#around the point i hit a character limit that i didn't know existed i began to realize this post is not actually short
waveridden · 2 years
hey. what were lenny and chorby like in the expansion era. ily.
PROLONGED SIGHING. OKAY. i'm going to try to do this as quickly as i can because i do want to write some of this one day
also let me just head this off at the pass, because i get this a lot. we are talking about eleanor "lenny" marijuana, youngest sister to dom and randy, and chorby short, a mostly-human magical girl. if you want to talk about dad lenny and chorby soul, have fun, but that's not what this post is about and you shouldn't do it here. ok so
lenny/chorby meet as teens in the garages shadows and become very very close friends with romantic undertones
before they can act on this chorby is pulled out of the shadows, and then lenny makes some mistakes and then is also pulled out of the shadows
towards the end of the discipline era they reconcile and begin a relationship. they're both early 20s at this point but that blaseball slow-aging has started to hit them
if you don't know what i'm talking about i have a convenient 27k fic that you can read that explains it in a liiiiittle more detail
and then the grand siesta, a very long time to be normal 20-somethings in love! they have a good time i think it's good for them. maybe they get married maybe they don't. either way this is like, the golden days, bc they have enough time to spend with each other AND on their own AND with other friends.
also they're on the same coffee cup team which is cute
at the end of s14 chorby gets precog and freaks the fuck out and will Not tell lenny what she saw
lenny is currently dealing with chorby soul being resurrected, and the fact that this dude knew her brother, AND her girlfriend's being weird? it's neither of their finest moments that's for sure like they're not very good at communicating and being in a relationship. this is the first real rough patch they've had in a while
in mid-early s15 chorby gets redacted. this is bad obviously
i'm going to put the readmore here because in case you can't tell this is about to get long
so suddenly lenny is alone, her girlfriend is in the fucking void, her brother's best friend (ex? maybe??) is fucking sharkbait and she gets attacked too, and she's just having a bad time
and i think it's also around this time lenny has an epiphany of like. despite her best efforts, her whole life really has been blaseball. it was either defined by the shadows, by active play, or by people she knew because of this sport. she does not have friends outside of this. she doesn't have a job. she doesn't even really have a hobby
chorby is unstabilized bc of a plunder gone wrong (very stressful for lenny) and then pops up on the mills shadows, which is hard because lenny is still pitching at some garages games and can't visit her
also like this is getting in a little deep but: this is when we have foreshadow wills and fax machines and the apple. so the discipline era style "you forget them if they're in the shadows" is slowly becoming a nonfactor. but i also think that for lenny it is also deeply traumatizing in some ways for chorby to be in another team's shadows without her, in this place that lenny deeply associates with "somewhere i can't go"
also, chorby is an attractor, and doesn't have a soul. my interp of this is very much the spn soulless sam thing of like it's her but something's Wrong. like it's her but she's emptier, doesn't react as much to things, doesn't want to talk to people. her but she's changed and can't say why.
in particular: lenny tries to visit and chorby just. doesn't care. and i think that's hard! lenny has spent a year and a goddamn half in panic mode and chorby comes back and just. doesn't care
if you saw my solo zine/lyric comic about lenny - this is about where in the timeline i'd place the bits about chorby. lenny is trying so hard to reach out and be there and be present and it's just not clicking. for the first time in literal decades there is a substantial and insurmountable separation
and THEN. the icing on the fucking cake. the same time that chorby comes out of the mills shadows, lenny who has spent the last thirty-something years of her life in seattle............ is traded to hades
however!! this is a major turning point! (this is also like, if i were going to write a fic about anything in this post it's this year in hades.)
because like. the tigers are pretty serious and lenny gets to hades and is like can you guys lighten up. can we have some parties. can we have some fun. and in that way she's very good for the tigers
BUT ALSO!! the tigers are able to look at this young woman who has lost a lot, who's in the process of losing a lot (in the background of all of this goodwin is slowly accumulating ego) and they're like. hey. aren't you angry? don't you want to be fucking angry?
this is also when the tigers get fire blood and this all manifests as lenny finally being able to acknowledge that everything that happened to her - and that's still happening to her! - is painful, and it hurts, and she's upset and so fucking angry. and she's trapped in this game that doesn't care about her and that hurts her and she doesn't know how to have a life outside of it but now she's in hades, where the shadows have built a community, where there are charities in the name of landry violence, and she can start thinking
so lenny goes back to seattle, and she's faxed into the shadows pretty shortly thereafter. (i think mike also is? not sure.) and this time she's pretty confident like. this is it. this is where she's going to be.
