO GO AWAY "then let me at least bandage u, my apartment is close by" xue yangs gay ass: oh worm?
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch YES
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch BUT IT'S SLOW BURN
mayb xue yang is a runaway n is in need of a roomie
ssyifpfff🌙 YES SLOW BURN OBV
8h 8 hours ago remember: this time he gotta earn for xxc's affections
yes! xue yang its ur turn to cook
yeeting patriarch xxc is a bit wary of him for some reason although he helped and helps him out. his good heart cannot ignore it
ssyifpfff🌙 them going to buy groceries n xue yang being a Pro at bargaining for lower prices
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch ever so slowly, xiao xingchen at first really starts feeling he got himself to take care of a stray cat
like............ this happened in yi city tbh, xue yang did manage to make xxc laugh like no one else :(
ssyifpfff🌙 im sad now
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch PARALLELS... KEEP THEM COMING
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch at some point though,
xue yang gets 100% kicked out his home
he has nowhere else to go
truth to be told, boi got no close friends
it's a rainy night
and xiao xingchen is coming home after uni (what is he studying)
in front of his place, in the rain, is xue yang
yeeting patriarch when he realizes xingchen came, xue yang looks up and tries to grin at xxc but he only manages a half smile
ssyifpfff🌙 i WANT xxc to be studyin at cheff school but i think med school would fit him better
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch MED SCHOOL FOR SURE
ssyifpfff🌙 n it would make sense as to why he has bandages n is good at putting thm on
8h 8 hours ago Y E S
xue yang currently a drop out for financial problems due his situation at home
we really ain't giving it easy for xue yang even in the reincarnation it should be finally Ok for him
yeeting patriarch Understandable
ssyifpfff🌙 we had to do it to him
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch at the sight of xue yang in the rain looking Miserable TM, xingchen's heart aches
at this point they been getting close, xue yang casually COINDICENTALLY going to the same skating place over n over even tho its actually not tht big or tht good for skating
ssyifpfff🌙 god we rly made him a skater boi
8h 8 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 see ya later boi
8h 8 hours ago i cannot see it now
skater boi xue yang confirmed
xingchen let's xue yang stay over as xue yang kinda explains the situation
he promises he will find himself a place and wont get in the way
yeeting patriarch but... yknow how it is when the Living Together situation happens
in reality xue yang is Super smart, like genious smart like ash lynx smart, n xxc prob notices n encourages him to pursue a studyin path
xxc is a nerd in all his lifetimes
ssyifpfff🌙 tht way xue yang could get a scholarship n help
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch OH NOOOOO GOT SLAPPED BY A THOUGHT THAT ENDED ME kinda nicely
ssyifpfff🌙 SLAP M
8h 8 hours ago as xingchen let's xue yang stay over, he gets xue yang a place to sleep in his living room. it's the only available place, his apartment isn't big. and in the morning, when xingchen wakes up, he finds xue yang sleeping kinda curled up like a cat, sleeping occupying a small place
yeeting patriarch also xue yang being Genius 💯 xingchen noticing it and encouraging him 💯💯💯
a tiny stray cat
ssyifpfff🌙 its such a cheesy metaphor in fics BUT I LOVE ITTT
7h 7 hours ago as time goes by,
they grow closer
yeeting patriarch xue yang starts even helping xingchen with his studies although this isnt an area he likes nor has much interest
yeeting patriarch they go on growing close
xingchen starts paying more attention to some things about xue yang. that he carries a sadness within him
masked by his delinquent attitude
xingchen starts lowering his walls
yeeting patriarch (at this point xue yang is already deep in love but yknow tsun boy)
tsun boy skater boy
asdfka, xue yang going to xxcs campus n waiting around for his classes to end
"no i just like the sandwiches from the cafeteria here" "but ur broke" "IM HERE TO SMELL THEM"
ssyifpfff🌙 n xxc buys him the dam sandwich n they sit to eat together T0T
7h 7 hours ago hoes trying to approach xue yang as he waits for xingchen, since xue yang is Good Looking. But he... hisses at other people
hes only... non feral around xingchen
what would xue yang study tho 🤔
yeeting patriarch before he had to drop out and then when he managed to go back
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well he did do all tht w the sticks on wen ning and song lan, maybe... neuroscience
or maybe he goes feral n studies art idk
ssyifpfff🌙 he would be good at anything really
7h 7 hours ago he does look like an art hoe somehow
and Yup. boi could do Anything
let's settle this later
yeeting patriarch as for now...
