#are they particularly good? no. but also this guy said to watch bw with ''your brain turned off''
mxflintoldblog · 2 years
Men will watch 15 marvel movies about white men punching people but as soon as the movie it's about a woman or a black man than it's the worst movie ever made. At least black widow is entertaining. I wanted to shoot myself when i was watching endgame.
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1358456 · 6 years
Short Story - The Question
For White’s (and Black’s) birthday!
“So, when are you going to marry Black?” Four people have asked that question. And White had choked on her drink every time. But… what if Black also asks that question?
Aspertia City, Unova, 12 pm…
White sat on the bench at the top of the Aspertia Outlook, enjoying the peaceful sight of Route 19 provided by the calm, beautiful weather. The slight breeze was cool and refreshing, and formed the perfect balance with the warm sunlight.
White stretched her arms and legs, trying to enjoy as much of the peacefulness as possible before she had to unfortunately return to business. She checked for the time. … It was currently noon, so she had about an hour for lunch with a friend before she had to head to Pokéstar Studios.
“Ah, there you are,” came a voice from behind a few minutes later.
White glanced back and saw Cheren climbing the final steps to reach the peak of Aspertia Outlook. She smiled and waved. “Yep. Just enjoying the calm weather.”
“Were you waiting for long?” Cheren asked as he approached her.
“No. And honestly, not long enough. I love the peacefulness here,” she said after taking a deep breath. “So, are you ready?”
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
White followed Cheren as he led her towards the restaurant in front of the Gym. The place wasn’t too big or fancy, but White had been there a few times before, and the food was great. And this was just for lunch, so she didn’t want a big feast either.
“So Cheren,” White began as she took her seat in the restaurant and set her food down on the table. “How are the Gym and the Trainer’s School going? And how are things with the other Unova Gym Leaders?”
“Ah, the Gym’s going great,” Cheren replied. “The Trainer’s School… well, this batch of kids is kind of unruly. None of them seem particularly talented in battling, but I guess time will tell for sure. And it’s the same as usual with the other Gym Leaders. I’m still the rookie of the club, if you will.”
“But you’ve been the Aspertia Gym Leader for like 10 years now,” White commented after swallowing a mouthful of salad. “You’re a veteran!”
“Yeah, but I’m still the newest one. Until someone retires and a new guy steps in, I’ll always be “the new guy”, no matter how long it’s been. Now, about you. How’ve you been? What’ve you been up to that’s new?”
White waved a hand. “Same stuff, different day. BW Agency promotions are going all over the place, and the Pokéstar Studios is not really doing that amazing, but not failing at the same time. So… same old, same old. The only real interesting thing I’ve been doing would be just traveling to the other regions, meeting friends there and… yeah. It’s probably what Black is doing right now in Kanto.”
“Like meeting your other Dex Holder friends?”
White nodded. “Yeah. For me, it’s always fun going to Sinnoh or Kalos to visit Lady Platinum or Y and just hanging out.” She let out a short cough and began to take a long sip of water.
Cheren watched her expression for a bit and smiled, causing her to pause mid-sip and look over at him, wondering why he was smiling at her like that.
“So, when are you going to marry Black?”
White’s eyes opened wide in shock for a moment and air and water got caught in her throat as she tried to respond, causing her to choke. She coughed violently for a bit before quickly recovering. “Wh – What?! … How did our conversation suddenly become…”
Cheren shrugged. “It’s not really that sudden. It’s about time, honestly. Everyone can see it. I’d ask Black about it, but he’s not here in Unova at the moment, but you are, so… I’ll ask you. When are you going to marry Black?”
White’s cheeks flared up in embarrassment and she squirmed in her seat. “I… um… I don’t know. I’m not really thinking about that… And I don’t even know what he… um… I – I don’t know.”
“Black returns to Unova in… what, a week? So you have a bit of time to ponder about it, I suppose.” He smiled at her again. “But I think both you and Black would be really happy. So… do consider it.”
White coughed awkwardly and calmed down her blush. “Y – Yeah…”
2 hours later, Nimbasa City, 2 pm…
White waited patiently while Elesa finished with her business in the fashion runway that she called her Gym. Elesa soon came out of the Gym wearing her “casual” clothes, which still seemed far too fancy for an average person.
“Ah, there you are,” she said, spotting White idling near the entrance. “Sorry. Things took a bit longer than expected.”
