#artist: captain funk
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Jin Kazama (Ken Ishii vs Captain Funk Remix) • Yoshimitsu (Wiggle Remix) • Ling Xiaoyu (Jelly Jelly Remix) • Eddy Gordo vs Bryan Fury (DJ Ishii vs 2 Terror Crew Remix) • Ogre (Ken Ishii Remix) • Dr. Bosconovitch (Akio Milanpaak Remix) • Tiger Jackson (Captain Funk Remix)
Submitters note: Yes, those are samples of Robotnik from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog in the Jin Kazama remix lmao.
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #26: 1975
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Captain & Tennille, Glen Campbell, Elton John, Freddy Fender, Frankie Valli, Grand Funk Railroad, Earth Wind & Fire, David Bowie, Neil Sedaka, Eagles. End description]
More information about this blog here
Another year where artists who will come to define this decade (and the next) are continuing to cement their place. In addition to Elton John's continuous presence on the charts, we're also seeing the Top Ten debut of Neil Sedaka (both as a performer and songwriter), David Bowie, Eagles, and Earth Wind and Fire. The latter is notable for a multitude of reasons, but their fusion of soul, funk, and eventually disco feels like what the decade has been building up to. That funk influence can also be heard in David Bowie's Fame, one of the earlier examples of funk rock featured in these polls.
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lechatalunette · 11 months
[ DYNAMITE project ] Team 3 : Who's That Chicks
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General presentation : No.3 of top 4 artist groups , 2 albums which 1 remained top 1 of Dillboard award for a few months
The group was created by the boss of "Free your mind" a famous gang of Women ( Sukeban) for expand their territory, for this project ,
Mina captain of the 5th division and Ashanty captain of the 2nd division volunteered and Lee-chae vice-captain of the second division a was randomly selected.
Their music is a mix of electro pop, funk and hiphop .
The reason why Mina accepted its especially to earn points from the boss in order to have more chance to become the next boss in the next generation.
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mangohobbit · 10 months
Soap and the artist
(Soap x y/n)(civilian)...I think that's how it goes? I'm still learning fanfiction language 😅😅
Authors note: So this is my first fanfiction ever and I am honestly terrified of posting it but FUCK IT! I have seen various styles for fanfic writing but I was really bad in trying to copy that so I just went with what I was most comfortable with.
-Just a few little notes before you get started so you aren't completely lost. 1) Setting is wherever you would like. The 141 are in a foreign country to their own so have fun with it. (make one up if you want. I kept it vague so you could use your imagination although I am descriptive on the setting being a mountainous region) 2) Anything italicized means you're speaking in another language (again, have fun with it) 3) I hope my jumping between perspectives is alright? Again, this is my first fanfic and I'm still getting used to this writing style so please bear with me 😅 Enjoy 🥰
(P.S : No NSFW warning....for now. This will be a slow burn. Just alot of flirting and tension)
Word count: 2820
Chapter 1: Sunbeams
The late afternoon air was setting in with an unfamiliar peace that Johnny had not felt in some time. It had also been awhile since he smelt the air of a new base. Everything about this place smelled of new. New walls, new floors, new paint, new everything other than his team that now walked its halls. His team of the 141 had been assigned for the training of some soldiers in the province of some small country that never came onto his rader from how small and insignificant it was. He thought it a shame that he had never heard of such a place considering he had been all over the world at this point. He also thought it a shame because of how beautiful it was. Although he had only seen the military airport and the roads that lead to the base which didn’t lead to any city, town, or village; only some spread out farms, the land was lush and green and the climate cool for the season; which seemed to be spring. He did see the outline to town from a distance once he was on the base. Once he had unpacked what he needed, him, and Gaz decided to explore the new place together. Ghost locked himself in his room for some much needed sleep as he tended to be a bad sleeper on plane rides. “I think the hairs on my nostrils are vaporizing from the smell of new paint,” Gaz rubbed his nose. 
“We’ve smelled our own funk and of others for so long that this is definitely a weird whiff for our noses,” Johnny laughed. 
“Kinda smells like a fresh mopped shopping center doesn’t it?” Gaz chuckled.
“Yeah,” Johnny laughed back at the comparison. 
The two friends found themselves on a balcony outside a small communal lounge area on the second floor. Underneath them was an open dirt field where some thirty young, newly appointed soldiers all lined up in rows and columns listening to their commanding officer give them some sort of speech. Majority were some pretty young lads. Looking at them made Johnny reminisce about his first few years in the military. He honestly wasn’t that much older than those boys down there but he wasn’t considered a “young adult” anymore and those years now seemed so far away with everything that he has seen and experienced. 
From this balcony is where he could see the outline of the town that seemed to sit by the river that the base sat next to as well. The area that the base was on was where the river expanded itself into some small marsh lands covered by a variety of tall grass, small bush, and tree’s. Rising all around them were some majestic mountains that loomed over them from all angles. The familiar views of long expanded valley’s made him nostalgic for his homeland. It was rather uncanny how alike the landscape looked from the views he saw growing up. 
“Why do you think Price accepted this assignment?” Johnny asked. “We’ve never been trainers or mentors before.
“Perhaps the world is finally at peace for once and the captain just wanted to keep us busy,” Gaz replied. “But knowing Laswell, this whole thing reeks of a deeper plot.”
“You think the captain and Laswell have another reason for us to be here?”
“Wouldn’t be surprised Soap. Would you?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I was told one thing only to be saddled with another…and another,” he leaned against the railing, letting his elbows hold him up. 
“The plot will eventually thicken. Just you wait,” Gaz positioned himself in the same way as well. 
“Maybe we’re here for good reason?” Johnny wondered.
“Ready to be someone’s knight in shining armor Soap? Gaz released a small snort. 
“More like someone’s dog. Ready to fetch the ball.” Johnny sighed. 
“Come on Soap, normally Ghost is the pessimist.”
“Agh, you’re right. I think I’m just tired from the flight,” Johnny huffed. 
“You still have some time to rest up. Price said we wouldn’t be properly introduced until tomorrow morning,” Gaz patted his friends back. 
The two men started their route back to the barracks when they passed by the security office. Price was in there talking back and forth with an officer. Johnny and Gaz were able to catch what the conversation was about. 