the domestic bliss continues
before they realize, they're searching for a bit bigger apartment. with at the least two rooms
(No Homo phase)
two bedrooms*
they manage to find one, share the living costs
domestic bliss lives on
at xingchen's uni
yeeting patriarch a new student arrives
yeeting patriarch 😏
he moved back to the city
xingchen and song lan immediately recognized each other
yeeting patriarch with some tension
ssyifpfff🌙 (no homo phase) LMAO
7h 7 hours ago yeeting patriarch xue yang, the bastard cat, goes wait for xingchen at his uni. grinning showing his fangs and all. unaware
xue yang sees xingchen's silhouette and approaches
then he noticed song lan
hes hit by some unknown feeling. similar the one he had when he first meet xingchen
he, clever bastard, notices the tension in the sir between the two hotties
yeeting patriarch hides close by, as xxc and sl didnt notice when he was approaching
hes a bit far and cant hear well their convo but picks a few words here and there
yeeting patriarch "it's been so long", "wanted to see you again", "i am sorry"
and hes there like "uuuuh am i bein cucked" but deep down he gets a feeling too
he prob feels he wants to go meet thm but shouldnt
thru their rship he prob feels a lot of guilt, specially seein thm together, n the worst part is tht he cant understand Why he feels tht guilt
he might think he should be around xxc if he has finally found some1, like he doenst wanna be in the way
all the while bein a chaotic bastard w sl ofc
ssyifpfff🌙 n song lan actually finds him fun to be around heh
7h 7 hours ago THE CONFLICTED FEELINGS... the feelings the doesnt understand...
chaotic ass xy starts Bottling Up it all
hes been getting Messy
as he sees xxc and sl getting closer and closer, getting along better and better
he feels he should Leave them. that unsettling mysterious guilty feeling is there all the time
yeeting patriarch although he enjoys being with the two so much
yeeting patriarch one day xy reaches his limit. his mind, his heart are a mess. hes always been on the emotionally constipated side, but now it was different and overwhelming
he was growing a bit distant the past few weeks. both xxc and sl noticed although xy tried to mask it, grinning around, as always
yeeting patriarch but his gaze would give him in sometimes
one day, as xxc comes home, he is greeted by silence. a dark and cold apartment. by that hour, xy was already at home. worry grew in xxc's heart
he called for xy, but no answers came
yeeting patriarch ANNND it's almost 02:30 am i need sleep Badly
yeeting patriarch meme ya Later. dream of this au. hmu with new thoughts. nyeehaw
ssyifpfff🌙 ASSADK XUE YANG dam u u done it again.
7h 7 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 he didint even leave a note, but xxc knows him too well n finds him fast n asks wtf is up (not like tht obv) n xue yang cant explain properly but he basically confesses tht hes grateful for xxc opening his home to basically a stranger but he understands him n song lan crealry missed each other n he shouldnt get in the way
7h 7 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 n xxc is like "but song lan n i,,,, we both love u so much"
7h 7 hours ago n song lan comes by (xxc called him so he could help w finding the cat) n hes like "heh u ran away bc ur jealous?" "IM NOT u idiot im leaving the way open for ur dumb ass" "n what about ur way? is it open too?" (IDK WHY im imagining song lan as a suave guy whn in reality hes prob rly dense n awkwards too but let me dream)
ssyifpfff🌙 xue yang is pikachu stunned.jpg
7h 7 hours ago yeeting patriarch I HAD TO READ THOSE BEFORE DREAMLAND i will reply properly when i Rise
ssyifpfff🌙 have a good dream nyari may the xue chara dev visit u in ur sleep
7h 6 hours ago yeeting patriarch IVE RISEN
SUAVE GUY SONG LAN IS HONESTLY TO LIVE FOR xy is a tsun, xxc kinda slow so somebody in this house gotta do the work
after he says that and xue yang goes pikachu_agape.jpg
xingchen on the side blushes furiously
yeeting patriarch then after a "..." 3 secs, song lan becomes a blushy mess
yeeting patriarch xxc, tenderly, grabs one of xy hands and tells him "let's go home"
xy feels like a bit part of that heavy feeling has been lifted from him as xxc holds into his hand and sl gazes softly at him. THEN, A RARE MOMENT HAPPENS... chaotic disaster xy, doesnt give his fangy grin, but a small smile
yeeting patriarch the three of them go to their home
after this, as some time goes by, before they realize, song lan has moved in with them. they bought a bigger bed
