#around again and go “oh no! i can't believe someone stabbed you that's so awful ):”
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kiseiakhun · 2 months ago
In terms of national anthems I gotta say. The star spangled banner is better than oh Canada.
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caiizawa · 5 months ago
I am posting this on here, too, cause I like it, and I want more people to see it. It's for the Jegulus Bingo 2024. I already posted in on ao3. 841 words.
“What is your problem?” James was just talking with one of his friends, Lily. They share a few classes together and James likes her. She is a great friend. They were talking and suddenly Regulus comes up and whisks him away.
“You are my problem.” Regulus stabs two of his fingers against James' chest. James stumbles a step back.
“One moment you flirt with me, and the next you flirt with someone else. ‘Oh I really like you, I am serious about my feelings for you’.” Regulus mocked him.
“Make up your mind cause I can't take it anymore.” Regulus looks hurt. James is confused. “I was not flirting with Lily. She is my friend.” Now Regulus takes a step back.
“Yes, of course.” His voice sounds ironic. “She was basically hanging on your arm. A few inches and you would've kissed.” Regulus scoffs. James feels the need to defend himself.
“I don't know how to say it, that you believe it, but I do not have feelings for Lily and I am serious about you.” With every word, James looks directly into Regulus' eyes. He has to make it clear.
Even though he doesn't understand why Regulus suddenly cares. And James has to know. “Why do you care? You don't even like me, right? Or are you jealous?”
James leans forward. His face comes close to Regulus' face. He knows that he is breaking into Regulus' comfort zone. But he needs an answer.
“I am not jealous.” Regulus crosses his arms in front of his chest and pouts. James has never seen that expression on him. Oh he so is jealous. “You so are. You are jealous.”
James finds this funny. Regulus always tells him that he doesn't like James. And now he is jealous. But then an awful thought lights up in his head.
“You like Lily?” And now he panics because will never win against Lily.
“NO, are you an idiot?” Regulus looks like he wants to cry and laugh simultaneously. “Well no need to get rude. I get it, you like Lily, I'll leave you alone. I'm not fighting a battle I already lost.”
And James is sad. Because he was so sure that Regulus was gay. And he thought that Regulus maybe likes him a little bit. Even if he never really showed it.
James sighs and prepares himself to hold back the few tears he knows will escape him once he is alone. But Regulus has other plans. “
You are an idiot.” Regulus shakes his head, closes the space between them and grabs James by the shirt. The next thing he knows is that they're kissing and James is in heaven.
Oh he will never stop kissing Regulus, if he gets a choice in this. But Regulus stops to take a breath. He leans his forehead against James.
“I like you. So stop flirting with other people. I can't stand it.” Regulus smiles. James beams. He smiles so bright that his face begins to hurt. “As I already told you, I wasn't flirting, I was being nice.”
“Then stop being nice to other people.” James laughs. “Kiss me again and I'll think about it.” And Regulus does. He doesn't want it to end. But it does.
“CUT! You did great, guys. We are finished for today. Go home and relax.”
James startles and comes back to reality. Right. Regulus doesn't like him. How could he forget?
They are standing on the stage. Practicing the confession scene for the first time. James hates how similar the script is to his actual life. He almost forgot that they are just playing.
“You did great, Regulus. For a moment I really thought you meant it.” James smiles at him. He only gets a blank look back. There is not one emotion on Regulus Black's face.
“Right. See you tomorrow, yes?” Without waiting for an answer, James turns around and leaves the stage. Why bother torturing himself, trying to talk to Regulus. He will not get anything back.
He just kissed Regulus for the first time and he will have to do it again. It is torture. He decides then and there, that he will no longer do this to himself. He will get over his stupid feelings.
He is grabbing his jacket from the chair he set it on before they started practicing. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he calls his best friend.
“Hey, Prongs. Everything alright?” James takes a deep breath. “You know how you always tell me to get out there, meet new people? You said you have someone in mind for me?”
James never wanted it until now. He doesn't like going on a date with someone, meanwhile having feelings for someone else. “Yeah, she's still single. You interested?”
Sirius doesn't know about the crush, James is harboring on his younger brother. And James will not change that now. He will get over it. Thinking a last time about gray eyes and soft black curls, James makes up his mind. “Set me up.”
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j1p2k · 1 year ago
MK1 Guest Character: Blizto
Thank you: Geeky4ever2016 and everyone that helped me with this.
Intro 1: When Blitzo pushes his opponent back, he spins around and pulls out his gun. Blitzo then smirks and waves his gun, as if saying “bring it on.”
Intro 2: When Blitzo is pushed back, he stops himself by clawing the floor. Looking up in anger, he gets up and pulls his gun out.
Outro: Blitzo using stolas grimoire to get home and as he jumps into the portal he flips off his opponent and by extension us.
Fatal Blow: Blitzo pulls out the My Dick bazooka and fires. It misses, but the explosion sends the opponent to Blizto, where he proceeds to stab them repeatedly.
Fatality 1 (Deep I.M.P.-side): Blitzo takes out the Grimoire and summons a portal on the ground, behind his opponent. Blitzo shoots them down into it, cutting them off at the legs.
The opponent looks up to see they are in I.M.P. headquarters, surrounded by Moxxie, Millie, and Loona, who brutally murders the opponent.
Fatality 2: Blitz uses his gun to shoot his victim’s arms and legs before shoving his gun down their throats and fire it inside.
Friendship: He reaches under his jacket (looks like he is reaching for his gun) when he pulls out a pony and sits down and starts playing with it
Quitality: Blitzo just turns around and wipes his hands. “Well… That was a surprise.” “Well… A payday is a payday.”
Ashrah: Once I kill you, I shall be redeemed. Blitzo: And once I kill you, I shall be home sleeping.
Blitzo: Wait… The Princess was right? Ashrah: What are you talking about?
Blitzo: Fuck damn! I am hot. Blitzo: I'd totally fuck myself.
Blitz: Oh Satan, tell me I’m not fucking hallucinating again! Blitz: You and me both.
Blitzo: You’re with that whore? Blitzo: Do you insult my wife, Verosika?
Blitz: Everyone hates your guts too? Blitz: Yep, though it’s mostly mutual.
Baraka: I'm not afraid of dying, servant. Blizto: Oh good, an easy job this time.
Blizto: You ever shove those blades up someone’s ass. Baraka: No, but you can be the first.
Ermac: We are many. You are one. Blitzo: The one that’s going to kill you all.
Blitzo: Do you ever fuck yourself? Ermac: Why would we ever do that?
Geras: You can't kill me. Blitzo: Yeah, like I haven't heard that before.
Blitzo: So you shit sand? Geras: No. I am sand.
General Shao: A twig like you thinks he can hurt me? Blitzo: You know the last fucker on my list said that.
Blitzo: Well fuck! You won't believe how many people that want you dead. General Shao: They will be disappointed.
Havik: I want you to cause chaos throughout the realms! Blitz: Fine, only if you pay me too.
Blitzo: Wait, there’s an entire world of chaos? Havik: No rules. No limits. All possibilities.
Blitzo: I must say, you’re the most talked about “hero” in Hell. Homelander: Who? I’ll kill them!
Homelander: No one can stop me! No one! Blitzo Aw, you goanna throw a temper tantrum?
Homelander: I will rip out your spine, smash your brains, and eat your heart. Blitzo: You know, that seriously turns me on.
Johnny Cage: Haven’t I seen you somewhere before? Blitzo: Well… I was on TV once.
Johnny Cage: Your father was a piece of shit too? Blitzo: Just a piece? He was the whole fucking pile.
Johnny cage: You know you remind me of a character I played. Blitz: You’re that shitty actor in those fucking b list movies?!
Blitz: Sheesh here I thought I was bad at performing Johnny cage: Tell that to my Emmy awards.
Blitz: “Over 50 people in Hell are paying us to put a bullet through your brain.” Johnny Cage; “Katie? Priscilla? Belle! She hated me.”
Kenshi: I turned away from my life of crime. Blitzo: Tell that to the people that paid us.
Blitzo: How the Hell can you fight blind? Kenshi: Sento sees all.
Kitana: Quin Chi’s minions will not threaten Outworld. Blitzo: What the fuck are you talking about?
Blitzo: 10000 years, and still fucking hot? Kitana: And you don’t have a chance.
Kung Lao: You face the great Kung Lao. Blitzo: “Great” my ass.
Blitzo: Fuck! What is in that special tea? Kung Lao: Madame Bo’s secret recipe.
Blitzo: You got the ego bigger than a barn. Kung Lao: You will be crushed by it.
Blitzo: Is that a razor brimmed hat? Kung Lao: Ha ha! Yes, it is.
Blitzo: Yeah, fire doesn't really hurt me. Liu Kang: What about godly fire?
Liu Kang: Did Quan Chi send you? Blitzo: What is quan cheese?
Li Mei: You won’t get anywhere close to the royal family. Blitzo: Sure, what another dead body anyway.
Blitzo: Oh come on! What the fuck did I do? Li Mei: Do I have to list your crimes against Outworld?
Blitzo: You know, I’ve fucked uglier women then you. Mileena: And you will be the vilest thing I’ve killed.
Mileena: You are insufferable. Blitzo: My ex says the same thing.
Nitara: I will suck you dry. Blitzo: Let me get my pants off first.
Blitzo: Do you suck cock as well? Nitara: I will never degrade myself to that level.
Blitz: So your the fucker who tried killing his own kid Omni-man: I had no choice.
Omni-man: Who paid you to kill? Blitzo: No one! This one's on the house!
Peacemaker: Your killing spree ends here! Blitzo: Gee fucking a hypocrite much?
Blitzo: For someone who "loves peace," you sure kill a lot. Peacemaker: I kill anyone who treats peace.
Quan Chi: You and your servers will serve me. Blitzo: Sorry you crazy maniac but we don’t “serve” anyone.
Blitzo: We don’t work for free. Quan Chi: You will be rewarded ten times over.
Blitzo: You're one ugly fucker! Reptile: Some acid will make you uglier.
Blitz: Man it takes some bad luck for someone to fuck you. Reptile: After this battle the only unlucky one will be you.
Reptile: What do you want with the Saurians? Blitzo: Some new snakeskin boots.
Raiden: You face Earthrealm’s champion. Blitzo: Can I get an autograph before you die?
Blitzo: You know, my phone could use a recharge. Raiden: My lightning isn’t met for stuff like that.
Rain: I knew this day would come. Blitzo: People were beating down the doors to hire us.
Blitzo: A little Rain doesn’t scare me. Rain: It will cause a biblical flood.
Blitzo: I'm fireproof asshole! Scorpion: There's more to me then fire.
Scorpion: Bi-Han is my business, not yours. Blitzo: But we're running a special on family members.
Subzero: Hell will freeze, before you kill me Blitzo: Yeah, yeah, same line, different guy.
Subzero: Any last requests? Blitzo: Yeah, can I get a scotch on the rocks.
Blitzo: Someone in Hell wants to see you again. Subzero: Who is this person?
Shang Tsung: Even the forces of the Netherrealm come after me. Blitzo: You won’t believe the price on your head.
Blitzo: So many sinners want you dead. Shang Tsung: *laughs* I’m sure they do.
Sindel: Who sent you to kill me? Blizto: Someone with deep pockets.
Blizto: You know, my ex was a singer. Sindel: Sorry, I don’t do performances.
Blizto: Don’t you know smoking kills? Smoke: Yeah, you.
Blizto: Nice trick. Do you do children’s parties? Smoke: I’m not a magician.
Smoke: Quin Chi should have sent better minions. Blizto: Hey! I was just getting some drinks!
Blizto: You know, I could use you on my team. Takeda: You'll have to kill me first.
Takeda: The Red Dragons are my prey. Blizto: You're not the one under contract.
Blizto: Does your Empress eat you out? Tanya: You are disgusting.
Tanya: What demonic monstrosity spawned you? Blizto: Hey! No one talks about my mother that way!
Story Mode Final Boss
Liu Kang: And they call me the Chosen One. Blizto: Yeah… Well, I am pretty awesome. Liu Kang: You have done more than enough. Allow me to end this
Blizto’s MK Tower Ending Well… shit! First, we are hired to kill some shit face actor, leading us into “entering” fucked-up kung-fu tournament, then “landing” in some shitty war for the “fate of the universe.”
Oh well, at least we got a job from a “god” of all things, and he’s playing shit tons for us to track down and bring in these two sorcerers, some egoistic former general and his right-hand man, and others in alive.
Oh well, if we end up having to kill them. Tough luck.
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i-used-to-wear-the-fedora · 2 years ago
Stranger Things #10 Eddie AU, Hello Stranger
"Jesus Steve, you look like shit."
"Gee, thanks, Tommy." Steve rolled his eyes as he stabbed at the food on his lunch tray.
"Let me guess, you had a girl over last night. Didn't you?" The jock's friend asked with a grin as he elbowed Steve in the side.
"Something like that." The cafeteria buzzed around the trio's table, only slightly irritating the growing migraine Steve had been developing since the night before.
"Aw, and here I thought you only had eyes, Wheeler." Carol teased. "You still going to invite her over to the party tonight?"
"Party?" Steve's mind blanked for a moment before he remembered the plan to invite Nancy over for a 'party'. "Shit... I totally forgot about that." Kind of hard to remember anything after finding the guy bleeding out by his pool. "We're gonna have to reschedule."
"Boo!" Carol jeered, rolling up her straw paper and tossing it at Steve's head.
"Come on, Stevie! Don't chicken out!" Tommy laughed, but Steve shook my head.
"I can't. I have stuff to do." Namely figuring out what exactly he was going to do about the stranger in his house.
"Whatever, dude. But you better act fast with Wheeler. I saw the Byers freak eyeing her up in photography class." Carol added to which Steve couldn't help but roll his eyes at the suggestion.
"Yeah. Like she'd ever go for that weirdo." The lunch bell rang and Steve got up. Only one more hour before he could go home. Hopefully, the house wouldn't be burnt down by the time he got there.
Ten pulled the hat he grabbed from Steve's room tighter over his face as he made his way down the sidewalk. He knew Steve said he needed to stay in that room, but he had to find Eleven. The overwhelming sense of worry had taken over as he tried to keep himself panicking over the thought of Papa finding his sister again.
People were staring at Ten as he walked down the sidewalk. He could feel their eyes on him. Confusion practically radiated off them in waves. He couldn't understand why. Was it something he was wearing? Or maybe it was the way he was walking. Did people recognize him? There were so many nerve-racking possibilities.
Ten pulled at the pants he was wearing. They felt weirdly stiff. He almost missed his lab gown. Almost. Ten scratched at the gloves he managed to find in Steve's closet. They were old and itchy. Pulling at the cuffs, the teen didn't pay attention to where he was going until he ran head first into something.
"And where do you think you're going, young man?" Or someone. Ten looked up to see an older man in a brown uniform. He had a deep frown on his face as he glared at the younger man.
"I...ugh..." Ten didn't know what to say. The man radiated irritation with an underlying anger as he looked Ten up and down.
"Shouldn't you be in school?" Ten stared up at him with confusion. There was that word again. School. Wait, Steve was at school! Maybe Steve would be able to help him fund his sister. With the thought in mind, Ten quickly shook his head yes in response to the uniformed man's question. He sighed and shook his head. "Damn kids. Playing hooky...." The man grumbled under his breath. "Come on, let's get you back before your parents find out." The man rested a hand on his shoulder as he led Ten over to the nearby black and white car. "I hope you know I'm going to have to give you a warning, Mr....?"
Oh. He was asking for his name. Eddie looked down at his covered tattoo. He already knew most people didn't have numbers as names. The man probably wouldn't believe him if he told the truth. Instead, he thought back to the name on vinyl from Steve's house and spoke.
He beamed as he said this. The teen wasn't sure why, but the name sounded right.
"Jesus Harrington, you've been out of it all day. Come on. You, me, and Carol can head over to Benny's and grab something to eat." Tommy shook Steve's arm as the trio made their way through the crowd of highschoolers, the final bell having rung less than a minute before.
"Can't. I told you guys, I've got things to do."
"Or someone." Carol teased from behind the two. "Maybe we could meet this mystery girl you won't tell us about."
"There's no girl. I...." Steve's voice trailed off, his feet stopping as he saw a familiar figure through the glass of the principal's office. "...oh no." The figure turned and almost immediately saw Steve, enthusiastically waving to him. Carol and Tommy noticed and immediately took interest in the stranger.
"Who the hell is that?"
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lu3ky777 · 1 year ago
The next of Hope's Peak to fall was..Maki. Perhaps someone the Hypnotist had made a fool of in the past had decided to get revenge by hiring the Ultimate Assassin to deal with her..but unfortunately for Maki's client they overestimated her resistance to hypnosis. Maki may have managed to reach her target but unfortunately she became just as Hypnotized as the others. Throwing off her clothes and dancing for her new mistress.
Maki has gotten a strange contract recently to sneakily kill a red haired hypnotist, like most people she didn't believe she was really a hypnotist but decided to be careful anyway. Strangely she wasn't given a name but only a picture, her signature sinister smile which spooked Maki when she first looked at her. Maki had gone to the address with the building being labeled *The Hypno House~* which she realized used to be Celestia's Casino. Maki managed to sneak into the house, despite her massive ass cheeks loudly clapping every step. Maki saw the women on stage, Celestia and Kyoko shaking their asses lewdly still clothed as she stood between them while she clapped their asses. 
“All right, my hung darlings may join us in stage~” Men and women joined the stage as they stripped themselves to reveal massive cocks, Maki starred in some sort of awe as the hypnotist ripped off the pants of Celestia and Kyoko “Dig in my darlings~” Her *darlings* started roughly fucking Kyoko and Celestia, two of them fucked their asses at once as if to punish the women. They also fucked their throats and pussys as she stepped off stage heading to her private room. Maki didn't realize that she was fingering herself until she saw her target leaving. So she decided to follow her, still soaking wet from the hotness of what she just saw.  