“Alright I’ll have someone check out the sensor,” Price began to walk out the door when he spotted two of own lingering outside. 
“Everything alright Captain?” Gaz asked
“Security has just informed me that a motion sensor has been triggered,” he informed his boys about the alarm. 
“Couldn’t it just be an animal?” Johnny reasoned.
“I thought that too but the sensor is designed to go off only when anything that weighs more than a hundred pounds passes by it. We should check it out either way. This place is new and it already has some heads turning our way,” the captain crossed his arms. 
That was when Johnny knew Gaz was right about something more than training some new armed recruits was their purpose for being here. “We’re already up and dressed captain so we’ll go ahead and take a look at it,” Johnny looked to his crewmate. 
“Gear up and go find out what it was then. It was the northmost sensor, number T110.” the captain let them know. “Leave in five minutes and give me a radio check when you reach it,” Price headed back towards his new office.  
Geared up and armed the two soldiers headed towards the sensor. They were going in blind to this not only because they didn’t know what tripped the sensor but also they didn’t know the lay of the land just yet. They knew which direction of the base's perimeter was north but they came up to two others before coming up to the right one. It had a small light that was blinking red. It wasn’t hard to see that the place was disturbed…by a human. Clear footprints came from the fences direction and headed out towards the river. There was a clear path where the footprints were stamped on. Seemed to be a frequently used forest path to get to the river banks. 
“Let’s see if our guest is still here?” Johnny followed the path while Gaz walked from behind. To get to the river it was a slight downhill in the land with small curves that avoided the tree’s.
“These are some small prints Soap. It’s not like there are hardy boots or anything,” Gaz took note of the pattern of the prints which looked more like sneakers. 
“You’re right,” Johnny replied. “Maybe some local kids getting to their regular spot. We should be ready to not look intimidating if these are just local civilians,” Johnny began to speak quietly as they got near the riverbank. 
“Copy that,” Gaz nodded. 
The sounds of the flowing water started to get louder and louder as they tracked the footprints. A giant boulder crushed between two large trees blocked their sight of the river which was now in view. They could hear some shuffling going around the other side of the large chunk of rock. The two men put their backs and eyed one another in silence, giving each other hand signals on how they were going to approach this. Just as they were about to creep to the other side, the sudden bark of a dog that jumped in front of them made the two men flinch. 
“Shit,” Johnny cursed. 
“Who’s behind there!” 
Johnny’s mind did a mental gasp at the sound of a woman’s voice. It was speaking in the native tongue of course.
“Oli, get back here!”
“Recall your dog miss! Gaz shouted. “We’re from the base!” The woman’s voice shouted for her dog once more and the medium sized mutt retreated back to its owner in a huff. 
“We’re going to walk out! Don’t move an inch!” Johnny commanded; although he didn’t know if the person could understand him in the first place. It was a hunch at the very least since the dog did back up once its name was called when Gaz told the mystery intruder to do so. 
“You can come out now,” The voice spoke in English this time with a slight accent. 
Soap nodded his head forward for Gaz to follow him around the boulder. With their guns up they slowly crept into the view of the stranger standing within the shallows of the river. With your overalls rolled up to your knees and the sun rays that peeked through the tree’s which created a gold halo around your silhouette, Johnny was left speechless at the sight of you.
“I’m not armed…unless you count this small stone,” you held up her arms decorated in an array of beaded bracelets while holding the stone you warned them about. 
“What’s in the bag?” Johnny pointed out the stuffed canvas messenger bag on the ground. 
“Paint supplies,” you replied. 
Johnny approached the bag, lifted its flap, then revealed the said paint supplies. He rummaged around just in case. You did not like that as she yelled at him to keep his hands out of it.  
“You do know you are trespassing here, miss?” Gaz questioned you. 
“Yeah well up until eight months ago this place was open to everyone,” you had an angry tone to your voice. The stare of annoyance in your eyes gave Johnny a slight shiver up his spine. 
He didn’t have to be so aggressive in looking through your things. Damn those pretty blue eyes that looked up at you as your hands were up in the air so as to not provoke them. They were holding some pretty big guns at you and your dog. Luckily your furry companion was behaving for once and listening to your command of staying still, but they were ready to pounce at any time now. 
“Please don’t hurt my dog,” you said to the soldiers. 
“What’s his name?” The soldier with the silly mohawk asked you. 
“Oli,” you responded. “He’s just cautious but he’s nice if you approach him slowly…and not sneak from behind,” you said the last part in a scoff. The mohawk guy noticed and smiled a crooked grin your way. Damn he’s cute, you bit your tongue. The soldier carefully extended his hand to your dog with some soft words of encouragement to smell him. 
“Oli, safe,” you said to your dog. Oli yapped a happy bark and jumped onto the soldier’s chest with an unstoppable wagging tail which made their bottom wiggle back and forth. 
“Oh what a good dog you are,” the mohawk guy said in the usual “happy that a dog is happy” kind of voice. 
The other soldier with the baseball cap also crouched down to pet Oli with a smile. It put you at ease that Oli was calm and happy with them around. “Can I put my hands down now?” you asked. 
“Yes, miss,” the baseball-capped soldier said.
With your arms now resting you headed back to the riverbank. On the sand of the bank you unloaded your pockets of different stones. “That’s all I have, I swear.”
“Even though you’re not an armed threat you still haven’t answered what you’re doing here,” mohawk guy questioned you. 
“You know normally introducing yourself with your name is the polite thing to do. Or do they not do that sort of thing anymore around the world,” you jested. 
“You’re the one on our side of the fence so why don’t you start with introductions. What’s your name miss?”
Dick. Why did he have to be a cute dick. “I’m (Y/N) , I live in the town that overlooks that ugly thing,” you pointed at the gray blocks that made up the military base. 
“I take it you’re not a fan of your new neighbors?” Mohawk asked. 
“It would’ve been nice to not have it block my spot. Maybe if you built it not here then I wouldn’t mind it so much. I think it would look great in the mountains…on the other side,” you jested again.
"Your spot?” Mohawk asked. 
“Yes my spot, Mohawk! I’ve been coming here since I could walk and that damn fence isn’t going to stop me!”