and i think if it weren't for that year in hades, lenny would move to boston and stay with chorby. lenny would want to take care of her, or at the very least be close. but instead she calls chorby and says. do you want me here. and chorby says no
obviously i have a lenny bias but like chorby has also just spent a year, unstable, pitching for the mills, and then she goes to the flowers, and both of these are very very different environments from the magic! it's hard! it's hard and she's still not entirely with it and she's still not entirely herself and that makes it harder
(at this point i'm going to point the general reader towards blink's fic plant matter (cw for plant body horror) - this is something we've discussed a lot with the tldr being that the garden tries to grow into and out of soulless chorby and about the very beginning of chorby's recovery)
so after lenny very angrily giving chorby a lot of distance, and well after chorby pushing her away out of precognition-induced panic, around the middle of s18 lenny reaches out and is like. i'm in the shadows and i'm going to stay in seattle. and chorby agrees it's for the best and it's weird and hard but it's also good for them both, right now
i've written a little about this on lenny's wiki page (which doesn't 100% align with my thoughts but it's a good vibe check): assuming that blaseball pays a decent salary to the people in the shadows, lenny has a lot of free time, and so the way she spends that is volunteering. as much as she can, as many local seattle organizations as she can, because she wants to know and understand the city outside of the context of blaseball
(also because around now is when goodwin gets for real vaulted and, as you can see in the goodwin page i wrote, i think goodwin also did a lot of community and volunteer stuff, and growing up with her lenny has some familiarity and connections with that world but this is the first time she goes off on her own)
lenny eventually gets her first non-blaseball job working for a nonprofit and has her own life and social network (and still friends in blaseball, i think she and sparks became very very close and it was devastating when they died) and like. that was it! she wasn't gonna pitch again and so she might as well have a real life
meanwhile chorby is similarly trying to establish a life - this is around when soul patches become a thing, so chorby gets some soul back, starts reconnecting with herself and her various teams, is still very much prioritizing herself but is also connecting with other people
so around now. like s21 ish? like, a couple years after chorby has her soul back and lenny has a life. chorby reaches out to lenny and is like. i miss you and i want to figure out something. and lenny says. i'm not gonna move to boston or new york or wherever you are today. and chorby says. good! i think this will be good for us
it's like reconnecting with a childhood friend and also reconnecting with an ex and it's weird, because lenny and chorby haven't... not known each other, i guess, in a very long time. but this is a lenny who has a Business Voice when she answers phone calls and this is a chorby with dirt under her fingernails who speaks softly, and it's like two new people
but they reconnect! they do! it's bumpy and it's difficult but they're able to forge a relationship again
this is where i'm of two minds
the first is. it works! it's good! these are two adults (even with slow blaseball aging, they're now right around 30, they're older and more mature and able to understand each other) and they can enter a romantic relationship again.
the second - and i think this is a little more likely - is that it... sort of works. but it works in a "we'll go on dates when we're in the same city" way. it works in a "i'll spend some of my offseasons with you but not all of them" way. it works in a "nobody blinks when they say they're dating and nobody blinks when they say they're not" way. i think they're mostly capable of being friends and sometimes capable of dating. and, frankly, sometimes neither! it comes and it goes.
i've just hit a character limit for that bullet point section, which i didn't even know was possible, so i have to put a paragraph break here. okay moving on i guess
in s23 (or something) chorby goes on her fun little fifth base adventure and super-roams and that is, to me, her version of lenny's year in hades. it's chorby looking at boston and new york and saying i love these places but i can't stay here and i need something new. and that's breckenridge! a place for her to be whatever the fuck she wants.
to me semicentennial/pre-s24 vibes for lenny chorby are that song that plays on the radio sometimes that's like. i know, you know, we know, we weren't meant for forever and that's fine, but if the world was ending you'd come over, right? that's them. (this is the song i know i could've just said the name but. no)
in s24 despite having successfully evaded active play for a long time, lenny is stolen onto the queens' thieves guild. and like. this is hard. because lenny has a life in seattle. because lenny is unstable. because mike is fucking gone. because chorby is in colorado and lenny is leaving. because she doesn't want to go.
this is another thing where i have a lot of thoughts. pointing at a blink fic again, dying to live hews pretty closely to the "lenny and chorby having a bad time" of it all. and i'd like to say there's a version where they can be close and friendly despite everything, that lenny can learn from the mistakes chorby made when she got precog, i don't know how likely that is.
to me the most likely outcome is lenny calls and says i'm scared and chorby says i'm scared too but they don't fly across the country and run into each other's arms. they have other support systems, and that's good, and it's hard.