Maki thought she hadn't seen her enter as she got ready to stab her as she was faced the other way. That was until she spoke which nearly gave Maki a heart attack- “Do you think I can't hear those fucking ass cheeks from here?” Maki stood completely still as her voice was terrifying to Maki, she turned around smiling as she stared at her like she was her prey. “Oh Maki~ I'm glad you're finally here~” she saw the knife which only made her smile wider “I dare you to try and swing that at me~” This freaked Maki out as she dropped the knife in fear, she hadn't even Hypnotized her yet but her words were able to spook her more than she had ever been scared before. “D-do you wanna die?” She spoke trying to scare her, which didn't work at all as she approached her “I'm the one who put that contract out on me so I could show you your place~” 
Maki was stunned as the women snuck a hand down her pants and fingered her quickly and hard, she moaned loudly as she stuck her tongue out in pleasure “S-stop~” Maki could have suplexed her or choked her or just snap her neck right there but she felt too helpless to do any of that as she moaned louder and louder. Her fingers struck like daggers making sure Maki would orgasm quickly, Maki nearly screamed in moans. “Stupid bitch! you thought you could lay a finger on me~” she pulled her hand out as she spanked Maki’s ass hard enough to make her ass jiggle wildly 
“Ugh- j-just let me go and I promise I'll never come back again!” She spanked her even harder which made Maki blush and fear her even more. “Oh~ nobody will be escaping me soon dear~ maybe if you came in here asking to join me I would consider letting you keep your mind in tact but~” she pushed Maki onto her knees as Maki heard the door open behind her, she looked back quickly as she saw three women. They were all wearing fishnets, high heels, and skinny bras but all had a special quality to them. The blonde one had a super skimpy pink bra and huge breasts with two hair buns, the black haired one had a large ass and darker skin, and the blue haired one had the most adorable face and smile. But even though they looked like strippers, they all had huge enormous bitchbreaking cocks out as they stared at Maki while licking her lips
Maki only has a second to process this before the hypnotist slapped her and forced her to stare at her. “Look at me bitch! I could just mind control you into mindlessly obeying my every command~ but I prefer to have a little fun~” The three girls each gave a hardy slap to Maki as they lined up next to their boss. “Meet my subjects~ the blonde one is Ally, the blue haired one is Sapphire, and the black haired one is Mia. They are going to break you into submission.” Ally was bouncing up and down in excitement, making her cock wobble up and down as Maki stared at it as if it was a pendulum.
 “Can we please start boss!!!” “Yes Ally~ go get her~” Ally quickly ran behind the assassin and roughly pulled her pants off, ripping off the part that covered her ass then giggling to herself. Maki tried to speak “H-hey please don't- AGH!!!” Ally had roughly inserted her cock and was roughly fucking her like a fucktoy “No way I'm passing this up~ boss said I finally get a private bitch to fuck for a whole day!!!” Ally spoke as if she was a kid in a candy store, almost treating Maki like an object. Sapphire spoke “You know that's for all three of us~ I hope you don't intend to break her before we get a turn~” her voice was cute as she put her cock sideways against Maki's lips, when Maki didn't start licking it she slapped her and frowned “My cock in your face means you suck! I can't believe you're this foolish, even my mother knows that!” Maki then started licking her cock as the final girl Mia picked up Maki with her strong arms and fucked her pussy like an animal.
The hypnotist gave an even wider smile as she watched the three girls fuck Maki. Ally fucked her ass faster than Maki thought it was possible to move, Sapphire was moving her cock back and forth across her face as Maki worshipped it with her mouth becoming intoxicated by the scent. And Mia's thrusts felt like giant punched to her pussy, at least in pleasure that is~ The women fucked her for the next week straight while constantly switching positions, having food brought to them so they didn't have to take breaks. However the only thing Maki got to eat was thick fertile cum that entered every part of her, covering her body in cum and especially her throat. Maki felt broken, like a used toy with no purpose left as she layed on the floor dripping cum “Ur-Agh~” The hypnotist spoke “How sad, I was hoping for more of a fight~” She walked past Maki still laying on the floor covered in cum, surely when Maki came back to her senses she would get her revenge on her right?
…A few weeks later and Maki was in the same location, she was wearing a modified version of her old caretaker outfit. No bra, A tight red shirt that basically only covered her breasts, she wore dark red lipstick heavy on her lips, she also wore tight shorts that covered her entire ass but nothing else as her legs were completely revealed, and she wore black high heels that made her look a full 6 inches taller. Not that it mattered as she was currently in a private booth on her knees, sucking the full length of a stranger's cock as she wore a black blindfold. She recognized the taste of the cock though, it was Ally who would often come by her private booth to shove a load down her throat. She came a massive load down her throat as she gave Maki’s ass a good slap before she left laughing to herself. Maki gulped down the load after some struggles “N-next please~”
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wildernessuntothemselves · 4 years ago
Fearing You, Loving You | Part 3
Word Count: 3.3k
Genre: smut, angst, some fluff
Warnings: dom!felix, sub!reader, yandere!felix, cockwarming, blowjob, felix loves hentai and humiliating oc, filming, creampie, spitting, mentions of violence.
Sequel to I'm Yours, You're Mine
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Gif credit @915archive (yes I'm only gonna use your gifs for lix from now on lol)
You decided that you can't just passively accept your condition. You had to do something to improve your situation, and you know just what to do. 
When Felix comes home from work, you greet him with a kiss that surprises him before you lead him to the bathroom where you had drawn him a bath, gently stripping him and pulling him to the tub. 
Felix stares at you in wonder as get a loofah and pour some body wash on it. 
"What's the occasion?" He asks, happily leaning into your touch. 
"Can't a woman show her husband how much she appreciates him?" You drawl, knowing that his delusional mind and his need to believe that everything is okay will make him easily accept your answer. “I just want to show you how much I love you…”
He relaxes into your touch completely as you gently scrub his body and wash his hair while he lay calm and content like a cat between your arms.
He looked so happy and peaceful, and you lean in to give his pouty lips a peck. His eyes spring open, staring at you in awe before they turn into the lovely crescents they get when he smiles.
“I love you.” He beams, and you curse your heart for still fluttering at his words after all he’s done, but you still can't bring yourself to reply, and Felix's face turns hard. He grabs your hands, stopping your movements. "Tell me you love me." 
You hold his gaze for a minute, your heart hammering against your ribcage, before you force yourself to smile. 
“I’m madly in love with you.” You murmur, washing the conditioner out of his hair before you pull him up to his feet and wrap a towel around his waist. 
Taking his hand in yours, you lead him into the bedroom, drying him off and grabbing a bottle of lotion. Carefully, you rub the product over his skin, taking care to massage the areas you think might be sore like his neck and his back. You tell yourself that you’re only doing this to appease him so that he'll let you have a relationship with your child, disregarding the ball of warmth that keeps growing in the center of your chest with each happy sigh and loving glance he throws at you. 
You dress him up in soft pajamas and sit behind to dry his hair. His eyes are closed and his mouth hangs ever slightly open as he surrenders himself to your touch. He looks so soft, just like the Felix you used to know, that you can’t help but let the towel fall away as you run your fingers through his soft, wet her and press your lips to his cheek. Felix hums appreciatively, leaving his head to the side to give you better access, when a knock sounds at the door, making you jump back. 
"Can I come in, daddy?" Your daughter’s sweet voice pipes up from behind the door.She wasn't allowed to step into the master bedroom without permission, and said permission could only be given by her father if he was present. Felix opens his eyes and is met by your longing ones, silently begging him to let your daughter in. 
He doesn’t look like he wants this moment to be interrupted so you’re shocked when his reply comes, voice deep with exhaustion."Come in, sweetheart." 
Your heart swells and you smile brightly at him. It's working!
He responds with a tired smile of his own as the girl opens the door and timidly comes in. 
"What are you doing?" She asks curiously. 
"Mommy is doing daddy's hair." You beam, playing with Felix’s hair absently. 
"Oh!" Her eyes sparkle, "Can I be the one who styles your hair, daddy?"
Felix chuckles lowly at her enthusiasm, "Of course, princess." 
The girl squeaks in happiness and jumps in place. "I just have to get some stuff from my room. I'll be right back." 
You stare lovingly at her small retreating form. When she's gone, your eyes go back to Felix and you see him looking up at you with adoration in his eyes that makes your breath hitch in your throat. He takes one of your hands in his and places a soft kiss to the back of it. "This is perfect, darling. Thank you. I promise you that I'll do whatever it takes if it means we’ll be together forever, my sweet.”
Your breath hitches and hand shakes in his hold. A million conflicting emotions swelled up inside you, but they were all smothered as soon as your daughter steps back into the door, jumping onto the bed with her little box of hair accessories and a comb.
You pull your hand away as she gets to work, and you watch them closely, eyes trained on your daughter’s excited smile as she messes with her daddy’s hair, and the equally as gorgeous smile he has on his face as he lets her unleash her creative side on him, encouraging her all the while. 
They looked so happy all wrapped up in their little bubble, and you so wanted to be part of it too. You could be. He promised you you can, if only you’d be good. And isn’t that what you wanted? The love of your daughter and your husband? Why were you fighting him so hard?
“Do you prefer the pink ribbon or the sparkly clip, daddy?” Your girl holds the items in her small hands to show them off and Felix pursues his lips in contemplation. 
“The clip I think.” You cut in, brushing Felix’s hair down. “It matches daddy’s sparkly eyes, don’t you think?” 
“Ohh, that’s right!” Your girl exclaims, putting the ribbon down and placing the clip in Felix’s hair. “What do you think, daddy?” 
“I don’t know. What does mommy think?” He holds your hand, smiling up at you, and you know you’re doing the right thing. 
“I love it. You look really pretty, honey.” You lace your fingers with his, “You did a great job, sweetheart.” 
“Yaaay!” Your girl claps in excitement, and Felix turns to her. “Would you like to go get some donuts, princess?” 
“Yes, daddy!” She chirps and jumps off the bed. “I’ll go get dressed.”
Your smile falls. You weren’t allowed to go on outings like this with them lest you steal your daughter and run away or alert anyone. 
"You wanna come with, love?" He brings your hand back to his lips, pressing a kiss to it. 
You couldn't believe how well this was working. You haven't been allowed out like this in years! Maybe you just needed to be nicer to him, and he'll give you everything just like he promised.
You don’t give him a moment to reconsider, rushing to accept.  "I'd love to!" 
Everything was perfect. The night breeze, your daughter's excited voice, the city lights. This is what you could have, always.
Only one detail was off, how Felix never let go of your daughter's hand. But you don't let that bother you. You still needed to prove to him that he can trust you. And everything will be good again.
You step into the store with a bright smile, following Felix to the register and watching him pay for the donuts and coffee. You all then go to select the donuts you want. You pick a chocolate one and a strawberry one. 
While Felix and your daughter choose their own donuts, the barista tells you that your coffee is ready. Not thinking, you leave your husband and daughter and go to pick up the coffee. 
"Umm where is the sugar--" You wonder absentmindedly before spotting it and reaching out for it. The barista reaches out at the same time and your hands touch. You quickly pull away, the both of you laughing.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You smile, a little embarrassed. 
“That’s okay. I don’t mind touching hands with such a pretty lady.” The barista flirts, passing you the sugar. You sheepishly reach out to take them, feeling a little anxious for some reason you can’t pinpoint. 
You realize your mistake when someone else intercepts you and snatches the sugar packets away. You look up to see a very angry Felix glaring the man down. "She is pretty, isn't she? She’s also my wife." 
“Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I was just trying to help.” The barista clears his throat and looks down.
“I’m sure you were.” Felix grits, quickly putting the sugar in the coffee and stirring it. As soon as he’s done, he hands you the coffee and drags both you and your daughter out of the shop. 
The walk back home he is silent despite your daughter’s constant attempts to make small talk. When you reach your building, he tells you to go up and get dinner ready.
"Where are you going daddy?" Your daughter asks, and Felix glares at you. "Daddy has to take care of something, princess." 
You blanch, holding onto him. "Felix, please." 
He leans down to whisper in your ear, "Do you want to make a scene in front of your daughter? Wanna let her hear how much of a slut her mother is?" 
Tears well up in your eyes and you shake your head. Everything was so perfect. How did it go so wrong? You were so stupid. If you hadn't moved from Felix's side, none of this would've happened. 
Felix pulls you off of him and orders you to go upstairs, and with a teary face you obey. 
When you step into the apartment, your daughter turns to you with crossed arms and a frown on her little face. “You made daddy angry again, didn’t you?”
You stare at her in shock. “What?”
“You always make daddy angry. You always ruin everything.” 
Finding yourself angry for the first time at your daughter. "You don't know anything. You don't know how much I sacrificed for your sake!" 
"I don't care. You only make daddy sad and I hate you."
Her words stab at your heart. With blurry eyes, you grab her and throw her into her room, locking the door behind her and falling to the floor in a sobbing mess. 
You felt wretched. You felt abandoned. You know it's not your daughter's fault, that she's brainwashed, but her words hurt you so much and you find yourself craving reassurance and affection that you know you can only get from one person. 
Wiping your tears, you go to your room to dress up for him, wearing the lingerie dress he had wanted to see on you, and then go to the kitchen to make him dinner, hoping that would appease him enough to give you what you need. 
When you hear the door open you freeze in your spot, all your fears reaching their extremes again. You remain still as a statue as you hear his footsteps approach until he's right behind you, his body flush against yours, his hands snaking up your body to grab at your breasts.
“Did you enjoy your little show babe?" He asks, tone sharp.
"No." You quickly attempt to clarify, "I didn't mean to be bad."
"Is that why you looked like you were going to get on your knees in the middle of the store and blow him?"
You shake your head harshly, "I didn't. I just smiled because I was nervous."
He scoffs, his small hands pushing your dainty bra down and roughly groping your tits. "You think I believe you? God, I let you out once thinking you'll be good, but my little cockslut can't help herself, huh?"
“No, Felix--” Tears brim your eyes once again. He wasn't giving you what you wanted. “I would never do anything to betray you.”
"But you did." He growls, rubbing your pussy coarsely while squeezing your tits. “I should’ve bred you before leaving. You’re much better behaved when my cum is dripping down your legs and reminding you of who you belong to.”
“I’m sorry.” You sob, leaning into his touch, hoping to appease him. 
"You will be sorry, baby.“ He promises, making you shiver as he backs away, “Put the food on the table. No plate for you. Whores don't get to eat food. I'll keep your mouth busy with something else."
You know what’s coming, and you feel incredibly humiliated. "No, Felix, please. It's embarrassing."
"Good. You should be embarrassed. If you're gonna act like a cock-hungry slut then you need to be treated like one." He snarls, chuckling at your tears. “You’re crying? Baby I haven’t even given you anything to cry about.”
Helplessly, you prepare his plate for him, already expecting his command. 
“Get on your knees.” He sneers, watching you get between his legs. “Take my cock out and suck on it.” 
You try to obey but when you see the blood stains on his pants, you stop abruptly. “Felix, what did you....”
He looks down at you with heavy eyes and smirks, "Don't worry I didn't kill the man you were drooling after. I just made sure he won't look at other men's wives again."
You shiver, not knowing quite what he means, With Felix this could be anything from a slight warning to a crippling attack. You know he won’t give you more information though so, for your own sake, you unzip his pants and pull out his hard dick, immediately taking it in your mouth. 
"That's a good girl." He breathes out, one hand coming up to tangle in your hair. "Show your master how sorry you are."
You swirl your tongue around his dick, sucking on it earnestly, but as you pull up to breathe he pushes you down, making you take him completely, your nose brushing against his pubic bone with his length fully down your throat. He holds you there and you try to relax your throat as much as possible and try to breathe through your nose, knowing he’ll keep you there.
And he does. Through the whole meal, he stays balls deep in your throat, only resurfacing to fuck your mouth before he buries his dick in your throat again.   
Soon, your jaw gets sore, making your saliva dribble all over his dick and crotch, but Felix doesn't care. In fact, it turns him on, knowing you’re struggling to accommodate his length.
It feels like forever before he lets you go, letting you crash back against the table as you cough and gasp in. You raise your hand to your face to wipe at the mess you've made but Felix stops you.
“Don't clean up. I want you just like you are, my dirty slut.” 
He has you on your back on the bed, arms hooked under your thighs and shackled together so that they are pulled up to your chest, immobilizing you and laying your pussy bare for him. 
The flash of the camera goes off as your husband takes a picture of you in the compromising position. 
He stares at it as it develops then he shows it to you, making your cheeks flame red at seeing just how lewd you look.
“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that, baby. And all mine, right?” 
"Yes, baby, all yours." You gush, hoping he'd have mercy on you. 
He brushes his fingers down your thigh, skipping over your core and going up the other one, making you shake in need. 
"Want my fingers in your pussy, honey?" He murmurs, brushing the tips of his fingers up and down your pussy with a feather light touch that only makes you whimper out in need. 
"Yes, Lix. Need you so bad." You gasp as his palm meets your pussy is a sharp slap, making your body convulse at the intense sensation. 
"Is that what you call your owner after everything you've done?" 
You shake your head, "No, master. I'm sorry."
"That's better." He purrs, slipping his middle finger inside of you. It was barely enough, just brushing your walls as he pumps it in and out of you. 
"More, please, master." 
"You're so greedy. Always begging for more."
He pushes his index in, the pads of his fingers brushing ever so slightly over your walls. You struggle, your body trying to close your legs but you can't. 
He curls his fingers and rubs back and forth against your g-spot, making you shake. "Master, please."
“You’re mine, do you understand? You belong to me.”
You nod, trying to appease him, and whine in distress when he takes his fingers out of your pussy. He brings them up to your mouth. 
"Tongue out." He says gruffly, placing his fingers on your tongue and pumping them in and out of your mouth, occasionally hitting the back of your throat and making you gag around them. 
"You're mine, baby. You were made for me. If only you would see." He sighs, taking a picture of you choking on his fingers before pulling them away, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake. 
He presses his dick against your entrance and you whimper. 
"Gonna give you my cock now. Gonna stuff you full." He purrs, pushing himself inside. "Let's see if I can get your eyes to roll back into your skull, angel." 
He takes multiple pictures of you as he fucks you, instructing you on how to pose and what faces to make. 
"Yeah, that's it darling. Gonna carry these around to show to any man you try to seduce so they'd know whose slut you are." 
You shake your head, tears brimming along your eyelashes from how roughly he's fucking you. This isn't what you wanted. You need him to love you and be gentle with you. 
"That's not true!" You sob, barely able to get the words out between him railing you and your uncontrollable tears. "I didn't do anything. I was good just like you wanted."
"Don't fucking lie to my face!" He grits, throwing the camera to the side and grabbing your thighs so he can brutally drive his hips into yours, his cock not giving your pussy a break. "I saw the way you were looking at him." 
"No. No." Your eyes roll up as you feel your pussy start to clench around him, his cock forcing the orgasm out of you. 
"There you go. That's my good slut." 
You see the flash of the camera go off as you cum, and you can't even imagine how fucked out you look right now. 
He grabs your jaw and forces you to look at him. "Say ahhh." 
Dumbly, you obey, opening your mouth wide for him to spit into. You keep your mouth open while he takes a picture of you. 
"Swallow." He commands, watching you with dark eyes as you do and groaning when you open your mouth again to show him. "Good girl. You got me so close, baby. Gonna give you all my cum. You want it, baby?"
You whimper in agreement, your poor pussy getting sore and overstimulated. 