Those cute angry eyes were definitely going to be the death of him. Calm yourself Johnny. A pair of batting lashes shouldn’t put your defenses down. But oh how he wanted to. 
“Oh, you already gave me a nickname?” 
“Well it’s not like YOU introduced yourself or your friend Baseball Cap over here,” you put your hands on your hips. 
“I’m Sergeant MacTavish and this is Sergeant Garrick,” he finally introduced himself. 
“Well Sergeant, if you’ll excuse me I have some business to attend to before I lose the light,” you approached your bag. Taking out your collapsible easel, you unclipped it and tried to position it in the right direction. 
“No miss you cannot make camp here,” MacTavish was about to reach for your easel when you swatted at his hand with a loud smack. “Hey!” he yapped. You could hear his friend smile with a chuckle. 
“I’m not setting up camp. Don’t you know an easel when you see it, soldier? I’m going to paint. Now if you will, I would appreciate some silence,” you only continued doing your usual set up. 
Johnny wasn’t about to deny that he was both surprised and slightly turned on from the hand smack you placed on the back of his hand. Not too often does he meet many people with such fearlessness. Your determination was admirable but he had a job to do and you weren’t supposed to be here. He backed away from you and came up to Gaz with a whisper. 
“So how do you want to play this?” Gaz asked. 
“Well she’s not a threat but she can’t be here,” Johnny pointed out. Peering over his shoulder he saw how you carefully set up her easel which transformed into a mini table on the side and took several other tools out. A jar of water, a pouch full of paint brushes, and a small palette with some nice looking paints. Looking at the tools brought the soldier back to his elementary art classroom. It used to be his favorite subject. His art teacher was the only one who cared about his doodles and scribbles. She would even hang her favorite ones on the wall. Nostalgia from a better time in his life flooded his mind. He felt bad having to move someone like you who just wanted her creative space back. With a huff and grunt he turned to Gaz. “You go Gaz, I’ll stay behind and wait for her to finish. It’s almost dark anyways,” Johnny sighed. 
“You’re going to let her stay?” Gaz asked. 
“Yeah, just head back. I’ll radio Price in a sec to let him know.”
“It’s your head Soap,” Gaz snickered. 
“I know,” Johnny huffed. 
“Have a goodnight miss,” Gaz said his goodbyes. “Goodnight Oli,” he patted your dog one last time before heading back and disappearing behind the tree’s.
“So you’re going to babysit me?” You jeered.  
“I’m no monster to disturb a creative mind. Plus, I don’t feel right leaving a damsel in the middle of nowhere when it’ll be getting dark soon,” Mohawk got himself comfortable on a stone. 
“How noble of you, Mohawk,” you huffed at the man. “Suit yourself,” you hunched your shoulders. Unbothered by the results. As long as you got to paint, all was good. Though, you wish you didn’t have to have a huge burly, mohawked, military dude breath down your neck. Cute for sure, but annoying nonetheless. 
As much as Johnny tried to admire the serenity of the location, which had much to look at in nature, he couldn’t help looking at you.  You were barefoot with your toes curled in the sand. Your back stood as straight as an oak. Your gaze aimed for the tree’s to the south of the riverbank. A landscape that was now disturbed by what you described as “those ugly things” which still left a laugh in Johnny’s chest. Your focus is what he couldn’t stop looking at the most. Christ was it mesmerizing to see how your eyes pierced through the landscape in trying to capture your little painting. You began to quickly work on what he could only describe as the best bloody sunset landscape he had ever seen. The soft pinks and purples were so similar to the real thing. 
“Y-you’re really talented,” he was finally able to get a compliment out of his mouth. 
In an elegant turn of your head the military man was captured by your stare. He gulped at your glare. “Thank you,” you smiled.
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corruptimles · 1 month
🎵🌟🔫 the blue (original?) captain
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original captain beloved
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
The music Capt listens to is actually whatever playlists were set up by Grapevine, his communications officer, which consisted mostly of jazz funk. The Captain himself is associated with both songs Ship in a Bottle and Mi Capitán representing both himself and himself as part of November respectively.
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
The Captain is pretty much always looking at the night sky as the space adventurer he is. It represented freedom and wonder. And he's always willing to share it with his crew, but he mostly used to stargaze with his wife. He hasn't and cannot find someone else to fill that specific role beside him again.
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
He doesn't trust blindly trust people as much as he believes in giving people chances. And that doesn't require letting the person stick around if it comes down to it, if it endangers his crew. And as someone that's worked with ferrying Imposters before, yes, he's had his fair share of backstabbing from those trying to take advantage of his charity. Things are handled, and he continues. He technically goes against Mira all the time because of this. He's the type to stubbornly try and find a different solution entirely to the trolley problem.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 10 months
1, 7, 20 for the music ask game <3
Oh thank you for the music ask K! 💕
1. which artist(s) have you listened to the most lately?
I have been listening to the new Jorja Smith album pretty much on repeat! Also, as always, Little Simz, Kali Uchis, Ezra Collective, Captain Planet (Brazilian funk!!), Rema (Afrobeats) and DRAMA (dance!!)
7. a song for which you like a cover more than the original
I have to give you two!
Prince’s cover of Creep
Beck’s cover of Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat
10. a song that reminds you of a fictional character or ship (feel free to specify)
I will give you three: one for one for TK, one for Carlos & one for Tarlos!
TK Strand: WTF - Still Woozy
I got a mouth that could run a mile
And a brain in a downward spiral
Just don't lie, just don't lie to me
'Cause I'ma pick you up
When your head is down low
Just call me the bus (yeah)
I always come around eventually
Carlos: Easy To Get - Hot Chip
From the moment I saw you
From the note you first wept
There is something about you
I will never forget
Take a look in the mirror
Wipe away your regret
Look for me on the dance floor
Playing easy to get
No fear
Fear doesn't live here anymore
Yes it's clear
Right here
I am yours, my dear
(I'm playing easy to get)
Tarlos: Fuck the Pain Away - Gorgon City
Kissing your scars, softly
Watching you heal, slowly
Fuck the pain away
Fuck the pain away
Ooh, let me do that for you
Please let me do that for you
Fuck the pain away
Fuck the pain away
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homuraakemis · 8 months
My favorite Zuko AMVs
Prince Zuko • Character Study • Tribute by TheRedSoxFan18
I Am Zuko [Tribute] by MissAvatar15
MDQ Finals - ZUKO TRIBUTE by kelso895
Long live the prince || Zuko by TheLoaLok
Avatar- Zuko (Savin' Me) by Kotori-Rei
Zuko // Above and Beyond by gtgrandom
fire, fire. {prince zuko} by irydionlover.