lenny dies in the gleek.
but she dies feeling like herself, she dies knowing that chorby loves her, she dies knowing that she did everything she could
as sort of an epilogue: the jazz hands go to the hall when it opens, and chorby and lenny get to see each other again. and it's good, and they both know this is a last time, in some way or another. they can say a real, legitimate goodbye.
chorby invites lenny to come along with the jazz hands and she declines. the garages invite lenny to come along with them too, and she declines. the tigers say we're going to the vault, and this one, lenny accepts.
this is the other fic that i would write (and have sort of written part of): lenny's last few months. lenny meeting sparks in the hall, and lenny saying goodbye to chorby. lenny going to the vault. lenny choosing her own life.
and chorby and the jazz hands don't quite make it to the vault, but they're in good company. chorby in particular has friends on the mills to be with even as they fall short of their goal. chorby is surrounded by people who love her.
to try and distill this down: i've called this a breakup arc or a divorce arc and i don't think that's true. i think they love each other and they will always be in love and i think there are parts of them that can never love each other again, and they have to live knowing that. i think they've said their goodbyes and got their closure and it was horrible and it was worth it. is it a happy ending? no. but at least it's a real ending.
this post is 2400 words. if you made it to the end............... i hope you feel good about having read it. because that's a lot of words
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So probably the best way to start this is to mention the obvious and say that Joker (2019) has pretty much all of nothing to do with...The Joker.  I had mention to someone else a week or two back, but for as much as The Joker can work in a wide variety of stories, the character is inherently limited, my go-to phrase being “one dimensional.”  The Joker’s ongoing motivation is that he wants to defeat Batman, nothing more, nothing less.  “Killing Batman” is only a single part of it, “it” being proving that Batman is fallible and has some weakness.  There are characters like The Riddler that zero in on a single aspect of that such as, surely there are some problems that can be created that even The World’s Greatest Detective cannot solve, but The Joker is a convenient character in that he can be applied to any aspect of Batman’s character, which is why you get stories like Batman and The Joker getting into a surfing contest, because it all goes back to that theme of if there’s something that Batman is not the best at, Batman is ultimately doomed to fail (with regards to suspension of disbelief that is needed for superheroes to work, both creators and the audience have to commit to the concept that superheroes existing 100% makes the world around them a better place, and a major incoming failure on Batman’s part makes for greatest suspense in that it threatens that concept.)
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But then, there lies the issue.  Joker does not actually have any driving motivation for WHY he wants to defeat Batman, he simply is.  It’s my theory on why no origin story has ever permanently stuck, because you can’t ever really make sense of that.  This compounds itself into Batman and Joker’s relationship and can never really evolve, it’ll play out in the same way every time just with new set dressing.  What you can do is raise the stakes, but with the back to back publishing of “The Killing Joke” and “A Death in The Family” in 1988, raising the stakes meant making The Joker a sadistic serial killer at the cost of everything else about the character, creating a Joker where everyone questions why he deserves to be alive to appear in another comic three to six months down the pipeline.  There have been some instances of trying to make The Joker more nuanced, like Grant Morrison introducing the concept of “super sanity” in their Batman work and addressing how The Joker reinvents his personality on the fly, but it’s ultimately set dressing that doesn’t alter anything.
So, that begs the question of why Joker, the film, calls itself “Joker” in the first place or why it takes place in Gotham instead of New York and blah blah blah the short answer is if they didn’t, Warner Bros wouldn’t have been able to rake in a billion dollars.  It’s on par with Sony deciding to make Venom (2018) and never addressing why Venom has those large white eye covers if his design isn’t based on Spider-Man, I’ll give Joker (2019) the compliment that it’s more interesting than that film at least.  I really did not want to bring up all this Batman shit while watching this but then they started addressing Thomas Wayne and I began mentally groaning.  I don’t want to dive into the concept of how or if the Batman mythos is impacted if you make Thomas (and Martha Wayne, who like in most Batman stories is more of a cameo than an actual character here) a shitty person, but then again I wouldn’t have to bring that up if the film didn’t cram it in in the first place.  I am...SO...SO THANKFUL I did not see any memes or theories or head canons surrounding “B-B_BUH JOCKER IS BEETMANS HALF BROTHER?????/???” which...whatever. Come to think I didn't see anyone bitch that he doesnt become The Joker until 90 minutes in either.  I think the majority of my goodwill (what turned it from, oh you know the good outweighs the bad enough for me to be able to tell someone this is watchable, to, oh you can skip this) was destroyed at the Waynes getting shot scene with, WHOOPS, The Joker was responsible (indirectly!)  That gave me BAD Batman (1989) flashbacks, and when you remind me of Batman (1989), you kind of do get on my bad side.  Fuck that movie.