"I should take away your birth control and stuff you full of my cum. Give you another baby and keep you pregnant all the time so everyone would know that your pussy is taken." His pace gets sloppy and erratic as he nears his end.
"No, baby, please. Don't."
"Shut up, slut. I'll make it so everyone will know that you're claimed." He jerks his hips forward one last time before he groans loudly and his cock twitches inside you, filling you up with his cum. 
He stays there for a while, pluging your pussy and keeping his cum inside as if he intends on making true on his promise. 
When he pulls back, you feel his seed dribble out of your pussy before a flash goes off. 
"Stick your tongue out." He orders, and puts your fingers up in a double peace sign to mimic the fucked stupid characters in the hentai he loves to watch so much.
"Perfect." He smiles, showing you the picture. You look ruined, used, and entirely his.
A/N: hope you're as dead as I am
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twh-news · 4 years ago
'Loki' Star Sophia Di Martino on the Season 1 Finale, Working With Jonathan Majors and What She Knows About Season 2
[Editor's note: The following contains spoilers through the Season 1 finale of Loki, "For All Time. Always."]
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Since her introduction at the end of Episode 2, Sophia Di Martino's depiction of Sylvie, the female variant of Loki introduced midway through her campaign of vengeance against the TVA, has been a defining aspect of Disney+'s Loki. And, as we learned in the season finale, the story of Loki isn't over yet — though what's in store is pretty nebulous, following Sylvie's betrayal of Loki (Tom Hiddleston) after what was their first and what might be their last kiss.
In a one-on-one conversation with Di Martino via Zoom, Collider asked about working with Jonathan Majors in his MCU debut, what it was like having both fight scenes and more romantic scenes with Hiddleston, and of course what the conversations around Season 2 have been like.
Collider: To start off, when did you have a sense that there would be a second season of Loki?
DI MARTINO: I mean, there'd been rumors for a while, but I still haven't heard officially if it's happening, like officially, officially. I only know what I know through reading the news. And I know, because you guys know, because of the tag at the end of Episode 6.
I was going to say, that feels like a pretty official thing, but it doesn't sound like anyone has shown up at your doorstep with paperwork.
DI MARTINO: No, nothing. Nothing like that.
Now, does that mean that when you watched it, were you given a full script of the sixth episode?
DI MARTINO: Yes. We got one episode at a time. So I wasn't given Episode 6 until like midway through shooting Episode 5.
So in that situation, what was your initial reaction to reading, especially like the last, say, 10 pages or so.
DI MARTINO: Just like, holy crap. This is massive. How exciting. Woof. And then also, "who's going to play He Who Remains, I need to know because it's such an amazing part and such incredible speeches he has. I wanted to imagine who would play him, but I couldn't have ever imagined the way Jonathan would have done it. So brilliant.
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In terms of working with Jonathon Majors, what was that experience like? Just because I feel like he brought such a different energy to the role than I think anyone would have ever expected.
DI MARTINO: Yeah. He just exploded onto that set with so much energy and nothing like we could ever have imagined. It was a lot of fun and he was brilliant. You know, people were saying this is going to be something really special, whispering behind the camera. He was so eccentric and fun and kind of terrifying. Very easy for Tom and I to just sit and listen to him for a few days. Very entertaining.
Yeah. In rewatching the episode, it's still so striking to me the way that, after Sylvie stabs him, he makes barely any noise.
DI MARTINO: Because he knows that it's a possibility, I think. So maybe he's had a long time to sort of imagine every scenario. Yeah. It's kind of creepy, isn't it? The way he does that.
When you were breaking down the script for Episode 6, were you talking about Kang the Conqueror? Were you talking about the comic book backstory there?
DI MARTINO: I don't remember talking about the comic book backstory of Episode 6. But you know, to be honest, it was all very quick. Especially with Episode 6, we got the script pretty late in the day. So there wasn't that much mining to be done, to be honest. I'm not sure about Jonathan's experience, but for me, it was sort of pretty late in the day, just in the case of learning my lines and trying to make sure I didn't mess that up.
Of course — and it makes sense in terms of where your character is coming from.
DI MARTINO: Exactly. So I just need to know at that point, I just need to know what's going on for Sylvie.
In that case, in your head, what was going on for Sylvie in those scenes?
DI MARTINO: Oh my goodness. So much. I mean, so much happens in like 30 seconds. Doesn't it?
Definitely. But even before the final sequences, it's very dialogue-heavy and there's a lot of listening. In playing that, what was important for you?
DI MARTINO: To really listen and to really take on board what he was saying to us at that point, and then to choose not to believe him. For Sylvie, she's just on a revenge mission from the minute she walks into that building, she knows that she wants to kill someone. When they're in the elevator with him, she's already taking swipes at him. She just wants to get him with her machete. And I think she's just so laser-focused on that goal, that he could have said anything to her and her priority wouldn't have changed.
So you don't think there was ever a moment in that whole sequence where Sylvie was tempted, not tempted by the possibilities presented, but tempted to believe him?
DI MARTINO: I think there's a moment that he really pushes Sylvie's buttons when he's talking about you have been on a long journey and it's been really tough for you, hasn't it? And you can't trust anyone. You think you can trust him. And he starts playing mind games with them, playing them off against each other. And I think at that point, he plants a seed of doubt in her mind about Loki, but I think her mission to want to kill him doesn't change. She's absolutely married to that idea. And that feeling is so strong that she chooses it over Loki in the end.
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From your perspective, where does that come from?
DI MARTINO: Just revenge. Like having her life taken away from her, her life ruined, spending her whole life on the run, this sort of anger. And if you want to think of it in these terms, her "glorious purpose." I went there.
I don't think you got to say those words during the show, so I'm glad you got this moment now.
DI MARTINO: Yeah. I'm saying it as much as I can now.
Later in the episode, this wasn't the first time you had a fight sequence with Tom Hiddleston, but did it feel different from the episodes you shot earlier?
DI MARTINO: Yeah, it did. This scene was far more emotive. There was a lot more going on for both of them. It was the breakup scene. It was the fight that you have when you are leaving someone. And it's so painful because you care about this person, but you just can't be with them for whatever reason. And that's how that felt.
Which is so interesting because of course what happens at the end of it is that there's a kiss and it's given the whole big Hollywood romantic music treatment.
DI MARTINO: Yeah. I mean, but that often happens when you're splitting up with someone, doesn't it? Just one last time, a sweet goodbye. It's kind of like a goodbye kiss in a way.
Of course. But it was also, unless I'm missing something, the first kiss.
DI MARTINO: Yeah. It was. And it had been building up for a long, long time. I think it was ultimately a goodbye kiss and a clap away for Sylvie to physically turn him around so she could get hold of that TemPad and zap him back to the TVA.
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Yeah, of course. In terms of that, in general, I feel like there's a temptation to just kind of look at the Loki and Sylvie relationship as a straightforward romance, which of course it is very much not. From your perspective, what was it about that you worked hard to lean into.
DI MARTINO: I think it's about sort of self-love and acceptance as well as being a romance story. And for Sylvie, she's sort of shedding everything she doesn't need before she gets to He Who Remains so she can kill him. She gets rid of her cape, she gets rid of her horns. She ultimately gets rid of Loki. It's just not serving her in that moment. And it's so cold to think of it that way. But I think that's what was happening. That and the fact that she wanted him to be safe. So, she's kind of saving him by pushing him through that time door as well.
And if you're going to think of it as like an exploration of self-acceptance and self-love, that's also interesting because she showed sort-of, I don't know, getting rid of a part of herself that isn't serving her anymore at the same time as keeping it safe.
It's really interesting to hear you talk about it that way, because it makes me think about how the one thing that came out, especially I think in Episode 5, is the idea that knowing Sylvie made Loki a better person in some fundamental ways. And I'm wondering about the opposite of that. What did knowing Loki mean for Sylvie?
DI MARTINO: I think it's slightly different for Sylvie. I don't know if he's made her a better person. I don't know if she's allowed herself to change yet. Loki's been quite brave and he's changed. He's a changed person by the end of that series. Sylvie is still hell-bent on her mission and she still chooses it over caring about someone else. So maybe she's yet to make that change.
So in talking about the scene like it's a breakup... Season 1 ends with the characters being very separated and of course, Season 2 is very much a nebulous thing at the moment, but people break up all the time and get back together. In your head, do you see there being still some sort of future for the characters as a couple?
DI MARTINO: It would definitely be fun to see them in the same room together again, wouldn't it? I'm fascinated. Yeah. After that, I'm fascinated to see what Loki has to say to Sylvie after doing that to him. Who knows? Never say never. I'm really excited to see what they come up with because it could go in so many different directions, but surely they have to come face to face again at some point.
It's like that awkward party after you've broken up with someone and you see them again. And that first conversation, whether it's in public or not, it's sorts of awful, but such a relief once it's been done.
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Something that's been kind of a topic of discussion when it comes to talking about romance on screen is a quality that a lot of leading men have — for lack of a better term, the ability to give their love interest a Look. I've consulted with others and we feel like Tom Hiddleston has the look or has the ability to deliver the look. And I'm curious what it's like to be on the other side of it.
DI MARTINO: Tom's a very charming man and he could definitely make people go weak at the knees by just giving them a look. My reaction to that is always to sort of make a joke and run away. So there was probably a lot of that on set, breaking the tension by being a goofball.
I just had to react as Sylvie. And Sylvie's got these walls up. She doesn't let anyone in and that includes Loki. So sure there's a sort of, oh, this person is not as I thought they were. I'm warming to them. But Sylvie's not an easy nut to crack.
Is it fun getting to play that kind of strength?
DI MARTINO: Yeah. It's awesome because when her defenses do come down and she's vulnerable, it's really interesting. And you start to see all of the stuff that's buried underneath and that's what makes her a great character to play.
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So, how do you feel about there being a second season? Do you feel like if there hadn't been a second season, you would have gotten the closure you wanted to from the story?
DI MARTINO: Probably not. I want to know what happens just like everyone else. I'm super excited and I just can't wait to see which direction they're going because it could be infinite directions.
Do you have a sense that there might've been different aspects to it, had COVID not been an issue?
DI MARTINO: I think COVID actually probably made it a lot better. We had a five months hiatus and Kate and the producers and writers worked a lot on episodes five and six during that time. And as far as I've heard, a lot changed for the better. They could rewatch what we'd already shot and just carry on working on the scripts and developing them. So I think it was great to have that time actually, as awful in most ways it was, that was the silver lining of it.
Very. Yeah. So looking forward, I imagine if there's a second season, you're on board if you get asked.
DI MARTINO: Hopefully. Hope so.
By the way, I was really excited to see the story about how your costume was designed to allow you to breastfeed during shooting. That seems like it was a really special detail.
DI MARTINO: Yeah, really, really. I'm just so grateful that that happened. It made my life so much easier and it was important to me that I carried on doing that. So it was just the little things and it's just saved a lot of time. Practically, it was a godsend.
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Of course. So looking forward, what's next for you?
DI MARTINO: Lots of interviews. Lots of being able to talk about episode six finally, and then, who knows? An infinite possibility. So yeah, I'm excited to see what happens and to see people's reactions to the series because people are still catching up. People are still watching and rewatching it and probably go on.
Yeah. I mean, I imagine that you're going to be cosplayed at various conventions over the next several decades probably.
DI MARTINO: Do you think? That blows my mind.
I mean, cosplaying has a long legacy to it.
DI MARTINO: It's so cool. The way that people are already making Sylvie horns and crafting them from scratch and spraying them. And there's one woman that's just sewn a whole suit together and it looks exactly like my costume. It's so impressive, the love and attention people put into it.
Are you getting an action figure?
DI MARTINO: I don't know. Hopefully. What would I do with it? Maybe I could use it as a cake topper. Who knows? But that would be a very cool thing to have, wouldn't it?
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archerofthemists · 4 years ago
Phantom Pains
TW: Blood/severe injury/loss of limb/mentions of suicide
Sparring was a very common pastime at Evernight Castle. If they weren't out on an errand or mission given by Salem, then her followers may as well be keeping sharp in their skills. 
Watts preferred to work in his lab, designing weapons and other useful tools. 
Emerald and Mercury, being the youngest and seen only as Cinder's underlings usually only had one another to spar with. 
Althea, having only recently risen in the ranks, still trained with Tyrian, her former master and now partner. 
Hazel, with his size and strength, typically wouldn't fight against any of his "teammates". 
And then there were the Grimm. Salem kept various breeds of them penned up for the sole purpose of training, but only Hazel and Cinder ever liked to use them for practice. 
However, ever since Salem had promoted Althea to her inner circle, the archer had felt the need to prove she was worthy of keeping the position. She had killed plenty of Grimm in her life, she'd gone to Beacon Academy for the God's Sakes. Killing the Grimm in her village had given her a spot in the damn school to begin with, to give her a chance to become a real huntress. 
Although, ever since she'd fled the school and had been living on her own, isolated and answering to no one, she hadn't had as many opportunities to fight Grimm. She'd had to save her energy, because she never knew when she would eat next, so she just did her best to avoid the damn things completely. 
But now that she had a purpose in her life again, it was time to get her head back in the game. 
Tyrian kept her on her toes plenty when he was still her superior. Surprise attacks right and left, whether he leapt down from the rafters onto her or hid under her bed at night, the man had had her looking over her shoulder constantly. 
Hazel was a behemoth that Althea had to beg to get him to spar with her and she was pretty sure he was holding back when he finally would give in. 
Watts didn't really fight, at least not in a style that was compatible with Althea's, but when he needed to test out a new weapon she was happy to play guinea pig for him. 
Cinder saw herself as "above" the rest of them, being a Maiden and she didn't like sharing her "disciples". 
So Althea began using Grimm for practice. She realized how rusty she was against the creatures, but it was any skill; you never really forget it. She had forgotten just how good she was at it though. But damn it...she never knew when to quit.
Taking on two Beowolves was a little ballsy to do by yourself, but Althea wasn't exactly alone. Hazel and Tyrian had grown accustomed to watching her when she practiced killing Grimm, out of the way and behind the safety of the pillars that supported  a balcony.
Tyrian, because he enjoyed the show and he was a little proud of himself for finding such a treasure as Althea. 
Hazel, because God's, there wasn't anything else to do around the castle at the moment. And plus he couldn't deny, the woman had skill and watching her certainly wasn't boring. He glanced down at his scroll and frowned; her aura was getting far too low, and one Beowolf was still alive and kicking. 
"She needs to stop." He glanced at Tyrian who looked almost mesmerized by his former disciple. "Her aura is almost gone. One of us should step in and finish it."
Tyrian waved the larger man off, not taking his eyes off the archer as she easily dodged the Beowolf's large paw as it swiped at her. "If she can't handle it then she will ask us for our help. Don't insult her abilities, Hazel." 
But Hazel grumbled softly and reached for the dust crystals in his pockets. "You shouldn't overestimate her abilities either just because you've got a crush." 
Tyrian's eyes flashed purple for a moment and his tail twitched. He growled to himself as he watched Rainart stab a couple of crystals into his biceps. "You just hate seeing people enjoy themselves, don't you?" The faunus sighed. 
"No, just when it's you. You're not denying the crush either, I see." Hazel remarked. 
Tyrian locked the man with a seething glare that would have made the average person shrivel up inside, but Hazel just scoffed. "Good, cause no one would believe you if you did deny it." 
He turned and stabbed his arms with the lightning dust, wincing only slightly as it spread through veins. "Althea! You're done, I'm gonna help you!" 
"I've almost got this!" She yelled before firing an ice-dust tipped arrow into the Beowolf's back legs, freezing it in its place. With a running start she used the Beowolf's back as a springboard to leap high into the air above it. 
Her plan was to deliver the killing blow from above - a dagger right through the Grimms eye as she had spent her last arrow immobilizing it. She had just grabbed the hilt, began to twist in the air, when the Beowolf had reared up on its frozen back legs and its jaw came down on Althea, taking her right leg in its teeth before falling back down on all fours, slamming her against the floor with the full force of its body. Her aura broke in an emerald swirl and she went rolling across the chamber floor. 
Most of her that is.
The two huntsmen were frozen in shock for a moment, gold and hazel eyes locked on Althea's motionless and bloodied body. 
Hazel was the first to snap out of it, the gnashing of the Beowolfs teeth as it swallowed the limb it had just torn asunder. It had broken the ice around its back legs loose and was completely free as the giant of a man began to charge it head on. 
When Tyrian began moving towards his fallen partner he didn't even realize it. His legs felt numb and yet they were still carrying him over to her crumpled, discarded body. 
The blood was everywhere, splattered and smeared on the chamber floor in morbid patterns that the faunus usually found pleasure in. 
The next thing Tyrian realized, he was running down the halls of Evernight, the dead weight of Althea bleeding out in his arms didn't slow him down in the slightest. 
It didn't completely register in the scorpions brain that he was running to Watts's office until he was bursting through his door. It was just purely instinct. Automatic. Where else would he possibly ever go?
The Doctor was at his desk, bent over some new contraption he was working on like always. His head snapped up at the intrusion, annoyance written on his face until he fully registered the scene standing in his door.
Tyrian covered in blood, cradling Althea's pale form, showing no signs of life. Where her right leg had been, was nothing but a bloody stub. 
"Help." It was the only word that left Tyrian's trembling lips, raspy and desperate. 
"Get her on the table. NOW!" Watts was on his feet, stripping off his jacket and tie as he helped Tyrian carry Althea into the small adjoining room that had been converted into a meager OR. However Arthur hadn't dealt with such a serious trauma in a long time and he'd certainly had more equipment, more help. His mind was racing as he tried to mentally inventory what he had, what he could use to save Althea's life.
"What the fuck happened?" Arthur pulled on a pair of surgical gloves with a loud snap, his emerald eyes surveying the damage.
"She...she was fighting Beowolves and…"
"More than one?!"
"Her aura was low and we thought she could handle it…"
Arthur sighed harshly as he gathered gauze and began to try and stop the bleeding of Althea's remaining leg. "You promised you'd never scare me like this again!" 
Tyrian could do nothing but stand and watch, his whole body beginning to tremble as he watched. He couldn't hear Watts yelling at him over the ringing in his ears.
"Tyrian! Tyrain, God dammit I need an extra set of hands!" Watts felt guilty for a fleeting moment as he tossed the box of latex gloves at the faunus. They bounced off his bloody chest but it did the job in snapping him back to reality. 
It was bloody awful work getting Althea's leg to finally stop bleeding. Once Watts was satisfied with her vitals and felt she was stable, he moved her into the tiny recovery room. Hooked up to various machines that would start screaming if her pressure bottomed out. 