7 Years || ATLA by TheFirebelly
echo [Zuko] by DannyPhantomSG1
Avatar: The Last Airbender • I can't drown my demons. by LiveLikeHeroes
Zuko AMV ~Era Of Peace And Kindness~ [HD] by AmoNoatak
Zuko | Rubik's Cube by didifallasleep2
Way Down We Go || A Zuko tribute by The Stranger Artist
*ZUKO-Made For This* by Demigod's Child
Zuko AMV | Zuko Tribute | Bring Me The Horizon - Can You Feel My Heart by Nick Wilde
rise | ZUKOᴹᴱᴾᵖᵃʳᵗ by tomoekun777
Zuko - Fire | AMV | by Music-Chanッ
*ZUKO-Enemy* by Demigod's Child
Zuko | Who Are You Really? by hobbitfalva
Zuko | I must be good for something by hobbitfalva
[AVATAR] Zuko // Glitter & Gold by Force Captain Tilly
Zuko - Enemy by BloodRaven55
Enemy | Zuko | Avatar [AMV] by Avatar Edits
Zuko || I’m So Sorry [AMV] by MNY
Zuko | Broken Crown by Ilovehertjes
Zuko Tribute | Underneath the Bridge by ikijay
Zuko - Numb by yoruichisan19
Zuko - Forgive Me (ATLA AMV) by Rowan_Ark
(ATLA) Prince Zuko | HONOR by AD_edits
*ZUKO-I wanna be your slave* by Demigod's Child
You Can Be King Again // Zuko 《AMV》 by AnalyzationM
• Z U K O || you can be king again || by MileneMOVIES
Zuko || King by SF Edits
Zuko - Uptown Funk by Sopphires
We Are ~ A Tribute to Zuko and the Fire Nation by AlexandriteMoonlight
Prince Zuko - | - Dust Bowl Dance by Invisible Bob
Zuko [AMV] || CARNIVORE by Maurits van Leeuwen
Family Line - Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender). by • Gab •
Prince Zuko || Heathens [Avatar AMV] by Cortex
[AVATAR] Zuko // This is how villains are made by Force Captain Tilly
*ZUKO-Fight Back* by Demigod's Child
Zuko AMV What I've Done by Kathryn Dodl
Zuko | Breaking the habit by kimify
Zuko: Fight Inside ( Avatar AMV ) by KijiSon
atla | zuko | wait for it by ToastyGlow
[Zuko] Best of Me by ToothlessMI
[AVATAR] Zuko // Way down we go by Force Captain Tilly
Zuko | On My Own. by flygurl2Zim
Zuko | Paralyzed by Kataang Videos
Feeling Good // Zuko (Part III) [CW-Flashes] by Chrissy AMV 2.0
All I Ever Wanted // Zuko // The Prince of Egypt by Katie D
Zuko "Crawling: Linkin Park" by AlexAutoAxe
ZUKO|| Champion [Secret Santa for Luna]|| by XxmarvelgirlxX
Link to the list of my favorite Zuko/Mai AMVs
Dollhouse | Zuko & Azula by TheLoaLok
Game of Betrayal [Connecticon 2011 Action Finalist] by Chaobunny12
Zuko vs. Azula 🔥 Agni Kai | AMV | Play with Fire by K9K
Avatar AMV, Emperor’s New Clothes, Zuko and Azula by The Umlauted Denver
Play With Fire || Zuko and Azula by XX Luna
Running // Zuko & Azula (Part II) by Chrissy AMV 2.0
I Didn't Ask For This // Azula & Zuko [CW- Flashes] [Pls READ Desc.] by Chrissy AMV 2.0
Zuko & Azula - Watch You Crawl by MitsukotheDarkAngel
Arsonist's Lullabye - ATLA Fire Siblings (Zuko & Azula) by Frustrated Pigeon
Zuko & Azula - Burn by GoEnzoGo
Zuko and Azula -- Numb by smrguysirman123
part of me [zuko] by DannyPhantomSG1
be more like me & be less like you || Zuko || ATLA AMV by xBloodyKing
Zuko & Ozai ● I Went Too Far by Mellan Clear
Zuko & Ozai「I have questions」// ʀᴇᴜᴘʟᴏᴀᴅ♡ by WhateverWhenever
Zuko and Ozai-Just Like You by PrinceZukoFanGirl
Sad Exchange - Zuko and Ozai by Rickashayful
Aang & Zuko ● Worth giving a chance by Mellan Clear
AvatarTLA- Lightning : Aang and Zuko by Zoopoe
Children's Work // Aang & Zuko [Avatar: the Last Airbender] by absinthespoons
Zuko and Aang[AMV]On my own by Cipri Ninjalau
burning gold [zukaang] by DannyPhantomSG1
Aang and Zuko ||| Brothers by Vibe Z
be the light [zuko&aang] by DannyPhantomSG1
ships in the night [zukaang] by DannyPhantomSG1
aang & zuko | what's a soulmate? by skairings
i found - zukaang by wordswith dragons
set the world on fire [zukaang] by DannyPhantomSG1
ZUKO + IROH . bet my life by heymonwebejammin
Zuko and Iroh | Father and Son by Zhemka
Iroh and Zuko - Never Gonna Be Alone by Snicker Shank
*IROH AND ZUKO - Don't You Worry Child* by Demigod's Child
Zuko/other characters
*OZAI ANGELS & ZUKO- Teenagers* by Demigod's Child
Zuko & Azula & Ozai - Empires by Zlata Adams
Fire Nation Royals ● It Runs in the Family [ATLA AMV] by Mellan Clear
Avatar- The Fire Nation (The Greatest Civilization in History) by zoopoe
*FIRE NATION ROYALS-Broken Crown* by Demigod's Child
Azula, Mai, Ty Lee and Zuko [AMV] ~ Rotten To The Core by Animation Lync
Pride and Power {Fire Nation Tribute} by OnyxAMVs
Afraid to find what I'm looking for ● Toph & Zuko [ATLA AMV Tribute] by Mellan Clear
Zuko and Katara || I'm not your enemy by Skywalkers Arcade
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quillheel · 11 months
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ALIAS / NAME: Captain! I used to be called Honey, Lovely, and Nyx in the past, though that was LONG before Tumblr. Twas my amino days, baby. ( I also semi-recently tried out 'King' but the vibes don't quite fit yknow! prefer the vibe of that as a term of referral - ex: my liege - rather than a name weirdly enough BHGKTRB )
BIRTHDAY: july 7th!