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SO.  In the midst of ALLL of this.  Let’s talk about the “““real source material”““ for Joker (2019): Taxi Driver (1976) and The King of Comedy (1982).
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I don’t think I’m ruffling any feathers by saying that that is the case and that both of those films are wayyy better than Joker (2019).  I mean, there’s a reason why Robert De Niro was not only cast in this film, but he’s second billed right under Joaquin Phoenix.  Those are two fairly different films but they’re, at their core, stories of men who are ticking time bombs of violence ready for someone to light the fuse.  It’s another point against Joker (2019), not only for reminding me of much better films, but forcing me to ask why another pastiche of this story needed to be told.  Martin Scorsese kind of made his career with a monopoly on men losing their shit and everyone around them being caught in the tornado.  Joker (2019) admittedly plays the material much differently, in that all the way through we are supposed to sympathize with Arthur Fleck and stand alongside him every step of this of his downward spiral, and even with where he ends up, I’ll admit I don’t have an issue with that, but the film struggles with making me care half the time.  Like, yes, when Arthur is alone at home trying not to go awol, yeah, I get that, but at other times there’s stuff like how Arthur’s relationship with Sophie is never developed in any meaningful capacity, like why is enamored with him, why is she not as disturbed by him as most other people seem to be?  When we discover she’s not real, that explains it from a logical perspective I guess, but it isn’t a shock or a gut punch.
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Can I be real for a second?  There are a lot of moments in this film where it made me embarrased as a neurodivergent person.  The number of people who definitely saw this, because, once again, it made a billion dollars, and came away thinking oh so that’s what mentally ill people are like, even if they’re sympathetic about it, it makes me sigh.
Even though the crux of this film is Arthur’s descent, it desperately wants to be important.  I know I’m not the first person to make this observation, but it does read like, oh, what’s popular now?  Incels?  Better make part of Arthur’s character arc that he can’t hit up any actual real women so he has to entertain himself with fantasies.  Antifa?  Better make it so Arthur accidentally inspires a movement of nebulous anti-rich people who all wear masks.  And so on and so on with no actual commentary while simultaneously it’s not really world-building either because it’s so front and center to the plot. I gotta say, if the film is about people in general not putting up with things anymore after being shat on nonstop, why oh why is there a joke aimed at a little person pretty early on, even through some meta lense where “oh the person telling the joke is an asshat who dies later so it’s cool”?
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Now I’m not sure what to say next about the film itself so I guess now would be a good time to discuss the film’s ~impact~ as it were.  If it weren’t for Parasite (2019) I’d have no problem saying this was the biggest film of 2019 in the grand scheme of things, like EVERYONE came in with every possible perspective on this thing long before it came out.  I remember how back in like, late-2017/early-2018?  A bunch of people were shitting on the announcement of this film and Warner Bros had to do damage control by releasing some on-set photos of the second subway scene two days later.  It’s surreal more than anything actually watching this film now and seeing, wait, this is what everyone was memeing about nonstop?  This is a mainstream film?  With the directions it goes in?  With the topics it brings up?  Well I’ll be damned.  This is probably the first time since Les Miserables (2013) and Man of Steel (2013) where a movie comes out and no two people have the exact same opinion on it, so I’m curious as to how Joker is going to age in like, a decade.  So fucking weird that this is called a “superhero film” in retrospect just because it shares a name with a comic book character owned by the same company that developed and distributed this.
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I wouldn’t be talking about this film if it wasn’t called “Joker” but then again hey nobody else would either.  I don’t hate this film despite how I’ve said nothing positive about and I was pretty prepared to call it “barely good” before the finale, so I don’t regret watching it, I don’t know what the fuck to say anymore.  Gang Weed memes are pretty funny if you haven’t actually seen any in the wild.  1940: “Let’s throw him into chemicals.”  2019: “Let’s throw him into society.”
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years
Star Wars 101
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
Reader has never seen a single one of Peter's favorite movies.
A/N- I really need to stop making new series lol, I swear this is the last new one for a while, at least until I finish some other ones.
Hope you like it!!!
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"In case I don't see you... good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!"
Peter watched you intently as you stared, wide eyes glued to each and every movement on the screen, even sniffling a bit when the credits began to roll. Really? The Truman Show was making you tear up?