So he gently led Tyrain into the adjoining shower and turned the water on, waiting for it to warm up. They were both covered in Althea's blood and Watts was tempted to just throw his clothes away, burn them maybe. He had plenty of other clothes.
Watts automatically began to help Tyrain out of his stained jumpsuit and harness, and the faunus didn't resist in the least. His body was still gently trembling and Watts hoped that this incident wouldn't scar him too deeply. He didn't know what Salem might do if her best weapon was permanently damaged like this.
In the back of Arthur's mind, he was already planning the schematics of a replacement leg for Althea and oh Gods...someone was going to have to inform Salem about what happened. How would she plan to punish Althea for this? Because she surely would.
"One thing at a time…"
He unbraided Tyrian's hair, finding more sticky dried blood in it as well. Steam was beginning to spill out of the shower so he gently helped Tyrian under the water before Arthur got undressed himself and joined him, knowing that Tyrian was in no state to bathe himself. 
For a good long moment the only sound was the hissing of the shower and Tyrian's occasional sniffle as he pulled himself back together and Watts scrubbed the blood out of his long hair.
"What did you mean earlier?" He finally asked, so softly that Arthur had to take a moment to be sure he had heard him correctly. 
"About what?"
"When you said that she had promised to never scare you like this again, what the fuck did you mean?" Tyrian turned around to face Arthur.
The Doctor was quiet for a long while, staring into Tyrian's golden, begging eyes. There was never any easy or kind way of saying it.
"A few months ago, Althea tried to kill herself." 
He watched his words take time to register completely on Tyrian's face. A choked off whimpering sound escaped his throat. "Why didn't you tell me?" 
"She asked me not to. She didn't know what Salem might do to her if she found out. And now this…" Arthur sighed. "Gods why did she take on two Beowolves at once?" 
" She tried to kill herself…" Tyrian murmurs gently and Arthur could tell that he was on the verge of losing it all over again. 
So Arthur pulled him close against his chest and let him.
Everything was fuzzy. Her head, her vision, even her body felt fuzzy and disconnected. And her leg...God's her leg….
"Don't move too much." Arthur's voice. Althea felt his hand gently stroke her forehead and she tried to make her eyes focus on his face.
"You had an...accident." Arthur sighed "Although that word doesn't seem appropriate for what happened...because it wasn't an accident was it?"
"I...I had it…" Her throat felt raw, everything ached except...why couldn't she feel her right leg?
"YOU DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING." Arthur hadn't yelled at her like that in a long time. Althea was ashamed to admit that she flinched a little. 
"Arthur…" Tyrian's voice.
"You lost your leg, Althea!" She may have heard a quiver in his voice that time. She wasn't totally sure.
"Guess that explains why I can't feel it." Althea couldn't remember a lot about the incident. She'd been twisting in the air one moment and the next she was waking up here. She vaguely remembered Tyrian rushing her through the castle.
"You were careless, reckless and for what? You promised you would never do something like this again." Arthur's voice was a little steadier now as he sat on the edge of the hospital bed.
"I promised I wouldn't hurt myself again." Althea hissed as she hoisted herself up in the bed a little more, her vision clearing enough to see how upset her partners were. 
"And so you've gone and replaced it with reckless endangerment of yourself!" Arthur looked like he hadn't been sleeping. How long had she been unconscious? 
"It wasn't like that." Althea wiped the sleepy gunk from her eyes as she got her bearings.
Tyrian was curled in a small chair by her bed, wrapped in a comforter. He looked just as tired and drained as Arthur. God's, what had she done?
"I should have stepped in sooner." Tyrian sighed. "Hazel, the sentimental giant, warned me. We knew her aura was low and…"
"You just didn't know when to stop." Arthur sighs. "Or you were hoping to get hurt."
"I wasn't trying to get hurt! Damn it!" Althea looked down at the bandaged stubb that had been her right leg and she swallowed the lump building in her throat.
"Don't worry, I'm already designing you a new one." Arthur sighs.
"Don't. I don't deserve it." 
"Well you bloody well can't work for Salem on one leg, can you? And if you can't can't for Salem she'll kill you." Arthur stood up. "Although that's probably exactly what you want."
Althea watched him leave and she rested back in the hospital bed, keeping her tears at bay.
"I'm sorry." She finally murmurs to Tyrain. "I really didn't mean to…"
"I should have stopped you." Tyrian crawled out of the easy chair and up alongside her in the bed. "When your body got slammed into the ground I…" 
"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry I…" yeah keeping the tears at bay wasn't working very well. 
No, Salem had not been happy but she hadn't been nearly as angry as Watts had expected her to be.
Thankfully Hazel had been the one to tell her for the very first time, right after he'd finished off the Beowolf. Although, who the hell knew? She could act so calm and collected before the storm finally hit.
Watts had nearly had a heart attack one night when he'd gone in to bring Althea some dinner and Salem was right there, sitting at the foot of her bed and talking with her. It was an odd sight to say the least: a tall, ancient and immortal being just sitting there in the tiny recovery room. So out of place and somehow so horrifying. 
Apparently Salem had wanted to see how Althea was doing with her own eyes and it hadn't looked like she'd gone had hurt the injured woman in any way.  Perhaps Salem would see the loss of leg as enough punishment and leave it at that.
Tyrian hadn't left Althea's side once, getting her what she needed and Althea had started reading to him a lot to pass the time. Thankfully Salem hadn't sent him away on any missions. Arthur wasn't sure if the faunus would have been able to concentrate if she had.
Recovery was not going to be easy. Arthur had drawn the perfect schematics for a new leg and he had been coming and going from Evernight to trade for some of the parts he would need. 
Althea's phantom pains had started and were becoming almost unbearable. A mirror method had helped, but Arthur hoped that a new leg would do more good. Althea's balance on crutches was horrendous, and her ability to actually walk could be therapeutic in and of itself. 
Finally when he was satisfied with his work on the prosthetic, he showed it to her. Shiney and silver with green accents along the joints and toes and a small "W" engraved on the upper thigh. Watts always left his signature on what he created in one way or another. 
"The good doctor does such wonderful work doesn't he?" Tyrian mused as he looked the new limb over, his own shiney tail clicking behind him. 
Arthur smirked softly, he certainly didn't mind having his ego stroked. 
"I would have had this done sooner if you hadn't lost the leg above the joint." Watts sighs.
"I'll keep that in mind for next time." Althea chuckles dryly. 
"There won't be a next time." Watts says firmly as he prepped the stubb of her leg. "Right?"
Althea smirked down at him and nodded gently. 
"Don't you dare ever scare us like this again. I mean it." 
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maximumninjavoid · 4 years ago
Mining for Unobtanium ch 38
I just can't........ these imaginary people, they just won't leave me alone.......
well it isn't like I have life, right? My daughter is out of the rehab hospital for her busted leg TOMORROW ( thank you all for your thoughts and good vibes and well wishes )
So, the usual disclaimers. 18+ only. Srsly. secks, and stuff, you know?
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Bangkok was a trip…. Literally. We ate at street stalls, like locals, grazing, and he bought me a new wardrobe suitable for my new role as his *life coach*. Trust and believe, everything had pockets. Functional pockets. And HUGE shoulder pads. I wasn't kidding about that eighties aesthetic. He slipped right back into his role as my Darling Boy, and I could see the stress and tension ease from his frame each hour that passed.
I wanted to believe that our little bubble could contain all of Southeast Asia, but I didn’t do drugs anymore, and frankly, there weren’t enough drugs on the planet to make THAt a reality. I mean, he’s an international superstar. Add to that that he’s literally a foot taller than most of the population of any Asian city and well, he’s not hard to spot in a crowd. As if the sheer breadth of him wasn’t an issue. Egads, the list of places and things he doesn’t fit. Trying to stuff his massive self in a tuk tuk. COMEDY. “ Ass first Darling boy, then fold the rest of your prodigious bulk into the conveyance, will you?” “ Could you TRY not to sound so fucking smug? “ “ I could try, but that would be a lie and I did promise never to lie to you….”
I positioned myself on his lap and damned if I didn't find a way to grind my behind into his groin. Let me try and find a way to make this work for me… I mean, wouldn't you? Traffic is insane. Scooters, tuk tuks, pedestrians, street stalls, it's hard to imagine. Easier if you're from a place with narrower streets, right? But as an American it took some getting used to. The idea of 'personal space' is very different everywhere else on the planet. And I was hell bent on invading his. The tuk tuk turned and I shifted. Henry groaned. "You all right Darling Boy?" It wasn't really a smile, but it wasn't him pulling a face, either. "Fine." I kissed his cheek. "So glad to hear that. We'll be at our destination soon." I nibbled on his earlobe and wiggled my ass a bit more.
I disentangled myself and stepped out of the conveyance and tried to assist in extricating him. It was laughable. "First your feet, or you'll face plant. And won't that look great on page six?" Another half smile half grimace and he rose above the tuk tuk and the crowd. I took his hand and led him into a shop. We were greeted and I bowed. The proprietor walked us through the shop and to a curtained off area in the back. There was a small platform and a few mirrors.
He looked at me. Then looked at the bulge in his jeans, and then looked at me again.
"My apologies. Let me rectify that for you."
"Here? Now?"
"I wouldn't have said so if I couldn't follow through. Dealer's choice, Hero, you want that sucked or fucked?"
"Cheeky. While I would love to sink so deep into you I take your breath away, I'll settle for choking you on my johnson."
That settled, we made quick work of his hard cock and I scored a protein snack. "Seriously. Strip."
He toed off his shoes, pulled the t shirt off over his head and threw it at me. The shop owner returned and as Henry was taking off his jeans he gestured to the platform. Henry looked at me, seeking some kind of information or perhaps reassurance." Mmmhmmm. Payback is a bitch. And so am I."
The proprietor took out a tape measure and I began to laugh.
Like a costume fitting, only worse, I think, he measured every delicious inch of Henry, making notations, grabbing muslin and pinning. I confess, I did giggle when he got stabbed a few times. "And what, exactly, are you up to?" "Would it be very impertinent if I said five foot six? OK. I'm doing my job. The job you hired me to do." I spoke a few words to the man who owned the store in Thai, and then switched back to English. " Complete, from the inside out. And he dresses left." Henry shot me a look. I was pretty sure he was a tad less than pleased. I threw his shirt back at him and went back to the front of the shop to pick out fabrics. I had a lovely chat with the man's wife and we went over bolt after bolt of cloth, making more notes and selections. I stopped at the silks, running my hands over the fabric. She smiled, and a paragraph passed in a look. We talked loungewear, pajamas, underwear, ties, waistcoats, pocket squares, and then underwear again. Bless her little pirate heart. It was like she could read my mind.
Henry appeared from behind the curtain and looked at the fabrics. “ You know I have a bespoke tailor. On Saville Row. With a Royal Warrant.” “ I am, in fact aware. And I am also in fact aware that you tend to buy eight of the same thing if you find a thing you like and wear them to death. Is this where we discuss your ever changing physique and your poor exhausted overworked shirt buttons? They’re thinking of unionizing you know.”
He looked at me, as though I had grown more heads. “ What? Going to call me cheeky again? That’s getting tired, Hero. Come up with a new one. Insolent, brazen, sassy, saucy, I could go on…….” He pulled me to him and silenced me with a kiss. I put my hands on his chest and leaned into him. This is what I wanted for him, someone who takes care of him the way he tends to take care of the people around him. I stepped back and took out my phone and dashed off a quick email. “ Who was that?” “ Oh, that was an email to your Aunt, your assistant. I was just letting her know what the plan was for your wardrobe revision.” “ Wait. What?” “ Come on, I’m starved, I’ll explain over food.”
We found a stall and grabbed some mango and I outlined my plan. Exactly what he had been doing just with adjustments, same shirts just in incremental sizes in the chest and biceps, numbered on the inside of the button placket and every trip he could pack three or four of this shirt that shirt that jacket and so on. When they got to the end of a series of numbers his Aunt could call the shopkeeper in Bangkok and he could ramp up the next series and ship out more of the same in incremental sizes. No more overworked buttons and everything tailored to his measurements, taking into account the ratio of chest to waist that you wouldn’t find in off the rack and faster than Saville Row could produce them. Same thing with trousers and jeans, and that dick. THAT required custom tailoring. No more of that beige suit GMA nonsense. That was awful.
@fishcustardandclintbarton @indigosaurus @tinareher
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allegra-writes · 5 years ago
"Lights up" part II
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Peter Parker x SHIELD Agent! Reader
Series Masterlist
He froze. No. Oh god, please no ...
He lowered his gaze to you, and watched in horror as your eyes went from his left hand above his crotch, your own position on top of him, then finally, to his face.
He was dead. If you didn't kill him for molesting you in your sleep, the shame would probably finish him. Although he firmly believed it was going to be the former. He could actually see it, the storm brewing in your eyes, the adrenaline dilating your pupils, getting you ready to fight.
"I'm sorry. I am so so-" You muffled his apologies with your lips. Ok, maybe not to fight.
Peter had never been kissed before, not like that. And, as your lips continued to move against his, sensual yet firm, demanding, he felt like he hadn't at all. Nothing he had ever felt before compared to this, to the taste of your tongue on his, to the smell of your hair, falling on his face, to the touch of your hands, splayed on his chest, fingers tracing the hard planes hungrily.
He spun you over, so it was you with your back on the mattress, and him hovering above you. He didn't recognize the sound leaving his throat as you opened your legs and he fell between them, as you buried your fingers on his curls and tugged, as his mouth left yours to explore your jaw, your neck, your collarbone. He watched in awe as your own hand lowered a strap of your tank top down your shoulder, until one gorgeous, perfect breast was bared to him, for him . He wasted no time imitating your movements with your other strap, maybe a little too enthusiastically, snapping it.
You giggled.
"So-sorry" he mumbled, "I've never… done this before"
You bit your lip.
"Do you want to?"
He met your eyes, a feverish, almost crazed look in his own.
"Yes. God, yes!"
You tugged him to you again, and this time, it was him crashing his mouth on yours, nibbling at your lips, forcing his tongue inside. He started rolling his hips against yours on instinct, the movement rubbing his delicious pecs against your hard nipples with every drag of his hips. The feeling of skin on skin was driving you wild. You needed more.
"Rip it off" you panted into his mouth
"My top," you broke the kiss to command, "rip it off me. I know you can do it" he was certainly strong enough. He fisted his hand on the fabric and tugged. It tore as easily as if it were paper. He sat back to admire his work.
You smiled. Whatever self-consciousness you could have felt, disintegrating at the wonderstruck look on his face. You brought your hands to your breast, massaging, tugging, rolling your nipples between your fingers, eyes never leaving his. 
"You are so beautiful" He marveled under his breath and you weren't sure you were supposed to hear that, but you were glad that you did. You were a spy, beauty wasn't much of a virtue to you. It was a tool, a weapon, a disguise. You knew how to fake it or hide it, depending on what the mission required. But here there was nowhere to hide. Peter was seeing you exactly for who and what you were, and he still wanted you. 
"Lose the pants" You demanded, trying to regain control, "and sit against the headboard"
His hands were shaking as he took both his pants and his boxers off in one go. This time it was your time to marvel, not only at his size (although it was considerable) but also at his shape. He was perfect: thicker than your biggest toy, but not that long. That was better anyway, since you were going to be able to ride him hard, with no fear of stabbing your cervix on it. He was cut, too, but considering his religion that wasn't surprising.
"Fuck! Even your cock is pretty"
Peter blushed but said nothing as he sat exactly like you had ordered. You made quick work of your shorts but kept your underwear. His eyes went wide as he saw the lace and you knew you had made the right call. You straddled his thighs, wrapping your hand around his cock, and his head fell back.
"Fuck!" He cursed. He was so responsive and obedient, there was definitely a submissive streak in him and you were dying to explore it. Maybe later.
His hands slid up the back of your thighs until they reached your butt, where they slipped under the lace. 
You pumped his cock once, twice, three times, tearing as many moans out of him. The fourth one was muffled by your lips on his.
You only broke the kiss when you were light headed, and he chased after your lips, whining softly when you stayed away. Peter finally opened his eyes, resting his forehead against yours, warm brown eyes boring into you even in the dark.
"Pete, are you sure?"
"Yes. God, yes! I wanted this," he confessed, "I wanted you, for so long…"
You averted his eyes. 
"What about…" You trailed off. You weren't sure that you wanted to know the answer to what you were about to ask. But you had to, it would annihilate you if Peter regretted this later. "What about MJ?"
You sounded so unsure, so vulnerable, so unlike the badass secret agent persona he had met that afternoon… Peter realized you weren't only letting him see your body, you were letting him see more, something more intimate: you were letting him see you. 
He kissed you again, softer, slower, cradling your face in his hands, lips moving against yours until he felt you sigh and relax into his embrace. He broke the kiss but his lips never left your skin, placing delicate butterfly kisses on your cheeks, on your jaw.
"It's you. It's always been you" Besides, he had kind of broke up with her when he left her in that alley. Even if he hadn't realized he was in love with someone else, he would have done it, for her own safety. But you knew how to take care of yourself, he didn't need to protect you from his love. He only needed you to accept it. 
And you seemed to do it. Or at least, you had accepted his answer, reaching down between your bodies, finding his cock again. You slid the head up and down your slit, and his hands left your face to grab onto the iron rail of the headboard above his head. You leaned back to look into his eyes, one hand braced on his shoulder, the other guiding him inside you, inch by delicious inch
Peter looked down. Your lacy panties where completely ruined, tugged to the side, trim patch of curls visible just above where his thick shaft disappeared inside you. It was dirty, and obscene and perfect. 
You were perfect. All tight, wet heat around him. Burning him, lighting him up inside, so hot he could feel you browning his skin so right. You were the sun, sparking up what should have been his darkest night. 
By the time you had taken him all the way in, you were as breathless as him. 
"You ok?" 
"More than" Peter gasped. You noticed his hands around the headboard and lifted an eyebrow. "Do-don't… don't wanna hurt you" he explained and you nodded your understanding, before lifting yourself up a few inches, eyes never leaving his as you sank right back down. 
He was beautiful like that, eyes glossy with desire, mouth agape, muscles straining with the effort to keep his hands off you. You had a vision of his hands tied to that very same bed as you screwed yourself hard on his cock, and you vow to yourself to make it a reality before your time on the island was over. You started to build a rhythm, wave after wave of pleasure hitting you as you jumped on the most incredible cock, filling you up so good, so completely, it seemed made just for you. 
"God, you feel so good!"
"Tell me" he begged, sounding desperate, wrecked, as you rode him mercilessly, "please"
"So hard" you moaned, your own hands trailing your tits, your neck, pulling at your hair, "so deep… Fuck, I love this cock!" 
"Fu-fuck!" Peter's hips started bucking up, trying to meet yours. It didn't take long for him to succeed, thrusting up every time you came down, going deeper, hitting your clit just so with his pubic bone.