ZODIAC: cancer! i forgot my exact stuff, like rising sign or the like, but i do know that! i got into zodiacs when i was like 13 i think so I know at least MY sign by heart lol
HEIGHT: 5'6! something like that, I think :] which is also 167 centimeters
HOBBIES: drawing, writing ( I have an ao3 I've been neglecting for so long ), dungeons & dragons / general ttrpgs which take up SO much of my week <3, video games, content analysis ( kinda? ), baking, penpal, learning ukulele, learning to sew, learning crochet!
FAV. COLOR: im terrible when it comes to this question because i love a lot of very specific colors because artist brain BUT... If I had to pick one. Probably a red-y brown-y color. I REALLY like warm and neutral colors ( though Quillheel's pallet probably wouldn't invoke that thought ) though i also like a lot of neutral and cooler colors. you can basically reference a rainbow for my preferred colors but even with blue at the bottom ( I'm a big purple-enjoyer ) i still enjoy what good usage of it can do <3
FAV. BOOK: the long walk by stephen king, inkheart by cornelia funke, or frankenstein by mary shelley <3 love different aspects of all of them, though inkheart was a big part of my childhood so i'm biased BHHGTR
LAST SONG: be nice to me by the front bottoms :] i've been listening to a lot of Hozier lately though
LAST MOVIE / SHOW: UHHH wolfwalkers! VERY good i really liked it <3 i wanna rewatch song of the sea eventually, too! that ones also a favorite. the last show would probably be season 3 of infinity train ( I still resist the temptation to add Simon sometimes. he is such a terrible yet interesting little man ) or finally finishing watching hisuian snow :]
RECENT READ: if fanfiction doesnt count ( if it Does then wander boy by poptod, which is surprising its not one of the HUGE amounts of disco elysium fanfiction i've been chewing on lately ) then probably i think frankenstein by mary shelley, which i picked up and began reading but didn't finish :( still the most recent though! I wanna actually finish that + reread the long walk + read a bunch of other books, like the song of achilles by madeline miller, circe by madeline miller, orange world and other stories by karen russle, memorial: a version of homers illiad by alice oswald, the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson, good omens by neil gaiman and terry pratchett, the city & the city by china mieville, etc etc etc! ( if you guys have any suggestions actually, feel free to send em my way! )
INSPIRATION: horror! especially slashers, psychological horror, and 'bloodbath' horror ( selectively! carrie's got the vibes, saw does NOT ), psychological writing in general, a bunch of the books i have or plan on reading, mythology & legends, fanfiction and composition, music ( especially the weakerthans, the narcissist cookbook, hozier, etc ), poetry, and just!! learning methods of how things Generally are made, ig! how people paint, how people make clothes and make fabric, how people grow plants. i take a lot of inspiration from unexpected places, but a lot of those places are the act of creation in of itself. my writing might only be writing, but i try to embody a sense of color to it, of an artstyle you can almost taste, yknow? the composition in shows where blues look almost green and its like the world is basked in paint and there's just a feeling, indescribable, contextual but potent in of itself, the feeling of small moments everywhere, all at once, all the time. THAT SOUNDS REALLY PRETENTIOUS BUT LIKE... its true, yknow!! i like to embody a feeling in my writing, and i go to a lot of places to find it.
STORY BEHIND URL: once, a long time ago, my oc multimuse @cassiopiia was named orphic-ruin, and quillheel came second in my blogs list. i wanted them to match! so i thought of storytelling, which went to writing, then to pens, then to quills! and the 'heel' part comes from achilles heel, or the achilles tendon! as well as having ties to hermes' winged feet. in a way, its kinda saying 'vulnerable storyteller' or 'half-divine legend' or even kinda like a title or epithet vibe wise like you might find on a mythological figure ( ex: quill-heeled ) or something like that, which i think still fits the vibe p well to this day! if i did change the URL, idk what I'd make it now! i might eventually, but yeah!
tagged: @disassnbler ty ender!!!! <333
tagging: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh @littlelonesomestars @slaughterlocked @underworldslibrary @rebellionhearted aaaand anyone wearing blue, green or red <3
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damnrightshow · 2 years
1. "We're In Love" THE DECISIONS (Soul Direction)
2. "I Can See Him Loving You" ANDERSON BROTHERS (GSF)
3. "Flight Too Many" THE T.S.U. TORNADOS (Volt)
4. "What It Is ?" CURTIS LIGGINS INDICATIONS (Kaycee-Soul)
5. "I'd Like To Have You" NORWOOD LONG (Groovy Groove)
6. "I Need Your Love" THE IMPASSIONS (White Eagle)
7. "Help Your Brothers" CROSS BRONX EXPRESSWAY (Zell's)
8. "Tra La La" THE GREAT DELTAS (Englewood)
9. "Stay Together" SOUL EXCITEMENT (Pink Dolphin)
10. "Soul Combination" SOUL COMBINATION (Involved)
12. "What They Doing" CHARLES PRYOR AND POWER OF LOVE (Double 07)
13. "You Was Dancin' Need To Be Marchin' So You Can Dance Some More Later On" THE ADVANCED WORKERS WITH THE ANTI-IMPERIAL SINGERS (People's War)
14. "Dap Walk" ERNIE & THE TOP NOTES INC. (Fordom)
15. "Funky Wagon" JERRY COOK (Troyx)
16. "Nothin' But A Party" THE BLENDERS (Cobra)
17. "I Can't Find Another" THE SPECIALS (Satch)
18. "No Words" FUNKA FIZE (Royce)
19. "Gotta Git Down" THE FAMILY SOUND BAND (Artist's Recording)
20. "Peace Still Is With Us" APOLLOS SHOW BAND (Jonlewis)
21. "Where Do You Go" JBC BAND (Jeree)
22. "Havin' A Party" FLIPSIDE (Flipside)
23. "Captain Of My Ship" SEVENTH WONDER (W.G.)