"[Y/N], really?," he snickered lightly, wiping one of your cheeks and then showing you the wetness on his finger. He gave a teasing smile as he moved to take the DVD out. "I understood when you cried during the Titanic, but this is just The Truman Show."
"Don't judge me!," you scolded, cheeks quickly becoming red with embarrassment. "It was frickin' sad! The dude's been stuck in a tv show his whole life and he didn't even know it! That's freaky!"
"It's a Jim Carrey movie," Peter laughed. "How can you cry at a Jim Carrey movie?"
You rolled your eyes and turned away, trying to hide your growing grin. Who was Peter Parker to judge you on how you react to movies anyway? At least this was just a movie. Peter got flustered with everything in real life!
"-And a movie as crappy as this particular Jim Carrey movie too!," he smirked.
You turned around with a loud, overdramatic gasp. "What was that, Parker? Did you just call one of my favorite movies CRAPPY?!"
Peter turned from the DVD player with a small, innocent smile and nodded his head vigorously before sprinting away as he predicted that you would chase after him.
He was right.
"How dare you!," you yelled, quickly jumping into action. "Jim Carrey may be a bit of an overacter, but he's still AWESOME!!"
You were high on adrenaline, running after him with all you had, but it didn't take you long for you to realize that chasing Peter in his own house was a bad idea. It was his home. He knew it like the back of his hand. And you, however, did not.
You bumped into every other corner. The more you ran the more bruises you were probably getting. Until finally after hitting your hip on the kitchen counter, frustrated, you squeezed your eyes shut tight and yelled out, "YOU DON'T HEAR ME JUDGING YOUR CRAPPY STAR WARS MOVIES!!!"
You hadn't seen where he came from or how he got you, but in an instant, Peter was smack dab in your face. "What did you just say?"
Quickly coming to a stop, the corners of your mouth twitched upwards, knowing you'd just hit a nerve. "I said, you don't hear me judging your crappy star wars movies."
He stared, stunned, for a second. ".. you did not just say that," he whispered, more to himself than to you. He turned towards you. "You did not just call one of the best franchises in the universe crappy."
You turned away with a smirk before he gently grabbed you by your arm and whirled you back around. "[Y/N]. Star Wars is ICONIC!"
You rolled your eyes with a light giggle and turned to walk away before you were whirled around again. His eyes looked right into yours, his face holding an extremely serious expression, which of course was nothing but hilarious to you. "Dude, I'm NOT letting you leave this kitchen before you give me a valid reason why Star Wars is bad to you."
You sighed loudly. So he's holding you hostage now, is he? Well, two could play at that game. "Not until you tell me why The Truman Show was so bad," you shot back.
Unfortunately for you, Peter was ready with his reasons.
You stared, dumbfounded as he read them off. "Predictable. Took too long to get where it was trying to go. When it finally got there, it didn't give an actual satisfying ending! Did Sylvia find him after that or not?! And what point was the movie trying to make about the world anyway? That really wasn't clear. Also, I couldn't tell whether some parts were funny or them just trying too hard to be serious. Should I go on?"
"N-no no, you're good," you chirped, your voice cracking a bit. "Didn't know you were such a harsh critic, Pete."
"And your reasons?," Peter asked with a shit-eating grin. He knew you didn't have any.
You scrunched your eyebrows together and stared up to the ceiling. "Umm," you mumbled before you blurted out. "It just seems like classic NERD crap, honestly okay?!?!?!"
Peter dramatically threw his hand to his chest, as if he'd been stabbed. "Ah, you hurt me, babe. How could you?"
You rolled your eyes. "Can we just go back to watching movies, Pete?! My hip frickin' hurts." You shifted slightly while rubbing the your hip with your hand, trying to relieve the pain. Peter noticed and immediately the previous topic of conversation was dropped.
"A-are you okay?! C'mon, let's go sit down.."
You breathed a breath of relief. Thankfully, a dumbass situation stopped due to Peter's relentless helpfulness and need to be a gentleman.
An hour later and you were watching Mean Girls now, something both you and Peter could agree on, especially after he'd told you he'd never seen it before.
And how could he have never seen Mean Girls? It was ICONIC!
"Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen. It's NOT going to happen..."
"I don't like this Regina character," Peter mumbled as he reached for more popcorn.
"You wouldn't," you chuckled softly.
Peter Parker was a sap and an overall nice guy. Regina George was probably not a character that he would be caught fanboying over.
"I mean," he started again, squinting his eyes at the character on the screen. "Villain characters are supposed to be BADASS. She's just rude."
You threw your head back and laughed, ruffling his hair. "Only you would think that way, Pete."