"Yes! Just like that… you're doing so well, baby boy"
Your praise ignited something inside him, hands letting go of the headboard to wrap around your waist, helping you move. 
You cried out, feeling the heat starting to build 
"Like that, yes, Peter… just like that… keep going"
"I- I can't!.. 'm sorry, I'm gonna… I'm…"
Then you felt it. The little contractions, the warm -warmer than human's- liquid painting your insides. You stopped moving.
"Oh god! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Peter hid his face with his hands, ashamed, humiliated. You didn't know what to say, too stunned to even get up from his lap. 
"I'm so so sorry!" He kept on babbling, "It's just… you're really hot and… I'd never-"
"Felt something like that?" You spoke at last, trying to pry his hands away from his face to look at him, "Yeah, I know. It was your first time, it was bound to happen. It's completely normal…"
Right. Of course that was the one way he had to be normal. You started to get up, but his hands flew from his face to your hips to stop you.
"No!" He pleaded, eyes full of tears of shame, of frustration. "You didn't…"
You shook your head,
"Peter, it's ok, I enjoyed it, trust me" 
"But it doesn't have to be over" his grip on your hips tightened, "I can keep on, see?"
He bucked his hips and you felt him start to harden again inside you.
"Pete, I like you" maybe a little too much, "You don't have to prove anything to me" 
Peter squared his jaw, a new determination igniting within his eyes, making you gulp. He was going to be damned if he didn't make you come your first time together.
He rolled on top of you, trapping you under his body, still connected to you.
"Tell me you don't want it" He defied, thrusting into you, making you gasp despite yourself.
"I don't want it"
"Liar" he smirked, rolling his hips again, and again. And again, until he was fucking you into the mattress. Maybe he wasn't as submissive as you had first thought. He hooked your legs on his elbows, pushing them up as he pushed into you harder, deeper. 
"You sure this is your first time?" You kidded.
"Told you… wanted you… so long… thought 'bout this… so much" it was getting harder and harder to form complete thoughts, nevermind sentences, especially with you arching your back like that, eyes closing, mouth opening. 
"Really?" You said between moans, "What did you think about?"
"About tasting you" He replied, licking into your open mouth, "about… coming all over your beautiful body… About making you come, over and over, until you beg me to stop…"
He let go of one of your legs to trail his hand up and down your body, taking a detour to play with your breasts, massaging just the way he had seen you do it before, first one, then the other one. You arched your back almost impossibly, pressing yourself into his touch. Your hips started to move but he held you still, splaying his hand just between your hips. 
"If you do that I won't last much, again. And you feel too good to stop…"
You had a feeling he could still just flip you over and fuck you again. You felt his hand on your breast being replaced by his tongue, as his free arm wrapped itself around your waist, lifting you, changing the angle. 
"There" He declared, almost triumphantly as he started grinding against your g-spot with every stroke, making you see stars, every nerve ending in your body coming alight. He could actually feel the different texture of that tiny patch of skin inside you, eyes rolling back every time the head of his cock grazed it. 
Never again was he going to complain about his super senses, not when you were squeezing him so good, shaking in his arms, fingernails digging into his back deep enough to draw blood. 
"Yes, just like that babe, let me feel you come. I wanna feel it baby, I wanna…"
You came screaming his name, and he thrusted into you a couple more times, help in you ride it out. Then he slid out of you, just in time to paint your chest, your belly in white ribbons, marking you as his.
He fell, boneless on top if you, but his weight was comforting rather than suffocating. 
"We're gonna need a safe word" You commented, casually, as if you weren't trying to catch your breath after the best, most mindblowing sex you had had in your short, violent life. 
Peter raised his head from your neck to look at you, confused frown marring his lovely face. 
"If you're really planning on making me come until I beg you to stop, you're gonna need to know when I'm really asking you to stop" You explained, "Ergo, we're gonna need a safe word" 
His eyes went wide, freezing for a few seconds. And then he was kissing you with all he had.
"You, Agent 16, are amazing" He declared, peppering your face with chaste, sweet little kisses.
You laughed, batting his shoulder to get him off you.
"I know, but get off me! We need another shower, You made us all dirty!"
"Or…" He pondered, rolling off you and getting out of the bed, "We could go skinny dipping, get out and get even more dirty…"
You took the hand he offered,
"Oh, I like the way you think, Peter Parker!" 
"You know, if you had told me twelve hours ago that something good could come out of Beck exposing my identity and making the whole world believe I'm a murderer, I would probably had call you insane…"
You were laying on the beach, hours later, head on Peter's chest, as the golden rays of sunrise started to appear on the horizon. He had kept his promise, the both of you covered in sand from head to toe after round three… or was it four? 
"You know it doesn't matter, right? What they think, I mean" You stated, as if it was the simplest of facts, "Nick's never going to let you go to jail, and Pepper is not going to allow anyone talk shit about you. She's probably already sending lawsuits to every website and news channel that reproduced that video. They can't touch you" I won't let them.
"So yeah, the gig is up. The lights are up and they know your identity. They know your name and they are going to talk. But they don't matter. As long as you know who you are, they don't matter, the things they say don't matter." 
"No offence, Sixteen" Peter noted, never stopping caressing your back, "but… that's a little rich coming from you"
"I could tell you my name, the one my parents gave me, I mean, you could do a little background checking" You shrugged, "But I'm not that girl anymore. Hell, I think if my parents saw me on the street, they wouldn't recognize me!"
"I'm sorry" Peter could recognize the melancholy behind your nonchalance. Just a few hours, and he was already becoming an expert on you. He realized he was starting to understand what you meant.
"It's ok, I barely miss them now. Maybe I didn't die in the blip, but sometimes I think that girl did… I'm definitely more Sixteen than her, now. The whole secret identity thing is more for their protection than anything"
Peter thought of May, hiding away in the Lake House. Yeah, he could relate to that. He didn't need a name to know who you were. What was in a name after all? Romeo and Juliet had gotten it right; a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet. 
And yes, it would have been easier if things stayed the same, but if they had he wouldn't have you. If stepping into the light was the price he had to pay to keep you, then so be it. As you fell asleep in his arms and the whole world woke up to #Spider-Man trending in every social media, there was no going back. 
Peter Parker was never going back into the shadows.
To be continued...
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shyrose57 · 4 years ago
Brothers anon, sorry its been like 2 days since I last submitted something! I've been busy and whenever I finally had time to sit down and write this all its like 1 in the morning. I hope its still ok for me to send these.
🌹 anon ima respond to you first, your The Deal au could be the reason why and how Ranboos and Dreams soul got mixed and linked together. But then a problem is how did it pass to Ranbob? In my au, each person has their own soul basically. And while certain attributes like DNA can be passed through bloodlines, souls can't, as their unique to their person. 
What left Ranbob vulnerable to Dream is that he was seen as the star student. The apprentice everyone wanted. He always got perfect grades and was seen as the smartest in the City. This did not go well. As Ranbob was put under a ton of pressure to always stay perfect and get everything right. When his grades started to slip and his chosen mentor started to put even more work on him, his mentality started to suffer. With him losing sleep and starting to not care for himself or do the basic necessities like eating or drinking, all in an effort to be "perfect". Its through this need, and weakened state over all, Dream's presence was able to slip in and convince him to let him help.
Benjamin is 30, Isaac 29, Cletus is 24, and Charles is 27. 
When Ranbob first told Ran about the Dream mask and how he wasnt himself, Ran did not believe him at all. And kept saying that he needs to stop lying and fess up to what he did and pay for it. Others tried to convince him that his brother really wasn't in control of himself, but was met with strong skepticism, scoffs, and disbelief. With Ran not beliving that was the truth at all.
Watson was very shocked but quickly reorganized himself cause he had to calm Jackie, and its only after Jackie fell asleep he was like "Oh fuck. I really am the dad huh?" Jackie was embarrassed at first but after some prodding did say how he truly saw Watson as a dad figure in his life. And everyone had different reactions to Watson suddenly accepting and fitting into the dad role. Jackie was excited and immediately started calling him dad and asking him awkward dad questions "Dad whats puberty?" "Uhhh-" "Dad where do babies come from?" "Ask your dad about that!" "But you are my dad!" Ran seemed indifferent about it but Watson can tell he's revealed to have someone to talk too, and someone to go to if things get to much. Grievous keeps sating he doesn't need a dad but he's the one that goes to Watson the most for things like hugs, comfort, and advice. 
Jackie and Grievous do everything. They rig the battle field so if someone steps in a certain area water will shoot up into their face, Grievous usually taunts and distracts opponents so Jackie can sneak up behind them and just latch onto them and cover their eyes while giggling like a madman as the opponent screams and runs around trying to get him off. Jackie regularly pulls peoples seat out from under them, while Grievous scares them and makes them choke or drop something. But they do know peoples limits. Like for Ran, no water related pranks (there was an incident where Grievous spilled a whole bucket of water on him and Ran got severe burns and had to stay in the hospital ward for a few days), for Watson don't mess with his bow or arrows, he will stab you. And for eachother, Jackie, no pranks that leave him alone for extended periods of time or makes it seems like everyone is gone/left. For Grievous no pranks centered around food or drinks (like putting toothpaste in his sandwich or putting pepper in his beer). 
Ran and Jackie have a 50/50 win if that makes sense. They both win and lose pretty often. They play games like Spoons, Go Fish, Dart Throwing (Watson needs to be present for this one), something similar to Cards Against Humanity, Poker (everyone plays during this one), and Tic Tac Toe. 
Sometimes Jackie loves being the smallest and other times hates it. He hates it when Ran steals something of his and holds it above his head, he sometimes resorts to aggressively climbing Ran to get it but Ran tends to just pluck him off, and people make fun of him in a mean natured way (he's fine with light teasing). But he loves it when he rides Ran's shoulders or can duck under peoples legs and trip em. Because he's also small and fast he's hard to catch and that definitely comes in handy during fights. No ones particularly protective of eachother (excluding Ran who's protective of everyone), because they know none of them like being babied and they can all hold their own, though they will quickly flock to help eachother if they need it. Ran definitely flaunts it whenever their in a agurement. 
There is a area under the fighting arena of the pit where they stay. Theres separate rooms for everyone, training areas, dinning areas, and just chilling areas. Theres even extra rooms meant for often visiting friends (Like Genevieve) and some for storage of weapons which also holds things to sharpen them or get new ones. The Pit itself is in the middle of a gaint city, so there are tons of stores and food areas around. And because of a high salary the King gives them they go out quite often, often eating out and browsing stores when their not training or sleeping. 
If by other combinations you mean like Ran-Jackie, Ran-Grievous, Watson-Jackie, and Watson-Grievous then it highly varies. Watson and Jackie are by far the worst team, their styles just don't match and constantly but heads during battles. Watson and Grievous are probably the best out of the 4 teams because Grievous can be serious and works well with Watson as he's much more willing to change his fighting style to accommodate whats needed. Ran and Jackie are like Jackie and Grievous, but they aren't nearly as insane. Rather Ran provides distractions while fighting to give Jackie time to sneak up behind them. Ran also is the only one able to actually throw Jackie, which they sometimes do during battles. And Ran and Grievous work well together, but not as much as Watson and Grievous, its just a few things of both their styles don't match or could potentially cause problems.
He's clumsy flat out, he isn't used to having full control and needs to get used to certain things like walking or talking again. He is also severely dehydrated and malnutritished because Dream didn't care enough to drink or eat. He's also incredibly skittish and scared easily. He and Cletus's relationship isn't solved fast at all, it takes months and the work of everyone to get the two comfortable around eachother. They start by putting Cletus on watching duty, where he watches over Ranbob to make sure he's eating and drinking and resting while not tiring himself out. Then after a month or 2 Isaac, Benjamin, and Charles start purposely leaving the two in a room alone toghere to get them to talk stuff out. It takes 3 months until their comfortable enough with eachother to willingly talk and hang out. Oh the house building attempts went aboustely awful. They sometimes fell on Ranbob! And when they didn't they just collapsed or got blown away by the wind, but Isaac did ofter help a few times and showed him multiple different ways to make sure the walls stay up and keep the cold out. 
Ran is very unhappy with Ranbobs haunting, he thinks their kind of like Ranbob in which they've all killed people and considers them a threat at first, but when he sees how his haunting likes and interacts with Ranbob's, he losens up a bit, his group trusts them, so he has to trust them a little bit. But he doesn't trust them or like them nearly as much as he trusts and likes his haunting. 
Im guessing you mean who from the two groups get along the easiest. Most of them take a while to get to know eachother, like a few hours. But after that their all really close. Charles and Jackie, Cletus and Grievous, and Benjamin, Isaac, and Watson are the groups that get along really well really fast. 
Im honestly probably am going to go for them adventuring outside the City to try to get the brothers to get along again. Mostly cause I thought of the idea that what if Watson, Jackie, and Grievous all lie to Ran, and while they are actually going on an adventure, they lie to him that his brother and his group isn't coming. Then when its much to late for Ran to back out, Watson just goes "Oh yeah! Your brother and his group are traveling with us. And you can't do anything about it." And Ran just sits there shocked. 
Ran and Ranbob are both subtle protective of their group. With Ranbob never really getting aggressive or going into overbearing. But for Ran, if someone in his group is injured badly enough or if there's a big enough threat he does get overbearing and extremely aggressive towards whatever/whoever the threat is *cough cough Ranbob cough*. Ranbob tends to be very physical, listening more to a certain instincts that tell him to constantly have a view on or hold his family, as if he doesnt see or touch them for a long time he gets very anxious and panicky, thinking his family is dead and that he's all alone again. His group understands this and so tends to not stray to far away from Ranbob. He will also follow his group like a lost puppy at times. Ran while listens more to the instinct that tells him at random times to make sure his family is ok and to bond with them. The bonding leads to him randomly grabbing them and just sitting down with them, most likely playing games. While the random urge to check on them has led to him waking them up during the middle of the night or interrupting his own conversation or others conversations just to ask if their ok. His took a while to understand why he does it, but now if he wakes them up or drags them somewhere, they know to go along with it and comfort him during those times. 
Hybrids are rare! Especially aggressive or netural type mobs like Ran, Ranbob, and Porkius are. Their actually seen as monsters and are chased out or hunted in other city's because people aren't accepting of them. Theres very few city's like Subbin that fully welcome and are even led by hybrids. So there are more hybrids in Subbin, than there is anywhere else. 
Sorry this is so long ':)
Asks are always welcome here, and don’t worry about taking a bit or anything. The questions aren’t going anywhere, there’s plenty of time. 
Here’s that for you,🌹anon.
1: Wow, Ranbob’s really going through it, huh? Does he ever start to fall back on that need to be ‘perfect’ while with the others? If so, how do they deal with that? And how is he with others offering to help him? If he even can really recall falling under Dream’s thrall, by accepting such an offer, how does he react to others doing the same, even if their intentions are far different?
2: So we’ve settled all the ages down, nice. You figure out anything for their backstory yet? And how do their ages affect their relationships with one another? Does Benjamin take the lead a lot? Or is he more of a follower that still has a lot of say? Who met who first?
3: So Ran’s obviously going to be awhile before he believes what went down. Still, I can’t imagine he’d have been as willing to go along with his hauntings little roadtrip plan if he wasn’t swayed at least a bit, since I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have put his foot down if he truly though Ranbob had done what he did. Why exactly does he go along with it? Does some small part of him want to give his brother a chance? Is he just confident he can overpower him, and looking for an opportunity to settle the score? Does he see something that makes him hope a bit? What’s going down there, anon?
4: On one hand, very adorable. One the other hand, poor Watson. Does Jackie actually not know that stuff, or does he do that just to mess with his new father figure? It seems like they all take to it pretty well overall though.
5: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Two people to truly fear. How many people straight up forfeit when faced with this combination? It seems like they’ve had some interesting times, good and bad. How’d those play out? As for those last two, I’m sensing a bit of a backstory. Why does Grievous not like stuff being put into his food? And why’s Jackie not good with being left?
6: So it’s fifty/fifty, huh? Who wins the most at what games? And uh, Watson has to be present for Dart Throwing. What happened there? How’s everyone’s poker faces? Who’s got the best luck in games of chance?
7: A love/hate relationship with height. I feel ya, Jackie. Very funny to imagine though, Jackie just, physically climbing up Ran. How tall even is this guy?? How do they deal with meaner teasing, not just from the gladiators, but from general bullies? Not everybody’s as friendly as some of the Pit fighters, after all. And how do the fishermen react with their fighting skills? Obviously, they must know how to fight somewhat, to have entered the Pit, but the gladiators do this for a living. How much is the difference in skill level? And does the gang ever get to show off just how skilled they are? 
8: Their home sounds very nice, honestly, I wished I could live there, minus the people. What’s everyone’s rooms look like? How have they personalized them? Which brings up another question-what kind of interests and hobbies do they have? What kind of things do they do that aren’t fighting and related to such? And they must be pretty well known, to have such high pay. Any of them have an arena title, or some sort of stage name? How many people can recognize the city’s top gladiators on sight? And how do they get around that, when they don’t want to be seen? How do people feel about them in general?
9: All these team ups sound terrifying, and I wouldn’t want to be facing them. How do they deal with it when they get a bad match up? Do they just stay out of each other’s way? Try to take their opponents out quick? Make it one on one? Ran and Jackie have to be my favorite team up, solely for the fact that you’ve said Ran straight up throws him. Like?? Imagine coming to the King’s Pit, a well known, popular place, hoping to prove yourself, and then getting taking out by a flying midget, just tossed at you by a ridiculously tall endermen hybrid. How would you feel?? 
10: Ranbob is just really going through the ringer here. How many times does he just drop stuff, or trip over his feet? Does he ever get better, or does he still retain a clumsy streak? If so, how does Ran react to that? It’s very good he and Cletus bond! Are they just as close as the others, or is there still a bit of distance? How often does Ranbob forget to eat or drink, or really just take a break? How long does it take to get him to start remembering to do that stuff again? 
Does he ever slip up while with the gladiators? Also, in a room? Do the fisherman expand their house more, or do they just leave them in the house? Does Ranbob ever get his own house up? If so, does he use it at all, or is it more for storage? And how many times did he fall asleep out there, get injured, or not realize it was about to rain? How long did it take before Benjamin or Charles put their foot down and make him stay in for a bit?
Has Ranbob ever even dealt with rain before, or a storm above water? If not, how’d he react to it? 
11: Oh, boy, Ran. Your concerns are understandable, but definitely going to lead to some angst. Is he just on edge the whole time? How many times does he just glare at them, or straight up steal one of his haunting back a few feet away from Ranbob’s? Are the fishermen ever worried he might hurt them?