(No Homo phase kicked into outer space)
Song lan n xy just constantly embarrassing themselves n each other fskdhdjd
3h 3 hours ago now we gotta reach the a-qing point of the au
xxc gets a thirdhand embarrassment with them sometimes
i really, really like to think xue yang's sleeping habits are a bit like a cats
even the "more docile and cuddly when sleeping" part
SINCE WE MADE HIM SHORTER ON THIS, and i think both xxc and sl are 185cm... oh the bliss
ssyifpfff🌙 he’s the lettuce of the sandwich
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch "are u a big or little spoon, xue yang?" xy: im a KNIFE xxc & sl, at the same time: hes the little spoon
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch OMGGHSJKSKSK HOL P
ssyifpfff🌙 “I am a dagger under ur pillow” “ok”
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch xxc keeping candies with him to give xy :')
ssyifpfff🌙 OFC
3h 3 hours ago xy says fuck it in this au and becomes a Baker
yeeting patriarch sl... what is he
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch architect would be cool
Or designer engineer
ssyifpfff🌙 Or a VET
3h 3 hours ago OMG A VET
yeeting patriarch YES
ssyifpfff🌙 N he constantly compares xy w the kittens he attends
3h 3 hours ago YESSSSSSSSS
yeeting patriarch WE GOT IT, WE GOT IT ALL
“Today there was a black cat tht wouldn’t let me pick it up, reminded me of u” the next day “today there was a kitten tht wouldn t stop licking my hand, reminded me of u”
ssyifpfff🌙 “Today the cat bit me, reminded me of u”
3h 3 hours ago xxc - doctor sl - vet
and baker xy... a pleasant surprise
he makes the best sweet stuff but hes a disaster cooking savory food. sweets only man
also T0T in the future when they get a-qing,
xy uses his baker ways to approach her
yeeting patriarch yknow like he did back then with the candies but this time... not devilishly
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The Support Group [VIXX, Donghae, Kai, Lay, Yongguk]
Characters : VIXX, Donghae, Kai, Lay, Yongguk, OCs
Genre: Crack
Rating : G
College Au
In which Minah tries to join a support group for people who feel personally victimized by the charming Aries folk in the college
Haneul was surprised when Minah came over to her and asked her for some help. Minah was usually independent, silent for most part and didn’t attract too much attention to herself.
“Uh, Haneul, if you aren’t too busy could I please talk to you about my Sociology of Art class?” Haneul’s ears perked up. As a member of the student council it was her duty to help out students in need and since Minah was her friend it was all the more reason to do so. Turning around in her seat she looked at Minah who wrung her hands and bit down on her lip. “I heard there is a support group for people who feel personally victimised by the Aries on campus.” “Uh,” Haneul cleared her throat “I can’t confirm nor deny it’s existence…” “And that you’re the head of it.” Minah finished quickly as Haneul’s eyes widened. Had they been caught?! “Listen, it’s Bang Yongguk. He’s making my life miserable in that class. It’s unfair!” Haneul paused, she’d heard this before within the group from Wonshik. Yongguk was an incredibly smart and attractive man and was a threat to the other peaceful zodiacs on campus. But, Minah… “Please.” Minah’s eyes widened and filled with tears. Haneul sighed, before looking around to see if the coast was clear. “I understand, Yongguk has caused a lot of trouble with how attractive he is. But you need to understand that you are an Aries…” She noticed Minah rolling her eyes “ I might be born in March, but nothing about me is Aries like.” “But…you’re Minseok’s sister.” Minah quirked her eyebrow “He took all the cool genes and left me with nothing okay? Please just…consider my proposal.” She said before freezing as she felt a hand on her shoulder. Haneul froze too when she spotted Bang Yongguk towering over them. “Hey, do you want to go work on that paper now?” He asked as Minah weakly nodded and got taken away as Haneul watched, praying for her friend’s soul. “Hey Minah!” She called to the girl walking away with Yongguk “you’re in!” ***