24. "Fast Man" THE PC'S LTD (Fran)
25. "Clap Your Hands" REGINALD MILTON
26. "I Turn You On" THE LATIN BREED (GC)
27. "Ca Ba Dab" SOUL SWINGERS (Topaz)
28. "Mr Fortune" THE HITCHIKERS feat THE MIGHTY POPE (Heart)
30. "Butter Nut Part 2" THE BLACK TRUTH BAND (The Black Truth)
31. "I Really Love You" THE MYSTICS (Teako)
32. "It's An Explosion" THE ROYALE Ⅶ (Windmill)
33. "How Good Is Good" MICKEY & THE SOUL GENERATION (Mr.G)
34. "The World" SANDI & MATUES (Matues)
35. "Fell Into A Bag" RIVER CITY FUNK BAND (R.D.M.)
36. "Since I Was A Little Girl" HARD DRIVER feat VIVIAN LEE (Hawes)
37. "Funky Thing" LARRY ELLIS & THE BLACK HAMMER (Al King)
38. "Running Wild" SUNRISE MOVEMENT (Ghetto)
39. "Staright Ahead" BOBBY BOYD CONGRESS (Okapi)
40. "Disatisfied Man" OLIVER CHRISTIAN (Legrand)
41. "What's Going On" MR. CLEAN (Radio City)
42. "Where Is The Love" JACK SASS BAND (Visa)
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captainfunk · 11 days
[Album Medley] Captain Funk - Sunshine (Deluxe Edition, All New Mixes)
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/47JtGrQ Apple Music: https://apple.co/3tbEeRv Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/3tcoa24 Bandcamp: https://l.tatsuyaoe.com/AxfZBns Please refer to the Album page on the Model Electronic Records website. https://www.model-electronic.com/album/captain-funk-sunshine-deluxe-edition/
“Sunshine,” Captain Funk’s 2009 release featuring popular songs such as “Weekend” and “Piece of You,” comes back with all the brand new mixes and masters optimized for the digital streaming era. Enjoy the latest edition of “Sunshine” and “Instrumentals,” including their instrumental versions.
Note: These "Deluxe" releases are NOT just "remastered" albums.
Album Info & Credit -
Artist Name: Captain Funk Album Title: Captain Funk “Sunshine (Deluxe Edition)” Release Date: December 8, 2023 Format: Digital (No physical release) Product No: MECF-1023 UPC Code: 198026307729 Label: Model Electronic Records All tracks produced by Tatsuya Oe
Album Description (Message from Tatsuya)
To produce these 'Deluxe Edition' releases, I returned to the original Pro Tools data and scrutinized the hundreds of tracks per song. Anything deemed necessary was re-recorded using old and new equipment, and all audio processing, including compression and equalizing, was thoroughly reevaluated.
The top priority for releasing these new mix versions was to 'update' them musically so that listeners could enjoy them with their current sensibilities. Simultaneously, considering the significant changes in music distribution since the original releases in late 2000, we aimed to provide high-quality audio suitable for today's streaming and listening environment.
While we've worked to achieve a clearer and more refined sound through mixing and mastering, we've also been careful to preserve the power and momentum of the original audio source. This balance ensures that our 'Deluxe Editions' will be a familiar yet enhanced listening experience for everyone.
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thebandcampdiaries · 1 month
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Casey Frensz presents Captain Queso and the Intergalactic Battle of the Bands.
Multi-talented artist Casey Frensz has released an album titled Captain Queso and the Intergalactic Battle of the Bands. This innovative project blends a variety of musical styles into a cohesive rock opera, demonstrating Frensz's versatility and creativity as a musician.
However, this is more than just a concept album. It's a whole new musical world, as the artist truly managed to meticulously craft characters, a story, and a whole universe to bring this release to life as something that is greater than the sum of the parts.
Frensz, the mastermind behind the album, wrote, played, recorded, mixed, and mastered nearly every element. His wide-ranging musical talents and ability to blend different influences into something truly original is the main idea of the album. It's like taking The Beatles' 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band' to a whole new level. This release features not one, but five imagined bands, each representing a distinct musical style, as they compete in an epic 'Intergalactic Battle of the Bands.'
The character of Captain Queso offers a lively funk sound reminiscent of the likes of Parliament/Funkadelic, while Divatronic introduces an electro-dance pop vibe with prominent synthesizers. Old Dusty contributes a more intimate country/folk sound, while Riffrat delivers hard rock vibes and punch. Last but not least, Ga Na Na adds tribal elements to the mix, bringing a very unexpected dimension to the album. The overarching presence of the "Intergalactic Overlord" ties the narrative together with grand, orchestral arrangements, making the album feel very ambitious. Although incredibly diverse, the music is bound together very seamlessly, especially due to the overarching concept and the narrative behind this release.
Frensz also expanded the sonic palette of this release by enlisting a few collaborators. This enabled him to bring additional voices and rhythms to the album. The featured vocalists include Andrew Groble, Rick Kieffer, and Sharisse Germain, who each lend their vocals to the project, adding depth and diversity to the musical storytelling. Additionally, the sixth song on the album features drummer Matthew Mwangi, whose percussion work adds a dynamic layer to the album's complex mosaic of sounds. It's absolutely remarkable to think that Frensz curated most of the technical aspects of this release as well. Not only did he practically write and record the whole thing, but it also mixed and mastered the album. With so many different pieces of the puzzle falling into place, this is a very demanding project, which would be challenging even for the most demanding engineers. However, the artist managed to create a very professional and beautifully dynamic sound.
