#artists looking for refs probably would figure it out when they compare one sprite to another and realize...the patterns aren't the same
gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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One Full Body Sprite for Mother and Father.
I thought I'd have more time to add some alternate poses and expressions but I don't know if I'll be able to anytime soon, so here's another update! I also included the initial doodle when I started solidifying their heights cause they're so adorable!
Mother and Father OCs Master Post
Some notes:
Father loves to change his coat pattern and gloves. For a TWEWY game sprite if he has freedom, he would annoyingly have sprites for each combination of gloves/socks (7) plus 3 variations of coat patterns. And maybe some variations of the faded jeggings pattern. Maybe some sparkles from his hair tie. Since the sprites don't move in game, if he's in the UG and he's "allowed" to change his patterns, then probably every time he changes poses or has a new line of dialogue, his coat pattern & rainbow pattern will cycle to the next one.
If he's not allowed to (ex: the RG, staying low-key in the UG) and still want to mess with people, then he'll be more sneaky and each time his sprite goes off screen and comes back, then it will be on the next pattern. In addition, his glove pattern will cycle to the next one each time it comes out of his coat pockets.
In free floating spaces, it's usually natural to float to eye level of other human like forms. He tends to adjust his floating height a little more than others. He is, perhaps, slightly sensitive about his height, but he won't show it, and while he could wear shoes that make him taller, these sneaker sandals are comfy! Comfort is important! He could probably make himself physically taller but...he doesn't. For some reason.
Mother loathes being in the lower planes like the RG, because she can't let her jacket float freely off her shoulders unless it's a windy day. In the UG she can get away with a little bit of it. So to resist the urge, she'll wear her coat in the RG.
Even though her suit jacket isn't her wings, she treats it like it is, so even though she likes the feeling of the rest of her dressy outfit, she doesn't like wearing her suit jacket because she feels bounded and restricted.
Maybe someone will suggest she can carry the suit jacket in her arms. She would probably still make it blow in the (maybe non-existent) wind slightly, but at least it wouldn't feel restrictive.
For floating jacket sprites, they would probably be dramatic with her poses. I don't think they'd change as much as Father's clothing patterns do, but maybe they do too. I don't want them to be too distracting...but...perhaps that's ok for her.
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