“What do you mean Kim Minseok’s sister is joining?!” Wonshik, the vice head of the support group groaned “what was her name again?” “Kim Minah,” Haneul replied “she’s more Pisces than Aries. Bang Yongguk’s latest victim.” Wonshik clicked his tongue in sympathy “my issue is that we have a bunch of members who are in the group because of her brother…isn’t that going to be an issue?” “But she is suffering too Wonshikkie. It would be cruel to turn her away. Plus look at her, she’s harmless!” Haneul waved around to no one in particular as Wonshik sighed. “We’ll ask the members?” Wonshik wondered out loud as the group started filing into the discussion room in the library. When Haneul put forth the question, there was a silence that filled the room. “Who is Kim Minah again?” Yixing asked as Jongin shrugged, they had joined the support group after repeatedly being exposed to Kim Minseok in all his glory. “Yeah, never heard of her.” Donghae said as he sat down after a gruelling afternoon with Siwon and Hyukjae, both evil Aries men. “Isn’t she Kim Minseok’s sister?” Hakyeon asked as Sanghyuk nodded. Hongbin sighed before turning back to Haneul, squinting. “Isn’t her birthday the same day as Kim Minseok?” “Oh wait, I remember him saying something like that.” Jongin’s eyes widened as Yixing nodded. “Are you saying that you want an Aries to join a group where people feel victimized by Aries?!” Hakyeon argued as Donghae nodded furiously. “Who is Kim Minah again?” Taekwoon’s voice piped up, obviously he wasn’t listening. “She is a girl who feels victimized by Bang Yongguk. That is all that matters.” Haneul said as Wonshik nodded, noticing a need to save Haneul’s ass. “But she’s an Aries.” Taekwoon deadpanned. “More Pisces than Aries,” Haneul countered “plus she’s as harmless as a fly.” Haneul added, when a knock on the door caused everyone’s attention to turn towards it. “Hi, sorry I’m late. Yongguk…” Minah waved as an explanation feeling all the eyes in the room on her “Oh, I’m Kim Minah and I feel victimized by Bang Yongguk’s existence.” She said, repeated what she had seen in the movies about Alcoholics Anonymous. Taking the silence in the room as her indication to enter, stepped in, silently shutting the door behind her and setting her tennis racket down before looking up at Haneul “I have tennis practice after this?” she offered as an explanation thinking that people found her attire strange. She shrugged, she was going to stay silent through this meeting anyway. “She’s on the tennis team?” Donghae mumbled to Hakyeon who shrugged and nodded. Yixing pulled his phone out to type in her name and find her on Facebook. “Profile looks boring, everything is on private.” He mumbled to Jongin who was peering over into his screen. Haneul cleared her throat for attention “Okay everyone, let’s begin. Who wants to go first?” “I will,” Jongin said as he took a deep breath “hey everyone, I’m Kim Jongin and I feel personally victimized by Sehun and Minseok.” “Hi Jongin.” Everyone chorused as Minah’s eyebrow perked at the sound of her brother’s name. She looked at him intently and Jongin blinked, before sighing. “Well, Sehun is Sehun. He’s always known he’s attractive. But he’s such a cute goof! He’s doing it on purpose I tell you. And Minseok, and his stupid smile and how helpful he is! I swear he’ll make me gay for him.” Jongin grumbled. “I agree! This week he was helping out with the dance club and damn it, he had to do a sexy dance. Freaking Sehun had to join him.” Yixing frowned as Taekwoon cleared his throat. “Have you seen him play soccer though?” There was a gasp in the room as it broke out into discussion about Minseok being out to ruin people’s lives. Minah blinked, baffled. “Well, he is really passionate about it and he’s been playing since he was teeny.” she mumbled as the group turned to her and she shrugged. “Minseok has always been the good guy. You haven’t seen him being a goofy dummy though.” “Of course I have! It’s freaking adorable!” Haneul cried out. “I’ve seen him run around the house in a penguin suit and his underwear on his head, trust me you haven’t.” “Well Sehun though.” Donghae began. “Is a long stupid noodle who is scared of the bunsen burner.” Minah deadpanned as everyone gaped at her in horror. “Really?” Wonshik whispered. “I needed to do all his tests in the Chemistry lab because he was too scared of a tiny flame.” she shrugged. Is this what this support group was about? She sighed looking at everyone “I’m sorry to have interrupted. Do go on.” “Wonshik has been having trouble with Jaehwan.” Haneul said as the whole room sighed. “Wait, didn’t you have trouble with Jaehwan?” Minah asked as Sanghyuk burst out laughing before turning to Minah. “Lee Jaehwan is out to kill us all with how bloody cute he is.” “If he managed to make Taekwoon want to bite him, I think he’s been successful.” Hongbin grumbled. “That kid has far too much aegyo in him for his own good.” Donghae