The progressive nature of the album enabled Frensz to embrace a retro aesthetic with more organic sounds, even when it comes to the tracks with more prominent electronics within. The analog flavor of the mix comes through (it doesn't really matter whether it was mixed on a computer or with outboard gear; the style has that much sought-after analog touch either way, which makes the listening experience all the more enjoyable and unique.) The song "In The Middle" is a perfect example of this. The track has a truly unique vibe. If you can picture Daft Punk building a time machine so they could travel back in time and jam with Pink Floyd, this is very close to what it might sound like! The dream-like quality of the vocoder layers and the floaty tempo make the song one of the most outstanding moments on the release. However, there is room for so much more. "Momentum," with Matthew Mwangi on drums, showcases the album's hardest-hitting edge. The sound is reminiscent of rockers such as Eagles Of Death Metal or The Hives, with overdriven guitars and huge riffs.
With influences ranging from Frank Zappa and Phish to The Who and The Beatles, Captain Queso and the Intergalactic Battle of the Bands is a genre-defying journey that pays homage to a wide array of musical traditions. Frensz's ability to seamlessly integrate these different styles into a single narrative is a testament to his skill as a musician and producer.
This album is likely to appeal to fans of rock operas and those who appreciate music that pushes the boundaries of genre and form.
Listen to the album and support the artist directly via Bandcamp.
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rayjuss · 2 months
Really late on this one but here you go internet, find this if you can like the hidden Earl and Uncle Al album on Youtube.
Ray Juss - 17.06.2024 - 11pm Tracklisting
Track - Title - Artist 1 - CAN'T GET U OFF MY MIND - Hiatus Beat Tape Co. 2 - High Eyes - TUAMIE 3 - 12's in 8 - Karriem Riggins - Karriem Riggins 4 - Needing To Win (0-16) - 14KT 5 - Alive - Xperiment x B.Lewis 6 - BeautyLOOPS - NAMELESS 7 - Goon Bag - Dibia$E 8 - DP35 - Captain 9 - Bell Beez Record - Ras G 10 - The Battle: Speed - Neptunes Instrumentals 11 - Blad - Letherette 12 - Pon DI LUV - Modlee & Vlooper 13 - BTSTU (Michael Gain G-Funk Edit) [ca._2009_A. K._Paul] - Jai Paul 14 - polaroids - duke hugh 15 - 1_Home - Culross Close 16 - Round We Go - Hawk House 17 - 18 - KenLo Craqnuques (Noir) - Galfren - 18 - Yellow - Tuamie 19 - 2 Beat (Instrumental Prod. by - Just Blaze 20 - Terry - The Alchemist 21 - Tea Leaf Dancers (feat. Andreya Triana) - Flying Lotus 22 - Here we go again - Dizz1 23 - Dat Ass - Jon Wayne 24 - Super Mario Bros - Castle - Various 25 - Character Select - NAMELESS 26 - Bethink - Busy - Busy 27 - Ghost Hunter - EPROM 28 - Clap To This - Xperiment 29 - Monophonic Shit - Mr. Oizo 30 - Tennis - dp 31 - KELP - CULP 32 - Captain - Wine Mix -
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everydaydg · 5 months
Man... I could go rambling for hours about the albums ive been listening lately. Ive been getting arround to albums ive wanted to listen for a long time
I realized I can get at least one album on my way back home. It usually takes arround 20-30 minutes which is enough for me to get into something and then continue it later at home.
It has worked wonders on working through my musical backlog.
Anyway on another topic because im kinda scatershot atm, heres some recommendations from me!!
Mostly things ive been listening lately
Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night (Stereolab)
Moonglow (Tatsuro Yamashita)
All Right! (Himiko Kikuchi)
RADIO DC (w/ DJ Katsuya Kobayashi)
Remain in the Light (Talking Heads)
SMAP 014
Sparkling Music (Deavid Soul)
KEISATSU (Policeman)
Camera Talk (The Flippers Guitar)
Bustin Loose EP (Captain Funk/Tatsuya Oe)
BIG WAVE (Tatsuro Yamashita)
(actually I should make a post going over hiroyuki namba in general, I like his stuff and its cool how he has history arranging music for video games right next to his work as an artist... idk I find it neat)
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priokskfm · 1 year
MIX OF The DAY! Listen UP! - Global Gumbo Funk Treasure Hunt Megamix by Captain Planet Calling all record diggers, music nerds and treasure hunters! Captain Planet has cooked up a musical egg hunt specifically designed for you, with multiple prize packages available to win. As a way to celebrate the many vintage musical inspirations from around the world that helped shape his trademark "gumbo funk" sound, the Captain cooked up a 60min megamix featuring beloved records as well as some selections from his recent "Sounds Like Home" full-length. Instead of releasing a tracklist, we've left it up to you to do your digging! Simply put, the person who correctly identifies the most songs in this mix wins. There are 30 tracks in total, each one worth a potential of 3 points for correctly identifying the Artist Name(s), the Song Title, and the Artist(s) Country(ies) of Origin. Every participant earns 10 points simply for entering the contest, making a grand total of 100 possible points. There will also be a consolation lottery prize chosen at random from the entries, so even if you don't want to do your homework, you can still be entered to win. Runner up prize packages will go to the people with the 2nd & 3rd most points earned. With 4 chances to win, it's time to flex your record digging skills and show how much you really think you know about those coveted deep cuts. Sure, feel free to use Shazam as much as you like, we know there are a handful in here that will keep you searching, so good luck! 1st prize - Signed limited blue 2xLP “Sounds Like Home”, signed “Moqueca” 7”, & white Capt. Planet T-Shirt 2nd prize - Signed 2xLP “Sounds Like Home” 3rd prize - Signed “Moqueca” 7” Random Entry Winner: - 2xLP “Sounds Like Home” LINK TO ENTER CONTEST HERE: https://ift.tt/IgJP54i Listen here: https://ift.tt/1xqmrFB | www.priokskfm.online | https://ift.tt/u3zns9A
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snackpointcharlie · 1 year