12: How do both hybrids deal with their groups bonding? I imagine Ranbob’s pretty happy with it, but how about Ran? As you said, he doesn’t seem to be the biggest fan of these guys. 
13: Roadtrip! Gotta love a roadtrip! What kind of places do they head? Any transportation, or is it just walking, enjoying nature? Do they go on an adventure to look for something cool? What’re they getting up to?
14: So Ran and Ranbob both act on their instincts in different ways. How do they feel about seeing how the other acts? What happens if any of the fishermen stray too far, or get separated from Ranbob? Same question to Ran. Ran just...like...picks up members of his haunting? Do people just see him walk around with them dangling in his arms? He must be pretty strong. How often does he do this? How else do their instincts lead to them acting? Cuddle piles, picking up blocks, keeping their groups close together, ect?
15: So Subbin’s pretty much a safe space for hybrids? Interesting. But since the groups are heading out, does this mean they run into some trouble outside of the city? And is there ever trouble within it? 
Other questions: Does Karl play any further part in this, or has he already played his role for good? Does the gang ever end up back at Mizu? Do any of the group have a pet or something similar? With there be any sort of connection to other Tales, even if only slightly, or will they be solely focused on these two? Does Ranbob pick up his studies of Ranboo as best he can once he’s free, or does he leave it all behind entirely?
Thanks for the ask, this AU’s become quite interesting. I can’t wait to see where it goes!
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hiimsociallyawkward · 4 years ago
his father's son
ayoo back again. these are always so much fun to make because otherwise it's me just yelling at my ipad of everything i'm thinking while exercising and singing show tunes and that's never fun. basically, all of my thoughts while watching his fathers son. hi bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars
omg merlin is still wearing the cape wtf he looks so good pls bbc have mercy
go away now agravaine.
let me relish in the joy of merlin wearing a cape
you're welcome for this btw 😎😎
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stop 😭😭 not arthur thinking that he's not worthy
ok i wish knew arthur knew his destiny but also i know why he can't know but i just don't want him to be sad because he's doubting himself yk???
i actually hate agravaine actually stop i feel like it's harsh but drop dead please 🤪
arthur is so good he just wants peace. agravaine please stop you're making him doubt everything that he is
i wish arthur listened to merlin but after watching this ending i can appreciate it
'i can't just kill a man in cold blood' 🥺🥺
arthur don't push him away he's just trying to help 😪
merlin has his blankie 2x this episode and you better believe that i'm commenting both times
arthur is just. i feel so sad for him sometimes. he's still so young and he has to rule a country now and just-
i get why arthur is doing what he's doing and such but i'm still sad.
alskdjfaslkdfjasdf jeez arthur not knowing abt merlin's magic is just. wow this episode is starting off strong 🤪🤪
agravaine please leave now
ok that was hot how arthur walked in after the fact though. 'arthur pendragon. pop off'
arthur just wants peace i'm so sad he doesn't want to kill him but jsalkdfjsal;dkfjasdf
watching spn i watch the beheading a lot so i was expecting it but this is merlin haha
WHY IS SHE THE BEST I ACTUALLY LOVE THEM TOGETHER. fvck you agravaine. actually die. please STOp
ok so merlin says 'dont push your friends' and while arthur says that he doesn't need anyone, at least he doesn't say that merlin isn't his friend. it's the little victories 😭
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these castles are actually gorgeous
agaravaine please die now. stop
you manipulating arthur by claiming these things will make arthur into a good king is just making me so sad
fricken 'appropritate person' aalskdfj;alskdjfasldf
i literally just want arthur to be happy
dude i'm like 13 mins in and i'm angsting so hard over this
'a matter of the heart'🥺🥺
agaravaine die please :,)))))))
ok i'm so sad for arthur
he's still so young and he has the weight of his entire kingdom on his shoulders. he just wants to be a good king for his citizens and he wants peace and every good thing is just taken from him. he doesn't want to kill caerleon. he wants to marry gwen. and we have FREAKING AGARVAINE. this is why we can't have nice things.
ok the arthur using merlin as a punching bag transitively but also literally?? idk my head is blank. but like; merlin is letting himself be used as a punching bag and also it's his 'duty' to let arthur use him as a punching bag? idk idk thoughts?
stfu i don't want these white old men saying long live the king
pls chill
alright alright morgana
she is actually p good at getting onto annis's side so i'll give her props for that
oh shoot kneeling down to the queen? this is a power move but not a power move yk?
ok this is dumb but i love seeing merlin meander around with his little chores
ok what is bbc thinking when they have the "oh i'd never sleep in a bed with merlin" am i supposed to laugh? well i'm not. alrighty then
gwen :,) look at her in her pretty dress
you're breaking my heart right now arthur
you're BREAKING GWEN'S heart right now arthur
laksdjf;laskdfjasdlfkj I. JUST. WANT. THEM. TO. BE. HAPPY. please i need to read fanfic i'm angsting too hard over this
you tell him gwen. you're a badass and arthur is a sadass
i will not take gwen hate or slander
oh frick i was voted onto my school's hoco court so basically i had to walk across the football field and i felt so awkward and arthur walking down the step while everyone stares at him; i wonder if he feels as awkward as i did
LMAO 'he's not alone gwen' and pan to the arthur standing on a cliff alone?? pls
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aw the domesticity 🥺
leon ruffling merlin's hair and that clink was such a good clink
where were these knights last episode. i'm suing
saj;flasjslad and arthur just loking at them fondly pls. he's so sweet i love him
'he's our king' that line makes me feel stuff
arthur sdfsd;as i just want him to be happy
bruh 💀 i laughed at the pure absurdity of him tripping over the tent
ok ok you know that vine 'two bros chilling in a hot tub 5 ft apart bc they're not gay?' that but 'two bros, chilling in 2 separate tents 5 ft apart bc they're not gay'
was- was that supposed to be a slap?
arthur is so earnest here and i love him he's the sweetest
sa;ldkfjsldfa arthur being protective over merlin
annis is such a badass. actually queen energy here. literally
merlin saying that they're friends again and arthur not denying it :,))))
these knights are so honorable
stfu agaravaine
'only one person who is just an honorable... ME' - arthur pendragon. HAHA sorry i cackled at this
agaravaine. i stg if you look at morgana like that i'll actually gank you
you absolute freak pervert person
alright ik morgana is evil and everything but i stan her improvement in magic
like- can merlin please get on with learning more magic??
as;dlfkjasdlfkja THE RING. dude i can't rn
merlin saying 'camelot needs you alive', i'm going to say yes.. but also if we swap out 'camelot' with 'i' then this is just a perfect insert line for fanfics :,)
THANK YOU OLD FRIEND. PLS you can't do this to me
aw when arthur asks if merlin is ready and merlin says ready
dude this episode is making me a lot more sad than it should
dude what is annis's champion. like look at his shoes??? they're leather?? literally stab him in the foot and we're golden.
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youre welcome for the feet pics ;)
ok idk abt you guys but i can't write fight scenes with swords that well so i just base fights off tv and stuff and if you want inspo this is a great fight to write
legit the first battle with arthur and lancelot in the courtyard? yea i stole that
omg even with the champion is on his knees he's still taller than arthur??
dude the trope of 'you make me want to be a better person'?? please i live for this stuff
ok the knights saying long live the king? i love that
alright alright annis&arthur
annis is ACTUALLY queen energy i love her. i love her pop off queen
oh shoot annis hit morgana where it hurts. bring up uther that's right queen
oh yes more castle pics 🥵🥵��
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a aaw the ceremony for them
merlin and arthur are PALS i love them togehter
stop. there are so many words but i'm so glad they're lads
arthur is lying so awkwardly on that bed HAHA
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yes arthur you're a dumbass you're lucky that gwen is taking you bad she's a frickin badass biatch who doesn't need you
alright arthur say what you mean why don't you
are we.. are we gonna kiss rn
i love arthur in his night clothes and his bare feet. like that just makes it feel so much more domestic and homely and they love each other and just everything they're actually everything. THEYRE SO CUTE.
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ANYWAYS i'll be back next week to endlessly rant about a servant of two masters. thanks i love you bye 😘
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miyanom · 4 years ago
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WARNINGS: Mentions of war and death
NOTES: I don’t really have anything to say, except this could probably be written better. Either way, I hope you enjoy!
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A year had passed since Y/N had last visited the village. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go, but it wasn’t safe. And she had to look out for the people in her own home.
What sucked the most though, was that she hadn’t received any letters from Sokka or Katara in that time. Just one, when Sokka told her that he’d be training the next set of warriors for their village.
Y/N had found it funny, and she replied as soon as she could, but nothing else came. Just letters from Kanna, assuring Y/N’s mother that the village was alright. But those were just regular mandatory check-ins, they weren’t letters from the friends Y/N missed more than anything.
The lack of communication with her oldest friends paired with the recent news from her mother… it was no wonder Y/N had run away, making her way back to the village.
Though she wasn’t expecting Sokka and Katara to be gone on a hunting trip when she arrived. She just wanted to say goodbye and leave before her mother sent someone to bring her back.
While she wanted to believe one day wouldn’t harm her plans of running away, she knew her mother would be worried sick back home. Worried enough to immediately send someone after her.
With a sigh, Y/N walked out of the hut she had stayed in overnight. Only for her eyes to widen in surprise when she noticed Sokka sitting on the ground aside, half asleep as if he had been waiting there all morning for her.
Y/N smiled softly as she raised her hands, pulling water from the snow and splashing it against Sokka’s face. His eyes shot open as he jumped forward. “Good morning, sleepy head.”
He stayed silent, wiping his face on his sleeve before he looked up to see who the attacker was— half expecting it to be Katara playing a prank on him. “Y/N!” He grinned. “Gran-gran told us you were here, I almost didn’t believe her.”
“It’s a surprise, I know,” Y/N nodded. “But I missed you and Katara, so I had to come.”
“Unannounced? And by yourself?” Sokka raised a brow, not believing her story.
But she wasn’t lying completely, she did miss them. She just wasn’t sure that either of them needed to hear her goodbye so early in the morning.
It seemed like a lot had changed over the last year. To her eyes, Sokka was the same silly boy she had practically grown up with. But he was smarter now, he could tell something was up.
“Sokka, I-”
"Aang, this is the entire village. Entire village... Aang!" Katara walked out of a nearby hut, introducing the village to the boy behind her. Aang immediately bowed to the large group, but more than half of them began to back up and hold onto their children.
Y/N had stepped out during the night, needing some air and had ran into Katara. The girl was overwhelmingly excited to see Y/N again, it made the girl feel horrible that she was only here to say goodbye.
Y/N stared at the boy for a second, before looking at Sokka. “I thought you were on a hunting trip, who is he?”
“I don’t know, some boy we found trapped in the ice,” Sokka shrugged. “Says he’s an Airbender.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “An Airbender?” She gasped.
There haven’t been airbenders around since the start of the war. And it wasn’t just that, the only other bender Y/N had ever met was Katara.
"Why are they all looking at me like that? Did Appa sneeze on me?" Aang questioned, checking over his clothing to make sure.
"Well, no one has seen an Airbender in a hundred years," Kanna stepped forward. "We thought they were extinct, until my grandchildren found you."
"Extinct?" Aang's eyes widened.
"Aang, this is my grandmother," Katara spoke up.
“Call me gran-gran,” she stated.
Sokka walked over to them, grabbing the stick out of Aang's hand. Y/N quickly followed behind him, not wanting to be left alone. "What is this, a weapon? You can't stab anything with this."
"Not everything is a weapon, Sokka," Y/N pointed out, staring at the staff in fascination.
"It's not for stabbing. It's for airbending,” Aang said, taking the stick back with a whoosh of air. He tapped it on the ground, causing gliders to pop out of it. Y/N stood there in awe, maybe this boy was a real Airbender after all.
"Magic trick!" One of the younger girls shouted. "Do it again!"
"Not magic. Airbending," Aang smiled. "It lets me control the currents around my glider, and fly."
"You know, last time I checked, humans can't fly," Sokka crossed his arms.
“Sokka, stop being such a… you,” Y/N told him, pushing his shoulder softly.
"Check again,” Aang replied, holding to the top of the glider and jumping into the air. Y/N’s eyes widened as Aang flew around the camp, only to fly straight into Sokka's watchtower.
She pressed her lips together to hide her smile, because of course it had to be Sokka's watchtower that Aang flew into. She knew Sokka well enough, even after a year of not talking, to know that Sokka would not be happy with that.
Aang pulled his head out of the snow, rolling down it alongside his glider. Katara ran towards Aang, and Y/N walked behind her. "My watchtower," Sokka gasped.
"That was amazing," Katara commented, holding out her hand to help Aang to his feet.
Sokka ran towards the watchtower, looking around for damage. Y/N glanced upwards, just as a massive pile of snow fell onto Sokka. Y/N couldn't control it this time, she let out a loud laugh as Sokka struggled to climb out of the snow.
"Great," he muttered. "You're an airbender. Katara and Y/N are waterbenders. Together, you can waste time, all day long.”
“Waste time?” Y/N glared at Sokka as he stormed off. Just how much had changed in one short year? He always loved watching her waterbend before, why was he acting like this now?”
“You’re waterbenders?” Aang glanced at Y/N and Katara in excitement.
"Well, sort of. Not yet," Katara answered. “Princess Y/N and I haven’t really had the proper training…”
Y/N nodded. “Though it’s nice to meet another bender,” she smiled, holding out her hand for him to shake. “I’ve never seen airbending before.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet a Princess!” Aang grinned as he shook her hand. “I’ve never met a princess before.”
Y/N smiled at that, for just a moment, almost forgetting that her status was the reason she was here, preparing to run away.
“I hope we can be friends!” Aang continued.
Y/N went quiet, her smile faltering. “I would… I would love that.”
Oh, this was making things harder.
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“Y/N, you shouldn’t be out here alone!” The Princess could hear Sokka’s complaining as he trudged through the snow to get to where she was practising her waterbending. “I would’ve come with you if you asked, you know.”
“Yeah, if you weren’t too busy scolding Aang and the kids,” Y/N rolled her eyes. “Besides, I’m pretty sure I can protect myself. You know, being a waterbender and all.”
They both went silent.
There was once a time where Y/N would’ve felt it to be a comfortable silence, but now? Now it was awkward, and neither of them could look the other in the eyes.
“So why are you here anyways?” Sokka asked, staring down at the club in his hand before he looked up at her again. “I thought you would’ve been busy up in that palace in yours.”
Y/N could’ve sworn there was a hint of anger in his voice, but she chose not to say anything about it. Maybe she should just tell him now, just get it out of the way. How hard could a goodbye be anyways?
“Sokka, I have to…” She paused. “I have to leave.”
“Leave? But you just got here,” Sokka pointed out, his brows furrowed in confusion.
One of Y/N’s hands came up to scratch the back of her neck awkwardly as she attempted to figure out how to phrase her words. “I mean… leave the Southern Water Tribe altogether. For good.”
“For good?” Sokka’s eyes widened. “Why?!”
Y/N flinched at the loud tone of his voice. “I just have to. I can’t explain, Sokka.”
“You’re just going to leave your tribe like this?” Sokka continued on. “You have to give me an explanation, Y/N! You made a promise to protect our tribe, you can’t do-”
“This is how I protect our tribe,” Y/N answered. “Please, Sokka. Trust me.”
The truth was, her mother had been planning to send her North to their sister tribe. There, she’d be able to learn healing and perhaps even find a possible suitor - someone who could help her in her role as Chief when the day came.
Y/N didn’t want any of that. She wanted to fight, she wanted to help in the war. She was beginning to realise the only way she could truly help her tribe was to run from it and fight out there in the front lines of the war. And while it hurt her to run from her people, she knew deep down it was the only way.
“Why… why did you even come here, Y/N? You should’ve just left!” Sokka snapped at her.
Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise at his harsh words. “I came because you’re my friend, Sokka. Because- because this could be the last time we ever see each other, do you really want to leave it like this?”
Sokka went silent, at a loss for words. What was he even supposed to say to that? His best friend, the girl he was in love with - though he had never admitted it till now - was running away from the tribe they had both sworn to protect. And she wouldn’t even tell him why, maybe that’s why something in his chest was hurting as he stared at her tear-stained face.
If she left, this would be the last time he’d see her.
He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out, causing the girl in front of him to frown. “Fine,” she breathed out. “I’ll just go. Please, at least say goodbye to Katara for me.”
As Y/N pushed past him, Sokka gently took hold of her wrist, pulling her into his embrace. “I don’t want you to go,” he finally spoke up, his voice as quiet as a whisper.
He could hear Y/N sniffle quietly as she hugged him back.
“You could come back, you know,” he added. “One day. When you do whatever you have to out there.”
Y/N held onto him tighter, the pair knowing this could very well be the last time they ever spoke. Truth was, if she left today, without saying a word to anybody, then the tribe wouldn’t accept her if she came back. She would be abandoning her people, and as the heir, that really wasn’t a good thing. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she whispered.
“I’m sorry,” Sokka told her, unsure of what he was even apologising for. Maybe for not sending those letters over the last year, maybe because he never told her how he felt and now it was too late.
A quiet laugh escaped Y/N’s lips as she pulled away from the hug. “There’s nothing for you to be sorry for,” she stated. “This is how I protect our Tribe. In my own way… You’re my best friend, Sokka. I hope we’ll see each other again someday.”
Sokka frowned at that, but he didn’t give Y/N the time to realise why. “Where will you even go?”
“I’ll figure it out,” Y/N answered, wiping her tears away with the sleeves of her parka. “But I have to leave tomorrow. My mother will be worried, she’ll know I’ve come here, so she’ll send somebody to bring me back.”
“Y/N, I-” he was about to tell her what he wanted to tell her before he left a year ago, that he had feelings for her. That he had for a while now. Whether it was in an attempt to get her to stay, or it was because he knew this was the last chance he had to tell her…
Sokka noticed as her eyes suddenly widened as she looked up into the sky behind him, causing the boy to quickly turn around.
“Is that a fire navy flare?” She asked, fear coursing through her veins.
“We need to get back to the village!”
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@filipinhce @booyakasha516 @kaylove12 @tomshollandz @that-one-padme-outfit @ccosmic-illusion
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sachigram · 5 years ago
I think a lot about Hearts Like Ours because I've been wanting to comment on the last chapter since it came out and I finally think I can. On another note, I read that "send me some Shizaya prompts you'd like to see! Who knows, maybe I'll write a few" please, don't feel obligated at all, but I can't write myself and I've been thinking about a story for a long time, about Izaya being in love with Shizuo since Highschool but extremely hurt because he hated him on sight, and then on present time +
“And then on present time Izaya finds out that someone is going to hurt Kasuka, Shizuo doesn't answer his phone so Izaya goes to the place himself and without thinking puts himself between Kasuka and the guy who has going to stab him, Kasuka takes him to Shinra and after this Shizuo gets obsessed with trying to know why Izaya would almost die for Kasuka.”