commented as Jongin and Yixing nodded. “Your men have very little. But so much charisma.” Haneul nodded as Donghae wailed out. “Hyukjae and Siwon are so damn unfair. They’re so cool!” “But isn’t Jaehwan just naturally prone to aegyo? It’s not like he does it on purpose. If he does exaggerate it, it’s to make the people around him happy.” Minah reasoned with what she had seen of Jaehwan “Hyukjae is incredibly logical and stuff, but he’s a goof. You should know that Donghae and you also know what a weirdo Siwon is.” she added before rolling her eyes. “You know what? I don’t understand how anyone in this room feels victimised. Have you guys looked at yourselves?” There was a silence that filled the room when Minah stood up now choosing to look at everyone. First she looked at Donghae. “I’m sorry, but you’re one of the most loved men on this campus. You’re incredibly sweet and extremely good looking. Everybody, and I mean everybody is in love with you. Hyukjae and Siwon think the sun shines out of your ass.” She said before turning to Yixing. “You’ve won awards on how sweet you are. You’re the only Chinese student to be called an angel on campus. Have you seen how ridiculously talented you are? You sing, dance, and compose music. You literally have a fan following. What are you even complaining about my brother and noodle?” She groaned before turning to face Jongin. “You have no idea how sexy your dances are. After the first dance club performance a large part of the female population wanted to bed you. You’re humble, hardworking and passionate. Everyone can see that.” She sighed as Wonshik quivered under her gaze. “Do you know that people call you a walking sex god? Of course you don’t. You’ve ruined people’s lives and you’re complaining about Jaehwan being cute? Seriously?” Minah spun around to Hakyeon. “You’re the most respected senior. You have a beautiful smile. You’re so much fun to talk to and you’re always ready to take people under your wing. You literally have people in love with you. Jaehwan hero worships you! And you!” She looked at Hongbin. “You’re probably the most aesthetically pleasing human on this campus. And you’re logical and funny when you want to be. You have a voice people would kill for and acting chops to match. Seriously, Jaehwan is the least of your problems when you’re causing problems yourself.” Sanghyuk might have been the tallest in the room but at this point he had shrunk into his seat. “Sanghyuk, you’re so damn smart and funny. You’re tall and handsome. You’re literally the whole package. I can’t even count the number of people in our batch want to date you. Stop ruining their lives.” “Haneul, you’re a member of the student council. You’re popular, friendly, beautiful and incredibly smart. I’m sure some of the men in this room are attracted to you.” She looked around as Wonshik looked down guiltily. Minah turned to Taekwoon. “You’re the football team captain. You’re every girl’s living Mr. Darcy. I’ve seen you on the field and it’s damn good. You sing like a dream. You’re in the MA program which means you’re smart too…” she sighed “I don’t understand you guys. You guys ruin lives and you’re complaining about people who are just being themselves? That makes no sense. You guys are charming and popular and attractive as hell. So just… don’t.” she ended as silence filled the room yet again. Minah’s phone flashed and she looked at it as her eyes widened. “I have to go for practice now. But this was great, I just realized that Yongguk is a wonderful human being but a human being all the same. Maybe someday I will also ruin someone’s life being the plain human that I am, but till then thank you guys for this!” she grinned before picking her racket up and heading out of the discussion room. More silence. “Well…” Haneul took a deep breath when she noticed something off. “Donghae why are you staring at the door?” “Why are you blushing Taekwoon?” Wonshik blinked at his friend. Or rather at the top of his head. “Uhm,” Jongin piped up as the group turned to him “can Yixing and I go now?” “Are you guys seriously planning on going to the tennis court?” Hongbin blinked at them. “Just casually walking to the football field.” Yixing nodded. “Which is next to the tennis court?” Hakyeon eyed them. “Do you mind if I join?” Donghae asked as Taekwoon looked at the group. “Football captain will go for football practice?” Sanghyuk shifted in his seat “well, I have assignments too.. some group stuff…need to form group…”
“You’re going to ask Minah?” Haneul gaped at him.