“That’s okay.” White showed her the folder she was carrying. “All the details about the next event we have planned for here in Nimbasa City are in there. I think you’ll like it!”
Elesa opened the folder and read some of the details on the first page. She slowly nodded in content and smiled. “I think you’re right. But come, let’s go to a café and discuss it out. I’d love to hear the details from you too.”
White followed her to the nearest café and got herself a cup of iced tea while Elesa got a cup of iced coffee. And for a while, White proceeded to describe the details of the planned event while Elesa read the documents and asked questions.
“And with that, we can estimate the event revenue to be about 45% more than the revenue of the Musical event we did last year, but with only a 10% increase in expenses.”
Elesa nodded as she finished reading the document. “That’s great. It’ll be an amazing event.”
“It certainly will be,” White said after a relieved sigh. Her throat was beginning to feel dry thanks to her talking nonstop for a while, so she raised her cup of iced tea and began drink slowly.
“So,” Elesa began abruptly. White paused mid-sip and looked over at her. “… When are you going to marry Black?”
White almost jumped and began to choke on the iced tea. She coughed extra violently while she desperately wanted to respond. “… What?! How did our conversation turn into this?!”
Elesa glanced at the folder on the table. “Some of the events you listed reminded me of a wedding I attended not too long ago, and that just got me thinking, is all.” She narrowed her eyes teasingly and leaned forward. “And I also happen to know just how much you looooove Black. I would think that it’s inevitable.”
“I – I’m not thinking about that,” White stammered out, her face turning red. “B – Besides! Black’s opinion on this matters greatly too! Maybe once he returns to Unova, we can think about it. But until then…”
Elesa chuckled. “Aha, very embarrassed, are we? Isn’t that cute… But very well. But when you do marry him, do invite me, please.”
White embarrassedly stared into her cup of iced tea. “Y – Yeah…” She shook her head. “A – Anyways. I already had to deal with this thanks to Cheren. Let’s change subjects and keep it that way.”
“Oh? The rookie asked the question too? Interesting. But all right. In that case, tell me: how have you been doing lately?”
1 hour later, Mistralton City, 3 pm…
Skyla examined the list provided and checked the items’ specifications. She briefly thought about the fleet of planes available in the Mistralton Airport and soon nodded.
“Yeah. This’ll work. Unless you need to add about 500 kg of additional materials all of a sudden, there aren’t any foreseen complications. We’ll be able to deliver all of your materials to Nimbasa City.”
“That’s certainly a relief. For this week’s delivery, I think this’ll suffice,” White said with a sigh. “I’ll probably need more stuff delivered to Nimbasa for the event, but that’ll be spread out throughout the month and nothing that needs immediate delivery.”
Skyla nodded. “Great. Now, is there anything else?”
White shook her head. “No, that’s all.”
Skyla briefly glanced down at White’s hands just as she started to take a sip from her water bottle.
“Huh. I still don’t see a ring. … So… when are you going to marry Black?”
White began to choke on the water. “Oh come on, you too?!”
“Other people have been asking that question too?”
White wiped away the water from her mouth and tried to fight off the blush on her cheeks. “Why does everyone keep asking that? First Cheren, then Elesa, and now you?”
Skyla let out a laugh. “I can see Elesa asking that question. And the rookie did as well, huh? I guess that just means everyone can see it and think it’s inevitable. So… when are you?”
“I – I don’t know! It’s… not something I can decide on a whim, or on my own!”
“Aww, you’re cute when you’re flustered,” Skyla noted amusedly. “But yeah, I guess we’ll just have to wait until Black comes back, huh?”
White shuddered at the thought. That would be so embarrassing… … But was it really inevitable?
4 hours later, Castelia City, 7 pm…
White let out a quiet groan and leaned against the table in Café Sonata. It had been a long, tiring day… just like any other day. Flying all around Unova to handle the various tasks for BW Agency and Pokéstar Studios was always tiring. But necessary. And now that the day was over, she was free to rest for the night. … Except she didn’t want to fly home at the moment, and instead, wanted some time to rest up a bit first.
“White? Is that you?” came a familiar voice from behind.
White pushed herself off of the table and looked over, and spotted Bianca walking towards her with a friendly wave. White waved back and stifled a yawn as Bianca sat on the chair across the table from her.