"And this Cady character," he continued. "She can't honestly think she's doing all of this and is still a good person. How is she a proper protagonist?"
You rolled your eyes and smiled. You hadn't noticed until actually watching a few movies with Peter how much of a movie critic he was. And he took it seriously. "Okay, that's enough rotten tomatoes for one movie, Pete."
Peter shrugged, rolled his eyes, and laid back on the couch. "I'm just calling it like I see it."
He kept quiet after that, just giving grunts, hums, and muttering things at choice times.
When your favorite part came along, Regina getting hit by the bus, you bit your lip with a smile. "Oooh, wait for it," you said lightly slapping Peter's shoulder excitedly. "She's gonna get it."
"So don't act all innocent! You can take that fake apology and shove it right up your hairy-"
Just as the part you were waiting for came, Peter paused the tv.
Quickly, you turned to him, eyes wide. "What'd you do that for?!?! She was gonna get smashed!"
He turned towards you, narrowing his eyes slightly. "So you've never watched Star Wars before?"
You turned to face him. "What?"
"What you said earlier... You said that it seems like nerdy crap," he explained, piecing it all together. " Seems! Meaning that you don't know for a fact meaning that you haven't watched it!"
"Are we seriously still on that,?!" you teased, your smile widening. This whole thing was beyond frivolous to you.
"Well yeah, because it's one of the greatest series ever!"
"It's predictable!"
"It is known for one of the biggest reveals in cinematic HISTORY!"
"What, the 'I-am-your-father' scene? Yeah, totally predictable."
Peter's jaw completely dropped. "Wha- how?!"
"Y'know Vader in German means father, right?," you snickered. "His name is literally Darth father." You picked up a soda, shaking your head slightly. "But yeah, if you must know... I haven't seen Star Wars."
Peter stopped responding. He just stood up and stepped away silently.
"Are you seriously mad over this?," you yelled out, watching him with a frown. "It's just a movie..."
Was he brooding right now? Over something as dumb as Star Wars? Well, you certainly weren't gonna be the person to go after him.
You whipped your head back to the screen in front of you and unpaused the movie, waiting for your friend to come back to sit next to you. It was official, Peter Parker was a nerd bitch.
As the movie went on, eventually you'd forgotten that Peter was even gone.
"The limit does not exist!"
It sucked that he left, but still though, you wouldn't rather be anywhere else. Surrounded by popcorn, pretzels, fruit, fruit roll ups, and practically any snack you could think of. Endlessly watching movies on a Saturday morning. Well, technically it was the afternoon now. But you'd lost track of time by about the sixth movie.
However, there was only so much movies could do for you. As time passed on, it started to weigh on you. You'd come there to see Peter, not Mean Girls. But if there was one thing to get on a nerd's nerves, it would be Star Wars wouldn't it?
After much anticipation, you finally decided to go up to his room and talk to him.
You turned to walk up the stairs and was immediately collided with a big wall.
Well not a wall, Peter.
And not just Peter. Peter with a gigantic box in his arms.
"Sorry it took me so long, didn't mean to leave you waiting. I was just just trying to find this," he said, tapping the cardboard box with his fingers. "So did you finish the movie?"
"Yeah," you said, looking at the box. "What's in it?"
"Guess I'll finish it myself later then..." He pushed past you and sat the box on the couch.
"What's in the box, Peter?," you repeated, trying to get a good look at it.
"Oh nothing," he said dramatically, taking the Mean Girls DVD out of the DVD player. "Just what will soon be the best 25 hours of your life.."
"25 hours?"
Peter smiled. "That's how long the entire Star Wars trilogy is." He picked up the box cutter. "24 hours and 52 mintues actually, if you're doing the original editions of the original trilogy instead of the special edition." He turned back towards you. "You need a movie-cation and I'm gonna give it to you."
"A movie-cation?"
"Movie education, [Y/N]."
You held your head back and laughed. "Oh my God, Pete.."
He was on his knees in front of you in a second. "C'mon!! Please, it's the best. I promise you won't regret it!"
Ugh. This was it. You were gonna do this. Force yourself through 25 (24: 52, but who's counting?) hours of boredom just to please some guy that wasn't even your boyfriend. I mean, he was practically begging you. God help you.
"Fine! Fine.. I'll watch your lame nerd movie."
@underoosjae @spn-assemble-seven @of-your-eyes-begonia-skies @parkerpeter24, @audreylovespidey706
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dukereviewstv · 5 years
Duke Reviews Tv: Smallville 1x12 Leech
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc, And Welcome To Duke Reviews TV Where We Continue Our Look At Smallville By Talking About Episode 12 Of Season 1, Leech...