For you, @murasaki19! I wrote this very quickly, and I am sure there are errors, but I hope it cheers you up! <3 Your reviews mean a lot to me, and I’ve missed seeing your name in my notes. I’m always around if you need to talk! 
It happens by accident, really.
Izaya keeps tabs on everyone and everything; it's part of his informant position. Even the most trivial of information can be useful later, like pawns making it across the chessboard. Honestly, it has nothing to do with Shizuo or his family. Still, Izaya stumbles across a plot to kidnap Kasuka, and wars with himself on what to do about it.
On one hand, he hates Shizuo, and therefore, he hates Kasuka. He should revel in the idea of Kasuka being killed or worse, should love the thought of the anguish it would cause Shizuo to lose his precious baby brother.
On the other hand, Izaya has sisters, and he knows Shizuo has helped keep them out of trouble more than a few times, even while hating Izaya.
Something else entirely, Izaya doesn't want Shizuo to lose Kasuka, and it makes Izaya so sick of himself that he can't even look at his reflection on his dark phone screen.
“Fuck,” he mutters, shoving back from his computer. He picks up his phone, goes to Shizuo's contact, hesitates. He can call Shizuo and let the beast handle it. Whether Shizuo believes him or not, Izaya can say he tried, and that should settle his conscience, right? It should be the end of Izaya's involvement.
He presses the 'call' button. It rings once, and then goes to voicemail, and Izaya clenches his teeth, knowing Shizuo ignored the call and likely would delete a voicemail before listening to it. Izaya can't blame him, but still, being ignored always pisses Izaya off beyond anything else.
“Should just let him lose his fucking brother,” Izaya grumbles to no one. Namie left for the day, and no one else will be coming by. Shinra likely would ignore a call from Izaya as well. He's alone in this, as he normally is.
For once, he finally feels the emptiness.
He's in the city— He doesn't have a clue what he's doing.
The men who are going to take Kasuka have his work schedule figured out. It's not hard to attain information like that, as long as you know the right people. Izaya himself buys most of his information, and turns around and sells it to whoever asks. It's possible some of these men work with Kasuka, or some of them could have hacked into his file, his schedule, his manager's schedules. Something like this just happened with Kasuka's little girlfriend, right? And then Shinra got attacked. Everyone should have learned a lesson from that, but...
“The more things change,” Izaya mutters aloud.
“Hello?” A man's voice answers him. Izaya sighs, realizing Kasuka heard him and is addressing him. Kasuka is alone— Why is he alone? Where's security? Where's the driver? The car is parked, so where is the fucking driver? “Oh. Orihara-san?”
“Yes,” Izaya says, quieting the questions zipping through his mind. He has an image to maintain, if nothing else, and even if he wasn't consciously planning on coming here, he's here now, and he has to make it look like he meant to be.
“Did you...need something?” Kasuka asks, and Izaya can only imagine how confused Kasuka must be. He's heard awful things for years about Izaya, true things, and all Kasuka knows is that Izaya hates Shizuo, and Shizuo hates Izaya.
“Why are you alone?” Izaya asks, stalling. He moves away from the wall he was leaning against and inches closer to Kasuka.
“My driver is across the street, grabbing to-go food. The guards are right by the door,” Kasuka says in his usual bored tone.
“Inside isn't close enough to stop something from happening,” Izaya says, and Kasuka tilts his head.
“Are you going to attack me or something?”
“I'm only saying, it would be better for you to have someone around, anyone.” Izaya looks over his shoulder, paranoid. He doesn't care about what happens to Kasuka. He's told himself that over and over, and yet, here he is.
“Well. You're here,” Kasuka says with a shrug. “And my driver will be right back.”
Izaya is about to answer and say something along the lines of, 'why wouldn't a big celebrity have his own bodyguards?', or, 'isn't your girlfriend some kind of monster with inhuman strength?', but he doesn't get the chance. Everything happens so fast from there, and even afterwards, Izaya still doesn't know what exactly happened.
All he knows is, he wakes up at Shinra's, and there's a hole in his stomach.
“I'm just. I'm floored, you know? I'm totally flabbergasted!” Shinra says jovially as he applies something to Izaya's wound. “Kasuka-san called me and was as close to panicking as can be allowed. He hasn't sounded like that since Hijiribe-san got injured. He drove you here and said you took a knife for him! Could it be that my influence from all those years ago rubbed off on you?”
“Would you please stop talking?” Izaya asks, irritated for many reasons, one of which being Shinra's voice. He has another scar from a knife wound. Izaya doesn't ever want to get stabbed again. It's not fun at all. He wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
“I just wanna know what was going through your head!” Shinra chatters. “Did you know what you were doing? It seems like you don't remember. Did you know the news is reporting you as a hero? They used your name! Hey, are you listening?” Shinra leans over Izaya, squinting at him.
“I don't remember it,” Izaya says, shoving Shinra away. “I was on autopilot.”
“Ah, well,” Shinra says. He leans back in his chair and shrugs a bit. “I think maybe you're working on clearing your bad name. Unfortunately, you'll have to get stabbed a lot more.”
Celty walks in, and Izaya sees his reflection in her helmet. He closes his eyes, not wanting to deal with her, but Shinra laughs at whatever she tells him.
“Kasuka-san is here to visit you. We told him you were awake.”
“What!” Izaya tries to sit up, regrets it immediately. He falls into the sheets with a wince. “I don't want to see him.”
“Sorry,” Kasuka's voice says, already in the room. “They said it was okay.”
“One day, I'm going to sell Shinra to pirates,” Izaya says.
“That might work. A doctor always has value,” Kasuka replies, and Izaya nods. There's silence for a few moments, and then Kasuka clears his throat. “You saved me.”
“I didn't. Or, I didn't mean to.”
“I wanted to thank you.”
“Don't. It's gross; I don't want your thanks.”
“Still,” Kasuka insists, and when Izaya looks over at him, Kasuka is giving him an earnest expression. “I could be in this bed, or much worse. I could be dead. Thank you.”
“Thanking me would be acceptable if I went with the intention of saving you. I didn't. I didn't think about it, and I don't remember it. So really, you don't have to—“
There's a bang in the next room, followed by Shinra shouting.
“Oh,” Kasuka says, and then he stands. “Shizuo's here.”
“Fucking great,” Izaya mutters. He wonders if Shinra can give him more drugs.
Heavy footsteps thud towards the door, and then it's flying open, revealing a frantic Shizuo. Immediately, he's on Kasuka, looking him over, talking so quickly that Izaya realizes he's already on a lot of drugs, because he can't focus on it. Izaya giggles and moves his hands around in the air, finally feeling the effects of whatever Shinra gave him.
“Why's he here?!” Shizuo barks, and Izaya drops his hands and pouts up at the Heiwajima brothers.
“Can't you have a reunion elsewhere? I'm recovering from an ordeal,” Izaya says, and he blinks as his words slur. “Shinra! What did you give me?”
“Morphine,” Shinra calls.
“I like it.”
“Most people do.”
“Orihara-san—“ Kasuka begins.
“Gross, call me Izaya,” Izaya interjects.
“Uh. Izaya-san saved me. He took a knife for me,” Kasuka continues.
“What? That's fucking impossible. I'm sure he's probably the one who hired those guys to begin with,” Shizuo says, and Izaya tries to be offended, but can't really argue.
“No. Izaya-san showed up on his own, and then some men charged us. Izaya-san jumped in front of me, and then my guards came out from all the noise.”
“I don't buy it. He was involved,” Shizuo argues.
“Even if he was, he paid a price for it,” Kasuka says. Izaya is back to waving his hands around, and he pauses when he feels that everyone is looking at him.
“Am I supposed to say something profound?” Izaya asks. “I think— I think I'm stoned.”
Shizuo marches over to the bed and hovers over Izaya. He glares down at him, and Izaya tries to remember the last time they were this close. Didn't Shizuo headbutt him?
“Why the fuck would you do that? Why would you save my brother?” Shizuo asks.
“I didn't save anyone,” Izaya says, and then he reaches up and touches the tip of Shizuo's nose. “Boop.”
Shizuo snarls down at him, and then someone, probably Celty, drags Shizuo away. Izaya looks up at the empty space Shizuo left and misses Shizuo occupying it. Then, someone else hovers over him.
“I won't forget this, Izaya-san.” Kasuka puts his hand over Izaya's and squeezes. “Thank you.”
“Oh. Go away,” Izaya mutters, and he rolls over. “Being thanked so much reminds me why I'd rather everyone cursed me.”
“I'm sorry you feel that way,” Kasuka says.
“Don't thank him! Don't apologize to him! What the fuck!” Shizuo barks from somewhere, and then Izaya passes out again.
Next time he wakes, he's alone.
He reaches for his phone on the table next to the bed. He has messages from Namie, from Shiki, from his sisters. He grumbles and reads through Mairu's babbling about how much she loves him for taking a knife for Yuhei. He replies with a series of emojis, most of them the dancing red dress woman.
Namie asks if Izaya has a brain tumor.
Shiki wants to know if Izaya will return to work now that he's an A-list hero.
“Feeling better?” Shinra asks, and Izaya looks over at him. “You've been pretty out of it.”
“Am I still high?” Izaya asks.
“I hope not. I've been lowering your dosage. Are you in pain?”
“Mm. A little.”
“Do you want more medicine?”
“No. I'd like to think clearly.” Izaya puts his phone down. “I really don't remember it. I just...acted.”
“That's okay,” Shinra says. There's a beat of silence, and then, “You told me some...interesting things while you were doped up.”
“Ugh.” Izaya covers his eyes. “Were we alone?”
“Yeah. Yeah, Celty was in bed. It was just us.”
“Are we alone now?” Izaya asks, his voice muffled from his hands.
“What did I say?”
Shinra laughs. “You said you didn't want to give Shizuo-kun another reason to hate you.”
“...is that all?” Izaya prompts.
“You might have mentioned loving him. Once or twice.”
“I changed my mind, I want more drugs,” Izaya says, and Shinra laughs again.
“It's okay. Really. I already kind of knew. You aren't as hard to read as you think you are,” Shinra says, and Izaya peeks up at him.
“I knew you knew.” Izaya groans and rubs his eyes. “It doesn't matter.”
“It matters,” Shinra says softly. “Loving someone always matters.”
“Oh, shut up,” Izaya says. “Anyway, can I go soon?”
“I want to keep you a little longer. Your wound is still bleeding a bit, and I can't let you go before I know for sure your stitches won't pop open. It'd be bad if your intestines started to escape, you know?”
“I imagine it wouldn't be good.”
“Have you thought of telling him?” Shinra asks. “Shizuo-kun, I mean. You could tell him.”
“And then what?” Izaya prompts. “He wouldn't believe me, and I wouldn't blame him. No, it's better he not know. I'm glad he wasn't in the room when I was out of it.”
Shinra sighs. “I wish he would have been.”
The day passes slowly. Izaya replies to messages on his phone, barks at Shinra for a charger when his phone starts to die. He and Shinra play cards, and Izaya's chest clenches when he thinks of how long it's been since he spent time with Shinra like this.
“You know, you can come over sometime,” Shinra says, clearly thinking the same. “I'd like that.”
“Your girlfriend hates me,” Izaya says.
“You think everyone hates you. You think it before they even know you. Besides, Celty is a forgiving angel. She doesn't hate anyone. Except, well, I guess she hates cops.”
When the sun starts to set, Shizuo comes back. Izaya pretends to be asleep, but Shizuo isn't having it. He shakes Izaya roughly until Izaya looks up at him through narrowed eyes.
“What?” Izaya asks, and Shizuo glares at him.
“Why'd you save my brother?”
“I told you, I don't know!” Izaya hisses, and he tries to roll away from Shizuo.
“Well, I decided I'm not leaving until you tell me!” Shizuo replies.
Izaya groans at the ceiling, and then he turns to Shizuo.
“You got me. I saved him so you'd owe me one. Now, I can ask you to do anything, and you have to do it.”
“Bullshit,” Shizuo says. “You think I don't know when you're lying? I can tell.”
“I don't know why,” Izaya says.
“Bullshit,” Shizuo says again.
“I don't know what you want me to say. You won't believe me no matter what my answer is.”
“You could try telling the truth. You know, for once.”
Izaya turns over and pulls his pillow over his head, refusing to answer. True to his word, Shizuo plops down into the chair Shinra was occupying earlier and refuses to leave.
“Are you staying for dinner?” Shinra asks a bit later.
“I guess,” Shizuo says.
“I always wanted us all to hang out!” Shinra says happily, and Shizuo and Izaya tell him to 'shut the fuck up' at the same time.
After dinner, and after Shinra offers to hand-feed Izaya for the tenth time, Shizuo winds up falling asleep on the chair, his arms crossed across his chest, his head lolling to the side. Even asleep, he looks irritated. It's not the first time Izaya's seen his sleeping face, but it's interesting nonetheless.
“I guess he's staying,” Shinra says, entering the room. He tosses a blanket over Shizuo. “I think this is progress.”
“He's just a stubborn monster,” Izaya mutters, and when Shinra leaves the room and turns the light out, Izaya is left listening to Shizuo's quiet breathing.
It's been a long time since Izaya slept in the same room as someone. He's used to his sisters falling asleep on him, and he's stayed with Shinra a few times, but this is something new. His worst enemy is unconscious next to him. Izaya knows he should be taking advantage of this, but he doesn't. He spends his time scrolling through his phone, and when he's bored of that, he watches Shizuo sleep. It's creepy, he knows it is. Izaya's always watched people because it's easier than interacting with them. Like this, it's almost like they could be friends, neither of them talking or arguing.
Shizuo twitches in his sleep and makes a noise, and Izaya tears his eyes away.
“I saved him for you,” Izaya whispers, knowing Shizuo won't hear him anyway. After a few minutes, Izaya sits up and carefully detaches himself from various wires. He can't stay here anymore, stitches be damned. He steps past Shizuo and pads down the hallway, collecting his things before he exits the apartment and arranges for someone to pick him up.
It's easier to be alone.
A week passes. Izaya works from his bed, relents to letting Shinra come give him checkups, and tortures Namie into bringing him things. By the end of the week, Namie is threatening to smother him with a pillow, which is actually pretty tame for her. Izaya isn't too worried about it. He knows she carries a paralyzing serum with her, after all. The fact she hasn't used it yet means she doesn't hate him too much.
She tells him she's leaving for the day, and he grunts at her, his eyes glued to the screen of his tablet. He's reading about Kasuka's latest gig, silently appraising the raise of security around Kasuka since the incident. Izaya's sisters have since cursed him, saying they'll never get through all the people around Kasuka now. Kasuka recently sent Izaya a fruit basket, and Izaya considers calling to Namie to bring him a pear, but he thinks better of it. She's pretty pissed at him already.
Next thing he knows, someone is in the doorway of his bedroom, loudly crunching on an apple.
“Shizu-chan,” Izaya says, setting the tablet down.
“That lady let me in,” Shizuo says as he strides across the room. “Did Kasuka send you this? The arrangement looked expensive.”
“He did. I don't suppose I could convince you to bring me a pear?” Izaya asks.
“I'll bring you one if you answer my questions honestly,” Shizuo says.
“Still caught up on that, huh? I've already said all there is to say.”
“Your loss, I guess,” Shizuo says with a shrug. “I'll start eating the pears next.”
“I hate you,” Izaya hisses. He crosses his arms and grumbles. “I wish I'd let your brother get stabbed instead.”
“Yeah, well. You didn't.”
“I should have. I wanted to.”
“Did you? Want to?”
Izaya exhales loudly and dramatically. “No. You wouldn't have let my sisters get stabbed. It's the same.”
“Yeah, but... It's not the same,” Shizuo says. “Kasuka is a grown man, and he's supposed to have guards on him. He's supposed to have people. Your sisters don't have anyone but you, and sometimes you're...”
“Inadequate?” Izaya asks.
“One person,” Shizuo corrects. “You're one person, and they escape where you can watch.”
“Dota-chin helps them, too. A lot of people do. I appreciate it, even if I don't say so.” Izaya groans and rubs at his wound under his shirt.
“Does it still hurt?” Shizuo asks.
“Yes. It's not too bad, though.”
“Shinra told me he took a knife for you once. It was crazy. I was pissed at him because I thought, if someone had just killed you then, I wouldn't have had to meet you at all.”
“I might have died,” Izaya says. “Nakura-kun hated me. He might have aimed somewhere more lethal the second time.”
“You didn't care though, did you? You wouldn't have cared if he wanted to kill you. You never cared when I wanted to,” Shizuo says.
“Who can say?” Izaya asks, and then he smiles. “I might have cared a little.”
“I don't want to hate you anymore,” Shizuo says. “You saved Kasuka. No matter what your reasons were, you saved him. And even before... Before, I was thinking I didn't want to hate you. It just seems like if we stay this way...”
“We'll die?” Izaya asks. Shizuo nods.
“I don't want to kill you, and I don't want you to kill me. I don't want to explain to your sisters that I murdered you.”
“So then, what do you propose?” Izaya asks.
“A truce? We can... I guess we don't have to be friends, but we could try not to kill each other. How's that?” Shizuo asks.
“That's fine. Whatever.” Izaya stretches, and then he pouts at Shizuo. “Now can you bring me a pear?”
“Brat,” Shizuo says, but he does just that.
They spend hours together. Izaya has a TV in his room for just this occasion, him getting injured and being bed-bound. Shizuo likes trash TV as it turns out, and Izaya delights in making fun of him for it. By the time Izaya's eyes are drooping, Shizuo is already hunched over, resting his head on Izaya's bed.
“You can stay. If you want.” Izaya wants to rest his hand on Shizuo's head, but he resists. “It's pretty late.”
“Yeah. I will, then,” Shizuo says, and Izaya expects Shizuo to either go down to the couch, or to the guest bedroom, but instead, Shizuo is climbing in bed next to Izaya and settling in.
“I hope your monster scent washes out with regular detergent,” Izaya mutters, hating the way his heart soars and then pounds in his ears at Shizuo's close proximity.
“Oh, fuck you,” Shizuo says, but he doesn't sound mad.
They're quiet for a while, and Izaya thinks maybe Shizuo has fallen asleep, but then Shizuo laughs softly in the darkness of the room.
“What is it?” Izaya asks.
“Just this. Us. If we tried to talk sooner, maybe we could've avoided a lot of things.”
“You wouldn't have listened. I wouldn't have listened either,” Izaya says.