“Hi, Bianca. What are you doing here?”
“I was nearby running an errand for Prof. Juniper and I wanted to get something to drink before heading back. What about you? … You look so tired.”
White groaned. “I am tired. I’ve been all over Unova today doing this and that… I’m just catching my breath here before going home for the night.”
“Oh, have you heard from Black recently?” Bianca asked. “He said he’s coming back a couple of days early.”
White sat up straighter. “Huh. That’s news to me. That’s good. It’s been a while since we last saw him.” She reached for her cup of fruit juice as she thought about his return. “I guess we should plan some sort of welcome back party…”
She slowly took a sip and suddenly noticed that Bianca was staring at her intently. White paused mid-sip as she suddenly felt as if she knew what was going to happen next.
“So… when are you going to marry Black?” Bianca asked in a serious tone.
White almost jumped and began to choke on the fruit juice. “… I – I knew it…”
Bianca blinked. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“… Everyone’s been asking me that today,” White said in an annoyed tone. “First Cheren, then Elesa, then Skyla, and now you…”
Bianca laughed. “Oh wow, I’m late, then!” She returned to her serious expression in a heartbeat. “But still. I really think you should ask him when he comes back. I mean, I think he’ll be really happy. And you’ll be really happy too. After all, you two love and care for each other so much.”
White grumbled something under her breath while a blush crept up to her cheeks regardless. “… Maybe…”
“I think Black’s been waiting for it too. He’s probably been waiting for the best time, but… what better time than his return party? He said that he wanted to go somewhere fancy with you, so that’s the opportunity, right there. … I mean, you do want to marry him some day, right?”
White timidly stared at the cup of juice in her hands. “… Yeah, but… … I don’t know…”
“Don’t worry about it. You’ll both be so much happier! And you still have a few days before Black comes back, so you have time to make up your mind.”
White scratched at her cheek. “… Maybe it is about time Black and I discuss it… Especially since everyone else is asking about it…” She thought about how the question would be asked, and suddenly shuddered and swallowed nervously. Black wasn’t even here and already she was getting nervous and anxious. … The wait was going to be very hard.
Several days later, Castelia City, 6 pm…
White gulped nervously as she sat down at the table Black had reserved ahead of time. Black sat across the table from her, and appeared very happy and relaxed.
The restaurant was a quite fancy (and expensive) one, so White could tell that this dinner was going to be a special occasion, and not just a dinner with a friend on a welcome back “party”. As such, White had opted to wear a nice black dress instead of her casual clothes, and Black was wearing a bit more formal attire than normal.
“This place is so… expensive,” White began nervously. “I’m surprised you made a reservation here. … What’s the occasion?”
“You’ll see later,” Black said teasingly.
The waiter soon came around and the two Dex Holders made their orders. White ordered something cheap while Black got one of the most expensive courses.
“Are you sure you can even afford that?” White asked incredulously. “… You’re not still trying to “renew” that old debt, are you?”
Black chuckled and waved a hand. “No, no. It’s fine, Miss President. I got this.”
White raised an eyebrow but decided to not ask about it. She wanted to ask a few questions, but couldn’t bring herself to voice them, for the fear that she’d be interrupting what Black had in mind.
Her mind began to race. Was Black actually going to ask that question? Or did she have to ask the question? Did Cheren or Bianca tell him about their conversation with her a few days ago? … Did Black make the reservation in this restaurant so that he could ask the question in the proper setting, or did he simply set up the atmosphere for her to ask the question?
… And if Black was the one to ask, how was he going to ask? White had so many possible scenarios popping up in her mind. Did Black have a ring in his pocket? Did he set it up with the restaurant so that White’s drink would come with the ring inside? Or maybe in the appetizer? … Great. Now she had to meticulously scan her food and drink, in the fear that she may accidentally swallow the ring or something.
But what if Black didn’t have any of this planned, and was waiting for her to ask the question? She didn’t have a plan of approach, and she didn’t want to just blurt out the question. That wasn’t romantic or special at all!
“Something wrong, Miss President?” Black asked, noticing her troubled expression.
White snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head. “N – No. It’s nothing.”
And just like that, her imagination went off again, conjuring up all sorts of possible scenarios that Black may have planned. The food soon arrived and White carefully scanned her food to make sure nothing metallic was in them. She had a glass of water for the drink, which made it very easy to see if there was anything inside, which there was not.
