#are now the ones upholding and enforcing them as if they're something real and actually have bearing on one's identity
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cosmic-kiwi · 2 months ago
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^^shamelessly stole this image from another reblog because I wanted it on this version of the post
Except I would amend it to say that the entire concept of "gender" itself (whatever the term is even supposed to mean) (+ astrology) is to gen z as harry potter houses and, idk, buzzfeed quizzes, are to millennials.
Also, this (at least the money example in the first post and other things people are bringing up in the replies) seems to me like just another manifestation of the internet's ''avoidance of responsibility culture'', where people either victimize, or in this case, infantilize, themselves so that they don't have to take accountability for their own failings.
Except now they're inadvertently projecting it onto and infantilizing all women generally to even avoid having to accept that they're the ones responsible for infantilizing themselves -- wow, layers.
And yes, I know that these are all just jokes, but they are, by definition, sexist ones -- something this site once used to screech about, not join in on. (Not saying we should go back to the former, but... there's a happy medium here.)
All this to say: if you, personally, can't do math or be an adult or you have a shopping addiction, accept those things as you problems. Don't try to drag the rest of us all down with you. It's insulting and makes us all look bad.
saw someone refer to not knowing how to keep track of your money as "girl math" ......why are we in this weird era of treating women like idiots but repackaging it to sound cute and quirky. We All Need To Stop
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soapysudz · 11 months ago
(Just a quick note, I both enjoy character analyses and will read and possibly enjoy pretty much any type of gen fic no matter how ooc. All of this is just my thoughts/opinion)
I think that Batman and Jason have such fundamentally different ideas of justice that Jason will never be able to get what he wants/needs from batman.
Something that I think about a lot is if you take the real world (specifically the US as that's where Gotham is (when I was little i thought it was in England for some reason?? That was a fever dream) anyways) if you take the real world into account, the justice systems here were created from way back in the day when anyone who wasn't a rich white man wasn't really considered human, smart, or worthy of rights. There have been changes but the people in charge have consistently been rich white men who ensure policies and loopholes exist so that they are the ones who primarily benefit them. It is hard for people who aren't rich white men/rich people to get justice, often because you can't afford a lawyer, the people in charge don't care to listen to what you have to say, and many other factors. Many rich people don't get justice per se either, they can just pay their way through (especially if they're the one who committed a crime) . The system isn't broken, its working exactly as it was meant to and benefiting who it was meant to benefit. Which is pretty ducking depressing imo.
For the people who are supposed to enforce the rules, aka the cops, all you have to do is look at the news. If you call the cops for help there's a huge chance they just show up after you're dead (where I used to live they straight up said they wouldn't show up unless someone was dead) or they show up and whoops! You're dead now. How I grew up and how most of my friends and family grew up is that you don't call the cops if you actually need help. You have your community, your neighbors, your cousins, and you call them for help because they're the ones who will help you because the "justice" system sure isn't.
So here you have a billionaire white man who is essentially upholding a justice system that was created to benefit and work for people in his demographic. Knowing about the pitfalls of the justice system and growing up seeing how this system can and will fail and destroy your neighborhood, your friends, your family, are very different experiences.
And this can be said for many superheroes; I think that batman is upholding an idealized version of the justice system that doesn't really exist for most people. Ideally yes, it would actually help people who need it and provide protection and closure for victims and the families of victims. But it doesn't. And Jason recognizes this. He tells Batman that he thought he would be the jokers last victim. He knows the system isn't going to stop the joker from hurting more people and he thought that batman would recognize that and put an end to him.
Tldr Ofc jason isn't going to have faith in the "justice" of this country or the idealized justice of batman.
I think something that annoys me the most about quite a few Joker Dies/Jason Comes Home fics is that they think that as soon as the Joker is dead, Jason will stop killing. Like, doesn't matter if he's the one to kill the Joker or not, as long as the Clown dies, that's it, problem solved, Jason can go home with no issue because obviously he has no more reason to kill!
and it always has me ???????????????? the Joker is not the reason Jason kills? the Joker dying takes out a massive threat to the citizens of Gotham and I don't doubt it would make Jason personally feel better just in general, but there are still horrible, horrible people around and doing things that Jason believes means they don't deserve to keep living? Just because the Clown's dead doesn't mean all the other issues Jason deals with as the Red Hood are going to disappear wtf
Anon, I’m so sorry it too me forever to answer this ask!! Tumblr disappeared it from my inbox after I read it initially, and then it just reappeared this morning! I hope you’re still around to see this.
That narrative has me going ???????? right along with you. I don’t understand it. I’ve thought about it a lot and the best I can come up with is that sometimes authors are more interested in telling a story about Jason reintegrating with the family than they are in being true to Jason’s character. Because when you think about everything Jason’s been through, his motivations and perspective, the choices he’s made, it’s actually really hard to make him play happy house with the bats and keep his character authentic. If you’re out there in the void reading this and feel differently, reblog or leave a comment with your thoughts, I’d really like to hear them.
As I see it, here are two pieces to your ask: 1) Joker dying. 2) Jason killing.
First, Joker. Honestly, imo, focusing on the Joker dying completely misses the point. Canonically, if Jason really wanted Joker dead above all else, he could have killed him in Lost Days. He could have shot him in the face the first time he saw him in UtRH. It’s not about Joker. It’s about Bruce. Bruce’s choices, Bruce’s actions, Bruce’s feelings (or lack thereof). Taking it one step further, I actually think that deep down there’s a part of Jason that doesn’t want the Joker dead. Because once he is, that’s it. The possibility of Bruce making things right (right in Jason’s eyes, at least) is gone forever.
Second, Jason killing. I think Jason kills because, at his core, his priority is victims. He’s willing to take that final step because he sees it as necessary for existing victims and to prevent future victims in the making. I think it’s possible to put Jay in a scenario where he chooses not to kill for other reasons. But it’s not something he’s ever going to repent for, it’s not a ‘suddenly seeing the light’ sort of situation. I think these two panels from Detective Comics #975 are a good example of that. Although I take issue with the ‘I still have enough respect for this place’ line.
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So, yeah, those are some of my thoughts on Jason, the Joker, and the Red Hood’s lethality. I’m still getting the hang of these meta rambles. Hopefully that was coherent enough, lol.
Thanks so much for the ask, anon! I really enjoyed thinking this through! 💙
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