“I know. It had to be this way.” Shizuo hums, and then he moves closer, tossing an arm over Izaya, who tenses up at the contact. “Is this okay?”
“It doesn't hurt?”
“Oh. No, I mean, it's fine. This is fine.”
Shizuo laughs, moving closer. He inhales Izaya's hair, nuzzles into it.
“For a smart guy, you're an idiot, you know?”
“How so?” Izaya asks, bristling.
“You just are. You're easy to read.”
“I am not!”
“Mm.” Shizuo pulls Izaya closer, and Izaya wills himself to calm down or die, either would be fine at this point. “Tell me, why'd you save my brother?”
“Because I wanted to,” Izaya says, finding there is truth in that answer.
“Okay,” Shizuo murmurs. “That's good enough for me.”
Shizuo's lips press to Izaya's, and Izaya gasps softly, his hands on Shizuo's shoulders.
“I already know why, anyway,” Shizuo says, and Izaya pulls him into another kiss before they can argue.
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p1nkwitch · 4 years ago
Originally two parts, but i want to finish the mini saga and go back to the hijinks. One last serious bit left and we are into crack territory again!!
He starts the scratch.
Using his wind powers he lifts the Quills of Echidna and starts to cut the mechanism in Oliver's land that should send the signal to skaia to start another game. It's not exactly easy and a bunch of giant imps appear to try and stop him. Most of them he can send away with forsaken the others he has to kill manually, which is rather annoying.
Still he is half way through with it when the imps start agonizing out of nowhere.
Looking around he sees something start to come out of their shapes, it looked almost like-
Well if he was being philosophical? It looked as if someone was sucking their souls out of their bodies and putting it in a bunch of small boxes that fall around him.
Their bodies remain still and empty.
Oh no.
“Oh yes” He has seconds to dodge a hit to the head with that fucking 8Ball question cane, before Elias tries to beat him up again.
Peter hides in forsaken thinking that it was strong enough to keep him out of sight of Elias, but just like his own powers got a boost, Elias did as well, because the next thing he feels is searing pain in his head and the lonely being torn apart around him pulling him out.
Fine. If Jonah wants to start a strife he will accept.
Peter is done with this annoying little man.
They spend quite the long time just trying to hit and hurt each other as much as they could, Elias even attempted to use his heart powers to steal him too like he did with the imps, but Peter merely uses the air to shove him around making it impossible to focus.
In the end its merely tiredness that wins, Jonah slips and Peter who has always been bigger, and now with the other in his original body, was even more so, knocks him down keeps him in the ground while he struggles and tries to fight him off.
He merely pushes him back and grabs the stupid cane from him.
“You know, i just asked for one thing only and that was for you to leave me alone. To finally get out of my life and to never see you again. But no, you can't do that cant you? You have to come around to try and be the biggest pain in my ass to my very last moment!!” Peter doesn't feel much when he punches him in the face, beyond the indignation at him for denying him his last request.
“Go to hell!! If you think I'm letting you get the best of me you childish-” He looks at him.
A bruise is already forming on his cheek from where he hit him. Jonah was still throwing venom at him and he was exhausted, he had to focus on the fight so he left the needle still almost at the end of scratching the whole thing.
Peter's head is foggy and everything seems so pointless and loud.
This man more than anything.
Shining bright in fury and indignation and if he was right, fear too. Jonah was a fire, if you didn't watch it it would get you.
It churns his gut just seeing him.
Clutching the cane he ponders it for a second, but decides to finally do what he should have done a long time ago.
“I don't care Jonah, I really don't. You had a shot by leaving me be, but I suppose I ought to do this if I really want to achieve peace” Taking a breath he raises the cane upwards so he can beat his head with it to finally shut him up for good, to finally make it end between them.
Peter doesn't even care if he dies.
Perhaps before he did, he recalls the actual feeling of terror when he asked him to help him die faster because it hurt so much on his quest bed, the bleeding stab wounds were making Elias dizzy and the pain was unbearable. Peter recalls the bout of fear at snapping his neck, but now? Now the fog was making it impossible to matter. To care about finishing this disgusting little man's life.
“Goodbye” He sees the terror reflected in his eyes.
“Peter- wa- wait we can talk-!” He was about to hit him when something knocked him out of the way and he slid across the floor.
Lying in his back he stares at the sky and the black roots that are moving around it, while reality starts to crumble.
“I can't believe I turned into such a bloody mess!! Did you honestly try to kill each other??!”
Ah the fake one.
“What are you doing here!” Jonah is scrambling up. Peter is measuring his chances against the two of them, but knows it would be futile. So he remains there.
Why can't he ever get what he wants? Why won't they leave??? They did before so many times!! They all have walked out from the other, why is this any different.
“Oh god you are a mess for real, aren't you Peter i can't believe this”
“You can't hear him, but he is!! And he is my husband, get your own-”
He tunes them out and focuses on finishing what he came to do even while lying on the floor.
“And- Oh Peter fuck off!” Jonahsprite goes to grab Peter’s face while apparently the man starts again to try and finish the job.
Elias tries to not shudder at the memory of the empty expression he made when he tries to kill him. He compares it to when he asked him to help him die faster in his quest bed, because the stab wounds while waiting to bleed out hurt a lot. The stark difference between those two moments and the expressions he got were enough to make him want to hurl.
Peter had not wanted to hurt him then, he did it the fastest way possible and only because he insisted, Elias had to track him down afterwards with JonahSprite and actually reassure him, even if it was a thinly veiled effort, to not let him know he was sort of happy he was so worried about him.
He had thought at the time that he found something else to have an upper hand on him. But now he realizes that it wasn't.
“Let us finish talking first!” His double is trying his best to keep the man in place. But he hasn't realized like him that it was sort of late. Annabelle and his own weapon had been right, he was too far gone now.
“Why should i-” Dropping next to him he feels sore, hurt and tired.
“You are an idiot” Peter merely watches him and after a few seconds says the thing that really nailed the fact that it was all over.
“I really did think I loved you” Reading it was one thing, seeing him say it with such a blank expression was another. Locking his jaw in place and swallowing he tries.
“You do, you still do, you are just being dumb and letting your god get the best of you” He has to believe it.
“I dont think so” He makes a pained sound and looks down at him.
“Im- did you actually throw them away?” It takes him a second to realize he meant the rings.
“I dropped them yes” That's it, he tries to get up and go, but his double keeps him there giving him a furious look.
He is angry and now he is the one that's upset.
“You are a thief of heart and you have beholding, think” What does he even want from him?
“So what? I steal his soul? Keep it as a companion in a doll or something? what else can i do with this??”
“Oh my god, feelings! You deal with feelings too”
“But they are gone if you haven't noticed! There is nothing for me to take or use or-!” He doest understand, he didn't see him, the emptiness as he tried to kill him.
“Forsaken doesn't take them away you know this. It just… makes them dull, makes you think you don't care. He thinks- no, we made him think he had nothing else!” Peter has never needed an anchor, he could walk the perfect line between his god and their relationship.
But here? Here it was so condensed that he sank and he never noticed happen.
So just this once… JonahSprite doesn't have his memories, he remembers up until he was James, but in the amount of time he accompanied Peter the man got him to care too.
Guess they do have a type and it's lonely. He owes Simon money then.
He doesn't want to steal his feelings, but he wants to bring them forth.
But first, he grabs his face and leans down while the man tries to get him off. He rebuffs him.
“I love you, you giant sap, I do. I did not cheat! Neither of us did. So get that out of your thick head, we just had fun talking with a friend. It's been so long, but thats all, we could not ever even go back to that again. Barnabas is good but he is not that good to forgive us for it”
“Not like you, or well not good per se, but you certainly put up with me far more than anyone has before and that is something”
“So please big man just this once…dont fight me on this ok?” He kisses him. Peter goes still under him, and he can feel him start to try and slip away, but he holds him tighter and bites his lip making him go back to being solid.
Elias doesn't push further merely kissing him over and over again in little presses of their lips, one of his hands goes to caress his cheek and he lets their foreheads touch.
He just needs a spark and he can take care of the rest, afraid of opening his eyes and seeing a dull stare he can't help but to let out a small sniff, he will not cry, he refuses. Getting up he watches him and Peter looks at him with the same empty stare. His lips wobble and he shakes his head. Beholding then? He tries to shove memories of their time together, but the man looks more and more angry rather than moved.
“Peter, c'mon you have to-” Jonah is trying, but if it didn't work with him-
“I don't, really can you both please stop touching me? Its making me uncomfortable” He hits him in the chest.
“You bloody sea weaded excuse of a sailor i cant believe how much of a fucking bastard you are, i cant- I… i can't”
“Almost 30 years and you do this to me, you are the worst husband in existence, you leave me for months, make awful puns and nicknames, fight me over the petties things ever-” He doesn't stop he has to let it out, along with the tears that finally are slipping through his eyes, but now they are out of sheer indignations rather than sadness.
“You snore, you keep putting my stuff on high shelves just to make me ask you for help or get a chair to get them-” A sob breaks through.
“make me cake, buy me things you know i would like, let me sleep on top of you when i get home and let me unwind if work was hard-” His hand grips his stupid godtier hoodie.
“-Kill the spiders, because you know i actually hate them even if i pretend they don't bother me-”
A hand wipes his tears from his left cheek and he stiffens. Hoping for a small chance.
“Awfully weepy of you Lias” His voice is cracked and when he looks he has the barest hint of a flush on his otherwise pale skin. And a glint of amusement in his expression.
He falls forward while Peter tries to catch him, but Elias merely goes to kiss him. He latches onto him and to make his point across he uses his heart powers. Peter lets out a startle and pained sound, but he doesn't relent, bringing forth all his feelings, but not actually stealing them, just letting them simmer there. He could.
Elias could just as easily steal him away to keep forever in his grasp.
But when two pair of hands grab him back and tug him closer he knows he can't.
He loves him like this.
Eventually they break apart.
“Don't ever do that again” Peter gives him a peck and nuzzles him.
“I can't believe i will say this, and if anyone asks it never happened, but- Please don't ever stop giving me a glance from time to time. It felt like i was going on autopilot, i couldn't even enjoy my own loneliness”
“I won't”
They hear a tiny mew and Jonah is looking at them with what he knows is envy in his own face.
Peter looks up at him and his face goes from entertained to guilty and then a grimace. Lifting a hand towards him the sprite hisses. His husband nods and sits up before grabbin Jonah and putting him on his lap, while he lets out a bunch of noises of protest and actually scratches his arms.
“Im sorry, i didn't mean it, i do think you are real-”
“No, you dont. Its fine, you are right i'm just a copy, now leave me be-” Peter gives him a look and then at Jonah as if asking permission.
He considers it, but...he knows that he can't say no. He nods.
The taller man lifts the chin of the sprite and kisses him, while the other freezes in place. Peter actually deepens the kiss and it was fascinating to see, like seeing a distorted mirror. He would admit it was exhilarating to see himself in that position. So sneakily he goes next to his husband and kisses his neck too making him pull apart to sigh against his doubles lips.
“Insatiable aren't you?”
“Maybe, maybe i just like to see you both”
“Narcissistic then” His husband was a little shit.
“I would say voyeur” But apparently he wasn't even better. Still JonahSprite looked at the two of them with a calculating look, that Peter stops by merely bopping his nose.
“I'm tired, and you are both the same bastard, same eyes after all. What does it matter where they are? You could both steal as many bodies as you want and i would still marry you anyways”
Funnily enough both of them blush at the comment.
“Yours?” He is definitely exhausted if he was that soft.
“Yes… always” Elias is just as tired, so he is permitted to say it just as softly.
Before he could attempt to sneak into his lap too and start what could possibly be the best make out session in the history of paradox space involving the three of them, Peter gives him an apologetic look.
“ Elias… I already started the scratch, i can't not finish it. The game is busted beyond relief, both of you said it, by now it's impossible to win” He takes a deep breath.
“Can you finish it and make it out to where we are supposed to meet up with the rest?”
“No, we don't have the time” Before he can answer him to curse him for following Annabelle’s plan he sees Jonah press his cheek against their husbands chest and gives him a smug look.
“Finish it”
“Excuse me??” He startles at him.
“You heard me finish it”
“We can't make it in time to the others-”
“Oh i wouldn't be so sure…just trust me, both of you” Well, if anyone would want to survive is him, no matter the situation.
“Are you- of course you both are. Great”
“Ok, let me up then”
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tsxsides-hotel · 5 years ago
76: You need to wake up because I can't do this without you. Ship: Thomceit(Character!Thomas x Deceit) Thomas saying it to Deceit.
Wake Up
Couple: Thomceit (Deceit x Character!Thomas)
Summary: After an encounter with the Dragon Witch, Thomas is just hoping Deceit isn't gonna leave him.
Warnings: Stabbing (Mentioned), Knife (Mentioned), and an Unsympathetic!Dragon Witch (Maybe?)
Word Count: 1,113
Note: I'm so sorry it took so long, Online School is just a mess to deal with. I hope you and everyone else enjoy this. I will try to update more often, let me know which TSxSide ships you want to see more of.
Thomas saw Deceit fall to the ground from a terrible stab wound to the chest. "Really, Deception? You're gonna take a fall from a knife? I didn't even use one of my spells!" The Dragon Witch berated with a big smirk on her face. Deceit didn't respond as he merely laid on the ground and Thomas struggled to stand on his two feet. The Dragon Witch walked toward Deceit and poked his unresponsive body with her staff. "Please! Don't hurt him!" Thomas yelled out as he tried to crawl toward his Side.
The Dragon Witch quickly looked at Thomas, she noticed the desperation and fear in his eyes as she continued to poke at Deceit's body. "Please! I beg of you, don't hurt him anymore." Thomas continued to yell as tears started to appear in his eyes. The Dragon Witch bit her lip as she thought of what to do before she let out a huge sigh and looked at Thomas. "Fine, go to your beloved one. This is a waste of my time, anyway." She responded before turning into her dragon form and flying away. "Thank you…" Thomas mumbled as he continued to crawl over to his Side.
Thomas finally made it to Deceit as he rolled over on his back and sat up. "Deceit? Love? Are you okay?" Thomas asked as he gently shook Deceit. No response. "Deceit? Please, wake up. I don't want to believe that you're dead. Please…" Thomas spoke as he continued to shake Deceit. Still no response. The tears in Thomas's eyes started to flow down his face, so many regrets filled his head, panic started to settle down on him, and his heart kept pounding inside his chest.
He should have listened to Deceit when he said it might be dangerous to visit the Dark Side of the Imagination. He should have listened to Deceit's warning of the Dragon Witch. How could he be so stupid? Now, here he was. The Dragon Witch attacked them, she damaged Thomas's legs and stabbed Deceit. What is he even supposed to do now? The only way out of the Imagination is by the portal.
Thomas couldn't stop crying knowing this was all his fault. He slowly intertwined his fingers with Deceit's as he held his hand close to him. "Deceit, please, wake up," Thomas spoke, his voice shaking. "Deceit, you need to wake up because I can't do this without you. I can't live my life knowing I caused your death. I can't live without your love at all. Please, don't leave me, Deceit." Thomas continued as he let go of Deceit's hand to cry even more. Thomas wanted his Deceit back, he wanted for Deceit to hug, kiss, and cuddle him.
As Thomas continued to cry, Deceit blinked his eyes twice before his vision wasn't blurry anymore. He looked around at his surroundings as his hearing was starting to get less fuzzy to hear. He noticed someone crying and realized that was Thomas but, why? Why was Thomas crying? Was Thomas covered in bruises? Actually, did his stab wound finally heal? Deceit slowly got up using his arms before he finally sat up in front of Thomas.
Thomas screamed before he hit Deceit in the chest, said Side fell back onto the ground in pain. "Deceit!" Thomas exclaimed before he immediately hugged Deceit tightly. "What was that for?" Deceit yelled, not understanding the situation. "Hey! Don't yell at me, I thought you were dead!" Thomas exclaimed as he wiped away his tears. "Dead?" Deceit questioned and Thomas nodded.
"Deceit, I'm sorry. I should have listened to your warnings about the Kingdom of Darkness and the Dragon Witch. She attacked us and stabbed you, I thought she killed you and I was so scared. I didn't want to be left alone and I felt so guilty knowing I would be responsible for your death. I don't want you to die because of my stupid and ignorant mistake!" Thomas explained, tears once again flowing down his face. "Oh, my little angel…" Deceit mumbled as he wiped away his boyfriend's tears. "It's okay, everything is okay, I promise." Deceit spoke as he kissed Thomas on the forehead. "But...how did you survive a stab wound?" Thomas questioned, wiping the last of his tears away. Deceit sighed before he cleared his throat and held Thomas's hand.
"I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner, I probably should have to be fair with you. Sides are extremely different compared to humans, I guess you can say different species? In order for a Side to die from a wound like that, they would need to be hit in their badge or, as you call it, their logo. Other than that, we heal ourselves from wounds like that." Deceit explained as he shrugged his shoulders afterward. Thomas just sat there in awe which made Deceit chuckle at his boyfriend's curiosity. "I am dating the coolest man alive on this planet!" Thomas exclaimed. To Deceit, it looked as if Thomas had stars in his eyes after hearing, once again, how incredible Sides are. Deceit slowly got up which made Thomas nervous again knowing his legs were damaged.
"Hey, you okay? Are you tired or something?" Deceit asked, concerned. "Um, remember how I said the Dragon Witch attacked us?" Thomas questioned as he chuckled awkwardly. Deceit nodded, confused by his boyfriend's tone of voice. "Yeah, well, she, uh, damaged my legs and I can't stand up meaning I can't walk at the moment," Thomas explained quickly, blushing furiously. "So what? You want me to give you a piggyback ride?" Deceit questioned. "Please?" Thomas answered as Deceit sighed.
"Alright, hop on." Deceit spoke, a blush appearing on his face. Thomas smiled as he got on Deceit's back, Deceit positioned himself and Thomas well before he started his walk back to the portal. "Man, this definitely is annoying to deal with. You're so heavy." Deceit remarked as he held onto Thomas tightly. "I'm sorry…" Thomas mumbled, not being able to tell Deceit's lie. "Hey, uh, wanna like...watch a movie or something?" Deceit asked, trying to make up for the misunderstanding.
Thomas gasped before he smiled and nodded quickly to accept the offer. "Oh Deceit, you're the best caring boyfriend ever! I love you so much!" Thomas exclaimed happily. "Oh, uh, same, I love you a lot too." Deceit replied, blushing. "Please, don't ever leave me," Thomas mumbled. "I won't, love." Deceit spoke, being able to hear Thomas clearly. "The truth?" Thomas asked, surprised at Deceit catching that.
"I'll do you one better, a promise." Deceit responded with a smile which made Thomas feel reassured and happy.
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