Black didn’t say anything and instead, just simply observed her expression with a smile. White caught his gaze and slightly frowned, wondering just what in the hell he was planning. He wasn’t saying anything so was he waiting for her to initiate a conversation?
White swallowed the food in her mouth and made up her mind. “So… can you tell me what the special occasion is, that you’d reserve this very fancy and expensive restaurant?
Black chuckled. “It’s nothing much, really. While I was over in Kanto, I ran into our Sinnoh seniors, who were there for a visit as well. And one thing led to another, and let’s just say that I ended up winning a bet that suddenly allowed me to be able to afford dinner at a place like this.”
White blinked as she felt as if all of the scenarios in her mind just shattered apart. “… You won a bet with Lady Platinum, and she gave you money? And is that the occasion you’re celebrating?”
Black nodded. “Yeah. And I always wanted to give this place a try, so… here we are! It’s great, isn’t it?”
White felt her cheeks flaring in embarrassment. And not in a good way. … She felt so stupid right now, nervously and anxiously waiting for something that Black wasn’t even considering in the slightest. She stifled a sigh and grabbed the glass of water. She felt burning up inside. She needed a drink to cool down.
‘I feel so damn stupid…’ she thought as she brought the glass up to her lips. ‘I mean, what was I expecting? Black’s more of a straight-forward type, and not someone who’d plan something elaborate…’
White began to chug the water out of frustration. And as she did so, she noticed that Black had shifted his position a bit, and he appeared to be sitting up a bit straighter. And he was observing her expression carefully. And very soon, their eyes met. He suddenly smiled, causing her to pause mid-sip.
“So,” he began casually. “… When are you going to marry me?”
White gasped and immediately started choking on the water… again. For a few seconds, she coughed and she felt as if her mind had just crashed. Here she was, berating herself for expecting something that wasn’t going to happen, and then it happened anyways!
“Wh – What?!” she coughed out. “How did…”
Black shrugged. “It’s something I’ve been meaning to ask all day, really. And I think it’s about time we discussed it too.” He eyed her bewildered expression and began to fiddle with something below the table, as if he was sending someone a message on a device. “I guess you weren’t expecting the question to pop out like this. In that case…”
White suddenly heard something vibrating from inside her bag. “… What did you…”
“You should check your email,” Black said with a grin.
White reached into her bag to retrieve her device and saw that she had received an email from Black. She opened it and saw that it was just one little image. It was a cute cartoony version of himself, with his hands cupping over his mouth, as if the little Black was going to shout something. And next to that image were written the words: “MARRY ME!!” along with a drawn image of a small engagement ring.
And for a while, White simply stared at the email, partly panicking for finally being asked the question, and partly very disappointed in how the question was asked in the least romantic way imaginable. … This was certainly not what she had in mind, in the slightest!
Black chuckled as White’s expression became more and more puzzled.
“This was all a part of a plan,” he said, causing her to look at him confusedly. “I asked the senior Dex Holders for some advice. Red suggested in simplicity. Keep it simple. Blue drew that little image, and suggested that I at least take you to somewhere very nice. Gold suggested in an ambush style question. He said it’s not really exciting if you are expecting the question, so I should purposely disappoint you first so that you are not expecting it. And I think I managed with that lie.”
“… There was no bet, was there?” White asked, still too stunned and disappointed and baffled for emotions. “… Lady Platinum just gave you the money so that you would take me out here in this fancy place.”
“Yeah. She wished me luck,” Black answered. “… Everyone else wished me luck too.”
White let out an explosive sigh as she lowered her head. “… Everyone is expecting it…” she muttered quietly, as a small smile formed on her lips.
Black’s expression turned serious. “So… what’s your answer?” he asked intently. “… Will you?”
White glanced at her device again and at the drawn image. She then thought about the same question her four friends have asked, as if they all shared the same mind. She then thought about the senior Dex Holders and their wishes for her, and noticed that the smile on her lips was growing bigger. She couldn’t help but chuckle as her worries and concerns vanished. At this point, there was only one possible answer.
With a happy smile, she reached over towards him and slowly kissed him on the mouth. She then looked into his eyes and kept her smile until he knew the answer. She gently rubbed his cheeks with her hands and whispered the answer anyways.
“Of course I will…”
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