#art's super rushed cuz i wanted to do it TODAY so sry for the laziness
blueburds · 4 years
OC Interview: Altrethir Valran
Tagged by @sleepswithvillains - I loved your approach to this prompt and I’m doing mine in a similar style!
I’m gonna tag @trixcuomo and @seilune ! I think you two would especially love to do this :D
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A printed magazine plopped onto Altrethir’s desk with a slap. His eyes flicked up, meeting the gaze of Andronikos. The human man simply gestured to the magazine.
The Sith arched a brow as he looked to it and groaned internally. The picture. Out of all the ones they took, why that one? He looked far more imposing in others.
“I see you’ve found a copy of the latest issue of the Imperial Chronicles,” Altrethir muttered, tentatively bringing it closer to have a look for himself.
“Just happened to stumble across it,” Andronikos said. “The interview you and Ashara went to last month, was that all for this?”
“It was, yes,” Altrethir replied as he flipped to the page where said interview was written. His eyes darted across the words, as if he was checking to see if they altered anything he said.
► Name? ➔ “Darth Nox of the Dark Council.”
He says, but I ask for his real name. He is hesitant.
“Altrethir Valran.”
► Are you single? ➔ "I am married to my work.”
► Are you happy? ➔ “At the moment, I feel mellow. Overall, I am content with my position and achievements, but strive to do more to better the Empire.”
► Are you angry? ➔ “I am able to make myself angry within a second, but I will refrain from doing so now.”
► Are your parents still married? ➔ “They were still together when they passed.”
► Birth place ➔ “Hutta.”
His mood shifts and for the first time this interview, he tears his gaze from me.
► Hair color Lekku patterns ➔ Darth Nox’s lekku are moderately tattooed. There are, however, more designs upon his face than there are on his head tails.
► Eye color ➔ An unnatural scarlet - like that of powerful Sith - that are a slightly lighter gold toward the pupil.
► Birthday ➔ “Mid-spring.”
► Mood ➔ Darth Nox appears calm, relaxed, if not observant. I can feel him watching, maybe judging, my body language.
► Gender ➔ “Male.”
► Summer or winter? ➔ “Both can be dreadful, depending on the planet. I suppose if we use Dromund Kaas for this scenario, I should say summer. I’m more accustomed to heat than I am to bitter cold.”
► Morning or afternoon? ➔ “Morning, I suppose.”
► Are you in love? ➔ “Once more, I must confess that I am married to my work. I’ve little time to spare on love.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight? ➔ “Attraction, indeed, but not love.”
► Who ended your last relationship? ➔ “I haven’t any past relationships.”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ “Physically? Yes. And intentionally.” Nox gives a sly grin. His apprentice fidgets in her seat in discomfort.
► Are you afraid of commitments? ➔ “Not at all. I wouldn’t have made it to where I am today if I wasn’t truly dedicated.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Nox pauses to think, his face scrunching lightly in thought. He exchanges a glance with his apprentice but she gives a big shrug. “I don’t recall,” he says, “I don’t think I have.”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔ “It’s unlikely that I haven’t.”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I have, yes; but I was able to make the most out of my emotions.”
► Love or lust? ➔ "Both are appealing to me.”
► Lemonade or ice-tea? ➔ "’Ice tea,’” Nox sneers. “Stars, no. Tea, but hot.”
► Cats or dogs? ➔ “I’m not much of an animal person, to be quite honest. I suppose a cat would require less maintenance.”
► A few best friends or many regular friends? ➔ "A few close friends, but perhaps that is my introverted side speaking.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in? ➔ “A romantic night in, certainly.” He smirks, “That is, until my theoretical partner and I tire of it and crave something more exciting.”
► Day or night? ➔ “Both, I suppose. I’ve no preference in that regard.”
► Been caught sneaking out? ➔ Nox huffs a sigh, “More times than I should care to admit.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔ “No.” But his apprentice slowly raises a brow. He pauses. “Once.”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “I have, and I still do. The state of the Empire means everything to me.”
► Wanted to disappear? ➔ “Several times, I fear. It is a rather nice feeling, I will admit, to be on a planet in which no one recognizes you. To give a recent example, Rishi was quite an interesting experience.”
► Smile or eyes? ➔ “Both are quite nice, though I notice one’s eyes first.”
► Shorter or taller? ➔ “I’ve no preference in that regard; both are fine with me.”
► Intelligence or attraction? ➔ “I feel as though I’m cheating,” he grins, “Once more I should answer with both.”
► Hook-up or relationship? ➔ “I’m in no search of a relationship at the moment, nor a hook-up. So neither.”
► Do you and your family get along? ➔ Nox frowns and shakes his head, “No. No, we do not.”
► Would you say you have a ‘messed up life’? ➔ “Depends on one’s point of view. I tend to be optimistic, so I see my past as a road of opportunities that lead me to this stage in my life. I had many, many hardships along the way, but I’m content with the person I turned out to be.”
► Have you ever ran away from home? ➔ “Korriban was the only place that felt like a ‘home,’ but no. I was made an official apprentice and left Korriban to bigger and better places.”
► Have you ever got kicked out? ➔ He thinks. “No, I don’t believe I have.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends?➔ “A wise woman once told me to keep my friends close, and enemies closer.”
► Do you consider all your friends good friends? ➔ “Mn, not all.”
► Who is your best friend? ➔ “Oh, how I despise favoritism,” he waves a hand dismissively, tossing a smirk to his apprentice. “I cannot say that I have a single best friend. But I’ve grown close with some of my crewmates, and I’d certainly trust them with my life.”
► Who knows everything about you? ➔ “Such information would be unwise to include in a public magazine, I’m afraid. For their own sake, I must refuse to answer.”
Altrethir heaved a small sigh. From the looks of it, they wrote down everything correctly. “Frankly, I’m surprised they didn’t ask more personal questions.”
“Those seemed pretty personal to me,” Andronikos said with a light shrug. “Surprised you even answered some of those. So, Sith. Who is your best friend?”
Altrethir tossed him an amused grin, “You clearly read the interview. I’ve multiple. And, yes, you are certainly one.”
“Good. Would’ve been kind of offended if I wasn’t,” he mirrors the Twi’lek’s smirk and pushes himself from the desk, leaving the magazine with Altrethir. The Sith turned the next page and- saw an advertisement for Korriban, with Harkun’s face on it. He sneered and abruptly shut it. Why hasn’t he killed that man?
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