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This Episode Sees Superman Fighting Iceman As A Kid Named Eric Summers (Played By Shawn Ashmore, Who Not Only Played Iceman In The X-Men Films But Is The Brother Of Aaron Ashmore Who Will Play Jimmy Olsen On The Show From Season 6 To Season 8 And His Younger Brother In The Series Finale) Who Receives Clark's Powers During A Meteor Rock Lightning Strike Between The Two Of Them, Will Clark Get His Powers Back?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Leech...
The Episode Starts In A Forrested Area, Where Clark And His Geology Class Are Out To Collect Rocks, And It's Here We Meet Eric Summers, Who Is Flirting With A Hot Girl Named Holly Who's Boyfriend Tells Him To Back Off But When His Teacher Dad (Who's An Asshole) Enters, He Tells Eric To Get Back To Work Before He Leaves...
With A Storm Approaching, Eric's Dad Is Trying To Find Him As He's Not On Board The Bus And Offering To Go Look, Clark Goes Out To Find Him...
(Start At 2:42, End At 3:42)
The Next Day, Unable To Get The Truck Out Of A Ditch, Jonathan Asks Clark To Push It Out Of The Ditch Only To Discover Clark Lying In The Mud With Blood Coming Out Of His Nose Which Leads Clark And His Parents To Believe That The Lightning Took Away His Powers As Both His Strength And Speed Are Gone...
Meanwhile At The Summers Household, Eric Has Breakfast With His Parents Only For His Dad To Lecture Him About Yesterday, And When He Tries To Hit Eric He Blocks Him Using Clark's Powers...
Having A Hard Time At First At Adjusting To Being Normal, Clark Goes To Check On Eric To Ask If He's Feeling All Right And If There's Anything Different About Him To Which He Says No And He Feels Great, So, Clark Walks Off As Eric Lifts The Highest Weight Number Possible On A Bench Press...
But As Eric Has A Good Time With His New Powers, Lana Discovers That Nell Is Selling The Flower Shop And The Building Next Door, The Talon Theatre And Is Mad At Her For Not Telling Her As The Theatre Has Memories For Lana...
Meanwhile At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Is Visited By Roger Nixon, Who Gives Him Some Analysis Him And A Few Experts Have Come Up With About The Porsche Incident, But Doubtful About Roger's Experts Lex Offers Him 10 Million A Name While Roger Believes That This Will Make One Hell Of A Story But Lex Warns Him That If He A Word They'll Have A Trust Issue...
Later That Night, Lex Talks With Clark About The Porsche Incident At The Kent Farm Asking Him To Tell Him The Truth About What Happened That Day...
(Start At 2:24)
The Next Day...
(Start At 0:00, End At 1:27)
Realizing That The Lightning Strike Took Clark's Powers And Transferred Them To Eric, It Has Clark Wondering If Those Years Keeping His Secret Was Worth It As Everyone Is Treating Eric Like A Hero...
But Realizing That Lightning Doesn't Strike The Same Place Twice (Unless You Have A Delorean Time Machine But That's A Different Story) Both Jonathan And Martha Believe That Clark's Powers Aren't Coming Back Anytime Soon And That He Should Just Live His Life And Do The Things That He's Always Wanted To Do Without His Powers...
With Chloe And Pete Praising Eric, Whitney Asks Pete And Clark To Join Him And A Friend In A Game Of Basketball After School Which Pete Tells Whitney That Clark Doesn't Play But Clark Tells Whitney That He'll Be There...
(Start At 1:23, End At 2:26)
Meanwhile In Metropolis, Lex Meets With Victoria And Her Father, Sir Harry Hardwick Who Arrive Late Because They Were Closing A Deal, Reconsidering His Deal With Sir Harry, Harry Tells Lex That It Doesn't Matter As The Deal Is Off As He's Just Bought Cadmus Labs And That With The Profits Of The Patents, He'll Buy Luthorcorp Outright...
Back At The Talon Theatre, Lana Tells Clark That The Reason She's So Sentimental To The Talon Is That Her Parents Met Here And Because Of The Sale She Feels That Every Evidence Of Her Parents Existence Is Being Slowly Chipped Away But Telling Her That Sometimes Letting Go Means Moving Forward, Lana Stops The Subject As Clark Is Really There For Her English Notes As He Fell Asleep During Class...
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Wondering If He's Okay As He Seems Less Clark Kent-Like, Clark Tells Lana That He Just Woke Up And Realized That His Life Had Changed And To Kick Back And Accept The Fact That He Can't Control Everything...
