#artair might've felt him somewhat and that's what woke him up
townofcadence · 5 months
13.  DAZE :  for one muse to wake somewhere and find the other hovering over them.
(Artair goes looking for Ingvar — and actually finds him, finally, unintentionally, because he sees he's being watched?)
List of Scenarios 13.  DAZE :  for one muse to wake somewhere and find the other hovering over them.
Honestly, it hadn't been one of the cases he needed to take. A towering being that reached the sky with its visage and lived in the mountains wasn't something he could really do much about, besides prove the validity of the claim. Honestly most of the stories he'd even found were more about rescues than something dangerous happening. It hadn't been a priority for a while compared to some of the other, more immediately concerning jobs.
And then he'd found himself in a lull and needed the distraction. Something, anything to do something. It was in a different plane as it was too, so maybe it'd be worth checking out?
That was all the excuse he needed to pack a bag.
Of course, his usual check for the others proved unfruitful. He nearly expected it by now, but it still left him wilted, every time. Looking for signs for the giant person hadn't yielded anything either-- though that one didn't surprise him at all. The area wasn't serviceable by satellite or technology, and after so long, if no one had seen this entity, it seemed fairly adept at not being found.
But still, he was stubborn when he wanted to be, and he was already here. Might as well do the due-diligence. Which, in this case, was a trek up one of the mountain passes while looking for signs. He took the one that had a few rest stops for a longer journey, and also crossed most of the areas there had been sightings in. Maybe he'd get lucky.
True to his track record, he did not.
He honestly hadn't expected the temperature rise, on his hike a few days in. Nor did he expect the way the snow crunched, like the snow he was on was hollow. He didn't know why he saw the cracks he did, not really, nor did he note the powdery looseness of the topmost layer to be anything to worry about. He just wasn't used to being this high up. And he didn't know the warning signs.
So he certainly didn't see the sudden gush of snow that slammed into him coming. The packed snow had warmed, and it loosed in a dense torrent under his weight and above him, shucking itself down and off the mountainside. He tumbled with it, hitting something hard with his head as he rolled with the miniature avalanche. He landed hard on a rocky outcrop, fifteen feet off the top of the mountain. Only by a miracle alone had he the forethought to secure himself to the ledge by puncturing it with a knife and clutching to some of the stone, holding on for dear life. Honestly, if the grip of his prosthetic wasn't deathly tight, he also might have careened off the ledge with the snow. He... wouldn't have survived the fall, he was positive of that.
Not that he was in much better a space. He was definitely bruised to hell, and his head hurt pretty bad. It was---bleeding, actually. A lot. Ugh, head injuries were such a hassle.
But... now what? Any plan to move forward was brought to a grinding halt. He couldn't go. What was he supposed to do? Sprout wings and fly? He was like the distance of three people stacked on top of other from the top of the mountain without anything to help him climb up, and it was probably like at least 20 to 30 guys tall from the bottom.
The most he could do is wait. He had to hope someone else came along to help, or--- something. Or he'd have to wait until he felt he could make the climb. Or had the brainpower to figure something else out. He really didn't have much choice. He tried to open his bag and use an emergency medical kit in the meantime. He might as well clean out his injury with alcohol and put some antibacterial ointment on. Unfortunately, rooting around proved that he'd run out of band-aids last time and forgotten to replace them.
All he could do was ---still wait. Which quickly turned into resting, beneath one of those emergency blankets to keep the heat in. It was a miserable night, and he had no idea what the next day would entail. But it was better to face it with enough willpower to function, if he wanted to get out of this.
The last thing he expected was to wake up only a few hours later, to see a...very, very large face, looming above him and his outcrop. Staring it seemed, right at him. Long brown hair disappeared behind their shoulders, and a beard adorned their face. He noted a large scar as well on their right cheek, an X that broke the hairline of his beard and split his upper lip near the corner, and stretched almost to his eye. He seemed to watch him with green eyes that rounded almost softly at the edges. His peripheries picked up the edges of a green shirt, maybe a tunic, but his focus didn't leave that face. Maybe it was just him, but the expression seemed...sad? Tired.
Given the bullshit of his life, it was hard to be scared. His whole life revolved around weird and--- this was exactly the extra-large person he was looking for. Concern almost seemed silly at this point. The giant guy didn't feel malicious or ill-intentioned either, and the expression struck him far more as one from someone life hadn't been the best to them, rather than one that was like-- gonna eat him or something. Also he could hardly think enough to be afraid anyway, between the killer headache, and the way his side felt like one giant bruise.
Instead he hardly moved, as if doing so would scare the giant away. He slowly raised a hand, and offered a small wave. "Ah...uh......hi." Augh, maybe he should just let the giant eat him if that was a thing they'd do, to save him from his own embarrassment.
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