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On this episode of Snackpoint Charlie we are joined in the studio by the esteemed multimedia artist Mr. Brian Dewan. Will he play some long-lost tracks from his record collection, read an obscure text, or dazzle us with his acapella Captain Beefheart impression? ANSWER: all of the above! “There There” host Alanna Medlock rounds out the evening with spontaneous interjections as only she knows how. Live on air Wednesday, April 19 from 10pm to midnight on WGXC, 90.7 FM in the Hudson Valley and Podcast NOW on WGXC.org, the Wave Farm smartphone app, the podcast aggregator of your choice, or direct download below
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 113 - 2023.04.19 - Brian Dewan PLAYLIST https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/cw3xsr [ ^ click for download ^ ]
1) Mamady Kouyate - “Sobaro Maloya” from PROCLAMATION https://www.discogs.com/release/26726327-Various-Yonatan-Gat-Stone-Tapes
2) Sonic Boom & Delia Derbyshire - “Only the Loveliest” from ESOPUS 3: PRODUCT DISPLACEMENT https://www.esopus.org/issues/view/3
3) Eva Novoa - “Rectangles” from NOVOA KAMAGUCHI CLEAVER TRIO - VOL. 1 http://evanovoa.com/
4) Nada Kentjana - “Nelengnengkung” from PADANG MOONRISE: THE BIRTH OF THE MODERN INDONESIAN RECORDING INDUSTRY (1955-69) https://soundwayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/padang-moonrise-the-birth-of-the-modern-indonesian-recording-industry-1955-69
5) Rita Zaharah - “Djiko Untuang” from MUSICAL TREASURES OF INDONESIA https://www.discogs.com/release/8773386-Various-Musical-Treasures-of-Indonesia
6) Maxine Funke - “Oblivion” from RIVER SAID https://maxinefunke1.bandcamp.com/album/river-said (feat. Brian Dewan)
7) Sublime Frequencies - “Kazib City” from I REMEMBER SYRIA https://sublime-frequencies.bandcamp.com/album/i-remember-syria
8) Witness K - “Fantasy in Facsimile” from S/T https://evernever-records.bandcamp.com/album/s-t-5 (feat. Alanna Medlock)
9) Arovane - “yua:e” from ICOL DISTON https://arovane.bandcamp.com/album/icol-diston
10) Golden Book Films: Storytime Series - “Dragon in a Wagon”
11) Rully Djohan - “Bubuj Bulan” from BUBUJ BULAN / NAGHM EL UNS https://soundwayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/bubuj-bulan-naghm-el-uns
12) Ed McCurdy with Dana McCurdy - “Through All the World Below” from “ON JORDAN’S STORMY BANKS I STAND…” - SACRED SONGS OF AMERICA https://folkways.si.edu/ed-and-dana-mccurdy/on-jordans-stormy-banks-i-stand-sacred-songs-of-america/american-folk/music/album/smithsonian
13) Brian Dewan - “The Dust Blows Forward 'n The Dust Blows Back”
14) Stella Kola - “Set Out Too Soon” from STELLA KOLA https://stellakola.bandcamp.com/album/stella-kola
15) Meiko Kaji - “Onna Kawaki Uta / おんな渇き唄” from HAJIKI UTA https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/merch/meiko-kaji-hajiki-uta-deluxe-gatefold-lp-edition-with-2p-insert-and-obi-black-vinyl
16) Ak'chamel, The Ecstatic Brotherhood of Anima Mundi - “Why Did the Taliban Burn 10,000 Copies of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon in a Public Square?” from ESOPUS 25: JOKES https://www.esopus.org/issues/view/25
17) The Residents - “Inner Space” from LOSS OF THE LIZARD LADY (THE MOLLY HARVEY COLLECTION) https://secretrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-residents-loss-of-the-lizard-lady-the-molly-harvey-collection-sr13
18) Randy Weston - “Night in Medina” from BLUE MOSES https://www.discogs.com/release/736174-Randy-Weston-Blue-Moses (feat. Alanna Medlock)
19) Brian Dewan - “Orange Claw Hammer”
20) The Cambodian Space Project - “Whiskey Cambodia” from WHISKEY CAMBODIA https://www.discogs.com/master/1181500-The-Cambodian-Space-Project-Whisky-Cambodia (feat. Brian Dewan)
21) Mohamed Taha, Khadra, and Fatma Toubi - “Toubi Ya Nafs توبي يا نفس” from YA NAFS توبي يا نفس https://arabicsinglesgoingsteady.blogspot.com/2023/01/mohamed-taha-khadra-fatima-toubi-ya.html https://www.discogs.com/release/22561856-%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF-%D8%B7%D9%87-%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%A8%D9%8A-%D9%8A%D8%A7-%D9%86%D9%81%D8%B3-
22) Peter Rabbit Records - “Who's Afraid of the Rain, Rain, Rain” from HOW TO BE HAPPY ON A RAINY DAY https://www.discogs.com/release/10511487-Unknown-Artist-How-To-Be-Happy-On-A-Rainy-Day
23) Brian Dewan - “Well”
23) Omar Khorshid - “Pop Corn” from BELLY DANCE WITH OMAR KHORSHID VOLUME 3 https://www.discogs.com/release/4641947-Omar-Khorshid-Belly-Dance-With-Omar-Khorshid-Volume-3
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 9 months
Song of the year?
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
What’re you excited about for next year?
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Favorite place you visited this year?
TESSA HAI! Thank you!!
Song of the year?
Okay, according to Apple Music Replay my most listened to song was Gorilla by Little Simz! This is probably quite accurate as that song is one of my absolute favorites. However, that album came out last year so my song of 2023 is probably Niñx by Ana Tijoux! It’s such a fun, joyful song!
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
This is a tough one!! I listen to so much music and one of my very favorite things is music discovery. I think I will have to go with: La Sécurité (Quebec garage rock), Captain Planet (Brazilian funk), Overmono (British dance) or June Freedom (Afrobeats).
What’re you excited about for next year?
Hmm! I am excited to get settled into my new home, to take on some new responsibilities at work, for my soccer/football team to start playing again soon and to go to more matches, hopefully to travel more, to see what I do with writing, and to continue building my friendships with you and my other tumblr friends!
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT!!! 😂 I moved from a 500-sq foot apt to a townhouse. I have my own laundry and a dishwasher!! It’s all very exciting!
Favorite place you visited this year?
I did a lot of hiking, and for my bestie’s bday over the summer we took a trip to an island where we hiked a mountain and had a 360° view of the ocean!!
End of year asks
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