Returning Home After School, Eric's Mom (Who Needs Serious Acting Lessons) Tells Eric That People Have Been Calling All Day, But While Eric's Mom Seems Slightly Happy About This, Eric's Dad Wants To Take Him To A Doctor Before Taking Him To A Colleague In Metropolis Where They'll Most Likely Study Him...
Of Course, Freaking Out At The Idea Of This, Eric Tells His Dad That He's Not His Personal Science Experiment And That He's Not Going Anywhere, Before Lightly Pushing Him And Speeding Off...
(Start At 1:30)
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Going To The Hospital With His Parents, Clark Runs Into Lex, Who Apologizes Saying Nothing Is What It Seems As Of Late And Plead Temporary Insanity...
(Start At 1:33, End At 2:14)
With Jonathan Stopping By To See Eric's Parents, He Discovered That They're Frightened Out Of Their Wits...
(Sarcastically) Oh, Yeah, Frightened Out Of Their Wits Eric's Dad Just Wants To Experiment On Him No Wonder Eric Is Having A Fit Right Now, If I Were Eric I'd Probably Do The Same Thing Only Difference Is That I Wouldn't Do What Eric Did At School...
Asking If They Were Ever Frightened Of Him, Jonathan Tells Clark That Aside From A Few Tantrums And Holes In The Wall, He Was A Good Kid But Unlike Clark, Eric's A Teenager That's In Way Over His Head...
Martha Comes In To Tell Jonathan And Clark That The Police Were At Eric's House And When They Tried To Restrain Him, They Couldnt. Knowing That He Has To Stop Eric Despite How He's Feeling Right Now, Clark Realizes That If Eric Has All Of His Strengths That He Might Also Have His Weaknesses...
There's Only One Problem, They Don't Exactly Keep One Lying Around The House So Where Do They Find One But Luckily Clark Knows One Place....
Back In Metropolis, Lex Meets With Sir Harry And Victoria As Harry Tells Him That He Discovered That Cadmus Labs Is Worthless, Revealing That He Planted False Information On His Computer, Knowing That Victoria Would Steal It...
Telling Sir Harry That His Father And Him Will Be Buying His Company In The Morning, Sir Harry Leaves While Victoria Asks Lex How He Could Do This With Lex Telling Her That She Did This All Herself, Slapping Lex On The Face Before She Leaves...
Visiting Lana At The Talon, She Tells Clark That She Heard About What Happened With Eric Which Leads Clark To Ask Lana To Borrow Her Necklace, Saying That He'll Give It Back To Her...
Visiting Eric's Parents At Their House, (That Looks Like Eric Bana's Hulk Ran Through It) Clark Asks Eric's Father If He Knows Where Eric Went Which Makes Him Remember About Eric Saying That He Was Going To Get Rid Of It In The One Place Where It Began To Which Surprisingly Clark Knows Where...The Smallville Dam...
Confronting Eric At The Bridge, Eric Smiles That Eerie Mystique Smile From The First X-Men Movie Without The CG Yellow Eyes...
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Before Falling Right Off The Bridge...
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Looking For Eric's Body, Eric Eventually Finds Clark...
(Start At 1:23, End At 3:17)
With Eric Being Taken To The Hospital, Clark Is Officially Back To Normal As Jonathan Talks With Clark About How His Gifts May Be Apart Of Him But They Don't Define Him And How Seeing Eric With His Powers Made Him Realize How Special He Was, Which Leads Clark To Remind Jonathan That While Eric Had His Powers He Didn't Have His 2 Strongest Points: Him And Martha...
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Back At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Gets A Phone Call From Lionel And Congrates Lex For A Job Well Done. After Hanging Up, Lex Gets A Visit From Nixon Who He Tells That His Experts Were Wrong, He's Closing The Book On The Crash And The Kents Are Off Limits But Before Nixon Goes He Hands Lex Pictures Of Victoria With Lionel In Bed...
Okay, 2 Things...
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And #2...
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Back At The Talon, Clark Returns Lana's Necklace To Her And Gives Lana The Box Of St. George That Lex Gave Him...
(Start At 0:39)
And That's Leech And It's A Good Episode....
The Story Was Good, The Characters Were Good, It Was Just A Good Story, I Also Give It Credit For Being A Beginning And An End, A Beginning For Both Lana's Journey To Revitalize The Talon Theatre And Nixon's Obsession To Discover What The Kents Are Hiding And An End To Lex's Relationship With Victoria, But It's A Good Episode And I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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