“She’s hardworking…?” He offered as Haneul sighed. The door flew open as Yongguk stood at the entrance “I’m Bang Yongguk and I feel personally victimized by Kim Minah and Kim Himchan.”
#bap#bapfic#bapfanfic#bapfanfiction#vixx#vixxfic#vixxfanfiction#vixxfanfic#superjunior#superjuniorfic#superjuniorfanfic#superjuniorfanfiction#exo#exofic#exofanfiction#kpop#kpopfic#kpopfanfic#kpopfanfiction#college au
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Ross 1. Would you ever date somebody that has been divorced more than once? I think I’d be even more surprised if someone was divorced thrice like Ross by the time they’re 20, which is how old I am now...but to answer the question, no. 2. What are some stereotypically nerdy things that you like? Dunno about ‘stereotypically nerdy’ but I really like museums, biology, history, and astronomy. 3. Would you rather be a teacher or work at a museum? Work at a museum. I would have been a curator had I chosen to take up Art Management in university, which was one of the options offered to me. It’s still a big ‘what if’ in my mind to this day. 4. What is something you are really passionate about? Food!!! I don’t know if this counts but I have so much appreciation and respect for all cuisines. It’s a deep reflection of a country’s or a race’s culture and history and I believe you really get to know cultures more simply from their staple food. Whenever I travel, even just to local provinces, I never take their cuisine for granted and always take time to take it all in and understand how the dishes shape them as a people. 5. How would you react if you found out you were pregnant/got somebody pregnant just after you broke up? What would you do? I would hope the dad is willing to be involved, but that’s going to be on him, not me. But then again I have a girlfriend so I’ve never thought about this happening.
Rachel 1. Have you ever ‘started over’ completely? In what ways? You can say that. I treated university life as a blank slate because I really really wanted to restart from high school, where I was predominantly quiet and generally didn’t make my presence known. I didn’t like that coming from a small school meant that everyone knew each other and identities were established very early on–which meant that everyone was typecast and you can never get away from that. But in a university with 20,000 students, it was very easy to fit right at home, start over, and finally make a name for myself. High school was suffocating, university is so much more freeing. 2. Have you ever attended a wedding that ended where the bride and groom didn’t actually get married? What happened? No wow that would be awful to see. I’ve never seen a Filipino wedding end that way. 3. Do you have a friend that you’ve known since high school, that you are still close with? High school wasn’t a long time ago for me so yes, I have tons of friends that I met in high school–it helps that majority of us study in UP, anyway. If you want longevity, I’ve been friends with Angela since the first grade. 4. What scares you the most about becoming a mother (hypothetically, if you don’t want to have children)? Ending up like my mother, which I avoid thinking about as much as possible. I would never forgive myself. 5. Would you ever want a job in fashion? What would you enjoy about that type of job? Nooooo but in the past I did. I still have no idea why, but I sort of went a little bonkers in Grade 6 and was at one point very serious about becoming a runway model. I announced that to my dad and he was–rightfully–shocked. Looking back, I realize just how supportive he was because despite his shock, all he said was he was going to have my back wherever I end up working. No idea where he got that from, because 20 year old me just thinks that that was an insane thing to reach for, especially for myself. Phoebe 1. Would you ever be a surrogate mother? No. I love babies. Giving them away would be too hard for me, I think. Especially because I’d have the hormones that make me attached to the baby and other pregnancy stuff like that. 2. What do you think would be the best and worst parts about being a twin? Best thing would be having a default best friend, I think. Never-ending comparison would probably be the worst thing. Can a twin confirm these? 3. Do you feel that your childhood was more rough compared to others around you? I don’t just feel it. I know it was. All the red flags glare whenever my friends look back on their childhood and I come to realize I didn’t have half the experiences that they did. 4. How would you react if you found out today that you were actually adopted? That would make no sense as I am a physical carbon copy of my mom. 5. In what ways are you free-spirited, if any? I dunno, am I? I don’t think so. I’m really more like Rachel–I thrive on depending on other people. Chandler 1. Are sarcasm and jokes a regular thing for you? Yeah pretty much. I like using humor for almost everything. 2. If one of your parents told you they were gay today, what would you say to them? I’m not close with my parents and I would never imagine that they will ever open up to me about something like that. But if they do, I’d like to think that I will be appreciative of them sharing that kind of matter with me. I would be supportive as well, obviously. 3. What is the most boring part of your job? I don’t have one. 4. Would you ever date your best friend’s sibling? Angela’s an only child and I consider Gab’s siblings as my baby sisters so I don’t want to even think about this happening. 5. How do you feel about Chandler, if you watch the show? He’s my favorite character. He turned out to be the most genuine one out of all the six friends, being that he came from a rough childhood and had trust issues his whole life. I relate to him in that he uses jokes as a defense mechanism because lol same experiences buddy. He’s a prankster, but at the end of the day, at his core, he’s the sweetest and most caring guy. Remember that episode where he talked to Erica about letting them keep the twins? That’s his finest moment ugh I love him so much. All in all, I love Chandler and he always, always deserves the best :’) Joey 1. Would having a job without a steady income scare you, or would you be able to handle it? It would scare me. I care about staying financially afloat more than anything else. 2. Describe a sandwich you love. Sandwiches aren’t all that common in the Philippines so it isn’t really part of what I usually eat. Sorry Joey D: 3. What would be the perks and downfalls of coming from a big family? Ohohoho I’m Filipino so I know all about having a huge family. The perks is that it’s always a FEAST when you all get together. Lots of food, lots of laughs, lots of catching-up that you can do. The one downfall is that it is nearly impossible to band together in the first place. 4. Have either of your parents ever cheated on one another before, that you know of? How would you react if you found out today that one of them cheated? No, they never have. I’d go after the third party before dealing with the parent that cheated. 5. Do you have a phrase that you catch yourself saying regularly? I don’t have a catchphrase, although my friends have pointed out that I say ‘Ughhh’ a lot. Monica 1. Do you like cleaning and organizing? To an extent, yeah. When it comes to computer and data work I’m extremely organized; but I can never seem to keep my car spotless and my wardrobe filed properly. 2. How much of a control freak are you? HUGE. If I’m involved in a groupwork for school I always have to be overseeing everything. I have to be online whenever just one of my groupmates is so that I know what they plan to do and how they deliver on a task. 3. What would be the perks and downfalls of being a chef? I guess the biggest perk would be that you don’t have to have anyone cook for you or worry about eating out too much because you can cook for yourself? Downfall is that everyone has their own sense of taste so even if you do cook very well there’ll be always some people who complain about your cooking. 4. Are marriage and children a huge thing for you? Why or why not? They are, especially kids. I had a very rough childhood and felt neglected for a good 95% of that ride. I wasn’t read bedtime stories and I missed out on a good chunk of Disney movies because movie time was never seen as a bonding activity by my parents. I wasn’t treated to kiddie things all that much and I was practically forced to grow up way earlier than other kids because instead of rainbows and toys and love and unicorns, I got alcoholism, violence, and really, neglect. I’ve always aspired to be a mom because of that. I want to be able to prove to myself that I’m not defined by where I came from. The reason I’m so good with all children is because of what I experienced; but all I want is to have a kid of my own this time so that I could give it all the love and attention in the world that I didn’t get. 5. How would you react if you found out you were infertile? If you don’t plan on having kids to begin with, what is a long-term goal you’d be crushed to find out was impossible to achieve? I don’t plan on having kids of my own to begin with–when I say that, I mean from my own eggs. I would never, ever want to pass down by mental well-being to who is going to become my child. To see a piece of me (my depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, etc.) live through them would break my heart. With that, my girlfriend and I talked about it and we’ve established early on that should we get to that point, it was going to come from her and then have me carry the baby, so that we each have a part in it. To find out I’m infertile would be to basically eradicate my purpose as an adult. I’d be crushed. I don’t know what I’d do and never gave it much thought precisely because I do not want to imagine it happening to us.
[I love Monica’s character so much and what she went through so I ended up with long-ass answers for her lmao ILY MON!!!!!!!]
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